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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 330 KB, 642x718, its scover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941184 No.6941184 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people decide to work in animation despite it being well known that the industry is complete trash? Long hours, shit pay vs high cost of living in the areas they have to work, anything you draw while working there, the studio owns. Sometimes they'll even make you work overtime for free. There's also no actual job security.
It sounds extremely depressing. Why would they want to do that?

>> No.6941198
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>Why would they want to do that?
animating is fun. put some skill to use. work with other animation fans. work on stuff you like. maybe it wasn't always so trash though.

>> No.6941210

I'd kill to have the kind of drive and determination needed to animate

>> No.6941222
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You think too much

>> No.6941229
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>Be me
>Dreamt of being a professional animator
>now in late 20s
>still draw like a literal child
>no future
It hurts so much, bros.

>> No.6941235

I know it sounds like a cliche and you will probably neck yourself in a few years but in my opinion the life you have lived so far is more meaningful than any of those people who live happily on rail out there. Life is not about making money, it's not even about happiness, it's what you choose to do with your brief time on earth

>> No.6941236

you were supposed to live your dream as a kid making silly flash animations and work your way up so you have 10 years experience by the time you hit 20.

>> No.6941241
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There's nothing I can do to salvage my life is there? I have an associates in graphic design but have been unable to find entry level jobs in the field. Previous work exp is cashier jobs and 2 weeks in fast food (I can't go back to fast food I flat out went crazy when I worked at mcdonalds and had to spend a day in a mental place). Art is all I have and even then I still suck at it
Everything about my life is a pathetic joke.

>> No.6941244

nta, doing this doesn't guarantee success either. Another thread mentioned you have skills to penetrate the animation industry, being good at animation isn't necessarily one of them.

>> No.6941246
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I'm >>6941229 but at this point I just want to be GOOD. I know I'll never get into the industry, that dream is long dead. But I want to become as good as a pro animator so I can at least justify my existence.

>> No.6941248

Hell, even if you never become a "professional" animator, you can still make those silly flash animations now.
Nothings stopping you from making animations and distributing them right now, besides yourself that is.

>> No.6941251

I do make animations, the problem is that they suck despite me being near 30.

>> No.6941256

You'd make 100x more money animating porn than being in any kind of animation industry

>> No.6941257

Why do they suck? Have you read/applied The Animator's Survival Kit?

>> No.6941261

It could be worse. You could be 60 and still suck

>> No.6941264

Idk it's pretty comfy. It's WFH if you want, most people do but I'm trying to go in a couple days a week. I'm just drawing backgrounds and sorting files out all day listening to YouTube docs or watching cartoons. 9-5 steady paid gig that pays more than my retail job and that's at the bottom rung. As soon as you start to get better and get promoted it gets even comfier.

Everyone in my company has been there for years and of you do have a contract that ends you get unemployment on a higher rate while you look for a new one.

>> No.6941286
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Its good that you're focusing on your own skill level rather than pinning your self worth on validation from industry weirdos.
I gotta ask why animation tho? Is there a story you want to tell, a game you want to make or do you want a few seconds of sakuga grade work under your name.

Got paid for a few short pieces in the past (independent not industry). I've got a story in mind and I've realized that animation isn't really worth the time investment for me, working on my own, at the quality I'd like I would never finish the project within my lifespan. I'm going to make a comic instead.

Also post your work, its all anonymous and doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.6941315

last night I was taking a little break after drawing with a game and I was in this game lobby with a couple of people listening in on them talking while asking me questions about their clan. Then someone says how old everyone was…”9, 12, 13…” the oldest being 18 except for me (29). It was that moment I had an induced midlife crisis. Where have all the people my age have gone? I go on /r9k/ and I see “just turned 21” threads. Am I really that out of place at this point and all of you are below 24?

>> No.6941319

Oh and I get absolutely massacred by children in that lobby. I can’t tell you how humiliated and defeated I felt.

>> No.6941321

>the game is Splatoon

cmon anon what were you playing don't lie either

>> No.6941324

Call of Duty mobile

>> No.6941325

I'm 36. I do feel weird about my age at times here.

>> No.6941328

I'm 31 if that helps.

>> No.6941330

Great. Luckily drawing still retains some level of inner child. I don’t wan to get to 36, still on 4chan and still see “just tuned 21” threads. To be fair, I know CODshit attracts kids like flies but I notice the age thing on this board, too.

>> No.6941331

Time flies, last week I was 22.

>> No.6941332

People keep bein born, wheel keeps turnin. That's jus how it is. I was shocked when I was working alongside kids who were born after 9/11 in my last job but I got over it. We old now

>> No.6941333

I mean I’m still going to be here at 35, 40..until this site shuts down. I guess it’s just user base cycling.
I will join the 30 club in december

>> No.6941336
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To add on to my pathetic whining. The issue is even bigger because I am behind in EVERYTHING a 29 year old male should be in. I'm scared shitless of driving/cars in general so I don't have a license. I didn't go to community college until 26 and am now about to transfer to a 4 year (I'm not sure for what, I don't think I want to do graphic design).
I still live with my dad. I am a virgin and never had a gf. I don't have irl friends, the one I DID have moved for a job and to start a family with his wife.
I'm trying to improve in art by any means necessary and am considering hiring a mentor to speed up the process. Yeah, I know "it's not a race it's a marathon" but everything else in my life is a failure, I can't afford my one passion to also be for zilch. A goal of mine is to improve enough so I can get accepted into a prestigious animation school.
No. I won't actually go, I'm not going to put myself into 100k debt. I just want to know that my fundamental skills are good enough to be accepted. And yeah, animation schools require portfolios and you HAVE to be good to be accepted. Their acceptance rates are very low.

>> No.6941342

You should have gotten your drivers license during the pandemic. They gave you a walkie talkie and let you drive without someone in the car or you could have had your dad in the car with you (like I did). I was a complete utter retard with driving and thought I’d never be able to do it but the pandemic cheat helped me get the license and then I was free to practice by myself with youtube videos until I got it right.

>> No.6941345

That sounds pretty cool, anon. I know I need to learn. I've been in shitty wrecks as a passenger and it spooked the fuck out of me since.

>> No.6941352

>late 20s
>"my life is over"
I hate you fags because you remind me of myself at your age. Hell, I was thinking my life is over since 20 years old. Self fulfilling prophecy. I'm a 45 year old virgin now and I was schizo mode from 20 to at least 35. Your life isn't over fag, it's never late to start today, just do it.

>> No.6941362

nta but there are benchmarks that someone should achieve at a certain age. Trying to catch up in your 30s will be insanely difficult.

>> No.6941364

>there are benchmarks that someone should achieve at a certain age
says who? plenty of people marry the wrong person and feel like they are starting over again when they reach 40

>> No.6941370

it's a mystery since animation studios don't even focus on producing quality so it's not even a place to push yourself to see what can be done with the medium

>> No.6941372
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>there are benchmarks that someone should achieve at a certain age
Please don't believe that. I did. Now I'm divorced because I thought that people were "supposed" to get married right after graduating college.
Life doesn't have checkpoints, just enjoy the journey. Some people accomplish a ton when they're kids and it fucks them up, while others achieve success at an older age.

>> No.6941380

And some, most actually, will never succeed in anything. And it's fine. The anticipation of success is ending up holding you back. Just do whatever because you enjoy it now. At the end we will end up dead.

>> No.6941382

if your developing brain grows deeply rooted neural pathways that don't help you get shit done, it sure is unlikely your now developed brain can get shit done since the deeply rooted structures are foundational parts of the way your mind operates and developing new pathways on top of a loser mind has limits

>> No.6941390

sounds very scientific.

>> No.6941393
File: 151 KB, 694x941, F8LIxkHWgAAkzHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely there are drugs to counteract this?

>> No.6941395

adderall? cocaine?

>> No.6941396

demented people start reverting to their childhood memories because their brain degrades and everything is built on top of the underlying neural pathways from your early life and then you develop on top of that, like a tree where the branch grows more branches

in therapy they aim to tackle your issues by having you develop new pathways to cope with your issues instead of getting rid of the old shit that's causing your issues

>> No.6941401

I'm unwilling to do coke. What about antidepressants? I feel like roping constantly and am always tired. I just got health insurance so I could use them

>> No.6941403

Doesn’t animation actually pay well outside of East Asia?
I’ve also heard of workers who are able to choose whether to work overtime or not, and they’re still paid for the overtime.

>> No.6941407

Zopiclone maybe

>> No.6941415

adderall works in the sense that it made me very invested and immersed in what I was doing instead of blindly fumbling around like a monkey and I actually had the drive to depict things with very clear intent and my minds eye wasn't hazy but it often just ends up in ungodly wanking sessions instead of drawing lol

the clarity and attention to detail in my mind was amazing with that shit no denying that

>> No.6941820

32 here. Started animating at 30.

>> No.6941930

>no actual job security
Then go get a job that isn't creative you absolute dumb fuck this shit has never been 'secure.'

>> No.6941946

I see you missed the point of the OP

>> No.6941951

I see you can't read between the lines.

>> No.6941959
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I can't read at all

>> No.6941960

It's okay to be retarded

>> No.6942248

Because everyone in LA thinks they're going to be a director and it won't always be like that for them

>> No.6942279

Did you get any work yet? Im going in the same path of animation

>> No.6942726

No. I am just a small YouTuber. Just learning and enjoying making things.

>> No.6942732

sounds tricky. not only youd have to know how to animate flesh, youd have to have a keen sense of what is sexy. and how to make sexy move.

>> No.6943534

34 here. Been grinding away since 2014. After 10 years and a lot of online 3d courses.. i'll finally have a good reel.

>> No.6943932

Why did millions of americans decide to just have their kids sit around and play video games and learn nothing at public school instead of learning how to play an instrument or paint?

>> No.6943943

When I see shit like Dead Fantasy, it makes me want to be an animator

>> No.6943954
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1_Ak94CgKDDy0DBzeImfQHig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>31 years old, married with 3 kids
>Got a decent chunk of money from investments
>Never gave a shit about animating or even drawing, last time I drew anything I was 15
>Decided 2 months ago I'll learn to draw, make a webcomic, probably learn to animate too
>Hard finding the time but draw every day, nights if need be
>Life is good, drawing is fun

>> No.6943957

NTA but most American parents unironically resent their children

>> No.6943963

I don't know. Half the people I know who worked in animation are trying to bail on it and the other half are shell-shocked husks desperate for their next gig.

>> No.6944013
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I'll tell you.

Pioneering artists go to college to study animation because they want a job doing what they love.
70% of them don't make it to the end of their degree, after they realize that animation is very stressful.
The 30% that graduate spend YEARS looking for an entry level position, because their degree left them under-qualified.
The small fraction who DO break into the industry spend so long trying to get in, that they're desperate not to leave, no matter how bad things get. Cant let the last 4+ years be a waste, and you need the experience badly, so you'll let a studio walk all over you if it means working.

There are some GREAT things about the animation industry. You get to do what you love every day. And the people you meet, especially coworkers on your level, are fantastic people who are similar to you. You make friends.

People are well aware that animation relies on crunch... But there are other issues nobody talks about.

Nobody talks about how it can take 3 years to find a job, the sudden and unexplained redundancies, and contracts ending in less than a year, leaving you do the entire gut wrenching soul crushing job hunt all over again.
They don't talk about how you can do an excellent job, receive nothing but praise for your work, and lose your job with 48 hours notice because the film ran out of budget.
They don't talk about how leaving the industry is basically starting at 0, because in the past 4-10 years, you picked up basically no transferable skills or useful contacts outside animation.
They don't talk about having absolutely no job security.

The thing is, if you told me all of this as a student entering into animation... I would have done it anyway. Because, for some reason, nobody thinks this will happen to THEM, and because they love animation despite the industrys flaws. People who keep that love for it will stick around.

>> No.6944088

hey I'm exactly in you same position anon, except i do have irl friends, but other then that everything is the same, we are even the same age

>> No.6944175

Scott Pilgrim anime looks more like Johnny Test lmfao

>> No.6944178

>My life is just like a scene from an anime
Grow the fuck up, the real world requires planning and time, not reckless action.

>> No.6944185

I don’t draw or should I say upload what I draw because I’m afraid of the social media Internet landscape and the volatile nature of it all

>> No.6944187

Tell me more about the real world anon. You seem to be very confident of what you know of it

>> No.6944200

Al the new blood on X/twatter/whateverthefucktheycallit are like 18/19/20 drawing REALLY impressive stuff and its like damnn

>> No.6944202

Well, you can’t just rush into posting art online without a plan and start doing spergy shit unless you want to become a failure or worse a lolcow.

Also, opsec, get a good OS other than windows like Ubuntu ditch paying up thr ass for CSP

>> No.6944321

This is a pretty good summary, I went to a very good college in a country with a lot of animation work and of the 25ish people in my class only 5 of us are actually working in the industry after 3 years. Only next year am I looking at getting a place permanently in a "good" studio and even then job security isn't guaranteed since if there's no productions the studio cannot afford to keep on staff doing nothing. Getting animation work out of college is by far the worst part of the carreer as you are totally unprepared for the realities of the industry, the issue is that studios don't want to take a gamble on a junior that could be complete dead weight on a project, even if their work is fantastic there's a good chance they don't have the discipline to work the strict deadlines that are required or handle the toxic amount of work expected. For context I'm currently working on some Bento Box shiiiiit just to pay the bills and I'm expected to do about 40 seconds of animaiton a week and while that's pretty easily done at this point for me expecting and fresh college student to work at that level is ridiculous

>> No.6944371
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Lmfao nigga no way id make my teachers and family always told me I’d never make it in the military so I never pursued college either for this reason

>> No.6944375

>Well, you can’t just rush into posting art online without a plan and start doing spergy shit unless you want to become a failure or worse a lolcow

I went through a long period of not posting anything online and it’s extremely lonely. I want whatever it is I’m doing to be seen + I try a little harder since eyes would see it. Yeah there are failures and yeah the goblins come out and say “it’s better off you post nothing, nobody wants to see your /beg/ shit they want high quality coom fresh out the oven” but there is a worse feeling. The worse feeling is letting the days, weeks, months go by and there is no clear record of me existing, doing something that day and sticking with it. If it’s public, I have to stick with it to the end by trusting myself.

But if It’s all private and I save things in a private folder where nobody can see it but me for months on end because I’m {planning} my winning stat on Twitter, well then, that’s a really dumb way to live by calculating my every move just for social maximum social points.

>> No.6944404
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It never began for animationlets like us

>> No.6944436
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>says who?
Your family. When you pass a certain age and have achieved little to nothing, they will start to unironically resent you.

>> No.6944538


>> No.6944588
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I have no fucking clue. Why not just animate on your own damn time? Why go through the whole soulless corporate starving artist rigamarole when you could just animate whenever you have time?
>Inb4 what if no time?!?!?!
If you like something enough you'll make time.

>> No.6944594
File: 983 KB, 600x884, image_2023-11-21_091047973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just do it yourself bro!
>30 years later

>> No.6944620

I work in it and the pay and hours are only bad if you work in japan. Otherwise pay is average to good. Also we're full so uh,,, actually scratch that yes it is a terrible industry to work in, please stop trying

>> No.6944809

All the reasons you listed is the reason why it's gets outsourced to Korean & Japanese sweatshops.

You'll suffer from burn out at some point. Happens to alot of mangakus & animekus in the industry.

>> No.6944812

Become a NEET & focus on your art. That's what helped me. A drawing a day keeps the prebeg away.

>> No.6944880

Go back

>> No.6945069

bugman mentality

>> No.6945073


Maybe but I thought nobody wants to see someone's art progress but I'm picking up a following by doing so and finding others have been doing the same. I trust my own inner voice, not >>6944202 advice on calculated success.

>> No.6945526


>> No.6945534

>Why do people decide to work in animation despite it being well known that the industry is complete trash?
The love of the game

>> No.6945609

This. Just give up on sleeping bro.
It's that easy.

>> No.6945628
File: 1.03 MB, 1044x862, 35253525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is one of the hardest things a lot of my friends who graduated with me are going through.

a lot of them graduated with honours over a year ago, and are now STILL looking for an industry job.
their parents and boy/girlfriends are tired of them mooching and have put pressure on a lot of them to get a different job so they can save and pay rent. some have been told to just give up.

a job 'in the meantime' doesnt sound so bad, but youre left with much less time to update your portfolio... which you need to get into the industry. this adds to stress.

people outside the industry dont understand that it really does take time and effort to get an animation job. parents see these graduates as failures sometimes. and sometimes the graduates can feel like failures themselves, when its just a byproduct of the industry.

some classmates got snapped up after graduation- 2 or 3. the rest have been on the hunt the past year.
after over a year, i heard another 2 classmates have FINALLY gotten a trial period offer for a studio job.
all my other classmates are still stuck at square one.
some of them have gotten unpaid internships they've had to move abroad for, then not gotten the job, losing money.
some of the people who got a job straight out of college have since lost their job, and are at square one with everyone else.

a lot of my friends are really depressed about the stress of it. but you can see the ones that will make it- the ones who keep making improvements to their portfolios, doing more projects. you just gotta keep your morale up for long enough to get you through, and keep working on projects in the meantime that are as industry standard as you can.

its not impossible. i did it! im sharing this because if someone graduates knowing whats ahead, it makes it a LOT easier to handle and plan for.

>> No.6946219

I just found a type of person, a rare build, MY PEOPLE who is in the animation industry. That just lit a fire under my ass. If she can do it, so can I.

>> No.6946227

*Japanese animation to be specific

>> No.6946652

then stop sleeping for 16 hours a day

>> No.6946780

Give me a detailed post explaining what you mean, I am curious.
>t. person with longtime dreams of entering jap animation

>> No.6947100

Just make cute little animations. If the public likes what you got people will help you with your larger vision.

>> No.6947189

Only a retard works for the bigwig corpos.
Indie is the future for real art.

>> No.6948057

Would it benefit to rely on a secondary art skill for generative income? Say Graphic Design or Typography?

>> No.6948321

Not sure why people try to deny it but if you haven't hit the "checkpoints" you're practically garbage to your family

>> No.6949716

Because I'm fixated to the bone marrow!

>> No.6949717

OP if you think animation is not the thing for you that's fine my man.
But my alignment is more like >>6941222 , it's a fixation.

>> No.6949718

spotted the great collider-sama!!!!!

we know you won't actually ever intend to try!!
You just want 2 complain!

>> No.6949938

You would be at the mercy of retarded 78IQ coomers that are ready to move on to the next popular artist at the drop of a hat. Also there's no guarantee you'll make a livable wage on top of having to give almost half of your earnings in taxes to the government because your self employed.
You retards have no idea how much these porn artist are struggling outside of the very top, 300k+ accounts. There's a reason most artist are froth at the mouth whenever their patreon shit leaks, cause their already struggling as it is.

>> No.6949940
File: 15 KB, 257x196, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I've seen artists start out doing well on patreon only to lose 100+ followers in a month through no wrongdoing of their own. It's incredibly unstable

>> No.6950722

As far as I can tell, it's apples and oranges. Working a second job will help you keep the bills paid though, but I don't know anything about graphic design/ typography, whether they're steady work or not, well paid, or if you can just pick it up and put it down between animation contracts. Also, even though both fields are art related, your animation skills wont have much transfer to typography/graphic desigm and visa versa.

>> No.6950737

I am exactly you but 2 years younger. I used to draw a lot as a kid but stopped when I entered high school. I am going to start again now so I can achieve my childhood dream (even if its a bit late). If that’s your drawing in the picture, you draw well. Why not make a portfolio?

>> No.6950763

Oh god no that isn't mine. That's speedoru. He's a big twitter artist

>> No.6950835


>> No.6950946

Get the fuck off my board then, pathetic loser faggot.

>> No.6951167

If every pathetic loser left this board it'd be even deader than it is now

>> No.6952553

Would joining science saru be worth it?…

>> No.6952647

>implying they'd take you and not some talented 19 year old Korean American girl with a solid portfolio and a decent following on Twitter

>> No.6953031

That demographic seems to have a track record of complaining about work conditions on youtube or ANN, I suspect they might be banned from now on!

>> No.6953084

>animating is fun

No it ain't. Imagining animating is fun, actually getting down to brass tacks and spending hours and hours trying to get it right is not.

>> No.6953096

Yoh Yoshinari is one of the best animators alive and he would disagree with you and call it a skill issue
it's a skill issue sweetheart if you can't figure out how to get it right early on that is your problen