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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6938906 No.6938906 [Reply] [Original]

No, there is no such thing as intrinsic talent when it comes to art you miserable crabs.

I believe absolutely EVERYONE here can make it and be able to draw whatever they want to given enough time and study unless they're literally retarded

>> No.6938909

The biggest crabbing move is convincing the hapless into wasting needless effort doing things they simply aren't made for.

>> No.6938910

explain Jaime Jones. he made it when he was 17 and mogged the entire industry when he was 20
(not a crab, I'm just amazed by that guy)

>> No.6938916

not talent but aptitude. everyone starts with no skill but some pick it up faster than others due to higher intelligence in that area or a propencity to enjoy it more meaning they're less likely to stop

>> No.6938919

Communists want people to believe that everyone can learn to breathe oxygen

>> No.6938930

>Jaime Jones
You can't get a job with similar shits.

>> No.6938938

not sure what you mean.

>> No.6938968

Talent exists. But what it really means is liking what you do. If you wanna draw in order to get internet clout, impress your weeb friends or for coomerism purposes, you're not gonna make it. You have to enjoy drawing, which is the only thing that will keep you on track during the tortuous process of improving. I know that because I'm a professional violin player, and I've seen countless others failing miserably because they were in it to impress people, to please their parents etc, and couldn't stand the hours of difficult and mostly boring practice necessary to become a professional.

>> No.6939000
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The issue is that anons think anyone can be a KJG, a Michelangelo, a Murata, a Bouguereau...if only they do exactly the right procedure for exactly the right number of years. There's no innate component whatsoever, not even their motivation do actually get that good, no sir. So naturally I'm wondering, where are more of these freaks? There are billions of eligible candidates, but so few who get to that level. The argument starts to feel like sophistry. If you were going to be that, you'd be that, simple.
Funnily, I think being okay with doing your own thing and doing it as expertly as you can and is a kind of talent. You can get so fucking good at "your thing," your own special creative way of making art, if you have the right attitude about it.
But no, people would prefer to believe everyone is just a blank slate, having the same latent potential to be a KJG or a Mullins, discounting the life experience that made them who they were and their art the way it is. Instead of just being realistic about it and being than the artist they were yesterday.

>> No.6939006

Art talent no.
However IQ and ability to learn is real and measurable and plays a role in art.
If you're an actual retard then I'm genuinely sorry but there's a limit to what you're capable of. I wish we could figure out the minimum intelligence that art mastery requires but there's no good way to measure it yet. How do you define mastery? How do you measure how quickly someone can dissect a new problem, adapt to it and learn? There's some genetics at play but it's so unexplored that there's no use worrying about it. If art does absolutely nothing else but piss you off or upset you then stop, simple as.

>> No.6939008

You guys always narrowly focus on IQ, but it's pretty clear it isn't enough, as many highly intelligent people do not make good artists. There's a significant creative component in art, which only weakly, maybe modestly correlates with IQ.

>> No.6939018

everyone can learn to draw, even decently, true
but to put exactly what you want on paper and reach the greatest heights requires talent
just like any other activity

>> No.6939035

at the end of the day, you will never know if someone is hapless, No really, you don't. I don't care how much time needs to pass without someone improving for you to determine they are hapless. You will never know what their lives are like, and will never know what they are capable of if they gave it their all. Crabs in a bucket means dragging people down, Yet you say that uplifting people and convincing them they can make it is dragging them down?
You're Unintelligent, Your arrogance and presumptions would be the real determining factor for someone who is "hapless" Yet I'll do you the kindness and believe that you could get good at art (if you aren't already) if you gave it your all (and stopped being a faggot)

The law should introduce exiling people from the internet to keep idiots like you off this already shitty board.

>> No.6939042

Since i don't know if you're naive or one of them I will not give you material to do your pol gymnastic, it wouldn't be sane. Cope and rationalize as you want on the fact.
In any case, if we're here it's because we're a piece of shit incapable of understanding or because there was nothing to understand or you're lurking and sometimes trying to hijacked opinions. I could do a meme with dolphins and shits but no one cares.

>> No.6939061

Creativity is also IQ. It comes from complex problem solving and what you innovate with to answer a question. The problem is how IQ is actually measured. Right now we don't really measure HOW you solve the problem, just if you can solve it. But how you do it is a better gauge on what people are capable of

>> No.6939185
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"All it takes is a lil' hard work!"

>> No.6939195

KEK. hr department's online presence "life at muhplaceizfair&fun"

>> No.6939200

GMI student walking into the class with dignity be like: "I'll do my best. I'll always give 110%. I know I might not be fated be the greatest because that's just not how the world works and it's silly and vain to want it all, but I'll give it everything I've got, come what may, because by golly what else is a man to do? I accept that I am only human, and this is how I have chosen to live my life. This is how I take ownership of my destiny. I want to draw what I want to see to the best of my ability!"

NGMI student walks into the class room trash talking himself like: "everybody I just want you to know that I am unironically DEEPLY MENTALLY retarded and genetically INFERIOR to ALL OF YOU, I will not be able to understand nor apply ANYTHING you say to me. PLEASE, PLEASE do not trigger me by expecting me to be anything more than the piece of shit that I am, have always been, and will always be. Please allow me to throw REGULAR TANTRUMS that disrupt the class. I hate me, and I hate what I am, and I hate what I stand for, and I hate my tastes, and I hate you. Also, I don't even like to draw."

It's not even funny anymore.

>> No.6939251
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A year later, Cathy and Chris have both entered puberty, while the twins are stunted from inadequate nutrition and lack of sunlight. With no other outlets, Cathy and Chris develop a romantic and sexual attraction toward each other, though they do their best to deny their feelings. The grandmother catches Chris staring at a half-dressed Cathy and punishes the children by cutting off their food supply for over two weeks, while the children pray their mother will reappear in time to save them.
Don't feed the animals.

>> No.6939338
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The Parable of the Great Banquet or the Wedding Feast or the Marriage of the King's Son is a parable told by Jesus in the New Testament, found in Matthew 22:1–14 and Luke 14:15–24. It is not to be confused with a different Parable of the Wedding Feast recorded in the Gospel of Luke.

>> No.6939365
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His corpse is mutilated by his own mother, Agave, who tears off his head, believing it to be that of a lion. A group of maenads also kill Orpheus, when he refuses to entertain them while mourning his dead wife.

>> No.6939427

>No, there is no such thing as intrinsic talent when it comes to art you miserable crabs.
that's pretty much like saying that there's no such thing as a talented or untalented musician, no such thing as personality and more favorable ones, but thanks for sharing your smooth brain take anyway.

>> No.6939432

lol triggered.

>> No.6939474

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.6939761

I 100% believe that shit, learning how to draw is a motivation and discipline issue more than anything. You gotta draw, you gotta learn, and you can get better.
All of my periods of progress stagnation happened during times I only drew for work and didn't study anything

>> No.6939966

Sweet sweet idiotic summer child.

>> No.6940013

Polgar experiment.

>> No.6940015

There's no talent but there is environment. You either grew up around smart people and they influenced you or you grew up around retards and became a retard. Smart people can do anything. But if your parents never taught you how to hold a pen your drawings or influenced you to go explore the world your drawings are going to suck.

>> No.6940055

Either brainlet or oblivious talentfag

>> No.6940084

>The experiment began in 1970 "with a simple premise: that any child has the innate capacity to become a genius in any chosen field, as long as education starts before their third birthday and they begin to specialize at six
Why do people take this seriously, again? He tested just his two biological daughters.
We already know you have to practice from a young age to reach the peak in competitive fields. He basically got his daughters involved in competitive chess, whoa groundbreaking shit there. Does that necessarily mean "talent" wasn't involved/any kid could do it under the same conditions, or does it simply confirm age matters?

>> No.6940088

considering how vastly different every human is and all our personalities and everything we don't know about the human brain, it's pretty damn retarded to say 100% "talent isn't real". even if people can get better, even if you become extremely skilled that doesn't mean you'll have the creative ideas of the goats.

talent is genes, personality, learning ability and the correct environment/upbringing, we don't all have the same exact brains, and you might be able to become more like someone else through alot of effort and time but you'll never be them. blink182 was far more talented than every other pop punk band in existence, they put in way less work than so many punk bands and they blew up when they were still young.

>> No.6940091

or marx lmao
workers of the world unite

>> No.6940135

Oh yeah? So we digest food differently? Some people have two butt holes? Nah we're more alike than you want to admit we just hang around different people. There was a study done on success and it showed that if you want to be rich you can drastically improve your success chances simply by hanging around rich people.

>> No.6940165

indians are lactose intolerant, blacks get diabetes, my brother has chrone's disease.
Like I said you can learn to become more like someone else over 20 or so years but you'll never be them. being rich or getting good at chess in no way proves the concept of talent at all.

tell me why there's no one as good as blink182? pop punk bands that have been going for 20 years still can't put out anything as good as a bunch of teenagers back then did.
Tell me why someone can become technically proficient and decent at art over 50 years, but never be as creative & recognized as akira toriyama when he was 20? people are always following in his footsteps.

by saying there is no talent you're saying that there's no such thing as personality and nobody has a better one, it's also saying you know much more than a brain scientist, so you're just retarded af and mentally untalented.

>> No.6940169

talent is also undeniably how much you enjoy something. Some people naturally gravitate towards math, programming, science, stem, history and they love it, for me I fucking hate history. Some people love art and do it all day everyday, some people will get bored & stressed out doing it for more than a few hours even if they wished they could do it longer. The guy that's having fun for 12 hours a day is going to go further than the dude that just puts the pen to 12 hours a day forcing himself even though nothing creative is coming out.

>> No.6940181

You're just splitting hairs. Whites usually become lactose intolerant in their 40s it comes with age.

>> No.6940182

Creativity is a skill you can learn. All I hear from you crabs is excuses.

>> No.6940185

>I'm completely delusional

>> No.6940186

yeah maybe you get better at it, never great, you won't have a natural inclination like some people.
I don't know bro respond to my other points and put more effort than a caveman response.

>> No.6940191

>You're just splitting hairs. Whites usually become lactose intolerant in their 40s it comes with age.
that's a bizarre pajeet cope

>> No.6940193

Bruh your brother has Chrohn's disease. That's related to lactose intolerance. You're at higher risk for lactose intolerance than most people.

>> No.6940199

>Whites usually become lactose intolerant in their 40s it comes with age.
no rahjeet, chron's is rare not the norm, and whites eat dairy everyday until death.
> wELl oBviOusLY tHAts wHy tEY dIEd

>> No.6940203

Chron's just like leaky gut is caused by eating processed foods and especially grains that destroy your intestines. Western diet has a fuckton of grains.

>> No.6940205

boy oh boy do i love threads that discuss art and drawing

>> No.6940207

Also whites have a higher _tolerance_ for this junk food than asians because we've had this diet longer, but we're not immune, if you eat enough of this shit you get the same problems.

>> No.6940211

what the fuck they teaching you in india, my brother had chron's since he was like 10, I ate way worse than him growing up, never had it. I'm sorry buddy, there's a million fat whale white people over here and they couldn't get that big if chron's and lactose intolerance was a thing for whites

>> No.6940213

I hate to, but I kind of have to agree.

>> No.6940234

Sure it does. More than twittards opinions, less than professionals advices.

>> No.6940338 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 360x360, 1614980176945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the Blink-182 anon again
Why are you so fixated on them? There's literally random ass Spanish punk bands that mog Shart-182. I'm not even against your central argument per se, but holy nuggies, there's got to be a better analogy to make your point about talent

>> No.6940341
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>it's the Blink-182 anon again
Why are you so fixated on them? There's literally random ass Spanish punk bands that mog Shart-182. I'm not even against your central argument per se, but holy nuggies, there's got to be a better analogy to make your point about talent

>> No.6940406

bro you're delusional af, this sounds like ai genrated fart music, this would never hit mainstream success of blink

>> No.6940461
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>can't bump dis at da club, bruh
Look, anon, even if you're not a fan of fast, skilled playing, my point is you shouldn't strictly based your definition of "talent" on popularity/visibility. Pick a band known more for its virtuosic playing and creative songwriting than for its members' chest tattoos. It isn't always the case that the talented achieve popularity with the 45 y/o mom demographic.

>> No.6940474

>Look, anon, even if you're not a fan of fast, skilled playing,
bro if they're so skilled tell them to write something good

>> No.6940478

>unscientific nonsense
>guaranteed replies
you all fall for this every time

>> No.6940479

Just accept it, you have boring normalfag taste in music. Likely in visual art too. Fine in and of itself, but you're not the authority on "talent." According to you every image-based industry plant with a hot body must have earned their position through their """talent."""

>> No.6940499

sorry I don't like toilet sounds and "skilled musicians" that can't write choruses to save their lives

>> No.6940503

Talent, no talent. In the end, everyone's butthole gets eaten by worms.

>> No.6940508

You're full of it m8, and you definitely haven't really explored any music to be making sweeping statements like you are. I like trash pop too, love me some MCR, a few Sum 41 hits, Weezer, etc. etc. But it's generally not where you find the absolute most innovative/best executed musical ideas, and sure as shit is garbage like Blink isn't the best, or at least they're questionably enough "good" that you shouldn't be touting them as self-evidently "le best," superfan or no. Have some self awareness sheesh

>> No.6941674

Not everyone can make it, you have to want to make it and most people here don't want to make it.

Most people here don't want to be artists they just want to get the "status" of an artist because they're mentally ill losers who got told they were "creative" once in their formative years because adults around them were trying to be supportive and couldn't lie and tell them they were attractive, strong, smart or funny instead.

Talent is just a mix of love, discipline and experience. The kids who are good at art weren't born different. They just sat down to draw earlier and loved it genuinelly while you all were eating glue and playing video games.

>> No.6943806

I mostly agree
Talent/luck is a limiting factor for about... maybe 10-12% of the population? I think the rest of us can make it with a little elbow grease. A few people growing up in villages or loosing use of their arms and legs due to genetic problems probably wont be able to hard work their way out of it. and a few more are mentally challenged but even some of those people could arguably make great art given enough time

>> No.6943881

While I completely agree with OP, this thread is bound to be a shitshow so I will leave. Bye OP, let's all make it together.