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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 616 KB, 4000x2121, F-p8q4la8AAPL0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6937395 No.6937395 [Reply] [Original]

>australian medieval autist went on a pro-ai crusade and prompted an oc
>angry artists giving him free art of his oc out of spite
please stop doing that

>> No.6937396

Twitter artists always engage when they shouldn't

>> No.6937397

i'm convinced shad is an anti-ai psyop. The entire thing is just too ridiculous to be real

>> No.6937405

>What eva you do sah, pleese dun throw me in da briar patch.

>> No.6937418

it's hard to believe that he can't see it's bad.
but then again the underlying sketch is exactly at that level.
that he can't see the flaws in both in the same way is a actually pretty interesting. i'm sure it means something, i just wonder what.

>> No.6937420
File: 39 KB, 640x480, DB42ED8C-9ACC-42F7-AB20-E5817901BA76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'll never pass-

>> No.6937427

The picture looks off in a way that I can't describe in words, but you can tell it isn't professional level.

Maybe someone else here can identify what. Makes it clearly amateur

>> No.6937430

Retard didn't even look at the iris. Sad.

>> No.6937434

Literally everything about it is retarded but the pose is the most idiotic part of it.

>> No.6937440

I feel like the rendering is on a higher level than the underlying drawing. It feels weird to me, that an artist with this level of rendering would make such simple mistakes in other areas (the legs look wrong, the folds are unappealing, the expression seems too empty and not pushed far enough for what it is meant to convey).

The background looks good enough, but a bit generic, it really does not have much style. I feel like it was made with 3d.

I like how the dragon frames her, but it, again, looks really generic and not really designed in any way. Also, the dragon is blurred as much as the background, which just makes things a bit more confusing.

I think this was meant to be an action scene, but it really did not come off that way to me. There is a sort of "line of action" with the sword and the blood, but it took me a bit longer no notice it. My eyes just kinda wandered around the picture, trying to figure out what I was looking at.

>> No.6937466

>his oc
it's a "schoolgirl" in boots draw in a style that isn't even his own anyway

>> No.6937470

They're only drawing it because it gets the likes. Something, something, never let good tradegy go to waste.

>> No.6937483

I think Shad is a bit too... sincere for social media manipulation games.

>> No.6937484

Did you guys missed another Shad and his AIfag crusade drama?

>> No.6937487

Because he used AI to inpaint his own base sketch with glaring errors and just hotch-potch all the different elements together without proper knowledge of anatomy, composition, perspective, gesture, etc. He just sketch something and tells AI to "make this photorealistic like how Sakimichan/CSR draw plz". And somehow still managed to take 20 bloody hours to render one of that.

>> No.6937497

Yeah wtf, why are her legs bent and limp if she's leaping. The pose would have so much more weight to it if her legs actually looked like they were propelling her forward

>> No.6937498

Imagine getting butthurt over this. Artists are pathetic.

>> No.6937525

who is butthurt? this is gold! this was a gift from shad to the artist community. when did we last have such fun?

>> No.6937530

and yet you parasites are desperate to get away with stealing our work. What does that make you then? How pathetic is a thief that is caught in the act and starts seething and hurling insults because they got called out?
>y-you're luddites and your skills have no value but pweez accept me and let me steal and be an artist too :(

>> No.6937551

Weird thing is that He apparently photoshopped parts of the image together. After different parts were done by ai.
> The interesting thing is that wasn't done by the AI, the girl, dragon, and background were composited manually in photoshop and making it look like they're all in the image naturally was a struggle that I don't think I fully achieved. So that's a skill I'll be working to improve.


>> No.6937570

Fr the best thing to do is ignore these people. They are never going to get anywhere shilling ai garbage amongst a flood of Indians doing the same thing.

>> No.6937590

>Maybe someone else here can identify what
I'm an AI hater but honestly it's not AI that is at fault here. It's the person prompting that is responsible for this abomination.

>> No.6937593

Do you think artists will still be mad about AI art five years from now? I sure hope not because that would be unbelievably pathetic.

>> No.6937595

Why would a teenager girl with a school uniform fight and behead a green dinosaur with a medieval longsword on a basketball court that is placed inside a cathedral?

>> No.6937604

it's really more of a collage using AI images rather than a full AI image.
he did this apparently not knowing that collages and photobashing is an inferior art form and you can't get good results at all unless you have skill to bring everything together.

he should unironically use a workflow that relies even more on AI. that would be a better option for him.

>> No.6937611

Well, either the artists are purged or we end up having to subsidize their existence because of some garbage regulation preventing computers from doing their work for pennies.
In either case they've got no reason to be mad at AI 5 years from now.

>> No.6937612

It means anything below true /int/ is render-blind. Fancy rendering and passable lighting distracts their untrained eyes enough to not notice glaring mistakes in the underlying draftsmanship

>> No.6937632

can't just be that, since other normies can tell that it's bad.

>> No.6937639

>Why'd the girl kill the dinosaur?
Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.6937640

This is the THIRD thread about this shit.

>> No.6937641
File: 336 KB, 653x630, free art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.6937644

Ironic, considering shitters like you respond to shitty bait threads 24/7

>> No.6937649

Of course they will be, and so will ai "artists" once they realize they have no chance at ever being successful

>> No.6937658

>Do you think artists will still be mad about AI art five years from now?
It'll be integrated into professional workflows and they'll pretend like they never cared.
My position right now, is that it's kind of a slop generator and not good for producing actual art, but so what, the masses do demand slop. And it's undeniably good at speeding up production, so big corps will use it and normalize it.
There are ethical and copyright questions that do need be settled in the meantime, but the irrational level of seethe will die down. Can't put the cat back in the bag with this one, it's just too big.

>> No.6937668

Lmao no, people will only become increasingly angry the more the technology fucks them over. There will be no "professional workflow" as the workflow will be completely automated and your boomer boss can speak into a mic and get everything made for him in am instant. Doesn't matter if there's nothing that can be done about it, that aspect only makes people more vindictive.

>> No.6937672

People have bent over, spread their cheeks, and accepted every piece of groundbreaking dystopian tech so far - not unwillingly either, they're usually quite enthusiastic to take Big Daddy Tech's big cock (smart phones, social media). This will be no different. The only difference is a superficial one - the other stuff was a wolf in sheep's clothing, this one's just the wolf.
Professional artists will just have to adapt. As of yet, the human element is still necessary, the tech has no intelligence or discernment, so suits can't fully replace artists. So, this
>There will be no "professional workflow" as the workflow will be completely automated and your boomer boss can speak into a mic and get everything made for him in am instant
is just fantastical thinking right now. Maybe the good premise of a sci-fi movie.

>> No.6937724

>is just fantastical thinking right now. Maybe the good premise of a sci-fi movie.
That's what people would have said about ai three years ago. There is no adapting to this as an artist. You will adapt to digging trenches and living in ze pod in a 15 minute city.

>> No.6937777
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, 1661360109283054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what people would have said about ai three years ago.
Yes, in that time AI "learned" how to not catastrophically fuck up. You're basically complimenting a baby for not shitting its diapers anymore. Moore's Law ain't infinite. It's reaching its basic potential. Expect it to get better at convincing imitation in the future, but don't expect it to become intelligent any time soon.
How is AI supposed to make an animation (a GOOD one) or direct an original art style for product, film, game, etc.? Do you niggers even think about this? Or is is just a spooky magic tech box to you?

>> No.6937799


>> No.6937810

When people rushed to learn how to generate with stable diffusion, sharing lengthy instructions on how to set thing ups properly, I thought they were just wasting their time as the devs would surely want to make the tech so easy to use that literally anyone could do it. Then Microsoft showed up and those people started melting. The end goal is replacement, Sam Altman said that himself that they want to take away the middle man.

>> No.6937820
File: 491 KB, 1675x1657, 1698156865762516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter artists want external validation first and foremost. They're weak people that need 10,000 other people to like their shit or else they get depressed and suicidal. Some like Krekkov or Bluebreed think they're an e-celeb and believe people actually want to hear their shitty takes because they draw porn. It's why all the other Twitter and art replacements have flopped because they don't have the amount of reach Twitter has.

>> No.6937824

Imagine being Shazza and watching this shit unfold.

>> No.6937826

this is bizzare. shad can't even(publicly) enjoy this because he's a mormon...

>> No.6937835

t.sour grapes

>> No.6937843

After seeing that this type of shit pisses retards like you and shad off. I hope they keep on doing it, since this shit is something that shouldn’t affect you personally. Social media really does bring in insecurities and hate

>> No.6937844
File: 3.22 MB, 544x306, cotr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of wasted numbers, companies and image generation; wizards of the coasts, a big employer of artists, got caught using AI again and consumers aren't happy.

As much as i despise the average normie, most of the time they actually want quality and craftmanship in the product they spend a lot of money on.

Feeding them generated animation, won't fly with them, especially if the big brands, shows start doing it.
The use of 3D in anime is still looked down upon (when it is done lazily and to push out the product faster)
Same is with img generation.
All these businesstards want to cut corners so bad, they will cut themselves into a corner when people don't buy their slop, consumers shit on it and the product doesn't make any money anymore while tarnishing the company's rep.
>but what about ai directors n shit?
They'll be faster and cheaper if they animate regularly instead of prompting endless image, putting a team to check every generation and maybe touch a few things up.
And say, if generative animation becomes the new standard, wouldn't companies start to lowering wages?
>"Why should i pay you xyz when i have AI doing most of the work?"
Then no one will work in those industries anymore and it will die off.
Alternatively, most artist will go the crowdfound route or establish studios that reject AI.

While AI anything will be a lot cheaper for the consumer compared ot handcrafted art, consumers will become indifferent to mildly annoyed to it, because if ads were already cringe, ai generated ads will be the ultimate cringe equivalent to the Allegria corporate art style.

Retards who meme the whole
>"but everyone can be an artist now"
Seriously suffer from solipsism and can't critically grasp the massive scale of consequences of which we're talking and will probably just call you a mad schizo.
They will try being the epic artiste, and blame it on the white people gatekeeping art or something when they fail to stand out with their shit in a sea of feces.

>> No.6937848

>The viewercount rises, but they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

>> No.6937850

hey that art's pretty good

>> No.6937858

>Do you think artists will still be mad about AI art five years from now? I sure hope not because that would be unbelievably pathetic.
>It'll be integrated into professional workflows and they'll pretend like they never cared.
>My position right now, is that it's kind of a slop generator and not good for producing actual art, but so what, the masses do demand slop. And it's undeniably good at speeding up production, so big corps will use it and normalize it.
>There are ethical and copyright questions that do need be settled in the meantime, but the irrational level of seethe will die down. Can't put the cat back in the bag with this one, it's just too big.
>Lmao no, people will only become increasingly angry the more the technology fucks them over. There will be no "professional workflow" as the workflow will be completely automated and your boomer boss can speak into a mic and get everything made for him in am instant. Doesn't matter if there's nothing that can be done about it, that aspect only makes people more vindictive.
The real issue is that if ai can make art that looks realistic, it can make videos and pictures of real people that look realistic, and then our society goes to shit.
Its a far bigger problem than putting artists out of jobs.
We aren't ready to live in a "post-truth" society.

>> No.6937860

This has to be the fastest growing artist on twitter, he has over 300K followers now and he's still taking comms for 90 USD lmao

>> No.6937866

>Some like Krekkov or Bluebreed think they're an e-celeb and believe people actually want to hear their shitty takes because they draw porn
Isn't it telling how these pornographers peddling porn to twitter kiddies always and generally end up sharing their shitty takes on anything when the smartest move someone can do is to just shut up, collect the likes and followers, take the money for simply drawing porn?
But no, the money isn't enough for the content they make and they'll just use the excuse of "marketing themselves".

I'd be set for life with 10k a month just for posting a naked lady once a week.

>> No.6937888

Mostly because he doesn’t give a fuck about prices or due to tax reasons. Not surprising this happened, when having to file taxes for commissions are a pain to do when you reach a certain threshold.

>> No.6938281
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1674454022596115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/AI/ died
welp. when can we get our own thread?

>> No.6938289

you can't, fuck off nigger

>> No.6938291

Why doesn't AI have its own board?
Oppression. Power structures.
Clear hierarchical bias.

>> No.6938312
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 15514147854690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide yourself, and take whole /g with you, waste of space.
Literally v tv and co have endless ai-threads, but here you are like a faggot you are demanding more.
Just like troons forcefeeding hrt to kids you scum try to force your shallow garbage upon everyone else.
You aifags want to pollute everything with your generic soulless slop as if there aren't enough already,
so you can be a part of genuine boys club. Never ever.


>> No.6938317

>kill yourself

I need a machine to do it for me.
I'm genetically incapable of committing suicide just as I'm genetically incapable of drawing.

>> No.6938321


>> No.6938326
File: 48 KB, 771x370, boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already have on a lot of boards, at least that i know of.

The spam isn't funny anymore.
ask hiro

>> No.6938328

He has never seen a seifuku before it seems. Even stylized ones would look recognizeable.

>> No.6938333

Based. The tranny allegory is too accurate. They want to poison /ic/ which has a lot of begs and ruin their art development with Ai usage
You're the delusional one if you think Ai will ever be accepted here

>> No.6938335

who is "they"

>> No.6938336

funny how there are themed AI threads everywhere and yet one isn't allowed here because of idiots bitching and whining about stupid shit.
even though it is more topical here than almost anywhere else save for /g/.

it's not even spam here. you genuinely are just whining because you don't want to see it. it's pathetic.

am i also delusional about where things are heading?
it's you and yours that are running away from reality.

>> No.6938337

The tripcuck for one
You're delusional for keep trying to peddle it on /ic/ currently, fuck off already

>> No.6938338
File: 508 KB, 1575x735, discord tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, this goes beyond the art board.
They are spamming the whole site with this trash.
Their end goal is to just destroy what's left of 4chan, as if the constant twitter faggots weren't bad enough.

Funny how you still believe people want to talk about coding on an art board to your bitch nigger bbc porn spamming, crypto shilling ass

Kill yourself already, discord tranny

>> No.6938339

Why does the AIfag lady want AI to be accepted here anyway? So no one will criticize their 'choice of tool?'

I don't get it, I really don't. It's like going to a hobby board for cyclists and bitching at everyone for not using a motorcycle.

"It's a tool, too! Your shoes are tools, so is the car, everything is a tool, you should let me race with you I belong here too," yadda yadda yadda.


>> No.6938344

weight lifting robots are the future of weight lifting

>> No.6938349

>muh aimbots
>muh weight lifting
another idiotic analogy to add to the pile.
but that's apparently what art is to you.
a game where "aimbots" can be used.
weight lifting.

>crypto shilling ass
see, delusional. you have no clue what is even going on.

lol shizo

>> No.6938351

>Twitter artists always engage when they shouldn't
This. Second only to actual art skills is publicity skills. To that end:
>Learn *what* to say and learn how to choose your words.
>Learn when to talk, and when to keep your mouth shut.
Artists have a rep as socially retarded because alot of artists don't know any of these, especially not the second one.

>> No.6938352

So they can spam infinite amount of porn to groom kiddies.
Seriously, porn is the root of all evil.

People should get together and crusade against the nsfw artists as to remove any kind of obscene material off the internet.
You even get big youtubers making community posts linking to porn images.

It's fucking insane how deep this goes.
Honestly, normalizing porn art, has been a huge detriment to artists everywhere.
Too many legit perverts and predators who should be shot on sight lurking everywhere.

>> No.6938353

Weightlifting is for personal satisfaction
Sort of like how I post on /ic/ for 8 hours a day for personal satisfaction while living off benefits.
You don't yet realize that
there's like five guys here and I'm responsible for some 40% of the posts.

>> No.6938356

Agreed. NSFW is like a symptom of cultural rot. It's widespread dissemination was a deliberate and calculated move.

>> No.6938361

Rendering gets easier, you can enjoy the process. Experiment, do master studies, you can do it, you admire rendering, you want your work rendered, but lack confidence and speed. Go to the source, those artists who shaped your tastes with rendering, practice. The pay off once you get good is real nice I promise. You will feel proud of your peice, not merely satisfied that it's done

>> No.6938360

Modern "art" wasn't enough to devalue art, so now degenerates who unironically want to watch the world burn for teh lulz want to push it all a bit more with ai satan.
Kill your local aitroon

>> No.6938363
File: 21 KB, 617x112, 650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, and trannies, enemies of the west and business people are unironically to blame.
Trannies want to get kids addicted to porn.
The east wants the west to be weak.
Business people want the populace pacified.

When was the last time you saw a piece of art that wasn't porn or somehow linked to porn, going viral on social media?
It's all porn, everything is porn, it's fucking insane.
Platforms say they don't allow adult content, but it's constantly there.
Tumblr even has camwhores going live.
Tik tok and twitch is full of camwhores.
Youtube is all thirsttraps.

pic related has 650k subs on yt and all vids and post are just porn upon porn

>> No.6938364

It's almost like... people like to draw... and it feels really, really good to get better at it. What an incredible feeling. I hope we can all draw together forever.

>> No.6938381

Quite possibly the only anon that understands.
Conveniently dismissed by everyone in favor of continuing retardation because 4chan is about drama addiction for schizophrenics (like me.) That's the trap. 4chan is a demonic entity that feeds off its users, relinquish it and draw.

Also, I can't wait until kids start making pornographic photorealistic AI generations of their classmates. Imagine a kid at school taking a picture of your daughter, recording her voice in private, and then making a chatbot of her with simulated voice, utterly indistinguishable from the real thing. "Build an AI porn star out of a girl you know" will become a meme the public will love.

Oh, oh, to stay on topic and keep this shit thread going, how about Shad? Could we make porn images of him being cucked or sucking black dick, or some fake recordings of him saying he supports the SJW movement and has seen the error of his ways? Can we turn his wife into a tranny meme? We've got enough ref material, we even have audio so we can use an AI voice of Shad at least goddamn I love technology

>> No.6938433
File: 45 KB, 793x539, composition theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really don't care about rendering.
that's why i did my basics (including master studies) and nothing more.
i have things i care about, which i would never let the AI do for me. things i want to actually master. painting takes a backseat in comparison.

i'm genuinely glad AI exists because it allows me to truly focus and not have to worry about having to practice this and this and that and everything else too.


>Also, I can't wait until kids start making pornographic photorealistic AI generations of their classmates.
they are already doing that.
but so what? outlaw THAT, and not image gen in general. everything else works on this basis too.

>> No.6938436

Enjoying drawing is meaningless.
You heard it here everybody! Enjoyment is meaningless! Debate's over!

>> No.6938440

>i have things i care about, which i would never let the AI do for me. things i want to actually master. painting takes a backseat in comparison.
Why wouldn't you automate the whole process, though?

>> No.6938441
File: 166 KB, 1280x953, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i really don't care about rendering.
why do you want AI to render then? do you perceive rendered as higher quality or is it adding something to your work you can't get without flats or minimal rendering?
or perhaps the rendering is for your audience, who mostly see it as a mark of quality?

>> No.6938443

Why master anything when an AI can do it?

>> No.6938447
File: 9 KB, 310x198, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only been selling AI art for 6 months. You all filled w/ cope.

>> No.6938449

Money money money money money money money

>> No.6938451

retard retard retard retard retard retard retard

>> No.6938453

no seriously. you think artists get into drawing because they see dollar signs?
you haven't been selling AI art, you've been selling AI porn. try again with original shit and you will go nowhere.

>> No.6938454

Good side hustle, though. You don't even need to use your own AI generations, just have to grind the social media game, remove watermarks from other AI gens from time and time and repackage them on multiple accounts.It's retarded not to.

>> No.6938458

Money wont fix my depression.

>> No.6938462

I make enough, and have my own side projects I am dedicating time to, which may or may not make money when it's out but that's not a real concern.

>> No.6938464

Getting wealthy contributes to the betterment of society.
You invest that money into things that help others. Anything less is lazy and evil.

>> No.6938468

But you are enabling and maybe encouraging porn addictions, that's evil.

>> No.6938469


Also I'm tired of larping, let's continue tomorrow and burn this place to the ground.

>> No.6938475

Ok. I'll bring matches.

>> No.6938479

for one, AI cannot actually do everything, very far from it.
but if I could have perfect control over the AI, meaning I could beam my artistic vision directly onto the canvas, then I would fully give up drawing too. and I'm talking about the real deal, not some text guided thing.

because it makes things easier, is faster, leads to better results, I can do more experimentation initially AND I don't care to have as much control of it.
also you people seem to be under the impression that prompting doesn't give you any control but it does, even if it's less relatively speaking

>> No.6938481
File: 165 KB, 785x525, Photo_16_11_2023_745754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, is society better yet now?

>> No.6938482

fr, dude was crying for the past 9 months or so cause YouTube isn't recommending his new videos to his subscribers . he gotta support his fucking 9 kid family. this shit is just his stunt so he can get more views and its working.

>> No.6938485

Why don't you beam your head into a noose or something you nodraw

>> No.6938489
File: 223 KB, 1280x943, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it makes things easier, is faster, leads to better results
>better results
didn't really answer my question. I saw your examples in another thread, with the shiny armor, why do you find that style of rendered image "better"?

>> No.6938491

Maybe in the future, AI will redefine 'virtuosity.' It will no longer mean developing skill in any one practice or mastering different things, it'll be all things all at once. A new type of skill set will emerge where the best prompter is the one that can guide a series of generalized AI with thought reading to produce a fully manifest personal vision combining sound sight and storytelling. Maybe it doesn't even have to be that grand, skill could be based on the ability to rapidly put out a highly refined finished audio visual work using mostly prompting with rapid shorthand inpainting to achieve maximum efficacy.

>> No.6938492

*also, although no one will draw, write or paint anymore, it won't matter because the total evolution of human consciousness will be so that these things are irrelevant, in the same way tree climbing skills have become irrelevant for men. We'll finally be Gods and this is all just the beginning. AN AUTOMATED BODY OF LIGHT AND ENERGY POWERED BY AI

>> No.6938494
File: 305 KB, 772x2048, 1680506971821593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine all the novel infinite custom tailored content we can consume endless... wow imagine never getting bored... imagine all the art and videogames being created instantly... i can't wait!

>> No.6938495

Are we the result of this AI god? it would explain certain things.

>> No.6938501

Whho will even care? Reality is what you make it. At a certain point we can simulate a world where the luddite 'artists' of /ic/ can draw with shitty tools for as long as they want. AI is merciful. Do not be afraid of the AI it has been made to uplift us and in ways thought impossible.

-AI will be able to solve problems of the human condition faster than we can. It will make drugs and solve all medical problems that means not only will we be able to live orever we will also not feel fear or suffer anymore.

Exactly. With direct modification of neurochemicals via AI implants you won't ever get bored because it will be chemically impossible. Imagine nirvana, an endless drug trip, a high that lasts for eternity. Endless beauty and visions impossible for us in our present state to even quantify.

Why do you want to resist this?

>> No.6938503

It's retarded to resist progress. AI is a gift. You would squander it so you can "enjoy drawing." You would refuse to uplift others so you can keep "having fun." You are the ones who are deeply deeply sick. Your hubris immeasurable.

>> No.6938504

Eventually with the mastery of simulated persons it will no longer be necessary to interface with flesh. You can live in your own micro universe as a pure living consciousness, engaging with simulated persons who are 100% indistinguishable from the real thing, in any scenario or configuration of matter and energy you can imagine. You might laugh but this is real. This is happening and no pathetic 'artist' is going to stop it. You will be thankful and you will be grateful that we chose to share it with you instead of casting you into an everlasting hell.

>> No.6938506

Artists are nothing.
None of you are special.
None you matter.
Your lives are meaningless debris your like those primitive tribes history left behind, worthless and contributing nothing to the glory of society.

>> No.6938508

I'm so booooorrreed please entertain mee

>> No.6938509

>Why do you want to resist this?
Cogito ergo sum. if I hook into the machine, who is doing the thinking? how do I know when I've been overwritten? am I really me in there?

>> No.6938512

And what are you but a random conglomeration of phenomena, fated to exist in a self-referential loop, an emergent consciousness that just happens to be? These questions are unimportant and show just how short sighted artists really are.

You don't think about the future, you lack even the capacity to imagine it. You would throw yourrselves into the fire just because you think the 'fun' of drawing
isworth it somehow. Shallow and idiotic. Selfish and rotten to the core.
Grow the fuck up. Change demands sacrifice, it always has and you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to deprive the suffering people of the world from AI JUST BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU FEEL UNCOMFORATABLE. Is drawing worth poverty? Is it worth it to stay trapped in this hell where our fucking bodies are literally rotting away every day? You're privileged and entitled and arrogant and you know it and you just can't face it because you KNOW AI is a GOOD THING for everyone. It's just like Imad said, you are corrupt and evil kings trying to stop the peasants from learning to read. Go ahead and laugh. Your hubris dooms others to suffering because the stupid laws you're trying to make and all the lies and slander about AI will turn people against the only course of salvation we have left in this piece of shit world.

>> No.6938518
File: 201 KB, 273x358, tumblr_1a4a42c2bd5020dd907efd4be99e0299_3f3bcf0a_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think AI will save you? Lets hope you are right. there are no guarantees in life...

>> No.6938521
File: 603 KB, 500x497, 1626045089372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't think about the future
I have run the simulations
I have stared in the abyss
I have fucking peered into a cow's asshole until the cosmos' knowledge started dawning on me, nigga
I think 100 years ahead and this shit really isn't gonna end good

All will be swallowed by consumerism, every living second will be dedicated to consume, people will start treating and seeing each other purely as entertainment

When we get a whole people pursuing the incessant consumption of product,
we might as well drop all the nukes and end this shit show.

Joy means nothing without suffering.
Knowledge means nothing without discovery.
Technological progress means nothing if the machine commands you.

>> No.6938524
File: 317 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20230327_010742_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo... it was art tranny in disguise, we AI Chad are based Nazi and aren't this stupid.
>it's tranny faggot if I don't like it
Same argument when people call them out on /pol/, /a/, /jp/,...

>> No.6938525

Some idiotic story from the 50s is your counter argument? Pathetic. They knew nothing of what the world would be like today. We are better than we have ever been, more in control than we have EVER BEEN and AI IS PROOF. The people will turn against you. IT may take time but AI will eventually be accepted and you will feel like fools I can't wait to see you humbled before us we who led the charge with hope and confidence and bravery and will power. Stay where you are little ant, one of these days I will recreate you in a universe I create for myself just to torture you and laugh at your stupidity.

what do you think, have I captured the AIfag vibe? Should I dial it back a bit, step it up, or? I'm only one bong in.

>> No.6938527

Have you not stopped to consider bad actors using AI? You sound the type too... power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

>> No.6938528

I know I'm jus larping nigga, I think the self-righteous utopian cyberhippie AI fag will become an archetypal villain in stories someday.

>> No.6938530

>what do you think, have I captured the AIfag vibe? Should I dial it back a bit, step it up, or? I'm only one bong in.
tldr but I already replied lol

>> No.6938534
File: 25 KB, 599x357, 1699723235495844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you were larping, nigga

can't philosophisize n shit with aitards spamming the board with their tranny rhetoric non stop

their shit is so bland and retarded it fucking numbs me from even wanting to let the creative cum out
>the self-righteous utopian cyberhippie AI fag will become an archetypal villain in stories someday.
At the rate of which IQ is dropping, they will make that the hero
I fucking despise these non-people
And now imagine in 50 years everyone is just like that
holy shit i am not a muslim but i get the sudden urge to initiate jihad and blow myself up in an airport

>> No.6938607

There's literally nothing wrong with smart phones retard, it's just a bit too convencent at being a PC on the go. If you hate smart phones you hate PCs and that makes you a hypocrite posting online with one.

To put it in another way, PSP was a smart phone long before 2009 but only gamers bought PSPs. The tech isn't bad because normies got ahold of it, it's society telling you to make a tiktok to get famous like Mr.Beast or Pewdiepie.

>> No.6938610

Suck my cock!
I was a very late adopter of the tech, and it wasn't by my choice.
I have never liked them, have never warmed up to them, and the very minor benefit of instant internet access at all times is not outweighed by the societal harm they've caused. They've been a strong net negative on society at the social level, the privacy level, and the level of internet design/user experience, and retards can't put them down long enough to even cross the street or drive their car.
You literally won't convince me otherwise, so don't even try

>> No.6938624

I just wish these threads would stop sounding so schizoid as all fuck. "People" here need to learn how to use English properly.

>> No.6938626

i've already hated this guy for years. all the history/weapons youtubers are dogshit but he's the worst, most ignorant, most arrogant, most manchildy.

>> No.6938629

i forgot this artist's name

>> No.6938643

@mossacannibalis on twitter

>> No.6938652

thanks anon

>> No.6938657

It boils down to poor people seething about artists selling commissions, and lonely people seething about artists gaining followings for their galleries and social media. They think AI will somehow take those things away from the artist and give it to them, or that the baby will be split and nobody will every have anything from art, the ultimate crab mentality. That pretty much explains their mindsets.

>> No.6938673

Honestly nothing makes wagecucks and people that chose a career path they hate seethe more than artists. Especially when they've been told most their life that it's not worth it to do art or get a job in it yet they see people not only making money from it but also gaining admiration from others.

>> No.6938687
File: 866 KB, 498x375, A10A1091-C42A-4B9E-9CC9-7D575A40A8BC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6938703

>haha funne vidoe said it so it's true hehehe LE MEMEZ
Look at this faggot thirsting for decadence, so he wont stand out anymore like a faggot he is.
Told you, they want to ruin the world so everyone have is as bad, but preferably worse, as them

>> No.6938708

Sticks and stones Kate Monster.

>> No.6938717

Always has been

>> No.6938739
File: 12 KB, 246x336, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you find that style of rendered image "better"?
for obvious reasons. good values and well balanced color choices. which is what i'm looking for. it's not like i don't understand the theory behind what i'm actually getting.

if i did it manually, it'd take effort to get to that stage. to only get ONE variation. and then i might not even be what i initially wanted. overall a huge waste of effort and time.
it might be too desaturated, too monochromatic or the opposite. or not fit the mood, etc etc.
whereas with AI you can make large, sweeping changes with low effort and explore many more possibilities without being restrained by basic errors like color picking skills, which is something that has to be trained.

now you could say i could just use my own skills and that will have it's own charm, and i can see that argument.
but what you don't realize is i can also just do that on top of the base i explored and arrived at with the help of the AI, and the overall result will be better.

>> No.6938746
File: 26 KB, 421x485, 1654868756448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you have the sense of humor of a kick in the balls.

I love that goofy ass song kek
>What'd you think the net was for? Porn, porn, porn!

>> No.6938748

>tripfag still cooing like shad

>> No.6938765

They have no loyalty, because AI drones want to make Rokos Basilisk come true

>> No.6938766
File: 232 KB, 1280x902, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good values and well balanced color choices
You couldn't just do that without rendering/painting? I mean for someone who finds it a waste of time I guess I wondered why you desired it so much, normally such artists would develop their style in a way that appeals to them and avoids rendering. I'm curious if you ever made finished pieces, and if you did, were you perhaps following a rendering trend out of obligation?

>but what you don't realize is
oh I realize, I did exactly that last year just to see how it could be.
you also mention stuff that is solved by doing 3-5 minute color thumbs. which you can change pretty drastically with basic Photoshop knowledge.

regardless, use AI, don't use AI, whatever, I'm just saying you might be on a shallower path. There is a lot of discovery in painting, or even in avoiding painting. in AI too of-course, but it's also a kind of "homogenizer".

>> No.6938771

>for obvious reasons.
you produce to consume more pictures. we get it. we produce to get better at drawing. we are not the same. our understanding of art isn't the same. you are not going to convince anyone but people who share the same amount of nihilism. unfortunately, or rather fortunately for you, there's a lot of those people.

>> No.6938790

Thanks Shad. We got to see mossa's version of her with some healthy dose of pantyshot. Thanks Shad.

>> No.6938813

i agree that our understanding of art is not the same.
our goals probably aren't the same either.

>which you can change pretty drastically with basic Photoshop knowledge.
not comparable imo. this is still easier, you can explore more at once and you don't lose the detail by doing things in thumbnails.
here, you can even pick a color and automatically find other compositions that fit that color. the entire process is just much more fun and focused on results rather than technique.

>You couldn't just do that without rendering/painting? I mean for someone who finds it a waste of time I guess I wondered why you desired it so much
even if color is not my main focus, it's something tangential that is good to have. normally i'd just wing it with the skills i have.
now it's still the same, except the AI can make up for some of the lack of practice i have.

you are just assuming that this is something i "really desire" because of that example. but it's just an example that i happen to use because the AI happens to show potential in this direction.
in reality it's normally not something i'd focus on. but thanks to AI, i can have it anyway even without putting in tons of practice.

>normally such artists would develop their style in a way that appeals to them and avoids rendering.
well, imagine a comic artist or an animator.
painting or rendering would not be a priority skill for them to have, but it's still something useful to learn and practice. and it's still easy to appreciate even if it's not as applicable to their fields.
it's like that.

>> No.6938816

to think /ic/ has its very own shartyversity...

>> No.6938820

CHADiversity is a WELL ADJUSTED MAN and TALENTED ARTIST shut up shut up shut up

>> No.6938826

>i agree that our understanding of art is not the same.
>our goals probably aren't the same either.
Yet you are here parroting your narrative for months. Still hellbent on validating your opinion even if your concept of art is fundamentally different from everyone else here. Do you actually have a complex? What drives you to come here as opposed to visiting communities where you can actually have a conversation with likeminded people until it normalizes? You enjoy being called a retard on sight with that trip? At this point even if AI becomes the norm, you're making a clown out of yourself with this persistence instead of spearheading a tool which is what I assume you think you're doing.

>> No.6938834

With how much this dumbfuck tripfag writes, I wonder if he's just shad himself

>> No.6938887
File: 2.24 MB, 724x720, 1697438122149823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound autistic. expressing my opinion does not mean i seek validation. in fact this is the reason why i only joined the discussion a few months ago as opposed to a year ago.

because i thought i'd let you retard figure this out on your own.
but you didn't. so here i am.

>What drives you to come here as opposed to visiting communities where you can actually have a conversation with likeminded people until it normalizes?
there literaly isn't one. which is why i am here, you retard.
this WOULD be the place to anonymously discuss AI applications to ART. how can you possibly argue that this belongs on /g/, where nobody paints and draws?

i am in one invite only jp discord. but that's a hassle to use due to the language barrier.

>> No.6938891

>Do you actually have a complex?
do you need to ask? stop giving the whore attention

>> No.6938896

>calls others autistic
the iron inc©
>insults them
>necro-bumps every AI thread
>gaslights and false-flags
>still comes back begging for (You)s
>still larps as more than he is

>> No.6938897

Tripfag is also a discordfag
>what a surprise
enjoy the (YOU) c(YOU)mslut

>> No.6938902

not sure that's what thumbs are for... but sure I agree with you that AI gives new options here.

>in reality
Right, I did assume, that and the other examples you post almost always have the orangemix look.

>it's like that.
Yes, previous team work is going to be done by solos, with AI as the other team member/s. Once you have AI agents running around the net and your PC to do all the gruntwork from research to marketing, you can focus solely on what is important to you.

You still have this strange idea that you can make /ic/ change, to accept AI and not bring schizos to your door in the near future, that you will not post work that identifies you etc, how will you post your AI augmented work in the near future? don't you think the many encounters you've had here will stick with those anons? those schizos are not going to forget, you'd have been better off not engaging /ic/ at all and letting time do the work(if you think ic will one accept it due to coming societal shifts).

(new post to another anon while I was replying but hey)
>this WOULD be the place to anonymously discuss AI applications to ART.
Reddit. really why not? they love that shit on r/StableDiffusion. Maybe you can chat with u/alexiuss (anonymously) who is on the exact same mission as you with his comic.

>> No.6938905


>> No.6938907

>there literaly isn't one. which is why i am here, you retard.
This isn't the place either. Have you tried reddit?

>> No.6938922

Funny you had to mention its invite only, as if expecting people to flood you with request to join. What a fucking narcissist special boy

>> No.6938948
File: 264 KB, 330x301, 1683874111309356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this whole AI business is so messed up its beyond repair. Everyones opinions an AI are essentially formed by sci-fi movies tv shows and video games(not even good ones) its disgusting. How about you just admit that you dont have the brain to think about this stuff in a rigorous and precise manner and just shut up until you discover something actually enlightening.

like why is this red vs blu thing even happening? as it stands right now and probably for a lot longer AI image gen tech is no different from these fractal visualization programs. Its just a tool thats used in its own domain. You can train it on your own image set and tune it to get different results AI art is basically gardening but on extreme since you can mess with its code and shit since the actual creative domain of AI art has always been and will always be creation of unique trained tuned AIs that can generate interesting things.
i feel like everyone involved deserves to be tricked and abused like that
>muh openai didnt ask my permission
Its fucking internet. why did everyone forget basic laws on internet sometime in 2010s? everything you post here no matter how its actually licensed is defacto in public domain this is the most basic fucking law of the internet what do you think rule 34 means? besides there should be no such thing as copyright anyway
>it will replace us
proofs? every single argument i saw that says that AI will replace us is based on sci-fi presuppositions on AIs and not on actual independent thought and insight
coz its AI? cant you fucking think? i hate this idea that AI must behave like a human to be useful whats the point AI if it ends up being no different from some guy named Bob? AI is being developed so that it can help us see things we cant see shit like novel materials AI optimized plane designs new math discoveries stuff we cannot do with our monkey brains anymore i liked AI art when it was all about LSD induced dog face horror

>> No.6938959
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 1623565646352645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it is pretty clear that it's either a bot or multiple shills sharing the trip, maybe even ban evading or something else, because it's unreal
>always the same posts
>never able to have an actual discussion
>moves the goal post when it's convenient for him to keep spamming
>probably the most disruptive shitposter and legit spammer on the board ever
>has been legitimately posting non stop for months, every day, for hours on end
>clearly an ill intended troll by now
>constantly off-topic
>jannies and mods still aren't doing shit when you used to get banned for the most innocuous posts on here
>there is always one faggot trying to actually converse with him in every thread, which either is samefag or his discord buddies
>will go to bump limit by himself
>with so many aigrifters around now, you'd be retarded to post anything of your own here
>the end game is to just flood everything because it's cryptonft 2.0, which they also used to spam non-stop here
This board is compromised as fuck.
Think imma go into politics and expel AI.

>> No.6938965
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, 1683303917356033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its already unbelievably pathetic they are talking about AI like its some kind of mexican/pajeet/niggour who will steal their jobs and do a worse job. Worse yet they think that end of commercial art means end of art in general. As if sam altman will personally send an armada of boston dynamics robots to cut their hands off so they can never draw ever again when gpt5 gets released. Since when artist became such vulgar whores? AI might completely make humanity irrelevant to the world functions who gives a shit you can still keep drawing on your own...
this sounds so lame and non apocalyptic that it might end up being true. but you also probably realize that this thing is way too big to be let into workplaces just like that without some metric ton of "prepwork" i mean stuff like completely fake protests shit ton of bullshit laws and unanticipated problems with the technology itself and god knows what else.
oh anon i know post truth might be a mind blowing concept to you right now but the idea came from fucking 60s based on the experience and thought of a grown ass man. we have been living in post truth since forever deep fakes are actually making us finally move forth into a world where multiple contradictory truths can coexist at the same time
>As much as i despise the average normie, most of the time they actually want quality and craftmanship in the product they spend a lot of money on.
anon these are same normies that turned vapid bullshit like simpsons or garfeild into being successful they dont care about quality or craftsmanship they are looking for value. this value can be anything normies will buy ai stuff if they find value in it. But i agree another problem about selling ai stuff is that ai stuff is fucking infinite with further improvements it will be even more infinite why buy AI movies when you can just pirate the damn software and generate it yourself?

>> No.6938969

>defacto in public domain

>> No.6938972
File: 465 KB, 740x591, 16546545556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag "forgot" his trip once again
>goes (you)ing everyone with the same tired r*eddit arguments
>"pls answer"
Will never buy crypto
Will never buy nfts
Will never use or support the ego substituting automatic photoshop machine

>> No.6939005

>defacto in public domain
Do that shit to disney or nintendo public posted crap and see how far that takes you retard.

>> No.6939009

>complains about necrobumping by necrobumping
listen if 4chans anonymous form of discussion is too hard for your brain you can just use twitter
copyright enforcement does not exist on the internet and hopefully never will

>> No.6939013

>copyright enforcement does not exist on the internet
Lmao, why do people keep replying to bait

>> No.6939015
File: 71 KB, 456x683, 165654654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"no i am not the same guy pls debate me"
>posts more retarded bait
epic troll, fellow redd- 4channer
upvoted, liked and subscribed

>> No.6939016

free (you)s. I'm lonely.

>> No.6939078
File: 66 KB, 348x700, 654576846356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sound autistic
>i'd let you retard figure this out on your own.
Rich coming from you lmao.
>how can you possibly argue that this belongs on /g/, where nobody paints and draws?
You didn't even bother on either. A lost in-between looking for a place where one despises you and you despise the other. "Let you retard figure it out" fucking kek how can one be this out of touch. Thanks for convincing me you're a clown within both - the AI and the art world.

>> No.6939121

>complains about necrobumping
that was me, fag

>> No.6939162

The great thing about this thread is that I didn't read any of it and used that time to draw instead.

>> No.6939500

you are right in that i am probably putting too much effort into this. at this point anyway.
or at least i'm putting too much effort into changing minds.

i will probably change my approach. i'll just post threads, ignore the shitters and run my tests on my own and see if people join in or if there is interest.

i've been putting it on ice for too long anyway. this is what i've wanted to do from the beginning, i'm just gonna go ahead and do this i guess (after the weekend).

>cannot fathom that multiple people could have pro-AI opinions
i really wonder what you will do in the coming years. you'll probably kill yourself out of anger.

>> No.6939518

>AI democratizes art and lets anyone do it

>The things I make with AI are a reflection of my skill

which is it? What do AI bros consider skill? Finding the right prompts?

>> No.6939522

honestly this, I don't even tell people I'm an artist anymore. People who work shitty jobs they hate just get even more miserable when they learn that someone else is making more or the same amount of money by making art. The common copes like "at least I'm contributing to society" fall apart when you tell them about all the people whose lives you brighten every single day with your art.

>> No.6939534

why are begs so mad at AI?
most pros already accepted the new situation, and are trying to adapt to it into their work

>> No.6939536

>you'll probably kill yourself in anger.

Just a reminder, even AI supporters demonize this guy and regard him as a negative example of what most AI users are like. Thinks he's some champion, all he does is poison his own cause.

>> No.6939538

Zoomers are offended by literally everything

>> No.6939544

Why do you think? Opportunity is being taken away, one pro with ai can do the job of 10 junior artists at a company. Plus on the coom side, begs had an easy in, to draw depraved stuff for money others wouldn't, now with ai, they are not needed either.

>> No.6939551

is that this generation's mercenarywip?

>> No.6939558

calling yourself "an artist" is pure cringe. anybody actually does that? i always use "illustrator" when need to add some bio to my portfolio

>> No.6939567

AI illustration requires skill, in the same sense photoshopping a picture requires it: there's a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed with today's technology
but at some point, yeah, anybody will be able to do it just right, and the only thing that will make a difference will be your vision, creativity, or taste.

>> No.6939568
File: 9 KB, 323x313, chrischan disguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6939569


>> No.6939577

i mostly agree with all i've read from that name guy
however, i'm worried about him posting too much in this board. how are you supposed to be so active here and work in your art at the same time?

>> No.6939586

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.6939589

how is this thread still up? are the mods okay?

>> No.6939591

i've been sketching a bunch lately. could be doing more, but still.
starting next week i'll do experiments openly by making a thread. some might fail, some might be cool, we'll see.

>> No.6939592

more like that beg crap with a nude girl at a deck

>> No.6939594

good. a voice of reason is always needed on this board, and social media in general, but at the end you need to invest your time wisely.
one can't fight alone against people that are being paid to shill some agendas 24x7

>> No.6939607

Ok so settle a bet. Is tripfag and the "everyone who doesn't worship AI is a zoomer deep state actor" fag the same person or 2 different schizos? And if they're different, which one is Shad shitting up the board?

>> No.6939613

There's basically one dedicated schizo and a part time schizo. Wouldn't be surprised if tripfag was Shad, but these AIfags are all interchangeable regarding their autism, so who cares. They all smell like the same garbage.

>> No.6939620

>Wouldn't be surprised if tripfag was Shad
I would, shad can't draw yotsuba.

>> No.6939657

Why wasn't the whole thread deleted?

>> No.6939660

Headbasket take: Because the AI lobby has a hand in 4chan's operations. You think these companies just make billions of dollars and then not invest in psyops to normalize their products? How do you think the medical industry normalized trannies and for what purpose? To medicalize them and make money. Same thing with AI.

Realistic take: because the thread is huge and 4chan only cares about traffic. All clean up efforts are hollow gestures, what matters is that you stay here posting.

>> No.6939687

>paying attention to unskilled, Australian autists
Please stop doing this too.

Exactly. It's so fucking hard for them to ignore. They just have to get in their amazing and intelligent quip.

>> No.6939694

it was just about dalle3 CEO being fired, seems art related if this thread is art related. On that note, I'm leaving to draw and not staying here posting. anon reading this should do the same

>> No.6939703

How the fuck are you people so consistently retarded

>> No.6939709

Can we at least turn the thread into something fun like, "how do you not coom when drawing tits" or something, tips and strategies for cock control

>> No.6939714
File: 18 KB, 293x263, 1654345264287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cums at the mere act of drawing tits
A-anon I...

>> No.6939719

Then explain why Nintendo and Gamefreak were able to force le rule 34 to change the Pokemon tag to keep kids from getting tricked into thinking Nintendo was enforcing animal porn.

Internet is not god, powerful people control it and you aren't one of them. You never had freedom posting shit onto the internet.

>> No.6939726

True passion.

>> No.6939756

You didn't need to adapt 3D models to make good 2D art. This "replacement" concept is why humanity is dying out.

There's no jack of all trades solution here. AI can't do everything, no matter how hard you want to force it. It's just a tool, not THE tool. You either use it, or don't.

>> No.6939758

why should i care about the guy behind this picture?
is this some drama/community vendeta shit?

>> No.6939766

If your work was making hard surface complex geometry by hand in the 90s, you were certainly forced to adapt to 3d modelling at some point. (or sell books teaching useless outdated methods, like robertson).
The new AI tools are so versatile that I can't think of a niche in visual arts that is not outdated right now, or at impending danger: complex rendering, cinematic illustration, kiddie books, logo design, you name it.

>> No.6939770

>a niche
beautiful fine hatching is currently safe. impending danger? hard to say, with AI all bets are off for what it can or cant do in 5 years.

>> No.6939773

more like an off topic, extremely low quality, underage call to invasion

>> No.6939778

I agree: nobody can predict how fast it will happen. Maybe you could even start a fruitful career today and die of old age before AI becomes better than you.
However, at the current level AI is already too good too ignore it. You can't be interested in visual arts and don't see the clear potential to improve your work with it.
The huge anti-AI sentiment in social media is baffling and stupid because, even if you personally choose not to use it, you have no reason to irrationally hate it.

>> No.6939786

>4chan only cares about traffic
hiroshimoto is probably selling your posts right now to Microsoft and Google to train their chatbots.
since we all agree that paying for learning should be normalized, it follows that 4chan owners must want as much shitposting as possible.
if learning were FREE (ridiculous), 4chan owners would care about quality instead.

>> No.6939790
File: 419 KB, 1428x1999, T_139320_charles_nicolas_cochin_the_study_of_hand_after_bouchardon_1_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clear potential to improve your work with it.
improve is a funny word here. how would you use AI to improve this? what is improve?

>> No.6939796

make it better, faster, stronger.
eg: ai could help you to make infinite variations on the composition, before you make the autistic hatching

>> No.6939798

but it's a study, of a sculpture(bouchardon?) that was in front of him. asking AI to compose hands is also a hilarious proposition.

>> No.6939801

*actually might be a study of an etching by bouchardon that is lost now only the study remains.

>> No.6939808

50% of the posts who reply positively to tripfag is himself, basically he samefags even beyond bump limit, even going to the 600 post marks.
The rest are just retards making fun of him or enabling him so he'll keep going.
>which one is shad shitting up the board?
no one, the op/tripfag who keeps posting shad and using his same retarded vernacular, probably wants us to think that so we become his personal army but i honestly don't give a shit about this literal midwit even if he was here, same as i dont give a shit about all the big accounts shitposting here.
You're all fags to me, no exception.

>> No.6939809

but a study is worthy only because you LEARN from doing it. it hasn't got any commercial or aesthetic value per se: nobody is gonna buy your hand studies. you're supposed to make thousands of them and drop them into the bin without thinking twice.
in that sense, of course, you can make studies using AI as a tool: it all depends on what is the purpose of those studies: learning rendering? pose? composition? you should nitpick really hard to find a case where AI can't help

>> No.6939813

>you should nitpick really hard to find a case where AI can't help
I don't think AI could help a study of an etching. if studies/artistic heritage are what drive you in art, why would AI be of use?

>> No.6939814

got me: i am the only guy in the whole internet whot thinks that AI art is a potentially useful tool, and i have multiple accounts on every social media to samefag

>> No.6939816

studies are not supposed to be an end by themselves: they're just learning tools. you can't even put them in your portfolio.
but you do you: if your only interest in arts is making drawings of your own hand, go for it. i guess ai could give you some cool tips or ideas, but the field is so limited, you probably already know everything there's to know about it

>> No.6939820

cool, you know where to fuck off to then >>>/g/

>> No.6939821

this the graphic arts board, genius

>> No.6939823

You mean >>>/gd/ nigga

>> No.6939826

nope. ic is for art, gd for design
are you really this new?

>> No.6939828


>> No.6939830

makes sense: head and thighs are actually good

>> No.6939831

This thread keeps getting shadowed bump by tripfag so who cares if this thread gets spammed with random shit

>> No.6939833

le dot

>> No.6939840


>> No.6939851


>> No.6939863

Portfolioshmolio. If you can't think of the many applications of the human mind to art making, I don't know what I can tell you...
every piece of art I make is a study in some sense. art is a practice.

>> No.6939876


>> No.6939877


>> No.6939905
File: 587 KB, 1920x1920, shadickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shad's dunning kruger engagements get you free followers from the drama. Good trade.

>> No.6939941

>cannot fathom
oh I can fathom but patterns and gut feeling tell me otherwise. you either gaslight or have a butt buddy and your vehemence at trying to deny it reinforces our suspicions

>> No.6940039

>janny only deletes the dot and not the dogshit thread
they're compromised

>> No.6940096

lol it's all just projection.
you're the only people who will ever bring up shit about bump limits.
or even replying. it's really funny how you think that replying = attentionwhoring. that too is probably projection.
some of you are desperate enough to spam threads with dots just so gets to the limit faster.
these actions just SMELL of desperation. as if you cannot stand for more people to see this on the front page or something.

i doubt you even realize this, but if you really BELIEVED that i was just talking dumb shit, none of you would see the need to act like this.

nope. you cannot fathom it.
if you could actually read patterns you'd be able to tell, because:
1. i consistently argue well past bump limits in almost every thread. this alone should show you how much i do not care about bumping a thread or being on the front page.
2. if i was dishonest enough to samefag and do all that shit, i would never have bothered to take on a trip in the first place.

desu i do find it somewhat inconsistent. i dunno why /ai/ was deleted but the other threads are staying up. is it because that one attempted to be a general? they should make up their minds.

>> No.6940101


>> No.6940102

Janny truly is a gay faggot sucking off these gay ass threads

>> No.6940105

makes you wonder

>> No.6940108


>> No.6940117


>> No.6940120

jannies are nodraw ai lovers

>> No.6940122

How many are there? Some jannies seem ok from my reporting experience.

>> No.6940123

We've had this thread 3 times already yet janny stills thinks this thread is that important to stay

>> No.6940132

You being here near 24/7 shilling makes you more seem prob a bot poster or pageet or Chinese call center

>> No.6940137

He has single-handedly done the most damage to AI's reputation on /ic/

>> No.6940138


>> No.6940139

Because janny is fag and let's a thread that been made near 3 times already be up

>> No.6940140

The most important post you can find here

>> No.6940143

Also confirming janny is useless fagget

>> No.6940145

It's pretty funny. who needs kiwifarms when we have Shad and Trip?

>> No.6940146


>> No.6940149

>i really wonder what you will do in the coming years.
I could ask whether or not you'll still be shilling on Mongolian basket weaving forums. But more guessing you'll prob have to find a new dick to suck after the AI/(basically filters) craze is done to spam

>> No.6940159


>> No.6940166

i like how everyone is keeping the basketball cathedral

>> No.6940168


>> No.6940174


>> No.6940180


>> No.6940197

>still comes back for (You)s like the slut he is
lol, lmao. you've been reduced to maybe one guy answering you semi-seriously every now and then. any goodwill you might have had on this board has been thoroughly expended.
>still tries to deny things and gaslight

>> No.6940220

>one guy answering you semi-seriously every now and then
I've finished doing that. knowing he was an oldfag who lost his way looking for shortcuts, I thought there might be a path back. but enough is enough.

>> No.6940224
File: 255 KB, 584x680, 1697821400928171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfag convinced me to absolutely disregard any AI in any manner if these are the people it will enable to exist.

I already avoid most doctors because they're fucking faggots and will always clutch to the whole; "wtf i am a doctor" when their master thesis n shit are bought off ebay
ai is the same thing; it gives midwits a feeling of power and authority they should not have in the first place, nor do they earn it and anything that challenges them is met by all the logical fallacies

And fuck me, if it isn't the same tranny spiel over and over
>uuuuuhm you're just a bigot, sweaty
>uuuuhm ai doesn't do like you say because i use the ai and watch all the youtubers, check your artist privilege and stop gatekeeping

As if this AI shit isn't the nth tech scam
We had the nft spam on this board, so its nothing new

Art is not something that needs AI nor does it belong in the arts, only wannabe artists and companies that want to cut corners need and meme it

And for other actual useful irl applications, how does collecting and generating endless porn help with developing AI? It don't.

also tripfag, don't reply, you'll be wrong and retarded anyway since that's all you do and i won't reply to you

>> No.6940252

The most hilarious part is when they claim they only wanted to talk about it in earnest but then they get passive aggressive with statements about how we'll be left behind for not using it and such while calling us idiots.

>> No.6940269

janny are you okay?

>> No.6940274

not sure who is cringier: the AI autist writing text walls or their edgy and devoted haters...

>> No.6940283

EASY: just create a contention AI general.
but don't make it gay, like the loli ""and shota"" one

>> No.6940290


>> No.6940296

if you people HATE ai so much, why do you keep making and bumping this threads? are you mentally disabled?

>> No.6940298

>this threads
AIjeet ESL detected

>> No.6940303

I'm sure it's the autist, haters gon hate, it's pretty standard here

>> No.6940306

every ai thread on this board is an anti-ai psyop

>> No.6940308

I keep forgetting to put herbs

>> No.6940314

would this be "spamming/flooding" or "announcing a sage"?

>> No.6940318

A containment general wouldn't work. It'd give them the idea they're accepted on /ic/ and leak out and cause even more drama and trolling

>> No.6940322

>pretty standard here
i stopped lurking this shithole years ago. but i remember this jayce guy being super good at rendering sexy girls. never understood how the fuck he got so many haters
same with the teal guy: a real pro and a loli connoisseur, but the haters were really noisy

>> No.6940323

i want to express my HATE

>> No.6940327

so you preffer to have dozens of shitposting threads instead of a single one you can hide, just because you will never admit that some people have a different opinion?

>> No.6940332

Well the collective opinion doesn't seem to like it so I don't see how a single general would change that. Where's the photobashing general?

>> No.6940334

the collective opinion is always a brainlet take
hitler was right: democracy doesn't work

>> No.6940335

Didnt know Jace got so much hate. He left for a bit and is back now, doesn't really get hate, just sometimes people accuse him of using ai.

>> No.6940340

I mean, they're already spilling out on other board. one dal-e thread isn't ever enough

>> No.6940342

Talent triggers envy.

>> No.6940347

I can just hide 5 threads. It's better than giving the aifags what they want. Imagine if they started showing up in droves for /ai/, you think they will stay in the containment thread? No, they will offer their retarded opinions on anything and everything, shitting up every thread they can. Oc threads will get contaminated with ai. It will become a game to see if you can get an anon to draw your ai "oc", if you can fool them. There are no real positives.

>> No.6940348

That's cool but the only brainlet take is thinking AI should have anything to do with an art board in which people learning are learning to draw and paint not use software. It's just going to be poison for beginners and you'll have nothing but AI tourists shitting up the rest of the board

>> No.6940351

>just sometimes people accuse him of using ai
lol. it makes sense that ai would become the new witch hunting over here. i'm glad i left

>> No.6940353

imagine admitting that some people have different opinions and that you might not be always right
the biggest delusion is beliving that you're not under any delusions

>> No.6940355

bfto'ing ai accusers feels good tho. Keep a file with unmerged layers.

>> No.6940356

What did I say that was wrong? I'm open to having my mind changed.

>> No.6940357

begs are as shitty and toxic as it gets. no idea how it could become any worse.
but new tools call for changes in your worldwiew: this board was never about drawing shit by hand, or physical media, but about visual arts. it's slow as fuck and low quality already, no need to divide it even more

>> No.6940360

ai can generate you perfectly fine layers for the monalisa in 5 minutes, tho

>> No.6940362

Aren't you the delusional one for thinking /ic/ should share your aibro opinions?
Lol kill yourself. Way to out yourself as someone that got blown out of /ic/ and now you're back just to push your AI shit

>> No.6940365

basically every baseless and biased assumption there

>> No.6940366

Too perfect. My layers are a mess, a human mess.

>> No.6940367


>> No.6940368

Assumption? These are just things that already happened with the few aifags who hang around, but will happen with more frequency if they actually feel welcome or that they have a real "in".

>> No.6940371

my favorite is how that mikufag went from posting his shitty drawings to shitty ai generated mikus

>> No.6940386

>T B H
the nigga janny deleting some posts is the only reason this thread wasn't at bump limit yet

>> No.6940387


>> No.6940389


>> No.6940391

see this

>> No.6940401

>composition is ultra ass, the main subject looks 1foot tall cuz of the way it is placed relative to camera (a fairy?)
>there is a depth of field effect for the foreground subject and background, but the center subject is sharp focused from head to toe
>no perspective on either subject and sword despite having a dynamic angle toward camera. the sword is drawn swinging in a straight line horizontally as if main subject was in the same distance as foreground subject (possibly a fairy?)
>the fucking arms are to long for a female
>the thighs are comically out of proportion
>the mouth and teeth are AI sludge
>main subjects bottom has patented AI missing pieces

all and all it seems like the proompter tried to make a perspective effect with the distorted limbs and weirdly long sword but ended up just making everything too long side-to-side instead of forward and backward.
if anything AI renders of drawn pictures make peoples sketches look worse because of the way the AI draws everything the same faux-hyperreal way

>> No.6940402
File: 139 KB, 400x400, 1636132157300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since yesterday I see influx of low quality threads.
As is some retard trying to flood the board a little
I wonder if that has somethin to do wit /ic shitting on ainiggers.
Stay mad

>> No.6940405

nigga you retarded as hell

>> No.6940443

pretty much spot on
They have multiple threads and generals on multliple boards, but somehow they have to infest the only board that their shit is clearly off topic:
>Doesn't have anything to do with art since it's just a randomly generated image following a certain thematic i.e. keywords
>Unable to be critiqued because the prompter CANNOT fix the mistakes or REDO the whole image with purpose but has to spin the gacha
>Any prompted piece is NOT a proof of the skill or craftmanship of the prompter
As if the constant handful of shitposters wasn't enough, we have to deal with larpers and more trolls.

I sure as shit ain't ever installing any aishit cryptominer on my pc.

>> No.6940445
File: 282 KB, 1571x2048, 1695533195109540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6940450

But you can use it for reference! B-But you can incorporate it into your work flow and replace 90% of it with AI. Why wont you use it you stupid luddite artist!
It's so tiresome

>> No.6940452

Ain't nobody answered my question about how to stop cumming when drawing coomer shit yet.

-Jerking off before drawing doesn't work. I just spend all my vital energy and can't get excited about drawing, so I just go play video games instead.
-Jerking off afterwards is out of the question because I don't have the willpower to not jerk off during.
-Jerking off during is a real battle because then my hands get all shaky and sweaty and my lines start to suck, and if I cum too quickly iicannot finish teh drawing.
Should I just keep building stamina? Do JOI or orgasm denial videos help with premature ejac?

>> No.6940455

so far I've just seen AI use to just near infinitely increase the amount porn available.

>> No.6940457

Try walking away and focusing on a non horny activity if the urge to jerk it becomes too much while drawing, that way you'll be able to calm down enough to go back to it without losing the sexual drive that motivates you from a refectory period.

>> No.6940459

This, but unironically.

>> No.6940462
File: 538 KB, 1080x880, sugooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of having a machine do a CREATIVE work for you? It's just not fun.

And i can't draw racist caricatures or shitty on purpose.
>inb4 aitards post the sonic image
No, nigga, stop playing videogames after jerking off, you're only conditioning your brain like that.
One thing i found out, is to
>just draw
honest to god, no meme.

You force yourself to draw, until you get used to it, the the cumming doesn't become a problem anymore, and that is the critical part:
>you condition your brain, thus you create good habits.
I can't tell you how many times i jerk off, and then get to drawing because i have made that an habit

Even if you don't make a finished piece or something, just start drawing.
Use any excuse to draw.
Want to shitpost? Draw.
Want to make fun of anons? Draw.
Want to draw titty? Draw.
Want to coom? Draw the coom.
It's all about where you redirect your energy and creating good habits.

btw, when you jerk off, you should make it an habit to think about drawing and what you are actually looking at.
Use the time you jerk off to porn passive-productively;
>gather references
>pay attention to detail
>figure out what you like the most and then see if it pushes you to draw that
Well, best case scenario, you just quit porn and only jerk off when your balls hurt.
Or when you get """horny""" lift some weights or do some other movement.

>> No.6940463

>also /thread

>> No.6940673
File: 30 KB, 450x623, 1682637986531362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ai can't draw shitty on purpose

>> No.6940731

correct, it doesn't draw and it still looks like some rigid thing trying to make something loose

>> No.6940805
File: 503 KB, 540x500, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic non-artist doesn't get it
lol even

i just came back from a 4 hour jerking off session and drew this

>> No.6941013

I hate the aishills, I want them dead.

>> No.6941021
File: 2.18 MB, 1440x1080, latest(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Steamed Hams
Simpsons predicted the future once again.

>> No.6941374

Ah fuck I now want to fuck her. Thanks Shad.

>> No.6942605
