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6935451 No.6935451 [Reply] [Original]

How did you end up with your actual artist name? What was your process like, if there was one? This is something I'm really struggling with, whatever I go with will stick to me for a while

>> No.6935453

I noticed every name I come up with is food related because I'm a fatass mentally.

>> No.6935454

I didn't chose the name, the name was given to me.

>> No.6935456

You're putting way too much importance on it. I don't give a fuck what your name is if you're bad at art, and I don't care if you're really good at art either.

Just don't call yourself niggercunny1488 and it's not a problem

>> No.6935458



>> No.6935460

I just go by my first name + silly pun

Food names are great because they are easy to remember and sound cute

>> No.6935463

don't waste too much time on this, just pick something that isn't too generic
there's a bunch of asian artists whose handles look like a fucking base64 string

>> No.6935466

>look up birth control brands
>pick one

that’s how

>> No.6935479
File: 2 KB, 196x128, xdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a bunch of asian artists whose handles look like a fucking base64 string
apparently in jp twitter they type their username in kanji and it just spits out some ascii equivalent as the handle
its pretty funny but also a bit annoying trying to remember which artist is which

>> No.6935482

First name + last name

>> No.6935489


>> No.6935494

popular thing you've done/forced meme you created + anon

>> No.6935501
File: 62 KB, 848x480, 1682310509691494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt really have issues picking my artist name, as I didnt think much of it at the time
>The color of love is rainbow according to 2hu, I wonder what the color of karma is...
>If I was a animal I'd probably be a cat, surly, lazy and bitter...
That's how I got it, it was just one of those dumb, borderline cringy usernames you just happened to stick to because people kept using it to address you.

My problem, though, is coming up with a clever artistic name as a graphic designer or professional in the art field, something that truly resonates with me as well makes me different than the others or some shit like that. Im wondering if it's even necessary as a designer for me to have a name so overly complicated other than what I already have.

>> No.6935506

I love those. My own name is a pun of slipping "anon" into the name of the fictional character I'm extremely fixated on because I love doing content for that character to share with anons. But I'm also starting to use it outside of 4chan on occasion, and whatever online persona I will build will use that name.

>> No.6935519
File: 5 KB, 166x200, wojak-chad-face-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my birth name.

>> No.6935522

My name is illyasorgasm

>> No.6935529

whatever came to mind, not kidding, let me give you one right now

my nickname in steam was cum chewer for a while

>> No.6935543
File: 283 KB, 1021x1269, Destiny_-_John_William_Waterhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An artwork you like + the artist who made it. Like
Destiny (artwork) + John William Waterhouse = desthouse.
It works for me.

>> No.6935554

Mine is a self-referential in joke that nobody understands, because I'm deep, my brand is deep

>> No.6935577

Pick some words that sound cool or funny in other languages. Mixing romance and germanic languages usually go well, ex. ciaonacht or PsychoBurrito. Maybe japanese too if you're a weeb, but if the Japs don't see a japanese phone number as your handle, they'll ignore you like the filthy weeb you are.

If you want a unique name, you could try to translate English words to random languages and deform those words till they look all edgy and cool, ex. Krysalle, Voundter, Neklan, Sarzen.

>> No.6935596

Use an relatively obscure pop culture reference like Spacecoyote did.

>> No.6935599

There are a ton of words unused as usernames in other languages but weebs flock to Japanese words.

>> No.6935729

I don't really have a name, people just called me by my old nationstates country since that what I named my discord account after

>> No.6935756

take your pick

>> No.6935766

online friends gave me a nickname from irl name. It became my nametag everywhere and i just stuck with it

>> No.6935793

I just made up a genre of music that sounds like it would exist.

>> No.6935811
File: 350 KB, 1150x480, vlcsnap-2023-10-28-22h33m47s985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sheep and Heart String Marionette

>> No.6936009

I based my name off the phrase "Just a Flu Bro", back when corona was all the rage and I was drawing Corona-chan art.
It was before I stopped really caring about trying to separate the art I did and just merged it all under one name.

>> No.6936496

I just use my real name with a pseudo edgy prefix. Sounds dumb but at least if you google it you will see my work.

>> No.6936575
File: 73 KB, 500x510, 7ezf8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long time ago when I must have been 14 I had epiphany that I might gain internet infamy or get famous for something on that chance I should make some social medias all sharing the same name which at the time was my Minecraft username.

It's a word+Necromancer no "xX" or Apple product "i" because I liked Necromancers as a concept and thought they were cool.

My problem now 10 years later is that sometimes I wonder if I should change the name (if I can on all social medias I made so long ago) or just live with the name as it takes me back to a happier time.

>> No.6936579

honestly a name that dates back to your childhood is sovl and you should keep it.
even if its xXxNecromancerJuggaloKillaxXx_(nosound) or something
it holds power and meaning, more than some frankenstein word salad that people itt suggest

>> No.6937144

Alright then. I guess I'll keep the name and work with it. Maybe turn the name into an OC.

>> No.6937628

Peritian used to call herself blueblur8lover, but changed it. This feels like exactly the sort of thing you're talking about. Blueblue8lover is a little cringey, but also cute because she probably made it when she was 12 and just a kid that liked Sonic. What the hell is a "Peritian?"

>> No.6937675

I think a good name is something that says something about you. If you're for example a 40-year-old virgin, you could pick a name that really evokes that barrenness in your sexual life. Like for example "Desert".
I personally despise those meaningless quirky and wacky hipster names like "Peculiar Banana", "Jocular Squirrel" or whatever. I don't even really like two/three-part names in general (unless it's your real name). Names that are just one word are punchier.

>> No.6937805

I mean the name has association with Sonic and I guess that isn't good for branding.
If we look at >>6936575 anon's case he might be lucky in that his name is not associated with any brand. So he can still rock the name. Also I think the "8" in the name was probably too much.

>> No.6937953

When I was a kid I realized I could make art in MS Paint and post it to deviantart for people to see. I had an idea for a story and wanted to make art for that story, so I named my account after the story name.

The story idea never got off the ground, but the name stuck. Nearly twenty years later and I'm still using it.

>> No.6938616

I have a name I've used on the internet for a long time, but if I ever make it big and people start googling that name they're gonna find old forum posts where I call other people all the possible slurs that are taboo these days (kek) and stuff that will make it clear that it's the same guy.

>> No.6939419


Last name + First name, so you don't get doxxed

>> No.6939499
File: 7 KB, 225x225, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you end up with your actual artist name?

>got emails about a bunch of login attempts for a twitter account I forgot about
>log in and the username is somewhat sought after by bots (@12345q)
>start using it
now to work on the actual artist part

>> No.6939769

that is a valid concern unfortunately.
maybe you can create some variation of it that is hard to recognize.

your old username is imbued with so much power and you'll just throw it away in favor of some randomly generated bullshit indian scammer username like RoseEternity1245

>> No.6939838

2 words in the format "firstSecond" a la homestuck screen names.
First word is an adjective to do with space because I like space
Second word is a noun from my list of interesting words. Whenever I hear an interesting word, I write it down.
An example of a similar name would be "lunarBallast" or "forsakenFlotilla"
You might think it's uninspired or whatever but realistically your name doesn't matter, most artists I like, I remember by their style and not their names. But at the same time, it would suck to choose a name and then realise you have to change it because it's already in use or has some other meaning you didn't know about. This is a simple and effective way to choose a name that you can be confident you won't have to replace.

>> No.6939852

Wrong, you use your parents last name and first name. So they get doxxed instead of you.

>> No.6939853

t. faggot

>> No.6939996
File: 185 KB, 658x501, 1585544808500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>there's a bunch of asian artists whose handles look like a fucking base64 string

I came here intending to type an angry post about how a retarded "how to name" thread could still be alive and hit 40+ replies, but then your comment reminded me of all those Chinese artists buried in my mind who produce absolute voodoo magic when painting. I can't let them get ahead any further and will recommence the grind now.

>> No.6940021

Played alot of tf2 back in the day, one day I traded for an all class hat because I didnt want a new hat every class, on the hat I bought, was gonna erase it but never did, overtime I started to get attached to the name and took it on for myself
now that name is mine and I'll have it till I die.

>> No.6940036

I was reading a comic and a certain word in the dialogue just suddenly struck me like lightning and made me say "That's it!"

>> No.6940038

any name will stick if you have the skill to back it up

>> No.6940218

Kek, I kneel

>> No.6940493 [DELETED] 

Thanks for reminding me that I have to purge my old Roblox accounts.
I used to be a bit of an SJW before it was a thing before it was a thing and would favourite offensive Roblox places/shirts/pants.
>nazi Roblox clothes/places
>fav if you hate LGBT to mass report it
And worse.
If people find out they're going to make the wrong assumption without the proper context.

>> No.6940510

Thanks for reminding me that I have to purge my old Roblox accounts.
I used to be a bit of an SJW before it was a thing and would favourite offensive Roblox places/shirts/pants.
>nazi Roblox clothes/places
>fav if you hate LGBT to mass report it
And worse.
If people find out they're going to make the wrong assumption without the proper context.
Not all of them share my currently most used username, but the ability to trace them is there somehow.

The art community especially on Twitter can be real witchhunters so you can never be too careful. I'm not sure where this behaviour comes from or if it was just an inevitability of social media.

>> No.6940519
File: 3 KB, 288x288, 1000003354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at scientific names for dumb reptiles/birds/foxes/etc.
>Pick one
>Maybe make it more digestible or add something dumb but easy to remember to it

>Eukaryote (fox)
>Vulpe (fox)
>Bubulcus (bird)
>Spheniscus (bird)

>> No.6940522

You don't want to get stuck with something shitty though do you.

I want to pick something short but I'm really indecisive and kind of just want someone else to do it for me so I don't have to think about it anymore.