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6935375 No.6935375 [Reply] [Original]

>Give up on my dream of an art career and take the STEMpill and do art "on the side"
>Work so much I have little time to actually study my art and have stagnated/regressed
It never began

>> No.6935378

>It was never your dream to begin with

>> No.6935382
File: 407 KB, 498x359, pepe-dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one down, fellow crabs!

>> No.6935447
File: 79 KB, 700x521, tombombadil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a free redpill, anon. Unless it's one of those places where some hipster cunt thinks he's doing Agile and gives you clear objectives and tight deadlines, you only have to do about a third of what you think you do to stay employed. Just look at all those women who take 3 months off without causing the company to go bankrupt, if they can work 25% less with no noticeable effects so can you.

Those emails vaguely asking you to do something in the future or start considering things ? don't read them, if it was actually important they'd call.
half the meetings, typically the ones where the invite was forwarded or in hidden copy and where you just know you'll just be there because your boss is afraid of going alone ? Skip.
Friday afternoon ? leave at 4:30.
Lunch meetings with customers ? Free wine, drink two bottles and take a nap. If the customer is foreign, drink three and blame his barbarian ways.

Bathroom breaks ? 20 minutes, 30 if you actually have to take a shit.
Company is understaffed ? work LESS, both because fuck'em and to convince them to hire some guy you'll then have seniority over so you can offload him the boring shit you don't want to do.

>> No.6935537
File: 51 KB, 382x487, 51432645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't gotten the ropes of life yet and don't know how to balance time between work and yourself. If you come home late everyday, plus you feel like work is literally taking your life, you are working at 100% all the time. That will drain you like a motherfucker as you have already noticed. Get things done in your own pace. See >>6935447
I do cad engineering and work at about 60 70%, meaning I sit back with coffee every hour or so for a couple minutes to return to reality, chat and enjoy a moment for myself. Evenings or weekends are spent drawing whatever. Granted I don't improve as fast as full time artists and my skill ceiling won't be that of AAA pros, but I'm content with what I get done.

Of course if your actual goal was to become a blizzard concept artist while also being a stemfag, you should have had more realistic expectations, nigga.

>> No.6935541

>Of course if your actual goal was to become a blizzard concept artist while also being a stemfag, you should have had more realistic expectations, nigga.
Then how do people become concept artists without getting a job to sustain themselves while they draw? How do pros become pros?

>> No.6935548

If art is what matters to you, it's okay to work as a part time janitor and live in a van. Blow a dick every now and again if you want some expensive equipment or a tablet or whatever, but "locked into a career path unrelated to drawing" seems like the biggest mistake an artist can make. The deceit is the idea that a good career will net you money, and that money will give you free time. In reality you'll just net a lot of disposable money at the expense of all your free time. Downscale. Live like a hobo. Most of the western world's conveniences and comforts are part of a bloated and unnecessary web of consumerism anyway, cut out the fat.

>> No.6935556

This is why you see so many ESL SA/CA/SEA artists on the internet who churn out completed pieces every day/every other day. They can make a living just by selling cheap commissions to US and EU citizens (this is why you also see so many broken English AIfags seething about artists selling commissions, because in their country it's the easy way out of doing hard work, while in developed countries the going commission rates on the internet are around minimum wage, if that)

>> No.6935735

I'll go live like a king with my $30 sketch commissions and will rejoice in your suffering, faggot.