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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6934358 No.6934358 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like they're getting filtered? I've reached the age. I can see the generation gap happening. I've been here too long.

I want to leave and find somewhere else to lurk. A place people just share art.

Windows S-mode stopping me from downloading free paint softwares, computer hacking, ai spam threads, oppressive mods, crazy magic le artists

What ever happened the true illustration/conceptual art community?

I want to graduate from /ic/ and move to another city.

Also Lains dad was right. The internet is not real. And never should these places be considered true.

>> No.6934390

>Anyone else feel like they're getting filtered? I've reached the age. I can see the generation gap happening. I've been here too long.
Just get to work and stop finding excuses.

>> No.6934423

>Anyone else feel like they're getting filtered?

In a concept, yes.

>> No.6934430

/ic/ is the closest thing to a generalized art community we've had since conceptart.org died. The people who could make a new one aren't stepping up, they're too busy making funny videos on youtube. Capitalism. Down with this sort of thing.

>> No.6934431
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>Anyone else feel like they're getting filtered? I've reached the age. I can see the generation gap happening. I've been here too long.

If boomers can, you can.

>> No.6934463

>generation gap
sounds like you're just a fucking retard, and literally everything you said after that only proves that you're a stupid fuck

just give up

>> No.6934466

Don't speak to my friend that way.

>> No.6934477

Wow, go Pam

>> No.6934485

I actually don't like people and an anonymous image board is the best thing since sliced bread.
You can talk about shit without flying over egg shells, although it has been becoming quite difficult due to the average internet user being a turbo normie on steroids that they only want to circlejerk and consume only the opinions they want to hear to feel validated about what they consume.

With profiles, people want social status and they will pull all the shit to get it and I am the type of person that wants to ignore that shit and not be involved with it because the only cure for dishonest people, is physical violence or becoming a fake fucker like everyone else, which doesn't sit well with me.
And people have been also increasingly becoming more unhinged and mentally ill, so having a profile and doing anything remotely "wrong" will make you a target.

My point is, no matter where you'll be, it will all be the same shit.
Too much risk and no reward.

>> No.6934594

There's no filter anymore. 4chan has bcome the designated edgy website for autists with alternative political beliefs. You used to have to be somewhat proficient with computer and far down the rabbit hole to come here so despite the inevitable schizos, you can expect some degree of maturity from the users. Nowadays kids starting using the internet would choose between social platforms like burgers at a fast food restaurant, 4chan included. Shilling corpos for that reason frequent this place, despite some anon's insistence that 4chan isn't mainstream. It's no more a place to flee from internet and real life identity and express yourself truly or just have fun, you have to share a board with the lowlife who exploit the anonymity to troll, bait, shill, and they make up the majority of the boards instead of a loud minority.

That's why anonymous forums suck nowadays. Better to find your niche and make friends in the traditional way.

>> No.6934611


Neurotic govies too.

>> No.6934670

>better to find your niche and make friends in the traditional way
It's like the internet is eating itself and forcing people to go back to basics. I'm hoping for an alternative net entirely so we can relive the pre-gentrification days. The filter was the fact that barely anybody was on it so the people you did encounter fucking resonated.

>> No.6934675

Retards dont know how to give up. I'm sorry I am retard.

>> No.6934677
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Anon, every site sucks because everyone is about shilling, baiting and trolling now, not just on here.
I lost count of how many times i have read the same exact responses and posts on different sites, it almost feels like i'm becoming legitimately schizophrenic.
And everyone uses the same canned responses and made up accusations for anything.
If it's not that, they're trying to shill their shit.

Niches are full of autistic people you don't want to get noticed by and those who give the impression of being social, ain't doing it out of decency, but mostly to either shill shit or farm clout.

How i see it; socialization is over. Easy phone access and the premise of fame+money through the internet no matter how talentless you are, has invited all the parasites to infest every single corner of the web and honest people don't go mingling with anyone, and you'll have a higher chance of winning the lottery without buying a ticket than finding a genuine sane person.

The only way is to seriously go outside and socialize, but no one goes outside to socialize anymore except the people you don't want to socialize with.

Man, imma fucking kill myself.

>> No.6934696 [DELETED] 

I can't sketch in public with out being suspected of spying. A simple day spent drawing. Ruined by scientists.

>> No.6935381

>Windows S-mode stopping me
You must be over the age of 18 to post here.

>> No.6935495
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My home board is still somewhat usable, luckily. It even has its traditional secret santa going on, its threads hitting bump limit. Just the other day I posted a rather similar rant as the thread was about to be archived, showing my gratitude for having this event that is still mostly genuine whereas the internet as a whole has become what you've aptly described here. Aside from piracy, it's no longer good for much because everything has turned into this non-stop screeching and bloat that completely swamps whatever info, files or discussion you were looking for. You can't even swiftly look up nature photography as reference anymore without needing to filter a bunch of AI uploads. I used to love the internet, but it has been flooded with too many people, bots and commercialization; it's dead.

I'm legitimately starting to collect contacts (email addresses or, God forbid, Discord usernames) of my fellow anons I meet at conventions or in secret santas just so I'm not completely cut off when the plug is pulled on this shithole. One of them will know where to find more anons and a new home outside of normiesphere. I hope you can build such an emergency contact book, too. Mine is very small, but it's a lifeline nonetheless.