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File: 220 KB, 1191x729, 1673965889680014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6932554 No.6932554 [Reply] [Original]

Is cutesexyrobutts proof that it's never too late to git gud?

>> No.6932564

deja vu

>> No.6932569
File: 584 KB, 720x960, 1694909020295191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right he started at the same age as van gogh hahahaha the more i read this the more I believe the anon here who says he's a chinese sweatshop of two captive artists

>> No.6932570

yet there are no video links, riiiiigght

>> No.6932572

He's proof you and 1 million others will slurp up any shitty slop if the algorithm endorses it

>> No.6932575


>> No.6932578
File: 15 KB, 257x196, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932583

every late bloomer says he'd doodle in his teens, that's the first modern one i see that picked up as an adult without previous exp

>> No.6932587

Why do posters here treat cutesexyrobutts like some kind of old master? What actually is it that inspires you about this guy? I combed through his gallery and didn't even get a half chub, all the messy lines, weird anatomy and half baked rendering did nothing for me?

>> No.6932591


>> No.6932597

big number good
that's the reason
+ porn addiction

>> No.6932603

yo wtf csr likes videogames and fantasy and big strong women and also draw the anime videogame waifu doing sexy stuff wtf man he has 2 gorillions subscribellowers wtf also the rendering looks soo good because it just looks like a real picture as if the sexy booba was real

>> No.6932611
File: 512 KB, 512x768, 350883844550654012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932617

Ai sloppa

>> No.6932630

Yet ai slop is actually making bank on patreon well only coom shit. The reason for success or the ease of success come all down to coom. If you aren’t drawing or producing it, you’re just fucking yourself over. Extremely low effort shit that brings in likes and money

>> No.6932637
File: 156 KB, 960x960, 1612353450299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we have this thread allready?

>> No.6932639

Nice argument, too bad i am over 18 or i would be really convinced to pursue something i didn't want to for the sake of attaining status and money.

I just want to be happy and do what i want, is it too much to ask for to gtfo my board if you don't draw and have nothing but followers and money in mind?

>> No.6932647

>I just want to be happy and do what i want, is it too much to ask for to gtfo my board if you don't draw
Don’t post your art anywhere then, retard. Doing so just shows you want validation and attention.

>> No.6932657

some commers have taste, furries are pushing back against anything they suspect is ai gen. Even artists who hate ai and have never used it have been accused.
The lucrative coomers can spot it from a mile away. But there is a market for obvious ai coom too.

>> No.6932668
File: 356 KB, 960x920, mecagrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, posting my art is my way to torture people i love, and i fucking love everyone.

>> No.6932677

"they" always say "i just did this and tada" but never share what "this" is

>> No.6932682

Most coom artists don't do it because of status and money, they do it because they're incels and their libidinal drives have taken control of the wheel. Drawing NSFW is the only way to cope with a complete lack of sex and meaningful relationships in life. The status and money is a cool perk, but it does nothing to truly alleviate their suffering and pain which is why they're still miserable jackasses even after they get to 10k a month on patreon. All they do is pass their mind virus on to the next generation. They become money oriented because in the end, that's all they have to value about themselves. They lash out at others who don't draw coom and call them idiots for not monetizing everything because they know no other way of being and can't imagine being inspired by anything in life. Because they have no dignity, they can't even conceive of an artist that isn't willing to debase themselves so they just call them idiots for choosing not to reduce themselves to whores.

>> No.6932687

hmmm if only there was a bucket for that specific concept you're referencing hmmmm

>> No.6932688

Not surprised a retard like you is a hypocrite. You bitch about drawing for status, attention, and money yet you can’t help posting your art to “spite”.

>> No.6932696


>> No.6932707
File: 17 KB, 200x413, keik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypocrite? Because i don't follow exactly those rules you schizophrenically and irrationally want others to abide by and call anyone an heretic if they question you?
>hurr durr if u post work ur attention whore hehe gottem
Don't lump me in with your ilk, scouring the internet for (you)s through any dishonest means, not caring what you'll do and say as long as you get them.

My dick is infinitely bigger and my cum is pure, untainted from frivolous desires.
I do not seek (you)s, nor likes, nor money, status or recognition; i just am and no personality havin', underage niggas can't cope with someone existing outside of their worldly desires.

>> No.6932719

>i-it’s not the same
No matter the mental gymnastics you pull. You are starving for attention and your coping won’t change that. Now fuck off you retarded zoomer.

>> No.6932735

hes not good. hes a coomer artist, but its not good art and will not be remembered and no one normal wants it.

>> No.6932738

>"you're starving for attention"
said by the same guy who pulled likes and money out of nowhere and goes around playing middle school social games on an anonymous board and replies to anything with
>uuuhm ur hypocrite coping u think ur better than me? no ur a poopyhead ur seething
Did your father still not come back from buying milk that you need to farm confidence on the internet?

>> No.6932756

hmmm yeah I'm like Leonardo da Vinci, basically

>they're incels and their libidinal drives have taken control of the wheel
yeah cause normies don't care about sex at all. Come on now

>> No.6932758

>"you're starving for attention
said by the same guy who pulled likes and money out of nowhere “
Do you even remember on what you wrote? You’re the dumbfuck that bitches about drawing for attention of any sort, yet you can’t help but post it out of “spite”. Your autistic rambling doesn’t help either.

>> No.6932774
File: 153 KB, 851x748, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat out lying
>"waaah ur austic and your whining"
>is autistically whining
>actually illiterate
Anon, if you don't draw and only care about likes and money, what are you even doing in art spaces? It was merely a suggestion for you to gtfo the board since you do not belong, and given your behavior, it does indeed make you miserable since maybe you're driven by nothing but your porn addiction and shallow desires to make up for the lack of self-worth.

Doing what you're doing right now, will not magically make your pathetic existence better, it only offers entertainment to incorporeal, egoless clowns like me.

>> No.6932786

Pray tell, which AI site is the one that get this kind of style? I've been looking for it for a long time now kek.

>> No.6932791

>still with the autistic bitching
Another case of brainrot from shitters like you, fucking zoomers need to get the fuck out of here. Your kind are shitting up this board even further.

>> No.6932797

>lee zoom zooms
>le many words = autistic
>wow like so brainrot ur ruining the board u poopyhead
My dick is still bigger and my cum pure.
Or, if i might borrow your dictionary to make you understand;
cope and seethe

>> No.6932805

Said nothing about normies. It's the NSFW artists that are incels. Normies come and go in between bouts of horniness and loneliness, the incel with an artistic temperament makes it their life because the alternative is to be lonely, horny and broke.

>> No.6932874

Other, more talented people have picked up his style and executed it more skillfully than him. In that regard I'm glad he was around to influence other artists.

>> No.6932916


>> No.6932948


>> No.6932983

Buy an ad, CSR.

>> No.6933045


>> No.6933060

This guy is basically a modern Leonardo da Vinci, if he watched cartoons instead of learning anything.

>> No.6933311

As an american I can post whatever the fuck I want for free because I can, pajeet scum. Only your shitjole mindset could be so shitpoisoned the only value in the existence of things has to do with money in mind

No, posting art doesn't mean having a ego. Just like holding a door out for a stranger, I don't do things for money, I do things to make others feel better because I'm a human being unlike your poo ass.

>> No.6933433

Vinci will never a trannime troon faggot

>> No.6934452

He was a Reinassance cis faggot.

>> No.6934641
File: 469 KB, 1139x1079, imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so imitate classical painters + draw animu and youll get a gorillion trillion followers
honestly kinda based desu
the painting really sets him apart from his peers. his artstyle feels like an elevation of regular moe coomershit. goonable for sure.

>> No.6934833

Doesn't look that good, definitely doesn't deserve that many followers.