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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 600x800, 25 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6932175 No.6932175 [Reply] [Original]

I give up drawing
I realized I hate drawing and only like the endgoal of a finished drawing
hobbies that depend on what other people think of your work are shit anyway

>> No.6932188 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 728x1036, Oyasumi Punpun - Vol.9 Chapter 91 - 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932203
File: 79 KB, 500x501, 317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hobbies that depend on what other people think of your work are shit anyway"
>He finds unthinkable that hobbies prone to external input cannot be pursued for the enjoyment of it.
No wonder why you failed.
3/10 for making me reply. OP has proven to be a faggot once more.

>> No.6932232
File: 97 KB, 728x1093, Oyasumi Punpun - Vol.1 Chapter 3 - 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932260

Redpill me on this series

>> No.6932341

What if i dont care about what others think but i still struggle to enjoy drawing.
The process is pleasant but my low skill level pisses me off to no end.

>> No.6932352

If you struggle with mental health or come from a broken home I think you can get something out of it. The melodrama can be a bit over the top sometimes though. Reminds me of Bojack Horseman mixed with the movie The Butterfly Effect, minus the time travel

>> No.6932448

Meant for this anon

>> No.6932545

>hobbies that depend on what other people think
Oh no not the frightening, ego negating opinions of others oh no

>> No.6932566
File: 94 KB, 1365x768, Trulli Tales _ Meet Ring, Sun, Zip and Stella! _ Disney Junior Arabia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only confirming he is right.

>> No.6932571

It's okay to quit. Walk away. If you're destined to come back to it, you will. If not, you won't. You don't need a bunch of niggers on /ic/ to tell you you're right or wrong, live your life.

>> No.6932685

I hope I will one day discover whether or not I enjoy drawing, but I suspect I will never even manage that. I have to understand the process before I can tell what I think of the process, and I haven't really made any progress towards that.

>> No.6935261

>dude just draw for yourself XXD
>"ok here's a personal pic involving no nsfw, fanart or meme-of-the-moment piece"
>3 views, 1 like
yes amazing so good i love drawing for myself

>> No.6935263

Stop drawing and then kill yourself l.
Problem solved

>> No.6935265

Three human beings walked into your bedroom and looked at your canvas. One patted your back before leaving the room. That's an impressive feat.

>> No.6935269

the very fact you're posting anything online for others to see means you want the attention from others, not to express yourself through art.

ok i killed myself now what

>> No.6935275

>the very fact you're posting anything online for others to see means you want the attention from others, not to express yourself through art.
I never disputed that. I did say that getting 3 people to look at your art one out of 3 patting your shoulder is impressive. If it's 20 people in a room and 5 people patted your back that's even better.

You ever see a streamer have 30,000 viewers? That's half a football stadium. Your art getting 30k impressions is the same thing. Even if it's just 1 person...do you have someone standing behind you right now IRL?

>> No.6935278

you're too humble for me, anon. or maybe I am too jaded to think like that. I hope you never turn like me.

I just hate the "dude just draw for yourself bro" argument ; it's bullshit and everybody knows it. people don't want you to draw for yourself, they want you to draw what they want, and it's immensely depressing. I want to ironically express myself, not draw coom and fanarts.

>> No.6935283

>I just hate the "dude just draw for yourself bro" argument ; it's bullshit and everybody knows it. people don't want you to draw for yourself, they want you to draw what they want, and it's immensely depressing. I want to ironically express myself, not draw coom and fanarts.
and by "ironically express myself", I actually mean "I ACTUALLY want to "just draw for myself" but it's actually committing social suicide (it's "ironic" that following that advice everybody give is a death sentence for popularity).

>> No.6935284

>I just hate the "dude just draw for yourself bro" argument

Me neither but you need to "draw for yourself" because you should be focusing on improvement first and you kind of need to be alone or not caring about popping off if your shit doesn't look as good as the popular artists. There shouldn't be an "I'm not ready yet" stage when you should start posting but you should not expect the numbers to start rolling in. So just post because you should.

>> No.6935312

It's fucking garbage don't bother. But If you love misery porn it's the greatest thing since sliced bread

>> No.6935328

That's actually cool, I think art should be a more niche hobby anyways, you don't have to draw. It needs to be left to people with the passion to do it anyways.
What's the point of doing something you don't have passion for? I hope more people have your mindset for art in the future (maybe without telling us, though)

>> No.6935337


>> No.6935339

>I give up drawing
Why tho?
>I realized I hate drawing and only like the endgoal of a finished drawing
Same here but it's either I learn to draw or I hire an artist to draw my webtoon, anime and game for me and I'm too broke for that.
>Learn to use AI then
Go fuck yourself pajeet I like to have copyright and total control over my stuff.

>> No.6935374
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes beyond me how people are this dense when it comes to "drawing for yourself"

Let me explain it to you like you're five:
>If you draw because you find drawing enjoyable (ie. the activity of drawing makes you feel happy or feel like you are enjoying yourself while indulging in it), you are drawing for yourself
>if you draw because you enjoy the attention that drawing gives to you (ie. you enjoy watching the numbers increase and receive positive feedback), yet you are indifferent or bothered by the act of drawing, then you are not drawing for yourself
>if you prioritize enjoying drawing over showing your art, you are still drawing for yourself because you prioritize having fun while drawing
>if you prioritize showing your art over enjoying drawing, you are not drawing for yourself because you prioritize receiving attention through drawing

Is this clear to you or should I get the crayons?

>> No.6935448

Drawing for yourself means finding joy in the creation process, not in how others react to it. This generation truly is fucked.

You seem to put too much attention on what others think about your art. You may not be able to see it, but there is worth and beauty in creating something purely because you want to. Believe it or not, but personally I get the most fulfillment out of works I personally deem good. That's all I need. I would rather create something I am truly proud of that gets your mentioned three views, than something seen by three hundred thousand people.

There is no joy to be found in the game of numbers, anon. The goalpost just moves as you get more engagement and your expectations grow with it. If you want to become a sustainable artist you need to cut loose and become your own motivator. Create for yourself first and be the driving force behind your artistic improvement, expression and your personal happiness

>> No.6935470

Art is in fact objective. I know my art is unskilled and bad

>> No.6935505

Nothing but the laws of physics themselves are objective, don't kid yourself. If you feel that your art is bad, why don't you pick up a pen instead of lamenting your lack of skill on this Argentinian Coalmining Forum?

>> No.6935578

>Drawing for yourself means finding joy in the creation process, not in how others react to it. This generation truly is fucked.

It's okay (and natural) to want both. Things in life are seldom black and white, motives are almost never 'pure,' we're dualistic beings, as much collectively social and driven by dependency as we are individualistic and inspired to chase after independence. It's when there's an unconscious imbalance in the underlying motives that things start to fall apart. I.E, a kid starts out passionate about drawing because they love the process, the way it feels, the recognition of the present moment during the act, the undomesticated self-expression. They share their art "because why not." They achieve some small measure of success on social media then self-destruct because the externalities ruin the internalities. The process gets polluted by the need to chase after numbers and validation. They no longer post work because they can, but because they now think they "should." Peer pressure changes their relationship to their own work, further spoiling their enjoyment. Being surrounded by the so-called "best of the best" causes them to form absurd ideas about "objectivity by social consensus" and they start doubting and hating themselves for their own subject matter (if it's the kind that doesn't get mass appeal.) They kill parts of themselves until there's nothing authentic left, then wonder why they feel so miserable.

I think all artists should practice regularly stepping away from the social world and just make things for themselves from time to time in a vacuum completely without expectation. So much self hate and despair can be overcome if you just stay connected to the awe and fascination that brought you to art in the first place.