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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, my-adventures-with-superman-647f11da9ef09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6926795 No.6926795 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the Studio Mir art style and shows that follow similar design trends like Invincible?

>> No.6926814

Why don’t you ever bring up shows like Blue Samurai or Scavengers Reign or Scott Pilgrim in your dumb /co/ threads? It’s the same thing over and over.

>> No.6926837

What about them?

>> No.6926841

their art styles, nimrod.

>> No.6926846

Blue Samurai and Scavengers Reign came out less than a month ago, and there's a thread about Scott Pilgrim in the catalog already retard.

>> No.6926849

>why don't you bring up shows no one's ever heard of???

>> No.6926853

>lets talk about Supergay that finished airing months ago for the gazillioth time because /co/ ignores my east vs west threads and /a/ drills a new asshole between my legs for even daring to talk about the East

Not buying it.

>> No.6926867

>/a/ drills a new asshole between my legs
That's a peculiar image
/ic/ is truly creatively minded

>> No.6926881

it makes people who still think "comic book" style is any good seeth

>> No.6926913

I haven't seen any of their shows and I don't want to. Superman looks like when teenage girls draw historical figures in anime style. I don't mind when men are drawn like that in moeslop because the staff is trained to draw cute girls, but this is a SUPERMAN SHOW. He should look masculine.

>> No.6926933

>Superman looks like when teenage girls draw historical figures in anime style.
what teenage girl draws that well? wife her down

>> No.6926968

it's an upgrade from the usual westoid calarts degen fat face tumblr look

is it really new? I mean shows like korra voltron etc existed way before invincible/superman etc plus all those dc animated movies

still pretty gay though but eh I can respect it

>> No.6927092

It can be appealing, but usually there's something lacking that makes it not so. The image you posted just feels bland, neither good nor bad, and in a way that's worse than being bad.
It's obvious they're trying to be like anime... but not anime, and it just feels like it has the negatives of that style, but none of the charm.

>> No.6927124

I was going to say the very same thing. It falls into an "uncanny valley" of sorts where it's clearly trying to be something but not committing all the way; a very surface-level reinterpretation of the anime style. I absolutely hate art like that.

>> No.6927127

Something about Korean anime seems "off". I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the line weight, attention to detail, or what, but I can always tell when an animation was made by gooks by the end result of the product. Granted, these Korean studios are simply following off a storyboard script to meet their deadlines, but the animation seems "off" compared to something done by a Japanese studio. Perhaps some anon with more knowledge art/production experience can fill in.

>> No.6928505

i can explain this feeling/ phenomenon.
"waaaaah new style bad old ones good waaaaah i dont like change googoo gaga"

>> No.6928524

Change is only welcome when it makes things better. Leftoids have proven that change for the sake of change is just cancer.

>> No.6928602

Korean culture right now is so much better than Japanese, just cope.

>> No.6928603

Generic /pol/ discord alt-rightoid AI bot programmed to only talk about le left even in seemingly unrelated discussions will internally disintegrate and explode if he does not mention le left for five seconds, "Hello Anon what sandwich can I make for you today?" "Fucking Biden's America has ruined the traditional family", that's RENT FREE if I've ever seen it.

>> No.6928727
File: 70 KB, 1100x618, 1689685398002379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the direction it's going in with Voltron but I feel like the superman style is going backwards and cringe. The Voltron style was actually starting to look somewhat unique. If there's anything to dislike about anime it's boring character proportions.

>> No.6928754

There are dozens of anime this season alone that are more distinct than this bland soup.

>> No.6928798
File: 1.20 MB, 2548x1875, FhLS0FnX0AEBB2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If there's anything to dislike about anime it's boring character proportions.
Such a shame there isn't a direct modern equivalent/evolution to those kind of heavily stylized and angular shape-based art styles from the late 90s/early 2000s mangakas like Hiroyuki Takei and Kazuki Takahashi used to have.

>> No.6928802
File: 204 KB, 613x960, FXlD86bWAAI6-r0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6928804

Korra's art sucked donkey balls.

>> No.6928805

It's like the worst parts of anime combined with the worst parts of western animation and with a good sprinkling of gay.

>> No.6928808
File: 567 KB, 985x902, 1699623507829006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6928810
File: 2.58 MB, 2818x1582, super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perspective is bad, the cameras panning is bad, the cast shadows are bad, again the overall perspective and eye level is non existent, every shot looks like it was designed as a sitcom 3 camera 10 feet away. The artists are probably capable of better but the production and direction decisions are just plain bad in terms of quality. I guess it's fine as low budget tweenager entertainment meant to fill a time slot

>> No.6928883

this is not /co or /a retard post your work or fuck off with your muh opinionz tourist shit..

>> No.6928889
File: 169 KB, 2048x2048, totr64m90ie51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look so weird? Is it the lack of detailing? Compare to ATLA

>> No.6928897

ATLA wasn't studio Mir.

>> No.6928901

Unfair comparison. It's the only good western animated series. Almost good enough to be compared with the best anime series. The rest of western animation is shit.

>> No.6928907
File: 936 KB, 2018x1064, spec1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to the spectacular spiderman myself, but I guess the style is simpler? This still looks better to me

>> No.6928911

Damn, the studio that animated this also did the Boondocks, then they were taken over. What a shame

>> No.6928927
File: 49 KB, 850x561, The-camera-setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only posted facts, bitch

>> No.6928938
File: 3.85 MB, 400x231, cac1aad9e43767aa3babe751bd53faf8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studio Mir's work on Legend of Korra looks FAAAAR better than ATLA did at its best. You're comparing a show that simply has a different art style

You can argue the latter is the superior show, but in terms of art and animation, Korra was visually gorgeous for a show. Mir can do really good work

>> No.6928970

you're a no draw crab, go back to your reddit bucket, only a loser would take pride in trivia. you clown.

>> No.6928999

>lashing out with pure ad hominem
Don't see why you're taking it so personally. Must be from /co/

>> No.6929519

>well I think it looks bad
normies don't care what you think, dude. It ran for 8 seasons.

>> No.6929532

I don't know shit about art but i know for sure that Invincible actually looks good.
The superman show is just slop de la slop. Fights have no detail or weight to them. Its just a spasm of flashes and whirls.
In Invincible every hit has a meaning and consequence to it.
It also is just a better looking show overall

>> No.6929543

Is a very shit

>> No.6929630

Modern Japanese Anime also looks off to me, I watched Pluto, if you told me that was some DC Animated show I'd buy it.
I've seen people that have visited both countries. They generally seem to have a better impression of Korea. There was this couple, Japanese husband/Mexican wife, the husband had the option to stay working in Japan or to move to Korea and decided to move to Korea, both decided they enjoyed living in Korea more than in Japan.

>> No.6929669

Netflix anime that tries too hard to appeal to the west always looks off.

>> No.6929711

>I don't know shit about art
It's okay, you're on /ic/. Nobody else does either!

>> No.6929782
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1677525938284449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Netflix Anime
Yeah, might be that. In general I don't like how most recent anime looks though, I tried watching JJK and Chainsaw Man and they just don't look right. Movement look rotoscoped, colors look washed and backgrounds look like models run through filters, maybe it's modern production, maybe Japanese tastes have change and they just don't match my personal taste anymore, maybe I'm growing old, anyhow... how's your sexlife?

>> No.6929832

>good western animated series
>good animated
kek. it looks like shit with plenty of missing and awkward placements of in-betweens

>> No.6929843

ah, so you're trolling and badly, i might add

Also Studio Mir is a korean studio, but go on, i'm interested in here what new excuse you pivot to for why they're actually shitty despite not being western like you incorrectly assumed

>> No.6929846

they're koreans.

>> No.6929857


>> No.6932087

What about Batman TAS?

>> No.6932114

Speaking of Korean animation in general. The design is fine, but the animation component - the acting, the timing, the smears and deformations - are quite lacking in Korean animation. They don't really have a personality to them, or something one can look at and say "that is Korean flavor" besides their robotic adroitness.
They need more time, they need a stronger domestic market, they need visionaries with the will and the fortitude to push beyond their outsource roots.

>> No.6932123

You can feel the vector line tool

>> No.6932227

No matter how hard non-japs try to larp as anime, no-one except japs can do anime. Same goes in reverse. No matter how hard japs try to make anything except anime they just always make anime. Movies, or video games, it's always just anime. It's about the vibes more than a specific way your draw the eyes and this is what no on except japs can recreate. The vibes.

>> No.6932620


>> No.6932752

A lot of people completely miss the point of pseudo-anime. It's not about recreation, it's about taking the good parts of the style and making it palatable for a western audience by removing the cringey parts like, loli, harems, and sexualization of minors.

>> No.6932759

>And by removing all traces of humanity and softening expressions of difficult themes, toning down originality of expression so that it can achieve as wide a reach as possible and touch only the most superficial level.

>> No.6932761

call it whatever you want, I guess. It's not anime and it isn't trying to be

>> No.6932763

I like how Invincible looks, but I don’t like this. They’re about the same in terms of animation quality too, the animation for Invincible is pretty janky at times. Why is Superman so ugly?

>> No.6932877

kill yourself normalfaggot retard

>> No.6932933

haha you are like a little baby. gonna cry little man?

>> No.6932964

dont make me angry
you won't like me when im angry