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6910681 No.6910681 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard for artists to grow on twitter?

>> No.6910686
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1575845827026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a random follower out of bumfuck nowhere and the first thing that came from their profile was a pinned tweet of a half flaccid penis. What the fuck.

>> No.6910693

He sounds based follow him back

>> No.6910698
File: 271 KB, 695x617, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is apparently a she and I don't fucking know how the fuck this bitch even found me, I don't even post anything on twatter anymore. Profile full of dicks, I hate social media so goddamn much.

>> No.6910702

Wow, having around 35k followers must fucking suck. Glad I only have 300.

>> No.6910704

I wouldn't follow someone who complains about followers either

>> No.6910707

twitter DAU has dropped like 40%

>> No.6910721

Algorithm is based solely on luck, skill has little to do with it

>> No.6910726

Probably a pornbot

>> No.6910736


>> No.6910784

>35k followers when most artists will never reach a fraction of that
>Has the gall to complain about stalling for a couple of days
>Says he hates Elon (granted, understandable)
>Pays him 8 bucks a month anyways
>And to top it all off, he's the typical animaye pin up artist
What causes this?

>> No.6910785

Inflated ego.

>> No.6910787


>> No.6910798
File: 3.74 MB, 498x480, 1567172767274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it so hard for artists to grow on twitter?

I know this is a retarded bait thread but

>Access to a tablet and art program and piracy is something everyone has access to, even those smellies in south america
>Since everyone's drawing you now have to compete with one another for attention which usually amounts to everyone drawing the same 5 characters over and over
>The sites that promise a good following weren't built for artists or NSFW artists for that matter, so whenever the retards running the show need to appease the even more retarded Shareholders artists will always be on the chopping block intentionally or unintentionally and usually indirectly
>No one knows how the algorithm works and despite insistence on skill you're usually playing with luck almost exclusively
>Pokemon releases always means an influx of pokemon fanart drenched over pre-made models which means for a good week you're gonna be crowded and buried under the newest female gym leader that's not even hot
>For every big artist there's a thousand smaller artists trying to get his attention and whoever they decide to spare some tablescraps to, its not you
>The japs and those pretending to be japs mogging the shit out of everyone else
>You probably wanna be known for being the artist that does "that" but there's probably already 5 other dudes gunning for that position and a Big Artist took that position and kept it 6 years ago
>You're likely competing with Clones of Big artists who have their betters stamp of approval
>Bunch of other shit

But if it worked out for them there's a 45% chance it'll work out for you so why not take the chance anyway, you're not doing anything special anyhow
The game is simple yet hard, we all know how to play it but sometimes the rules and mechanics don't wanna work

>> No.6910800

Honestly those aren't bad odds. I'd take the gamble

>> No.6910935


>> No.6910989

How do they have a fraction of a follower?

>> No.6910992

It's 35k but the comma is showing up as a decimal on his end, may be an international thing

>> No.6910993

It's not a fraction, it's 35k.

>> No.6910995

In Europe they use comma for fractions.

>> No.6911008

The twitter algorithm is completely broken
I follow politics and artists on twitter and can't get a feed where it shows me new users of those two categories.
If I follow an artist I suddenly get feed about football, tv and video games. If I start telling twitter I'm not interested in that genre I start to only see politics and can't see any artist at all. If I do see them it's only from the ones I'm following.

>> No.6911017

And in terms of engagement for an artist it can get really lopsided. I've seen skilled artist get 1k+ likes on some posts and fail to hit 100 on others. It's really fucking weird
The entire game really runs on retweets. You'll notice the big 100k accounts all retweet each other despite them having enough followers that it shouldn't be an issue but even then a post can get poor engagement if it's not retweeted by them for any reason.

>> No.6911107

They've hit full interest saturation for their skill level and themes.
I looked at their art. It's nice. Not spectacular but respectable quality. At the same time it is just endless girls posing pretty and nothing more. There's only so much you can do with pinup poses, it's time for them to start having their characters interact.

>> No.6911208

Artists are not smart

>> No.6911721

even by pinup standards it's bland

>> No.6911754

hedonic treadmill and terminally online

>> No.6911815

In europe they are gay and retarded

>> No.6911840

but what does a bot want dickpics for?

>> No.6911847

Dumb guys like to send dick pics
Bot pretends to like their dick and eggs them on to give them money to interact with a "girl" that finds their dick nice.

>> No.6911852

what’s the catch?

>> No.6912382

"sir, i have your dick pics with your face now. please send me money or i send your pics to your family. please sir do not redeem, i redeem the card" or some variation of that.

>> No.6912451


>> No.6912525

>35k followa
> "Im stuck at this for DAYS ooh woe is me :'("
Fuck off faggot. He' s pulling the "I dont have enough follower" shtick like that other faggot that gained like 3k followers over 2 days.

>> No.6912540

nice try, but my family already saw my dick

>> No.6912729

'ick on 'eck

>> No.6912794

You should probably make a separate account for following politics then. I exclusively follow artists and get recommendations for new artists all the time

>> No.6915291

can twitter hurry up and ban porn already

>> No.6915351

If I were as creatively bankrupt I guess I would also obsess over numbers.

>> No.6915369

Hoping for this as well. Elon's been beating around the bush. Wish he'd just pull the trigger.

>> No.6915425

It's inevitable imo. Coom artists are already getting shadowbanned and Musky wants Xitter to be some all in one super-site that also involves banking or some shit

>> No.6915426
File: 220 KB, 2047x1264, 1691363337720376 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy?

>> No.6915430

nsfw/sfw split would be better, like 4chan/4channel

>> No.6915449

Funniest part of it is that his engagement is still abysmal despite the 3k followers gained

>> No.6915483

>porn hustlers get kicked out
>Elon fails and X dies
all good, no downside

>> No.6915491
File: 138 KB, 903x2048, F90b7o1XIAADFWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6915540

>for several days
Shut the fuck up!

>> No.6915721


>> No.6915844


>> No.6915853

profile according to what you publish

>> No.6916670

HNNG PLEEEASE it would be so funny

>> No.6917863 [DELETED] 

it's the best we got.
>I have virtually no followers on both accounts btw

>> No.6917870
File: 736 KB, 1262x1600, ig vs X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the best we got.
>I have virtually no followers on both accounts btw

>> No.6918191

Stupid entitled faggot should be happy with what they have. I've been on X for ten years and never broke 500. I've actually been hovering around 500 for the entirety of 2023 actually.

>> No.6918259

It's good though? Mogs most of /ic/

>> No.6918262

He won't. He's at least smart enough to know it's the only reason people are still on the site putting up with his shit.

>> No.6918530

It's shit, oh wow another fucking off-model anime girl in a white void...
It fucking makes me sick when shit artists like that can get 30k while I pour my heart out into meaningful art and stories, but I barely even scape 1k.

>> No.6918566

how do you know how much that guy poured his heart out into the anime girl?

>> No.6918570


>> No.6918909

I hate twatter artists so goddamn much

>> No.6918922

Idk. I have a strangely high number of accounts following only me though.

>> No.6919035

Seeing these normies get drowned in oversaturation for drawing porn is pure comedy.

>> No.6919239

being italian

>> No.6921506


>> No.6921836

Looks like he takes inspiration from Arco Wada

>> No.6924761


>> No.6925115


>> No.6925142

Here's the truth:
Quality is important... to an extent. You want get 100k followers with total /beg art. If you're an astounding pro, you'll probably get a lot of followers. If you're in between, from low-int to low-pro, a lot of it boils down to luck and timing. I've posted art which had next to no traction, only to have it go viral years later due to some repost (I got nothing from this). I've also had a piece of art in my gallery receive minimal traction when I first posted it, but then many months later some larger account reblogged it, presumably after seeing one of my newer submissions, and the old, forgotten submission suddenly brought me a surge of new followers. I've had pieces I thought were mediocre score very highly on booru image galleries, and better pieces do poorly. I've had a commissioner post my piece for them in their gallery where it performed better than any of my own uploads by a huge margin, and even performed better than most of their commission uploads from much better known artists than myself.

tl;dr just do your best and keep posting, and try not to obsess over scores and views and followers as a particularly metric of the quality of your art