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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 975 KB, 1600x2667, shading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6902535 No.6902535 [Reply] [Original]

What's the name of this art style? I want to learn how to do it, but I don't even have the proper terms to start searching.

I'm talking about the semi realistic, semi painterly shading.

>> No.6902543


>> No.6902548

Lol, no it's not.

>> No.6902556

sakimichan and that other guy style

>> No.6902558

Korean anime style

>> No.6902564

So what's the name of it?

Nope. Also it lacks the bulge to be properly Korean.

>> No.6902565

it's the "over rendered shit that makes normalfags go WOAH SO PRETTY AND HOT MY PENIS" style
then again that's all that matters

>> No.6902569

y so jelly?

>> No.6902589

I'm not
I'm "jelly" of actually good artists not this generic shit.

>> No.6902596

there isn't a name for every style, there's more than enough material to study this style from sakimichan alone just draw

>> No.6902604

Not sure there's a name for it, but its basically copying league of legends splash arts
Check these out and look up other illustrators for mobas and the like.
The one you posted looks kind of bad to my eyes, basic airbrushed lighting but no sense of depth or form, and overusing pre-made textures. Its def trying to look good but relies too much on gimmicks and shows lack of fundies

>> No.6902606

>shows lack of fundies
elaborate and pyw

>> No.6902609

That kind of shading style has been around since 80s comic book covers, was used in video game art, and is getting more and more popular with hentai artists, so I'm pretty sure there is a name for it.

Thanks, man.

>overusing pre-made textures
What do you mean?

>airbrushed lighting
Interesting! This might be a good search term for what I'm looking for.

>> No.6902611

Imagine if I had asked what a certain dish is called on a cooking board and they were reacting like you, complaining that it's too "generic". Do you even see the problem?
Stop being so reddit, dude.

>> No.6902627

Korean/Sakimichan clone

>> No.6902647

>Sakimichan clone
Stop being retarded. Just because you know an artist that uses this style, it does not mean that every image in that style is a clone of the artist that you happen to know.

>> No.6902661

NTA but people call it Sakimichan style because she's the most successful doing that shitty slop and has been doing it since forever. Retard.

>> No.6902684

>people call it Sakimichan style
Do a google image search for "Sakimichan style" and you'll see a different style.

>she's the most successful doing that shitty slop
Sounds more like "Greg Rutkowski" fame, but I wish her good luck.

>> No.6902691

>shitty slop
Her images look very good. Why are you hating so much?

>> No.6902693
File: 726 KB, 1497x816, Screenshot 2023-10-23 173547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airbrush rendering like this is really good at giving the illusion of anatomy and smoothness, but really its just cylinder shading, there's no interplay between the elements, its really good for very fast drawings, a lot of manhuas and especially pornhuas use this all the time
Here's a very basic method for it, just keep in mind that you still need to learn how to describe shape without gimmicks to not get stuck in plastic rendering hell.
This video is really good and teaches you the basics of this type of soft rendering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U_h3fw7VRc

>> No.6902697

>So what's the name of it?
not very art style has a name. most don't. it's just digital art, most generally associated with sakimichan, but a lot artists render similarly.

>> No.6902706


>> No.6902710
File: 984 KB, 2569x1904, average coom art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also nta but...

>> No.6902728

>Airbrush rendering
>its just cylinder shading
Huh. Now that you said it, it's so obvious. Thanks for the video link. That dude's content looks awesome.

Does not look like the images that I've seen of Sakimichan's work, so I'm not sure why you would hate so much and strawman so much against some artist.

>> No.6902731

You brighten my day.

>> No.6902736

The rendering technique has already been identified as airbrush rendering / airbrush shading.
Also the artists you've posted are not even copying the same style. They seem to be using similar production techniques and style tricks (drawing over Poser/Daz images, and using stuff like rimlights) but I would not call it the same style.

>> No.6902777

it's 100% all the same style.

>> No.6902785

>>6902606 here, thanks for your insight. Now that you explained it makes sense. You bothered to provide an actual explanation instead of just insulting the work/artist, maybe this board isn't that lost at all

>> No.6902806

You are like the grandma, who'd call every pokemon a pikachu or a yoshi. Except with art styles.

>> No.6902841

I don't know why you're trying to argue so hard that these very extremely similar art styles aren't similar.

>> No.6902849
File: 1.71 MB, 1204x900, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First image of first artist in list and last artist in list, just so you don't accuse me of cherrypicking or sth.
Do you really consider these images "very extremely similar art styles"?

>> No.6903379

...yes? They're the same general subject matter and composition with the same rendering techniques.

>> No.6903382

people refer to that as just semi-realistic usually. In between realism and styleized

>> No.6903385

one on the left looks like shit but both are just using nothing but airbrush lol

>> No.6903455

It's so strange to see people like you on /ic/. People should be improving their art, but you seem to be happy acting like leftists.

>> No.6903466

>acting like leftists
what does this even mean? Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.6903524

airbrush rendering is the biggest permabeg trap
"it takes years to learn how to draw, but hours to learn how to paint, and minutes to learn how to use an airbrush" - Miyazaki Tzu, War of Art

>> No.6903859

thank you very much for sharing both of those

>> No.6903941

What the heck are you talking about? Nobody brought up politics.

>> No.6903954

anons if someone brings up any political bullshit hide and report it
this isn't /pol/
>Verification not required.

>> No.6903982

>I'm talking about the semi realistic, semi painterly shading.
photobash or better AIcore because it's essentially indistinguishable from promtshit.

>> No.6903983

>it's essentially indistinguishable from promtshit.
it's no, aijeet

>> No.6903995
File: 147 KB, 1152x1200, FqAfdysagAAsOEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people defending SaLami-shit style.
>Sakimi shit is so bad that all AI algoyrythm inherited her bad finger anatomy till now.
You niggers are really hopeless, but I am glad you poo brains are using and idolising her instead of using any properly good artist.

>> No.6904004

>inherited her bad finger anatomy till now.
this is the second time if seen a sakimimeme piece with 6 fingers guess it's true what they say when all you draw is slop you eventually turn into a human image generator.

>> No.6904037

Sakimi-chan's art is not art for artists
it's art for consumers

that's why she made it and you didn't

>> No.6904040

Goy Slop Chinese Edition

>> No.6904042

this is what ai was trained off of

>> No.6904065

>Someone is successful? Then it means they don't deserve their success, cause what they are doing is like totally bad also here are a bunch of strawman to make you believe that they are worthless. Also if many people like their product, it means the people are wrong. Reee!
Sounds pretty leftist to me.

>> No.6904176

i kneel

>> No.6904178

who are you quoting

>> No.6904180
File: 298 KB, 720x1129, oh-prom--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awkwardly cropped overrendered AI fodder.

It's funny how people are talking about new tools to poison datasets today when this massified crap is what has curbed image generators' potential more than anything else.

>> No.6904187

This nigger really hallucinated an argument. Stop taking criticism of this dogwater art style so personally.

>> No.6904191

holy shit take your meds

>> No.6904208

>hallucinated an argument
>dogwater art style
Weird how you tell me that the points weren't made, while you are making it.

Just summarizing the seething assholes, who can't help themselves but hate against some artist for being successful.

>> No.6904241

anon, no one said any of the shit you're pretending they said.

>> No.6904263

>she's the most successful doing that shitty slop
>this generic shit.
>it's the "over rendered shit that makes normalfags go WOAH SO PRETTY AND HOT MY PENIS" style
>average coom art.png
>Goy Slop Chinese Edition
>dogwater art style
Oh, yeah. Those are just normal comments and totally not assholes seething jealously.

>> No.6904266

this doesn't work fyi

>> No.6904269

it's not even out yet fyi

>> No.6904274

it is actually possible to poison the slop machine by feeding it it's own promtshit just like incest this causes the abomination to go degrade overtime.

>> No.6904281

Just this morning somebody posted the result of feeding the same prompt back and forth between ChatGPT and Midjourney about 20 times or so and it looks boring as fuck as usual, but not necessarily "bad".

>> No.6904284

Cross your fingers, slopboi

>> No.6904293
File: 174 KB, 445x244, spazmatika el hondu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just this morning somebody posted the result of feeding the same prompt back and forth between ChatGPT and Midjourney about 20 times or so and it looks boring as fuck as usual, but not necessarily "bad".
>20 times
anon you know these things are trained on millions of examples right?
just like printing a copy of something the degradation starts of gradually and becomes worse and worse a 100 copies will hardly make a difference a 10000 though? yeah your going to start seeing some abominations of the flesh.

>> No.6904296

>just like printing a copy of something the degradation
you dont print a copy of a copy, you print copies of the original. how are yall so bad at technology

>> No.6904301


>feeding the same prompt

we're talking about training a model not prompt. you can do prompt till the end of time it will never affect the training data.

>> No.6904304


shit not even out yet aitards already shitting their pants

>> No.6904332

disliking an art style doesn't mean you're jealous of the artist's success. her art is objectively bad anatomically, but rendered in a way to appeal to coombrains. it's art made to be consumed, not for artists to appreciate.

>> No.6904338
File: 315 KB, 1807x868, dos-9-edited-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a disproportionate and frankly unclassy move.

>> No.6904339

you can read the paper. it doesn't work. but a lot of artists are going to be fooled into paying for a service. remember to read the inevitable tos about how you give up all rights to whatever you upload too

>> No.6904346

>This is a disproportionate and frankly unclassy move.
if the slop bot killer is as good as your pic makes it out to be it would be perfect and poetic payback to all the degenerate scrapers and pAIjeets who thought they could just rip of artist's styles by feeding it into there slop bots.

>> No.6904348

Prompt yourself a less pathetic scare tactic, sweetheart

>> No.6904351

if you want to purchase snake oil thats none of my concern

>> No.6904352

>when this is in full effect AI accidentally creates the next hot new artstyle.

>> No.6904353

>idb4 read the paper
has the faggot actually read it? you see this a lot when midwits debate they will cite a source for something while having never actually read it beyond the headline and then think it proves there point while it actually BTFU their entire argument.

>> No.6904357

Wtf are you talking about, I don't pay for a Midjourney subscription.

>> No.6904364

>Wtf are you talking about, I don't pay for a Midjourney subscription.
>paying a subscription for promptshit
what happened to the "democratising art grift"?
that's the great thing about trad and to a certain extent digi all you need is a pencil and paper no corporate TOS bullshit no data harvesting no shekel pinching subscription serves and no censorship.

>> No.6904371
File: 500 KB, 1492x1198, F9Lyia0WcAEdA0Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's funny how it's beautifully harmless unless you make a point of ignoring disclaimers and opt outs; considering the hilarious mercy moves AI overlords have been gently floating down (i.e. "specifically register here all the images you DONT want stolen")

Then again, somebody may use it on images with no disclaimer with malicious intent. Somebody or some people or some collective that, for example, may be somewhat resentful about being essentially told "suck it, this is ours now".

>> No.6904376

fuck if it's really that good at poisoning slopbots the AI grifters will do everything in their power to shut it down.

>> No.6904383

>The team is also making Nightshade open source

>> No.6904385

What a fatal mistake. Our techbro savior/overlords will sweep and and save us then.

>> No.6904390

>which would allow others to tinker with it and make their own versions. The more people use it and make their own versions of it, the more powerful the tool becomes

>> No.6904399

Literally fascism.

>> No.6904488

>disliking an art style doesn't mean you're jealous of the artist's success
True, but in this case the idiots aren't simply criticizing the style but linking it to the popularity/success.
I'm not gonna repost the comments yet again just because you are so eager to ignore that component of their seething.

>> No.6904500

Yo, the mass adoption of this technology will surely defeat all the AI trainings set collectors!
Just like the mass adoption of RSS has led to the utter defeat of social media sites.

>> No.6904506

wait until they realize its ben zhao

>> No.6905182

>S-so you see, everything that's needed for the tech to work has already been stolen so preventing more theft is pointless Haha you don't wanna do that and look stupid right
The core struggle of defending slop churning is that it would require the basic ingenuity that the target audience lacks by definition lmao

>> No.6905367

Ask a few artist in a month wether they are using Nightshade before they upload their images.
Then adjust your worldview, when they won't know what you are talking about.
Act accordingly.

>> No.6905373

Wow I finally figured out why I hate how manhwas look. Genuine thanks for taking time to explain this

>> No.6905458

Ah, pragmatism: where self-worth regroups once awareness of what may actually remain of "self" creeps in.

>> No.6905470 [DELETED] 

To be fair, he >>6905367 is right: by next month zero artists will be using Nightside. Just take a deep breath and accept that devastating rhetorical jutsu.

>> No.6905525

Stop writing like a pompous hipster, retard.

>> No.6905528

Pot calling kettle black

>> No.6905546

Damn, that adjusted worldview you just acted accordingly to sure looks sore lol

>> No.6905557

You retarded or something?

>> No.6905568

Even worse, a /pol/tard

>> No.6905844

I know it sucks to have AI take jack your shit, but holy fuck I am so glad it did. I can NOT stand that fucking style. It's so kitschy and always bordering on the edge of uncanny valley. Also, there were so many people copying off of each other, too. What's even worse is that I really liked Sakimichan's work in the beginning and her shit was just getting fucking worse with each picture she put out.

Now that you almost can't tell the difference with a lot of AI and their shit it's going to have to force them to change shit up. It sucks that this is happening, but at the same time I am so happy that it is.

Like anyone who draws like this is going to always been accused of using AI, no matter what. Again, I feel bad, because they didn't deserve this. Yet, I hate this fucking style of work so much I can't help to feel elated that it's happened to all of these people who all copy off of each other. It's like some crazy irony.

>> No.6905880

you sound like a salty faggot desu.

>> No.6905900
File: 103 KB, 828x1159, princess_mononoke__prints_for_sale__by_sakimichan_d4jw7ry-414w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's even worse is that I really liked Sakimichan's work in the beginning
I remember...

>> No.6906141
File: 35 KB, 722x407, 1697309290410418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who criticizes our Goddess is a schizo or worse, from /pol/
I don't know if I should cringe or feel disappointed.

>> No.6906260

>get angry at a made up retarded argument no one made
>randomly bring up politics in a discussion about an art style
you really are a schizo from /pol/, huh?

>> No.6906429

>you're the one who bring /pol/
>N.. no you're the one who brought /pol/
Why are the troons bring up /pol/ when their arguments are challenged?

>> No.6906444

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.6906456

Yeah, I'm so fucking salty that I don't paint weird looking plastic freaks of nature.

Exactly. Her stuff was so good back at this time. It's a real shame how her stuff has (de)evolved.

>> No.6906468
File: 122 KB, 1280x853, Immune to faceapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying its good in the first place.

>> No.6906485

soulless, her new coom has appeal

>> No.6906528

Maybe you had to be there but in 2010-11, her work was cool, Much better at faces than the majority "anime if he real." At the time.

>> No.6906898

>I can NOT stand that fucking style. It's so kitschy
Kitsch just means that it is appealing to many people.
Tells a lot about you that you think something is bad just because more people like it.
Stop shitting on popular things just because many people like it. You are not in high-school anymore where you were probably badmouthing popular kids to your outcast clique, so grow up.

Now reading about politics and society is bad?
inb4 "pol is bad, cause it doesn't censor the viewpoints that I have, which I got, cause I was informing myself in places that censor other viewpoints"

>> No.6906899

>cause it doesn't censor the viewpoints that I have
cause it doesn't censor the viewpoints that I don't have

>> No.6906953

The problem with /pol/tards is they see EVERYTHING through the lens of politics, as you yourself demonstrated. Discussion about a specific art style? Somehow related to leftwing politics.

>> No.6906971

>Discussion about a specific art style? Somehow related to leftwing politics.
I don't have a problem with a discussion about a specific art style. Feel free to discuss colors, forms, lines and so on.
But when people here keep seething about how dog shit that style of an artist is for creating kitsch (i.e. something that appeals to regular people) China slop, then yes, it is indeed a typical example of leftist philosophy and leftist rhetoric.
You know the saying "leftists don't love the poor, they hate the rich". It can be correctly generalized to "leftists don't love the poor, they hate the successful".

Just because your venom against success is (badly) hidden, does not mean that you aren't obviously some hipster leftist that (like all hipster leftists) scoffs at regular people.

>> No.6906974

in real life most people don't give a fuck about politics at all

>> No.6906977

Leftism is a cluster of philosophies and if you behave in accordance to those, then yes, you are behaving like a leftist. It doesn't matter whether "most people" care about politics or not.

>> No.6906981

>you aren't obviously some hipster leftist
Nigger I'm so far right that I make you look like a lefty. Shut the fuck up you brainrotted retard.

>> No.6906989

Sure you are, buddy.

>> No.6906998

it matters because no one cares if you're up up down down left right left right B A start. This is /ic/ Artwork/Critique now shut the fuck up retard

>> No.6907009

>>You are behaving like an asshole.
>Nobody cares about rectal anatomy, shut up shut up shut up!
Jesus. What a weirdo you are
Anyway. I'm happy to discuss the artistic tricks to accomplish the art style, so if you want to discuss those, go ahead.

>> No.6907012

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.6907017

Why are you so mad tho?

>> No.6907036

>"Kitsch just means that it is appealing to many people."
>(of art, objects, or design) considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.
>Kitsch is a term applied to art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation, overly eccentric, gratuitous or of banal taste.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Kitsch is a perfect way to describe it.

>> No.6907105

I think it's league of legend style or that style video games have with anime influence

It's kind of a game industry type of style I guess

>> No.6907119

>I think it's league of legend style
anon it's a league of legends character. the style doesn't look anything like what you'd find in game though.

>> No.6907150

>detect schizo tampering
>fix it automatically

>> No.6907152

That keeps the image out of your dataset. so, artists get what they want in that case.

>> No.6907157

being so easily detectable it will be one extra step to fix the image rather than discard it. not like nightshade will work in the first place. i welcome the cat and mouse game as it will only make things smarter.

>> No.6907200

it's not even out yet and they're already coping

>> No.6907210

looking further into this antidote, they are way out of date. nightshade isn't released, and the tech this antidote aims at are GANs from 6 years ago. lmao

>> No.6907217

> Pieces of art or other objects that appeal to popular or uncultivated taste, as in being garish or overly sentimental.

>From German Kitsch, from dialectal kitschen ("to coat, to smear"), the word and concept were popularized in the 1930's by several critics who opposed it to avant garde art.

>As a descriptive term, kitsch originated in the art markets of Munich, Germany in the 1860s and the 1870s, describing cheap, popular, and marketable pictures and sketches.

cheap (i.e. not 'designer' scams)
popular (i.e. appeals to many people)
marketable (i.e. people actually want to buy it)

>> No.6907218
File: 767 KB, 1000x1000, 1566035674062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but how do I render like this and

>> No.6907220
File: 101 KB, 1024x547, 1639686069051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. Also it's a word coming from art critics, who poopoo everything that is good, true and/or beautiful, while praising everything that is ugly, subversive and evil.

>> No.6907222
File: 793 KB, 1500x2000, 1585725288315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Render like this too

>> No.6907227

My point is that kitsch doesn't JUST mean "appealing to many people", which is what that anon claimed. it also embodies other concepts which aptly describe the technical characteristics of the art in question.
The top-right style is very nice. Who's the artist?

>> No.6907255
File: 888 KB, 1936x4332, 1570643254351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue that the "too garish or overly sentimental" is just some subjective vaguness to insult something for being liked by "the wrong people".
Some mother likes nice paintings of nature and animals? The art critic will hate against it, just because she enjoys it.
Some teen likes wildly colored photos? The art critic will hate against it for being "the wrong" expression.

The art critic is the problem. They are mostly bitter alcoholics who wanted to be popular, but they failed, so they hate against everything except whatever the art critic happens to like in that specific moment.
Beware of art critics, for they are of the devil.

>> No.6907571

Shitstyle. I love it too.

>> No.6907617

I'd cum on her tummy

>> No.6907700

It's called coom art.

>> No.6907964
File: 95 KB, 900x563, night_descents_by_sakimichan_d4jmbor-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember.. Sakimichan had a lotta soul

>> No.6908267

>sexy dark angel gothic beauty in high contrast, grim colors
If we were in the 2000s, I bet half the people here would hate against that for being bad, because a lot of people at that time liked Luis Royo.

>> No.6908380

Grandma is right, grow up.

>> No.6908388

Thank you. Now I know what to call the abhorrent aberration that can turn decent art into plastic-looking garbage.

>> No.6908450

I can tell this is not AI at all because the coloring is too imperfect and the background is just a lazy photoshop work. The AI can fuck up hands but it can never fuck up the coloring, it will be perfect 100% of the time (unless you fuck up a parameter).

>> No.6908651

Man opt-outs are a retarded scam.

> I'm going to steal your money and rape your anus unless you fill this paperwork for an private company with very specific demands

Fuck them, I would retroactively help all artists poison their images even for dated galleries on forgotten sites.

>> No.6910303

Maybe you should do some AI image generation before you talk about AI image generation.

How is AI learning from your images different than humans learning from your images?

>> No.6910549

human motivation for learning from images is often driven by intrinsic factors, such as curiosity, interest, enjoyment, or personal values.
AI, on the other hand, does not have the same kind of wants, desires, or human psyche stuff that humans do. AI learns from images because it is programmed to do so, or because it receives a signal that indicates a positive or negative outcome. AI does not have emotions or preferences that influence its learning process. AI may not even be aware of what it is learning or why.

>> No.6910994

This. As long as you can use the same word to describe two concepts or processes, they're functionally the same thing. Well-known fact, but only High IQ people realize reality is in fact only about as complex as a human-created system literally built on compromise.

>> No.6910997

>How is AI learning from your images different than humans learning from your images?

>> No.6911183

why do technigs throw this word around like it means anything?
it's machine learning and not "ai"