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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6893636 No.6893636 [Reply] [Original]

How do I deal with the fact that I'm legitimately too retarded to be an artist? I'm just sitting here forced to watch as everyone improves and I can't even start.

>> No.6893643
File: 95 KB, 872x812, IMG_20230114_222030_299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop coping and just draw. I've had a brain injury and I fucking draw. it's hard. if it's too hard, get some Adderall or whatever. and don't hate yourself for being shit, it's part of the process

>> No.6893646

I'm on two huge dosages of Adderall and it does nothing.

>> No.6893669

How hard is it to sit down with a blank piece of paper and some pencils and just draw, assuming it's something you enjoy? Do you actually even enjoy art? Or do you just 'want to be an artist'?

>> No.6893680

Then I might as well not be interested in anything because I can't do anything. I tried learning SFM as a teen and quit immediately, same with Gamemaker. And this is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I legitimately can't get the motivation or energy to play video games anymore.

>> No.6893727

You quit.
Stop dragging us down with your selfishness, you're not an artist.

>> No.6893728

Why should we care? Fuck off.
Art is for humans, not soulless golems.

>> No.6893731

please feel bad for me, please pity me. It fills me with energy. If all of you pity me enough, I'll draw I promise

>> No.6893733

Sounds like you just got depression atm. Better get your life on track with socializing, making some money and going to the gym first.

>> No.6893841

>Amerilards needing pills to do literally anything
Imagine being this retarded, most be your hormone ridden fast food. Just fucking draw, fat fuck

>> No.6893844

Are you the same emotional vampire that cried about his ADHD for a month?
If not (hopefully), there's no magic secret anyone can tell you. You have to seek specific knowledge out and you definitely have to do work to the best of your ability. People shit on "just draw", but how are you supposed to learn any skill without commiting to repetition. You don't become a great cook by reading recipes all day.

>> No.6893862

>I can't even start.
Oh yeah, what's stopping you? Are you telling me you lack the physical stength to lift a pencil? I don't believe you.

>> No.6893885

Everyone, including me right now, who replied to this thread is an imbecile.
We need to stop replying to these people or they'll keep coming back for us to babysit them.

Let these attention whores rot in silence.

>> No.6894016

I've already been working out, changed my diet and lost 20 pounds. It doesn't help me focus any better.

>> No.6894051

It's not like there's any other discussion happening on this board. Might as well be for for something

>> No.6894112

When I draw, I second guess myself at every step, I legitimately have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong, I have no idea how to draw anything beyond what the references on the page give me, I can't draw for myself, I can't think of anything creative. The same applies to me writing too, but the point is that art just looks too fucking complex for me and I'm trying to learn it anyway. My brain can't even let me comprehend something as basic as perspective.

>> No.6894127

Here you go. It's the source of all the actually good advice ic/ gives.


>> No.6894130

Excellent perspective anon. Most people on here couldn't feel the form if you beat them with it.

>> No.6894149
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>> No.6894153

if he can do it so can you

>> No.6894249

just force yourself to go trough keys to drawing. Do all the exercises, don't worry if it look like trash.
once you are finished you should see some improvements, have more confidence in just drawing and know what to do to improve more.

>> No.6894469


>> No.6894776

neither can you apparently, the perspective is off

>> No.6894781

Sounds like skill and attention deficit issue.

>> No.6898297


>> No.6899079

Even with a new dosage of adderall, I still can't get myself to do anything.

>> No.6899088

Yes. I have ADHD and autism. I can't focus on doing anything. No matter the medicine, no matter the workout regimen, no matter the diet.

>> No.6899093

Find some one bigger than you with great taste in art, and have him be your live in editor/trainer. Anytime you get off track or make a mistake he will get you back on track or correct that mistake. He has to be physically larger than you so you take him seriously, considering how bad your dedication is. It really works.

>> No.6899922

Absolutely this. I only started improving when I accepted this

>> No.6900450

I have adderall and I still can't draw. I'm literally trying to do what he says and it doesn't work.

>> No.6900739

I have dyspraxia and dyscalculia and still draw. I can’t even hold a pencil without spazzing. Literally get over yourself

>> No.6901274


>> No.6901281

get your t levels checked and start lifting weights

>> No.6901560
File: 1.29 MB, 4000x3000, regress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've regressed so badly I cannot even do basic Drawabox stuff anymore

>> No.6901579

it clearly isn't working for you if that picture is anything to go by. or maybe you have to be brain damaged to perceive the skill that went into it

>> No.6901591

You don't need to be good at drawing boxes, you need to be good at drawing anime girls. You'd be surprised at the amount of good artists that can't do the former.

>> No.6901598

Some of the greatest artists were schizos, losers, retarded, and neets.

>> No.6901607

being an artist is retarded. embrace it.

>> No.6901615

I got better by changing my way of thinking. Instead of trying to draw I tried to move my wrist, arm and shoulder correctly so that I could produce all sorts of lines without effort. Instead of trying to create a picture I tried to concentrate on the pure mechanical aspect and it worked because in the end, drawing IS just the mechanical aspects.

>> No.6902926


>> No.6902956

Iktf except i do actually do art, for my video game. It looks very amateurish and im probaboy gonna flop. Its very demoralizing see the droves of new gamedevs, many seemingly with high levels of art talent and decent coding ability. Where did all these people come from and why are they so much betterat it then me? Feels like my game is ngmi. Semi scared about posting it because Im sure the art will be mocked

>> No.6903456

no one is gonna do the drawing for you

>> No.6904979
File: 133 KB, 1324x853, dodge cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally anybody can be an artist. Just create some crazy stuff man. You don't have to be drawing anatomically correct humans to be ann artist. You can create some abstract crazy things, or build some weird contraptions or whatever. Just be creative, be free in your mind and stop thinking so much :)

>> No.6906425

if you're too retarded to make your own work, why don't you try copying others? You might learn something.

>> No.6906511
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Join us bother, draw some Moai heads

>> No.6906517
File: 169 KB, 1080x421, i'm not giving you any advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6908429


>> No.6908458

I still have not made a single bit of progress. I have no idea what I'm even supposed to be doing.

>> No.6908509

Try something else anon. There are many other forms of expression. Don't think too much into it, just dive into something that you're interested in without too much commitment and figure it out as you go.

>> No.6908525

I've already done writing for years but I've wanted to get into drawing too.

>> No.6908527

The only reason why I'm into writing is because I thought I'd never be good at drawing.

>> No.6909795


>> No.6909868
