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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 716 KB, 1978x2560, 9188-Qq7LWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6891774 No.6891774 [Reply] [Original]

I strongly believe that a non Japanese person cant do manga the way its done from Japanese artists. It's something embedded in their culture and how they perceive manga as a whole. I have been published with my manga but I don't regard it as one. The difference is 90% on the culture. I am Greek and i can say no one can play Bouzouki like a Greek cause it's something we get accustomed with from a very young age. Many people can try, get really close but not actually there. Some forms of art are deeply connected with the culture of the countries we are born in. It's not a bad thing it's just that we are all different and unique and i think we must first try to create and not replicate

>> No.6891778

We do not fucking care you ass inhaling weebotroon faggot kill yourself

>> No.6891779

Does not matter. SaturdayAM is a legit company. WhyT manga has many published comics and getting royalties from his "woke" how to draw book and courses while you're here on /ic/ attacking his success.

>> No.6891780
File: 16 KB, 283x240, 1697135905284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading all that weaboo, but buying the book so thanks

>> No.6891786

Imagine saying this as a greek while even the fucking turks are better at being greek than your countrymen lmfao the fucking state

>> No.6891791

It is a little cringe though. He couldn't just make it "how to draw manga"? Emphasising that it's diverse makes it seem like an exception, rather than a norm.

Also, why is it with books such as these, the white people always look or are evil? Back left (in OP's image) is the only clearly defo white guy there, and he just looks like a sleazy used car salesman or something.
Kinda racist, and not very diverse-like my dudes.

Anyway, are there any actual legit books on the facial and body proportional differences between the races? I think that'd be an interesting read.

>> No.6891796
File: 68 KB, 220x252, 5E44C83E-B9F2-46DD-9CD7-99231BCA286A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diverse manga
We have diverse manga at home.

>> No.6891799 [DELETED] 

>Emphasising that it's diverse makes it seem like an exception, rather than a norm.
The 4chawn racist dorkazoids would still call it woke if there were black characters on the cover. I remember some people saying the same thing about TBchoi's book. And if he just excusively drew white characters on the cover then they would be put in the western trash bin anyway. There is no winning on either side, might as well be first on the SEO for something that stands out from the rest.

>> No.6891801

>Emphasising that it's diverse makes it seem like an exception, rather than a norm.
The 4chawn racist dorkazoids would still call it woke if there were black characters on the cover. I remember some people saying the same thing about TBchoi's book. And if he just exclusively drew white characters on the cover then they would be put in the western trash bin anyway. There is no winning on either side, might as well be first on the SEO for something that stands out from the rest.

>> No.6891804

I know black people hate that style of character design, but I always found those, and golliwogs and such cute. Seems like their limiting their chances of representation by being so sensitive about their depictions.

>> No.6892408

Shut the hell up

>> No.6892412
File: 2.29 MB, 1422x1075, img2img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still cry about not being able to make their drawings not look westoid
>There's literally a tool available for free to anyone with a mediocre PC build that can turn their drawings into literally anything
Just img2img it with whatever model you want, bro

>> No.6892413


>> No.6892427

And why the fuck should I care what’s you think?

I will draw all the anime waifus I want. Suck it web.

>> No.6892448

>guy starts blogging about applying to a japanese manga publisher and at this point seemingly succeeding in /mmg/
>bait posts like OP suddenly take a noticeable uptick to the point where it's now spilling out into the catalog
Damn, some people really do just hate to see other people succeed, huh? Anyway, nobody cares what you think OP.

>> No.6892607
File: 108 KB, 1280x930, unbalance-x-unbalance-manga-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I strongly believe that a non Japanese person cant do manga the way its done from Japanese artists.
I believe non-Japanese can do legit "Manga" as long as they are from other East Asian countries (Korea, Taiwan, China mainly). Westerners can too but it's harder for them, especially for Anglos, Anglos just can't into Manga. From amongst Westoids, French, Italians, and Hispanic people come close. Especially the French for some reason.

>> No.6892617

Blacks opinions of him are irrelevant, Popo is a based Brāhmaṇa not a hairless chimp.

>> No.6892638

this, its non about nip genes, its cultural values. East asian culture has a greater appreciation for moe and femininity meanwhile the west is ruined by globohomo

>> No.6892649

Anglos aren't people, they're golems.

>> No.6892656

cause french people grew up with a shitton of manga/anime in the 80s/90s and manga /anime is pretty much a massive cultural thing in France, they're the second biggest consumers of manga

>> No.6892657

>french people grew up with a shitton of manga/anime in the 80s/90s and manga /anime is pretty much a massive cultural thing in France
LATAM got anime on tv since the 80's too, guess that explains why Hispanics are good at Manga too. Anglos do seem to be the last ones to get into Anime.

>> No.6892717

Not is manga, is political woke bullshit, funcking niggers troons

>> No.6892745

Anglos are just not wholesome people. They're fucked up barbarians who love gore and cuckoldry not cuteness and titillation.

>> No.6892778

bro is so mad and retarded he can't even type or make sentences...

>> No.6892805


>> No.6892807 [DELETED] 

There are, but they're mostly banned because they end up showing how similar niggers are to apes.

>> No.6892808

>d-don't forget about me

>> No.6892812

What are good how to draw manga books

>> No.6892815

There are no good ho to draw manga books, because they can only teach how to draw one style of manga (usually not a very nice style either) or at best they simply teach how to learn. Learn by doing, not by reading. You have to mash your face into the wall a whole bunch of times before you eventually scale it.

>> No.6892827

>Applying for a jap manga job when you aren't a jap and they already work other japs to literal death.

>> No.6892832

Why don't you ask him? >>6884810

>> No.6892834

because people can do what they want
there's really something weird and pathetic about westerners crabbing on other westerners

>> No.6892835

i hate niggers

>> No.6892842

Don't we all.

>> No.6892844

I don't

>> No.6892879

>I strongly believe that a non Japanese person cant do manga the way its done from Japanese artists.
Correct thats why you should do classic disney instead, which is the same thing
> It's something embedded in their culture and how they perceive manga as a whole. I have been published with my manga but I don't regard it as one.
>The difference is 90% on the culture. I am Greek
me too
> and i can say no one can play Bouzouki like a Greek cause it's something we get accustomed with from a very young age.
Bouzouki is middle eastern not greek.
> Many people can try, get really close but not actually there. Some forms of art are deeply connected with the culture of the countries we are born in. It's not a bad thing it's just that we are all different and unique and i think we must first try to create and not replicate
yeah yeah sure thing

1. Dont learn how draw weebshit from canadians or americans or germans, most of these books are made by westerners. The only exception might be the french since they have a very good relationship with the japanese.
2. Learn how to write Japanese characters since in most cases these drawings are made using simple gestures.
3. Fundamentals of drawing cartoons from Disney apply since the reality is it all is inspired from Walt's art

You don't have to make something that is copying weebshit. Most weebshit sucks. The best weebshit doesn't even look like weebshit if you take the time analyze it.

>> No.6892903

Nobody should ever listen to souvlaki shitters in the first place, if you want to do manga, do manga.
Nobody cares and people will probably read it.
Look at all the foreigners doing webtoons. they're more popular than any of the east/west retards in here and prove you wrong on the daily.
/a anc /co tourists that come in here spewing bullshit should get the rope.

>> No.6892926
File: 748 KB, 300x191, A5D562F8-193F-4F1A-BA5B-AC678B60A257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k have fun

>> No.6892946

Not reading your blog.

>> No.6892950

Ok? Ask him your question or don't. I'm not your dad.

>> No.6892952

A very smart project always brings us excitement to follow. At the outset I want to believe that this cogwise project will do its job and be successful at the end of the day.

>> No.6892954

You brought it up first baiting faggot

>> No.6892956

>why this?
>i dunno, ask him
>uh not reading lol
>i don't care, why are you still talking to me
>you talked to me first
Are you 11? Fuck off.

>> No.6892960

>Look a thread where a guy's smashing his balls with a hammer! I dunno go in and ask why!
Faggot not joining your drama kys

>> No.6892966

bit childish to equate some guy getting published in a magazine to ball smashing, you okay?

>> No.6892974

>why is that guy smashing his balls with a hammer?
>i dunno, go ask him
>no, he's explaining himself too much
Are you just scared, anon? It's okay, we're friends here.

>> No.6893160

the problem I see with the west and manga is that they fucking follow the trends of the japanese instead of taking from it an making it their own. The art styles are fucking derivative and generic and copies the trend of the day, while if one looks at manga as a whole there so much variety to learn and be inspired from since the days of Tezuka. Instead its that generic "manga" style in OPs pic.

>> No.6893172

Nobody gives a fuck about what is or isn't a manga or diverse or the culture or whatever. People want good and/or appealing stories and they get that from manga

Only people that care about diversity/culture/what is manga or not is misguided marketing departments and failed internet artists

>> No.6893944
File: 1.11 MB, 678x1004, 898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main problem with westoids is that they give "anime" characters big-ass noses and try to be "realistic".
Anime characters are just catheads with a stylized human features and mostly big eyes.

>> No.6893949

>Anime characters are just catheads with a stylized human features and mostly big eyes.
No the fuck they aren't retard.

>> No.6893971
File: 70 KB, 513x396, d4182962bf5762e76ebdd94ebf6d9193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ya style develops

>> No.6893994

>He couldn't just make it "how to draw manga"?
Theres no money in it, guaranteed they're just trying to build a mass library of content so they can sell it all off to some huge jew company for the ESG bonus they'd get for having it

>> No.6893995

>The American Tranny
>Vs the cute japanese cake
This is just artstyles representing how women look in both countries accuractely

>> No.6894094
File: 164 KB, 728x753, image_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're fucked up barbarians who love gore and cuckoldry not cuteness and titillation.
So, like japanese people?

>> No.6894337

I smelled "not-japanese" from the art in the thumbnail alone, before reading your comment or expanding enough to see the korean symbols in the image.
I'm not saying this disproves your argument, but your pic is kind of a bad one for promoting it.
I've seen convincingly manga-like western art, but the point is most non-japanese couldn't deal with actually being a mangaka. It takes all the effort in the world for a non-japanese to draw something in a style that comes naturally to japanese people, surviving serialization deadlines while keeping style looks impossible.
It's probably something related to the overall culture of the place itself, you probabyl have to spend a large portion of your life in urban japan to produce manga the way it looks from japanese hands, which is also why rural-centric manga can have very unique looks sometimes.
It's interesting that some manga, that differs from the cookie-cutter artstyle we are conditioned to recognize as manga, can easily be recognizable as manga, because the artist is still japanese and still has the indetectable trace of japanese influence in every other aspect of the work.
When non-japanese try to make manga it's painfully obvious they're trying to copy an artstyle instead of developing their own, and people can be surprisingly good at detecting bullshit. A non-japanese artist born and raised in japan could probably produce manga with different artstyle than most manga and it would still feel more like it should be called manga than something drawn by a japanese born and raised in Spain, because the visual aspects of the local culture permeate your being everyday without notice.
With people born in the US it's worse, the pasteurization of their culture is so ridiculous that they can't even produce something with an american look to it, things that are patently american nowadays just look identity-less, robotic and like thought-experiments/roschach tests

>> No.6894340

>I smelled "not-japanese" from the art in the thumbnail alone
Doesn't matter what you think; that artist got 2 anime adaptions with their works.

>> No.6894351

>missing the point this hard
There are literal capeshit anime adaptations of western works son, doesn't make that pic less obviously korean.
I'm glad he can get adapted, anime shouldn't limit itself to manga in first place, while they can translate to each other better than most types of media anime originals (or adaptations from non-manga sources) can still reach visual heights manga adaptations don't usually.

>> No.6894366

>backpeddling using properties before even our parent's time as an excuse
You need to come prepared, son.

>> No.6894372

Oh, so you just can't read. I'd call you son again but I've never fucked my cousin to father such a retarded kid.

>> No.6894378

In your defense, yeah. I'm not reading all that shit.

>> No.6894379

Shut up nigger

>> No.6894401

stop talking like you have the smallest dick known to man. go back to /r9k loser.

>> No.6894403

>west vs. east faggotry
>no works posted

>> No.6894422


>> No.6894449

Why do you suck rice nigger dick so hard?

>> No.6894457

No pussy no work

>> No.6894466

Have you noticed how much the usage of the n-word is so prevalent in /ic these days...I mean even right after all the election tourists flooded 4chan in 2016 it wasn't this bad in here.
And it also correlates to how low quality these thread keep on getting.
I'm not saying this was golden age CA.org back in the day, but still, it keeps on getting worse and worse.
I only come here like once every two weeks to check on the artbook and other resources threads but holy fuck is this place dogshit.

>> No.6894475
File: 5 KB, 194x259, 0BAAF5E9-7F28-49B9-8C91-26C565AE6947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894481

It's the will of the people. This is how democracy works. We wish to die. Can't you hear it? The reverberations of the collective consciousness of the long suffering permabegs, crying out for annihilation, for rest, for cessation? It is the will of the people that /ic/ die. Like Gen Z, we are traumatized, atomized, isolated, trapped. Like the self-hating negro gangster who has given up hope, we surrender to our worst impulses in an attempt to accelerate the sinking of this ship of dreams-turned-nightmares. Let us die. Release us from our pain. Make it stop. Please. Please make it stop.

>> No.6894672
File: 526 KB, 1400x1995, 91Ef6sxuutL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picrel was used in a storefront in Akihabara to adverstise "Authentic Japanese Manga"
Congrats anon, you are better at spotting non-Japanesessness better than the Japanese themselves.

>> No.6894701

It's usually just 1 angry little man.

>> No.6894739

>east vs. west
>muh "capeshit is woke now"
/pol/ spilling into my /ic/

>> No.6894818
File: 90 KB, 2100x2430, F8qXTXGXUAAfv-n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894820

Those same weebs bitching about "blackwashing" (a thing that literally does not exist) will then spout the "evil cannot create" quote that they always use incorrectly

>> No.6894833
File: 1.11 MB, 2133x1524, 0001-036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It maybe pseudo science but I read an anon say that he thinks it has to do with the way writting is done in japanese, they are basically drawing boxes and curves, it is distinctly different from our alphabet and this kinda applies to the way they draw, of course, there is awfully drawn manga too

>> No.6894839
File: 766 KB, 783x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894840

this thread is dumb and you should hide it


>> No.6894843
File: 1.28 MB, 1800x1291, 0020-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing, I think people think of "anime" as the shounen jump and clamp style, but there are all kinds of manga art style, for example, would Girl's Last Tour be considered "anime style" if it wasn't made by a japanese? It is pretty different from the usual stuff

>> No.6894847
File: 100 KB, 642x1000, 51U+7tJGTuL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But for some reason, it is so fucking clear when it is a bad western artist trying to copy the japanese style. Like this would never pass as drawn by a japanese person

>> No.6894900
File: 70 KB, 941x522, 2843B046-E525-41B6-B26C-C599D7D5F31C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894999

And don't get me started on the double standards
>goblins aren't racist. just because they're an inherently evil race doesn't make them brown
>drawing monsters with black skin is racist because you're making inherently evil creatures brown [insert racist stereotypes here]

>> No.6895057

>would Girl's Last Tour be considered "anime style" if it wasn't made by a japanese
the characters' expressions in your example are a dead giveaway that it's Japanese
this looks like it's from an American How to Draw Anime book c. 2003 so it doesn't pass

>> No.6895094

>a dead giveaway that it's Japanese
sure, but the one that clearly isn't japanese tries to use the same kind of expressions, yet it is clearly not japanese

so I guess asian jeans are real after all

>> No.6895319

>the one that clearly isn't japanese tries to use the same kind of expressions
years of consuming japanese media allows you to spot imitators, there are subtle differences in how the eyes and mouths are situated, the boy and the little furry character are basically Looney Tunes. The hands being slapped on with minimal effort doesn't help either.

>> No.6895323

Please tell me you two are being ironic.

>> No.6895419
File: 107 KB, 1356x726, WvE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find that still of Morriggan kind of annoying, because it's easy to find a random still from a cartoon that's ugly and unappealing - especially in a quick cash grab cartoon.

To your point about the noses; for a long time one of the criticisms for japanese art was their lack of noses, it's strange how our perception has changed so quickly in the last... 10, 15 years?
Even the big bug eyes that threw westerns off so much are now readily accepted.
This isn't me criticizing anime either, as I enjoy the stuff enough, but it's interesting just how much the public's taste has so suddenly changed.

>> No.6895464

I never understood why you all say "it's impossible to draw authentic real nihonteki anime unless you have japanese jeans" when you can go on twitter and find four thousand teenagers drawing shit that looks like it came out of a 00s eroge and followed by jap artists.
have you considered that maybe you guys are just unskilled retards that don't know how to draw instead of making excuses?

>> No.6895499


Not making excuses for what you said but it's really only the same handful of guys and gals at the top on every platform while hundreds of thousands of bad artists are suppressed giving you the false illusion that there are too many good artists when really only a few are exceptional.

>> No.6895512

that's not my point. there's thousands of shit artists but that doesn't mean you have to be japanese to have the chance to draw "good" anime. there's thousands and thousands of shit japanese artists but of course none of you bother looking beyond pixiv front page tier shit. all you guys do is make excuses for your incompetence rather than just fucking studying and drawing.

>> No.6895527

It's kind of because people treat japan as special and want to gatekeep its authenticness, they end up bashing on anyone even attempting to try. Yet none of this matters even more so than ever thanks to AI.

>> No.6895572

I disagree, it is incredibly rare for an artist to have "japanese" looking art, that radiant french manga looks the closest to it, even then there's something I can't pinpoint that gives off a french vibe, like, you can't tell it is from the same country from wakfu

>> No.6895573

>there's thousands and thousands of shit japanese artists
They're literal 10 - 14 year old kids much like DA is in the west.

>> No.6895584

>Shit artists not being able to make good drawings

Yeah, no duh? Why do you think they are SHIT artists? And I bet you most of those are literal kids drawing them too.

>there's thousands of shit artists but that doesn't mean you have to be japanese to have the chance to draw "good" anime.

This argument stems from westerners trying to homogenize Anime alongside their own stuff. Anime is INHERENTLY Japanese. Saying "American Animesss" is an oxymoron. People hate this especially because they don't want all the shit that comes with American media to permeate into Anime.

>they end up bashing on anyone even attempting to try.

Most of the attempts you see are slightly above >>6894847 but still wants it to be called Anime because people now a days immediately gag when hearing any other term.

>Yet none of this matters even more so than ever thanks to AI.

I'd like to see it try without being fed any sort of data. You know, the data that was made by other humans before hand?

>> No.6895590

To rephrase certain sentences. Nobody is saying it's impossible for foreigners to make good Anime, they are saying that on AVERAGE, it's a lot, lot harder because it's not just an art style but heavily influenced by culture. This is why people do not consider anything outside of Japan to be "Anime" It's not a difficult concept.

>> No.6895597
File: 229 KB, 759x1200, 4e8d27b0-9fcc-4b75-bab4-8d7226462b3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disagree, it is incredibly rare for an artist to have "japanese" looking art, that radiant french manga looks the closest to it, even then there's something I can't pinpoint that gives off a french vibe, like, you can't tell it is from the same country from wakfu

Lots of foreign animators (french ones moreso) are working in japan on japanese anime and you never know until you check out the staff
It's purely subconscious. For Radiant, though, the author does insert his own culture in his work.

If I showed you pic related, if Yu-gi-oh wasn't popular and if I told you it was made by a "brazilian mangaka" you'd say : "oh yeah, of course it doesn't look authentically japanese, it's too rigid, too "by the book""

>> No.6895602

>Most of the attempts you see are slightly above >>6894847

That's an insanely disingenuous, it's not the 2000s anymore

>> No.6895605

>Lots of foreign animators (french ones moreso) are working in japan on japanese anime and you never know until you check out the staff
that's mostly because they are following character sheets isn't it

>> No.6895616
File: 105 KB, 828x704, FKortTAVIAA_cMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. They look nowhere near like Anime to begin with, yet there's this notion that they should all be lumped in the same instead of having distinction between the two. Remember you have tons of people calling pic related Anime or WANT it to be called as such.

As long as people keep saying something isn't Anime and having this argument ( this thread is proof of that ), there's clear differences between the two. That won't change unless you magically give every western artist 20+ years worth of Japanese media knowledge and experience.

>> No.6895620
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x720, 1693457076951019.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason pic related is distinctively "not anime" is because westerners follow rigid perspective and realism for the face while winging it for everything else.
Japan works in reverse.
Anime heads are hard to do for non-jap because they don't follow the laws of perspective for the face, it's pure symbol... however they treat everything else as if it was grounded in solid reality, especially shadow, color work, etc

Moe, for example, is hard to do, especially with the loomis method because it can't be translated in 3D without twisting the perspective

>> No.6895626
File: 1.49 MB, 500x375, 68ec15e69ac6b13f046e4c561de4d4b3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example. All these show take pride in detailling the face, the mouths however, besides that, everything else is colored in a bland way with no lineweight, as if it didn't matter

Anime, on the other hand, even when it's "realistic" will merely suggest the important features of a face while giving everything else a solid "real" look, including the camera angles and the composition

>> No.6895630

I think you maybe onto something

>> No.6895632

weebs are a sexually transmitted disease, we currently have an epidemic

>> No.6895635

Why wouldn't blackwash be real? If whitewashing can be a concept, how can any other colorwashing not be?

>> No.6895637
File: 239 KB, 1600x896, GTETGTGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.
For example did you know that japanese people never perfectly position the mouth in ther characters? They position it juuuuust a bit further back into the face for maximum appeal and avoid giving them a "monkey face"
They also draw both eyes the same "relative size" regardless of the angle because the human brains prefers when the balance between the two parts of a face is 50/50.
If you combine that with cinematic composition it gives you a dopamine explosion that explains why the world is fucking obsessed with anime

Meanwhile you have pic related :
Perfectly constructed faces, chiseled jawlines, proportional "cartoon eyes" but the composition , the color is so fucking BLAND

>> No.6895645
File: 132 KB, 1280x800, anime_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_Littner_Yoko_Teppelin_Nia_Kamina-18279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, I think you're a right, for example, look at pic related, it is a similar scene but you can clearly see it is genuine anime.
Yes the faces are wonky as hell but the poses, the shadows and light source, everything is much more dramatic

>> No.6895656
File: 88 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BZDk5MjM5MTMtZWExYy00MzhlLThlNjUtYzFmN2FhMDYxNzk2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXRyYW5zY29kZS13b3JrZmxvdw@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania on netflix is an improvement but it suffers from some problem that show they still haven't got it perfectly.

Well, first off, the ratio between the different parts of the face is fucked. It looks like a caricature of what an american think anime is (like those shojos from the 70-80s)
But even with this fucked ratio, instead of taking advantage of the fact it's TWO-DIMENSIONAL to salvage it (think about Kaiji and its weird faces) they *still* have to perfectly construct the eyes with a round shape and all.
The average "animesque" westerner can't let go of the laws of reality for his faces and it bites him in the ass

>> No.6895661
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Well put. Great example for using Berserk one.

I know that pic was probably posted in response to the accusation of cherry picking but it *really* isn't. There's so much Anime/Manga in terms of sheer raw number for ages ranging from kids all the way to adults and everything in between that the American and Japanese industry is just incomparable. It's not really that one is better over the other, they are just different.

Going back to >>6895527 comment of Japan being special, it IS special, it doesn't necessarily mean it's good just DIFFERENT. You can't argue against this because America should have an identical industry to Japan right? Where is it then? Most people think Anime traces its roots in Disney when it goes way, way farther than that. A good 2 centuries before Disney was even born. With stylized art already being a thing and Japanese theatre ( kabuki ). It is literally older than the US.

>> No.6895664
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>Yes the faces are wonky as hell but the poses, the shadows and light source, everything is much more dramatic
That's another good point that differenciate "anime" from "western shows"
Anime doesn't shy away from dramatizing everything, even if it would look silly in reality.
For example those extreme "anime close-ups" or angles
Doing pic related in a movie would feel silly as fuck and gives the viewer a headache because we don't like having things showed in our faces.
In anime though? It looks cool as fuck because it's 2D
Western animation tries to stay "grounded in reality" where it doesn't matter. Even in good "mature" anime-like western animation like Avatar they play it safe.

Basically. The west tries to be realistic where it doesn't matter and isn't where it should (colors, shadows, physical anatomy)
The reason anime works is because it projects "objectively" what you feel "internally"
This why you love watching anime *about sports* even if you don't like sport. They make you feel what the players are actually feeling, even if they have to dramatize the slightest thing (because, when you are on the field, the slightest thing *IS* dramatic)

>> No.6895679
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I haven't watched Castlevania but a similar art style that it reminds me of is the anime called Drifters. Same creator as Hellsing. Even with something very western stylized and the author being a westaboo, it's STILL distinctively Japanese and you see this everywhere with every Trigger show being a good example. And that's just the art. Once you actually watch it for a few minutes, any doubts are immediately clear. ( that is if the Japanese audio didn't give it away already ) I can't find that one tweet of some retard saying American "Anime" is beating Japan with Edgerunners on the list despite it completely being made by a Japanese company.

>> No.6895687

>No draw Dunning-Kruger: The thread

>> No.6895690

This was a thread about manga not anime, individuals not entire companies. Also castlevania isn't even western it's animated by thais and koreans

>> No.6895695
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In case my ESLness didn't give it away, I'm a baguette and the reason "we" guys are so good at drawing "convincing anime" is because we obsess over the tiny little details that make up all the difference.
Something as silly as not drawing the upper lip except in characters you purposely want to look simiesque or ugly

/ic/ is great for technical discussion about art. Learning how to draw is "simple" : Copy, JUST DRAW, and use your head. The rest is semantics

The creator and artistic directors are WESTERN. The thais and korean are just doing the grunt work.
Did you know a lot of western cartoons were animated in literal north korea?

>> No.6895697
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Pic related, Katie Silva doing a basic mistake

>> No.6895700

>, I'm a baguette and the reason "we" guys are so good at drawing "convincing anime" is because we obsess over the tiny little details that make up all the difference.
Super, je suis en trains d'apprendre français. Frances also has a super deep rooted comics culture, don't you guys have avenues named after Tintin

>> No.6895703
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Anime and Manga go hand in hand. Individually speaking, there's a higher percentage of artists in Japan relative to its population due to the environment being simply better. That means more good artists OVERALL due to sheer numbers. Bringing up Manga only means bringing up the equivalent meaning comics. And this horse has been beaten dead enough already.

America still has the stigma of it being uncool and for nerds. Unless a lot of America's culture is fundamentally changed to resemble Japan's, this isn't gonna change. There's too many core differences in how they are made or viewed which is why they are so different.

>> No.6895705

Je te souhaite bonne chance, anon!
Tintin is from Belgium, but they speak french so you could call it an extended "cultural territory". The two countries share the same love for comics and animation, so we usually say "franco-belge" to talk about that.
Many animators and renowned "french" voice actors might be from there now that I think about it

>> No.6895711

Shoujo manga does that a lot

>> No.6895712
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Yeah they love those lips do they? It's funny how they did the same for Tanya except it was to intentionally make her look more 'ugly'. It's pretty bad when that's the norm for these shows. That's not to say what they made looks ugly or anything, just different.

>> No.6895713

Dude, this dumb “america sees manga as uncool” is an old meme. There’s freaking Pokémon plastered all over my Local Mc Donalds right now for example. It’s more of an acceptable thing than it was back then

>> No.6895714
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>> No.6895715

it's insane how retarded motherfuckers sound when they try to rationalize their preferences and taste in art when they have a room temperature IQ. like actual NGMI discourse. go back to /a or /co so you can blend in with all the other retards.

>> No.6895716

Je vous remercie, anon.

>> No.6895718
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forgot pic

>> No.6895719

>Did you know a lot of western cartoons were animated in literal north korea?
Yeah and a lot of them were also greatly co-made back in the day like transformers

Would you consider scott pilgrim an anime or western animation? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off

>> No.6895722
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That's because nerd hobbies like video games overall are more acceptable and accessible in 2023. It's still nowhere near the level of Japan though where it is completely normal. I didn't say they found it "uncool" that wouldn't make sense due to how popular manga is globally.

Read my post again double retard. I didn't say it was ugly, just different. This whole discussion is literally on DIFFERENCE. Though, I would argue Anime is far, far more popular than cartoons now due to simply the sheer number difference between the two.

>> No.6895725

Oh, so you want NYC to have billboards and advertisements everywhere like in Akihabara. The day that happens I’d just drop this hobby.

>> No.6895730
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>He doesn't know

lm@0ing at you right now. Jokes aside, no that wouldn't happen any time soon because like I said in my previous posts

A. There is still a stigma around Anime/Manga
B. The industry is completely different.

People would be weirded out if they started making the place like Akihabara. Not that would be possible, people would just vandalize the place because NYC is a crime filled shithole unlike Akihabara.

>> No.6895734
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Hajime no ippo does too. Some hentai as well
The difference is that it's a "rule" that you only break for specific purpose, when you know how to use it.
Castlevania gives it indiscriminately to its characters on all occasions, just like it doesn't know how to make its weird "face ratio" work to its advantage.

In shojo it's there to appeal to women but notice how everything else follows the ""rules"" of anime.

Yeah, I'm saying it's a "basic mistake" because the designer didn't think about it. There is no rigid rules and they can all be broken if you know what you're doing. Kaiji and its detailed pointy noses and mouth that "realistically" espouse the form of the head is an example

No problem anon. Then please keep crying about how your anime art doesn't "look genuine" or whatever

As time passes, the categories of "anime" and "non-anime" will blur. Perhaps like this video :
It was animated by japanese people and it shows because they use animation techniques that were only found in japan at the time, despite the designs being western.


The more people learn what makes anime, anime, the more we'll hopefully see things like this. I can't judge scott pilgrim yet. It's more "anime" that shows of the past though, for sure

>> No.6895738

Bon courage, surtout! Je crois en toi!

>> No.6895742

Maybe I should have used "principles" instead of "rules" which sounds rigid and autistic. Don't take the word too strongly

>> No.6895744


Ping me when there are 150 foot posters up for adult games that feature the cutest girls on buildings. Until then, I will sleep.

>> No.6895746

>As time passes, the categories of "anime" and "non-anime" will blur.
I agree, we should start calling anime from japan japanimation again to avoid confusion

>> No.6895747

that's racist and confusing

>> No.6895750
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I feel as it the problem with stuff like Saturday AM is that the authors don't stray enough. They're essentially do "Shonen Jump, but Diverse.tm." This involves the concept of Media Diet, or rather, the Media and Art you consume. These guys media diets consist of mostly popular manga/anime and that's a bad thing. Poor Media Diet is how you get generic battle shonen #342, Shitty Light Novel #4029, and other drech.

>> No.6895754
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NTA but I think, at some point, "anime" will become akin to "french cuisine"
Nobody gives a shit if great french cuisine is done by an american, japanese, mexican, etc. People will still acknowledge it comes from its home country and respect the history but they won't be autistic "well, it's not a real boeuf bourguignon because the guy isn't a native!"

Take Azur Lane, for example. It's Chinese but it's 100% anime. The japanese themselves don't care. It's a massive cultural victory, if you think about it.
Maybe it's because Japan basically borrowed most of its culture from China up to a point, so they don't care if you borrow their culture. They're flattered and think they're winning

>> No.6895759
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I'll say that Sat Am is better than the generic seasonal filler that burn up studio money, they lack anything that sets them apart from other stories of their type, because of the poor media diet. Some of the best/popular mangaka were inspired by other manga, but also primarily other media. Horikoshi loved Western Superhero Comics, Toriyama was a Martial Arts Fan, Fujimoto loves Western Cinema, Akutami loves Horror, and Togashi takes from everything. These influences set each other's works apart despite falling into the same genre of "Battle Shonen."

>> No.6895766

Didn't Japan save Azur Lane from the brink of death? It's basically theirs now, that's why "they don't care".

>> No.6895769

Okay I get your point. Sorry for being autistic.

>> No.6895777

Don't worry about it, anon.
Also, yeah, I used Azur lane but Last origins (korean IP) works too

>> No.6895841

>NTA but I think, at some point, "anime" will become akin to "french cuisine"
Personally I think the style is something of a fad (internationally that is) and there'll be a large shift to something else.
That said, it could take decades, and you're prediction could become well true by that point.
Though I could be wrong, obviously it's been in Japan all this time (though slowly evolving, but also remaining the same), so maybe it's staying power will be true globally as well?

>> No.6895845

Reason why China and Korea replicates it so well is because the culture is very similar to begin with. So the differences are not that big and not very obvious to outsiders. But it still exists, preference wise. Enough that Korea has its own called Manhwa. And again, beyond the look of it, when you get to the stories and characters, there's a clear overall in difference. Especially China that's censored to all hell.

>well, it's not a real boeuf bourguignon because the guy isn't a native!

It's more like if you just deep fried bread, sprinkle some butter on it and tried to pass it off as French cuisine. Not only is it completely wrong it tastes disgusting to boot. That's the current state of what happens when Americans try to copy it. It may not taste as bad but it's still wrong. And that's not something you can really replicate unless you live in East Asia and constantly being bombarded by said culture 24/7.

It's not even a question of skill. It's literally just preference. Americans prefer a certain type of look, story and characters. So you would have to basically raise them on Japanese or at least, east Asian culture. And I don't think that will happen any time soon.

>> No.6895877

Why are you assuming kids are the only ones drawing shit art when we're on the board full of people with shit art.
Culture can be a component but it's not the sole reason. It's not "difficult on average"

Have any of even bothered to pay attention to korean artists because a large portion draw that western moser disney style. Same with plenty of japanese artists. If you asked them to draw a generic moe girl, they would still struggle to grab the appeal regardless of their draftsmanship because guess what? They didn't spend their time studying and drawing that shit.
Rather than complaining about why you can't draw Real Japanese Anime, study. If you know what feels off, you're already on the road to making something that looks half decent. talking to you retards is like talking to a brick wall when 2/3 of you don't even bother trying to draw.

>> No.6895914

>Why are you assuming kids are the only ones drawing shit art when we're on the board full of people with shit art.

My point was that you said that shit artists make shit art which yes, and water is wet.

>Culture can be a component but it's not the sole reason. It's not "difficult on average"

Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me? Which is it? What I meant by difficult as in putting in the time and effort to learn the subject in depth, which for a lot of people hand waving it as merely a simple "art style" already failed at step 1. And it shows.

>Have any of even bothered to pay attention to korean artists because a large portion draw that western moser disney style.

And Korea is a lot more westernized compared to Japan. So it's not really helping your argument there.

Anyway, the latter half of your post is nonsensical. The whole point of my posts was pointing out that there is a clear difference between Anime and American ""Anime"". I didn't say you have to BE Japanese, I said that you need to be immersed in the culture in-depth, which, usually means living IN Japan as A Japanese, constantly consuming Japanese media/material.

It's difficult in the sense you have to go the extra effort to learn it because you *don't* have easy access to it. And translated stuff usually lose a lot of their nuance or straight out bastardized. That's why people just say anything outside of Japan is NOT Anime.

>> No.6895969

I'm disagreeing with you in terms of it being culturally related because that entirely depends on what aspects of a culture we're talking about. Being exposed to the media of a country is a contribution, but that's not necessarily "culture" as a whole.
>And Korea is a lot more westernized compared to Japan.
How the fuck are they more westernized? Can you fucking read? I said Japanese artists as well. westernization has nothing to do with it when you also have china making films that look identical to american slop.
>I didn't say you have to BE Japanese, I said that you need to be immersed in the culture in-depth, which, usually means living IN Japan as A Japanese, constantly consuming Japanese media/material.
That's being japanese. living in japan as a japanese is literally saying you need to be japanese to properly draw it. Stop flip flopping on your stance mid post.
>And translated stuff usually lose a lot of their nuance
This has nothing to do with drawing. you're saying my post is nonsensical when you're just pulling shit out of your ass that's unrelated kill yourself

>> No.6896023

>I'm disagreeing with you in terms of it being culturally related because that entirely depends on what aspects of a culture we're talking about. Being exposed to the media of a country is a contribution, but that's not necessarily "culture" as a whole.

Can you elaborate on this? How do you explain the differences?

>That's being japanese. living in japan as a japanese is literally saying you need to be japanese to properly draw it. Stop flip flopping on your stance mid post.

>That's being Japanese

Let me say it again.

I didn't say you have to BE Japanese, I said that you need to be immersed in the culture in-depth, which, usually means living IN Japan as A Japanese, constantly consuming Japanese media/material.

See the part where I say "usually means living in Japan"? Do you know what that means? Or do you suppose people living in bumfuck nowhere in Texas can suddenly start liking Anime while having no exposure to any of it? Or make any while having no materials to work with?

>This has nothing to do with drawing. you're saying my post is nonsensical when you're just pulling shit out of your ass that's unrelated kill yourself

You are under the assumption I'm complaining about not being able to draw "proper Anime" again, in what post did you get that idea? Please point it out. I don't think anyone even mentioned drawing "proper Anime." So I have no idea why you are bringing something unrelated to the thread subject. It's almost an Ad hominem at this point. Hence, the "nonsensical" quip.

>> No.6896028
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If it's not the ideas, customs and social behaviour that contributes to Anime, then what the is it?

>> No.6896036
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>diverse manga
death to america

>> No.6896039

>How the fuck are they more westernized?
They put yellow cheese in their noodles.

>> No.6896043

both of you retards don't draw or not drawing at any level it would worth giving two shits about.
nobody cares about your overarching theories about things you barely do or understand.
now go to bed cuz tomorrow you have to be back at the kindergarten where you can impress all the other 3 year olds with your amazing concepts about art based on the first hand experience of NOTHING. plz kys you'll save your parents money.

>> No.6896045

You're right that doesn't exist it's actually called mudstaining, shitsmearing or diarrheawashing.
Pick one.

>> No.6896046

What is diverse to you? You can't explain it.

>> No.6896050
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Lord of the rings is pretty diverse, dwarves, humans, elves, wizards. hobbits and no niggers.
Now go get fucked, xitter retard.

>> No.6896053

and to add to that
they all have diverse personalities and opinions, kinda like the cunts in FF 16 where there's also no niggers.

>> No.6896054

>make a dwarf, elf, wizard, hobbit black
>(you) burst several blood vessels

>> No.6896056

those don't exist, stop appropriating my culture.
now go dilate

>> No.6896058


You're contradicting yourself. It's still a diverse world full of dwarves, elves, wizards, and hobbit creatures. It just so happens that there are also dark skinned versions of them, not niggers

>> No.6896059

>You are under the assumption I'm complaining about not being able to draw "proper Anime" again
Are we reading the same fucking thread? The whole thing is fucking about that and the "japanese genes" shit is a common meme on this stupid board.

>I don't think anyone even mentioned drawing "proper Anime." So I have no idea why you are bringing something >>6894340
unrelated to the thread subject. It's almost an Ad hominem at this point. Hence, the "nonsensical" quip.
you're not even bothering to read between the lines of what i'm saying and don't tell me you mean this in the "anime and manga are the same" way because the only difference is medium. i don't even mean "proper anime". when these threads come up time and time again it's related to the idea of "why can't i draw lolis as good as japs"
are just a few posts saying something along those lines. how the fuck is me saying "draw instead of crying" ad hominem and nonsensical when it's the truth?

>> No.6896062

where would they get the dark skin from in the first place?
it wouldn't make any sense, just like the elves in wow suddenly getting nigger skin tones when it makes absolutely no sense lorewise (that is called pandering).

>> No.6896067

How are they Africans? They just have a slight shade of hue in their skin. How is it any different from purple for the night elves in WoW? Diversity is diversity. You're getting a diverse set of skin colors. Is this so hard for your little racist brain wired on /pol/ juice to understand?

>> No.6896069

too bad i already threw out my dignity to draw on shitty jap cartoons for ¥2000 yen a cut unlike you. fucking rope yourself faggot.

>> No.6896084

Nigger we all know what amerimutts and twitteroids associate with dark skinned characters.
They see Yoruichi from bleach and start screaming "YO SHE BLACC".
So might as well not risk it and just not add any of that shit.

>> No.6896097

>Are we reading the same fucking thread? The whole thing is fucking about that and the "japanese genes" shit is a common meme on this stupid board.

So you admit it's a MEME and yet genuinely take it seriously. And you call me the retard. When I'm not even disagreeing with you on that ANYBODY *CAN* learn it, it's just hard because of the aforementioned difficulty. And again, again, let me repeat that what I mean by that is that is due to the aforementioned added layer of accessibility to it which doesn't exist if you directly have access to it. So, MOST people do not bother and assume it's just an art style that takes 5 minutes to copy.

>i don't even mean "proper anime"
>when these threads come up time and time again it's related to the idea of "why can't i draw lolis as good as japs"

Okay. Well, congratulations it's NOT about drawing "lolis as good as japs". It's about why AREN'T there more westerners drawing loli identical to Japan? As in, why don't more people output stuff similar to the level and quantity of Japan? AS in, why aren't they doing the same stuff Japan is doing? The reason for that can be MANY, of which can simply be summed up culturally.

>are just a few posts saying something along those lines. how the fuck is me saying "draw instead of crying" ad hominem and nonsensical when it's the truth?

That other guy you quoted saying "Asian jeans". Asian Jeans also being a fucking meme that you probably think people unironically believe in. If they do, then just call them out that they are stupid.

I repeat, REPEAT, I am not talking about being able to draw "proper anime", in fact, I'm not talking about drawing at all. I'll repeat this as many times as I can so you can stop bringing this shit up when that is not what I'm discussing about.

>Anime Japan = Different Good
>""Anime"" AKA cartoons America = Different ( but also just bad currently )

There. Understand that?

>> No.6896099


Do you self insert as Ichigo from Bleach because he has orange/blond hair? What about Naruto with his blonde hair blue eyes? Or Meliodas? If you're asian, then perhaps copy/paste kun is your cup of tea? Even though all of those characters are Japanese, including Yoruichi, why does it bother you if the only identifying trait a dark skinned person can see themselves in is the skin color?

Yeah I laid a trap out for you with that point. I know you'll say something like "what about their personality and morals--why can't they relate to that??". But now you're just admitting only whites and asians are allowed the gratification of self-insert by visual characteristics.

Now that I got that out of the way, if I dip a Japanese person in a can of red paint, he is still Japanese. So, if I change the slider to a different skin of hue on a dwarf character in a video game that dwarf is still a dwarf no matter how much it triggers your ancestrial racism.

>> No.6896213

> if I dip a Japanese person in a can of red paint, he is still Japanese.

That's paint not skin, Human skin tone varies genetically based on environmental factors. Dwarves being white makes sense if they live in caves and mines because there would be little sunlight.

>> No.6896234

>Dwarves being white
They have white skin, they are not European. Yoruichi has dark skin, she is Japanese.

>> No.6896253

>The art styles are fucking derivative and generic and copies the trend of the day,

This is basically the situation in a nutshell. Jap artists draw what they like and experiment based on personal taste or limitation, and the term manga is just the native word for comic. Weebs in the west took it as a generic label for a limited selection of works they associate with surface level tropes.

"Diverse manga" is like watching a white soccer mom trying to rap. It feels like a cheap cringe knockoff because it's coming from a place novelty and generalization. An outsider crossing off a checklist rather than expressing themselves.

>> No.6896400

>where would they get the dark skin from in the first place?
The sun. You do know that melanin is an evolutionary adaptation to a harsh, sun-beaten environment, right? Even white people's skin increases its production of melanin when they spend enough time in the sun. That's all a tan is, and anybody who's worked enough hours in the sun will produce melanin in increasing quantities. It's not at all unbelievable that a fantasy race could see the same effect as the human race, where more sun-beaten cultures wind up with darker skin as a direct adaptation to their environment.
For the same reason, however, I think it's retarded to just randomly throw black elves in where it makes no sense to. That black elf had better be from a distant land or something, otherwise it makes 0 sense for him to be hanging out with a bunch of whities.

>> No.6897009

didn't you know bro
It's evolution in about 40 years the high elves in warcraft developed skin as dark as the fucking night simply by leaving their forest which is in perpetual spring tier climate
(Also ignoring that the highborne LOST their pigmentation aka got lighter when they left the well of eternity but let's just ignore that and pretend it's evulushn and not just like you said blizzard pandering to motherfuckers that don't even play the game)

>> No.6897564

Kill yourself nigger YWNMI

>> No.6897579

Calm down, Sebastian.

>> No.6898180
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The only one with a small cock complex is your nigger, stop projecting on others.

>> No.6898183

It is something normal, I would say it is a universal law

>> No.6898190

>5 years without updates in ebsynth
pretty sad

>> No.6898198
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>non Japanese person cant do manga the way its done from Japanese artists.
>It's something embedded in their culture
This shit is so fucking funny because modern manga is just a combination of old American comics imported during the post-ww2 occupation, Disney animated movies and Hollywood cinematic techniques that Osamu Tezuka copied from and Takarazuka Revue.

>> No.6898204

>don't forget, we made that!
the same old talking points over and over


>> No.6898210

>don't forget, we made that!
I'm not even American it's just obvious that Animanga is a Disney rip-off but edgier.
Tezuka used to watch their animated movies hundreds of times and copy from them even more so, that's how he learned to draw.

>> No.6898212
File: 131 KB, 480x289, Western animator transforms Disney generic style into generic anime style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen kid I'm a weeb too but let's not pretend that anime or manga are original at all, they have a Vilppu and Loomis in every anime studio and they learn to animate from both preston blair and richard williams, look it up.

>> No.6898216


Anime and manga is its own class. it’s own breed. it’s own dna. I modern anime shares no semblance of anything that modern disney puts out. Anytime this is brought up it’s just some /pol/fags trying to take credit for Japans own industry. Where is your anime industry in America? Doesn’t exist, hence the youtube video depicting the boulder going down the hill.

>> No.6898227

>We wuz the original mangaka n shiet

>> No.6898234

the fuck? im greek too and bouzouki is easy anyone can play it, it's literally the same as the marked king

>> No.6898237

Japanese people don't try to be stylistically unique, they focus on story
Americans are hyper focused on developing a unique recognizable style that stands out so they can get ATTENTION
Sad, pathetic people

>> No.6898248

disingenuous comment
they need to focus on everything. merch pays the bills.

>> No.6898253
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>Japanese people don't try to be stylistically unique
>Sayanora Zetsubou-Sensei and Shin chan exist
>Not sylistically unique

>> No.6898286

>styllistically unique
Shin Chan, sure, the sensei one I just looked it up and doesn't strike me as "unique" at all. Looks like regular anime, just somewhat flatter than usual.

>> No.6898296

>Japanese people don't try to be stylistically unique,
The fuck? How clueless are you?

>> No.6898372

This is my point. Yes if you spend all your time looking at manganime you can see differences but the average person can't. The american wants the average person to be able to differentiate their work from everything else because they want to be special and important, its all about them as an individual, not the story, not the consumer, the artist
Its a very American mindset

>> No.6898397

you will never be japanese

>> No.6900712

Amerimanga will always suck ass because Americans think "big eyes = anime"

>> No.6900991

Not him but pretty much the first thing my editor (japanese) wanted to talk about after telling me that they'll debut me is to consider how I'm going to make my work unique enough to stand out.
You seem to think that japanese authors don't make an effort to stand out, or that it's not encouraged by publishers, but you're just wrong. Maybe one could argue that, given their conformist society, the average japanese author needs to be encouraged to try to stand out, however you should also consider that the people who try to be published authors are not the typical conformist member of japanese society by virtue of their pursuit of authorship.
One could also argue that maybe they're just not very good at standing out from each other overall, and to a point I would say that has more merit than the other arguments, but I wouldn't say it's a unique problem to the japanese. There's plenty of bog standard, generic western works out there in every medium too.

>> No.6901051

Hey anon here.
>make my work unique enough to stand out.
>conformist member of japanese society
It might depend on the magazine or even just the editor because I've heard about people that were tasked with making their style fit more with the style of the magazine and people being told to make their stuff look "more western" and once about a Japanese artist being rejected by a Japanese publisher for looking "too Disney-like"

>> No.6901065

>I've heard about people that were tasked with making their style fit more with the style of the magazine and people being told to make their stuff look "more western" and once about a Japanese artist being rejected by a Japanese publisher for looking "too Disney-like"
All of this is just a matter of how magazines are run. They collect works that have a similar "feel" in each magazine, for cross promotional reasons. eg, you like the way this one author does stuff, and the rest of the magazine also has a similar feel, so there's a good chance you'll like the other stuff in the magazine too. This is why Shounen Jump manga feel like Shounen Jump manga, each magazine is (generally) aiming to have a consistent "feel" across the works. This is probably why part of the reason so many people who are only familiar with manga on its surface, which is to say they've only ever read Jump manga, complain that it all feels the same. When you start to look at more than just one publication you see that there's a lot more going on. And yes, it depends on the editor and so on, so might think different strategies might yield better results at a given time. Context is important.
The point really being that, as you've pointed out, there is a lot of different approaches they might want from authors. It's not all conform conform conform. They do want your work to be distinct, because why would anybody want to buy it otherwise? Their job is to help you make something people will buy.

>> No.6901336

The point is that Americans are hyper-concerned about not conforming and standing out and being unique. Its all "me, me, me"
Japanese think more about the product and the consumer, about being part of a team instead of being THE artist.
And its not even controversial, only Americans get this hung up on it because they're obsessed with themselves to the point they can't just sit down and make art (DRAW).
One thing I never understood about a lot of weebs (who statistically tend to be anti-corporation, lefty types) is how much cognitive dissonance they manage to deal with given that Japan is a hyper-consumerist, hyper-corporate ethnostate where gay marriage is still illegal.
I'd love to see a trans japan-obsessed artists try to visit a gender segregated onsen.
Imagine if you knew feminists who loved Saudi Arabia or Russia. They'd look like clowns to outside observers, and rightfully so.

>> No.6901533

Nobody likes trannies outside the internet. The problem is you’re always online and think you just know every little thing about Americans because of Decoy Voice and the hand selected drama that influencers talk about.

>> No.6901786

An actual useful post on IC? The fuck?

>> No.6901794

Tbhs, that particularly Tanya draw is pretty fucking bad

>> No.6901978
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Actually, many people from diferents countries can copy aestetic way of modern anime, you can even compare old anime style and new.Even japans or related,do changes and works for it.
But lets talk about artists that can spend thousand hours to grind that lvl.
1 - Most of them probably would go diferent way from manga or anime, something like gameved or even furry art or some porn illustration patreon
2 - Those who had good design understands and could reproduce trend aestetic would just not spend thousand hours for art, they would pick any other well payed and established work instead
3- There we had young generation of kids who could be compared well in trend stuffs but they have to work harder and they just in progress of thousand hours
And we also have some artists that can compare to relared stuff from op post, but you can not even recognise them and mark as japanese , few numbers who realy do aestetic trendly
So in my opinion its all goes from design and how people understand it, its something like *taste* and that taste coming from reference base, its avialable in hard work for years and as i mention there, its hiden in thousand of these hours
You can even draw anime and manga flat, that would be 10/10 aestetic style

>> No.6901985

Your president has trannies in major positions in his administration. There are multiple elected trannies in your government. You have month long celebrations for trannies. There are multiple American television shows celebrating trannies. You have laws protecting trannies and allowing them to use women's bathrooms.
Maybe you're projecting because you're always online or maybe you're just being contrarian as a defense mechanism. America is a cultural tumor secreting ideological disease

>> No.6901997

you are just jealous that your society cannot tolerate any level of sickness without immediately collapsing, bidenchads can inflict a thousand cuts to themselves and still rule the earth, the US can limit its leadership pool to men selected from a geriatic ward and still keep the lights on, the shelves stocked, and wages paid on time, your society on the other hand is at the mercy of a corrupt colonel or a critical-infrastructure mafioso who decides to throw a wrench whenever he wants a bigger yacht

>> No.6902009

America is collapsing bro.
The democrats recently restarted construction of the border wall because they're so scared of the impending collapse lmao. But its too late.

>> No.6902017

the US had literal slavery for hundreds of years, a robust increase in income inequality and ethnic squalor is a return to form, not a collapse

>> No.6902025

Same goes for K-pop stans. They tend to be the tumblerina lefty whale types but South Korea is mcuh like what you described Japan, the hyper-consumeristic corporate ethnostate where gay marriage is illegal, plus Christian since Korea is one of the few places in Asia where Christianity got accepted by a big chunk of the population. The last two South Korean Presidents have been Trad Roman Catholics that oppose the LGBT agenda and Feminism.
>Imagine if you knew feminists who loved Saudi Arabia or Russia. They'd look like clowns to outside observers, and rightfully so.
The current Hamas Israel thing going on.

>> No.6902035

We need less people "doing manga" not more. Every region needs its own voice.

>> No.6902044

>things used to be bad, then they got better, now they're getting worse again!
Yes we agree that its been downhill since the late 60s.
Also, blacks were much happier under slavery and better off than they were in Africa

>> No.6902063

if slavery is so beneficial to the slaver and the enslaved, why are you upset that millions of future delivery drivers and warehouse sorters have been brought in, why call this a "collapse"?

>> No.6902064

because /pol/ can’t make up their peabrain mind

>> No.6902067

Mexican invaders aren't slaves dipshit. They're looters

>> No.6902071

it's a shame really, he was mostly coherent until he started insisting worse was actually better, but if we are going to have a slaver aristocracy of bidenchads guarded by priest-eunuchs to replace the status quo, that seems like an optimized version of worse (better), not a decline from better (worse).

>> No.6902078

So you can't buy things without asking the clerk at Target to open the case? That's fine, you can just have a migrant do it for you for peanuts. It's time to reject the sickly incel horse and ride with Biden, lord of the plantation, emperor of the sky, and master of artillery

>> No.6902082

The ideal nation has only whites
A tier below this is all lower minorities fully enslaved and higher minorities integrated and a small percentage of the population
It only gets worse for everyone with higher percentages of minorities and more legal privileges for minorities.
A multicultural society is a dying society

>> No.6902088

Things are getting more expensive every day. You ever wonder how these dirt poor migrants supposedly working for peanuts can afford to live and work here?

>> No.6902091

you don't have children and won't talk to women of your own tribe because you hate them, and it is somebody else's fault you are dying out?

>> No.6902094

they are provided for because they are a slave class, you are completely stupid if you think anyone in charge is genuinely sympathetic to outdated forms of managing society that don't work anymore, these people have skin in the game and aren't mere disaffected sons of clerks like yourself

>> No.6902108

What the fuck are you blabbering about? The point of bringing in endless hordes of people is not economic, its ethnic and religious. They want brown catholics because jews feel threatened by white protestants

>> No.6902112

I have a wife (white) and kids. If that's you're only argument against what I said, then I accept your concession and you can see yourself to reddit

>> No.6902135

>The point of bringing in endless hordes of people is not economic
i would agree it isn't economic from your perspective but now there will never be another unionized Amazon warehouse, which is economic from someone else's perspective
i respect your belief that living in Vermont or Iceland would be the best outcome for your family but do you respect that belief and act on it, or are you living in Florida surrounded by onshored Caribbean laborers like Biden wants every man of means to be?

>> No.6902145
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>everyone else

>> No.6902262

>bro just keep running until there is nowhere left to run
Its about ethnic cleansing, stop being willfully naive

>> No.6902294

Supposing you are correct, then what? You are going to ask whoever has power over you enough to determine the demographic composition of your society to stop? If there is a they, and this is their plan, you are completely impotent to stop it anyhow. But of course, that's to be expected from /pol/ tourists

>> No.6902891

The more people that come to acknowledge (not in a fatalistic, defeatist way) that it is happening and that it is bad, the less power tptb have. Don't get confused, the problem will be solved eventually, it will just be... messier the longer we put it off and the longer the creeps cling to power. There are still options on the table that aren't as distasteful as the solutions that will be necessary if nothing is done soon. Its entirely up to the people resisting this change back to normalcy whether they want the cleaner or the messier solution

>> No.6902935

Hey remember the time the Romans banded together and threw out every last Goth, Gepid, Lombard, and Hun to restore a mono-ethnic republican government and replace a decaying polyethnic imperial administration? That's like, my favorite part of Roman history, when the people in charge decided they didn't want an empire anymore either and made common cause with the last few natives living in the countryside to expel most of their labor force. It was based, it was redpilled, kino even.

>> No.6902994

There have been plenty of successful ethnic corrections and demographic healing throughout history. And with advanced technology, we have exciting new ways of achieving it. It just takes dedication and organization

>> No.6903051

well for every Israel there are a dozen Rhodesias my delusional friend, you are ngmi, find something else to worry about

>> No.6903052

Nah I think I'll stay focused thanks. Go try to demoralize some Palestinians on reddit or something.

>> No.6903058

focused on what? pretending /ic/ is /pol/?

>> No.6903076


>> No.6903079

That's just your opinion, Baguette.

>> No.6903125
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forgot image

>> No.6903159
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>> No.6903460

anime is almost entirely focused on the european/french comic aesthethic such as the great moebius, thus anime/manga is not a "genre" in itself like you're saying but a subgenre of french-european comics with a hyperfocus on high quantity over quality to the point where they stopped shading their work in favor of the AI/photoshop of that era such as pattern overlays and application of tone sheets so they could produce formulaic work in sweatshop environments.

There are some outliers such as Jojo, who again has more of an european, both style and cultural influence rather then the raw highschool produced manga work.
Most manga's you know lean more into western aesthethics than japanese ones such as
>one piece
>full metal alchemist
>cowboy bepop
>hunter x hunter
>dungeon meshi
>chainsaw man
>one-punch man

only very few franchises such as re:zero, spice wolf, hajime no ippo, yotsuba, made in abyss really embrace their japanese-ness

even the most normie-engaging "peak japanese animation" from ghibli is just moebius's style retrofitted with disney eyes to make it easier to consistently sweatshop animate

>> No.6903464

Why would I want to draw manga?

>> No.6903509

Both are ugly.

>> No.6903551

>actually, anime is french
points for originality I guess

>> No.6904499

they’re really both full of good and bad. anyone who says one is better is a stinky grifter selling horseshit dressed as gunpowder

>> No.6904903

Anime is originally the French word for Animation.

>> No.6904960

she has a manly neck too. anime necks for grills are unusually thin, like that of a doll

>> No.6904965

for one, japan still teaches art in schools and doesn't stigmatise anime in more academic settings

>> No.6905013
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>It's something embedded in their culture and how they perceive manga as a whole.
Nah, its really their infrastructure.
geography = destiny.
you guys are never going to entertain this thought, so i dont care. rest in hell.

>> No.6905035

>geography = destiny.
Unironically this, There is no infrastructure in the US for Comic books/Manga to take off since most Americans are drooling lazy retards

>> No.6905039

Wouldn't that mean infrastructure = destiny? If everybody used the train to get to work in america then comics would be bigge. This could have easily been reality if it weren't for factors irrelevant to geography, so it ain't a geographic difference.

>> No.6905056

its not even Americans being lazy. they are at work or at school and most comics during the boom were picked up on the way or from those places at gas stations, news stands, grocery store racks. Only dedicated fans went out of their way to a comic shop.
i was stating the old saying to be used with infrastructure, no need to get super technical, but you guys are getting the idea.

digital comics are a hard sell. youre competing with the media on the internet as a whole on top of piracy. manga is sold like classic comics were sold at convience stores, and the only edge they had over digital media, being physical, isgone. the way buisness is done, you could find a manga at one prefecture but not another, making it a locally known and funded product vs how now in the states, gas stations would only carey disney marvel and dc stuff because they have the money to stock the shelves as well as the PR.

you guys got the idea though.

>> No.6908115


spending time clicking each post makes you a faggot too

>> No.6908630

clicked with my dick, you still are a faggot