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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6891017 No.6891017 [Reply] [Original]

Drawing is a rather solitary hobby but have you guys made a friend through it somehow or art buddy?

>> No.6891018


>> No.6891048

Online friends? Many
IRL? None

>> No.6891053

Just my girlfriend who is very creative so we bonded over writing and art. But we're both friendless hermits. The few artists I've tried to be friends with in the past were insecure assholes. One couldn't stand anyone with less talent. Didn't give any advice, just glared at anything shown to her. The second one did it as her job but she only drew naked anime women constantly. She was very defensive and said she wouldn't give art advice even to people who did it as a hobby because they are competition. I'd like artistic friend but I have low tolerance for assholes or weirdos and don't meet people enough to find sane normal artists.

>> No.6891059

and hows that working out for you and how did they come about?
Sounds like you were more than successful if you got a gf out of it. As the OP says its very solitary so most people doing this tend to be weirdos and thats just how it is.

>> No.6891072

>Just my girlfriend who is very creative so we bonded over writing and art
i give you two about 3 more months

>> No.6891076

>and hows that working out for you and how did they come about?
Still lonely as all hell because online friends can only do so much plus a lot of them are older than me which make relating to one another difficult.
I go them through standard networking/interaction. Some I met on here and other boards

>> No.6891103

I made some, but gradually lost contact.

>> No.6891124
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I have several artfrens but we don't always draw, watch movies play vidya do fun projects and all sort of stuff. They're all supportive of eachother endeavors and we help eachother out out whenever we can. It's nice.

>> No.6891131

Nice job, anon! I'm happy for you. Don't listen to bitter cunts like 1072

>> No.6891134
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I'm as /beg/ as they come so every other artist I meet is way better than me and despite them being nice to me I cant help but feel like I'm not worthy of hanging with them

>> No.6891135

you have to embark on your silent ninja boy journey towards Mt. Loomis

>> No.6891137
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Used to help the 40+ owner of the atelier put stuff away after class and then rail her mercilessly against one of the work benches. She was so loose and wet i could go on hard for like 30 min. I was 22 or 23 back then and I guess it was like a fetish for her because she would have these right guttural orgasms. She had a family though so she didnt want to hang out or become friends. Great woman, started a lifelong fascination with rubenesque milfs in me

>> No.6891142

I can just have book buddies or join anime discords and talk about episodes there to fill that void. I don't need an "art buddy", especially not from this place.

>> No.6891146

I want jujudrop to be my art buddy but he said he already has one

>> No.6891147
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I haven't made a friend through art but I've had this friend for a long time, almost a decade, and she got into an art course since she wants to learn how to draw properly. I'm kind of a early int and tried to make some art with her, even just do exercises together since she has to submit them.
I'm gonna join drink and draw meetings of her school to meet more artist pretty soon though, so I might be able to make some more art friends.

>> No.6891200

no, but i used to, casually. i never even interact with anyone nowadays. if i accidentally brush the hand of the nice uncle cashier when getting my once a week groceries in quiet nodding camaraderie at night, it’s so irregular that it makes me feel a warm social nostalgic glow for most of a day.
i’m that isolated. feels like i’m the most natural hermit i’ve ever heard of tho, so i’m very happy with things. these topics make me very deeply miss the old friends/individuals i loved very much tho, back when i participated in social groups.

>> No.6891211

Lol I lied to sound less like a old fart. We're both married with 2 kids plus a 3rd on the way and have been together for 7 years. I'll tell them the tragic news we only have 3 months left.

>> No.6891227
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You should’ve left it at girlfriend, your cool factor is just back to what everyone else’s is now

>> No.6891372

I sometimes livestream my drawings with other artists who do the same. Lots of memes, fun, and we get to bounce ideas off of each other and have extra sets of eyes if something looks off, and it encourages me to actually draw rather than endlessly procrastinate. Might be a good idea to find some anons and share a small discord with each other.

>> No.6891408

how did this even start lmao

>> No.6891450

There's got to be a lot of >30 year old people on this site who were newfaggots in the 2010s and just never left. It's like a purgatory, or something.

>> No.6891558


>> No.6891574

Unironically I told her she smelled good

>> No.6891576
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>anon:the artist nobody knows

>> No.6891604


>> No.6891850

Finding drawing friends in first world countries is impossible. The people just exist to collect money and consoom overpriced shit.

>> No.6891852

I have zero (0) friends both online and IRL

>> No.6891871

If anything, I've made more enemies.

>> No.6891881

No but I have made friends with other creatives because of it. One is a musician and we bonded over doing silly projects like me making an animation and him doing music for it. Right now we're doing inktober(he makes short music based on prompt), although separate, we collaborate on ideas and thoughts on each other's work, which is fun

>> No.6891885

No, drawing or no drawing I'm too much of a sperg.
Haven't had even a semblance of a friend in 15 years, it's a lonely life.

>> No.6891981
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>person in DMs tries to be my friend
>happy, give it my all to be a good friend
>start realizing they only want to be around me for the sole purpose of getting better numbers on socials
>decide to stop tagging posts or sharing my blog
>do what i can to kill my interaction numbers on purpose
>way less people come around, but the ones who do are always quality and genuine
>way less likes and reposts, but now getting the occasional kind interaction that sticks in my mind
>make a new art friend after giving him advice, get to witness him working hard and making huge progress

>> No.6892716

I'm lucky enough to have a friend in highschool who also liked to make art sitting next to me. we still stay in contact and hang out together, even introduced me to other art peeps

>> No.6892722


>> No.6892731

almost all my friends are art friends - yes, mostly online but conventions are a great place to meet irl. i wish i could do more cons but the art i want to make doesn't really sell + i suck

>> No.6892732

Never in person because I've never met another person in real life who draws/does art and has talent. Through Twitter/IG I've become at least fairly talkative with a few of my followers which is nice.

>> No.6892982

Yes, but then I quickly let them go cause they were obnoxious as fuck
>One was a histrionic autist that kept whining about sucking ass while refusing to study fundmentals cause ''I have my own methods'' (He sucks).
>Another one was a E-thot drug junkie nympho that was getting into drama everyday (Everyone hates me type of chick)

The only one I met worth keeping around was some super Bro dude that was into lifting, and actually made 2k a month drawing pony/furry porn, funny dude but he hated the community and left it join the Royal Navy, and I lost contact

>> No.6892985

>Another one was some faggot homosexual that stopped talking to me when he realized I wasn't interesting in fucking his bussy

>> No.6892994

I've groomed a few girls through discord servers though never did art myself. Would I wife them up? Yes.

>> No.6893003

not good enough to have a friend yet

>> No.6893011

nah, it improved further. A gf is way less commitment than a whole family

>> No.6893012

Nah, every time it got to talking about art and time to go the extra mile to step out of your comfort zone they go back to their little bubble of only their own art and ngmi

I sometimes feel like most artists are just too egoistical to actually handle keeping art friends, or at least don't have the capacity to divorce their ego from art and be objective instead of subjective all the time. Easy to get anal over not improving as fast as somebody else or giving up and not being able to face your art friends

>> No.6893029

This is what I noticed; it was always talking about how good X artist was and their process, brushes, blah blah then directing it back to how they're not as good as them, or followers, or another artist's process. It was just another form of reverse negativity. A room to echo who's better than you. This is why I preferred the internet friends I did have who talked about non-art stuff mostly...like meme videos, etc.

>> No.6893033

Like, all an art friend should be is you draw together and talk about anything that's not art. That's it. It's not that complicated.

>> No.6893036

the art of disguising misery as some kind of edgy cynical wisdom, is about as artistic as the black pill you keep snoring

>> No.6893057

All of my online friends are artists. We'll show each other our stuff, give compliments and advice, and share it on social media, but we talk about other things most of the time. Known them all for years. I feel very fortunate to have them in my life, because it's hard to find other artists who aren't maladjusted retards these days.

>> No.6894082

Pretty much

>> No.6894198

We are here forever is a joke, but we laught at it so we dont cry.

t. soon to be 30

>> No.6894358
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where do you go to find art friends? i used to have some but none at the moment, i'm not looking for /ic/ places to grind and constantly improve, i want art friends that i can just hang out with and have fun drawing with
i've been trying to find people who draw to chat with but i have no clue where to find them

>> No.6896068

Check you municipal recreation programs list. Just go to whateveryourcityiscalleddotca and look for drawing or painting courses.

>> No.6896142

unfortunately there are very very few in my country. i wish i could do a figure drawing group but the only one there was has been inactive since 2018

>> No.6896269

i have one friend who does art but she isn’t as interested on improving as me so we sometimes draw together for fun or whatever but other than that our art related interactions are minimal

to be fair she’s like high beg/ low int and a little bit better than me but she really doesn’t understand form and is one of those “it’s just my style!!!” people

honestly it would be nice to have someone to be with in the grind but it’s whatever at this point, not too close with any of my friends anyway and i doubt that’s gonna change anything soon

>> No.6896275

Impregnate her.

>> No.6898140

Does art make you an unlikable freak or does it just attract unlikable freaks?

>> No.6898200

Virtually, maybe. Real life. No. One of the greatest memories are from college, evening sketch hangouts.

>> No.6898254

why are you me

>> No.6898259

do you have any pictures of her feet?