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File: 1.32 MB, 1182x1916, Peri_Heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6890387 No.6890387 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good character design?

>> No.6890582

I think it's good. I especially like how her hair stands out from the rest of the color palette but at the same time it's not so much that it feels like an eye strain.

>> No.6890584

I don't like it, It's too complicated. All I see is noise. Interesting noise, granted, but still noise.
I feel like you could achieve the same appeal with much less. Less is more.

>> No.6890591

I don't care for 2 toned hair. The eye color doesn't work well with the hair colors. The bottom half of the character doesn't really match well with the top half, and the skirt/leggings seems out of place. The armor itself has too many flourishes. A warrior type wearing high heals is dumb. There is just too much going on with it. It's a cute girl and i can see her crotch, so 10/10.

>> No.6890598

Since you can tell exactly what the character's personality is from the design, yes.

>> No.6890599

you can?

>> No.6890601

i never consoomed whatever media she is from but if i had to guess she's probably a bit spunky/tomboyish, with some tsundere personality traits.

>> No.6890604

From the wiki:
>Peri mostly acts like a spoiled child, crying very easily when upset and will lash out violently.
>Peri borderlines on sociopathic behavior, relishing in the act of murder

>> No.6890605

Typical Woman with impulsive behaviors.

>> No.6890607

never played fates, no idea who she is, but I assume she's rich/from royalty and psychotic.
If I'm wrong, then her design sucks.

>> No.6890608

I looked it up. You were wrong about her character. She is the annoying-hyper-energy-simple-minded "OMG you're so cool! I want to be just like you!" type.

>> No.6890612
File: 20 KB, 332x290, eirik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering she was literally designed by Kozaki's niece or something, or some young girl of one of the staff I can't remember - then no. Everyone laughed at her back then and she should still be laughed at today. Get fuckt, Perifags.

>> No.6890619

this doesn't sound like

Twin tails and drill clothes reflect rich and childish, unkempt multicolor hair and red eyes that clash with what she's wearing portray she's psychotic. Similar personality to someone like harley Quinn.

>> No.6890620

Frilly clothes*

>> No.6890623

Childish for sure.

>> No.6890630

Jesus christ
her design sucks ass then. She doesn't look like she would act like a bouncy energetic kid amazed at how cool other people are and want to grow up to be just like them.

>> No.6890635

It might just be the pose and facial expression they chose to use. It makes her looks very self assured and focused. The colors and and fashion choice fit her well. But at least in that scene she acts like she is 4 years old.

>> No.6890642

>good design is when [character] looks [character]'s personality
I'm kind of sick of this idea incidentally. A bad design is a bad design. It's cool if you're going for some Incredibles/Pixar shape design type stuff, but that isn't always the ideal for every work or even every character in a work.
You should be able to just look at a given design and say it's tacky and bad, regardless of it "shows character," with few exceptions.

>> No.6890645

It's tacky and bad and has too many clashing elements. But what if that is intentional? Can a design be good at being a bad design, thus making it a good design?

>> No.6890651

i wonder is this more sexual than the g string bikini armors i grew up with, feel like pokemon is sneaking in a lot of secret horny stuff now too

>> No.6890652

Too clusterfuck. Also her hair looks like feather dusters and not hair.

>> No.6890653

people typically dress/look similar to their what their personality will be like.
if someone wears pants below their ass and a hoodie 3 sizes too big, you aren't going to assume they're a respectable lawyer.
If you can't judge a book by its cover to some degree, it's a bad design.

>> No.6890657
File: 393 KB, 715x1118, waehw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon has always sneaked in horny stuff.

>> No.6890658

This. It's definitely over-designed.

>> No.6890661

Cute, I like the armor design

>> No.6890664
File: 213 KB, 1000x1282, You+might+hate+the+red+nose+but+nothing+will+ever+_7d192f0efe54b79a7e0859f229345013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an artistic way to do anything. You can convey "psycho edgy womanchild" without dipping into DeviantArt OC design tropes. Now of course there are no hard and fast rules, but this a good default position.
It's kind of like how Tumblr artists are actually really bad at designing ugly characters, despite drawing them so often. If you designed a goblin-type character using the tropes of pic related, it would be ACTUALLY disgusting, like too disgusting to even enjoy. Instead a good artists would might aim for the grotesque, the deformed, not necessarily disease stricken and speckled by acne.
No, people just judge you based on appearances, sometimes accurately, but no one dresses the same way all the time. To the point we have a cliche, "you can't judge a book by its cover." You think lawyers never slob out?
Anyway it's not an argument for fictional work, because fiction and art are not beholden to the rules of real life. I'm only saying a design shouldn't automatically get a pass because it "conveys character."

>> No.6890667

Triangle? I don't get it

>> No.6890669

The execution is competent. It's pretty much the difference between Sonic and Sonichu

>> No.6890673

How do you not get it? It's an arrow indicator and the device itself looks like a pleasure toy. If she stands straight it lines up with the line on her spats.

>> No.6890678


>> No.6890680

you just don't get it then

>> No.6890684

>looks like a pleasure toy.
It looks like an IR Digital thermometer or something to me. Everything looks like a dildo if all you have is a hammer.

>> No.6890695

This is actually very tame for anime bicycle shorts and the device does not look like a pleasure toy. Misty from the original series was dressed more revealing than this, but considering she was a water type trainer in context it was logical she would have clothes appropriate for warm weather/being poolside.

>> No.6890698
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 234762357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that thingy is flat on the opposite side, though. Point is, Pokemon always had sexual designs sprinkled in. Hell, they got away with dawn's skirt for years and nobody raised a fit over it.

>> No.6890703
File: 59 KB, 457x750, tumblr_pzk4wu6u9C1vw1ceco2_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just. don't. get it.

>> No.6890707

You are projecting too much of your own warped lolicon perspective onto the drawings.

>> No.6890711

>You think lawyers never slob out?
a lawyer will never dress like
>pants below their ass and a hoodie 3 sizes too big
you absolutely can judge most books by their covers, and if you can't, the creator of said book did a fucking bad job picking the cover.

>fiction and art are not beholden to the rules of real life
if you're trying to create a good character then yes it is.

>> No.6890713

Maybe, but we're going around in circles. I don't know how anyone can say the sexualization in Pokemon is a recent thing. You lot must have hit your head or you're underage and came after my time.

>> No.6890727
File: 636 KB, 634x934, scarjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being cartoonishly extreme to make a point, barely anyone dresses like
>pants below their ass and a hoodie 3 sizes too big
outside of your cultural bogeyman. Yeah you can find loose fitted clothing, and other dumb fashion trends, but everybody dresses differently based on the social context and no one is just 1 personality trait. Everyone dresses down at Walmart. This is a rich and famous actress.
My point again, is that thinking like you're designing some vtuber where the characters quite literally wear their personality on their sleeve is limited, and there's more to design than a looks-match-personality check.

>> No.6890732

>barely anyone dresses like
>>pants below their ass and a hoodie 3 sizes too big
>outside of your cultural bogeyman.
I see you've never lived near or driven through anywhere with any niggers?
>This is a rich and famous actress.
her dressed down clothes still fit well and probably cost more than you make in a week.

>> No.6890737

>hoodie grey, pajamas, and sweat shop sandals totes cost a fortune, because she's rich and white
God you're a fucking sheep

No I do live around black people, because I am black, which is why I can certifiably say you're a retarded pearl cluther who doesn't know what he's talking about. It's not 2003 anymore. And no one outside of hip hop videos and absolute thug retard lowlifes ever took it as far as your faggot suburban ass thinks

>> No.6890738

Anon, the entire outfit cost 100 bucks…

>> No.6890741

damn, i was pretty far off. i wonder why i thought differently

>> No.6890745

not maybe.
>You lot must have hit your head or you're underage and came after my time.
I'm 36, I stopped watching or playing pokemon in the early 2000s. I also don't follow or draw coomart. look into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9formation_professionnelle

>> No.6890747

It's probably expensive because retarded rich white women buy sweat pants for $300 because they have a gucci logo on the tag.

>you're a retarded pearl cluther who doesn't know what he's talking about. It's not 2003 anymore
Nigger I literally saw someone dressed exactly as I described 2 days ago. shut the fuck up.

>> No.6890750

>my anecdote :)
Don't care, cracker. My sample size is way bigger than yours. You probably think I'm biased, but the thing is, you are. You can't look at the issue rationally without frothing at the map and wanting to shoot up a black church.
Sagging has thankfully been dying out for a while now, unless you're literally looking at criminals.

>> No.6890759

>My sample size is way bigger than yours.
I lived in LA for 24 years and literally went to highschool with ice cube's daughter.

>Sagging has thankfully been dying out for a while now
thankfully, yes. I actually laughed at the guy I saw a few days ago because I thought that shit was over, but then some retard had to go and prove me wrong.

>> No.6890760

>ice cube's daughter

>> No.6890777

yeah she was a theatre kid, and he actually went to basically all of her plays. met him a few times, was kinda cool. he's a really nice guy

>> No.6890786

No. It's a pretty picture. There must be a defined use-case for the character, along with context on the design decisions.
"Design" is there on purpose. This has little to do with art.

>> No.6890790

>character design has little to do with art

>> No.6890797

Exactly. You can use solid lines and a round brush, doesn't matter. You can use polymodeling and it doesn't matter.
Do you want technique? That's one thing. Do you want a good design? That's a different thing.

>> No.6890805

you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6890808

How come there are character designers who do things entirely in vector space? How come there are people who use just 3D?
These are separate skills, fren.

>> No.6890820

Why didn't you just say you don't have a working libido? No wonder you don't get it.

>> No.6890821


>> No.6890830

art != drawing.

>> No.6890833

>It's an arrow indicator and the device itself looks like a pleasure toy. If she stands straight it lines up with the line on her spats.
this might be the dumbest shit I've literally every read here.

>> No.6890839

Nah, this guy is right ai isn`t art so off topic, should be banned. Kek. You get it, right.

>> No.6890841


>> No.6890850

>ai isn`t art
what the fuck are you even talking about?
seeing a random object with a triangle on it and thinking it was actually secretly designed to be a vibrator has nothing to do with your libido, you're just a retarded porn addict.

>> No.6890857

It’s not the end of the world for you. There are pills out there that can help you get your stiffy back.

>> No.6890863

This is quite literally just you being a porn addicted pedophile kek

>> No.6890864


>> No.6890880

It looks ridiculous to me but weebs love that stuff. So it really depends on the target audience and the story or world she is in. Something I can't fucking stand is when artists just draw what they think looks cool without any attempt to make a character that belongs in a world. So we end up with fucking Victorian maid outfits in a middle ages high fantasy story. Or a silly outfit on a character from a village where literally no one dresses the same as them. Because the artist wanted a special snowflake but they end up looking stupid and out of place because people always wear clothing like the culture they come from.

TL;DR yes if she's from a story where others wear similar knight uniforms and she isn't a special snowflake who is the only fucking one in those colors or armor design and a skirt.

>> No.6890892

i would have sex with that thigh gap

>> No.6890896

partial armor like this has always been stupid

>> No.6890911

seen worse

>> No.6890914

she's actually batshit insane but you were close

>> No.6890922

is just out of character?

>> No.6890925
File: 22 KB, 554x554, bigsip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890931

>You can convey "psycho edgy womanchild"
Ai attentionwhores be like. Yeah, you ain`t wrong.

>> No.6890941
File: 40 KB, 959x482, edgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peri is picrelated: the character. She's like every cringey Hot Topic emo-chuuni girl from the late 2000s. So it's not really out of character, she's just simply a badly written OC that made it into mainline Nintendo title.

>> No.6890943

is the ai in the room right now?

>> No.6890946

>image of a child
holy shit anon

>> No.6890951

anon you don't understand, she has a device with a triangle on it!

>> No.6890961

legal in the Pokemon universe and 2) I can't see how you don't find her sexually attractive

>> No.6890964

Your generation was brainwashed even before you had a chance, your parents are to blame, then yourself right after.
Internet isn`t real life. Behave.

>> No.6890967

>I can't see how you don't find her sexually attractive
this has to be trolling
there's nothing even remotely sexual about her design.

>> No.6890977

>there's nothing even remotely sexual about her design.
You just have dogshit taste and erectile dysfunction. Perhaps both.
No IRL girl looks as sexy as Crystal. Hear yourself.

>> No.6890980

you basically popped a boner while looking at a stalk of celery and are acting like everyone else is crazy for not wanting to fuck it.

>> No.6890983

>could I be in the wrong?
>NO! it's the people who are only attracted to adults who are wrong!

>> No.6890987

It's not her design you hate, it's the alleged fictional age that prevents you from admitting the attraction she omits. I'm trying to reason with moralfags and I know it's not a productive use of my time.

>> No.6890988
File: 75 KB, 201x198, Screenshot 2023-10-16 074047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alleged fictional age

>> No.6890990

There is no such thing as moralfag, only faggots are you`s, faggots. Lack of morals ruins everything and you prove it.

>> No.6890991

Instant no. Do real art.

>> No.6890992

>It's not her design you hate
wait hold up. who said anything about hating a design? I hate pedos, that's all.

>> No.6890993

>It's not her design you hate
I don't hate her design, nor do I hate however old she's supposed to be. I literally don't care if you're a lolicon. she's just not portrayed sexually at all.

>> No.6890994

You are just disgusting and pathetic. Know who has no morals, losers- you`s.

>> No.6891107

so your regular jrpg character then.

>> No.6891114

You've been hanging around pedo dens for long that you've forgotten that 4chan wasn't the pro loli monolith that you thought is was.

>> No.6891115

I'm in love with dark souls attention to detail. Even when they are made up they look historically accurate, like it was something that could have existed. You know their armor designers sketched real armor designs until their eyes bled.

>> No.6891125
File: 171 KB, 632x854, post-1_image5-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always. Renaissance outfits looked badass and they only had a chest plate or limited armor. I think it's the overly intricate armor + limited armor on the body that looks off. Armor that is limited was simple because they couldn't afford intricate full plate armor

>> No.6891129
File: 1.37 MB, 777x1067, 090032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renaissance has always sneaked in horny stuff.

>> No.6891132


>> No.6891133

They can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.6891157

they had chain or gambeson and most definitely didn't have ankle armor

>> No.6891403

They didn't even wear helmets.
Armor doesn't make sense as anything but a fashion statement as soon as you introduce powerful projectile weapons, or in fantasy's case, creatures with enough blunt damage power to flatten you in your tin can.

Platefags are retards.

>> No.6891472

god, i thought I wouldn't see this image again. Wish I still had my edit of it. Your also not entirely wrong. I would say 'there's a difference between an artist that loves to make nurgle-like monstrosities and puts extra care into them enough to make people actually gawk at it and an artist that makes pic related because 'this is popular right? i want to be popular and seen as right for making it.'

>> No.6891701

if with regular you mena average, then you can remove that jrpg from your sentence.

>> No.6891835

make me?

>> No.6892232

Good, but generic at this point.

>> No.6892275

Jesus, these type of redrawing of characters should be considered a violation of the Geneva convention

>> No.6892342

It's ok, do better next time

>> No.6892350

This actually made me laugh out loud, nice one

>> No.6893774

this looks like a skin for evie in paladins

>> No.6894135

It's not very good because the colors in her hair and eyes don't appear in the rest of the design. It makes the head and body feel disconnected. She's still cute though

>> No.6894141
File: 188 KB, 374x680, jedisentinel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some of her armor / skirt needs a bit less in the way of frills and noise. Also the cream / neutral colors in her clothing feel unnatural next to her vibrant hair. Her clothing color palette reminds me of jedi sentinels, who're quiet, unmoving, unwavering, stoic guards. Doesn't match her hair color or style at all.