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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6888412 No.6888412 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I waste hours of my life grinding to git gud if odds are there's no money in it?
I may as well learn to code. At least there's an actual monetary reward for the hard work.
Even lifting is worth it far more than pursuing art.
>inb4: "you're shallow, you just want money"
My time is finite

>> No.6888415

>you're shallow, you just want money
This but unironically, no one cares about ur plight just draw lmao. Life is finite but instead of doing something what that time you made this thread

>> No.6888416

because it's fun. if you don't like it, then don't do it.

>> No.6888418

no one is trying to convince you lol

>> No.6888419

>No real answer
No one here has a real reason why they find grinding for nothing worth it. Most probably don't draw. You're chasing nothing

>> No.6888424

Even lifting is worth it far more than pursuing art.
>not doing both

>> No.6888430

Have you ever been inspired by art? Maybe what inspired you is considered "media" first rather than "art", but that doesn't take away from the potential to influence you to pursue it yourself.

>> No.6888440

There's a certain irony in that those who most want to make money from their art, are the least equipped to get good enough to make money from their art in the first place
You should just start up an OnlyFans, OP, you'll have more luck slinging bussy than you ever will drawing

>> No.6888445
File: 111 KB, 222x255, 1680814462898719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make money from your hobby nowadays, you have to turn yourself into a prostitute. An example of turning yourself into a prostitute is that asian girl who plays her piano and then started to wear scantily clad clothing. As soon as people saw cleavage the money poured right in.

>> No.6888461

That honestly sounds hilarious. What would the drawing equivalent be if I'm male?

>> No.6888462

Hell if I know, show your nutsack?

>> No.6888463

Are you really any better than a prostitute anyway doing some wagecuck you hate to line someone else's pockets?

>> No.6888464

couldn't you just draw coom?

>> No.6888467


>> No.6888487

I'll give you an example of what you just asked, someone from /ic/ has once posted that they've attracted a community of Fujos due to his homosexual shota drawings of his OC's banging each other. His complaint was that the Fujos were increasingly turning degenerate by commenting about his OC's sodomizing each other and even going as far as trying to groom him into being a raging homosexual. With that being said, are you comfortable being someone else's fuck toy?

>> No.6888493

Should have noted that he was drawing the big gay for money.

>> No.6888504

Money was the worst thing that happened to art. It was much better when artists were literal hobos living on the expense of rich people.

>> No.6888510
File: 82 KB, 750x782, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Art and money should never have touched hands. Hopefully the recession will fix this. I'm sick of seeing:
1. newbies only in it for the money
2. 1 percent artists making 10k a month on fucking patreon/commission. I'm sorry but that's fucking ridiculous
and don't get me started on art school tuition

>> No.6888526

nobody goes on /mu/ to post
>why play instrument I can learn code
why is /ic/ like this?

>> No.6888530

Playing/learning music is more rewarding and is fun
No one has fun drawing loomis heads and bridgman bodies

>> No.6888676
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>grinding for nothing
And theres your misunderstanding anon. Art is a past time where the reward is its process. I draw not for money or fame but because the act of drawing is fun. I enjoy learning the techniques, finding out how to apply them, and then overcoming and achieving, then repeat ad infinitum. It never ends. I can always get better. To say"youre chasing nothing" is wrong. You are chasing the chase really. If that doesn't sound fun to you then good luck having an enjoyable life because most of the best things to do here are ends-in-themselves with no win condition or end goal.

>> No.6888681

>Playing/learning music is more rewarding and is fun
>No one has fun drawing loomis heads and bridgman bodies
If only you knew how stupid and childish you sound

>> No.6888693

Go back to the wagie cagie you souless golem.
If you don't love art you're never making money with it. Same is true of music, sport, science.

You're incapable of love because you're not human, go lift boxes. Accept your reality.

>> No.6888704

Take one look at this board, most here hate drawing

>> No.6888712

I'm grinding because I can afford to and desu money isn't uber important to me. I studied computer science, hated it, left school, did hvac work for a few years, and my wife just got out of college and is making enough to support both of us and she's fine with me persuing art so I don't have a reason not to. Lot of days suck when I just can't make anything work, but I push through and continue on.
But for your situation, you likely aren't going to be able to get everything you want out of a career. Doing something you enjoy doing the day to day of, doing something that is meaningful to you, work / life balance, and pay are all benefits and most people realistically won't find work that satisfies all these desires. All you can do is find which of these is most important to you, and decide based on that. No shame in being a hobby artist. Especially considering you almost certainly won't gain any fame even if you make it your career.

>> No.6888717

everything worthwhile requires effort
if you just want money, get a normie job

>> No.6888738

Imma be real. If you're not owner class you don't deserve to do art.
In fact anyone who doesn't own capital should be forbidden from doing art.
That way we wouldn't have so many losers polluting the pool.

Nietzsche was right, culture should be exclusive to the nobility.

>> No.6888807

>That way we wouldn't have so many losers polluting the pool
Glad you are doing your part faganon

>> No.6888812

Kill yourself

>> No.6888822
File: 1.33 MB, 2072x3563, 20231008_192008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up, let me pollute the pool for a bit before I do that with my beg art. You are an inspiration to all beginners. May we climb to great artistic heights using our shitty drasings as steps

>> No.6888853
File: 388 KB, 1204x926, statue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly that's your decision to make, its your life. I draw more as a hobby and got a normal job as I wanted financial stability. I wouldn't post here about it because people will view it as bait or trying to be a downer for the people who are trying.

>> No.6888873

>there's no money in it?
Then don't do it. If money is your main motivator, art is not for you.
Art is for people who enjoy the process and have a vision for what they want to create, and their lives would feel empty without it.
>Even lifting is worth it far more than pursuing art.
Most people don't make money from lifting, but you must feel there are intrinsic/extrinsic rewards to find it "worth it." If you don't feel the same what about art, and feel it's a "waste", don't do it. simple as.

>> No.6888876

the people that love drawing...are drawing

>> No.6888883

Sounds Like thats their issue

>> No.6888886

Lifting has many rewards
>Physical appearance
>Respect from others
>Possible pussy
>Live longer
All this assuming you aren't a roidtroon

>> No.6888946


>> No.6888976

for fun bro, its not that complicated

>> No.6888988

>Why should I waste hours of my life grinding to git gud if odds are there's no money in it?
Make something so you become famous after your death. Be the artist they publish books about in the future.

>> No.6889004
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but it just isn't fun for me. I grind for 6 hours daily and it fills me with frustration. All while working a sub par wagie job. But I sunk too much into this to back out
Should I take drugs to numb the pain?

>> No.6889039

>I grind for 6 hours daily
>while working a sub par wagie job.

I hate larpers so much.

>> No.6889101

I wouldn't ever suggest anyone to "grind" any hobby. Be it video games, music, sports or writing - "grinding" will ensure it becomes a chore. Don't let your hobby become s chore.

The truth is some people need to create. They must find a way to express themselves in order to live. If you feel no urge to create I don't know what to say. There might be more rewarding things to do for you in that case.

>> No.6889106

Then do something else, you stupid worthless faggot. Stop wasting our time.

>> No.6889107

> t. doesn't know how renaissance artists had patrons

>> No.6889108

You're wasting your time all on your own by being on /ic/, idiot

>> No.6889128

You're also wasting our oxygen, kill yourself you waste of space.

>> No.6889129

>I may as well learn to code. At least there's an actual monetary reward for the hard work.
>Even lifting is worth it far more than pursuing art.
Face it, you would never succeed at these with your current mentality. You would somehow fail at being a Wal Mart greeter.

>> No.6889156

>if odds are there's no money in it?
Then get a job in the trades or something? Become a fucking surgeon! Why are you looking to the arts to make it big?

>> No.6889296

Then learn to code and go be a programmer nobody cares

>> No.6889356

Creating a female OC you actively roleplay as online, then draw Coom of for others to jack it off too. Basically, spiritually gayifing yourself.
>Creating OCs for others to masturbate
The Ultimate Cock fluffer

>> No.6890401

>My time is finite
you acknowledge life is short and then do nothing about it.
then you should be doing something you enjoy. there's no point doing things you aren't happy doing. don't do art, literally nobody loses anything by you not pursuing drawing.
dumb jaknigger.