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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 276 KB, 2048x1648, 20231013_192311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6888186 No.6888186 [Reply] [Original]

Is "don't compare yourself to other artists" a joke? The holy shit two cakes thing is a meme, right? I've been struggling to bring myself so start a DeviantArt blog because why would anyone see my /beg/ shit instead of other really talented creators. Thoughts?

>> No.6888188
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>> No.6888190
File: 144 KB, 640x960, 2910D579-376C-4D1F-A378-CA108E7686D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody reads blogs anymore just start a store and sell shit. Blogs are dead, Twitter is dead, the pursuit of a “following” is dead. Too many people poisoned the well all people want is what you’re selling, the price you’re selling it at, and an easy way to buy it. Done. Stop trying to get famous.

>> No.6888193

Nodraws often see art they couldn't do and think it's good, even if it's beg.
Posting your art online gets you feedback, gets you some community involvement feeling. Compare yourself to other if you want but not is a "woe is me" way, more like, "right I did this but he did that and I like that more, so I should do that..."

>> No.6888194

You're right, nobody wants to see your trash, so please spare the internet and never upload your shit. Pathetic fuck

>> No.6888196

Yes, the holyshit two cakes is indeed a meme. Remember, you are competing for eyes against millions world wide and you are but a spec on the monitor screen full of other works who either are pandering to the flavor of the month or use cheap gimmicks to draw attention to them such as high color saturation or chromatic aberation that looks good as a thumbnail. It's a rat race and everybody is stepping over each other to the finish line just to have 15 minutes under the spotlight before racing for the next current thing.

>> No.6888204

sovl operates on a different axis than skill. any skill level can create good art

>> No.6888212
File: 27 KB, 617x469, zelenskysisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you going to get people to buy your shit without a following?

>> No.6888214

But I was told by anons people aren't actually like that and art isn't a competition

>> No.6888216

You can still sell stuff but no to cultists. Following your ass.

>> No.6888222

This didn't answer my question.
How do you get eyes on your store?

>> No.6888223

It depends on you motivation and goals. If you draw just to express yourself then there's no competition. If your trying to be successful in some way then it's highly competitive

>> No.6888226

Either by chance or by shilling yourself. So be good at what you are doing or be good at dick sucking.

>> No.6888316

blogs are pretty cool, wish theyd make a resurgence, i keep a personal one where i drop what i did for the birthday with a daily timestamp

>> No.6888322
File: 1010 KB, 2560x1440, 391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont use these two in same sentence. You are either making your OWN website or you are just another dude making account on social media slop. Big difference.

And now, check out my real blog

>> No.6888342
File: 35 KB, 680x510, a37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The holy shit two cakes thing is a meme
it's not, people always like seeing new art. I draw like a colorblind six year old with polio and nobody ever gave me shit about it, the /beg/s who get bullied are either drawing contoversial stuff or being autistic about it. If you just draw and post without pretending you're anything but a no-name faggot with half the skill of the guy who made the first cake only total schizos will get mad.

But they'll only give money and fame to the best artist, obviously.

>> No.6888371

Pawell mogging /beg/ as always
GMI and good luck with the grind

>> No.6888488

Why should OP listen to you? What if he does it anyways? What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.6888511
File: 45 KB, 615x577, 1556944039006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That pic
First post that genuinely made me visit someone else's blog from this shit board, good on you.

>> No.6888528

>success is either luck, unfair, or rich peoples fault
Stfu. Maybe try making a better product? That works for literally every other business you lazy NEET fuck

>> No.6888534

He's not wrong, anon

>> No.6888535

>The holy shit two cakes thing is a meme, right?
Good luck having anyone see your cake when it's underneath a million others.

>> No.6888572
File: 4 KB, 816x76, Screenshot 2023-10-13 143444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually recording /ic/'s dumbass replies? Fucking kek. Your site itself is some kind of mystical quasi-like /ic/ fever dream that shouldn't exist, how the hell have I not noticed you until now?

>> No.6888591

He is.
It's proven the product that needs to do the least to sell the most is the one who had a strong presence first. i.e. Coca-Cola for soft drinks.
Followers can spend considerably more money on advertisement and still not take over, so no you can't buy consumer loyalty.
And being the first to do something doesn't involve luck, it involves market studies that demonstrate a vacuum the other companies have not yet filled. Lays was not the first in the savory snacks world, in fact they arrived way late, but they were the pioneers of shelf-stable powder based flavoring that packs a punch and sticks to the fingers of neets worldwide.

You can do market research for free by just browsing supermarket aisles, or in the case of artists, noticing what kind of art you're not seeing in any social media platform.

>> No.6888617
File: 570 KB, 1024x1280, 645896A2-81D7-40CC-97C2-B53023F73A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them keep blaming Jewish people I guess? It’s like saying the reason it rained yesterday is because your cat farted today. Zero correlation, just retards trying to make excuses

>> No.6888632

Art isn't like food, you can never have enough of it. People are happy to follow many artists, though the quality tolerance varies from person to person.

>> No.6889232
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1440, media_FjUFeYrXkAE0ueR.jpg_name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am stuck in permabeg hell so you would have to frequent the containment general to notice me anon.

>> No.6889422

beg here, this is the first time im glad to have opened a thread on this site. saving your website , nice to see someone actually studying and not being autistical

>> No.6889497

You keep making the same mistakes. But keep working at it, dude. I believe in you.

>> No.6889602

Physically going to cons and having a booth is one of the best ways to start out.

>> No.6889615
File: 2.28 MB, 1358x1018, zzzzeqwea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pawell, I just want to say I don't think you are a permabeg. Watching your progress has been great, you actually inspire me to keep going. Let's go you majestic motherfucker

>> No.6889667

>and not being autistical

>> No.6890429

who cares
just draw holy shit

>> No.6890484

>The holy shit two cakes thing is a meme, right?
A person only has so much time and appetite and will probably only eat one cake and eventually the other will go stale (by falling off the page) so yes, two cakes is a meme.

>> No.6893027


>> No.6893080

>You are either making your OWN website or you are just another dude making account on social media slop. Big difference.
This is really bad advice.

Developing social media presence is a mandatory part of being self-employed and working freelance in the current era. It doesn't matter what field you work in but artists especially need it.

Anyone who aspires to be published or pitch an animated project should know that the decision makers will care about your social media presence. It is often what gets you the meeting in the first place.

I hate social media but there isn't a way around it.

>> No.6895036

>Developing social media presence is a mandatory part of being self-employed and working freelance in the current era
In Linkedin, sure. Not fucking Twitter.
I've actually done the numbers and Twitter is the least valuable social media for an artist seeking commissions. To the point that I deleted mine in 2016 when people were going full retard and have not seen an actual decrease in revenue, in fact it got much better replacing it with Discord.
1K twitter interactions are worth 136 tumblr, 68 instagram and just ONE facebook interactions.

>> No.6895273

i phrased it poorly. ofc you can do BOTH aka shill your stuff on social media slop AND make a nice blog where everything is under your artistic autistic vision.

i just got caught in people using the word blog wrong, but i guess the original meaning of it is long gone. just like words toxic or equality.

>> No.6897399

love your site Pawell, bookmarked. I'm a big fan of sketchbooks (KJG, Crumb, etc.), I find myself looking at them more than anything else in my library. Your site is the digital version of that, soulful process. Keep it up.

>> No.6897470
