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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 743 KB, 950x699, chrome_v1rY6TE20k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6885908 No.6885908 [Reply] [Original]

5 Years Progress. (The student becomes the teacher, eh?)

>> No.6885910

>The student becomes the teacher, eh?
in this case? no, not really

>> No.6885915

good progress, still /int/

>> No.6885935

Please tell me you haven't been just drawing portraits for the past five years.

>> No.6885950

I sleep

>> No.6885964

Great progress, but it takes ten years to reach mediocre, I'm sorry. Feel good about your victory, you've defeated the second boss, only an infinite number to go before you can finally feel content and die fulfilled.

>> No.6885989

What does int mean? I literally teach sketching classes.

>> No.6886001
File: 292 KB, 1280x932, 960F31DD-E8A0-4A4F-8E7A-E9428D8654B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon, people have extremely high standards for themselves, they could be Velazquez and still keep grinding fundies while feeling unworthy to draw anything more than a box, it’s all boxes in the end right?

>> No.6886003
File: 231 KB, 1030x1900, progress pic 18 months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I've posted this pic a lot but I'll update it at the end of this year, I've been on a portrait grind doing 1,000 Loomis block-ins

>> No.6886009

You're a true inspiration, anon. I'm finishing Analytical Figure Drawing 2 and immediately taking the Bridgman pill.

>> No.6886010

im sorry to say anon but you downgraded

>> No.6886014 [DELETED] 

You can do it! It's a long, hard road but it's worth it!!
get your T checked

Here are my first loomies

>> No.6886018
File: 1.11 MB, 819x1066, loomis heads 1 - 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it! It's a long, hard road but it's worth it!!
get your T checked

Here are my first loomies

>> No.6886020
File: 1.43 MB, 819x1066, 873 - 892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a recent completed page, once from reference and once from memory (the ones with the circles by them)

>> No.6886022

oh and that's about 3 months of progress, July - late September / early October

>> No.6886044
File: 1.29 MB, 1478x1680, Adobe_20231011_231720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top row:
June 2022(2 months in)
>Bottom row:
Sept-Oct 2023(1.5 years in)

>> No.6886051

>it takes ten years to reach mediocre

>> No.6886099

It's very frustrating seeing people improve faster than me.

>> No.6886135

It's very painful seeing anyone that's miles better than me

>> No.6886147

(symbol drawing) (symbol drawing but rendered)

>> No.6886179

(crabbing) (crabbing but being gay at the same time)

>> No.6886296

Le generic zoomer head. Bravo, ywnbaa.

>> No.6886298

Doesnt mean shit. Getting a diploma doesnt says anytging about your skill or creativity and if thats ehat you choose to post on ic, that speaks volume about both.

>> No.6886300

He is right op. You suck.

>> No.6886301

wow people get jealous here

>> No.6886303

Those values, hahaha, fuck... Thats just sad. You are a fucking le art Karen.

>> No.6886304

You just suck and scamming people. Teacher? Learn what you teach first cretin.

>> No.6886305

I know a few faggots like you are, and most pf them are artsy Le teacher Karens, the fact that you are a guy is fucking laughable and all those Karens are past 40yo. You are faggot. Welcome to nu ic, youll fit right in.

>> No.6886309

Soul, soulless

>> No.6886317
File: 1.84 MB, 2400x2400, IMG_3850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One year apart

>> No.6886319

pretty good art but you seems like a huge faggot

>> No.6886360

I know hundreds of hours of practice, but what else

>> No.6886363

is this the shit you need to resort to to get approval now tableguy

>> No.6886365

Pervert loser. Degenerate. Plague on society.

>> No.6886366

You need to ge put in a gulag

>> No.6886367

I hate every single one of you perverts.

>> No.6886384

calm down Melvin you have Bible study in the morning

>> No.6886445

I thought it was Abdul Mohama with his bullshit.

>> No.6886455

Op you are clow just as much as coomers, you were shit on not because le coomers hate good art(ists) but because you sucks, never have i thought that coomers will be on righ side of things but this one time they are. Ywnbaa just like those coomers that you pretend to hate.

>> No.6886460

It's a false image. Dude has been here for years and years. Maybe he improved at watercolors, but the draftsmanship level was already there.

>> No.6886464

This /ic is an example why you should never waste money on artschool. 5 years of incompitent "teaching"(crabbing) to ngmi and waste money.
They never learn, kek. Nbaa circlejerk.

>> No.6886759

Intentional asshole behavior like this is why no one outside your little circlejerk likes you, dipshit.

>> No.6886776

He does it for the (you)s

>> No.6887234

He is just a fag no homo

>> No.6887310


>> No.6887331
File: 857 KB, 2132x1456, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw about 15-20 hours a week depending on mood or what I'm working on....

Good progress, bur your hard edges lack clarity, maybe try other brushes?

Same as above in principle, dont overuse soft brushes

I really like your lineart quality

Nice colors, anon!

>> No.6887439

Beautiful! I always liked mechs
My secret is that I have no idea how to actually do lineart, I just clean up the sketch layer LOL

>> No.6887453

Honestly, if you don’t intend to make your drawings lineart only or a simple cell shade, it really doesn’t matter anyway. If you are gonna have a complex rendering then you should not spend a lot of time on a crisp lineart because it will be overshadowed by your render.

>> No.6887505

Yeah, I’ve been trying to use just the marker brush since it gets me super hard edges, at most I can lose them later.
Nice work btw

>> No.6887854

>no real experience
it's good that you are working hard on your art, anon, but you don't need to lie

>> No.6887965

we all doodle throughout our lives but I'd never made a concentrated effort to improve until then

>> No.6888147

For you, OP, this should help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVPN3few4uY&t=321s

>> No.6888217

>we all doodle
I've literally never doodled in my life. Even after picking up art I still don't doodle.

>> No.6888255

Why not? It's a great way to express a bunch of ideas quickly.

>> No.6888265

I don't know how to draw without stressing and putting in max effort. If I don't do that I draw like a 3 year old

>> No.6888335

Genuinely I think doodling would do you some good. The more you do it the better you will get at expressing things quickly and put less pressure on yourself.

>> No.6888345

That's literally like my end goal, I don't understand how to do it. Do you have any guidance for someone who struggles with that?
This is my work btw
I just wanna have fun and doodle ideas with friends, but drawing is so hard

>> No.6888391

It's a two pronged problem. Doodling itself is fairly trivial as it can really be anything but the harder thing is going to be putting less pressure on yourself. You will draw "worse" when you are spending less time and just going at it quickly but that's actually what you are going for so try not to get too discouraged about it.

To take pressure off yourself you could try doodling with something like a crayon or ballpoint pen on a scrap paper since it's going to be "childish" and not polished anyway it can help to just loosen up and not care as much.

I often doodle to warm up so I will just draw random cartoon characters or memes. It's really nothing worth posting but that's ultimately not the point.

And remember it doesn't have to have the same quality you expect from yourself, the goal is just to get yourself into the habit more to begin with and to shed that pressure more. You might have to fool around to see what works for you but try to let go of the crab in your brain at least for doodles.

>> No.6888458

Okay, I will definitely try. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that

>> No.6889475

Where's all the progress?

>> No.6889625

What's with the pussy neck

>> No.6889632

I've reached the point of being content with being talentless. I know with enough time and work I can become decent so it's just a matter of patience.
t. 10 years a /beg/

>> No.6889688

What the fuck is with this thread? Hyper-crabbing. Sure OP isn't amazing, but he's improved.

>> No.6889690

Its his attitude, he seems like a massive fag

>> No.6889751 [DELETED] 
File: 3.94 MB, 3072x6592, 1651396315518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a pleasure to have you with us.

>> No.6889792
File: 35 KB, 564x797, f22853edbcbe5ea4b203d0d5aba6ef6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beg tier trad to beg tier digital

>> No.6889829

You seriously get paid to teach people to sketch?
I don't believe it....

>> No.6889849
File: 43 KB, 420x420, Png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889867

Bang your head against the wall a couple times, it'll help lower your neurotic Jew inhibitions

>> No.6889872

Holy fuck I remember you, I remember that thread with the rain mech, and then you made the mech on the right, nice improvement! !!!

>> No.6889888
File: 2.11 MB, 1840x2000, progressshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clear improvement, keep on trucking I look forward to where you go next

excellent bridgman work. bridgman is a meme because it works and it clearly worked well for you :D well done!

good progress OP and I recommend you start focusing on finding hard vs soft edges :V

Absolutely cool, love your colours and the painterly quality. Very cool to see the progress even one year apart :D excellent excellent progress

>> No.6889891


>> No.6889924

Is your skele based on those dragon age cards? Imitating those cards is a project I've wanted to do for years but don't have the means/skills (trad)

>> No.6889927

Do I need to post more work or something to not get ignored?

>> No.6889928

Who was ignored itt?

>> No.6889952

I need to do one a these sometime. I know I ain't good enough but I need to just post somethin anyway because who knows, someone could offer some perspective.

>> No.6890013

The only (You) I got was from myself

>> No.6890389

>(The student becomes the teacher, eh?)
you improved but you should not be teaching anyone