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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 1169x834, Tumblr_l_7832761567166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6858971 No.6858971 [Reply] [Original]

I don't even post art online anymore because I realize I just suck and I want to wait before I get good to post anything. Anyone else here doing the same as me?

>> No.6858976

I'm saving up months of drawings so I can post 1 every day or 2 so people will think I draw quickly and have progressed rapidly

>> No.6858980

I'm still at the fundamentals & have no idea what I'm doing. the guy in the video tells me to draw circles, and I do, then he tells me to draw squares, and I do...

>> No.6858996
File: 348 KB, 694x734, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I show everything I draw because I suck, I'd rather be "that annoying faggot who draws coal and /beg/ shit all day I could swear I blocked" than not existing at all.

>> No.6859048

based brimstone anon

>> No.6859052

I don't post art online anymore because I don't need the validation of people I care little about

>> No.6859123

I'm sort of doing that, yeah. I have a lot of reasons for not sharing, but I do get that urge to share time to time.
Although from the time I was sharing my work, it was very encouraging to hear positive feedback from this one particular person. It made me want to draw even more. And that was enough for me to keep on improving and drawing.
idk. Positive feedback is a good motivator if you're able to receive it.

>> No.6859807

Same, I only draw for myself and a couple of friends who are into art too. Is a simple life and I'm happy this way.

>> No.6861411
File: 563 KB, 1354x1260, sketchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen my man, you're putting yourself into a deathloop doing that.

You say you want to get good before posting anything. When is that going to be? When are you "good enough"? The answer is fucking never. If you keep refraining from exposing your art to the public because it's "not good enough", you're never gonna make your art public, because your internal standards for your art will continue to rise above what you can actually accomplish. You will never be criticized beyond what your own mind perceives, and you will never get an outsider's perspective on your work which, I'll have you know, can be monumentally helpful with personal improvement even if it's from an inexperienced perspective.

In your eyes you will never be "good enough" and you will never post anything, probably why you posted a tumblr meme image instead of your own work to be honest. Put yourself out there, dickshit, it'll be good for you in the long run. Unless you think your ego is too precious to risk being damaged

>> No.6861418

Same, I'm drawing boxes at the moment. Doing some Proko figure drawing also, but it's a bit overwhelming. But I'm filming every time I draw so I'll have a time lapse of when I was an absolute beginner.

>> No.6862574
File: 427 KB, 1435x1051, Yoshida_Kenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are learning an art generally claim that it is best not to inadvertently let others know about your attempts
until you are accomplished. The way to really impress is to polish your craft in secret before making it public. But
someone who says such things will never acquire any art.
A person who mingles with skilled practitioners while he himself is still inexpert, and isn’t ashamed of their
ridicule and laughter but calmly and devotedly perseveres in his practice even if he has no special gift, will continue
to progress and not grow lax with the passing years, and will finally outdo the man of talent who lacks dedication.
He will attain mastery in his art, continue to increase his skill and gain an unequalled reputation in his field.
Some truly great practitioners were reviled for their lack of skill when they first began, and indeed had dreadful
faults. But in every art we find the same thing – such a man has maintained a deep respect for the rules of his art,
and not indulged his own whims, with the result that he has become a renowned master who draws crowds of
disciples to his door.

Somebody has remarked that if you have not become adept at an art by the time you are fifty, you should give up.
You do not have the time left to make further efforts worthwhile.
People should not laugh at the old. It is painful and off-putting to see old men mixing with society. As a rule,
those over fifty are most seemly when they withdraw from all activities and retire to a leisured life, and this is what
they ought to do. A man is a fool if he spends his entire life involved with worldly affairs. If there is something you
wish to know, by all means ask instruction of others, but once you have grasped the facts well enough to feel clear
about the question, pursue it no further. The ideal is not to desire to know in the first place.

Yoshido Kenko

>> No.6862619

I did this for 3 whole years.

The thing is, by posting you actually learn a lot, especially by interacting with your audience. You will never be truly ready, nor will you ever feel ready. By the time I started sharing my work I had very good fundamentals but it was hard for me to make finished stuff because I never really practiced making proper, finished illustrations because I felt like if I had good fundies everything would just work. And if I didn't have good fundies it probably wouldn't have worked, good technical skills did help in those early stages, but you need to learn the subtleties of whatever art you want to make and you can only do that by experimenting, trying new things and gauging how your audience responds.

>> No.6862660
File: 119 KB, 850x1114, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_nig_18__sample-262a6677bcd1c34ef40cdd4a05e7aa0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that is why I post here

>> No.6862668
File: 683 KB, 1491x2673, mm_villie_clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably good advice but I unironically subverted everything listed here. I barely ever shared my art publicly until I got good enough and now I'm posting it all the time here. Admittedly, I was probably "good enough" two years ago and my current "pretty damn good" is probably "outright amazing" to others, so there definitely is some merit to heeding your advice. But it's not a surefire deathloop. Though admittedly I don't know the odds of escaping it. And it also helps that I have a good analytical eye which helps me evaluate my mistakes and areas of improvement, while also helping me in realizing that my stuff would probably be seen as good by the GP after a certain point.

>> No.6862698

I only show my drawings to one dude on discord and only sometimes.. I don't think this is a good thing to do but i barely finish shit

>> No.6862783

>Waiting to get good at something before actually started doing it
This is a very common beginners trap. If you want to post them, just fucking post them.

>> No.6862839

holy shit what a fucking degenerate thing to say. I should stay shut until I master art to avoid people shitting on my work? I can't do art if I'm over 50? what a bunch of horseshit!!! What does a monk who stays alone in a cave or in one of the rooms of a monastery for years at a time being fed for free by other monks know about society?? I got mind fucked by this retarded text so much that I wish this guy was alive just to print some deviantart mlp stuff and make him eat it