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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 728 KB, 505x900, peepoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6855740 No.6855740 [Reply] [Original]

how did McDonalds manage to obliterate the art world, world wide, with this garbage? i don't know a single artist who isn't seething about this

>> No.6855741

What's the seethe for? I don't know a single artist seething about it. If you could provide any, that'd be something.

>> No.6855742

I’m not on xitter, tldr on why people are mad about this? Looks pretty comfy to me

>> No.6855747
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, McD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another political drama on Reddit and Xitter

>> No.6855748

Lmfao imagine being American

>> No.6855750

Op is a faggot burger, like he ever proved anything in his sad life.

>> No.6855751


also jsut use google or search for the topic
why are you leftie trannies always using the "what are you talking about, no one does x, y, z hurr durr"

summary: twittards sperging out same way íc'retards sperg out at the mere mention of a stable family and trad values instead of propagating degeneracy and "muh LGTV and racial equity"

>> No.6855752

This ad did nothing for me. I saw it and immediately scrolled past it. We see nuclear families in advertisements all the time, I don’t get how it’s suddenly life-changing just because it’s anime

>> No.6855754

You are leftie tranny.
Op pic is ai btw.

>> No.6855755
File: 153 KB, 1200x750, art-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who draw in this style are mad, but i don't know why

>> No.6855756

imagine being this triggered at a cute anime family pic and employ ye ol'gaslight and ad hominems, pathetic

>> No.6855757
File: 70 KB, 700x911, jose-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We see nuclear families in advertisements all the time
show one where it's not a guy getting cucked in disguise

>> No.6855759

>imagine being this triggered at a cute anime family pic and employ ye ol'gaslight and ad hominems, pathetic
What are you talking about, all those replies you quoted are not against picture but against your troonism Op.

>> No.6855760

sigh, now you try and derail into some AI bs? YWNBAW

>> No.6855761

I'm not watching a 16 minute video of a guy seething
Just post the fucking ad

>> No.6855762


>> No.6855763

There is nothing to derail.

>> No.6855764

Brother I was literally saying I liked the ad and the art what are you smoking? Go take a break or something

>> No.6855765

are you retarded?
let me get this straight
>mcD publishes family ad
>troons get triggered cuz they want everyone to be as unhappy as them
>people post it around
>proceed to gaslight, ad hominem, and call everyone that defends it a troon like a retarded UNO reverse card
truly the least mentally ill tard on this board

>> No.6855769

NTA but you and others make it seem like people arent being retards and getting mad at it on xitter like usual, which makes you sound like a troon

>> No.6855771
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1560486917786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea behind a nuclear family has been ostracized so much so that a globohomo corp like McDonalds promoting family values is sending shockwaves. Due to Japan's infertility rate and possessing a demographic with the most childless middle aged Women there is no need to subvert the idea of a traditional loving mother and father with a child that used to be principles behind western values, moreover the advert itself demonstrates to viewers the contrast between the subliminal messages between the west that goes from consume and sodomize to marry and reproduce.

>> No.6855772

mac donald’s does not need to advertise. everyone knows what it is and it’s on every corner in your town

>> No.6855774

I came to 4chan recently looking to get away from trannies, gender retards and literal racists(the ones pushing black ideology) but instead there's more??

>> No.6855776

>are you retarded?
You are. Try making sense and reread my post. Retard.

>> No.6855778

/ic/ is filled with trannies and xitter sjw types
but there are some good anons around still

>> No.6855782

>see anon attack troons
>call anon a troon
what no family values and consooming does to your brain

>> No.6855783

>I came to 4chan recently looking to get away from trannies, gender retards and literal racists(the ones pushing black ideology) but instead there's more??
>but there are some good anons around still
Only a few barely.

>> No.6855784

>tried to avoid mentally ill people by going to the most mentally ill place on the internet
should have tried Facebook instead

>> No.6855786

I don`t speak meme words, trannies do. (You)

>> No.6855789

now stop being a retard

>> No.6855790

>I came to the dickgirl trap femboy site to get away from trans stuff.

>> No.6855791

I have only seen people saying there is seething, never saw the actual seethe.
>They seethe at the anime nuclear family!
>Do they? Prove it.
>N-n-no... you seethe! Ha proved!

>> No.6855793

>should have tried Facebook instead
Know what, maybe you are right, it`s not popular enough for attention whores and not filled with zoomers, right?

>> No.6855794
File: 62 KB, 640x640, he-loves-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty comfy ad mcD did desu
hope the trend of ringing back family values continues

>> No.6855795

Meme words again... Clinical, poor tranny, I will pray for your mental health.

>> No.6855796
File: 63 KB, 1054x720, CiUGbXMU4AA5D3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look! It's a white straight couple in a world of ramptant globohomo propaganda! So moving! So daring!! So inspiring!!!
>Nooo!! You see! This straight white couple ad is secretly tranphobic and racist and antisemitc and it goes against my principles as a nonbinary genderqueer transfish person! It's literally killing me aaaahhhh!!!!
>Ackshually, this is a psyop to promote natality in japan because you see, people kill themselves and there are too many weebs, so it is imperative MC Donalds do something to fight against it!
Everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, is drowing in a glass of water.
It's a fucking ad, of a family enjoying a stupid MC Donalds meal. Stop trying to find the cat's fifth leg, for fuck sake.

>> No.6855798

Would be nice tho if it wasn`t ai.

>> No.6855801

>video posted
>refuse to see it
>refuse to even search for the seethe
>if no one does a search for you, assume it doesnt exist

>> No.6855802

>genderqueer transfish person
Bless you buddy, hehehe. What a time to be alive...

>> No.6855805

at least this little switcharoo youre doing if putting you in a position you even mention parying for someone
maybe in time you get into the right path

>> No.6855806

(You) are.
Meds, now.

>> No.6855807

Just post the seethe. I saw some trolling.

>> No.6855810

>Seethe's internally

>> No.6855811

I will pray for you too my esl brother.

>> No.6855813

>post something that triggers mentally ill troons
>mentally ill ic troons get out of the woodwork to gaslight anons or defend normalizing mental illness
every fucking time its so predictable

>> No.6855815


>> No.6855819

>seethe posted at beginning of thread
>ignores and keeps asking for "proof"
the good ol'if i cant see it it doesnt exist so i will ignore everything related and lie to myself

>> No.6855820

Bless you.

>> No.6855821

Timestamp the vid. I started it but it's just rambling and no seething.

>> No.6855822

And you choose to be in the middle of this homoerotic ritual, to taste both the dick and the asshole, bravo.

>> No.6855825

A simple Twitter screenshot would have sufficed, of a known artist seething, since that is was was said in the op. We still don't have that.

>> No.6855828

people really are this retarded

>> No.6855830

>people really are this retarded
Every single human bean...

>> No.6855832

I don't use any social media.
What artist seethed the most? I want to see.

>> No.6855835

I think >>6855828 this guy. OWNalyzed.

>> No.6855839

>NOOOOOO you can't just promote a wholesome family moment without racemixing, cuckoldry, brown people, gays, trans, and a girlboss! Where's my big black cock AAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!

>> No.6855844

What did /ic turned into, everyone in this thread except for 4 people including MEMEME suck.

>> No.6855846

>white couple with black child

I mean… maybe the black child was adopted? Why do people automatically think it’s a cucking situation? I don’t know what the original picture looks like. If the child looks mixed, then I suspect cucking or child from a previous relationship. If the child looks fully black, then I would assume adopted kid.

>> No.6855849

>I mean…
Stop doing that.

>> No.6855851

maybe 2 years back tumblr and twitter tourists stopped being tourists and began to call ic home

>> No.6855853

So they preach at Americans but show foreigners cute animus?

>> No.6855854

I didn't know people were seething over the nuclear family aspect, I just thought people were seething over how the mother and the kid are pretty much exactly alike; which y'know, I can get behind since it's lazy from a character design standpoint.
But honestly, if I were getting paid to make a shitty McDonalds advert, I'd be lazy too and wouldn't spend the time making a whole new design for the child either. It's all just rage over a nothing problem, so the usual really.

>> No.6855856

Someone please post screencaps of Twitter artists seething. I want to laugh at them. I searched Twitter but only found people doing fan art(and porn...) of it.

>> No.6855868

Influx of wom*n

>> No.6855869
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1673562209737182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds (Japan) is extremely based

>> No.6855873

I will now buy your goyslop.

>> No.6855877
File: 1.81 MB, 960x540, file (4).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically if any brand just slapped some cute anime girls on their products I'd 100% buy them consistently.

Don't know why corps are such fags.

>> No.6855880

They don't want to appeal to men because women are most consumers

>> No.6855899

>Unironically if any brand just slapped some cute anime girls on their products I'd 100% buy them consistently.
Are weebs really that retarded?

>> No.6855901
File: 48 KB, 619x687, 1693655860808245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based japan
strong family values > wtv retarded shit people are being brainwashed to accept

>> No.6855902

You call it retarded, but I just want products aimed at me and my likes.

A fastfood hamburger with an anime girl on it is just the same as one with a M or a B on it, so just give me a little bit of joy in my life, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.6855908
File: 666 KB, 3641x2351, 1630561261613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get to buy a gura shilled burger
If the Mexicans are doing it with their Goku taco stands why the fuck can't we?

>> No.6855912

The absolute state of America.

>> No.6855916

It worked for the cyberpunk game

>> No.6855931

Close your heart to the words of Satan.
Nobody with a soul is upset about a family being happy.

>> No.6855935

really the only thing to be mad about is that a brand has inserted itself into a "family moment" so as to hijack and reassociate those emotions with consooming their product, any other reaction is pure distilled retardation

>> No.6855937

I don't think its incorrect though, McDonalds is a valuable place for anyone with a child, it provides nutritional food and a place for children to socialize via their play places. Honestly it's a great family bonding location up there with theme parts and family trips.

>> No.6855939

Fuck off Roland.

>> No.6855951

>do you love your family
>then you'll love the all new McCholesterol only at McDonalds

>> No.6855954

>it provides nutritional food
This is true in LatAm, Europe and Asia. But not in America. In America all they sell will give you cancer and diabetes.

If anything this ad campaign should open American eyes to how much of a slave population they are. Their own companies hate them, feed them shit and harass them through media into becoming docile servants of their political elite.
Meanwhile the same company anywhere else offers quality products and wholesome ads.

>> No.6855955


>> No.6855958
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, 1597810527399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of a pizza guy myself

>> No.6855960

It's honestly really started to grate on me the past year. Absolute horrible service, ad campaigns centered around hate, customer service just constantly ignoring issues and then shrugging it off because they know you have nowhere else to go.

I'm not dumb enough to pretend America is a 3rd world or something, but god this place really sucks these days. I'd 100% move to Japan if I could get an equivalent paying job.

>> No.6856010

There's no real seethe it's just anti-woke people claiming the left is upset at this type of stuff

Mostly it's people thinking the ad is cute and a few retarded comments and opinion pieces about how it's actually government propaganda to make people have kids or that it reflects Japanese traditionalist culture or something

It's really just ads showing the intended consumers enjoying your product, families with kids and a group of friends with their more recent ad

It's pretty straightforward advertising, and good advertising

Also the McDonald's ad about black trans women it gets compared to is 3 years old

>> No.6856082

Are you that new you dont know what a troon is?

>> No.6856099

Are you that young? Should i call mods?

>> No.6856130

For every twenty posts I've seen about how people are hating this commercial I've seen zero actual posts of people hating it. You fuckers need to start doing some en plein air art.

>> No.6856180

culture war stuff is so fucking boring and schizophrenic. rigthoids are so dumb that they fail to recognize that there is nothing more leftist than the nuclear family and capitalist mode of production that separates families and make children be raised and educated on state propaganda in schools instead of by their close related families.

>> No.6856229

Right and Left are relative. The internet encourages people to go more extreme so that everyone is to the left of you if you're an extreme right, and vice versa. You don't want to murder every minority you see? Then you're on the same team as trannies that want to rape kids. You don't want to be in an open relationship with 5 other guys? Then you're on the same team as literal nazis.

Extended families are "trad" but they remind rightoids too much of foreigners who still have that family structure, so they have to fight against it. But women suck now so the nuclear family sucks too, its just a mess all around.
This isn't art, jannies ban everyone in this thread including me for replying.

>> No.6856295

the commercial worked, I ended up ordering nuggets the other day

>> No.6856314

God i hope you keep the same energy when there's an interracial couple next time

>> No.6856325


I consider myself a leftie, it's just a cutsie animated ad. Am I missing a reference or something? Admittedly im not really on twitter much for discourse but I haven't seen any negative posts about this ad besides people saying other people are mad.

>> No.6856341

It is an interracial couple. White woman and Japanese man.

>> No.6856348

you're literally just seeing what you want to see. Asians have drawn many asian characters with round eyes and red hair. There is absolutely nothing to back up your viewpoint.

>> No.6856350


>> No.6856367

There is no massive outcry against this ad. The only people that care about it so much are terminally online rightoids who need to be involved in some sort of culture war every single day of their lives.

>> No.6856370

AI trannies falseflagging.

>> No.6856423

No one is mad about this. It's just conservatives making something out of literally nothing.

>> No.6856442
File: 69 KB, 778x448, F6tzRDWbMAATQ0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lot of leftard seethe.

>> No.6856461

what does that guy want? black people in a japanese ad?

>> No.6856473

>do something retarded
>pretend you didn't do it
>credit the opposite party with the thing you did
>call them out as the retards
why is this so common?

>> No.6856540

I wish a painful death to every single low life that draws in that fucking grotesque style

>> No.6856541

Post body

>> No.6856542

>refuse to even search for the seethe
Why would I actively seek out stupid fucking opinions? You can find people being morons about any subject if you look hard enough.

>> No.6856546

I legitimately hate americans, how the fuck can you get so cucked by your minorities. Come back to europe so we can nuke africa/america/middle east and then genocide the non whites in europe.

>> No.6856549

they aren't american. they actively hate america too, just like (you).

>> No.6856550


>> No.6856552


>> No.6856555

which ones are artists as per OP? I came here to see the artists seething...

>> No.6856557
File: 13 KB, 206x305, IMG_9685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between the faux-trad cons and the nigress trannies I’m not sure the US has much longer before it implodes due to peak insufferable faggotry. How anyone can tolerate either side is beyond me. They’re all disingenuous, mentally ill, opportunistic sociopaths ruining everyone’s lives with their petty tribalism. Every dumb nigger with an internet connection and a twitter account believes they’re the star in their own prime time drama, and because of social media, they are pretty much running the world. Fox News and cnn are both gay, you’re all gay, fuck off.

>> No.6856563

Honestly, not even a big terrorist attack would fix it like 9/11 did. Even a big one gets dwarfed by school shootings.

We need a nuke to bring us together, hopefully a nuke on SF.

>> No.6856570
File: 199 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Jesusland_map.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally nothing that would ever get me to agree that men can be women and children should be mutilated because an adult told them they're the wrong gender. There's nothing that will get me to agree that niggers aren't subhumans. There's nothing that will get me to agree that guns are evil and should only be in the hands of the police and military.
not even a nuke will bring us together. the country straight up just needs to be split in two.

>> No.6856571
File: 1.98 MB, 1134x786, Mister Worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the art world, world wide
How terminally online are you?

>> No.6856575

It is because of these senseless controversies that Japan invented its own Twitter, far from the morality of the Western internet.

>> No.6856585

Woah...6 (six) retarded people complained about this ad. That totally counts as a massive outcry and justifies every right wing twitter figurehead reposting the same ad over and over again to continue outrage farming. What a bunch of snowflakes.

>> No.6856587

why are you following every right wing twitter figurehead?

>> No.6856595

I don't. Both quote tweets and the For You tab tells me all I need to know about this dumb trend.

>> No.6856600

Is this an actual trend? I thought it was just a cute webm people were posting.

>> No.6856607

>quote tweets
so you're following leftists seething at rightwing figureheads? that's supposed to be better?
>For You tab
lmao even

>> No.6856610

real touch grass thread ... that has nothing to do with drawing.

>> No.6856618

And yet some idiot is deleting the loli thread over and over while allowing this crap here. rip ic

>> No.6856619

>i don't know a single artist who isn't seething about this
AI trannies are not artists.

>> No.6856620

>le twitter trannies getting offended over something that doesn't matter, at all.
It's just Tuesday

>> No.6856624

Keep projecting and focusing on me all you want but it won't change the fact that rightoids are pushing a false narrative that hordes of woke SJWs are seething over an ad just to maintain a culture war.

>> No.6856627

you have no idea what this word means.

>> No.6856628

I accept your concession.

>> No.6856637

Would be nice if ads were more honest.

>> No.6856661

Now I want a cheeseburger

>> No.6856662

can I get a tldr I'm not about to ruin my youtube algo with pozzed garbage

>> No.6856668

Tl;dr: it's meaningless garbage that will not enrich your life in any way. Go on living as if it never happened.

>> No.6856677

Anyone have a link to the actual ad? I only see fake rage bait on youtube.

>> No.6856680
