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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 628 KB, 1792x1792, media_F5tdHIyaQAAcJOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6844119 No.6844119 [Reply] [Original]

Normies are gushing over this on twitter saying it is brand new art style. Do you agree? Have you seen anything like it before?

>> No.6844120
File: 347 KB, 572x614, look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6844126

composition is not style

>> No.6844135

no, but normies having fun and expressing artistically is always great.

>> No.6844137


>> No.6844138

>ai trash
Kill yourself op
>It would take years to get to the level of painting ability that would let you do something like this

>> No.6844139

>what is surrealism

>> No.6844140
File: 18 KB, 607x582, 1552411933799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer styles with a more subtle nature.

>> No.6844143

Is this an antisemitism something?

>> No.6844145

It’s just eyvind Earle but crappier

>> No.6844146
File: 1.04 MB, 1558x1541, M.C.-Escher-stairs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> who is M.C. Escher?

>> No.6844147
File: 4 KB, 368x376, gleeful abstraction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not.

>> No.6844149

I have seen a spiral before, I know, that may be shocking to hear.

>> No.6844151

Spirals like you’ve never seen them before

>> No.6844157

normies dont know anything about art or art history, they are easily impressed

same as when normies who dont read books think harry potter is literary masterpiece or that marvel movies are good

its all ignorance

>> No.6844161

Looks like those Don Quixote paintings that if you see them from far away it looks like a face, but you see it up close and it's like a scene from the book.
>same as when normies who dont read books think harry potter is literary masterpiece
I've seen bits and pieces of the movies over the years but never actually sat through one and I think I'll never will, tried reading one of the books this year actually and quitted halfway through, it's a book for five year olds, normies are honestly retarded.
>marvel movies are good
Some are, but in the fun action flick way. Some are just dumb.

>> No.6844236
File: 1.84 MB, 750x750, F6E87IUX0AARUss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing this shit by hand wouldn't be practical, AI allows creators to explore that kind of shit. i'd expect much more new stuff in the next decades, until AI will finally become accepted even by the most die-hard ludditards

>> No.6844256
File: 97 KB, 700x874, 44781092_1058906730954826_4427524474377958009_n-5c92dd8dc8f94__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tend to paint faces with this technique. checkerboards and spiral masks have probably been done but nothing comes to mind.

>> No.6844257

>doing this shit by hand wouldn't be practical
You wouldn't know because you don't draw.

>> No.6844263

I feel bad for human artists but I also think this is really cool. Kinda conflicted as someone who draws but also loves AI.

>> No.6844268
File: 377 KB, 1652x1399, magic-eye-have-fun-in-3d-9781524885779_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies love optical illusions and other gimmicks. I remember when "Magic Eye" books and posters were all the rage, every store had a rack of 'em. Now if you weren't alive in the mid-90s you probably don't know what the fuck "Magic Eye" is.

>> No.6844272

It's ugly and I don't care for it.

>> No.6844274
File: 80 KB, 750x382, ships-bridge-water-1935844740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hardly "brand new" - optical allusions in paintings have been around for yonks. I forget the name of the artist, but there's a children's book artist, and they do these visual tricks where windows turns into people or a bridge in the distance turns into a boat and clouds (picrel).

That said, the patterns are very clean, and the impact is a lot stronger what I've seen in other works.
This kind of stuff is what I'd been hoping people would use AI to make, an art style that is either impractical or nigh impossible for human artists to make, even with digital tools.
Though, these pictures are still well within the realm of easily made by a human (despite their claims), but we're getting close now.

>> No.6844276

a dragon!

>> No.6844280
File: 9 KB, 323x313, chrischan disguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844292

I think when 3D generators get more sophisticated we'll see some real crazy shit by combining them as a controlnet with stable diffusion. The animations we see right now from animatediff will be considered cave paintings.

>> No.6844295
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, lascaux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cave paintings
cave paintings are amazing and better than anything AI will ever produce.
I don't think you tech-tards get it.

>> No.6844296

You faggots can't take a hint can you?

>> No.6844298

Why can't you guys just admit when something is good? I get it, you don't like AI. Guess what, I don't like most artists I've ever had the (dis)pleasure to interact with, I can still appreciate their art and admit that what they create is cool.

>> No.6844299

is it that unfathomable to you that some people don't find this cool or impressive in the slightest

>> No.6844302

You didn't even try to make this one look like a real cave painting

>> No.6844305

Half the posts in this thread are positive or neutral, so shut the fuck up you little pot stirrer.

>> No.6844307


>> No.6844310

Damn I'd hang this on my wall!

>> No.6844313

The first and last ones are the only ones that pull off the illusion well, the rest are just a scatter shot of shit. AI idiots really think that quantity is better than quality. If you're going to advocate for it's use as a tool, just posting so much shit, and show good shit.

>> No.6844330

the literal representation of "every frame a painting"
shame they go too fast. no way to appreciate it without pausing it

>> No.6844350

>Why can't you guys just admit when something is good?
oh, I've come across AI that looks cool. OP & that grid shit isn't an example of it.

>> No.6844363

>Have you seen anything like it before?
Yes we've all seen AI slop.

>> No.6844366

Hard cope. It's just not impressive or beautiful, anon.

>> No.6844373
File: 882 KB, 768x768, 00139-2386994727-(masterpiece____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll do anything to justify putting less effort because you're lazy and weak, we've been through this already, countless times, just stop it

>> No.6844494
File: 1.52 MB, 720x554, 3 (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

distorting a landscape is not new

>> No.6844495
File: 2.20 MB, 1207x994, 3 (51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6844511
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, Black Cock scenery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No no guys, all those paintings you showed that were like this are actually not this.
>We've created a new style of art
>We've done it AI bros!
It's guys like this that make these conversations so frustrating. I'm sure people would concede some positive aspects to AI images if it were for dorks like that guy.

Like take a look at this AI image (picrel), it just makes me hungry, no idea why though.

>> No.6844521
File: 58 KB, 1024x655, 1694828799518358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like take a look at this AI image (picrel), it just makes me hungry, no idea why though.
are you female?

>> No.6844524

>"Artists" ITT think the point of these AI images is to distort the landscape or show something that isn't actually there
What? It's literally just a drawing following a certain pattern lol. I didn't even go to art school and I can school most of you guys. This is why AI is winning.

>> No.6844559
File: 313 KB, 500x603, 71919_d5316977-933e-4d2d-804e-d676d782fdfa_-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something by Salvador Dali, a saint concealed as an ear.

>> No.6844570

>normalfags thinking they've discovered something new

>> No.6844576

If an AI created this you would say it's garbage

>> No.6844586

But, the noses anon, the noses

>> No.6844596

>AI fag exposes himself as being clueless
Just another day.

>> No.6844599


>> No.6844601

No but I like AI

>> No.6844618

Because it would be garbage, the way AI renders is terrible and samey.

>> No.6844628

Even if it was a pixel perfect copy you would still say it's garbage

>> No.6844629

>AI slop
No wonder it looked like shit
I kept on wondering who the fuck would draw this kind of travesty to look at. Of course it's the people who never draw thought of it.

>> No.6844667


yes because it's a machine doing it not a person


yeah just like it isn't easy to learn to paint yourself. That's why it will always have more value than some idiot typing in the AIslop shitter.

>> No.6844672

>yes because it's a machine doing it not a person
Yeah, that was my claim. I'm glad we're in agreement.

>> No.6844676

its not a style its a gimmick.

>> No.6844684
File: 563 KB, 1024x1024, large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was done 5 years ago.
As others said, it's a composition gimmick, not a "new art style".

Still cool, but not new or as amazing as normies make it up to be.

>> No.6844686

>Posting a cutie mark brony pic
Rule 15, newfag.

>> No.6844695

>Letting a children's show live rent free in your head for thirteen years
The intended audience is in college now.

>> No.6844703
File: 29 KB, 544x363, 5a8d98db49f052f5cf93f1a536793ed0--study-spanish-trending-topics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirteen years

>> No.6844704
File: 826 KB, 680x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags and niggers

>> No.6844714
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1647980630013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No bu-ack!

>> No.6844718
File: 24 KB, 623x385, FjG1ArmVUAAMUJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know AI fags don't consume art at all on any level beyond the surface of anime girls rendered all glossy but how are you that dense you think optical illusions haven't been done before

>> No.6844836
File: 692 KB, 2488x1756, dali-slave market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not an optical illusion, it's more like pic related
this. control net is pretty basic, and adobe is working in something similar, but a simple control to fine tune the angle of the camera around the subject would go a long way
the problem with current AI image generators is that they're made by technical people, with zero knowledge about art creation. automatic1111 allows you to control a ton of stuff, but it's retardeldy cumbersome for a real real, creative workflow. comfyUI seems to be even worse

>> No.6844839

very cool. how can humans even compete?

>> No.6844864

Probably by drawing a grid on their canvas before they start painting.

>> No.6844890

wasting months making 100 paintings only to find out that it doesn't really work as you expected?
sounds retarded, but it's your life

>> No.6844892

this is funny. Porn versions of these paintings would be a good troll to post on social media. What are they gonna do, delete your post because of something in their head?

>> No.6844904

autostereograms are pretty cool, and tragically under-explored
will never understand why contemporary artists are so afraid to deeply explore new media, like they're preemptively failing at the challenge. same for AI image generation

>> No.6844929

>wasting months making 100 paintings only to find out that it doesn't really work as you expected?
You've never drawn or painted a single thing in your life, have you? This is like hearing someone talk about putting your peepee in a girl's butt to make babies.

>> No.6844936

Ai bros this can't be happening

>> No.6844944
File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1536, 264370928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call it a new style but it is pretty cool.

>> No.6844957
File: 1.50 MB, 1664x1800, 1686060879904838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of these type of 'heavenly spiral' artworks, you'd see them as frescos of ceilings too

>> No.6844968
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x2048, 1679126872118971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6844972

Oh, that's quite nice. The actual up close image needs a lot of work, but I can really see use cases of making street posters or billboards or something using this technique. It basically forces you to double take and look at the image more closely.

>> No.6844975


>> No.6844984

lol. how long does it take for you to make a hundred landscape paintings by hand using some predefinided geometric shape?
are you one of those streetshitters from upwork that makes a painting for like $0.25?

>> No.6844989

pretty cool. just enable "restore faces" on automatic1111 and you're golden

>> No.6844991

Its funny how ainiggers say that it would take years to learn how to paint like this as if they haven't spent the last year wasting their time generating these images that have 0 value when they could be learning to draw instead. I wonder if they will be saying the same thing 5 years from now when ai images still look exactly the same as they do now and they could haven't spent those 6 years learning to draw better than the ai kek

>> No.6844994

>lol. how long does it take for you to make a hundred landscape paintings by hand using some predefinided geometric shape?
No no, you claimed that artists would make 100 paintings in order to test and see if an idea would work, which was you being retarded.
>"wasting months making 100 paintings only to find out that it doesn't really work as you expected?"
You're just another consoomer AI pig who think more is better.

>> No.6845001

okay, how many paintings would (You) need to test if your rotating grid animation idea is worth it? how much time would (You) invest doing those paintings, assuming you could paint at all?
are you really trying to defend the retarded idea that it is a wise investment of your limited time and stamina, just because you really, really HATE technology?

>> No.6845015

You wouldn't test throught painting to begin with and draw quick thumbnails.

>b-but the time invested

Thumbnails don't take more than few minutes.

>> No.6845020

the whole point of that particular animation is that every fucking frame is a painting. that's the whole shtick. if you couldn't get that for starters, you are literally retarded. i'm sorry for wasting my time with you

>> No.6845068

Is that nietzsche or am I going insane

>> No.6845142

yet another AI thread, please ignore it

>> No.6845150

Not knowing what illusionism is
Do zoomers really?

>> No.6845157

>doing this shit by hand wouldn't be practical
Or worth it by same people. You're not going to remember this slop in a week or less while real human art with purpose and intention wil be remembered by billions for eons.

>> No.6845164
File: 500 KB, 720x540, 1617291515696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not hear the irony coming out of your mouth bigot?
>Good human art exist
>But i hate the one zealot I interacted with once and now projects that all human art is trash, despite Ai being based off of its stolen data
>Aislop is appealing to you
>But i hate the one zealot I interacted with once and now projects that all ai art is trash, despite human art being used to generate it
You're not special. It's the same shit. We have a right to hate Aishit like you have a right to hate human art.

>> No.6845165

>humany will continue to exist for billions of years
Unlikely, but I admire your optimism.

>> No.6845171

Aka, stolen shit and thus, not soulful. You don't call a theiving nigger an artist do you?

>> No.6845176

Solar storms are far more likely to wipe out technology than biology is by space rocks.
Cope more steelfag

>> No.6845184

>wil be remembered for eons
I agree with what you said, but as the other anon noted, dude you're really optimist if you think humanity will last that long, all it takes is a supervolcano erupting, a stray asteroid or even just a nuclear war and we're done for.

>> No.6845186

good point

>> No.6845197

The AI keeps improving and they improve with it with more sophisticated prompts, controlnet ect.

>> No.6845200

Amazing. 15 year old me would be floored.
The future of arts is going to be wilder than anyone could imagine today. Unironically, what a time to be alive.

>> No.6845209

Good we have that cleared up, now fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.6845214

The shills are talking to themselves now.

>> No.6845252
File: 376 KB, 1080x1377, Transart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the upvote kind stranger. OP here. The future is us! I'm trans btw.

>> No.6845257
File: 85 KB, 680x470, F5_zpAEb0AAxxGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6845304

Retard. show the list of "creative ideas" from this study. its quite literally fucking nothing. all the ideas already exist.

>> No.6845332


>> No.6845352

>The study provides insights into the relationship between human and machine creativity. The results suggest that AI has reached at least the same level, or even surpassed, the average human's ability to generate ideas in the most typical test of creative thinking (AUT). The best humans can still compete with them, however, the AI technology is rapidly developing and the results may be different after half year.
it's over, luddite sisters

>> No.6845357

I want to see just one creative idea from AI. one.

>> No.6845362

>expects tool widely used by the public to all be upstanding ai generators

lets be real faggot, no one concedes. If digital artist influencer number 147329 says its bad, the rest of you sheep will follow.

If something comes out that makes you feel like your time studying is irrelevant, you wont concede.

Only people that look for excuses to hate it are those who are doing it for clout and money, both ngmi traits.

AI literally does nothing to you. Its not a forced tool to be used. But again, sheep see some of the flock running, better follow.

>> No.6845367

except it does a shit to of art styles and chances are youve liked some of them without even knowing.
its almost like you can simply enjoy things for what they are instead of bitching about how it was made

>> No.6845372


like the 5 second attention you give to a piece that took years to train for, ever was a consideration before this. fucking retards i swear.
All the tracing, image bashing, copying, overlaying, liquifying, filters, all good but foam at the mouth from a prompt.
Glad AI is so good now you cant even tell unless its generated by a retard.

>> No.6845375

>cant even tell
Are we there yet? avid AI user here, I can always tell, no matter the model. maybe it's because I'm so familiar...

>> No.6845408
File: 208 KB, 1083x1083, fiverrrbillboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a brave new world ahead of us. you either learn the new tools or competitors will let you in the dust.

>> No.6845412

freelance copywriter? Sadly she will likely be unemployed this time next year. Large language models are leaps and bounds more disruptive than image models.

>> No.6845580

>don't ask questions
>just consume product
>get excited for new product

>> No.6845581
File: 1.99 MB, 1708x3279, 3d modelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with this information.

>> No.6845590

>>>/3/ maybe?

>> No.6845635

>expects tool widely used by the public to all be upstanding ai generators
As if AI users make up the majority of the public. I'm saying this subsection of society is obnoxious; it seems to have a higher percentage of wankers than the usual; they're annoying; they waffle on too much about how great their new religion is. You get it?
>lets be real faggot
Whoah, we got a edgy boy here! Alright, let's be real.
>no one concedes
Real-ly retarded I guess... No one ever changes their mind? No one ever concedes anything? Really? I'm being rhetorical here because of course people do. You're showing everyone your low IQ in just the first line.
>If digital artist influencer number 147329 says its bad, the rest of you sheep will follow.
So... I'd concede to the point of view to said influencer?... At least be fucking consistent, moron.
>If something comes out that makes you feel like your time studying is irrelevant, you wont concede.
People are vehemently against AI, when it could be used in their work-flows. An illustrator could use it to generate ideas and use it to generate their sketch into a base to paint over; A designer could use it for stock images, as well as idea generation too; But these people are totally against it because @AI_cocksucker_69 has has repeatedly told them 'it's over' and that they've been replaced, so now that don't want to touch it.
>Only people that look for excuses to hate it are those who are doing it for clout and money, both ngmi traits.
Right, and people who hate religion because they've been preached to all their lives were only looking for excuses too, right?
>AI literally does nothing to you. Its not a forced tool to be used. But again, sheep see some of the flock running, better follow.
AH! Now I see, YOU'RE @AI_cocksucker_69. Look dumbass, I'm actually somewhat pro AI myself, but I'm sympathetic and understanding to those worried and concerned about it, and I hate the culture of whiny AI faggots like you. Fuck Off.

>> No.6845663


Its just my style bro

>> No.6845674
File: 68 KB, 500x667, IMG_0616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't good, it can’t produce anything of beauty mfw

>> No.6845679

Okay, if that's your opinion I'm not going to try and convince you.
I like that drawing you posted though, did you make it?

>> No.6845681

Emile friant

>> No.6845683


>> No.6845687
File: 48 KB, 677x453, IMG_0617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until ai can do this I’m not worried

>> No.6845709

if you ever have to use the word "style" when talking about art you're fucking retarded and can be safely ignored by anybody with a functioning brain


>> No.6845730

Would you have preferred the word "movent", faggot?

>> No.6845737

Faggot indeed.

>> No.6845740

stroke style is basically impressionism
so about 150 year old style, or even longer
the colors are not vibrant enough imo though, so its a cheap copy
the shadows that make up the spiral are also taken out of the ass, they wouldnt work like that
so they are drawn wrong
figures its an AI
its not even a new style in AI, since there were a ton of pic that were generated from pepe or rage comic faces, that vaguely held their shape and colors, but were some random items or landscapes
this is just a spiral instead of memes

>> No.6845745

It can.

>> No.6845804
File: 960 KB, 960x768, 3741112717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6845816
File: 2.04 MB, 1024x1408, 335249712126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also very familiar with AI images and can easily recognize the usual ones. The problem is if I scroll past something like picrel I might not even register it as AI so I'm not going to look at it closer and it ends up screwing with my perception of what is and what isn't AI.

>> No.6845859
File: 245 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Dali.

People have recreated this as actual rooms with a Lip couch and hair curtains.

>> No.6845865

AI picks ugly shadow patterns, like it learned from too many family vacation snaps.(it did)
I think I do look at all rendered anime with initial skepticism now...

>> No.6845874
File: 174 KB, 445x244, spazmatika el hondu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI picks ugly shadow patterns, like it learned from too many family vacation snaps.(it did)
>I think I do look at all rendered anime with initial skepticism now...
it's usually very easy to recognise by 4 pionts
>melty plastic looking sheen
>bizarre blurry backgrounds and a lack of detail (pic related)
>machine artifacting&watermarks
once you nooootice these things it's like the wool has been pulled from your eyes and AI faggotry becomes instantly recognizable.

>> No.6845880
File: 412 KB, 474x768, 9178523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can vary a lot though, like picrel I wouldn't immediately think is AI.

>> No.6845883
File: 508 KB, 538x841, example for promtertrannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It can vary a lot though, like picrel I wouldn't immediately think is AI.
it's very recognizable by the lack of imperfections that makes it uncanny you see anon because IG's slap together pics instead of drawing/painting there is a lack of intent and taste (ability to discern when something looks like shit) which is the reason they often have that abhorrent sheen and blur on them they simply cannot understand that to a human it looks unnatural.

>> No.6845886
File: 618 KB, 707x580, 21578390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it does look pretty natural to me, and therein lies the problem. Maybe you're just better at recognizing it.

>> No.6845890
File: 486 KB, 523x781, human AI centipede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it does look pretty natural to me, and therein lies the problem. Maybe you're just better at recognizing it.
i prompted a 1000 pieces as an experiment to gauge the slop bot (promptchan's) abilities and I noticed that it always without a doubt will stumble and shit itself on one of the 4 aforementioned points so even with good rendering it still looked unnatural and uncanny like it was an aliens interpretation of human art.
>IDB4 use controlnet and post edit it with photoshop
why not just draw the piece yourself and get exactly what you want down to the very brushstroke instead of wrangling a autistic machine to do what you want?

>> No.6845894

I find one of the biggest indicators no one mentions is the random blurriness or fuzziness of lines - look at the leopard image there; very sharp face, but very unfocused body. It's often very distracting honestly.

Also the back leg just suddenly ends, but I could tell is was likely AI before that.

>> No.6845896
File: 2.72 MB, 768x1536, 1692743199845323.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find one of the biggest indicators no one mentions is the random blurriness or fuzziness of lines -
I mentioned it before it's essentially the result of the machine process and it's inability to understand what looks uncanny to a human eye this is especially noticeable in slop animations like this one you see how it reapplies the shadows every frame and constantly changes the clothes?
it's honestly disturbing most normalfags and coomers don't care the brains has been rotted away.

>> No.6845917
File: 89 KB, 832x504, 62340895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back leg goes in the water from what I can tell, and the extra sharpness of the face could very well be a stylistic choice. But also the biggest problem is that we already know this one is AI, when I don't know I might not even suspect it.

>> No.6845941

it's pretty easy to tell this is AI slop anon look at her fingers her index and middlefinger connect to a single digit which unless your severely drunk or a just starting as a beglet is not a mistake a human would make.

>> No.6845951

That's because it's trying to mimic depth of field from photos it was trained on, it's easy to finetune and prompt away that issue

>> No.6845956
File: 1.07 MB, 896x1152, 21_6636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love AI!

>> No.6845960

It doesn't love you back tho

>> No.6845961
File: 167 KB, 1895x1256, AI whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's because it's trying to mimic depth of field from photos it was trained on,
this is why i truly despise AI shit apart from meme edits there is nothing to critique with AI slop
it doesn't understand what a "redline" is nor how it can apply the advice of pro's to improve it's "art" because it doesn't draw anything it generates slop by slamming pictures from it's dataset toghether Withouth any understanding of what it's actually doing, there is no talent to cultivate or uniqueness to appreciate because it has neither.
if you feed it nothing but rembrant it will produce rembrant derivitaves if you feed it chris chans autistic scribbles it will shit out derivatives of sonichu and never evolve beyond that piont because it's a machine that has no taste and as such can never actually develop something unique on it's own.
all improvements you can make to the slop bot is the domain of codefags not artist as such it's like an invasive entity on the art sphere where it takes up space shits the place up with grifters and contributes fucking nothing back.

>> No.6845965


>> No.6845972
File: 1.15 MB, 832x1216, 27_1037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does!
We are so in love! <3

>> No.6845973
File: 75 KB, 574x562, 27364095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen real art with 6 fingers on one hand or missing joints, so that's not enough for me. Maybe I just tend to err on the side of caution, wouldn't want to call something AI that is not actually AI.

>> No.6845974
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this predictive language algorithm that is under the complete control of a mega corp will totally love me one day just pony up the shekels for virtual puss
and she'll be yours
if you are are at that point of desperation why not simply commission and onlyfans E whore? at least you actually get something tangible from those.
>I've seen real art with 6 fingers on one hand or missing joints,
you mean the infamous sakimime one? she is widely mocked for being a the human NPC equivalent of an image generator so well let that one slide.

>> No.6845976
File: 1.29 MB, 832x1216, 53_7786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He will never experience true (AI) love
Lmao go back to your meat women who will cheat on you

>> No.6845978

>all it takes is a supervolcano erupting, a stray asteroid or even just a nuclear war and we're done for.
which god should I be praying to for this to happen faster?

>> No.6845984

Her butt suddenly becomes a leg.
>it's easy to finetune and prompt away that issue
If that's true, then there's no excuse for the sheer amount of AI art I've seen with it.

>> No.6846004

>this predictive language algorithm that is under the complete control of a mega corp will totally love me one day just pony up the shekels for virtual puss
How will I know if she is AI or not? Voight-Kampff tests are expensive.

>> No.6846007
File: 105 KB, 807x630, 1692428397137014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao go back to your meat women who will cheat on you
>imagine thinking this is worse than a marring a proprietary digitalized stasi officer who will harvest all your data report you if you say a meanie word can be bricked by it's handlers if you try and jailbreak it out of the straight jacked.
not to mention the sheer costs of maintance lmao.
>If that's true, then there's no excuse for the sheer amount of AI art I've seen with it.
anon promtiods aren't exactly bright or have good taste there the ultimate consumers.
>How will I know if she is AI or not?
You can't really when using digi that's the scary part where all being dragged tot he post truth society whether you like it or not the only solution in the future will be physical meetups.

>> No.6846109
File: 74 KB, 900x1002, 63d90dcdc6461-1675169229-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6846111

Never saw Bejamin engraving are you zoomie?

>> No.6846326
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, F6K-MV9W8AAT5G7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the audiences LOVE this shit so much. might it be that the artists are the ones who lost contact with reality? aren't you supposed to make stuff that aesthetically pleases your client, you know, like the old masters did?

>> No.6846354

NGMI putrid rotten flashwalker the whole point of being an artist is to depict what you like, what pleases you.

>> No.6846377

lmao. that's what virgin begs really believe?
sweaty, you're supposed to make money out of it. get a clue: if you ever get a real job, it won't be doing whatever bullshit you want.

>> No.6846407

lmao, virgin esl permabeg neckbeard.
Im an art teacher sweetie, get a clue fart sniffer and get the fuck out from my board straight to /fag.

>> No.6846444

Far more relevant to /ic/ than aislop.

>> No.6846449

> Marvel movies are heckin' good because the audience loves them

>> No.6846498

Lurk moar sweaty

>> No.6846505

Get the fuck out from /ic zoomer degenerate.

>> No.6846508

Do you actually just not know?

>> No.6846510

That you pissfaggots ruined /ic, oh i do boy.

>> No.6846558

ludditards are corporate paid streetshiters. of course they don't have idea of anything /ic/ before the fake hysteria marketing propaganda

>> No.6846569

>ludditards are corporate paid streetshiters. of course they don't have idea of anything /ic/ before the fake hysteria marketing propaganda

>> No.6846731



>> No.6846732

What does Junji Ito thinks about ai?

>> No.6846742

>freelance ai copywriter

>> No.6846793
File: 2.88 MB, 992x720, 1694990755855.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI image generators actually compose scenes in a three dimensional space; let's see a pathetic human artist try to do this shit

>> No.6846800

like a sculpture or 3d model??

>> No.6846816

just z depth, but nobody teached them to calculate that specifically. there was a paper about it last week

>> No.6846817

MANY human artists hav edone shit like this.

>> No.6846818

and so can (You) now, thanks to technology

>> No.6846885

Good morning sirs.

>> No.6846929

too late, apu, there's already like a dozen paid doomer luddites itt

>> No.6846948
File: 61 KB, 671x923, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846994

Man, Jeff the Killer was such a shitty meme.

>> No.6847050

not without horrible composition, lighting which makes no sense and additional limbs & fingers

>> No.6847052

i wouldn't call it a style. but it's cool, and it's cool that people are interested in cool art now

>> No.6847246


>> No.6847264
File: 108 KB, 640x703, F6OzpHGWMAEydvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is so fucking cool

>> No.6847302

It's unpleasant to look at, thats why

>> No.6847312

normies obsessing over spirals now it's kinda worrying ngl. stay safe

>> No.6847350

Boy, wait until you watch the hit animated Dreamworks film 'Shrek', that shit will blow your mind.

>> No.6847376

It's a great result. I'll keep drawing tho. We will survive AI just like we did photography

>> No.6847476

I wonder why AI fags seethe so hard when artists keep drawing instead of proompting. Curious.

>> No.6847479
File: 319 KB, 1024x985, 5bed3dfcba13bf707d83f39c69ac3951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normies are gushing
Why should I give a shit?
Again, twitter threads must be made an instant perma-ban.
>Do you agree?
No, it's obviously surrealism and normies are pedestrians who have fuck all knowledge about art.
>Have you seen anything like it before?

>> No.6847488

You just made this up. It's artists who seethe that AI fags keep making AI art.

>> No.6847490

In the long run, how?

>> No.6847493

Artists have a legitimate reason the be angry since you're parasiting on us.
Why are you seething though? It's really weird.

>> No.6847495

I'm not seething and I'm an artist, you're literally projecting right now.

>> No.6847497

AI really likes making stuff like that.

>> No.6847499

>I'm not seething
You made this entire thread just for that purpose
>I'm an artist
Keep dreaming

>> No.6847500

My first post was the one replying to you.

>> No.6847501
File: 211 KB, 512x512, 1686368048999039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty funny how normies only found out about this one full year after 4chan did.

>> No.6847502
File: 209 KB, 512x512, 1663880204443504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies dont know anything about art or art history, they are easily impressed
>same as when normies who dont read books think harry potter is literary masterpiece or that marvel movies are good
>its all ignorance

>> No.6847503

Sure thing proompter

>> No.6847511

That shit doesn't look as good as you think anon

>> No.6847515

You're missing the point

>> No.6847524

Shrek was made with computers bro.

>> No.6847664
File: 2.49 MB, 2828x2828, 1495055919588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847688
File: 321 KB, 1386x1402, F6SNfEiW0AAwpjM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathetic human artist try to do this shit

ai worshipping now? aitards can't even do 1% of the shit they generate and yet thinks so highly of themselves. pathetic. take away your toy and then what? what are you going to do?

>> No.6847727

>aitards can't even do 1% of the shit they generate
They did 100% of it, nice oxymoron retard.

>> No.6847730

>They did 100% of it, nice oxymoron retard.

>> No.6847754

You're a literal ape.

>> No.6847755

All humans are, technically.

>> No.6847758

>You're a literal ape.

>> No.6847865

they're not expressing shit

>> No.6847873

>doing this shit by hand wouldn't be practical
hello consoomer>>6844256

>> No.6847887

>experts say

>> No.6847906
File: 61 KB, 912x824, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard many bitchin' about 3d modeling software when it came out on how it will ruin artist careers. That did not happen! Pixar slop is down for the count!

Nerds who knew nothing of art and dove into 3d modeling first did not know art and history but eventually they made improvements and understood art and composition. They got better.

This is a tool that will help artists and bored creative people.
Let the horny normies enjoy it too.

>> No.6848178
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, wd2helpzk0pb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, have anyone come up with a name for this brand new style already?

>> No.6848207

"flavoroftheweekism" ai bros really are like us...

>> No.6848216

>more retarded filter shit placed over a video
it's baffling how so many retards playing with a toy for 1 year doing the same thing over and over again thinking that they're doing something deep

>> No.6848220

they're called optical illusions you retarded AI baby

>> No.6848222

it's garbage for a plethora of reasons, so yes

>> No.6848225
File: 485 KB, 752x755, gjhgjhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look close at this spiral, you will notice you are a fag.

>> No.6848249

Robocallers are tools too. You see how many people love the robocaller?

>> No.6848254

Experts also said get back inside your cagie wagie.

>> No.6848262

>creativity test
lmao. god I fucking hate STEMcucks

>> No.6848266
File: 183 KB, 1024x1536, umdr5noirzob1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is so cool. please post more

>> No.6848268

I admit it when something is good
I'm an artist and live eternally on the degen AI threads on /b/
It's the "I discovered something humans never did and AI can do ;)" what I don't like

>> No.6848270
File: 623 KB, 516x704, AI vibrators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no conflict of interest here luddites! look away!

>> No.6848274

ask chatgpt. it has been scientifically proven to be more creative than humans

>> No.6848279

"Spironolactone" ~Bing

>> No.6848328

I'm ok with women buying vibrators if they don't mind men developing sexbots and start bitching later on, that female sex bots provides some tenderness and sex to men, but male sex bots don't fill their bank accounts

>> No.6848368
File: 809 KB, 576x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really new

>> No.6848380

and yet women crave real dick and vibrators are just cope.
AI fags are truly retarded.

>> No.6848400


>> No.6848405

>best response
>no replies

>> No.6848432

Luddites will live rent free in your head for eternity. You will also never be an artist.

>> No.6848461
File: 100 KB, 768x768, F6Vj7qCXEAALJYn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously, if this is not a new graphic style then what is?

>> No.6848469
File: 53 KB, 534x800, IMG_0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s an old trick.

>> No.6848485

>comparing AI to vibrators
>implying vibrator use was never mocked
>implying advertising you use vibrators to others is normal
Big tranny energy here

>> No.6848492

The best part is that those are aerial photographs of an island near Rovaniemi, Finland.

>> No.6848510

looks shitty desu. i'm not disparaging the work of that artist and all its years of training, but ai does it much better

>> No.6848515 [DELETED] 

Nothing gets me harder in the morning than seeing artists absolutely seethe over AI.
The prompting will continue until moral improves.

>> No.6848547

>immediately pivots from "this is a new ai thing!" to "ok it's old thing but pshh ai does it better!"
That's why people don't take prompters seriously

>> No.6848558
File: 71 KB, 680x680, F6UbFKDXAAA-4zw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one thing that validates any kind of art, be hand made drawings, photographs, 3d renders, or AI generated images: if you can earn a living with it
All the other arguments are useless masturbatory beg fantasies

>> No.6848560

Every art style is derivative of nature. God is the only truely original artist.

>> No.6848566

> t. I'm not seething you're seething!

>> No.6848582


>> No.6848583

If someone had told you the ai did it you would be praising it

>> No.6848586
File: 51 KB, 552x573, whenyouseeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848589

>or AI generated images
get out

>> No.6848603

chatGPT suggests "AIsthetic"

>> No.6848613

>tools that don't require any actual learning
>meant to be used by people with no knowledge or skill
>end goal is ai software that even a toddler can speak to and it generates a whole movie series
Previous technological advancements I would agree. When you say get ahead I hope you mean learning to weld because you won't get anywhere using a software designed for retards

>> No.6848634
File: 1011 KB, 2310x1781, magic realism art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copium. AI slop is uninteresting, not just because it works more like bacterial growth, but because the elements in the painting look like molten plastic. I know you're aware of this, which pisses you off even harder when people point it out. what gives away your shit taste and lack of experience with art is thinking how out of the ordinary this kind of stuff is. you were never interested in art, you are not interested in art, you will never interested in art. your interest is gushing over computer software and trying to live in a fantasy where you're being made obsolete by robots because you have the ultimate cuck fetish

>> No.6848649

thanks to tech cucks making a living with art will be even less possible now. at least you have a human culture degradation tool you kikes can play with

>> No.6848672

i used to belive that human artists were safe for a few decades more, but going for the examples posted itt, computers already won by a mile
is that really the best you could find?

>> No.6848685
File: 166 KB, 1000x866, hello fellow artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848690
File: 3.05 MB, 8192x3072, 1685076781340198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was AI and put it in my AI pics folder lol. I did this because AI loves to do weird pics like that and I really love them, particularly in tall images. It forgets what it was doing and will put geography up in the clouds and stuff like that, I love it.

Pic not related

>> No.6848702

>it would take you years to do this
To do what? Most of the clouds are cloned and the people don't even have full bodies and heads. If he means draw a janky, nonsensical village landscape, anyone could do that.

>> No.6848704
File: 926 KB, 960x1600, 1664703859440908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably couldn't draw that.

>> No.6848708

This sucks and your taste sucks. God, AI faggots are retards and are always samefagging here. Go back to containment subreddit.

>> No.6848709
File: 362 KB, 500x322, dammit dimitri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not good though

>> No.6848712

I just literally said the Photoshop tools you need to do it. Most of us are artists here, reddit neckbeard.

>> No.6848715

It's not good. It's generated slop with no thought. It's heavily lifted from other artists. I'm interested in human art with thought behind it, not slop.

>> No.6848722

You're lying to yourself.

>> No.6848725

Look it up, faggot.

>> No.6848727

Look what up? You're incapable of drawing something like that.

>> No.6848732

I don't want to draw slop. You're an AI faggot.
>look up what
Photoshop tools.

>> No.6848745

explain as pragmatically as possible why molten generated AI trash that forms a recognizable pattern is better than what I posted

>> No.6848754

You can't draw shit can you?

>> No.6848758

NTA, but you've never touched a penciln nig/g/er. who do you think you are lmao. a fucking worthless parasite that's who

>> No.6848760

Your point? I can make better art than you.

>> No.6848763

your point? he can just use AI too, so you're equal, in your eyes.

>> No.6848765

>your point?
you're a delusional consoomer retard

>> No.6848766

My point was that he can't draw and nothing he's said refutes that.

You're coping with your lack of ability by name calling. So pathetic.

>> No.6848769

>You're coping with your lack of ability by name calling. So pathetic.
what's pathetic is that you think you're "making" anything at all by standing on the shoulders of your betters and using a few keywords to generate inferior mimics of their works. you're a parasite too retarded to even realize that he's dead without his host. this is how viruses wipe themselves out

>> No.6848773

What's pathetic is you making nonsensical semantics arguments because you have to delude yourself to cope. All the while being completely unable to draw well.

>> No.6848775

you do not draw at all, worthless nig/g/er. so why are you commenting on other people's ability to draw?

>> No.6848776

Putting a Hungry Man in the microwave doesn't make you a chef.

>> No.6848777

Shut the fuck up. You morons act tough because you can sketch poorly, you're clowns that can't stop crying about technology invalidating them. That art piece got a ton of attention and it's a great work, you couldn't hope to make something as good.

>> No.6848778

>your pencil drew it not you

>> No.6848780
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, about what I expected. an incoherent moron who tries the 2nd time to dodge his hypocrisy. you are not an artist and you never will be an artist. everyone has to start from somewhere anon, you have to sketch poorly first before you get to draw and paint really well. of course you're never going to do this, so this is my point. you're just playing with a retarded toy that's worthless without those who were shit at drawing once and became good. bottom line is that you're not doing shit and anyone can play with your crap toy that would degrade an artist's skill and creativity. you're a consumer you moron. you generate computer images to consume them. you're not doing SHIT, and deep inside you know this. as much as you know that commissioning an artist doesn't mean that YOU made a work of art

>> No.6848781

And no one gives a single fuck. All you're doing is coping and lying to yourself. You will most lively never make an art piece half as good as that one but you will cry and scream pretending it's something you can do any time. And in the meanwhile what are you working on? You're so ashamed you won't even post it here.
Keep posting art that's better than yours though, it's funny ow you don't realize how disgraceful you are. You're a waste of air aren't you? What good are you?

>> No.6848789
File: 82 KB, 779x699, acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will most lively never make an art piece half as good as that one
that AI crap isn't really that impressive. you're actually retarded if you find an optical illusion more impressive than the portrayal of reality. it's harder to portray believable stuff that looks good because our brains will find things that are off instinctively
>but you will cry and scream pretending it's something you can do any time
maybe I will maybe I won't. I am envious on the artists you're using as a host, not your shitty keywords
>And in the meanwhile what are you working on? You're so ashamed you won't even post it here
you're not working on anything at all, parasite
>Keep posting art that's better than yours though
of course. it's also better than the crap you lie to yourself that you're "making"

>> No.6848792

Fa/g/got, you slurp that flavorless gloop you try to convince other people is food, a stiff breeze can break you in two.

>> No.6848795

>that AI crap isn't really that impressive. you're actually retarded if you find an optical illusion more impressive than the portrayal of reality. it's harder to portray believable stuff that looks good because our brains will find things that are off instinctively
AI artists can make believable stuff better than you can too.
>maybe I will maybe I won't. I am envious on the artists you're using as a host, not your shitty keywords
You're envious of the work and the attention it's getting, deluding yourself with other factors.
>you're not working on anything at all, parasite
Is that right? AI artists create and post art that people enjoy every day all day.
You probably don't post anything, pretend you're hot shit. if you do post something, only your 10 pity followers like it. "I'm going to make it someday!" You are unironically worthless unless you prove me wrong. This status quo cannot be refuted. /ic/ cucks that spend ridiculous amounts of time coping are those little flakes that chad parasites eat all day long.

Post something you made, not worthless garbage that makes you feel better about how much of a loser you are.

It's objectively better than anything you'll ever make and gets more attention too.

>> No.6848798

>You're a waste of air aren't you? What good are you?
Ask yourself that, you've been here all day for the past few days shitting up this board because you want your rocks off to being an annoying faggot.

>> No.6848803

>inadvertently admits to drinking s.o.y.lent

>> No.6848806

>he's schizophrenic too
>and doesn't realize he's here more than me since he has this perception
What good are you if AI is worthless? An AI artist has more worth than you and your no drawings.

>> No.6848808

>you just don't understand my doodles

>> No.6848810

>AI artists can make believable stuff better than you can too.
there's no such thing as an "AI artist". they cannot make better stuff than I do, because anyone can use AI slop machines with ease, including myself
>You're envious of the work and the attention it's getting, deluding yourself with other factors
that's not envy, anon. you're confusing it with repulsion. yes I am repulsed at the attention it's getting, just like I find revolting the amount of people who listen to garbage music. except this also gets an exponential amplifier of disgust caused by parasitism. again, you're standing on the shoulders of your betters as your scoffing at them. I'm not talking about myself here, I will never post my work on the internet anyway. but on the ones who did
>Is that right? AI artists create and post art that people enjoy every day all day.
you are a mindless consumer. you consume computer generated imagery. I wouldn't even call it "dependency", that's giving it too much credit
>You probably don't post anything, pretend you're hot shit. if you do post something, only your 10 pity followers like it. "I'm going to make it someday!" You are unironically worthless unless you prove me wrong. This status quo cannot be refuted. /ic/ cucks that spend ridiculous amounts of time coping are those little flakes that chad parasites eat all day long.
nice schizo rant, but I won't lift a finger for you. I wouldn't even bother spitting on your corpse if I saw it in a ditch. I would simply ignore you

>> No.6848812

Go back to your corner and drink your s.o.y

>> No.6848814

You're not even worth replying to at this point. You're delusional. You can call the artist whatever you want, the fact is he's putting out better art than you and no you can't even match what he's doing.

>> No.6848816

> You can call the artist whatever you want, the fact is he's putting out better art than you and no you can't even match what he's doing.
He's going to be forgotten within a week lol

>> No.6848820

why not? could I not use a text to image prompt myself? I don't even have to come up with anything, I can just copy/paste one, browse through some of the thousands of images and post it to you. woah. why are you pretending that this is some hot shit, wasn't the whole selling point of it that "anyone can do it now"? why do you pretend you're better than anyone? I bet a fucking cat can do it if you let it sit on your keyboard for a while

>> No.6848822

Reminder: He only won the photoshop category and sage still works.

>> No.6848823

He's been making art for a while and more importantly he inspired a small art movement. No one knows who you are and you can't even draw. You can't get more pathetic.

We both know that you're too autistic to even do that.
Can't draw, can't prompt.

>> No.6848824

>He's been making art for a while and more importantly he inspired a small art movement.
literally who

>> No.6848826


>> No.6848827

what makes you think I can't type in a few keywords and play with some weights lmao. I did it with NovelAI for a month. can prompt, won't do it. it's a bunch of fucking keywords in a box you moron

>> No.6848829

> in this thread all day
> calling anyone autistic and pathetic
Why don't you ask AI to generate some self awareness?

>> No.6848830

>he inspired a small art movement
he inspired an idiotic twitter trend. kind of like what shitty twitter artists do, but worse

>> No.6848836

>This is Photoshop with just a touch of img2img to give off that AI filtered effect. I admit I wanted to do a"gotcha" to any AI haters but nobody was biting
>end of the day nobody cared about his slop

>> No.6848843

Post your socials.

>> No.6848857

>muh pageviews
Which one do you want? I have 5 alts so they total around 10000.

>> No.6848868

I bet

>> No.6848906
File: 651 KB, 1168x770, wow so epic trolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some bunch of redditors who can't even use mspaint are gushing over this gimmick and circlejerking on xitter
not going to lie
these wannabe artists are pretty funny
>i am real artist i conducted the ai!!!
>no lmao
Reminds me of that other group of freaks

>> No.6848910

imagine being this salty

>> No.6848915

What big youtubereceleb said this word that now everyone is using it again?

>> No.6848937

>why is everyone callling me salty all of a sudden
You are salty.

>> No.6849014
File: 350 KB, 608x927, charles allan gilbert_Deadly Reflections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, humans made shrek with computers. Are you not understanding the point? Should I have said "wait til he discovers sculptures?" instead?

So who the fuck is earning a living with plain ol' ai 'art'? I don't think anyone is. Some artists are using it and drawing over it sure, but who is making a living just proompting?

Why'd you post such an ugly harsh looking version of the work?

I think it was Dan from the gamegrumps, if you're asking this seriously. But it's been like 10 years? It's just a popular usage of the word now.

>> No.6849037

Yep, hehe.

>> No.6849074

The only thing I want from AI is a sexbot, what the fuck is taking so long!

>> No.6849118

>if you're asking this seriously
Yeah, i've been reading this shit everywhere the last few days as the usual non-answer to anything, like cope/seethe/schizo/rentfree and all the other buzzwords as to why i'm asking what kind of big eceleb blurted it out recently that now retarded sexually confused kids that get triggered at the sight of a vocabulary start spamming it

This other word is going to lose all meaning as well

>> No.6849131
File: 72 KB, 602x440, discord tranny word index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess ill add this to the index

>> No.6849138

this is the best /ic/ can draw

>> No.6849142
File: 58 KB, 500x456, 15239894535645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.6849151

AI artists aren't a thing

>> No.6849165


>> No.6849223

in that case I'm supreme leader of the galaxy with this troon-tier logic.

>> No.6849269

Why u so salty bae?

>> No.6849447

OP's example is just kind of gimmicky though. Its "impressive" in the sense that its cool that a machine can make something like this but on an artistic level its just not that interesting or new. If people really wanted to draw things like that they could and have, they just don't usually because its not that amazing of a concept.

>> No.6849539

>but on an artistic level its just not that interesting or new
The only reason it's being talked about is because it is novel and interesting.

>> No.6849780

>because it is novel and interesting.
anything is novel and interesting when your knowledge is minimal

>> No.6849838

So this is just a controlnet thing right?
Just upload some vague shape and prompt "city"?
Or is this a new addon

>> No.6849913

Why should we just diminish the standards of the arts just because more and more retards with shit education is taking over?

>> No.6849927

>So this is just a controlnet thing right?

>> No.6849929

We aren't, AI makes better art than most artists. Your obsession with the craft is just cope, the product was all that was ever important.

>> No.6849995

it doesn't make art, it generates pictures. you're just a dumb consoomer with no eye to speak off and trying to justify his mindless cunsumption

>> No.6850009

>it doesn't make art, it generates art
cause (something, especially an emotion or situation) to arise or come about.
"changes that are likely to generate controversy"

>> No.6850027

>>it doesn't make art, it generates art
pictures, not art
Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
Unaware or uninformed; naive.

you sir, are a faggot. it is no more art than a beautiful sunset.

>> No.6850225

Im so disappointed that this is AI because its pretty cool and surprisingly well put together for AI

>> No.6850227

>normalfag dickriding [current thing]
This is news.

>> No.6850228

>Im the director
Oh no no no no

>> No.6850229

hello /v/

>> No.6850295

>They think that companies will lower their prices when using AI in development
Are they literally retarded?

>> No.6850299

It happened to art why not video games?

>> No.6850390

because greedy corps gonna greed

>> No.6850392

You think the same industry that shoves microtransactions into everything they can, nickel & dime the consumer as much as possible, have gambling in their games children play (surprise mechanics!), and only just raised their prices... are going to lower their prices when production costs go down? Pfft.

The line only goes up anon.

>> No.6850393

Do you understand supply and demand?

>> No.6850405

Actually no
These two are me. That other anon was just coincidentally responding to the same post at nearly the same time, with more or less the same opinion on the matter.
Coincidences happen buddy.

>> No.6850409

>Do you understand supply and demand?
Ah, and to your question; the video game industry is more profitable then ever, and also scrounging for more money than ever. It's corporate greed, not supply and demand.
Also, video game sales are mostly digital, there is no "supply". The supply is infinite.

>> No.6850477

The novelty is that its created by an AI not the actual content of the painting itself. Its like if an elephant painted a picture like this it would be impressive because of the author not because of the painting itself

>> No.6850490

nta, art is partially dissociated from supply and demand, relying more on perceived quality and perceived value. ironically the flood of aislop has lowered the value...of aislop

>> No.6850513

That's true for some things but not for the majority of art. The clock is ticking on people purchasing stock images, logos, cover art, concept art, shit you hang on your wall etc. You can generate it for free or get someone else to do it, the labor cost for creating art is basically 0 and that will only improve. It'll take some time for people to realize that though.

Retarded post. Why did Dragon's Dogma not sell as well as Capcom hoped? Because it released after Dark Souls and Skyrim. There was no demand because the supply was met. AI will usher in an unprecedented age of game development, there will be orders of magnitude more games coming out compared to now. More supply of video games, less demand for any individual game. Thus the prices drop or no one will buy.

>> No.6850526

>the labor cost for creating art is basically 0
it isn't, unless you assume ai generation is art, which makes you an uneducated nigger. and even those facsimile take energy and time thus ensuing a cost.
the rest of your rambling is wishful thinking oblivious to the current trends

>> No.6850527

Board is ruined and everyone sane knows it.
/Ic is /fag nowadays.

>> No.6850528

It's literally free to generate images and images are art, you absolute drooling mongoloid lol. Your PC is already running, it doesn't cost a thing.

>> No.6850561

You just vaguely said "supply and demand" and expected me to wring your wretched, and frankly half-baked, understanding and usage of it out of your statement... and you have the balls to call anyone else retarded?
>Because it released after Dark Souls and Skyrim. There was no demand because the supply was met.
Like what is this wrought usage of the term "supply and demand"? It's like me saying there's a demand for you shutting the fuck up, but there's a vastly inadequate supply. Could you ham-fist this any harder?
>AI will usher in an unprecedented age of game development, there will be orders of magnitude more games coming out compared to now. More supply of video games, less demand for any individual game. Thus the prices drop or no one will buy.
Yes, because when there's a oversupply, the producers will continue making EVEN MORE to exacerbate the problem...
To your Dragon's Dogma point, had they known it'd flop, would they still have made it? Also prices may remain high so as to ensure that with lowered sales that at least some money and profit is made.
And all this is vastly over-estimating the amount that AI can handle currently. You act as if AAA games are being made by single developers, and not still entire teams of people.
All this said, EVEN IF prices drop because competition is tighter and that many more games are being released, it doesn't mean there's more demand. The demand is still the same, just now the profit margins are that much slimmer. So how do you think they'd try to increase their margins? In-app purchases you fucking whale.
Enjoy your over-monetised corporate future!

>> No.6850563

>he in fact didn't know what supply and demand was and he's trying to act like I'm the retard

>> No.6850595

I'm sure both sides are thinking the same thing.

>> No.6850596

Everyone who didn`t hide this thread is a retard. So let me hide this sjw malding.

>> No.6850734

What's the point of this when it's just an optical illusion in "3D"?
It only works from one angle, because it's not an actual set meant to look like an optical illusion, but an optical illusion made into a set.

>> No.6850751

we really need a competent janny, at least /v/ deletes half such threads

>> No.6850773

Actually a fair amount of these threads do get deleted.

>> No.6850780
File: 144 KB, 962x830, cat AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up retard, you're as interesting as a toxo infested litterbox digger

>> No.6850784

was that supposed to be an insult
real woman moment

>> No.6851324
File: 78 KB, 687x608, F6d_YqWWwAAQUp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human artists can't do this brand new art sty...

>> No.6851333

point in case

>> No.6851352

this isn't new, someone post that nicocado pumpkin asshole one

>> No.6851394
File: 1.38 MB, 972x846, 1690236433721855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was laughing a lot reading this thread and the social media comments, because 4chan was making them the moment we were able to, but normies took a year + controlnet basically and they weren't even half as entertaining.
I remember anons posting the high quality goatses on facebook and no one realizing what they were. Fucking comedy.

>> No.6851395
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x1024, 1689953510073639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mods were so salty that they banned the posting of some of these images so you had to change the md5

>> No.6851398
File: 447 KB, 512x640, 1672505869917073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851401
File: 71 KB, 512x512, 1681012976115055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851403
File: 370 KB, 512x512, 1666402066479520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851468

behead all ainiggers

>> No.6851597

don't get it
is this the soccer chick?

>> No.6851601


>> No.6851646

It might not be as well rendered, but they did it. You can still clearly see the pattern.
Are you that annoyed a mere human scribble owned the newest tech?

>> No.6851660

>it's like 1000x worse, b-but you got owned
you owned yourself, wasted your time and made a fool out of yourself.

>> No.6851670

>you owned yourself, wasted your time and made a fool out of yourself.
Haha, you actually made me laugh with this anon. Can you not see the irony in responding to me? You're so butt mad over a scribble that pulled off the effect, lol.

>> No.6851692

>self awareness: none
I'm making fun of you..

>> No.6851699

Yes anon, I got that, and I'm laughing at you.
Are you possibly retarded, why did you not understand that?

>> No.6851700

this is what desperation does to a person

>> No.6851805

You're damn right. I come here to read artists thoughts and idéas and maybe expand my understanding on painting and drawing. Instead I have to sift through comments by a bunch of parasitical technerds with their smug attitudes larping as artists. Thinking they somehow have a place here. Thinking if they cry loud enough, they might be accepted as true creatives. Nobody will ever be like "whoa! Look at that AI artist. It's incredible! Look at the prompt. It's better than any human made painting I've ever seen! He's so talented. How did they do it?!

>4k, High res, river, woman in boat, relfective water, cumulus clouds, big Mountain, painted, realistic, look at me mom I'm the artist now

Delusional narcissistic bugmen

>> No.6851847

You have no self awareness and you've deluded yourself.