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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 430 KB, 1012x720, brent-eviston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6836673 No.6836673 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think? Is he right?


>> No.6836691

Purchase an ad, Brent.

>> No.6836696

dontc are

>> No.6836703

You should go draw instead of posting this dramabait garbage you fucking baboon

>> No.6836705

What did he say?

>> No.6836709

I was an anti-Eviston schizo once but now I am confident Brent is the saving grace of artistic technique and tradition under the looming AI threat to our culture. Brent is our generation's Loomis

>> No.6836712

if he’s saying the gesture meme overstayed its welcome, he’s right

>> No.6836718

He doesn't say their names (vilppu, huston) specifically, but comments that other art teachers love to say things like "gesture is the flow of the body" or "the rhythm of the body" or just "feel your way through the pose", which isn't necessarily wrong, but very esoteric and difficult for beginners to understand.

>> No.6836722

I agree with eviston when he says that the way some people teach is just not entirely clear or precise. They don't tend to describe what the concept is in literal or explicit terms. In matessi force drawing books, I had to do all sorts of digging on what he even means because he just doesn't describe outright what directional force or applied force could be. He kind of skirts around them with filler sentences. Once I figured it out it made sense and it was simple, but man did I have to dig

>> No.6836752
File: 635 KB, 972x1074, Brent_Eviston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his method of drawing gestures looks similar to the Mattesi'i force

>> No.6836759

Does he show how he develops something like the drawing on the right into a finished illustration?

>> No.6836813

Force is autism.

>> No.6836822


>> No.6836852

>t. ferrarilet

>> No.6836878

But Huston specifically says that gesture is the curved line along the long axis of a form, it's actually very concrete and easy to understand. Once again /ic/ reveals their own ignorance.

>> No.6836916

>throwing shade
You're not cool, you're not interesting, your hobbies are talking like a braindead dramanigger and being a subhuman.

Delete this thread.

>> No.6836922
File: 135 KB, 920x960, D2F5D564-28DD-49A6-A937-D9CDEA9297F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm based sir, you dropped this.

>> No.6836938

the design in the 2nd video is what made me realize how shit Matessi was as a teacher

>> No.6836981

Why? Don't like the design?

>> No.6836999

Well he's wrong
Figuring out what gesture is supposed to be is easy by asking why the fuck would you ever draw a gesture
The only reason to draw one, is if it helps you draw a finished figure
Thus, gesture can only be useful if it is done as a tool for capturing and analyzing Proprtional and placement information about a figure.
Most people teaching gesture focus too much on getting it right in a single stroke
Any marks you put in the paper that help you figure out if all the body parts are going to be in the right positions and angles is gesture.
Gesture is usually exaggerated because we have a natural tendency to over stiffen poses as we develop a drawing. By exaggerating the gesture from the start, you compensate for that.
Practicing gesture also helps develop your intuitive knowledge of body proportions very quickly because u can do tons of them and quickly check how much they look like the models

Anyone who says anything else about gesture is wrong

>> No.6837020

things besides figures have a gesture, so no.

>> No.6837042
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu actually describes gesture to a T. If there were a way to elaborate on it more he would have discovered it in the 100 years he's been teaching gesture. Brent isn't even drawing gestures. He's drawing a bean torso and armatures for the limbs while copying the models. He's basically doing pic related which Vilppu uses as an example of what not to do.

>> No.6837044

atelierkeks eternally BTFO
visdevGAWDS stay eating

>> No.6837054

It's a terrible drawing anon

>> No.6837084

Which video is that from?

>> No.6837087

They all teach the same stuff: 1) draw a few lose lines to indicate proportions and main masses, 2) build form on top.

That's actually all you need to know to practice.

>> No.6837093

It's like Vilppu's old drawing manual DVDs, but a bit updated.

>> No.6837099

>He doesn't say their names
quit drama-baiting faggot

>> No.6837102

Do you remember which section it's from/timestamp?

>> No.6837107

2nd video in section 1. 06:25.

>> No.6837134

This gesture nonsense is not how I figure draw. I just look for dark, light, and negative shapes to get my form down. I don't think I've ever done a gesture except for specific 15 second figure drawings.

I'm really good at it too.

>> No.6837208

How are you with figures from imagination?

>> No.6837232
File: 341 KB, 1000x1214, eviston-gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brent isn't even drawing gestures. He's drawing a bean torso and armatures for the limbs while copying the models
you do realize the video in the OP is only covering the absolute beginning stages?

>> No.6837514

Good boi brent, throwing shade to Vilppu and Huston do they don't get a heatstroke in this hellish summer :^)

>> No.6837537
File: 35 KB, 440x600, andrew-loomis--sketch-of-my-daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand why you would want to study someone like Brent when we've already got Loomis, who draws 1000x better. Loomis books are great and have trained pretty much every working professional today.

>> No.6837556
File: 401 KB, 790x901, Loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brent isn't even drawing gestures.

>> No.6837647

Because Loomis books are outdated, especially FWAP.

Brent's learning flow starts from absolute beginner to drawing the figure step by step. The beginning point for Loomis is meant to be FWAP, but it's a terrible book that doesn't actually teach the fundamentals well at all.

>> No.6837663

is he another teacher who has none or few finished works?

>> No.6837670

He drew that one blue bird. Isn't that enough for you?

>> No.6837701

I do alright I think. I just don't think artists like Seurat, Cezanne, or Rembrandt cared much for gesturing. They painted light and dark, focusing on shapes than construction. It's just another way.

>> No.6837717

The fundamentals of drawing never go outdated, anon. You're pretty fucking stupid, aren't you?

>> No.6837739

It's good to know you're an illiterate moron.
I never said "The fundamentals are outdated". I'm saying Loomis's methods for teaching them are outdated and terrible.
Eviston provides a far superior learning flow.

>> No.6837958

literally who

>> No.6837975

Loomis’ method works. What reputable artists have studied Eviston?

I thought I didn’t have to spell that out for you. If an artist has no good students, he’s not a good teacher. And his methods can’t possibly be more “updated” than the classic instruction books already out there

>> No.6837986

>If an artist has no good students, he’s not a good teacher
You are such an embarrassingly stupid idiot it's funny.

>> No.6837992
File: 733 KB, 929x1202, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loomis’ method works
Yes, it's very good at demotivating newcomers. When they inevitably fail to draw a head (the first exercise) properly, it inevitably leads to retards like yourself mocking them and saying "filtered by loomis", which leads to further demotivation. Attempting to draw a head before even learning how to draw a circle or a cube is as asinine as it gets.

>If an artist has no good students, he’s not a good teacher.
He has north of 100k students on Udemy alone, and 60k+ on skillshare. I'm not going to dig for any artists you consider "good" but he wouldn't be nearly this successful if his teaching didn't produce results.

>And his methods can’t possibly be more “updated” than the classic instruction books already out there
Through this line of reasoning there is no reason to read Loomis when there are more than enough older books that pre-date his; many of which actually offer a far more practical approach to the fundamentals than the garbage that is Fun with a Pencil. None of the old masters read Loomis, and they were far better artists than you will ever be.

Alas, continue being an idiot at your leisure.

>> No.6838360

how the fuck can anyone read Loomis without cringing
god this art style and humor is awful

>> No.6838387

He's right, but the value of being right in this case is subjective.
Why does gesture work? Not how it works, not how to execute it, but why. Most never even think about it. It's what's missing in most instruction, and it probably bugs some people. But is it necessary to know in order to be good at it? Absolutely not.

>> No.6838399

And here there go again fighting at which is the best art course instead of drawing. Every fucking day.

>> No.6838415
File: 294 KB, 1200x1051, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is charming as hell. I love drawing his figures while listening to century old jazz on a Victrola.

>> No.6838751
File: 9 KB, 406x431, 1575229751976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loomis is charming as hell

>> No.6838757

It's called fun with a pencil because it's a beginner's book. The idea is to get you enjoying the process of just drawing and creating art. To try and find that joy you felt as a kid just drawing whatever, regardless of the result. THEN you move onto more comprehensive, structured guides.
Yes, these people are getting filtered. They will NGMI, because they are unable to find joy in drawing.

>> No.6838763

>because it's a beginner's book
and it's a trash beginner's book.
Beginners are not going to have fun drawing something that is too difficult for them.

>The idea is to get you enjoying the process
Which it does a terrible job at.

>To try and find that joy you felt as a kid just drawing whatever
Mindless and idiotic.

>Yes, these people are getting filtered
You are a perfect example of the type of low-IQ monkey who recommends this trash. Posting "filtered" and "ngmi" just demonstrates you have zero interest in actually helping people get better.

To any beginners reading this, take note: never listen to any morons trying to make you read this garbage book. They are dishonest, duplicitous and a complete waste of time.

>> No.6838771

Then what? What would get a complete beginner to enjoy art? What is a better method to inspire them to pick up that pencil and just fucking draw?

>> No.6838776

It's okay anon, not everyone is meant to draw. I'm sorry arranging circles into a funny face was too difficult for you.

>> No.6838777

Material that enables them to draw well. A resource that actually gets concepts to click in their brain. This is something beginners cannot be expected to achieve from symbol drawing cartoon faces right from the beginning. Drawing hideous potato faces incorrectly only serves to demotivate and demoralise, especially when it's followed by asinine feedback like "filtered" and "ngmi".

>> No.6838778

You already lost the argument, sorry idiot.

>> No.6838780


>> No.6838781

>Material that enables them to draw well. A resource that actually gets concepts to click in their brain.
...yes, such as? I'm waiting?

>> No.6838783
File: 176 KB, 1159x1500, 81UcCkYWhGL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6838784

I don't recall you winning it, all I see is a lot of arguments saying absolutely nothing

>> No.6838786

That's just your coping mechanism. It's only natural a braindamaged monkey like you needs one when your reading comprehension levels are comparable to that of an 8 year old.

>> No.6838787

>you're dumb, I won hahaha
Profound retardation

>> No.6838788

Not him, but here is a far better, properly-explained alternative to the Loomis head page:


>> No.6838789

Keep coping at your leisure, won't make you any less of an idiot.

>> No.6838792

Yeah great, another beginner book.
They're both beginner books. Neither are going to turn a complete beg into a competent artist. Your fixation of hatred on FWAP is strange

>> No.6838794

>100k students on Udemy
>420 followers on Twitter
>averages 0-1 likes per Tweet
I'm sure Udemy isn't a scam site at all, anon

>> No.6838795

You keep missing the point, my low-IQ chimp friend.
The point is FWAP is a bad beginner book.

>> No.6838797
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 1512589741636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judging an artist on social media metrics instead of his work and language

>> No.6838799

>Beginners are not going to have fun drawing something that is too difficult for them.
you're missing the point. The potato faces aren't difficult. You must be slower than most.

>> No.6838800

No, I'm telling you that Brent is a scamming liar, and his artwork is demonstrable proof he's not qualified to teach anyone.

If you don't like Loomis, fine. Study Steve Huston. Study the Finch roadmap. The few translated Krenz videos are amazing to get you started. Hell, even Sheldon Borenstein would be a better pick than Mr. Eviston.

It's unfortunately you've continued to shill this book for 2 years, yet you haven't posted your work or progress at all.

>> No.6838801

Thank you for further proving me right and further exposing how mind-numbingly stupid people like you are.

>> No.6838802

I think you're using "It was too difficult for me personally" as a marker of quality. Sounds like a you problem, anon

>> No.6838803

>No, I'm telling you that Brent is a scamming liar, and his artwork is demonstrable proof he's not qualified to teach anyone.
So basically you're a moronic schizo. Gotcha.

>> No.6838804

his art is crap, and he has 0 social media following because of it. No one follows for unappealing crap. Good things most anons here see through it though

>> No.6838805

No, you're just an idiot with no argument.
Over the years /ic/ has had a lot of beginners attempt the book, end up drawing the heads badly wrong, and there's always a horse of morons like you saying "filtered by loomis" and "ngmi", which only further proves how embarrassingly stupid and worthless people like you are, and how bad FWAP is.

>> No.6838806

>his art is crap
I love it when idiots like you type this without posting your work. Paints you as a very insecure loser, which is accurate.

>> No.6838808

Eviston is actually mostly recommended by /ic/. For some reason he triggers permabeg shitters like you tho.

>> No.6838811

>Drawing hideous potato faces incorrectly only serves to demotivate and demoralise
What exactly are you going to draw correctly as a beginner? Do you have an example of what you consider a good 1st exercise for someone wanting to learn to draw?

>> No.6838812

Everyone here hates Eviston, anon. He has less industry experience than Irshad

>> No.6838814

>and he has 0 social media following because of it.
He's a professional art teacher who teaches at college. He is not a social media artist you underage tard.
Glenn Vilppu has 709 followers on twitter. Steve Huston doesn't even have a twitter. Must be terrible artists, hey?

>> No.6838815

nta i have never seen a brent eviston video, but taking a quick look at his twitter it's just advertisements for his courses. why would anyone follow him?

>> No.6838817

>Everyone here hates
Nah, they don't. Cope harder you crazy psycho.

>> No.6838818

So I'm a crazy psycho because I don't like your pet teacher? Says more about you than me

>> No.6838820

>What exactly are you going to draw correctly as a beginner?
Straight lines, curved lines.
2D shapes
3D volumes

Things like this are far easier for the beginner to get a handle of than the human head. It is also critical to understand how to draw these basic volumes before attempting to draw heads of any kind in a way that doesn't demotivate beginners.

>> No.6838822

>it's just advertisements for his courses
right... he doesn't draw. He's not an artist.

Vilppu has 17k followers on Instagram, and 111k followers on Facebook. Good try though

>> No.6838823

No, you're a crazy psycho for having a psychotic hatred of the guy to the point where you're attempting to speak on behalf of the entire board.

A quick search of Eviston in the archives reveals most of this board has positive things to say about his courses. Psychos like yourself are naturally the exception.

>> No.6838829

>right... he doesn't draw. He's not an artist.
This is exactly why you're a psycho lmao.

>Vilppu has 17k followers on Instagram, and 111k followers on Facebook. Good try though
Ok, now how about Wil Weston? Where is his social media presence?

>> No.6838830

It's a waste of time to argue with a gaslighting grifter like you, Brent. Have fun raging over your 4 shill threads though

>> No.6838832
File: 180 KB, 1851x546, Screenshot 2023-09-12 005549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a total dumbass, aren't you? lmao

>> No.6838834

It's a waste of time on your end because you're clearly an idiot with no argument, and clearly a psycho because you believe you're arguing with a 50 year old art teacher on /ic/.

>> No.6838835

I had arguments, you just dodged them skillfully. Takes 50 years of grifting to learn to do that.

>> No.6838837

what beginner book shows this?
I wanted to see a page of this beginners exercise instruction.

>> No.6838838

I just don't keep up with social media because I know not everyone uses it, idiot.

Now do Steven Zapata, Karl Gnass, Seok Jeong hyeon, Marshall Vandruff, Peter Han, Sungmoo Heo, Tom Fox, Michael Hampton, Charles Hu, Iliya Mirochnik, Stephen Bauman, Gary Meyer, Erik Olson, John Asaro

>> No.6838839

Didn't "dodge" anything, idiot.

>> No.6838842
File: 1.68 MB, 1980x3000, lf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain why you would choose Brent over any other better teacher, with more industry experience and skill?

You won't. People always have, and always will, learn to draw, without using Brent Eviston's scammy course

>> No.6838847 [DELETED] 

>Then explain why you would choose Brent over any other better teacher
>better teacher
Already you're exposing yourself as a retard. Who are you to call anyone a "better teacher"? Social media following does not reflect teaching skills.

>You won't. People always have, and always will, learn to draw, without using Brent Eviston's scammy course
People have also learned to draw with his course, but clearly that is too much for a psycho like you to grasp.

>> No.6838848

>Then explain why you would choose Brent over any other better teacher
>better teacher
Already you're exposing yourself as a retard. Who are you to call anyone a "better teacher"? Social media following does not reflect teaching skills.

>You won't. People always have, and always will, learn to draw, without using Brent Eviston's scammy course
People have also learned to draw with his course, but clearly that is too much for a psycho like you to grasp.

>> No.6838850
File: 556 KB, 1420x4883, SumatraPDF_mxKSHGySQ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6838852

Ellipses?! I'm filtered.

>> No.6838856

He doesn't understand the beginner mindset. That ellipse would end up pinched on the edges and the beg wouldn't know why it is wrong.

>> No.6838921

In art its all about finding a teacher who describes the same things in a way your brain understands it.

>> No.6838922

No rules just tools

>> No.6839000
File: 50 KB, 680x593, science lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever an ART teacher uses words like "science" and "practical" I know to avoid like the plague.

>> No.6839034

just looking at the op pic, he's got all these books, a whole ass drafting table and chair, a nice easel, some cabinet with drawers with who knows what is inside (art tools? references?) and the most he has to show for it is some bird sketches?

>> No.6839044 [DELETED] 

look at his clothes, he's a larper

>> No.6839096

>and the most he has to show for it is some bird sketches?
Idiot. >>6837232

>> No.6839106

no, i saw that. i don't count no-context figure studies/demo material as finished works.

>> No.6839383

David Finch is a better teacher because he is more accomplished and has a larger following, which is an objective indicator of drawing ability

Sorry to give you so much cognitive dissonance, but Brent sucks ass

>> No.6839391

>bald man better because…followers and and roadmap blog post

Brent is a fantastic teacher. I wish he paid me for the amount of times I recommended him on this board.

>> No.6839406

post your work then

>> No.6839449

>David Finch is a better teacher because he is more accomplished and has a larger following, which is an objective indicator of drawing ability
Thank you for effectively proving you're a moron.

>> No.6839460
File: 5 KB, 220x229, 1598716611234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no counterarguments

>> No.6839469

Not required, what you said was already too stupid and the sign of extremely low IQ.

>> No.6839478

It was actually very intelligent, anon

>> No.6839488

it's pretty legit though

>> No.6841500

So who's the most useful teacher that isn't an outdated boomer?

>> No.6841562

Most art teachers babble too much. Eviston explains clearly and concisely.

>> No.6841795
File: 185 KB, 1454x546, 1681911103330707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu-sisters I don't feel so good.....

>> No.6841796

Vilppu is that one girl worth marrying, while Eviston is a used up slut

>> No.6841802

I wanna see his kangaroo from imagination.

>> No.6841925

Unironic Soul

>> No.6842823

That's a whole lot of words just to say you're a retard, anon


>> No.6842839
File: 19 KB, 310x205, coomermissionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the gay scorpion leaves the gay bar, it just goes to another gay bar.

>> No.6842860

unironically his figure drawing course is the best course about figure drawing if you are a total beginner and his basic course is solid

>> No.6842899

why do all these 30-something artists wear that damn hat, and why inside?

>> No.6842904


>> No.6842911

>some European with a disgusting accent wearing a cuck hat
no personality. typical in this sphere.

>> No.6842926
File: 698 KB, 1001x719, Screenshot 2023-09-15 002338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brent's shading is total ass. It's just a hard line, with no sense for planes at all

>> No.6845912 [DELETED] 


>> No.6845915

is the video course the same as the book?

>> No.6845942

eviston is just not a great artist, its obvious.

>> No.6846025

That doesn't say much coming from a bad artist like yourself.

>> No.6846336

I was already better than him when I was 17 and I was getting mogged by 12 year olds.

It's clear you've never had formal art training or stepped inside of an atelier, no wonder your standards are so low.

>> No.6846348

doesn't take much to be better than Brent

>> No.6846352

>I was already better than him
Lol deluded idiot.

>> No.6846355

Again, that doesn't say much coming from a bad artist like yourself.

>> No.6846369

Poor judgment and tastes. You’re in a board where Vilppu’s and Steve Huston’s courses are freely available to download, yet you choose Brent. Ngmi from the very start

>> No.6846375

More like you're the delusion idiot, walk into any traditional art academy all the middle school kids are more skilled.

>> No.6846381

Like I said I'm objectively better than him and that's not even a brag, he's just not that good.

Maybe you'll see the truth one day if you ever improve.

>> No.6846387 [DELETED] 

guzzler spotted outside his containment

>> No.6846392

Again, you're a bad artist. Your input is worthless.

>> No.6846393

>Like I said I'm objectively better than him
That's just you doubling down on being a deluded idiot. You're a terrible artist and you know it :)

>> No.6846399

> terrible artist
Speaking for yourself through your projections, quite sad.

>> No.6846404

>bad artist. Your input is worthless
By that logic Eviston's book is doubly worthless as he's a worse artist than me.

>> No.6846406

you guys are gonna post some art or what?

>> No.6846410

You're a bad artist because you're all talk and too terrified to post your art.
You lost from the beginning loser, sorry. Insecurity is the sign of a bad artist.

>> No.6846421

Literally not once had I ever seen brentfags post anything they make
This reeks of cheap pajeet-tier shilling attempt

>> No.6846422

Go lurk the draw thread. You'll see almost every anon is better than Brent.

But where's your work? You're the one telling /ic/ to study this shitty teacher. The onus is on you to post your work

>> No.6846439

Nope. You haven't posted a single figure of yours here. This tells me you're an insecure loser who likes to put others down because you're insecure about your own low skill level.

You are a bad artist.

>> No.6846447

You are low iq esl because you speak like you are lobotomized.
Im so done with post 2018 /ic. Fuck, it was great place for artists. You stupid retards ruin everything.

>> No.6846451

Getting mad and hurling insults only further highlights your insecurities, idiot.
You're a bad artist and a loser. Stop taking your frustration out on others, loser.

>> No.6846461

>still not posting work
yeah you're definitely shit lol

>> No.6846479

Nta you fucking zoom zoom.
Say it one more time loser;)

>> No.6846480

>Im so done with post 2018 /ic. Fuck, it was great place for artists. You stupid retards ruin everything.

>> No.6846485

Yes we know you're a bad artist and a moron, you've made it clear already how insecure you are lol.

>> No.6846486
File: 9 KB, 241x209, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846488
File: 194 KB, 220x393, spit-it-out-spit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6846490

Because they have nothing to show for it besides having a retard schizo meltdown if you aren't receptive to their shilling.

>> No.6846491

like I said, it's on you to post your work, if you want to convert people to your Eviston cult

>> No.6846516

We already know you're a bad artist.

>> No.6846520

>call someone a bad artist
>get called out to post your work
>"i-it's on you to post your work"
No, doesn't work like that, idiot.
If you're going to pot someone who is clearly good at figure drawings, best you back it up with your own work. Alas, you won't, because you're aware of your low skill level.

>> No.6846521


>> No.6846525

Retarded bots flood a board, guess which one, yeah /ic out of all fucking boards, it`s like /ic attracts mentally ill zoomers and attention whores.

>> No.6846539

>"I-I said it first!! So I win!!"

>> No.6846543

Everyone who says lol is a punchable person.

>> No.6846546

You lost the argument, loser. Just swallow your pride, accept you're a trash artist and an idiot, and move on with your life.

>> No.6846553

Eviston shills in full force this week huh? Two threads dedicated to talking about the most mediocre artist.

>> No.6846557

Ok retard, im done with /ic for now. You ain`t funny, im stunlocked by your stupidity. You are a real human, just wow, ai has more soul than you do. You made it buddy, you beat the machine, bravo. *clap clap clap

>> No.6846563

Be as done as you want, you're still a moron who lost the argument badly. You are clearly a garbage artist.

>> No.6846568

I'm not any of these idiots arguing back and forth, but I'm curious, is brent's book good or bad

>> No.6846571

>who lost the argument badly
I wasn`t in any argument with you. Im not the guy you argued with.

>> No.6846572

average c-tier book regurgitating the information that older books already had

>> No.6846585

>He can't feel the form

>> No.6846594

Low-IQ poster: >>6846572

>> No.6846595

You're a bad artist so it makes sense you can't tell.

>> No.6846596

Average zoomer with no manners being attention whore on the internet >>6846594. Nta >>6846572 btw.

>> No.6846598

Let it go, loser. You've long since lost this embarrassing battle you picked.

>> No.6846599

>Average zoomer with no manners being attention whore on the internet
Still nta but so you are.

>> No.6846601


>> No.6846606

Stop embarrassing yourself, move on already you little retard.

>> No.6846609


>> No.6846612

yes, Brent Eviston TM rams his cock into your fat pussy

>> No.6846613

Eviston needs to take more Life Drawing.

>> No.6846618

Can`t stand idiots, you either dumb as a tree or just Le troll, either way you have no buisness being on /ic. Internet gave voice to all kind of scum you including, that`s just sad cause /ic was pretty good before mentally ill like you are flooded the board. Touch some grass.

>> No.6846620

nice essay idiot.

>> No.6846625

Say it to someone outside your house.

>> No.6846627

im not in your house you delusional moron

>> No.6846631

>Touch some grass.
If they let you out of your ward. Meds now.

>> No.6846636

the only ward is your moms bedroom

>> No.6846637

Im inside yours mf.

>> No.6846640

Are you op pic fan?

>> No.6846642

Meds now.

>> No.6846644

Rangeban all jakniggers

>> No.6846645

Stop bumping this thread you animals. No one cares about this artificial Brent drama.

>> No.6846648

>No one cares about this artificial Brent drama.
Nonono wait a minute, i care. Anon is funny.

>> No.6846651

brent is darn cute though

>> No.6846654

If mods don`t give a fuck why should we? All shitposting is on them.

>> No.6846659

One Piece is trash.

>> No.6846660

When he bend

>> No.6846662

Y- your mom...
Live action is good didn`t saw it tho.

>> No.6846728
File: 357 KB, 1242x885, Screenshot 2023-09-17 175905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6846739

mattesi's force is how i prefer to think of gesture, it's lovely and a lot of fun. really cuts to the core of using figure drawing as an analytical tool

>> No.6846746

can you post a figure for us? I personally hate Matessi, but am willing to reconsider

>> No.6846823

but who the fuck creates these threads lol? must be brent himself

>> No.6847843

Ooof shots fired at a 90 year old man

>> No.6848004

I should email Brent a link to this thread so he can talk to us.

>> No.6848520

If we are talking about factual teaching look no further than Weston. Everything he teaches is 100% no bullshit, hands on approach, what you see is what you get, he breaks down complicated things into easy steps that even a monkey could follow.

>> No.6848528

I started watching one of his classroom lectures on cgpeers. He rambles on a bit, like a lot of them. Still prefer Eviston because his stuff is specifically written and edited to be viewed in a video, rather than a guy talking to a bunch of students in the classroom.

>> No.6848543


>> No.6849431

NTA, but I'm a beginner who intended to follow brent's course. may I see your art to see if your criticism is worth your salt?

>> No.6849462


>> No.6849479

eviston is fucking based can only recommend especially for begs.

>> No.6849500

I wanna lick his eyes. Yes, the EYES

>> No.6849571

Brent has been on my mind so much that I've seen him in my dreams twice this past week. I can't fucking escape him not even in my own head.

>> No.6849736

Should I get his book or are the video courses better?

>> No.6849954
File: 116 KB, 538x720, Andrew Loomis - Tutt'Art@ (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you want to be a professional, you must learn from a professional

>> No.6850816

What do schizos have against Eviston?

>> No.6851141

i like his friendly demeanor. imma do his course

>> No.6851147

that's why i prefer books over videos in general

>> No.6851157

I'm sure Hitler was a friendly, charismatic guy too :)

>> No.6851169

>faggot cannot interpret the English language

what a annoying retard, this is as bad as fuckin proko