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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 432 KB, 1024x2598, how to grip edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6825824 No.6825824 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction
to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help.
When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

previous >>6823346

>> No.6825827
File: 1.04 MB, 759x981, 8Hussar Sutdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's daily

>> No.6825830

bring back the OP that made cool images for fucks sake

>> No.6825833

I didn't post the one with my time, this one was 55 minutes from reference

>> No.6825838
File: 1.03 MB, 2992x4094, IMG_20170928_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825841
File: 195 KB, 694x520, 1693768341266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My goal was to draw a frog.

>> No.6825845

>my goal was to draw a frog
you succeeded my friend

>> No.6825848 [DELETED] 

Imagine learning to draw to...draw this..yikes!

>> No.6825850
File: 453 KB, 2054x1248, slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine learning to draw to...draw this..yikes! Haha...

>> No.6825861

I do want to draw tranimeslops though, it makes me happy.

>> No.6825863

then do it and don't worry about what some crab thinks. there'll always be people who don't like your style or subject matter

>> No.6825865

fuck off tranny at least learn to write/talk like an adult

>> No.6825867

protip: plently of trooners like anime and were catalyzed into troonism through anime

>> No.6825868
File: 2.18 MB, 870x1197, redo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825869

just went rummaging in the cupboard for printer paper to draw on and found all my drawings from my numerous quickly-aborted attempts to learn to draw over the years

i assumed i would have filled like 10-20 pages but its more like 100. i sucked the whole time but i still like looking back at it, seeing what i tried to draw over the years, the doodles, the references for friends, characters from anime i was watching at the time, the 5 different attempts at the first few keys to drawing exercises for some reason, the drawabox pages, the blooks. it's a great trip down memory lane, and even though all the drawings are terrible i'm still sometimes impressed that i did them

anyway i've been back drawing again for a month, here's hoping i stick to it and gmi this time

>> No.6825870

post them

>> No.6825877
File: 22 KB, 474x355, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they, /beg/ ?

>> No.6825885

1. Never listen to anyone before they post their work
2. Have fun

>> No.6825889

No fun allowed

>> No.6825892

This was an inspirational episode for me as a kid. Squidward tried to learn by studying, but he couldn't produce anything, while Spongebob the naturally gifted and talented breezed through.

Even then, artists knew you either had the gift or didn't.

>> No.6825904
File: 114 KB, 535x835, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825907

No, it was meant to tell kids that there are no "rules" and if you stick to them you might end up like squidward. It's telling kids to just follow your gut in drawing and to be open minded when it comes to these "rules"

When spongebob abided the rules, his art became shit just like squidwards.

>> No.6825909

>it was meant
According to whom? Was there an interview claiming the exact opposite of what the episode showed?

>> No.6825910
File: 84 KB, 660x890, tegaki_2023_09_03_19_57_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling with hair styles. Drawing/rendering them and coming up with non-generic designs. Copying a style from another character/artist for practice and experience is probably necessary, but unique styles are immediately recognizable and wont work for creating something original.

>> No.6825911

Imagine getting filtered by an episode of spongebob

>> No.6825912

Yeah, imagine being you. Sounds painful.

>> No.6825913

This brainlet gave up and quit drawing because of spongebob

>> No.6825916

>can't refute my post
>ad hominem
That cut too close huh?

>> No.6825917

AND he takes it seriously.
We're pointing and laughing and you think this is a discussion.

>> No.6825918

Do you really think a kid’s show would put out a message telling kids to give up if they don’t have talent? Or maybe you misinterpreted it.

>> No.6825923

Do you really think that the episode showing the guy who studied failing, and the guy who didn't study succeeding, is anything other than a condemnation of the guy who studied and people who think like him?

>> No.6825925

>I-im laughing at you!
Sure you are, buddy.

>> No.6825929

The other anon already explained this to you dummy.

>> No.6825931

I already refuted that explanation sweetie

>> No.6825932

blog? esp. if there's more like this

>> No.6825938
File: 61 KB, 264x264, 3a2c56dfc84216a31f66c41fedd0d99c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be wise for a beginner to just practice facial expressions? I feel if I could make shitty doodles that atleast look emotive I could have motivation to push on.

>> No.6825939

>Would it be wise for a beginner to just (draw the thing they have fun drawing so they don't burn out from endless studying)
I fuckin' wonder.

>> No.6825953

how long

>> No.6825960
File: 162 KB, 835x836, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no blog. Why do you need more of that ugly shit?

>> No.6825961
File: 213 KB, 2000x2400, 1684130515390552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis? Haha, no I don't think so.

>> No.6825969
File: 796 KB, 1660x1467, Illustration53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it always end up looking so unclean

>> No.6825970
File: 1.25 MB, 1254x1609, dark-elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booba version of the elf that I posted in the last thread
draw and watch people drawing
don't fall for memes like draw from the shoulder, draw from real life first, drawing on the right side of the brain, aphantasia, asian genes, neuroplasticity, symbol drawing

>> No.6825973

>watch people drawing
I don't like watching paint dry for a mediocre anime doodle.

>> No.6825985

>get shit on left and right for my reference posting
>alright fuck it
>dont even bother to compile the previous threads works
>none of the niggers take up the mantle to post better ones
well fuck me i guess
have fun arguing about left vs right /pol/ shit for 35 posts straight, leading cleanly into discussing the concept of "talent" with the local shizo up until bump limit

>> No.6825987


>> No.6825991

I was sad when I didn't receive a yesdraw certification for my posts in the previous thread. Please don't let the shitposters get to you, Anon. A lot of people are counting on you!

>> No.6825999

>post shit
>nobody cares
>bitch and leave
lol, good riddance

>> No.6826002

The fact that people were upset means you were challenging them. Those who did their best to draw your reference surly appreciated the effort you put into providing them. The fact that trolls and thread derailers are out in full force simply means they were not up to the challenge and are having trouble coping with being filtered.

Please try to ignore posts that are inflammatory and ill intentioned.

>> No.6826009


>> No.6826015

You know what they say about assuming...

>> No.6826017
File: 126 KB, 872x936, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked asshole.
How about next time somebody tries to contribute to the thread you shit on the people that sabotage that effort?
But no, instead you sit by quietly and when it is said and done you beg for - in this case me - to spend another hour compiling refs, resizing and cropping them into a neat collage, then doing the same for all previous delivered studies. For what? To get shit on by nodraw crabs and the local shizo again? Fuck you. I get three practice sketches done in the same time and just post them quietly. No (You)s is better than being spit on by degenerates that for SOME CONFOUNDING REASON are still not banned and continue to shit up the thread.

You are so pathetic. You feel right at home in this thread. You have no idea what this thread looked like at its peak and several times after that for short periods of time. You honestly cant imagine the collective improvement that took place on /ic/ when people bullied nodraws, crabs and shizos off the board on sight.

See the above answer. I am so fucking tired trying to lift up the thread so it can be an attraction for people who want to improve. But I fail everytime. Sick of trying for nothing in return.

You win shizo and shizo tolarators. I am fucking certain nobody except for me is reporting his never ending torrent of recycled bait posts.

>> No.6826027

I'm sorry you feel that way. All I can do is literally just draw, and then literally just post drawings. Thank you for trying.

>> No.6826028

>to spend another hour compiling refs, resizing and cropping them into a neat collage
Anon I........ a collage doesn't take an hour... especially if it was like yours where there was no particular theme

>> No.6826029
File: 210 KB, 508x1022, zephyr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normally I never draw men, did this today
I think its alright considering I kept it relatively simple/basic

>> No.6826031

absolutely seething!

>> No.6826039
File: 826 KB, 2404x1260, 7a1672_7034548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related same concept but women+normies = crabs+shizos

>> No.6826042

The reason people come here instead of coming to real art communities is because they want to stir shit up and be assholes with no repercussion, it's the place for anti-social people, pedos, and talentless fascists, that's the appeal of an anonymous board
>n-no it's for free spech a-and
you're confusing speaking your mind with being an asshole, you can speak your mind more effectively on other social media than this cesspool
Make a discord and moderate it if you want a community so much
>You have no idea what this thread looked like at its peak
I watched this thread on-and-off for several years and the only difference between now and then is that the skill level is genuinely higher now

>> No.6826044

>he thinks trois crayons makes up for lowbeg proportions and value control
textbook dunning kruger

>> No.6826045
File: 1.89 MB, 500x421, 1598260448342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that the skill level is genuinely higher now
that's all because of the collab sticky that I, anon-sensei, mostly wrote, right? People read my figure drawing guide and made great gains!

>> No.6826048

Fuck off back to r thedonald and never come back.

>> No.6826052

>Squidward tried to learn by studying, but he couldn't produce anything
Elaborate. Squidward *did* produce art though? See the "bold and brash" meme which is proof he created appealing art...?

>> No.6826054

The writers on that season did a panel at comicon and said explicitly the message of that episode was misunderstood by every test audience though

>> No.6826055

More like belongs in the trash!

>> No.6826059

please answer

>> No.6826061

Unironically polished all appeal out of her face compared to rough drawing.

>> No.6826062

I think people just got better with time and the people who didn't quit
The simplest answer is usually right

>> No.6826063

Who were you replying to, and source?

>> No.6826064

hang yourself

>> No.6826066
File: 98 KB, 1103x720, 7821039222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826068

how long? you draw like i wish to but i just started? how long did you study?

>> No.6826070

God you sound like a faggot
kill yourself and never come back

>> No.6826073

>skill level is genuinely higher now
tell me you are lying without telling me you are lying

>> No.6826074


>> No.6826077

Holy based! Now THIS is how to have fun with a pencil!

>> No.6826078

How come nobody who replies to red blob senpai ever posts his work, while red blob senpai always posts work without fail?

I think this is neither true nor false. Just differing anecdotal observations.

There must be a recording on youtube of basically every comicon panel ever held. NTA so I don't have it, sorry!

>> No.6826082

That is actually some exceptionally clean lines What tutorials did you watch for inking?

>> No.6826086

What book should I study to draw like >>6825838

>> No.6826087

But which anon was wrong/"wrong"?

>> No.6826089

kill yourself shizo

>> No.6826091

Mindbroken. No talent for bantz!

>> No.6826096

>a collage doesn't take an hour
>you have never made a collage: POV

>> No.6826097

A collage of six pictures for random references definitely doesn't take an hour

>> No.6826098

>How come nobody who replies to red blob senpai ever posts his work, while red blob senpai always posts work without fail?
because they want to stir shit because that's what this website is for, case and point, thank you

>> No.6826100

>this thread was always shit
literally the reaction as predicted in the fifth panel of >>6826039

is right there is a huge acceptance of off-topic posts that is not healthy


>> No.6826102

kill yourself

>> No.6826103

>A collage of six pictures for random references
Oh I am mistaken then. If they are randomly strewn together anybody can do it. My bad I misunderstood lol

>> No.6826104 [DELETED] 

You are wrong. There are explicit rules against the behavior of some of the users in this thread. The fact that it isn't being enforced is either due to insufficient moderation or willful tolerance for the purposes of containment.

>troll posts
>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork
Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban

>> No.6826106

To be clear I am not defending that attention whoring red faggot but the other anons are equally as guilty in posting bait and drama

>> No.6826109

>The fact that it isn't being enforced is either due to insufficient moderation or willful tolerance for the purposes of containment.
If /ic/beg/ is containment, where do we go to make a /beg/ friendly art thread??

>> No.6826112



>> No.6826114

nobody cares go back to drawing

>> No.6826115
File: 422 KB, 2048x2048, F4nFECEXAAA7sPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have tips on patterns or is it going to be forever tedious?

>> No.6826116

deserved ban for bait posting

>> No.6826130

Or to put it in a more positive way, is there some kind of short cut or is it an exercise in patience for oneself in art?

>> No.6826132

I don't know why you're spazzing out. Some people liked drawing the references and appreciated it and some people were just looking to get a rise out of you. Dunno why you'd give them the satisfaction of a freak-out. Just take a break from on-line, man.

>> No.6826145

There are no shortcuts. Period. Either put in the work necessary or give up. Simple as that.

Try to change your writing style when same fagging. It's embarrassing.

>> No.6826146

Forever tedious

>> No.6826147

Nta but what work?

>> No.6826151

QRD on this reference drama?

I am at work, will post when I get home again but this is nuts.

>> No.6826153

>literally squares
>asking for "shortcuts"
absolutely unabashedly never going to make it

>> No.6826154

I have no clue what's going on, I jumped into the conversation

>> No.6826155


>> No.6826156

sorry, was meant to reply to>>6826154

>> No.6826157

this is an anime board
do not like it

>> No.6826158
File: 68 KB, 720x752, 1688487563911908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826162

Just ride it out, Anon. Plenty of time to draw while you wait.

>> No.6826163

Of course there are shortcuts. All of drawing is learning a series of shortcuts to depict what is inside the mind's eye.

Depends. What is your goal?

What was that deleted post?

>> No.6826167

>what is inside the mind's eye

>> No.6826170
File: 273 KB, 700x678, 1682839022785517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody saved that screenshot talking about the
>all anime girls are just cats
theory? Please post it! I want to study it
pic kinda related

>> No.6826171
File: 2.57 MB, 1442x1936, ykl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826173

Of course disregarding reference copy, those are different

>> No.6826174

>insufficient moderation
this is not a bug, but a feature of this fucking shit creek, its why people come here
i was here 7+ years ago you moron and it was 3 times worse than it is now, get a fucking clue, nobody ever posted their work and it was swarming with pre-begs. The only good thing about it was making fun of art content creators like jazza who were very prominent in board culture at that time
also that image was never applied to a real community, it's something someone pulled out of their ass because they hate women, no real example of this happening exists, stop being so naive that you believe in /4ch theory/, literally the dumbest fucking takes about reality and communities that exist, written by the most bitter and dumbest people on the internet, seriously don't let this fucking place take the smallest stake inside your headspace, NONE of your decision making or worldview should be informed by this site. If you haven't figured this out already yourself then you're either underage and trying to fit in OR a lost cause that's been here for 10+ years and never got a clue

>> No.6826175
File: 250 KB, 800x800, 202300903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell these threads move fast.

45min yesterday. Yes I fucked the measures.

>> No.6826177
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x1600, 20230903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday again.

>> No.6826178

calm down its just a comic

>> No.6826182

a comic that you believe in like gospel

>> No.6826183

>i was here 7+ years ago
NTA and not to sound rude, but post your work. I want to see realistic improvement that occurs over years of /ic/ flavoured practice. I already know what youtube/twitter art looks like after years but not /ic/ art of 5+ years please

>> No.6826187
File: 1.39 MB, 1304x678, 1683773158432167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clothing really threw me off. not even going to post my attempts on the other poses lol.
should be finally getting my tablet tomorrow after post office has trolled me for 2 weeks.

>> No.6826188

take your meds shizo i'm not the person you are arguing with

also post your work like >>6826183
said i wanna confirm something

>> No.6826189

>im le oldfag
congratulations you have been in this shothole longer than all of us combined do you feel proud?

>> No.6826190
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 84BA4426-DAAD-4BA8-8614-6CDF62AB9E2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil painting is so boring Im not having fun painting this I hate trying to paint leaves trees and nature its so hard and repetitive and uninteresting and painting in general is so hard and has so much tedious shit like washing the brush after every little segment you do or mixing colors or making a mistake and now you cant fix it quickly without your colors getting mixed up I hate oil painting

>> No.6826192

>I was here 7+ years ago
Cool, so was I! Remember me anon?

>> No.6826196



>> No.6826198

seems like a skill issue

>> No.6826202

Just start anew and make sure to make a PERFECT DRAWING before you start painting. If the base is bad and unclear, the end result will suck.

>> No.6826204

Anon I gave you advice in the previous thread, what do you think

>> No.6826207

I don't care, I'm going to fix it until it's good, even though I have no inspiration left.

>> No.6826208
File: 701 KB, 1981x1045, DaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826211
File: 401 KB, 716x1000, summer_kawase_2 small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crits on the coloring? I really only like the torso part, and I feel like it did the hair and eyes haphazardly.

>> No.6826213
File: 13 KB, 176x176, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was here 7+ years ago
Prove it.
>it was 3 times worse than it is now
LMAO. I say it was 4 times worse! See how nothing of a statement that is?
>get a fucking clue
Calm down and present your arguments instead of malding.
>nobody ever posted their work
Literally a false statement.
>making fun of art content creators like jazza
Sorry I hide threads about e-celebs without reading them. I assume you tell the truth for the sake of argument.
>that image was never applied to a real community
Mental gymnastics. Are you a feminist and offended on womens behalf? Or merely a simp who feels called out?
>no real example of this happening exists
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *inhales* AHAHAHAHAHAHA you can't be serious. What the fuck is your filter bubble my friend. I want to visit your world to save on psychadelic drugs LMAO
>NONE of your decision making or worldview should be informed by this site
If somebody posts "work to achieve your goals" on this site, does this instantly turn into bad advice?

>> No.6826215

Not him but saying "this is bad try again" is not great advice tb h

>> No.6826218

This guy is a crab.


Listen to your instinct and continue to paint.

He wants to beg trap you in meaningless line exercises.

Always do the opposite of crab posts

>> No.6826220

what was it? i can not post my art - i am on the same level as that anon and maybe your advice would help me too...
if it was too long to type again i understand though

>> No.6826222

>doesn't provide an example
proven right as always, thanks for playing
>work to achieve your goals
not a 4chan invention, gamergate era /pol/shit images are though

>> No.6826223
File: 376 KB, 526x750, 20230802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, thanks for that. I didn't think to check it out because I posted early in the stack and the thread moved fast.

If your advice was to ditch the black lines then I agree - I get what you mean. Right now I'm trying to just use those lines in outline and if I have the time, having achieved the goals of the study, I'll collapse the layers down and paint into the black like your post, which I saved - with thanks.

Picrel is an example of my having done that before - gradient, render, paint, collapse, blend.

I'll post more today once I'm done seeing patients. Thank you for your time and support - it means a lot.

>> No.6826224

I'm not reading all that


>> No.6826226
File: 753 KB, 856x884, Screenshot 2023-09-03 194259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't post his work
textbook nodraw
>>he thinks trois crayons makes up for lowbeg proportions and value control
Also I have no idea where you saw trois crayons in that drawing, my reference was an old photo so of course the colour palette is limited to three colours. If you are so enlightened then please feel free to point out my lowbeg proportions. I overlayed my reference image over my sketch and it lines up quite closely for how rushed that drawing was.

>> No.6826227

>not answering a single point
>declaring yourself as victorious
never change /ic/

>> No.6826228

Fake penis.

>> No.6826229

>not answering a single point
but i did you fucking moron? I didn't answer all of them because they're not worth my time. where does one get so many retards to populate this site with

>> No.6826230

anon dont react so triggered from a simple crab post just ignore and move on

>> No.6826233

anon i-i was complementing you approach to troll posts =(

>> No.6826235

>I can not post my art
Surely you can post something. You would get feedback for your skills

>> No.6826236

g*m*rg*t* was real though

>> No.6826237

please drink bleach you spamming retards there are anons here who actually draw

>> No.6826239

That is a good spirit to have friend. GMI

>> No.6826241

no it wasn't, your inability to see this betrays your lack of intellectual growth and intellectual honesty

>> No.6826244

woah slow down the buckaroo im no good with your fancy 3 syllabul words dumb it down for me will ya son?

>> No.6826245

terminally leftoid infested reddit brain

>> No.6826247

Fact: If you are right wing you are NGMI

>> No.6826248

>no it wasn't
why is there a wikipedia article about it then? JEJ

Opinion: Your political stance does not predict your success in the pursuit of a hobby.

>> No.6826251

Please take your /pol/ shit and leave this board...

>> No.6826252

>why is there a wikipedia article about it then? JEJ
and what does it say about it :) ?
Keep in mind "gamergate is real" refers to the idea that the conspiracy theory behind it was right

>> No.6826253
File: 383 KB, 1152x648, Shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I should ignore those crabby replies but there is too much good faith in my heart so I sometimes sincerely believe that they might ACTUALLY point out and critique properly but alas it never happens

>> No.6826254

Fact: If you are academically stupid you are NGMI

>> No.6826255
File: 591 KB, 1536x2048, I+do+not+understand+why+people+dont+just+use+an+_adb87a88b4c6159f273f1ea9d79e2d3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826257

>Keep in mind "gamergate is real" refers to the idea that the conspiracy theory behind it was right
moving the goal posts and admitting it lol
go to bed and stop spamming this thread with politics>>6826251

>trust the science
why do you people insist on shoving your politics into everything? we are here to draw, nothing else. PLEASE leave. you have an entire board for yourself. this place is for drawing /beg/s

>> No.6826259
File: 440 KB, 2600x3463, 1683352863363600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826262


>> No.6826263

>human ability to think and problem solving
Does studying means politics to you?

>> No.6826265


>> No.6826275

>i was here 7+ years ago you moron and it was 3 times worse than it is now

>> No.6826276
File: 251 KB, 2500x2500, 1680809659960081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see your loomis head chud

>> No.6826277

low effort bait
here is your (YOU)

>> No.6826278

it's called clarification you fucking epic redditor debator
>you did level 10 goalpost move which means you are disqualified from this debat-
it was obviously my point from the start which you can gleam from context fucking dweeb

>> No.6826279

nice tate

>> No.6826280

I accept your concession.

>> No.6826284

>i-i did not move the goal posts
>they were moved from the start
>besides you are a redditor
i admit defeat. you win. now please stop spamming this thread with your culture war bullshit

>> No.6826286
File: 2.32 MB, 1748x1148, ICREFERENCES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here you go

>> No.6826288

i thought that was AI at first

>> No.6826292
File: 126 KB, 640x902, 1477088906665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I'm going to make it

>> No.6826298

chuds malding at the truth

>> No.6826303

you should choose pictures
>with a clear subject or central point of interest
>with a range of light and shadow to add depth and dimension
>with intriguing and dynamic viewpoints
>that showcase intricate details to practice rendering accurately
>especially a variety of texture

>> No.6826308


lol yeah the right arm looks wonky at first, but it is definitely human made



Anybody have tips on how to draw fur (not necessarily for furry art, more realistic than that) if I am using only ink? I have only full white from the page or full black from my pen at my disposal...
Appreciate any advice!

>> No.6826310

>Getting upset because retarded /ic/ crabs decide to crab
Just post the damn images.

>> No.6826311

>That small orange reflection in the helmet to indicate surroundings

Give it to me, anon!

>> No.6826313

I am still a beginner but I stumbled upon this podcast where a guest talks about the similarities between learning music (in this case the guitar) and learning to paint. I thought somebody might find it as helpful as me. I transcribed the segment using OCR and cleaned it up a bit from the subtitles that is why some words are wonky

The similarities between music and art can be summarized in three big over arching areas: expression, technique, and practice.

Expression: Both music and art are forms of creative expression. Just as a musician uses their instrument to convey emotions and tell a story, an artist uses their brush strokes, colors, and composition to communicate a message or evoke certain feelings. The ability to express oneself through these mediums is a common thread that connects musicians and artists alike.

Technique: Learning music and art require the understanding and mastery of various techniques. In music, one must learn how to read sheet music, understand rhythm, play different chords, and develop proper finger placement. Similarly, in art, artists must learn about color theory, perspective, shading, and various brush techniques. Both disciplines require honing technical skills through practice and repetition.

Practice: Both music and art demand practice and dedication. Musicians need to spend hours practicing scales, learning new songs, and improving their playing abilities. Similarly, artists must consistently work on their craft, experimenting with new techniques, practicing sketching proportions, and studying different styles. Progress is made through consistent effort and deliberate practice in both musical and artistic pursuits.

>> No.6826314

I think the pics are fine. I don't have time to study them right now but the look okay in every single way?

>> No.6826316

Today is a blank canvas waiting for your brush strokes. It's a new chance to showcase your potential and embrace the wondrous journey that lies ahead. I want you to know that you have the power within you to conquer any challenges that come your way. We are all GMI

>> No.6826318

>Anybody have tips on how to draw fur (not necessarily for furry art, more realistic than that) if I am using only ink? I have only full white from the page or full black from my pen at my disposal...
>Appreciate any advice!

>> No.6826320

It's already almost 9PM though

>> No.6826321

Nta but where am I supposed to find references?

>> No.6826328

>this is your brain on american education system
Time zones exist idiot

>> No.6826330

>complaining about the picture choice instead of drawing

>> No.6826331

thank you fren

>> No.6826332

same energy
just google image search and go on from there

>> No.6826333

please respond. i can not find your post in the previous thread

>> No.6826334

I am curious, what does that theory say? Sounds potentially helpfull...
Thats a cute cat btw

>> No.6826336

Mainly to draw well proportionate figures. Not coom but slightly erotic stuff. I have come to realize that proportions are the most reliable predictor of the likes a drawing gets on social media

>> No.6826337

American website

>> No.6826341
File: 1.24 MB, 2400x1800, pisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american education
>same as russia and turkey

>> No.6826343

What size tablet do you guys use?
I don't mean what brand or how much it cost.
I want to know where the sweet spot between too large and too small is.

>> No.6826344
File: 3.09 MB, 4624x3468, 10Borzoi Study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon I whipped out my micron pens for the first time in a year just for this, the answer is to simply draw lines in the direction of the fur. Hope that helps.

>> No.6826345

>It has 9PM

>> No.6826346

holy ESL

>> No.6826347

>simply draw lines in the direction of the fur
Watch this I am going to get called a crab for this:
That is perhaps the most useless advice I have ever heard on the topic of fur. Never in the history of ever has anybody thought of
>drawing lines in the direction of the fur
wow. Let me guess, the advice you would give to a race car driver is
>be faster than the other cars
Yes your picture looks great, but holy shit that is some dog shit (lol) advice.

>> No.6826348

I have no idea how you managed that.

>> No.6826350

It does not matter. You can resize the active area in the tablet's driver settings.

>> No.6826352

american education strikes AGAIN

>> No.6826354
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 39d997e9cf56a015fb04d67bec245210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826356

>doesn't understand basic English
>seethes about Americans
rent free

>> No.6826357

>artists are incapable of teaching others
News at 11.

>> No.6826358

Sorry I don't understand your post...?

>> No.6826359

post your work faggot
spoiler: you won't

there is a thread specifically for tablet discussion

>> No.6826361

What does my level of art skill have to do with my knowledge?

>> No.6826362

a compound for it is
he likes your fire reflection
now i have settled all issues in the thread :)

>> No.6826367
File: 447 KB, 997x1156, It&#039;sover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. I want to kill every human being on this planet including me so nobody has to ever experience the pain of being alive. Being concious and intelligent is a curse, a cruel joke. I really hope humanity will die out in my lifetime. Imagine only having fun for 20 years of your possibly 90 year existence. Only having a functioning body for 30 years. I hate it. Nothing has meaning and I hope all of us die very soon! UwU https://www.bryanbraun.com/your-life/weeks.html

>> No.6826371

It's not mathematical equations, there is no better advice than that that I can give. You just draw it. You asked for advice on how to ink fur, so I gave it to you AND I even drew an example. Yes "just draw lines in the direction of the fur" sounds retarded and useless but that's what it is. Not everything has to be a detailed 10 part tutorial. Less is more and simplicity is good.

>> No.6826373
File: 804 KB, 7223x3207, cubes49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 49
Ok, I decide I'm going to start a blog on day 51! Look forward to it everyone
What is everyone arguing about? You realize that complaining about community drama is community drama itself right?

hey where's the impact frame? I feel blue-balled
is this the same anon who said you should copy your favourite doujin twice? If these are the results maybe I should get to it
>your advice was to ditch the black lines then
I was about to say the same thing, I think if you thinned/thickened the lines in strategic place to correlate with the form then it would really give your studies a big boost, considering the values you have are arleady top-notch

>> No.6826378

Were you the one that posted the reference earlier?
How much time do you spend on drawing a day, all at once?

>> No.6826383
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1440, 392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg, today it was horrible. This book is truly weird one. It is called how to draw but its as if you are supposed to already know all the stuff and the book just does swift recaps.

Also holy shit at the amount of retards who post here without PYW. All of you: make your own general. Call it autistic no draw: /AND/ and get the fuck out of beg.

nice doggo
A4 paper size. but it is screensless so the effective size of canvas is as large as my monitor (32'')
that is cool blogpost but where is PYW?
coloring is simple and kinda appealing. though her haircut is almost completely flat and the pants are also flat on places and it looks like they dont fit her waist
this is cool
i remember seeing this painting already. how long are you working on it by now? you sure you havent reached turd polishing phase already?
>washing the brush after every little segment
dont you solve this by going from white > black? also dont you get happy accidents by not washing brush all the time? or arent you supposed to have multiple brushes?
>hate oil painting
i know that feeling, hang in there anon!
she is dead inside. thumbs up
this one is like you have depleted the drapery folds fund on pants and then you had nothing left for tshirt lmao
one of the advantages of BEGness is that no matter what you do, there is only potential and space for improvement. Do whatever you want and draw!
booba. thumbs up!. for hairstyle just steal some from old magazines
i appreciate how you made that goofy background just to not have anime girl in a vacuum. Pretty nice all stuff considered. Though next time try to apply a little perspective rules
If you want to go FULL INK, then get book Guptill Rendering in Pen and Ink

>> No.6826384

your art skill is a direct representation of your art knowledge
how regarded are you?

quality post 10/10

>Yes "just draw lines in the direction of the fur" sounds retarded and useless

what reference do you mean?

i don't think that's right anon

>> No.6826385

are you the anon who unironically asked me how to hold a pen yesterday

>> No.6826386


>> No.6826387

Oh look, the keys to drawing shill is back. How is your stagnation this lovely evening?

>> No.6826389

yes, how do you?

>> No.6826390

Why are you so mad about a simple question

>> No.6826391

What happened? Didn't draw the crabs today? My callout yesterday must have gotten to you

>> No.6826392

Entitled little bitch you are nowhere near good enough to be such a prick.

Check your inflated ego crab.

>> No.6826397

try re-doing the top right using the replication techniques in the book: the whole idea of that page is to show how one might draw accurate arches in perspective

>> No.6826396

I think he was the original crab drawer, you must be confusing him

but keys to drawing is a legit better book than loomis?...

however feels natural for you anon. no rules only tools

>> No.6826399

where is that reference from? what is the name of that book pls?

>> No.6826400

I'm not mad, I just want to know if there's a point replying if it's the "how do I' troll
how am I a prick? arent you just projecting?

>> No.6826401
File: 1.74 MB, 1479x1111, FoalStudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew the foal too, I can't believe you faggots can't understand something as simple as just drawing. It's literally that easy.

>> No.6826402

kill yourself shizo

>> No.6826406

you're copying the illustrations and not doing the exercises? Why? Also, another fucking perspective book?

Try learning to think for yourself

>> No.6826407

What would you suggest instead?

>> No.6826408

>two thirds of the lines are restated
>fancy trying-to-look-loose scribbles with no rhyme or reason everywhere
>proportions fucked
>that face
post your shit on instagram to impress normies
your insecurity is soaking through the paper

>> No.6826412

ask the shizo he is the one recommending the same book to everybody regardless of their skills or individual goals

cool now draw it without shaking your hand like you have parkinson disease

>> No.6826414

here is your (You)

>no rules only tools
okay I will keep it in mind and try different ways until I find a good one thanks!

thank you!

>> No.6826415

yadayada another nodraw fag I'd like to see you do better in less than 20 minutes

>> No.6826418

fucking moron

>> No.6826419
File: 907 KB, 1546x674, pawellpermabeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6826420

unironically get help and stop posting here

>> No.6826421
File: 71 KB, 720x886, 1690745738354233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon who said you should copy your favourite doujin twice
yeah it's me

>> No.6826422

Okay this is funny. I have actually posted my art before and you have praised it



>> No.6826425

what the fuck
how is it even possible to draw so much without improving even accidentally

>> No.6826427

>still not posting
Okay buddy

>> No.6826429
File: 39 KB, 623x619, FRGqxm3XoAAl-yj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826431

I wish instead of AI and talent shit posting /ic/ had some sort of consensus on what leads to this chris-chan like stagnation. The though this might happen to somebody and we do not know how to prevent it is more frightening than AI

>> No.6826432
File: 137 KB, 1329x1324, 1675113629017275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.6826434

NTA but I appreciate your insight anon

how do you decide where to put lines that follow the fur direction -

and where to leave empty space

the head and big spots on the back are left untextured

is it because there are bright spots of reflection from the fur there

>> No.6826436


>> No.6826437
File: 132 KB, 626x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you guys drew more i think you would realise it takes a lot more than that to get out of beg

>> No.6826440

does he read the books he is copying? that might be the answer

>> No.6826441
File: 255 KB, 970x850, yearzero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826442
File: 263 KB, 1000x2000, 1679347312015108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. One sheet of paper worth of drawing for 1-2 years is not even making a dent into the mileage you need to learn to draw.

There are people in animation school who animate a shot per day. That's hundreds and hundreds of drawings in a month. That's thousands upon tens of thousands by the time they graduate. And then think about how much more they're animating once they're working for a studio.

Pawell's a dabbler, but he's making the equivalent progress for a dabbler

>> No.6826443


>> No.6826445

focused studying != mindless copying

>> No.6826447

not necessarily but true, people play league for 10 years without getting to platinum once, it takes a long time to get good
im curious, what was the doujin?

>> No.6826451
File: 2.30 MB, 3632x1455, 1692751445277749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 month difference. i dont really see how you could say he hasnt improved

>> No.6826455

Anon, that's exactly what the talentfags keep warning you about. People can, and will, reach their limit and stagnate quite easily because that's all they're genetically capable of. If you embraced the talent meme instead of seething every time it was brought up, pawell would've been in the past tense by now

>> No.6826454

how long has he been drawing?

>> No.6826458

samefagging this hard
face it pawell you are done

>> No.6826464

ok now post 2 pics that are 13 months apart
you know
not comparing his first ever drawing :^)
not cherry picking so to speak
only its turd picking

>> No.6826465
File: 59 KB, 640x622, Moneyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To crab below this point, you must draw this frog.

>> No.6826466

but anon its too complex we will all be filtered!
goalposts moved

>> No.6826470

Thank you! I simply add fur lines on the edges or where it's mostly concentrated (like on the neck). I didn't put as much on the face simply because the fur there is very short. I don't know much how to explain it other then to observe the image and then redraw it or to even trace over it once and then do it again a second time but freehanding it.

>> No.6826474

pawell your schizophrenia makes it impossible for you to samefag

>> No.6826475

this should be a real and harshly enforced rule anyone who doesn't draw the ref that allows you to crab gets permanently banned

>> No.6826480
File: 608 KB, 1200x851, 1679349850062174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doujins from trylsc
the copy 2x was kinda a meme because the bridgman thing
but I copied several pages from his doujins
what really helped me a lot to draw voluptuous girls were these figures here from his pixiv

>> No.6826484
File: 474 KB, 2692x2204, 1669225081539360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its done and i hate it

>> No.6826490
File: 128 KB, 686x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826491
File: 70 KB, 886x886, 1627088821835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to bully people who post beginner artwork in the beginner thread

>> No.6826493

cringe pawell simp, he's a 40 year old fat baldie that faps to loli

>> No.6826494

Yeah you are right. I suck. Now his proportions are magically better :)

>> No.6826498

That's not even 400 pages. You need literal THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of pages to reach intermediate level.
He knows that truth and he accepted that.

Perma-Pre-Begs Crabbos here will never put one foot on the door, their weak minds can't even begin to comprehend that reality. They are worst than AI-tards.

>> No.6826499

Damn, the anatomy of the right side figures is heinous. Btw the difference between left and right side figures should represent the results of two months of study maximum, and if done right you'd end up much better than that. Go study Michael Hampton now.

>> No.6826507

pawell you swallowed the
>100 thousand hours
pill so hard its sad
you are mindlessly copying page after page
it does not matter if you put in x amount of work into it or y
you are not improving because you are not thinking about what you are doing

that drawing is not the slam dunk on pawell haters that you think it is anon

>> No.6826510

I'm a dumbass, can you please elaborate? At a glance, looking only at the topmost image on the right, I can see issue with the right arm and left leg, and there's something off about the head and neck.

>> No.6826511
File: 709 KB, 569x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pawell hater club consisting of you, you and you
all u have to do is post ur work and your claims will be validated and i will concede immediately

>> No.6826516

here it is

>> No.6826518

draw a cute anime girl
just do it
and don't 1:1 copy something you found on the internet
you either shut every single hater up or you realize you're on the wrong path and save yourself from wasting time
It's a win win situation, you draw tons of shit everyday anyway so what's the hurt?

>> No.6826519
File: 94 KB, 663x627, imagem_2023-09-04_001607109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826520
File: 229 KB, 1029x953, imagem_2023-09-04_001827109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826522

disturbingly ugly

>> No.6826524
File: 255 KB, 1528x895, imagem_2023-09-04_001946639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826525

*snip snip* goes the crab

>> No.6826527
File: 198 KB, 1043x700, imagem_2023-09-04_002058506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I tried

>> No.6826529
File: 245 KB, 1008x615, imagem_2023-09-04_002217742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826530

Try drawing the chin/jaw lower.

>> No.6826532
File: 160 KB, 972x510, imagem_2023-09-04_002316807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826535

New fag hating on Pawell...
>he doesn't know

>> No.6826536

you just cant do it
you copy tons and tons of shit, daily, and you can't draw one thing that would get every hater off your dick
even though you like it, even though you complement every anime girl that's posted even when it's beg
everyone is right, they couldn't be more right, you can't draw

>> No.6826539
File: 175 KB, 984x972, imagem_2023-09-04_002501906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826542

Where is "Draw this rock" anon..I..anon kun...we need you in these dark times..

>> No.6826543

>pawell is now arguing with himself
What a sad little man.

>> No.6826546
File: 362 KB, 780x929, imagem_2023-09-04_002840605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826548
File: 149 KB, 731x739, imagem_2023-09-04_003053564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826551
File: 125 KB, 684x642, imagem_2023-09-04_003451830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.6826552

You are getting closer, I still think the bottom of the chin needs to be even lower.

>> No.6826556

damn, if you just improved your face style, 10k followers on Twitter. maybe try to shrink the eyes a little bit.

>> No.6826562
File: 636 KB, 2613x1940, IMG_0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nodraws should go outside, look at the sky and contemplate their existence.
Gave it a shot

>> No.6826563

>i remember seeing this painting already. how long are you working on it by now? you sure you havent reached turd polishing phase already?

took a long break from painting in general but total like 12 hrs or so maybe more

>> No.6826565
File: 548 KB, 1401x1305, coinfrog,godofcrabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826566

Which part of the frog did you draw first?

>> No.6826572

I wish this thread was a little more beg and a little less int
I like picking out a beginners drawing and trying to redraw it, it's a nice challenge to keep your ego in check or alternatively improve your confidence
Also I like to think it helps people by showing them directly where they can improve

>> No.6826577

I did a very rough block in for the whole and then went from big to small shapes/forms

>> No.6826579
File: 156 KB, 684x642, 1672361704967402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826580

I don't get gesture. I don't get how its supposed to help me. I do it and I feel like I'm drawing incoherent scribbles that vaguely point towards the form. Am I just retarded?

>> No.6826581

Move the lips to the left a bit and you're done.

>> No.6826586

It's that attitude that keeps us begs from posting

>> No.6826596

Don't you want a redline?
If someone redlined my drawing i would be happy, you normally pay people for this kind of help
You're beg because of your attitude

>> No.6826602

I need someone to not beat me up so I can work on my speed, I can worry about quality after I fix my quantity.

>> No.6826603

That seems entirely ass backwards
In every single thing, you start slow, and you get speed through proficiency
Again it seems you remain beg because of your complete lack of intuitiveness

>> No.6826604

Learning to distinguish the difference between valid harsh criticism and shitposting is a valuable skill anon. Post your work

>> No.6826606
File: 1.83 MB, 2774x3918, 20230904_002956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just filling up pages with this while im at work
some day i will be able to draw something maybe

>> No.6826607

>speed through proficiency
If you only knew anon, If you only knew...

>> No.6826618
File: 1.86 MB, 1086x788, riverbank and fall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826628

I want to hug those hogs

>> No.6826631
File: 267 KB, 413x753, Screenshot 2023-09-03 225429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emulating stealthnachos. How do i even start with digital coloring/ it's annoying that colors don't blend the way they do with paints irl.

>> No.6826637

You'd get there faster if you were to explorer what that "something" is.

>> No.6826638
File: 86 KB, 304x430, heroinedq4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special, but I'm relatively happy with how it came out. I was trying to go for a specific style, and except for the godawful hand, I feel like I managed it. Could've done the hair better as well, but no use stressing. Trying too hard on it would've defeated the point. Some other minor mistakes, but again, eh.

>> No.6826641
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, Lola The Apprentice Witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making quick doodles is actually pretty tricky.
I appreciate the people who shit out good looking drawings daily or quickly.
Im sure i can make it look better, but how?

>> No.6826642
File: 1.82 MB, 2336x3352, Ryuuko Loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you're supposed to adapt the loomis method to fit stylized faces?

>> No.6826659

anime heads are a combination of exaggeration, graphic design and perspective
that's why /asg/ recommends copying: it's easier to learn from intuition than to reverse engineer something that might not make complete sense in 3d space
you can of course use figurines or 3d models, but then you'll lose some of the appeal / expressiveness of the art style

>> No.6826669

They wish you good fortune in the coming harveSt.

>> No.6826673

by the way I lied, the mistakes bothered me enough I felt it was worth fixing (somewhat).

>> No.6826680

why do you keep posting how long the piece took you ?
So much as to write it on the image ?
Are you that desperate for praise from random people on 4chan ?
You're just gonna say "haha you jealous crab"
But seriously, writing the time it took on your art is super pathetic man

>> No.6826687

is it really that strange? I've seen the same kind of notes with figure drawings, but with shorter times
I thought it was related to being mindful of how time is spent, to focus on the bigger picture/effect
not the anon that drew that btw

>> No.6826690

anon told me i should parctice lines, so im doing the thing in the stick. the end goal is cute anime girls obviously uwu

>> No.6826692

5 years...

>> No.6826721
File: 460 KB, 1118x1596, faye-well-toned-ic-9.4.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback greatly appreciated for anything other than coloring (only because I hastily filled the colors in for instant gratification; you can tell). Character from that new game Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands.

I spent some time trying to learn proportions/anatomy from MikeyMegaMega earlier today but I felt like I learned nothing except "draw two eggs and connect them with splines". Advice on how to proceed would be great.

Personal history: fell for the drawabox kool-aid a few months ago, went at it for a month then gave up (didn't finish lesson 1). Picked up the drawing tablet starting 5 days ago and using Krita.

>> No.6826726
File: 1.81 MB, 2146x2152, IMG_0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. To improve the penis, study Polki. And I guess maybe good furry artists. Man, it would be really hilarious if you drew one of your luscious anime girls being knotted haha. That would be so silly haha…
It seems like for the past three threads in particular some nodraw doublenigger decided to deliberately shit things up. Frustrating, but the opinion of nodraws has no bearing on an art board, so I’d just report them all since the thoughts of a nodraw are, by definition, off topic in /ic/.
Look up photoshop tutorials about applying logos/text to wrinkled clothing. That might help.
Nice. Her armpit anatomy seems slightly off.
These are great, and squeaky clean compared to mine. Gesture isn’t meant to be the finished product. It’s the scaffolding. I’d add a head and the indication of hands and feet. You’re clearly at the level where just doing torso/bean only gesture isn’t needed. Do the full figure.
Keep it up!
Inspiring effort and consistency. GMI
Impressive! Her right (on our left) hand/wrist needs attention.
Fucking cool
SOVL. His smug aura mocks me
I recommend vilppu
Nice, I like it
Impressive, better than mine IMO.
Looks more like a pony than a baby horse, but it’s very well done.
Nice rendering. It’s very cool of you to invent the next pose following through on the kick. GMI
Nice clean lines, you made him look like a chill, peaceful, dgaf kinda guy. I like that.
Visually interesting. Work on feeling the form, proportion, and anatomy. So… basically Vilppu.
Ref wins from waist up, but no ref has better legs. good job.
Beautiful inking!
Lovely eyes
No idea but step 1 is git gud at values
Agreed. I’m slow too.
See how Peter Han does it.

>> No.6826732

>See how Peter Han does it.
thats what im kinda doing, i watched part 1, but i only have a ballpoint pen so i cant really trace over the lines without burnishing the paper and making a track for the ball to follow. i am mostly doing his circle technique, toll i can get a pigma pen or something

>> No.6826747

I'll do it when it looks like what's normally posted here these days, rest assured it is far below (You)r level

>> No.6826769

Watch it again and pay attention to what he says about following through and truing up your circles and ellipses
Just pyw. You’ll improov faster with feedback. We all suck at something in some way, we’re all beg in this thread. There’s no minimum level required to participate. Just draw something. You can only steer a ship if it’s moving.
First, read Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain, or Keys To Drawing. That’ll teach you to see. Then, do whatever you need to in order to feel the form. Draw a box, artWOD, modern day James, Dynamic Sketching (probably not very beg friendly) or whatever. I find that getting a good grasp of form and construction made it possible for the figure drawing stuff to click. So, once you have a basic grasp of that, or at least understand what construction is and how it works, do the Vilppu Drawing Manual and Vilppu’s video courses. You can also do Drawing Comics The Marvel Way, it’s a great book too.

>> No.6826785
File: 1.71 MB, 4000x3000, 20230904_020804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was doing the part where you make a circle above the paper then set it down but i guess ive been lifting up again too soon.. seems like he only does about 1.5 circles though. should i be doing 2 or 3 since im bad do you think?

>> No.6826786

>Look up photoshop tutorials about applying logos/text to wrinkled clothing. That might help.
Unfortunately, I intend to be a traditional artist, so this might not be so helpful, but thanks for the rec. I may have to use some digital tricks.

>> No.6826792

based positivity enjoyer

>> No.6826799
File: 36 KB, 411x251, SmartSelect_20230904_165345_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just follow your gut in drawing and to be open minded
my gut says nothing and my mind is empty, i need rules anon.


>> No.6826831
File: 392 KB, 664x798, wb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't touched a tablet in months. Feels weird.

>> No.6826832
File: 234 KB, 660x890, tegaki_2023_09_04_07_19_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826858

It looks great. Very Lion, Witch and Wardrobe-esque. I miss that strange animation style.

>> No.6826924

Thanks for the replay anon, interesting to watch. Has cemented my hatred of ugly sketching, I need to learn to draw things prettier. What did you study for those forms?

>> No.6826966
File: 396 KB, 720x4538, anime-characters-are-just-cats-v0-i6awe5ngp5cb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this?

>> No.6826974

There's not really any inherent benefit to learning how to warp text over wrinkled cloth, traditionally. Text on clothing is only really useful in a handful of situations. I might be talking out of my ass, of course, but a lot of traditional paintings avoid text on fabrics.

>> No.6826976

Maybe if you place it on a table, so you don't have to touch it?

Just kidding. Nice drawing.

>> No.6827007

Wow this one is really nice!
Nice shapes, lines, everything!
Shading might detract from the work but maybe try cell shading?

>> No.6827014

very nice!

>> No.6827054

I liked the small nuance of the added reflection. It gives it more dimensionality. I like it.

>> No.6827131
File: 713 KB, 2048x2732, Untitled_Artwork-364-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boob morning, I finished this

>> No.6827138

very based anon, as usual. What is the story though? I guess the cloak gives him magical fire power, is this his sadness after slaying the big dragon?

>> No.6827145
File: 91 KB, 1170x1560, f90.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I just post work again when we're at bump limit? Why does this keep happening to me

He has fire power bc he blew up in a gas explosion in his last life and was isekai'd + he's incredibly weak and just killed someone for the first time. Something like that read the light novel I guess

>> No.6827167

I wanted to do the study of the room but it's too low res to make out anything you fucking suck

>> No.6827169

money walks,bullshit talks you nodraw

>> No.6827171

you fucking draw this garbage, go ahead, draw this fucking shit using that 360p reference, you fucking retarded faggot, god you people are worse than actual crabs

>> No.6827173


Reminds me of the art in 'Book of Travels' but a little more vibrant?

I like your stuff anon. It has a level of soul to it that I hope you don't lose as you get better.

>> No.6827176

Thank you, I hope I don't lose the "soul" either but honestly I still don't know what that means. A lot of people say my work has soul but I don't know what they're talking about... if someone could tell me why I'd appreciate it.

>> No.6827178

It's just a sort of catch all term for 'looks good despite objective deficiencies', or at least that's generally how it's used around here.

There's a certain charm to your rendering and faces look good and these do a lot to carry some of the areas you're less skilled in. Like foreshortening with anatomy.

Also please don't take this too harshly. Like I said I like your stuff and you're doing very well overall.

>> No.6827188

Hm yeah that makes sense. I don't take it harshly, don't worry. If my stuff has appeal despite being wacky looking that's good news after all. I just gotta do more studies to close the gap.

>> No.6827195
File: 1.62 MB, 3962x3859, GridArt_20230904_091918468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk ill try to draw a couple blank figures like this every day till i can figure out how to draw a proportionate body

>> No.6827197

Dawg do not draw anime girl ai slop to learn to draw proportions, draw real naked women

>> No.6827200

but i want to learn to draw anime not real women. i should practice drawing what i want to end up drawing no?

>> No.6827205

the only true yesdrawers in the thread
less complaining about the references and more drawing

>> No.6827207

and where is your drawing dumb faggot?

>> No.6827209
File: 357 KB, 1536x2048, 1679903408090045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in no position to give advice.
NTA, but maybe, at least draw from naked anime references. I can't really draw figures without references very well. My guess would be that I need to do more construction studies.

>> No.6827211

I see why anon doesn't want to draw real women, they're fucking repulsive

>> No.6827224

Even with a reference I fucked it all up. Look at her left arm. How did I not notice that before? Damn my eyes, what else have they failed to see, is litterally anything right?

>> No.6827227
File: 3.49 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230904_094002623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i guess i should try to find naked stuff, the clothes makes it more difficult because i have to fill in the blanks, but i dont want hentai open on my phone when im in public. anyways even with clothes im not even close to getting the basic shape down. it would be so much easier to use illustrator and just get the rough shape and drag nodes around but i wanna draaaawwwww

>> No.6827243
File: 145 KB, 637x810, wb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty ty getting used to it again.

>> No.6827248

Contrary to popular belief, a real woman can also sometimes be almost hairless. My wife has next to no body hair, outside the usual suspects (armpits and groin area) and even there, it's pretty minimal.

Nevertheless, that girl really needs a shave. I don't get why you wouldn't. I shave the hair on my face and head. It's not really that much of a hassle. I'm a pretty hairy guy, but even I know that it only takes like ten minutes with a good shaver to shave it all away, mostly.

>> No.6827256


Here you go. Set the timer to whatever you want and have at it. You'll learn next to nothing by filling in the blanks, as you say.

>> No.6827259
File: 1.25 MB, 2890x4000, 20230904_100457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks g, ill check that out when i wake up, bout time for bed

>> No.6827288

The muscles have no form. He just drew 2d shapes and left all the form to be conveyed by the atrocious rendering. Many of the 2d shapes he drew make no sense and are not characteristic of the respective muscle/tendon. He gave no consideration to which muscles should be active and which should be passive or relaxed (see how both the right biceps AND triceps in the rendered figures in the center are drew as active - c shapes - even tho the arm is flexed). Finally, the perspective is really weird in some of those (you simply cannot tell where the left arm of the bottom right figure is going), but it really isn't the worst issue, all things considered.

>> No.6827290

The perspective is the canary in the coalmine, ironic since all he does is grind perspective

>> No.6827303

How is drawing from the shoulder a meme?

>> No.6827323
File: 85 KB, 565x412, suspicion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do cats look like that? Is it just a coincidence that they happen to be the mathematical ideal of cuteness?
What about the mind control parasites that make you like cats?

>> No.6827330 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 900x900, smaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been so long since I've drawn anything. Feels bad.

>> No.6827336

Well, the theory is, that cats evolved to become cuter and cuter, so as that humans would take care of them. Essentially the opposite of a dog, which we humans domesticated.

>> No.6827344

new edition


>> No.6827681

Real Action Pose - Collection 1
I saw a Mega link that included it back in '21

>> No.6827697

>small canvas, digital table, sitting behind table
So I can mostly draw the exact same way I write? Why did I watch all those "art" courses then?

>> No.6827749

>that's why /asg/ recommends copying
should you copy any kind of art style, not just anime if you're trying to imitate a particular one? I always found it easier to flat out just try and copy another artist style rather than try and construct it like loomis does. Or does it depend on the art style?