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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 196 KB, 2187x1714, lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6825736 No.6825736 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bad art?
30 y/o drawing boomer wondering if iv hit a wall.

>> No.6825741

a bit of both. to break through the wall, do some master studies. Don't half ass them, really try to recreate the masterpieces, line for line, brush stroke by stroke. Do you own piece afterward, applying a what you picked up.

>> No.6825744

yeah it's bad
study artists you like and push forward

>> No.6825748

It is bad but it’s not unsalvageable. You’ll be okay, just grind more

>> No.6825750

what specifically makes it bad
only ask to know what needs the most work

>> No.6825767

I don't think it's bad. I don't know what everyone else is on

>> No.6825775

Number 1 is the figure. proportions are ok, but the forms are all flat. fly-swatted. adding soft shading to one side away from the light is not enough. Do a shit tone of form exercises.

>> No.6825780

Values work(including depth), proportions, composition(including gesture and flow).
It`s bad but probably not your limit.

>> No.6825798

>Values work
I mean work on them (they don`t work). Learn about soft and hard edges.

>> No.6825806

- Overall composition isn't awful, but it also isn't remarkable. Study old masters.
- Value composition is pretty bad. The value ranges of the dress and the skeletons need to be narrower.
- Colors aren't harmonious or unified. Lit areas and shadows often have slightly different color temperatures. The character feels separate from the environment. Light direction isn't clear enough.
- Lighting of the basic forms (i.e. cube/cylinder/sphere/egg) could use some work. Especially noticeable on the thigh and skulls.
- Pose is a little stiff. Anatomy is very basic.

>> No.6825876

> what specifically makes it bad

Laziness mostly
You clearly understand most of the concepts involved in creating an image like this, but your application of the techniques is not delicate enough
You know damn well you can render a shovel better than that, but you didnt
Your arms and legs are just symmetrical tubes
Complimenting asymmetry in anatomy is very important for stylized work, thats where shape appeal comes from
You know those arms and legs look bad, and you know the anatomy you can use to introduce some asymmetry, even in the same pose
But you didnt do it
Your anatomy is a little off but thats not what makes the image look bad
The rendering on the arm is similarly, lazy. You dont need to "learn how to render" you need to sit down and take the time to actually do it properly

You already know the distribution of values in that background are lazy and muddy
You completely gave up on rendering the illusion of detail in the upper part of the bone pile

All great art, is delicate art.

>> No.6825890

makes sense,
Appreciate the input
Although its will like pretty unfinished I was just posting wip

>> No.6825900


get your basic perspective



then you get on colors.

you can pretty much hit all of these at once by studying great artwork.

as for your art for a hobbyist it's good enough. I mean as long as you're fine with it.

But if you want to get to a professional level. To me your art is not good or bad. it's more like you're in the middle of a road walking towards your destination. all I can say is keep going. Keep progressing and keep breaking those walls.

if you want to progress faster i suggest joining a group that critiques art and do community art contest thing. Usually patreon artist have their own small discord community. I know dave rapoza have one.

>> No.6825984
File: 1.63 MB, 2184x1711, undead woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to go sleep so I gotta keep it short.

The light source is hard to find even tough the neck clearly shows it is coming from top left this is also shown on the skelemans below. Yet she casts no shadow on the skellies below her. Tried to adjust the shadows to match at least that uniform light source first. Adding shadow to the hair, shoulder below hair, skellies leg knees arm that holds the shovel. I just added Multiply layer and just threw some extra dark spot on the skull below her.

Mouth and eyes are far too big leaving little space for the rest of the face, I shrunk them down slightly.

Skirt seems to be missing the part that covers her ass behind her so added in behind the front leg.

Added more shadows and light to the tiara to make it look more metallic.

The fishnet bracers seem flat so I made them reach past the edge of the arm slightly, same with the ankles and the clothes that are around her arms.

Added more shadows and lineart to the hand that is grabbing the spike above her.

Other minor stuff I can't remember.
Hope that helps, good night!

>> No.6826005

It's a coherent image which is more than I can say.
How long have you been drawing for?

>> No.6826011

Hey this is really great stuff!
Thanks for the pint over, will make the adjustments.
(I DEFINETLY forgot the skirt behind the ass haha)

>> No.6826016

on and off since like 13 (30 now) never stopped but never really took it past hobbyist

>> No.6826019

Way ahead of me, then. Starting at 30 is impossible.

>> No.6826025

this is such a pointless fucking comment
no meaningful information can be derived from this
you might aswell have just said "get better"
(not OP btw)

>> No.6826034

I think it works both way
Since i started early and mostly self taugh I have a ton of bad habits I picked up that need to be unlearned.
Even starting at 30 your a fresh mind and can absorb "correct" technique
As long as we both keep at it im sure we will improve

>> No.6826079

Oh, did I say I was starting at 30 with a fresh mind? It's polluted from years of failure, never advancing to the hobbyist stage.

>> No.6826453


I speak from experience not out of thin air anon. Take it or leave it. Do what you want with it. I give advice but at the end of the day is your ass, your life not mine.

>> No.6826467


It's all about how much shit as are you willing or able to sacrifice so you can invest more time into it.

>> No.6826488

shut the fuck up you idiot
you dont even realize how fucking stupid you are
You can look at any mediocre work and say
> just improve your perspective, values, composition and colors
Thats not a useful critique dumbass, thats just listing the things involved in painting
OP asked why is this art bad. You replied "because its not good"

>> No.6826502

OP quite literally asked "Is it bad"
He's not entitled to anything more than a yes or no answer unless he asks for specific advice. What is wrong with you?

>> No.6826531

Op here, I’d like specifics if it’s possible
But yes or no is fine I guess

>> No.6826583

>What is wrong with you
I hate stupid people. You make the world a worse place every time you open you're fucking mouth
Thats my problem

>> No.6826597

My dude, you're bitter and autistic. When you go to McDonald's to order large fries do you get mad when they give you a bunch of little ones instead? What do you actually gain for going into a thread that pisses you off and being as unhelpful as possible?

>> No.6826788


That anon gave you more than anyone else on this thread. You lack knowledge that's why your work is mediocre. Go find a proper community for proper crits instead of this cursed site.

>> No.6826804

>That anon gave you more than anyone else on this thread.
he(you?) gave jack-shit.

>You lack knowledge that's why your work is mediocre
and also why (your?) crits are bad. Someone who knows what they're doing would give actionable advice that directly improves the artwork.

>> No.6826996

NTA but when your level is too low it's simply not possible to give aimed crits.

Grind more studies and then revisit your painting when you have a better feel for colors/lighting/poses.
Also, always use references.

>> No.6827297

Oh my God he just keeps going you're so fucking stupid.
Other people in the thread already gave specific critiques and actionable advice
You keep saying just study more <everything involved in drawing here>
You literally just said practice more and revisit when you're better.
Yeah no fucking shit

The fact that you don't even realize how fucking pointless it is to say that. Does your brain even work? Can you tie your own shoes anon?

>> No.6827317

People are bitching about specific critique so I'll try to be as specific as possible.

1. The colors are very muted and messy. Almost everything is monochrome except her skin which is a weird light purple color. Study color theory to improve this.

2. There's a lot of negative space for no reason. Why is half of the page a gray blob? Crop in. Study composition to fix this.

3. The face is not very attractive or appealing. This is a big problem since faces are usually what saves a drawing. Study portraits to fix this.

4. Lack of clarity. I'm not sure what she's holding. Is it a shovel? I don't know what she's hanging off either. Focus on using references to fix this.

Okay that's all, I could go on but this should be a good start for you.

>> No.6827350

You're too old to learn, people will seethe and cope but that's the reality

>> No.6827353

why are you so entitled? You don't pay anyone here so they don't owe you shit. Just grow a thicker skin. Personally I blame youtube for making people think tutoring is a free service

>> No.6827412

You clearly need to be reminded since you're still arguing.
Anyway, the way to handle crits is to takes note of what seems reasonable and ignore what appears to be departed from reality.

Arguing on /ic/ instead of grinding is one of the classic blunders.

>> No.6827444

Shovel needs fixing and her face seems a bit goofy, could be my taste, tho.
Overall much better than me.

>> No.6827478

>Personally I blame youtube for making people think tutoring is a free service
jesus christ i bet you work as a cashier or stocking shelves or something fuck

>> No.6827491

It's a bit bad. My advice is to try making it better.

>> No.6827512

Not bad, just boring and generic.
There's plenty on the same skill level as you that gain a decent sized following, so your skill isn't the issue.
Just do more and bring something interesting to stand out.

>> No.6830828
File: 432 KB, 2187x1714, F65699B8-E317-49D4-914D-CF00500A0867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I’m at now

>> No.6830854


>> No.6831010

that face is still horrendous, but its a solid improvement over the gray monotone art

>> No.6831096

Interesting, I thought the face came out pretty decent.
I didn’t really like how this one came out but I guess to each there own

>> No.6833792
File: 594 KB, 2095x1714, F62EA1F4-9DA1-41B0-BBCD-855FA4AB69A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I’m gunna call this one done for now, anything else feels like I’m overworking it.

>> No.6833814

I think the background looks great.
Unfortunately, with where she is, your foreground art, and the height she is in the picture...
It looks like she's standing 3 feet off the ground. With all the height behind, it seems childish of her

>> No.6833822
File: 583 KB, 2095x1714, IMG_0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what your saying
Removing foreground objects does introduce a better sense of high

Great input!

>> No.6833829

Yeah I think it works better there. But I personally love foreground stuff >>6833804 (mine)
so the idea is great, just maybe not with her being so low on the page. But then again some other anon might disagree

>> No.6833834

Yes, you are done. Now, go on and do some anatomy practice and master studies.

>> No.6833855

done deal

>> No.6833868
File: 96 KB, 694x680, hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My advice is for you to just move on to a new drawing instead of polishing a turd.
The pose is bad, she looks like she's weightless and you initially drew her upright but rotated her 45 degrees. It doesn't look at all like she's supporting her weight with her left arm. You values are bad and your rendering is very muddy. There's almost never a time when you should shade with black.
I think you're trying to move on to drawing dynamic illustrations too soon when you haven't even gotten the fundamentals down yet.

>> No.6833902

Fair enough,
I’ll move on and keep studying.

>> No.6833904


I was 30 before I got my first real art job. And I was 35 before I became happy with my own art. Don't worry about it.

>> No.6833910

I think you have potential though anon, don't think I'm just shitting on you or trying to crab. You're on the right path for sure.

>> No.6833959

Nope I understand, I come here for direct critique and help and not the wishy washy shit I usually get when I post.
I’d rather honesty then just hearing “it’s nice”

>> No.6833962
File: 42 KB, 720x720, notsomanlytears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-stop being so wholesome you....
you double niggers!

>> No.6833965

NO >:(

>> No.6834064

The choice of colours and rendering is nice overall, but the anatomy could def use work

The shovel looks bad, it's this weird flat gradiented thing with no tridimensionality

>> No.6834075

See this,
This is the finished piece

>> No.6836185

it looks really flat, though i struggle with the same thing, we can make it anon

>> No.6837500

remember that everybody on this site exaggerates heaps, it looks good, and the average joe would say your a great artist, but yeah theres still areas you can improve in

>> No.6838173

you are 30? how long have you been perfecting your craft?

>> No.6838266

I also want to know
If you fix those problems I can see you doing better stuff in a couple of years, I want hopium
What if I want to start when I'm 28, I don't want to be a master, I just want to be good enough to be able to create cool shit

>> No.6838270

just fucking start.