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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 727 KB, 1170x1252, A7A250F2-A30F-41A5-99E7-633A4A9A3AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6822436 No.6822436 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stupid fucking paintings

>> No.6822461
File: 375 KB, 1280x958, B740D4DC-8A3E-48D5-9185-777CC98DDB9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s some shit I’m drawing lately

>> No.6822462
File: 300 KB, 970x1280, 0A099D38-16BA-46F9-8A44-5FE27AC10A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822464
File: 243 KB, 1280x984, B695EEB3-ADF0-427D-9B90-81F77566CFAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822465
File: 357 KB, 1280x960, 6AF6D472-C1E5-4651-AD87-1666F016B96F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822467
File: 535 KB, 1008x1280, 189F3774-A6CC-468A-B483-6C94F2EDC70E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822469
File: 423 KB, 976x1280, E3EE08E0-8854-45D7-A240-AC011035322C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822470
File: 244 KB, 958x1280, 936E456C-4489-4887-A071-1B83752B6C4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822516

that's actually very nice

>> No.6822881
File: 131 KB, 1080x1490, FB_IMG_1650472474844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822952

Nightmare fuel, for free.

>> No.6823017
File: 3.31 MB, 2592x3872, SARGENT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sargent study

>> No.6823108

Oils? Which size? Very good btw

>> No.6823110
File: 551 KB, 1280x1014, 5592352C-94DE-44CB-8E45-5FA1A35913C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I painted Russia

>> No.6823138
File: 829 KB, 1682x2608, sargent3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oils, yes. 90x140cm

>> No.6823230

Same as the original then, that's cool. Guess it'd be much harder to get those tiny details on small scale anyway. You traced the drawing didn't you? Not necessarily a bad thing if you wanted to focus on training painting skills

Also, I suppose this is a panel?

I've been doing small color studies lately; been thinking of pushing a few of them to oils, bigger format

>> No.6823319

didn't trace it but i made a grid to help me with placing stuff right, it's on a linen canvas.
Be careful with the bigger formats lol, once i started i've barely done smaller stuff that's not pleinair.

>> No.6823327

Yeah pleinair you definitely want it small. Color studies it's fine to keep them small too: takes less space, and you're done in 1h/2h

Okay for the canvas/grid

>> No.6823637
File: 257 KB, 958x1280, E12EA66D-9E68-40E1-89B3-D38089490EDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad woman

>> No.6823675
File: 625 KB, 2629x2629, IMG_20230826_155631_346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my hardest drawing, crits ?

>> No.6823782
File: 479 KB, 900x1280, IMG_3668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing watercolor studies now

>> No.6823801
File: 3.57 MB, 3008x4495, 1679542019505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this a few weeks back

>> No.6824565


>> No.6824665
File: 1.71 MB, 1512x1890, psylocke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch I did today to try out staedtler erasable colore pencils.
Don't know how I feel about this drawing. Don't think it's worth posting anywhere lol

very good man

great style anon

looks great. has that "weird" demon souls ,even 90's psx dark fantasy rpg concep art vibe. This is what concept art should look like imo, not gay hack photobash bs

>> No.6825437

can i use my unpainted warhammer40k figures for cast drawing?
im kinda broke rn so i would need to save up for an actual plaster cast

>> No.6825516

Depends on how big they are.

>> No.6827301
File: 1.16 MB, 2512x2128, 20230904_163654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your other piece with the soldier shooting and the hands. I know you admitted your anatomy problems in the previous thread, but I feel they are so bad you should have redone this piece. Also what's your focus? My eye is drawn the the seppuku, but your guts are not detaiked enough to be interesting. I think your shading is pretty good, but you should push your contrasts more.

I'm attaching something I banged out today, not as an example, because I think you are much more acomplished than me. I really love Sam Kieth, been wanting to do this piece for a while. I don't have much experience with color but I'm glad I'm finally using some of these markers I bought.

>> No.6827391
File: 521 KB, 1763x1473, 20230904_110631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on rendering on paper?
Pic unrel

>> No.6827484
File: 1.86 MB, 2128x2340, 20230706_211814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be more specific with your question. We dont know what you dont know at this point.

>> No.6827505
File: 2.05 MB, 4624x2604, 20230904_123835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We dont know what you dont know at this point.

I only real know how to do perspective really poorly, wanna learn to add shadows to my perspective art work.

>> No.6827519
File: 1.97 MB, 2127x3841, 20230904_194642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another anon can probably give you better /beg/ advice but when I was at your stage I would do about 30 minutes of drawing boxes, then 30 minutes of drawing circles. Practice some basic hatching. The move on to some two point perspective. A value scale in ink is useful also

>> No.6827524

Thx for advice, will do!

>> No.6827652

Another tip, avoid lined paper at all cost.

>> No.6827947
File: 124 KB, 882x600, pic22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this while looking through my external backups from a media class. Pen and Ink 11"x14"

>> No.6828119

My girlfriend siad it looks like Clockwork Orange meets Prince.

>> No.6828425
File: 601 KB, 1280x1008, AA2C67BF-2F47-42A9-89C3-4F4CF5D9074C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6828629

Why is the figure not in the picture entirely?

>> No.6828673


Jesus christ brian learn to paint hands

>> No.6828809

And faces, and feet, and Eiffel towers.

>> No.6828884

going to draw the ire of Frenchmen if you do not get the scenery between that window and the tower correct, also it's a cliche in Paris that from every window the Eiffel tower is visible

>> No.6829112

It might be cliché but I reckon people love that kind of stuff, how else would you better portray a Parisian view?

>> No.6829169
File: 142 KB, 223x290, khiluglify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6829217

This is a reality of selling artwork that you’ll have to confront at some point. If you want to sell a painting and have people know it’s Paris you have to unfortunately add that kind of symbol drawing stuff. Or people just won’t get it. A smarter buyer will understand a painting of a paris cafe without such crude reminders of what the subject matter is, but that’s a very small portion of the broader audience of the world. It sucks but that’s the reality of images today. I guess blame Thomas Kinkade and Bob Ross

>> No.6829251

Are you the same anon who did the fury scuba drawing?

>> No.6829990

Sam Kieth is great. I dig it

>> No.6830281
File: 3.30 MB, 3141x2486, AB651E36-918E-4C24-B5AB-0F4F25E09387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art thing painting stuff

>> No.6830365
File: 67 KB, 526x711, 373360034_24155769217341663_8184770369585180217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Work in Progress.

>> No.6830396
File: 935 KB, 1106x1437, Concept sketch copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept Sketch.

>> No.6830502

looks nice, keep going

>> No.6830521


Very cool. Would work better as a background for something than as a stand-alone painting though.

>> No.6830712

interesting. What for?

>> No.6831149
File: 437 KB, 2397x2397, IMG_20230804_120939_915[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I feel they are so bad
i rushed the Seppuku drawing and the more i've looked at it after finishing the more the anatomy issues started to POP at me so i get what you're saying, right from the get go the legs were too big, guy behind was too small, arm positions are fucked (i found out the left arm can't be positioned like that after trying to imitate the pose in the mirror) plus arms being too huge on the dude on the back plus he's way too tiny

>what's the focus
the focus was the Seppuku but also the guys face and expression which i liked how they turned out(the neck was intentionally made longer to appear more decapitatable) but also the Seppuku which guts issues aside i liked how dark it appeared in contrast with the rest of the image

>you should push your contrasts more

anyway here's another one with less fucked anatomy

>> No.6831188
File: 651 KB, 1087x543, japoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I'm beg, but it looks like only the sword is moving. Look at jap stuff, I personally dont draw weeb, but they are good at emphasizing movement, and since this is a jap tradition you drew, maybe borrow from that.

>> No.6831591

Well, the final piece will have an actual focal point, but I've definitely had animation backgrounds on the brain while painting this piece.

It's for an experimental piece. I want to try out some new techniques. The final product may not be /trad/ though, so I may post it in another thread. It's going to be a while anyway.

>> No.6833279

bump (what a slow thread)

>> No.6833372

trad art ain't trendy??

>> No.6833423

trads are necessarily away from computer more than digitals who draw the same hours.

>> No.6834071

what is the appeal of crayons? is so dificult to do detailed stuff with them

>> No.6834090

they taste good

>> No.6834615

You can melt them and get some cool textures out of them

>> No.6836128
File: 734 KB, 2084x2829, 20230909_112600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sorta self potrait

>> No.6836246

what are some good books on cast drawing i can get on zlibrary?

>> No.6836664

looks bad

>> No.6836742

some mania going on here. I like it

>> No.6836801
File: 296 KB, 960x1280, IMG_5476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What up, guys? As always, posting a wip. Comments always welcome.

>> No.6836804

Got the reference for us? Can help to see what you are shooting for.

>> No.6836808

You mean a book that explains specifically how to do cast drawing? I’m not sure that even exists.
An interesting book though can be Harold Speed’s Practice and Science of Drawing.
Or if you just want reference material, get the big Bargue book, it’s in public domain anyhow.

>> No.6836961

I suspect that you are painting way too fast, anon. If you post your ref we could help you more but as it is right now you are losing a lot of your form because of it.

>> No.6837148
File: 516 KB, 760x485, Screenshot_20230910-194611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6837390
File: 3.37 MB, 3146x2479, C78F637F-2542-4E71-B77B-F9F919A25DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing my mind

>> No.6837417
File: 348 KB, 1280x960, IMG_5480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Yes, I agree with you, I’m going super fast, this is only the second session I did with this portrait. In not trying to do perfect copies, I’m mostly trying to do color studies with a bit of drawing and form. I do max 5/6 sessions of 3 hours for these paintings, the goal was actually to do one every other day.

>> No.6837430

I like the shadowing in your wip. It seems you got the structure and shape quite well

>> No.6837794

The left eye is a bit too long horizontally, it's skewing the rest of the face

>> No.6838410


Japanese nigger teaching Ba-uru-gueu methodueu

>> No.6838414

What am I saying... Chinese nigger

>> No.6838446
File: 41 KB, 713x951, IMG20230911211639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One-off figure session tonight

>> No.6838466

Good start; drawing bigger might help to develop the details on the foot/hand

>> No.6838535
File: 503 KB, 1280x982, D367EAD4-78E3-4217-808F-3100993D5DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna punch deck :(

>> No.6838578

no supply thread, so asking here: what do I actually need to start oil painting?
I’ve been practicing gouache and I’d like to try oils, I don’t know what I actually need
I’ve got some oil paper, do I need to gesso it?
do I need medium or something? what about cleaning brushes? turpentine or something else?
I’d be trying neatly rendered monochrome studies
also, should I be doing this away from clothes and furniture and such because of the smell?

>> No.6838604

All of your lines are thick and messy. Go with an HB pencil, and sharpen it really fine. Not with a pencil sharpener, but with a blade and sandpaper. Your tip should be almost needle sharp. I’ll post pics one of these days. Then you grab the pencil from the very back and draw very lightly

>> No.6838609

>I’ve got some oil paper, do I need to gesso it?
If it's genuine oil paper (like Arches) no you don't

> do I need medium or something
Avoid for now. Use a bit of oil to increase the flow, at best. Turpentines/spirit for early washes.

> what about cleaning brushes
Turpentine or mineral spirits, then soap. Avoid as much as possible having too much oils going down your sink (an anon broke his plumbing because of accumulated oil drying down there)

> also, should I be doing this away from clothes and furniture and such because of the smell?
Oil paint isn't toxic, per say. Some pigments are toxic, if you eat them. Make sure the room is ventilated when using turpentines/mineral spirits, or the smell might make you unconfortable.

> I’d be trying neatly rendered monochrome studies
Good idea. Black, white, umber are a good start. Extend then to a Zorn palette. Extend with some ultramarine blue.

>> No.6838616

you don't need solvent. most use it for washes in initial stage which is a relatively recent practice. or for cleaning brushes to change colors which can be avoided if you use more brushes. even for cleaning after the session, while convenient, is not necessary. wipe as much paint off and use a soap of your choice. solvent damages brushes.
you need medium or not depending on how you paint.
you can buy a simple oil medium like cold pressed or alkaline refined just to aid in flow but very little. the thick ones are more special uses like manipulating paint layer leveling properties. you can oil thinly out but only if you will be covering the area completely.
so you need brushes. probably multiple ones in the same size for small ones if i understand neat rendering correctly.

>> No.6838681
File: 417 KB, 1002x1280, BC0B261C-0177-4134-B107-2070603AA156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamescatt painting I finished. She’s still pretty at 30 maybe I’m just built different. I’m not a pdf file so 30 year old Sammy Zaynchan is hot to me

>> No.6838715
File: 593 KB, 1280x1004, 6F14F7C3-3C00-4CF3-A47C-245141ECB056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6838718

That’s really good, B. Feels like you’re even going for some form. I would say the edge between the right side of the face and the hair is way too hard, I’d soften that up a lot. They say in general Jaír on face is a soft edge, and that totally applies here.

>> No.6838905

I've got a pdf boner

>> No.6838997

was sleeping, thanks anons

>> No.6839291
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, DSC_1768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphite self portrait

>> No.6839492
File: 22 KB, 500x356, 1563630699994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sell my paintings and drawings.
Is etsy good enough or where else should I look?
Should I frame my works or what is the best way to send it over by mail?

>> No.6839586
File: 1.94 MB, 1255x1700, test1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip? trash it?

absolutely not.

>> No.6839839
File: 2.83 MB, 1335x1798, Final Layout progress shot 2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, no. That was me.

>> No.6839858

Arches sucks, buy stonhenge instead. Arches is WAY too absorbent.

>> No.6839862

She's pretty :)

>> No.6839866

thumbnail reads very well, full sized image is harder to read. I think you should try pushing your values and consider the silhouette of the light and dark areas.

>> No.6839867

I enjoy but again more values please
Very nice, you should focus on edge control to elevate your skill :)

>> No.6839868

Doesn't affect the gessoing tho. I must have used Arches oil once so far, so my knowledge of all that is very shallow.

Some people like absorbent surfaces

Try different places. Also, don't be Dunning-Kruger: selling stuff is a job, that's why there are professional salesmen. What I mean is, take the time to learn how to sell stuff:pick a book/a course on the topic and study how it's done.

Great job.

>> No.6839870

Very strong appeal, keep up the good work

>> No.6839948

This is awesome
What did you use to make it?

>> No.6839987
File: 558 KB, 1008x1280, 814F7BC9-60D8-4A45-9399-8BCA84AEE884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some shit I painted idk

>> No.6840041

you're getting worse as time goes by
it makes sense why you haven't sold any painting recently

>> No.6840044

I’m not going to reprove I can paint with every painting. Not interested sorry. I wanna have fun

>> No.6840047

>competent painting isn't fun
ok, I guess...

>> No.6840050

You’re why all art is boring

>> No.6840071

so because you get no joy from painting in a competent way means those who do create boring art and are miserable as well?

>> No.6840077
File: 229 KB, 1280x958, 3E2ED0EB-A6E2-448A-9C31-117C884A225C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6840081
File: 471 KB, 1014x1280, 22B16467-9411-4488-9B32-AEF755DBB21E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you as a aspiring artist do not grasp that the buyers of art don’t care. They don’t care dude. They want to be entertained that is it. They want crazy weird art or whatever just anything that’s interesting. If you don’t have ideas you’re not gonna make it. If the extent of what you have to say is “look how competent this is” that’s the lowest fucking bar possible and you will make no fucking money EVER. Capiche? I have been doing this for 11 years. I know what the fuck I’m doing.

>> No.6840094

Guys. Here me out.

Brian and Illastrat are THE SAME GUY. It's my new hypothesis. Brian has forked himself in an attempt to self more paintings.

>> No.6840112
File: 53 KB, 737x706, 125403946_864776630957824_5233851696675560212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy weird art
>badly drawn portrait
anon, if you want money that much you should get disability checks

>> No.6840114
File: 230 KB, 1280x958, A32C425A-9AC9-416C-B3D1-20674E0298C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how’s your Art business going?

>> No.6840115

>arguing a point i never made
anyway if what you said were remotely true you'd be rich from your very interesting and fun art, but that's not true is it?

>> No.6840130

I do okay idk. For a guy with no following I make a living at it pretty comfortably.

>> No.6840410
File: 480 KB, 1500x2000, DSC_1769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fechin study

>> No.6840413
File: 570 KB, 2000x1500, DSC_1770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waterhouse study

>> No.6840869
File: 169 KB, 560x770, vee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy weird art
>le funny draw random things

there are about 0 ideas in the drawings you posted. I know it's wrong to target some autist on /ic/ but you don't know shit about what creativity is (also fix that signature, it's terrible)

sauce: i was like you

>> No.6840875
File: 521 KB, 1000x839, pothead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i'm also drunk and very aggressive so sorry for rude)

>> No.6841013

why the fuck would you trash this

>> No.6841034
File: 587 KB, 1280x1004, 3A1D589F-5C27-41EF-A715-1DC7C44C2685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was like you
You’ve never been anywhere close to me

>> No.6841092

"trash it" as in, not post it anywhere and stuff in a drawer. I can't like it.

>> No.6841163

>the thin, flat, muddy stain for the signature
that’s just ugly

>> No.6841177
File: 541 KB, 1018x1280, F0F4C89C-10CB-40C5-AA73-6EF123A7C9F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this unfathomable level of cope dude. What do you want other than my attention. Holy smokes dude. Shut the fuck up. Find another thread to shit up.

>> No.6841182

I’m not the other guy, I’m just telling you the brown stain backdrop for the signature is ugly and distracting from the painting

>> No.6841295

That's the whole point of a signataure. An obnoxious stain that clearly indicates you made this. Potential branding for resale.
Otherwise you might as well just sign the back.

>> No.6841300
File: 229 KB, 1600x1280, d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) I’m not talking about the signature, I’m talking about the ugly blob of mismatching paint under it
2) no
3) you’re being retarded

>> No.6841303

>incapable of critiquing any part of the artwork itself
>”signature bad”
Ok retard

>> No.6841309

I’m not talking about the signature, you dumb faggot

>> No.6841492
File: 215 KB, 958x1280, DCB4C8EE-047B-46BE-8225-6FF6189D3A8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pointless insipid whining about something completely subjective, that comes down solely to your preferences for presentation.


>> No.6841512


Brian you were whining about being broke pretty recently

>> No.6841551

How do you guys get good lighting to digitize your paintings? Or do you just take a picture with your phone camera or otherwise?

>> No.6841553

Nice! What medium?

>> No.6841572
File: 1.79 MB, 1832x721, immagine_2023-09-14_095951426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one
yeah, i mean, we are different in so many ways, for example you make a giant signature in a random place while i usually don't even sign my artwork
I just want to make a mess like you do, but i impose myself to be more orderly and readable for the sake of the viewer
I try to think a lot about the subject and composition, while i could just doodle the first things that come to mind
your bestial approach to painting is kinda cool in the end, and who can say what's good and bad in a painting right?

sorry if too harsh before

>> No.6841577


Gouache, mostly.

>> No.6841589

really cool!

>> No.6841591

this one is nice... i can feel the fog and steam

>> No.6841596

kinda cool! i like the surrealist mood. kinda tanguy-esque/de chirico messy thing

>> No.6841605

What's some key advice for someone who is /beg/ with traditional mediums? I want to switch from purely digital art, to working with oils. But I have very limited experience with physical painting. I've been fooling around with oil pastels lately though.

>> No.6841647


Buy a few tubes and go and paint something. A real basic and cheap setup to do monochromatic paintings with is titanium white, raw (or burnt if you want a warmer temp) umber and ivory black. Experiment with these and try to paint something to the best of your abilities and you will get a feel for it. Don’t worry about painting on canvas right away, for practice you are fine with buying a pad of oil painting paper.

>> No.6842045

Do I need a knife or anything? I see people working in oils using those

>> No.6842052

I would recommend them in general for cleaning up you palette, applying thick paint, getting the occasional hard edge. but Also try mixing with a knife so you have a big enough pool of paint. People starting out don't mix up enough paint almost 100% of the time

>> No.6842088

What is the knife used for? Just mixing? What brushes are best for oils?

>> No.6842160

Does anyone have tips for values in Gouache? It's very frustrating that it dries to a different value when I want to nail a certain tone.

>> No.6842197

oil is one of the most if not the most versatile media available. you would have to be more specific about how you want to paint. there isn't one foundational way to paint that everyone started with.

>> No.6842288

No, post it retard. man I hate giving /ints/ moral support it’s a good fucking pic idk why you don’t like it but everyone else will

>> No.6842292

you can mix with a brush or a knife. you can apply the paint with a brush or a knife. Sometimes I apply the paint with a literal rag or the tip of a nail it doesn't matter. I use a mix of bristle and synthetic brushes

>> No.6842407

What do you use for a palette?

>> No.6842412

Clive Barker's art is a huge inspiration to me. But he himself doesnt use a specific kind of brush I think

>> No.6842484


That's the annoying thing about it, ain't it. Sorry to say I don't think there's a solution other than just acquiring enough experience to know what to expect. Other than that, paint a sample of the color you've mixed on a test sheet and see what it dries to before you put it on your piece.

>> No.6842494

light dries darker, dark lighter
you can always use a test scrap of paper and see how it dries

>> No.6842545
File: 1.99 MB, 1080x1430, Blimp Ride Final Image SML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemplative Clowns are the peak of human art.

"The Airship Returns" Gouache and Mixed Media.

I made some mistakes early on with this piece that made it much more troublesome than I had hoped, but by the end I had loosened up enough that I think I've finally learned how to work with gouache more instinctively, and less mechanically, so in the end I think I've had a real breakthrough here.

>> No.6842632

Looks beautiful anon! I love the rich colors, and its got a very pleasing and cozy character. Great job!

>> No.6842816

bros do you think it would be worth it to save up for a charles h cecil course

>> No.6842906

Thanks for posting anon
The character looks a bit off but it gives an nice uncanny feeling
The "boat" looks great

>> No.6842950


You can use a tear off palette or a glass cutting board. You can also use ceramics although that's less than ideal. Just experiment.

>> No.6842967


Thank You. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the rich colors worked, as reactivating and lifting up thickly layered paint has always been an issue with gouache for me. I think I may finally be getting "the touch."


Characters remain the most difficult to work with in gouache, but I'm glad the piece works overall.

>> No.6842981

I agree, the color nuance is great. What size is the canvas?

>> No.6842982

In addition to the other suggestions, plywood does the job. If you're lazy, use some acrylic binder/varnish to seal it, sand between each layer. The good thing with that is that you can cut the palette to the dimension you want.

If you have time, seal it (partially) with a few layers of boiled linseed oil + turpentines (turpentine to help the oil to penetrate in the wood). As you use the palette, it will slowly absorb some of the oil in your paint, some pigments will get trapped in the surface.

As the years go by, you'll get an imitable smooth surface.

It's good anon; I guess you're the one with the mongolian yurt. Having characters really add life to the piece, much better in this regard. Some suggestions: learn to soften some of those edges;try to have your hard edges where you want the viewer's attention to be. You could also try to be more suggestive in your handling of details, although it's more of a stylistic choice.

I can feel that your technique is slow and painstaking. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it might benefits you, to try to develop a more spontaneous/efficient technique, even if you want to keep a tight rendering for your final pieces.

>> No.6843008


9"x12" hot press watercolor paper.

>> No.6843012
File: 293 KB, 1280x967, round_house_by_benjamin_the_fox_df57mik-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mongoloian Yurt? Oh, are you talking about this piece?

Thing about gouache is it doesn't really lend itself to soft edges the way oil based media does. Attempting to blend an edge between two colors requires a very light touch and can easily become splotchy. I struggled to even create gradients until I watched how Japanese animation BG artists do it, and the technique is something I never would have thought of on my own. You almost have to fake soft edges sometimes.

In regards to going more abstract in details, I actually had a breakthrough in that regard on this piece about halfway through. I was painting the wooden panels and I just realized if I tried to make them "realistic" I was going to kill myself, so I just said screw it and began painting much more roughly. I hope to apply this looser style to future paintings.

>> No.6843031

>how Japanese animation BG artists do it
>the technique is something I never would have thought of on my own
what technique?

>> No.6843038

> yurt
Yup, this one

> soft edges with gouache
Yeah I know, I've been toying with gouache extensively. You need a light touch, and to have applied the paint thickly, because the brush will remove some of it. Large gradients usually require "good" paper and to keep the surface wet-enough to blend stuff.

It's definitely technical difficult, but achievable with practice.

> details
Often being rough gives the work a more painterly style, but this can also make some things more realistic: trees are a good example, where big masses of green gives better results than painstakingly detailing the leaves.

The ability to efficiently suggests details is a good tool to have under your belt; in particular, it's fantastically useful in plein-air and where your are time-constrained.

Hope to see more of your work in the future,

>> No.6843039

Not him but I would guess something like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH2q9ZJMaAU

>> No.6843041

You can see it in this video. They paint the gradation normally, then lightly brush over it perpendicular to the gradient with a soft, dry brush to smooth the gradient. It's tricky to pull off but it works.


>> No.6843048

that’s basic painting technique, not even gouache specific

>> No.6843066

Not him but handling the amount of water on the surface/brush & the lightness of the brush touch is very gouache specific. There's no such things in oils. In acrylic you can't have too diluted paints because it breaks the binder. In watercolor things could be similar, but because they are used transparently, you don't really get the same kind of technique either.

In >>6843039's video, 6:20, the guy literally says that such washes are the hard part, and that he spent 1 week training only on the technique when he joined.

Feel free not to believe and try for yourself using different type of paints.

>> No.6843086

That you believe a week is notable is telling. And yes, that's basic shit, not some japanese secret technique

>> No.6843152

> And yes, that's basic shit
Are you talking from genuine, first hand experience, with gouache, and other mediums, or from mostly theoretical understanding?

Then I mean, I can give you the benefit of the doubt: either it's the former, but it was very natural and easy for you, or you've forgot how much of a struggle it was.

> That you believe a week is notable is telling
One week of daily training on the same technique, for someone who gets hired, and thus already should be expected to be decently proficient artist, I think that yes, this is telling.

Except perhaps nice things like some variants of multi-layered oils, I'm not familiar with any other technique that is similarly demanding. Do you have any in mind?

>> No.6843212


Like in the flesh at the studio in Florence? I attended the atelier of a former student of his that has established their own school, but it unfortunately was only for a short while because I don't live in England. I'd sell a kidney to attend fulltime where I attended, so I imagine Cecil's atelier is pretty cool too. I did hear through the grapevine that the culture and interpersonal relationships at Cecil's studio are pretty, uuuuh, ...interesting, especially if you are female.

>> No.6843238

>I'd sell a kidney to attend fulltime where I attended
And yet you don't.

>> No.6843335


What's your offer?

>> No.6843341

Show kidney first

>> No.6843372

FWIW, you can learn plenty on your own by being careful and highly self-critic, doing Bargue plates, still lifes, and cast studies.

Honestly if I were considering going to an atelier, I'd try to setup a schedule like 4/5h a day for 3 months, see if I can hold up and if I'd progress fast enough.

The social aspects & access to a teacher is nice though.

>> No.6843581


I don't recall anyone using that specific technique for gradients other than these guys. It doesn't even work very well with western brushes (I've tried) and would be pointless with traditional watercolor.

Normal acrylic I suspect would be too thick to blend properly with such a soft brush and there are probablybetter techniques for that medium, but it might work with acryla gouache. I've might have seen similar techniques in oil, but I haven't studied oil painting in a couple of decades.

>> No.6843584

>western brushes

>> No.6843591


Can you stop being a useless, know-it-all, smartass, arrogant, punk bitch for two seconds and post an example of what YOU'RE talking about, you parasite?

>> No.6843594

you’re fucking retarded

>> No.6843600


Post some art or some references or useful techniques or shut up and go away forever, you thief of time.

>> No.6843601

stop posting, imbecile

>> No.6843605

There are techniques to deal with people like that much more efficiently/safely.

>> No.6843610
File: 1.86 MB, 1344x972, A strange encounter copy sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You talk big for someone who doesn't post art.

>> No.6845177

what the fuck brian have you been getting into anime?

>> No.6845191

Nice, love these pencil studies. One of my favorite paintings. Keep going, king

>> No.6845414
File: 375 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20230916_202443_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to tilt my phone phone at a weird angle. Might make the picture look a bit more janky.

>> No.6845490
File: 237 KB, 958x1280, 847C57D2-A59C-4568-9759-A8DBAA27088E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I try sometimes. It’s really hard for me

>> No.6846586
File: 403 KB, 960x1280, IMG_5512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been making slow progress. How’s my form, form-bro?

>> No.6846755

Charles Cecil only does sight size, so be aware of that going in. I’ve also heard he’s a creep and chases after every pretty girl on his classes. Plus I do t think he actually teaches anymore, the other profs do all the work for him.

>> No.6846763

>he fucks his students
They all do don’t be so pathetically naive. Girls take those classes to fuck the teachers. Just stay away from school dude…

>> No.6846767

I hate americans so goddamn much

>> No.6846824
File: 122 KB, 640x480, P1030851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got some painting in (I've just done some painting). Not really got an image to post. It's my 3rd landscape on the go, it's more of a diorama this one. Um. And still I've got a little church scene as well, which is vey tedious but I obviously thought it was worth while.

Thank God for that. Some progress.

>> No.6846826

Yeah good, it's all there, well done.

>> No.6846827

A breakthrough?

>> No.6846832
File: 556 KB, 1280x1028, 6E52A7C7-F49B-46A5-BB53-02F349B37786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m getting bigger into storytelling and less about fundamentals. More style more interesting stuff.

>> No.6846835

aka stagnating still and working harder on fantasizing that you're some misunderstood genius rather than a /beg/ level painter with a fragile ego.

>> No.6846852

Gosh that's good.

>> No.6846873


Form-bro here. Still pretty mushy to be perfectly frank with you, keep at it though, practice is the only way forward. Don't forget to draw either and focus on structure in your drawings. I like your gradients.

>> No.6846887
File: 419 KB, 1209x1612, 20230917_201923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun wip :) Any thoughts?

>> No.6846945
File: 3.59 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230918_030615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing through the pain

>> No.6846972

Holy projection Batman

>> No.6846988
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1672185456599210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't draw this but its kino so I wanted to post it

>> No.6847021

The brushworks kind of stale, feel like this should be an ink drawing or etching and not a painting

>> No.6847025

The horse is the best part the rest doesn’t live up to the horse. That reflective light on the horses hair though is really nice

>> No.6847027

Wow you actually did a painting with light sources and not bullshit surrealism

>> No.6847030

You can do it, Brian! I believe in you!

>> No.6847053
File: 63 KB, 717x572, IMG_20230917_224339_577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncanny image, like AI generated Kinkade meets Downton Abbey
Also: wtf is going on with this chick's arms?

>> No.6847061

She has boobs

>> No.6847066

Yeah, and???
Doesn't explain why her arms are longer than a barge pole and how her hands appear to originate from her dress instead of being connected to said arms.

>> No.6847162
File: 593 KB, 717x572, 1695005196185010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her wrists are bent up and coming at the viewer
stop seething

>> No.6847237
File: 2.83 MB, 2592x3240, mani7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repainted a portrait from an year ago

>> No.6847239
File: 3.67 MB, 2592x3872, manirem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focused on edges as an anon advised me to

>> No.6847269
File: 2.86 MB, 4000x3000, DSC_1777~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847347

Thanks for the crit, I agree with you. This was my summer break so I’ve been painting on my own, but now I’m back to taking some classes where I’ll be focusing a lot on structure, anatomy and doing mostly drawing.

>> No.6847465

And, you're focusing on the wrong thing, simple as.

>> No.6847468

That's much better, on edge, chroma, temperature, composition, paint application. Really good anon.

If I wanted to improve it a touch, I would soften the jaw's sharp edges, and harden some edges on her right eye. But you need not to harden everything fully, this needs to be subtle, so that you don't have something too line-ish.

Then, don't hesitate to make a few drapery studies, yours feel a bit weak IMO. It's not critical because they are secondary, but you can find ways to make still make them interesting (look at Sargent), and find ways to improve the background (storytelling maybe?)

>> No.6847472

Compress those shadows!!!

>> No.6847567

I guess I shouldn't bring up how the chick on the horse only has one leg, unless the horse is a cardboard cutout. a polished turd like this would look okay in the 1800s but not now when so many references to improve it are one google search away.

But hey, why bother with learning the basics when you're a female influencer and even /ic/ will simp for you

>> No.6847580

>asks question
>gets answer
>seethes harder

>> No.6847583

>chick on the horse only has one leg
Man, that kind of über sexist ableism is the reason the world is going to shit.

If it has boobs and is well-rendered, it's a good piece, period. Limbs are overrated, torso is all you really *need* anyway.

>> No.6847598

>whiteknights even harder
She's not reading this thread you know


>> No.6847608

I didn’t even know it was a she until you started screeching about it, retard
I literally redlined the hand for you, stop broadcasting your dunning kruger and start painting so you can get attention and not seethe impotently in a dead tread on 4chinz

>> No.6847618

Redline the whole arm
Redline the broad on the horse
Redline the entire image while you're at it

>> No.6847621

draw literally anything

>> No.6847660

You first

>> No.6847672

So, when's the wedding you jolly fellows?

>> No.6847763

Ah yes, the Comforti method. Tried and true. Technically the Courbet method!!!

>> No.6847785

Shhhhht, don't say his name out loud, you crazy. Speaking of the devil, I saw him redditing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/169cqkh/wading_in_waist_high_water_dumb40_me_oil_2023/

Yet something seems to have gone wrong: https://www.reddit.com/user/Dumb40/

>> No.6847815

Lmao, found another nutjob poster here


>> No.6847874

so nobody here can paint ,huh?

>> No.6848045

nice I genuinely would display that

>> No.6848099

Gosh they're pitiful.

Hm? Look at how this anon improved over a year: >>6847237 vs. >>6847239. All those are quite good technically: >>6846586 >>6837148 >>6823801 >>6823017 >>6843610

I'm not posting here, but my work's good too; I'm just giving free advises 'cause I'm a nice fellow.

>> No.6848331

Why would I post my IRL work here so that I can get linked from here to my sales? I want to continue making a living, thanks.
I've posted plenty in years gone by, it's the young'uns turn now,

>> No.6848337
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, 6801EBAD-06FB-4054-A612-6F14751227DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how I’m always the top seller of original art on the platform of my choice but then here comes rando anon to say he’s actually the most successful dude here. Negro I for a fact know that’s not true cause it’s me. If God exists it’s fucking ME

>> No.6848344

god doesn’t live in his mom’s house

>> No.6848360

Great job, by far the best work in this thread. One small comment though: check your colors. I think you’re putting in way too much blue. At least the reproduction I’ve seen of that painting is much warmer than yours, using mostly yellow ochre and maybe some neutral grays. Your shadow up on the pillars is super blue, same goes for the shadow on the bottom part of the robe.

>> No.6848367

“Your mom’s house” my dad lives here too. Biological dad, not all of us have divorced failure parents

>> No.6848370

not all of our parents have failure sons

>> No.6848378

Not all of us have to watch our mom cuck our dad every night of their childhood while he sleeps in a motel and tries to get his life back together

>> No.6848481
File: 1.37 MB, 2424x1574, Patchouli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been sketching master studies with touhous because i want to make oil paintings, this one i plan on doing it on a 18x24

>> No.6848486
File: 977 KB, 1848x1848, Zero draken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one also

>> No.6848726
File: 82 KB, 1012x759, IMG_20230918_233813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making progress.

>> No.6848839

That's a strawman, not what I said.

I personally cannot consider on the same ground rushed "impressionists" boobies doodles on the same ground as technically sound art.

Picasso may sell for millions, he never did anything remotely close to consistent quality work. It's closer to money grabbing than art.

While I do have a personal opinion, I'm not judging, simply stating that those are two very different things, that cannot be compared. It's unfair to put them on the same ground.

It's like comparing mcdo with some fine French food. Different categories.

>> No.6848867

Is this guy actually insane?

>> No.6848870

Hopefully it's just a white balance issue. Phone cameras love turning paintings yellow or blue.

>> No.6848895

I don't think so.

He seems to have set for himself as a goal to not reach beyond famous artists from the last century or so, with their unrefined techniques, and it seems to be sufficient for him to make a living.

I mean, in this frame of reference, if you consider Matisse, Picasso & cie as the ceiling, by comparison, he's definitely a "fantastic artist". But that can be said of pretty much anyone, given the low requirements. So it's rather meaningless.

So, I think it's more that he's lazy/looking for an easy way, instead of working hard. Again, I have my opinion on this, but I'm not judging, people do what the heck they want with their life.

On my low-end android, there are options to tweak the white balance/exposure & cie. Pretty sure this is standard (google around, there's a "Pro" tab on the (my) stock Camera app)

>> No.6848948

Interesting. I don't know why he's so angry. Seems like he could harness that and use it as some kind of creative motivation, instead of just doing paintings that look like they took two hours to paint and half an hour to mess up.

>> No.6848953
File: 1.18 MB, 900x1473, martian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6848954

>I don't know why he's so angry
Because he's been shitted on for years with the same arguments, probably; not an excuse tho, just a cause.

>> No.6849029

I hope I'm not so angry when I find stability and success in spite of my peers.

>> No.6849050

I believe that is called stable diffusion

>> No.6849119

>Picasso never dud consistent quality work

Clearly you are an amateur enjoyer of art. The blue and rose periods of Picasso clearly show a consistency but he pushed the medium in a direction that would also be seen in the futurists.
I'm not following this entire argument between you and Brian (neither am I huge fan of his work), but he is making a living from his work. And that is more than most anons on here can say.

>> No.6849123

Gone with the blastwave?

>> No.6849132

nigga looks like an indian bin laden

>> No.6849159

I painted this before I read that comic, but yeah, it's a pretty similar look.

>> No.6849186
File: 811 KB, 1637x2141, Harvest Tune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6849235

>Clearly you are an amateur enjoyer of art
My eyes are rolling.

> The blue and rose periods of Picasso clearly show a consistency but [...]
The expression I used was "consistent quality". Example: I consistently go to the toilet;it doesn't imply that what I produce is worthy of praise.

What Picasso did had nothing to do with fine-art. There's no finesse, at all. Neither on the technique, nor on the way he interpreted subjects. Again, I think he was more of a money grabber than an artist;there's nothing wrong with that in the absolute (we can have divergent opinions), but that's just the way it is.

Just look at *studies* made by *students* one generation before him: https://ramonhurtado.com/19cdatabase..

It's good, but it has a creepy vibe

>> No.6849260


Cool link anon, thanks!

>> No.6849389
File: 899 KB, 977x632, Picassos-Blue-period-Portraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no finess

Like I said you have a limited appreciation of art

>> No.6849430
File: 1.75 MB, 1615x1341, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why he's so angry.
because I spent the first 30 years of my life drawing and painting nonstop for no money, with no social life, and no escape from my situation other than the hope that maybe I'd be able to sell one of these stupid things one day. So yeah. I do it for fucking money. Go fucking figure.

I'm not really an angry person now, maybe a bit more flippant towards people that say retarded to shit to me but I was angry before. I have been angry, it's just there was nothing to do about it. What? Punch a wall? Who cares! Nobody is even around to see me do that, I'm not a fucking movie character I'm just alone in a basement playing video games.

It's amazing I even was able to have a girlfriend at one point because I was so completely isolated from everyone else. I had a few friends I wasn't totally by myself but most people are very sheltered by how normal their life has been. I have no concept of most accepted experiences you're supposed to have in your teens through your 20s. I just fucking worked every day. I didn't have a fucking choice. I enjoyed life too much to kill myself (gay and retarded solution to any problem), but I spent it alone for the most part.

I've only recently started to even enjoy painting. I despised it every time I had to do it before this year. Same with video games. I fucking hated video games I just had nothing else to do. But I'm coming to enjoy all this stuff.

>> No.6849468

In case you think those are comparable technically to the drawings of the earlier link, you couldn't be further away from the truth.

I wouldn't be surprised that you've actually never really studied those kind of advanced drawings;some aspects of them can't really be appreciated until you actually do some thorough copies, simply because your eyes just can't perceive them.

That was for the technical side.

Now for the subject matter, really there's nothing impressive here either. There's a bit of gloomy mood, and that's it. The mood on those academies however are much less gloomy, much more relaxed

Amusingly, this one also has a strong cool "blue" (moon) light emphasis

This one, you can feel the skeleton:

Many of them have more or less subtle emotional hints. The guitar player OTOH is a cadaver;the woman looked bored/neutral

>> No.6849477
File: 3.65 MB, 1500x2000, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are u arguing about? That people in the 1800s were good at art? No shit. Thats whats weird about people saying that I "just want to draw like impressionists". Like yeah I fucking do. And I'll probably never get there.

If a pianist said he wanted to play Mozart you wouldn't be like WOW what a low bar, pianists are SO much better today you wanna sound like shitty old Mozart. It's so fucking stupid.

I don't cast aspersions on any artist that is either dead or was born before me. I don't care. I just assume they were better. It's so fucking lame to think otherwise. I don't think things are "worse" today in that sense, I just think the effort expected out of a single work of art is different. In the Renaissance those guys made like 20 paintings in their entire life. By Picasso he made around 10,000. Me working today? I've made around probably 7000 works of art just in ten years. Different scale. We sell to global markets now so me as an individual artist has to produce on such a huge scale compared to what was made in the past.

>> No.6849514

> what are u arguing about
I'm arguing that Picasso was essentially a money grabber, and can't be compared to fine-artists, because there is no finesse in his works.

> Thats whats weird about people saying that I "just want to draw like impressionists". Like yeah I fucking do. And I'll probably never get there.
I'm using the term "impressionist" *very* loosely. "Impressionism" has for the most part always existed. The impressionists were people with a few good ideas, but their lack of respect for fine-art, and their inability to forbear the tedious and difficult academical training, both prevented them to achieve anything of value.

Modern people with solid technical skills are now able to really exploit the ideas of impressionists to a much greater extent.

> If a pianist said he wanted to play Mozart you wouldn't be like WOW what a low bar, pianists are SO much better today you wanna sound like shitty old Mozart. It's so fucking stupid.
Hm? The impressionists are closer the Rihannas of visual arts, not the Mozarts.
Rubens, Raphael, Rembrandt, Bouguereau, etc. those are the Mozarts.

>In the Renaissance those guys made like 20 paintings in their entire life.
Raphael was prolific;Michelangelo made numerous sculptures.
Leonardo was the least prolific, but his legacy is different; he was the only one writing a treatise about art, and his anatomical studies... well, they still bear fruits today: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/how-leonardo-gave-top-surgeon-change-of-heart-dfjgv0kl8x6

> We sell to global markets now so me as an individual artist has to produce on such a huge scale compared to what was made in the past.
Brian, you're not the only guy selling paintings in the world. Some people sell less volume, but get a few thousands per piece, because they are truly skilled, and there's a market for that. Like, https://tischler.nz/gallery/..

And his dozens (hundreds probably) of studies aren't listed. Not sure if he even offers them for sale.

>> No.6849574

hey maybe try being good at painting incel sperg. wild how you flip between being the best painter ever in your own mind and a shrivelled depressed nobody in the next sentence. Sounds like you're just a low status male who clings to painting because its the only thing that gives you a sense of worth even though objectively you arent very good at it. Maybe give a shit and stop having the most fragile ego in the world and you'd improve.
(this is the part where you ignore anyone who suggests that you practice and scream about how you're just like van gogh and so misunderstood. Ready? Go!)

>> No.6849587


Based as hell. This sorry excuse for a board needs more people like you.

>> No.6849593

Ok fag

>> No.6849594

lmao cumfarti btfo

>> No.6849618

Monet, Sargent, Mancini, Sorolla (all impressionists) are no worse than the mozarts you quoted,

>> No.6849647

Aw damn AGAIN? OMG BTFO FOR AGAIN TIMES? Aw man okay I guess I gotta stop painting shit fuck you guys finally won aw fucking fuck fuck fag fuck gj

>> No.6849682

>Monet, Sargent, Mancini, Sorolla (all impressionists)
Yeah, it really depends on what qualifies as "impressionist".

I was mainly referring to those with limited academical abilities (the "original" French impressionists). Compare for example Sargent/Sorolla to https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-beach-at-trouville/VAEuv4vvEvVtPw?hl=en-GB : the difference in skills is considerable.

Monet often has an relatively novel (for the time) use of color, and a few good landscapes, but he's too hasty and not diligent enough in his figures, which are almost always clumsy looking.

>> No.6849692

>Monet, Sargent, Mancini, Sorolla
One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.6849697

serious question, is brian mentally ill?

>> No.6849864
File: 479 KB, 1280x1022, BB76AE5D-F7BE-4023-BFF8-FAA20745A5C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I’m just happy. I’m not a miserable incel virgin fuck and I’m not a delusional gymrat rapist weirdo. I’m literally just some fucking guy, wouldn’t have it any other way

>> No.6849868

unprompted brian:
>uggghhh im such a loser nobody understands me siiiigh im so misunderstood im such a good painter siiigh i cant stop playing LoL and chasing nasty art hoe pussy wahhhh life is so hard sighh

brian when called out:
>Im just happy and normal u mad looool

the faggot's paradox

>> No.6849872
File: 150 KB, 958x1280, 8A657F47-91A5-4629-9750-B072596FDAFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself fag

>> No.6849878

Mental meltdown aside,
>We sell to global markets now so me as an individual artist has to produce on such a huge scale compared to what was made in the past.
This is complete nonsense. You've decided to go the route of churning out quick and sloppy-looking paintings, there's lots of artists who work at a much slower pace. Don't delude yourself that this is somehow "global markets"' fault.

>I'm arguing that Picasso was essentially a money grabber, and can't be compared to fine-artists, because there is no finesse in his works.
Finesse isn't what makes fine art, if it were, all the schlock churned out by third world illustration studios for video games would be fine art.

>The impressionists were people with a few good ideas, but their lack of respect for fine-art, and their inability to forbear the tedious and difficult academical training, both prevented them to achieve anything of value.
Dunning-Kruger at full force.

>> No.6849884

hahah seething. imagine being so delusional that you post that garbage scribble as a "mic drop"

>> No.6849890

>Finesse isn't what makes fine art,
Rolling eyes. Here: https://www.wordreference.com/fren/finesse

> vidya
Anon, getting "fine" digitally is trivial conpared to with trad. Let alone the fact that industry work is polarized by rentability (photobash, 3d model, etc.)

> Dunning-Kruger at full force
Again, I was thinking of the original Frenchies who were rejected by the Academy because, well, sucked.

How arrogant by the way. Humbleness would suit you well

>> No.6849912

Finesse has nothing to do with fineness?
. . . What?

>> No.6849922

It’s that retards word of the day just go with it. I’ve never heard or read the word “finesse” in any art criticism context.

>> No.6849923

Can all the retards please leave this thread, a lot of weird shit talking happening by people who I don’t think ever post work in these threads

>> No.6850002
File: 658 KB, 759x1012, diedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted multiple times already, here's another. Why do you have an impressionistic pirate ship in dull colors with a giant cartoon jolly roger on it? If you're having fun, why is your art so bleak? If you're doing your own thing, why is your subject matter so derivative? If you're being an impressionist, why do you have so many contrived, invented elements in your work?

As much as I don't like Monet, there's still something to his method which I appreciate, which I'm not seeing in your stuff. Your paintings seem to have been painted in two phases, the painting phase and the messing up phase. It looks like the messy impressionist flourishes are added on top of more straightforward painting. If you're going to paint impressionistically, the spontaneity has to be there from the beginning, influencing the very construction and context of the painting. Then you pull it together to look like something. Your portrait with the green splotches on it is chaos on top of order, when impressionism is order from chaos.

>inb4 "don't care"
Well, I guess that's everyone's issue. That much is apparent. But you seem to not care fairly loudly.

>> No.6850064

>why do you have a method of working other than what is accepted as correct
Because I’m a human being with a soul and free will. Any other questions?

>> No.6850072

Cute. Implying I'm appealing to authority with a spurious appeal to humanity.
Sounds like you've got it all figured out. We're all just people doing stuff, right? Guess that means that, as well as your art being legitimate, all criticism of it is legitimate as well, because nobody needs to prove anything to be valid, and the retards do not need to leave the thread because they have souls and free will.

>> No.6850137

Wtf is your problem man get off Brian’s dick. Go touch grass. He’s living his life and you’re a pretentious art snob. You are adding nothing other than same fagging yourself and shitting up the thread. Lots of amateur people post work here but you talk about intangible shit and how xyz makes you feel. Did Brian fuck your girl? Are you a fucking loser? Just move the fuck on retard.

>> No.6850138
File: 581 KB, 1280x996, 4E86AADB-9B7E-44AC-B860-83D7807FF409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!

>> No.6850141

It’s either my ex girlfriend or her new boyfriend there’s honestly no telling. Either way they should kill themselves, preferably together in a suicide pact

>> No.6850144

>brings up cuckoldry out of nowhere earlier
>now brings up his gfs new boyfriend unprompted
really activates my almonds

>> No.6850149

give it a fucking rest dude you just cant fucking stop. can you stop analyzing everything this guy says like a cocksucking faggot?

>> No.6850151
File: 55 KB, 600x600, icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outside

>> No.6850152
File: 227 KB, 1572x1200, stilllifewithgarlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how samefaggers always make an accusation of samefagging. Nothing for hours and then three posts within two minutes, one of which would be the only Brian defender in the whole thread, sandwiched between two Brian posts.

Also, as I said, I've been posting plenty of my own stuff.

>> No.6850157

samefag harder, you malding cuck

>> No.6850159

nhb they actually are. in particular rubens and raphael solved challenges that were much more difficult and much more diverse, while being informed by a more expansive worlds. their works require more invention because their works were composed not from what is directly seen nor from photography.
i say this as someone who thinks rubens is overrated.

>> No.6850160

Dude, I don’t know Brian from Adam. But I do know you’re an egotistical douche and you’ve proved it to everyone here. Happy?dn4ga2

>> No.6850162

Define "everyone".

>> No.6850166

All the voices living in my head. Now kill yourself

>> No.6850176

Wow, you telling me to kill myself really made me want to kill myself. It took a lot of willpower to resist.

>not really an angry person now
Get over yourself, and quit lying to people on this board, as if what we believe will somehow have an influence on your life. You will become a much happier person if you can diminish the importance of your self in your mind, and defer to literally anything else of greater importance. Also, stop smoking so much pot. You are literally insane, and you need some kind of mental rock to stabilize yourself with. Stop searching for meaning within yourself, that's the path to insanity. It's somewhere out there, in the world which is infinitely bigger than you. It shows in your art, all you can do is remix ideas that are already sitting in there. It's like when autists make jokes, and there's a whole middle part they expect you to understand but they never said out loud. You're clearly just stewing in your own juices, eating yourself alive from the inside.

>> No.6850181

Haha I’m literally someone else

And your doing the same self absorbed stuff you’re asking your ex to stop doing. Jesus write each other emails. Get the fuck off the board

>> No.6850183

Begone thot

>> No.6850366

The discipline is called *fine*-art anon. It's the same root. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/finesse

Also depends on what kind of art critique your process; I've definitely heard fine-artists used it

>> No.6850522

you stupid fucks are arguing and meanwhile i painted like 9 paintings in the last 2 weeks

>> No.6850541

brian paints 9 a day, too bad they’re all shit

>> No.6850603

so anyway how bout that trad art

>> No.6850612

>>Finesse isn't what makes fine art,
>Rolling eyes. Here: https://www.wordreference.com/fren/finesse
Is the eye-rolling some symptom of brain damage you have? Or do you really think arguing from the dictionary is a good argumentative strategy?
You started by saying that lack of finesse is what disqualifies something from being fine art. "Finesse" in art is a term that signifies delicate handling of medium, typical of classical and neoclassical painting that aimed to obscure the presence of brushwork and give a tightly rendered appearance. "Fine art" is a term that distinguishes art that is made with no practical use in mind. Hence your rejection of art that lacks finesse as not fine is idiotic. Picasso was a fine artist, regardless of his rough handling of the material.
>Anon, getting "fine" digitally is trivial conpared to with trad. Let alone the fact that industry work is polarized by rentability (photobash, 3d model, etc.)
Which is completely irrelevant to my point about the "finesse" demarcation you made earlier.
>How arrogant by the way. Humbleness would suit you well
I won't be taking pointers on humbleness from someone evidently wrong about the subject he's discussing.

>> No.6850616

"Finesse" is a word used to classify a certain way of handling the material. In the context of painting it refers to dexterity when rendering which shows a high degree of workmanship. For example, rendering every wrinkle on a long dress with attention to details of lighting as it bounces of the changing curvature would be a case of finesse.

It has nothing to do with the distinction of "fineness" in the word "fine art", which refers to art made without a specific utility in mind. A painted cover for a chocolate box packaging informing you of what chocolates are inside is not fine art because it has a utilitarian purpose in its origin - it's commercial signaling. Fine art is fine because it does not aim to be supplementary to something - but of course later on it can be repurposed in this manner.

>> No.6850725

It seems you're right, on the syntax (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine_art).).

But regardless, the core of the argument is: you can't put on the same ground a Picasso, and say, an academical drawing. The skills involved, the difficulty, the amount of effort and training, simply, by large, aren't comparable.

It's an objective observation.

Reserving the word "fine-art" for actually fine art isn't incongruous, however uncommon. The intention was clear from context anyway, which seems to indicate a lack of good-will.

> You won't get a (You)
And it's definitely confirmed by that sort of childish behavior.

Hell, why on Earth am I losing my time with you.

>> No.6850824

Do you think fine carpentry is wrong to obscure tool-marks?

>> No.6850939

Why don't you finesse my cock outta ya mother's ass