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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.76 MB, 540x811, ezgif-1-308bf36b0f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6815982 No.6815982 [Reply] [Original]

Its so over

>> No.6815985

Neat, I was hoping they'd improve its animation capabilities, it should make domestic produced animation and independent animation more achievable again. This is actually the one aspect of AI that makes me excited.

Also, she's sliding across the floor, it's got a kind of weird 3D look, and her shoulder suddenly has a bag strap on it, so it's not perfect.

>> No.6815986
File: 271 KB, 1080x720, 1691475771104530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawd, everything will look even more same-y with the advent of ai art

>> No.6815990 [DELETED] 

iPhone filters are revoliuton... It's over...

>> No.6815994

iPhone filters are the revolution... It's over...

>> No.6815995

Apparently the thing that makes them is not finished and takes a lot of RAM to make seconds of animation. But it just keeps improving.

Also this is not an iPhone filter. That's why it doesn't look like retroscope. The guy has a video where he shows the process.

>> No.6816000

You'd hope it'd work with more than just the same-samey looking anime styles. In fact, if this works well with other styles, it should make it possible to do far more complex character designs more easily.

>> No.6816002

Why are you shilling this to me? Am I supposed to be impressed? Do AI niggers really think this looks good?

>> No.6816003

>The guy has a video where he shows the process.
What's the video? Searching 'AI animation' is just going to get me infinite crap.

>> No.6816004
File: 3.80 MB, 540x810, ezgif-1-a6bcdc9833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy been making those since yesterday

>> No.6816008

>Why are you shilling this to me?
He's mentally ill and terribly lonely. Trying to aggravate people online is his only social outlet.
>Am I supposed to be impressed?
You're supposed to give him his supply of attention and validation.
>Do AI niggers really think this looks good?
Those that come here rarely think of anything other than "please, please, please interact with me I beg you".

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6816009

Call me a fag but the meme that Miyazaki said applies more than ever. The AI that creates anime and manga doesn't observe people, doesn't understand people, doesn't feel people so all these things, no matter how technically advanced or "aesthetic" they are, they are vacuous and soulless and this doesn't seem likely to chance. In fact, as "consumers" and "coomsumers" get used and ask for this kind of "art" real artists will be pushed aside and gradually vanish. We are witnessing the end of art and human culture. It's indeed over.

>> No.6816010

>as "consumers" and "coomsumers" get used and ask for this kind of "art" real artists will be pushed aside and gradually vanish. We are witnessing the end of art and human culture. It's indeed over.
Retarded take and equally retarded attempt at demoralizing. Don't post again.

>> No.6816011
File: 3.64 MB, 445x250, AdmirableBreakableBadger-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6816013

Is that also AI? It's a lot more coherent than previous AI videos I've seen.

>> No.6816016

what is that movement supposed to be?
what's her mouth doing?
why does she have male hands and yaoi type elbows?
why'd her left pinky get amputated for a few frames?
why's her belt change color midway through?
why is she gliding cross the floor?
why is her right leg and left ass cheek stuck to the washing machine (??) with tar?
why is she in the hallway of that spaceship from star wars IV?

>> No.6816017

why not just ignore them?

AI can't be copyrighted now according to federal law, so their justification can't hold anymore

>> No.6816018

that's just 3D fractals from 2007 or some shit, looks just like the most recent AI stuff though

>> No.6816021

>we're finally going to have a faster way to make animations with the hand-drawn aesthetic, which was the whole idea behind cel-shading
>some people think it's a bad thing

>> No.6816024

You just got some terribly inconsistent and retarded in-betweeners and colorists.

>> No.6816029

Don't forget your key animators are gonna be zygote-like too

>> No.6816030

so in-betweeners and colorists, got it. At least they won't be lazy as fuck like the real deal.

>> No.6816031

What I really don't like is how her shadow is making that "slide" and appears like it's "stuck" on the washing machine. I believe the current direction of ai drawing is wrong, why develop an extremely complex model of drawing 2d projections of 3d subjects and limit it's understanding to 2d while also lacking any knowledge of lighting, shadows, camera movement, etc. If these models had knowledge of the 3d scene and were controlling the 3d scene then another model projected the 3d scene to a 2d plane in various styles while taking various artistic liberties it would work better, faster and it would look nicer and less jankie.

>> No.6816033

I believe the approach I'm suggesting would also solve the long standing problem of "ai can't draw hands".

>> No.6816034

>it looks like shit lol
>this is useless in actual animation hahahahaha aitechbrosisters are so retarded
i feel like we've been here before...
OH WAIT! that's it, i remember now!
remember back when image generators only produced shitty deformed blurry doodles and everyone made fun of them? we are there right now but for animation generators.
which means we're about 1 or 2 years away from creating our own anime from text and making all the wannabe animators seethe eternally.

>> No.6816036

Hold on to your papers...
>spoken in indian-french accent

>> No.6816040

How brown do you have to be to think this looks good

>> No.6816044

>Hold on to your papers...
Always found it annoying how much this guy cums over these things, when people are so concerned about the implications of the technology.

>People losing jobs?
>Fear of economic devastation?
>Worried about governmental use of the tech?
>Concerns about us coming so close to the singularity?

>> No.6816050


It's rotoscope, not retroscope.
This looks like a piece of shit.
You are a piece of shit for posting this on an art board.

>> No.6816051

boring as fuck

>> No.6816062

What application would this ever have lmao?
Like for you coomsomers the idea of actually producing entertainment is so far attached from the real thing.
You have to design every little thing and the director needs absolute control over every minute little detail.
There's simply no use for schlop like this where you're gambling for hours for a result that'll impress twitter retards but has no practical value whatsoever.
If someone managed to "AInimate" a 20 second clip of character interaction with a well thought out background layout and item placements, two or more camera angles and 3 characters all existing and acting appropriately in a scene all done with AI then I'd change my mind. But even then you'd have to set everything together in post since AI can only handle one piece of art at a time.
Completely null and void software, unless you a Twitter retard of course.

>> No.6816064

>western animator saying "we will not be replaced" despite already being replaced by 3rd worlders in animation sweatshops.

>> No.6816067

Not even an animator lol, next retort?

>> No.6816068

>Not even an animator lol
yes, that's what i was implying

>> No.6816069

Alight clever lmao I chuckled

>> No.6816075

I think the thing to understand about AI art is that it's not easy to create. The man had to spend a shit ton of time making this. And it doesn't look very good. It might look better later, but it doesn't look good yet and it's not like it's significantly easier than learning to draw.

>> No.6816083

>the thing to understand about AI art is that it's not easy to create.
That's the entire fucking point of AI images - It's easy to create.

>> No.6816084

why learn to wrangle AI now while it's "troublesome", when the skills you learn will be obsolete in 2 years? only for the novelty of an AI doing it I guess.

>> No.6816085

>It's easy to create.
well, we are talking animation, for AI users, not easy to create anything good, otherwise they'd have something good or at least something to show off that isn't completely embarrassing...

>> No.6816088

It's called pageantry, a little spice to make the videos more entertaining.

>> No.6816090

This is underrated bait, you would've gotten more (you)s in american hours.

>> No.6816091

AI for doing inbetweens will be legit the best use for AI in the entertainment sector.

>> No.6816094

He should try making a video about the holocaust or 9/11

>> No.6816099

will AI ever be able to consistently turn out normal looking hands and feet?

>> No.6816100

will you?

>> No.6816102

When will the law catch up so that it's legally obligated to skin ai nigger alive.

>> No.6816103

if you dodge my question one more time I will dox your gammy

>> No.6816106

Not him but it's already perfectly possible now trough control nets.

>> No.6816107

I hope it is. I want more good animations of my waifu. If it gets to a point where I can make them easily and it looks great life would be a dream.

>> No.6816108
File: 19 KB, 227x161, Screenshot from 2023-08-28 12-42-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which bot did this?

>> No.6816109

This has happened many time before. Idk why janny hasn't permanently ban these bots yet.

>> No.6816111

I'm him and I don't think control-net hands look normal.

>> No.6816112

We already have 3D modelling that can emulate 2D that looks bteer than this garbage, what makes you think this crap is revolutionary?

>> No.6816120

>We already have 3D modelling that can emulate 2D
No, we don't. That stuff still looks 3D.

>> No.6816122

skill issue

>> No.6816123
File: 79 KB, 326x209, It+specifies+women+with+large+breasts+youre+_9ad7c3aea1ef2d919d8f686396db5d4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warthol already told you you can be sued for copyright infringement

Get fucked, asswipe

>> No.6816127

I agree with this. All the other shit you can chuck, but the animation AI seems pretty interesting. If it does inbetweens, or is used in the penciling stage, or maybe if it automates colouring/inking, it'll really come in handy, and will hopefully help end the scourge of tween animation.

>> No.6816130

>why not just ignore them?
It's the tragedy of the commons. There's almost always going to be at least one person who responds, and because the moderators don't do anything, they'll just spam AI threads until someone finally replies. You have to understand that to these people, even a "fuck off" is validation.

>AI can't be copyrighted now according to federal law,
That's simply not true.

>> No.6816136

>ai is going to take over [insert literally anything]
Yes we get it. You don't have to make a thread every few hours to remind us.
ai is going to do literally everything in 5 years while we humans party on the beach. WE GET IT.
Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.6816138

You don't need AI and machine learning for in-betweens and coloring. Just some simple interpolation, bezier curves and so on which we already have.

>> No.6816139

>in 5 years while we humans party on the beach.
The Good Ending
[Party on the Beach]

>> No.6816141

Shut up, this is new and revolutionary!

>> No.6816142

An insult to life itself. I hate the antichrist.

T. Hayao miyazaki.

>> No.6816173 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 720x762, 2m5y325trf0b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not. Ai can shit you out a random image that looks good enough to impress normies but if you actually want it to make exactly what you imagine in your head you will be entering a world of pain. Ai just sucks all the fun out of art and turns it into the most boring task imaginable. I dont care how much "easier" it is to make ai art because its not fun and if its not fun then why the fuck should i even bother?

>> No.6816192

I genuinely can’t tell what this is supposed to portray

>> No.6816205
File: 52 KB, 622x800, 7d39c223e0ecdea861c69decb95ca5ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an image for coomers created by a method optimized for the masd production of anti-art images that their only purpose is cooming. I miss the time when all erotic art had at least some artistic value and wasn't mass produced slop.

>> No.6816209
File: 31 KB, 494x383, 819579d0d85fd42ed71566e89cc404a3f888a7e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816210
File: 27 KB, 581x425, 8221aec1c6443689ffa5cb8aa522762e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one

>> No.6816248

>lot of RAM to make seconds of animation. But it just keeps improving.
is anyone actually working to cut down on the memory demand this technology needs and not just the capabilities? How are you supposed to generate media if you need to top end computer to get anything of value? a majority of users on the internet are poorfags after all. can we get it to run on 4 gb of ram smoothly yet?

>> No.6816362

I really won't stop drawing even If the iamonckeys keep pushing their shit randomly. I won't accept any kind of shit so fucking industrialized that even a machine does it. I will keep going with my own art objectives and I don't care what the IA niggers do.

>> No.6816368

Out of all the useful things IA could help with, why does it needs to mess with creative works that humans enjoy doing?

>> No.6816387

because it’s easier to be “creative” than to be precise, people will overlook fucked up fingers, they won’t overlook their car crashing into a concrete wall
>but why visual art
because there’s no monolithic publishing houses to assrape the devs into a vegetative state

>> No.6816404

>How are you supposed to generate media if you need to top end computer to get anything of value?
no wonder jeets run every corporation and are going to automate coombait gacha mobile gaming, you have zero business sense

>> No.6816413

That's what shits me about these developments. There was always an understanding that job losses would happen with AI and robotics, but the idea was that everyone would be freed up to do as they like. While nobody would be happy to lose their job, does anyone actually dream of being a trucker, or burger flipper, or taxi driver, or miner, etc?

Meanwhile jobs in areas people really want to get into, and not lose, are the first to be made redundant by AIs. This isn't a smug, 'oh we're superior than the blue collar workers' attitude, but frustration that the fun jobs are ruined (or an attempt is being made anyway), but the jobs most don't want remain. Why? Where the fuck are our self driving cars? Our Sex bots? Our robotic maids?

The future is even more shit than most imagined, not because it's bleak or harsh, but because it's fucking boring.
In the future, we're all going to be uber-eats delivery guys. There will be no other jobs.

>> No.6816416
File: 768 KB, 240x240, 1234123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816421


imagine the brain damage that it will cause to people who are hired to fix ai trash.

>> No.6816422

>Why does AI have to make art instead of solving real world issues?
Because making art is relatively easy.
You might think learning how to draw is hard, but it's not really. It's just a huge time sink.
Art is not complex and has a huge margin of error compared to something like cancer research.
If you get a shadow wrong in a painting, who cares, still looks cool.
If you mess up cancer treatment you basically just killed someone.
There's your answer.

>> No.6816429

>The AI that creates anime and manga doesn't observe people,
Neither do current japanese artists.

>> No.6816434

actually it's some autistic /ic/ tard, I made an AI thread a while back and someone chimed in making a copy of the thread back then too, it's some buttblasted loser who got so butthurt he has to falseflag the threads into being deleted

>> No.6816449

I don't know anon you say they're butt blasted but your the one making it over threads near every day like a redditor looking for updoots

>> No.6816451

actually I draw as well as use AI and I find it an interesting topic

>> No.6816452
File: 329 KB, 1125x1494, 1691215418499365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than ever. The AI that creates anime and manga doesn't observe people, doesn't understand people, doesn't feel people so all these things, no matter how technically advanced or "aesthetic" they are, they are vacuous and soulless and this doesn't seem likely to chance. In fact, as "consumers" and "coomsumers" get used and ask for this kind of "art" real artists will be pushed aside and gradually v
>constantly re applies shadows in unnatural places every frame
>re draws the original girl with completely different clothing every frame
>goblina spaghetti hands
>horribly unnatural movements
eg. you managed to bring all the blatant flaws algorithmic image generators have to the animation sphere and make them worse.

>> No.6816459

>AI doesn't observe people
horseshit arugment, it's literally trained on human output as well as literal photographed shit

>> No.6816466
File: 55 KB, 118x199, 43512313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i draw

>> No.6816472
File: 2.79 MB, 435x250, 1693106678541041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to go back anon if it's the only topic you in know how to discuss.
>you've been shilling for nearly a year now and still haven't changed your posting style

>> No.6816473
File: 28 KB, 559x339, 1692988385083959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horseshit arugment, it's literally trained on human output as well as literal photographed shit
How can you be this fucking dense?
chatgtp and other machine learning bots isn't acctually intelligent it's a predictive text generator the best way i can explain it is that it's a supercharged pattern recognition bot it's handlers feed it billions of pieces of data scoured from the internet which chatgtp then looks at noootices all the patterns within and generates a response.
this is for example how these image generatrors or vioce modules are able to copy real artist artstyles and voices 1 to 1
and the reason image generators have so much trouble with hands is because they recognize and understand the patters to make a hand but don't actuallt know what a "hand" is or what it's used for.
e. The AI knows the appearances associated with these people, but not what they are or any context surrounding it this is different than a human who by the ability to experience and interact can understand things on a much deeper contextual level.
>Imagine being proud of being a talentless pre beg

>> No.6816474

>I miss the time when all erotic art had at least some artistic value and wasn't mass produced slop
So never. Touching your peepee isn't value

>> No.6816476

>blah blah blah
yeah it has looked at human output which is natural by default and it tries to replicate what it sees so the output will appear natural too

>> No.6816485

>yeah it has looked at human output which is natural by default and it tries to replicate what it sees so the output will appear natural too
>Dodges the point
actual subhuman.
read my post better or do I need to boil it down to a more digestible form for a cretin such as yourself?
>e. The AI knows the appearances associated with these people, but not what they are or any context surrounding it this is different than a human who by the ability to experience and interact can understand things on a much deeper contextual level.

>> No.6816486

>Our Sex bots? Our robotic maids?
Im actually fairly updated on that. They are in progress and people are trying to give them a personality with IA. The silicon bodies aren't that great so some creative minds could help on the development of that. Making different designs to adapt to any fetish.
On the other thing you were saying, I think the higher ups only want people that are manual workers slave type. Thats why the good works are getting replaced instead of the salve work.

>> No.6816487

it recognizes patterns, human made output consists of human made patterns, through statistical means it creates a profile of these patterns

>> No.6816489

anon go back to >>>/g/ nigga
that or r/singularity seems more your speed

>> No.6816495
File: 89 KB, 1044x587, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your retarded nigga

>> No.6816497

you're a nigger nigger

>> No.6816501
File: 508 KB, 538x841, example for promtertrannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it recognizes patterns, human made output consists of human made patterns, through statistical means it creates a profile of these patterns
>he still doesn't get it.
let me bust out the examples you see this pic I prompted for you?
when it produces, signatures and watermarks like pic related they are not because the machine "thinks" it should be there, but because it is a garbled interpolation of a (or many) signatures eg. it's a supercharged pattern recognition bot that frankenstein mashes together a bunch of stored pictures it is literally incapable of any form of thought or creativity and don't actually understand what it's making or even doing unlike a human who can understand such things via the ability to experience and the ability to think critically and understand context and meanings behind things such as why do humans put watermarks on media? is it really that hard for you fulminating spazmiods understand this?
>that or r/singularity seems more your speed
>give al long winded explanation to a promtiod as to why his anthropomorphising bot algorithms is retarded
>midwit comes along and thinks I'm a promtiod too
zoomers man....

>> No.6816502

it just needs to perform deeper learning to compile even more abstract patterns, it aims to produce what it's trained to produce after all

>> No.6816506
File: 2.80 MB, 3393x1104, 1666696681094573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more parameters fixes every complaint you have
>umm sweerty that thing over there is not where human would place it
more parameters will fix it
>umm the text is not readable
more parameters

>> No.6816510

What happens when ai eats ai generated images?

>> No.6816513

Parameter monkey.
Type shit and see what you get.

>> No.6816514

it's all statistical in the end

>> No.6816516

probably nothing good but imagine breaking up movies into frames and feeding that into the AI, plenty of shit to be feed it with

>> No.6816517

Yeah, with no creative value.

>> No.6816519

replicates abstract patterns associated with creative works

>> No.6816521

Hence it doesn't have creative value since it steals from other creative works directly.

>> No.6816523

if I take a parrot and ask it a question, then negatively reinforce the wrong answers over and over and over again, it will enventually give me the right answer. it does in no way mean it understand the question or the answer.

>> No.6816525

meaningless word salad, if the output looks good then the viewer is none the wiser

>> No.6816528

it doesn't need to understand anything it just sees so much data that it creates a statistical model around that it will output content with complex abstract patterns it has picked up by sheer number of examples

>> No.6816532

"If I shit on a canvas and say its art and the viewer believes it is fair right?"
But it would probably be more accurate to have someone else shit in the canvas for you in this case.

>> No.6816535

all the viewer sees is the result

>> No.6816539

you reach a point where you just don't have enough data to contextualize and obtain a complex situation or scene.
>all the viewer sees is the result
good drone

>> No.6816541

>upload creative hand drawn art
>upload coomer AI gens
>5k views within an hour
It's fucking over.

>> No.6816545

But If you don't say that you shitted on the canvas, you would be disingenuous and would deserve to be shitted on.

>> No.6816548

humans have a tendency to do composition in certain way for example, this is also influenced by subject matter and all sorts of subtle shit we don't even realize, the machine learns these abstract relationships through examples

>> No.6816550

who cares

>> No.6816564

it learns jack shit without millions of human inputs and tags. there is no understanding. and again there's just not enough data.
>who cares
non autists. technerds nihilist and moral relativists are a blight

>> No.6816568

>there's not enough data
oh if you say so, Claude Shannon

>> No.6816572

Common decency and professionalism apart from the respect to the craft.

>> No.6816576

respect my ass, we live in a goyslop society

>> No.6816577

How is it legal for them to take billions of data without consent to feed the ai anyway? Will this ever be resolved?

>> No.6816578

And that's disgusting.

>> No.6816580

reality isn't bound by your feelings

>> No.6816581

Most anime fans don't give a single fuck about what Miyazaki said, there's a reason his vision is losing in the industry and theirs isn't.

>> No.6816583

>this board is unironically replying to a Cris thread
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6816586

They didn't listen but he was prophetic.

>> No.6816588
File: 55 KB, 1186x296, Screenshot (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon seen more impressive numbers with literal baby videos
>I will turn this fucking thread into cocomelon thread if you bring up views again
this below was already a thing

>> No.6816592

hey OP did you "create" this video or did you just find it on reddit