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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 425 KB, 947x837, are you fucking serious now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6815353 No.6815353 [Reply] [Original]

>artist you respect follows you and compliments your work
>they follow hundreds of /beg/ artists to whom they probably said the same corny compliments
when will people stop complimenting people just to bait engagement

>> No.6815358

you're being autistic about this
then again sr pelo has been doing this a lot and it makes my tummy feel weird

>> No.6815362

it's just insincere
I understand that expecting sincerity in a post irony world is lame but still

>> No.6815365
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>w-why am I not their m-most special giga /beg/bitch
fucking retard

>> No.6815367

Homosexuality on full display, folks.

>> No.6815369

Id rather have no compliments than fake ones
especially from someone I respect as an artist
just makes me question them as a person

>> No.6815372

No artists worth respecting are on twitter

>> No.6815375


>> No.6815387
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>> No.6815389

*rapes her*

>> No.6815391

You're both an autist and dumb. Always befriend people like this.

>> No.6815401

so I can be part of their ass kissing army? No thanks

>> No.6815405

No, so you can share interests, motivate eachother and learn from them you insufferable sperg.

>> No.6815411

are you talking from experience? cause that doesn't sound like something likely to happen with people I talk everyday, let alone someone that just commented on my art once

>> No.6815429

I'm a furry porn artist, I make a living with commissions and I do this on furaffinity.
I don't follow any other good artists because I don't want to promote my competition.
I only follow reative artists with neat, inspiring ideas, but aren't good enough to be my competition.
It's as simple as that. Not everyone is trying to "bait engagement". Just because they only follow/compliment beginners doesn't necessarily mean they're being dishonest.

Also this: >>6815372

>> No.6815432
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>"Whaaa their comments are not genuine because my ass says so!!"
>"They should only compliment MEEE!!!"
>"Umm Ackshually, do you have factual and certified basis that prove my heavily subjective and biased opinions wrong? No??? HAH! I AM RIGHT!!"
My fucking goodness, I swear this board is more autistic about basic human relationships than /adv/ has ever been, holy shit.

>> No.6815447

Hate this word so much. Where were those niggas when I was struggling on my lowest? They weren’t there for me from the jump then when I get big they suddenly show interest and wanna be my bubble buddy? Fuck them and you.

>> No.6815448

>Compliment autist's art
>He throws a temper tantrum
>Don't compliment autist's art
>He throws a temper tantrum
You really can't win, huh?

>> No.6815454

Yes I do. And it's probably because you immediately go in with the mindset that others are trying to make you an asskisser just because they like to compliment people.

Homie not me, I regularly reply on personal tweets of mutuals regardless of follower count. It's literally what social media is for.

>> No.6815460

I'll be real, i've done this for a spell. However, eventually, I end up finding artist that you would consider to have a lower power level than my work, but I engaged with them because they still drew some interesting content.

>> No.6815504

OP your attitude is total dogshit.
Personally I like following beginner artists for a bunch of reasons, but every time someone spergs out on me like I owe them something further it makes me want to not even bother.
Most people have ingratitude carved deep into their personality. It's worth trying to find people who are the exception though.

>> No.6815516

The real question is, do they like and retweet something that they claim to love so much?
You don't have to support, but don't be fake and disingenuous

>> No.6815520

I like your ideas even if it's a ugly drawing

>> No.6815525

Post your work

>> No.6815530


im pretty sure hes complaining about the artists intentions not because he wants to be the only one they compliment. there are people on every art sharing site that mass follow/favourite small artists in order to get mass follows in return.

>> No.6815545

They're just trying to be nice and gain some friends with people :(

>> No.6815555

This. You'd be shocked at how lonely a lot of popular artists are. Many genuinely want friends even if it's through twitter

>> No.6815612

this is why autists like you should be neutered

>> No.6815650
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i get what you mean
its feels crazy insincere sometimes, and ive had many conversations with multiple different people online who are clearly only interested in climbing a social ladder.
its really fucking weird and feels like im not talking to humans.
this isnt just art, either- i truly believe all social media gets like that after a certain point.
i only compliment people in private and keep my posting strictly art only partly because of this.
if you truly dont care about engagement and only want a place to toss your art and look at other art, i highly recommend doing that as well

>> No.6815660

not posting on xitter is highly recommended solution

also this thread is a hot trash of autism. a bait, even

>> No.6815734

Maybe they just follow lots of people. I think I follow over two thousand artists on twitter? It doesn't take much to see some good work and hit follow.

And maybe they're not trying to bait engagement, they're just legitimately trying to praise people, especially newer artists? Maybe they're just a nice person anon?

>> No.6815773
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>OP just points out how twatter artists give out fake compliments and manipulate lower skilled artists for clout
>gets called names
Think it like this
If someone would dish out the same compliments to everyone and you started to see a pattern on who that person compliments and what kind of compliments he makes regardless of skill level, is that really a compliment or just pretty words to gain favor?
Would the compliments even mean anything?
If compliments are generic, they could be as well as an insult.

Isn't it the same as with critique? You can't criticize nilly-willy and have to be constructive and an architect in some cases.
Why are compliments exempt from this? Why can they be whatever?

Real compliments are something insincere individuals are unable to pull off.

>> No.6815781

I assumed OP was the one who unfollowed the artist. That does change the dynamic if it's the other way around.

>If someone would dish out the same compliments to everyone
Look, we all like to imagine we're some special flower atop a peak of mountain, but no, we're all just the same fucking common weed in a cow shit filled field with everyone else. Why are you expecting some intricately written custom compliment made specifically for you? Someone saying "I like your work" should be enough, even if they doll up that same line to all the artists they like.

>If compliments are generic, they could be as well as an insult.
Only if you're insecure about what they're complimenting.

>> No.6815788
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>makes it about the person rather than the actual topic
Wow i really like your post. So smart and redbasedpilled.

>> No.6815798

>>makes it about the person rather than the actual topic
Everything I wrote other than:
>I assumed OP was the one who unfollowed the artist. That does change the dynamic if it's the other way around
was general advice and statements that wasn't aimed at anyone.
Good to see you're actually taking on board what others are saying, and not simply discarding it like a moron.

>> No.6815812
File: 25 KB, 400x300, dfc704b5-86e8-47bd-816a-a2c231a1ac6c-hed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "artist won't retweet me thread"

>> No.6815823
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>general advice and statements
Those were shallow projections that read like a dismissal, at best.
You're automatically assuming that anyone pointing out these things must want personalized interactions and special attention, hence why you're focusing on the "person" i.e. shooting the messenger, if that helps you understand.

The specific dynamic doesn't even matter in the broader image since it isn't that much of a unknown secret that those who are higher on any class tend to try and manipulate the lower classes wich are the majority of people, and given the fact that social media is driven by insincere individuals who only aim for clout for a potential financial gain.

I could also say that you or anyone disagreeing with the subject of the thread because they are some high follower count cunts who do these exact same things to groom begs into giving them numbers and is mad seething about their marketing genius tactics being exposes.
That wouldn't be an intelligent or sane thing to say.

>> No.6815856

Never since you see bait where you want to see it.

>> No.6815865

>You're automatically assuming that anyone pointing out these things must want personalized interactions and special attention
Weren't these statement also you?:
>If someone would dish out the same compliments to everyone and you started to see a pattern on who that person compliments and what kind of compliments he makes regardless of skill level
>If compliments are generic, they could be as well as an insult.
You're sounding somewhat contradictory.

>Those were shallow projections that read like a dismissal, at best.
I suppose they could be said to be projections, because it was advice coming from me and being coloured by my opinions and life. To clarify on one point I said; I don't think you should expect special treatment from the big artist, because you're not special, none of us are - clearly others are going to disagree with my view that none of us are special, but they should still be able to understand the gist of my advice. To simply disregard what I said as "projection" rather than sincere advice, is ironically, just being dismissive.

>I could also say that you or anyone disagreeing with the subject of the thread because they are some high follower count cunts
I don't disagree with the topic of the thread. If OP was followed, baited with a compliment, and then unfollowed - that's some gimmicky trash behaviour on the bigger artist's end. <-- that's me agreeing.
Likewise though, if the bigger artist legitimately followed OP and liked their work, and OP felt too insecure from the cookie cutter compliments rather than flattered, and unfollowed the bigger artist, the issue really isn't on the bigger artist, and OP needs to work on himself a bit (he'll chase away good opportunities if he acts like that).

I get the feeling you may be overly suspicious of "larger artists" anon, which is reasonable enough given celebrity culture (of even c tier youtube losers), but I think assuming the worst from them will possibly bite you in the butt in the long run.

>> No.6815884
File: 111 KB, 769x960, omg soooo relatable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're sounding somewhat contradictory.
How so? Can you elaborate? Because i am pretty confident i'm not contradicting myself as to invalidate anything i've said.
>simply disregard what I said as "projection" rather than sincere advice, is ironically, just being dismissive.
I'm not disregarding anything. I call it a projection because you are indeed projecting your own thoughts and feelings upon others, with such kind of statements. It lacks objectivity, because the critical point of your argument is that people want special treatment, basically holding down the topic to subjective feelings rather than real observations.
>cookie cutter compliments
That's the critical issue though.
Say, if i started going around complimenting everyone, wouldn't anyone with half a brain cell and a shred of critical thinking be wary of such behavior?
Take how women behave with each other;
They will compliment the fuck out of each other in front of others, but behind closed doors they will say the most vile shit ever about the ones they complimented.
It's all social games to gain social benefits and such individuals shouldn't be trusted or let near you, since they're a walking red flag.
>I get the feeling you may be overly suspicious of "larger artists" anon
Again, this isn't about you or me.
>assuming the worst from them will possibly bite you in the butt in the long run.
Not being cautious of other people who smear honey on your face is a death sentence.
If we're talking in professional settings and "networking", flattery and kissing ass won't get you anywhere and will guarantee you people will keep their distance.

Honesty is the ultimate tool to succeed, and someone who has bad or self-centered intentions cannot use it.

>> No.6815888
File: 93 KB, 516x514, Screenshot_2023-08-26-01-31-09-157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when will people stop complimenting people just to bait engagement

What do you want then? Do you want people to start talking and treating you like shit. Because if so, it's working!

>> No.6815891
File: 19 KB, 480x451, 1586732110388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if no compliments, then it must be insults
>it must either be one extreme or the other extreme
Maybe people should just live their lives in earnest without treating others like numbers?
No one is special, so why do "large artist" believe they have the right to manipulate others into liking them to grow their accounts?

>> No.6815899

You can see in the comic how there is no actual art being posted, not even the attempt of a silly sketch, just a blank page; means that it doesn't matter what the art or the content would be.
A true friend or an honest individual would not unconditionally like everything you do; someone who wants to be in your good graces, usually for less than ethical reasons, does.

>> No.6815936


Most usually want to get/stay on top. I remembered seeing an "large artist" bitch and moan about how his art didn't get enough likes, it had 10.2k likes from what I can remember.

>> No.6815957

Seriously. If people wanted to get followed by bigger artists then they should actually work harder and get good at art. People should be happy that they get any engagement.

>> No.6815988

Pic or it didn't happen. 99% of this kind of thread is just bullshit schezo retard like you made up in your heads.

>> No.6816032

This makes no sense. If a person has thousand of followers, it would be unnecessary and a waste of time to compliment a few begs purely for engagement.

>> No.6816035

oh nevermind, you're just a schizo.

>> No.6816043

The ONE artist I look-up to and respect never engages with people outside of his artist circle. I do get jealous, though, when some mediocre artist tries to play buddies with him

>> No.6816115

Incredible how this schizo comes up with the dumbest stuff ever, right?
I mean, no one likes someone who gives you compliments. Makes no sense to publicly show how amicable you are even towards begs. lmao

>> No.6816670

Lol, same thing happened to me.
I did some fanart for ZONE and he reblogged it on tumblr but realized there was an empty feeling behind.
So i stopped being a simp and simply just worked on my art a little better.

Tho I think im reaching that point where i could actually create a good acquaintanceship with the fella once im there.

>> No.6816678

Stop being so autistic, holy fucking shit

>> No.6816706
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>this thread
good Lord and I thought I'm autistic

>> No.6816727
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>They hated OP because he spoke the truth
They don't think it be like it is but it do.

>> No.6818681

everytime, some awesome cunt follows me but seeing that they follow 3k people makes me not care anymore
I keep my follows to around 100 so if I follow you, you are a cool cunt

>> No.6818701

It's a thing someone did that on me on instagram to promote some fag model

>> No.6820308
