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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6800384 No.6800384 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why pic related is supposed to look worse than "genuine japanese anime" according to the people of this board...?

>> No.6800399

>western slop

>> No.6800402

>anime looking

>> No.6800418
File: 28 KB, 367x600, 921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm interested in is why westerners have such a hard time drawing anime when any average Japanese can draw anime well. You can tell at a glance whether it's a western or Japanese artist lmao

>> No.6800441

i got a somewhat similar style and people have unironically called my stuff "anime" before on this board lol.

>> No.6800448

They deliberately doesn't want to indulge and make things cute because it could be "too attractive". They are repressing themselves.

>> No.6800454
File: 266 KB, 589x332, hidamari5-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not cute

>> No.6800458

most of the artists are westernized asians anyways

>> No.6800470

If there's people I can't stand its the sort of people who enjoy faux-anime like Castlevania/ATLA/Arcane and so on and insist it has to be taken with upmost seriousness in contrast to other western animation and this attitude ONLY exists because of the underlying notion that "anime style" = mature and interesting and adult, which is hilarious because this isn't the case. Anime is just animation but born out of Japan, and so is still a medium. Not a genre. On top of that, anime has something for just about everybody, so whittling it down to being "mature" muddies the water.

And what really gets my goat is that there's also this sentiment that these shows are "superior" because they're story-driven/serialized and american. The sad truth is that the vast majority of these cartoons don't hold a candle to the best anime has to offer and neither stands up to the best of literature, cinema, mythology and philosophy. So much wank and for what? Feeling better about your hobbies and that you're a big smart boy or girl? Can't people like things without feeling insecure about it?

But that's western animation fans for you: they're ashamed of liking cartoons and will call it anything else but a cartoon because they know that they're immature people deep down: keep in mind, they're not immature for liking media made with children in mind or marketed to children, they're immature because they don't take in media from anywhere or anything else or bother to understand and truly learn about what they passively consume. They're the worst: pseudo-intellectual consumers. They'll shit on anime for being even slightly "different" (that is, being not FOR THEM) and then insist that Invincible or RWBY IS SOOOO COOL

fuck off

>> No.6800484

Animation and designs are okay, it's bad writing and stiff story boarding that thicks off people.
I think Bluethebone is a westoid, but their stuff looks "genuine" to me. First time I saw Lucifer and the bicuit hammer I honestly thought it was an OEL Manga, it just looks like westoid drawn fan art rathern than "real manga" to me. Some recent Japanese Manga cover art also look like tumblr fan arts to me. Wish I had more examples.
Agree, the story board artists this side of the Pacific are probably mostly Asian Americans, and the animators the other side of the Pacific are from Korean and Japanese studios that mainly do inbetweening for American franchises.

>> No.6800491

First of all, some of these arent even from the original source material, TOH for instance. Also to answer your question, in some cases it's just a matter of some either shortcomings tainting the whole piece or plain westoid-eastoid bias.

Some of these are nicely animated for what they are, they work their style perfectly and show so much promise, but are abyssmally terrible in other areas like writing, pacing, sound direction, etc, so people dont take in much account the goods which come underappreciated because they are overshadowed by the bads. Take High Guardian Spice for instance, show had beautifully crafted character designs and style, it showed some promises in the few good moments of animation, but was dead on arrival due to the horribly mediocre writing, pacing and animation, so people dont take the strong points in the art in consideration.

Another reason is bias, people who only like western or eatern animation wont take in consideration the strengths of the opposite for myriad of reasons from compelling to absurd. It's weeb shit? Automatically bad because durr weebs. It's westoid slop? Automatically bad because durr hollywood.
It's stupid, but it is what it is.

>> No.6800518
File: 170 KB, 424x600, d2ryp6b-1e01b928-41f1-487a-9dda-a1573406a81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it ever occurred to you negroes that westerners are not trying to draw popular anime slop style (PASS)? For that matter, not all japs are? That it's just one (1) of their many influences?
I don't really care for any OP examples from a purely stylistic standpoint, but a lot of times simply taking something as one of many influences leads to something fresher and more exciting. This is especially relevant in the AI era where a machine can spit out bottom of the barrel moeslop effortlessly
The best Japanese artists understand this as well

>> No.6800522

Western artist will achieve true anime unless they become pedos

>> No.6800534
File: 71 KB, 640x360, FMSgaF7XoAgVga-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steven Universe-washed Madooka
>beautifully crafted character designs and style
lol no.

>> No.6800542

What is actually wrong with this? I remember it making every weebnigger seethe uncontrollably, but objectively, taking out your biases and politics, what has it done incorrectly?
The designs are cute and simple as they should be in a cartoon of this tone

>> No.6800553

japanese people grow up surrounded by anime, westerners grow up surrounded by cartoons (yes i know anime is a form of cartoon shut up for a moment)
westerners can try to draw anime but often cartoony traits will show through
japanese people aren't really exposed to western cartoons so their art is just pure concentrated anime
this is different when you find art made by westaboos however, which often is a bit toony

>> No.6800559

Then how do you explain the Nips that manage to draw western characters that not only manage to capture the likeness they enhance and improve on it with more appeal if they've never been exposed?

>> No.6800563

Do you have an example you're thinking of? NTA, just curious.

>> No.6800567
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>they enhance and improve on it with more appeal
>enhance the appeal
>how do you explain
Uhh, you're a gay little weeb? You wanna see the Captain drawn this way then, do you?
I'm going to be serious for a second and acknowledge Japan has an appealing mass cultural visual style, but it isn't automatically an upgrade to people with broader tastes (aka outside 4chan)

>> No.6800572

>japanese people aren't really exposed to western cartoons
What even is Disney bro

>> No.6800573
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The crossovers from X-Men vs Street Fighter/ Capcom vs Marvel series is the best example I can think of.
I too can cherry pick.

>> No.6800579

1. Why does it NEED to look like Japanese animation?
2. East vs West thread's belong on /co/

>> No.6800597

because the ones who can draw anime well larp as Japanese or asian so they can avoid being cancelled or annoyed by other westerns. I know many Americans who made it in anime industry and now hide their actual race and being from the west.

This thread is example how insufferable western weebs can be

>> No.6800604

>Schrodinger's westoid who can draw anime

>> No.6800610

Wait, nani?!? Disney exists in the great kuni of nihon?!
I thought the mahou barrier is keeping all the earthly filth out of pure nihon?!?! Onegai... don't tell me I was lied to about anime girls being real?!!

>> No.6800612

They're SEA, that's why it looks off.

>> No.6800615


Gomen nay anon kun demo Disney is hyakupaacento honmono in the daiji land of Japan. You were uso'd to I'm afraid.

>> No.6800655
File: 509 KB, 1428x1708, list-of-most-named-high-guardian-spice-characters-v0-fpx9nm5p7nva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you take a step back and look at the cast of characters, you can see some really interesting, albeit simple visual design concepts, most of these characters do the job of being distinctive in a way that works, despite some admittedly being lackluster.

>but objectively, taking out your biases and politics, what has it done incorrectly?
Actually very few people review this show with bias and pol-views in mind, it all comes from the show itself. HGS's biggest sins are in the realm of writing, characters, pacing and story.
I did say most VISUAL designs are appealing, but the the vast mayority of characters range from wasted potential at best, badly written at regular and horribly wrong at worst.
For reference, Rose is a hilariously plain, generic MC with no good qualities whatsoever with character traits that twist itself around when it's plot convenient. Thyme is a well written character with grounded concepts, but very poorly executed. Parsley has a great design, lore elements and good execution, but her potential is missed after the early episodes as she fades into the background. And Sage is so horrendously bad she is considered the worst character in the show; a character so toxic and infuriating that the plot constantly twists around into painting in a good light.
And that is without mentioning the story, which is essentially the characters being annoying in the middle of a slice of life done wrong and unintendely until the writers remembered they needed to move the plot forward literally at the very last episode. The story is bad, the writing is mediocre and the characters being a pain in the ass on a basis only makes it worse, then you add the ideological undertones and you make it as a storytelling trainwreck.

>> No.6800669

People were hating on the show before it came out, based on the art direction and a photo of the creative team (blue-haired fat white women). Part of the backlash was because it's a Crunchyroll original, and people interpreted that as a pathetic bid to do Western anime. It seemed inauthentic to hardliners.
Taken on its own merits, the art style is perfectly fine in a world of Big Mouths, Family Guys, and whatever other low budget ugly garbage is filling up the airtime

>> No.6800673

for >>6800655

>> No.6800683

That too, I forgot those details, thanks anon.
Point is that little hate comes from the political and ideological undertones by themselves and most of it comes from the show having bad characters, writing and story, among the Crunchyroll fiasco and the toxic nature of the team working on the show.
Dare I say, only by all those factors combined, HGS made it this far into discussion.

>> No.6800799
File: 455 KB, 1920x1306, EBxsG7RW4AAOYsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i often wonder why western attempts at mimicking a more anime-esque style often fall just short so that you can very much tell it wasn't actually made in Japan. drawing an "anime style" isnt too terribly difficult, and there's ample reference material for any western character designer looking to go that direction creatively, so why do "western anime" always just have that certain "look" to them?

the only explanations i could really come up with are the difference in both the drawing philosophy and the animation production pipeline for cartoons and anime. anime is drawn to mostly be based off of real life (aside from the faces, obviously), so when it comes to facial features, shadow shapes, clothing folds, anatomy, etc. they're gonna be drawn as though they have actual volume and shape (e.g. picrel). this is only possible because japanese animators actually draw every keyframe themselves, and have an animation director in-house that makes sure everything looks consistent stylistically. in-betweens are still mostly outsourced, but actual command over what's on screen and how it moves is still in the hands of the main studio animators. compare that to the cartoon animation pipeline, where most of the actual heavy animation work (that is, making things actually move) is outsourced to a korean studio, with the main studio animators mostly just drawing storyboards and animatics. to make it easier for the outsourcing studio to keep the show stylistically consistent when they actually get to drawing the keyframes and inbetweens, things like shadow shapes, facial features, and character designs have to be simplified as much as possible. you can even see it in the OP pic: lazy, uninteresting, diluted shadow placement leading to everything looking homogeneous and flat. try to combine that with a more grounded and realistic "anime style" and you can see why shows like Superman and Voltron fall flat in terms of actually "looking like anime".

tl;dr: anime > cartoons

>> No.6800860
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1920, Unique Anime Designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't even care that much for the look of "genuine japanese anime", so it's not like I'm being biased. Honestly, it suffers from similiar problems as anime, in that it feels very same-samey to eachother, and they're taking many of the limited-animation ques from anime as well, despite some of them being used exceptionally poorly:

Have anyone you seen that Netflix Scott Pilgrim trailer? It looks good, but the FIRST FUCKING SHOT the trailer shows is a close-up of Kim Pine's face while talking... and they used the anime mouth flap... Why wouldn't you actually lip-synch for that scene?

Of course, the final nail in the coffin for this style is that a large amount of the shows it reps having annoying, preachy, shitty scripts. So when people notice the trend of shitty shows having this art style, they're going to hate it.

It's also probably just overused at this point too, just like with the "cal-arts" style.

Anyway, I'm noticing that two of your examples are fan-art, why not use the actual show's visuals? Isn't Owl-House actually "cal-arts" style?

>> No.6801117

some designs are okay, I like Zinnia for example, and I think Sage's lesbian aunt's elven gf wouldn't look out of place in, say, the owl house, which I think looks fine overall. What I dislike from this style is that the eyes look oddly oval shaped and a little too wide, their faces are also kind of wide, just making their proportions a little taller and narrower would improve the style (according to my taste of course).

>> No.6801131
File: 43 KB, 653x650, 908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highlights Aloe and Zinnia, AKA the only sane character in the entire show, as good designs
>What I dislike from this style is that the eyes look oddly oval shaped and a little too wide, their faces are also kind of wide
Interesting, I kind of dont see it very well, but it may be because I also make the heads and eyes a little wide, so it doesnt really bother me, but I think I see what you mean.
Actually, let me try and see if your corrections work.

>> No.6801133
File: 213 KB, 566x411, 1690232726787563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

westoids just don't "get it" and never will

>> No.6801225
File: 94 KB, 668x488, Dood317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arright, I did some work with what you mention and I noticed not every head was made the same, at least for the rounded ones, they were still different to one another.
Now, while I see where you're coming from with the corrections, I dont see how makes it any better, if anything, it makes it just different, not good nor bad, just different... so either I fucked it up or it goes down to tastes lol, idk what you can tell me.

Also, making the jump from HGS's style to my own was quite a trip lmao, I guess I learned a few things on the go and I need to revaluate how I make my heads. Fun study.

>> No.6801244

i dunno man, that shit just does not look good
(except avatar, but Kora looks worse than ATLA)

>> No.6801409
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>> No.6801412

put the price of each show per episode on it. you have some that cost millions vs a few hundred thousand per episode animaiton and they still look like 1990's flash animations or worse than stick figure fights on youtube

>> No.6801419
File: 42 KB, 541x498, 1582235563572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's written by retarded westoids
expect for Avatar (which s 20+ years old) they are all written for and by 20 something woketards and unimaginably cringe

>> No.6801423

Because they are at the level Japan was in the 70's
2D animation is a learned handcrafted skill, you need 2, 3 generations of skilled workmanship and the west farmed out all the actual drawing to East Asia in the 80's.

>> No.6801426

*Except for

>> No.6801427

Based Kyoani heterosexual characters who are not gay.

>> No.6801428

It's very simple, Anime is a complex style that has been developing for several decades, it has rules. The West, Korea and China when trying to make "anime" do not follow the rules and end up with a product that fans of anime do not like and that the average consumer does not consume because they do not understand.

>> No.6801438

China has been more successful in using anime style in games like Genshin.
And "Korean anime" doesn't exist, since they are just subcontractors for American shows, it's just paid work.

>> No.6801446

Superman is on par with low budget slice of life anime, and TLA had it's moments.
Everything else, Korra included, is insincere.
It doesn't matter it they tried their hardest and had massive budgets, they don't love anime they're just using it as a crutch to try and capture a bigger market, and it shows.

>> No.6801456
File: 826 KB, 2000x1036, 393869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd not have said Astroboy or Gigantor was "insincere" when they were made aping Disney.
Didi you enjoy Panty and Stocking, or did you find in "insincere" too?
Op's image just shows bad shows and Japs produce enough garbage on their own.

>> No.6801458


>> No.6801461

It all looks fucking awful to me and I tend to prefer western animation (when it's good). I honestly prefer the cal arts and mixed media look of gumball, flapjack and chowder. The mimicking anime style almost always looks shit but I'm also picky about anime (90% looks bad to me)

>> No.6801462
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which are these 2 shows???

>> No.6801485
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Mocknime is the correct term.

>> No.6801493

I'm all for thematically influenced naming conventions but this shit's cringe.

>> No.6801495

faux anime
or just
tumblr style

>> No.6801500

No, Tezuka was so obsessed he watched Bambi 60 times.
Astroboy is a work of love inspired by Disney.
Shitra is corpocrap trying to ape a trendy style to exploit a cheap IP.
The people working on the Superman show clearly do love both Superman and anime, so they made a comfy Superman anime that does not need to be pushed by corporate down our throats and defended from just criticism 24/7 by unpaid interns in social media, because love fosters love.

>> No.6801510

It's all just a clear degradation from inpiration into exploitation.
Joe Madureira and other "Amerimanga" pioneers loved Anime and had a strong influence on the industry. To the point you can trace pretty much every single work of edgy western fantasy to Battle Chasers through WoW et al.
Then came the actual anime/manga artists doing American anime like Jackie Chan Adventures, The Batman and Teen Titans.
Then with Avatar they tried to remove the american influence and just make it a normal anime.
And now we're at the fully distilled, formulaic, stockholder-approved pandering. They don't even need to prove they can make anime because Avatar already did so now we can cheap out.

>> No.6801512

>Joe Madureira
he was no weeb, faggot
he drew cartoony than most, that is all

>> No.6801529

>he was no weeb, faggot
Biggest fanboy of Bastard!!, Capcom related things And Ghost In The Shell to the point he directly stole a lot of his design elements from Kazushi Hagiwara.
Why are you capeshit stans so dumb?

>> No.6801532

all grandfathered in before the modern moe plague
not a weeb

>> No.6801540

Are you retarded?
Stop speaking now because English was grandfathered in before your no cap fr faggotry.

>> No.6801647

Look at this pathetic westoid seething

>> No.6802214

>anime that's not moeshit isn't true anime
The current state of this board

>> No.6802234
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What makes normies think pic related even looks like anime in the first place when it's almost identical to those DC animated movies?

>> No.6802236

>All anime looks the same
N-no! Anime isn't one style. There are plenty of unique styles!
>*This style exists*

>> No.6802238

ATLA is better than 95% of all anime ever created.

>> No.6802242

And before someone goes
Most of these Korean studios get work from Japanese studios outsourcing.

>> No.6802250
File: 243 KB, 564x215, 1664929958667199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read garbage thread, but these two here look nice.
But I can see already a nigger on the background of She-Ra and I'm sure the right one must have Steven-Universe-tier writing in it.

Bottom line is anime tries to look pleasant, write good stories and optimize it for maximum quality (within budget) to achieve excellence.

Western animation gets hindered by individuals trying to preach something to you. About some sort of moral standard, and that's reflected into even character designs. If Japs made Korra, for instance, she'd probably be less of a square and more of a bodacious, sexy teenager - which of course is taboo in the West.

I'm not even a coomer, but the fact that they refrain from doing it is telling. Many Japanese shows have girls who are attractive without being sexual, Westoids are not trying not to sexualize characters, but also trying to remove any chances of people sexualizing them on their own.

Top one is Dota.

>> No.6802270
File: 434 KB, 1610x1080, yobi-the-five-tailed-fox-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And "Korean anime" doesn't exist

>> No.6802285

Where do I learn these "rules"? Seriously I'd like to learn the style as faithfully as possible

>> No.6802381

Anime is an illusion. This word is often used to group all the bottom of the barrel animations from Japan with that one generic art style under one umbrella. Anime doesn't exist. Anime is cartoon is animation.
In Japan... Frozen and Neon Genesis Evangelion and Steven Universe and La planète sauvage and Dàyú Hǎitáng are all anime.

>> No.6802544

>Op's image just shows bad shows
what are the good shows

hard mode: five years or younger

>> No.6803429

>Where do I learn these "rules"?
you have to be born slant eyed

>> No.6803481

>Take High Guardian Spice for instance, show had beautifully crafted character designs and style, i
Opinion discarded

>> No.6803498

You're being nice for not mentioning how fucked up and inconsistent the technical aspects are. Bad/boring styles can be forgiven with good animation. In this case, the not-too-bad styles are completely ruined when you see the actual show.

>> No.6803503

Weebs on this site don't dislike this because it looks worse than anime. They dislike it because it doesn't look anime enough.

>> No.6803507

Weeb here, I didn't like them because they used to be inane dumb cartoon, just wearing anime skin.
I don't like them now, because they are just the same bad stories, but with fag propaganda.
I don't mind stuff like Family Guy or Simpsons, or even Rick and Morty, they do their own stuff and don't need to fake it to trick kids into watching them.

>> No.6803518

I don't know why western weebs want to draw exactly like eastern Otacunts anyways. Of course they'll be some stylistic differences between different countries, that's how art movements work. There's plenty of western artists in my Japanese illustration omnibuses, they think our art is just fine. And some western artists have moved to Japan to do commercial work with distinctly western influenced styles. No one gives a shit.

>> No.6803546

Wrong people do give a shit, read the thread.
Drawing anime was shit upon for most of the last 20 years in the west.
Now that it's everywhere omnipotent and cartoons have all pretty much gone to shit, haters have just given up.
/ic/ has draw animu threads… even loli threads, they would have been relentlessly attacked and driven out like ai-shit only a few years ago.

>> No.6803548

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6803553

I mean easterners don't care. Idk why westerns are obsessed with seeming "authentic." Down to the Asian jeenz meme. It really doesn't matter if your shit looks western influenced. If you buy a copy of Visions you'll see they've been including western artists for years. Anyone claiming Eastern anime art is superior is just a week beyond saving.

>> No.6803564

Wtf how does something like this even happen?

>> No.6803569
File: 475 KB, 1536x2048, The 90's in one picture. - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a different time...

>> No.6803575

All of these were drawn by Koreans thoughever

>> No.6803576

One 9/11 wasn't enough

>> No.6803582

they were all written, designed, and funded by Americans, Koreans were only used because they were cheaper than Japan and were already subcontracting for anime studios for decades... they are just slave labor

>> No.6803595
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-uXyNkMxAbKMzERtT-SMqjzA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians have lower test, hence are more feminine and prone to cute stuff.

>> No.6803598

More gracile features, been civilized longer, and by civilized, I mean they have been slaves to the collective state longer.
And to chinks and japs, even whites act like nigs compare to them, let alone actual nogs, lmao.

>> No.6803891

bluethebone just makes basic references to 80s manga and then adds shitty filters on top for nostalgia. That feels as far from modern japanese artists as I can think of

>> No.6804005

>That feels as far from modern japanese artists as I can think of
Sure, the 90's vhs tape filters are more of a westoid thing to do, but I'm talking about the style itself, it looks pretty legit even if it's a retro style.

>> No.6804079

Naoki Saito and krenz cover this
Japs use more forehead and the eyebrows/eyes are lower
Too much nose, although some Japanese still have them

The bottom right looks kind of like kui dungeon meshi style, though

>> No.6804309

"Because it doesn't make my peepee hard"
Meanwhile, they defend Japanese artists that use hate symbols as "good luck charms" and promote shit like rape, pedophilia... oh, and "good" slavery too!
Good fucking riddance, Japan <3

>> No.6804313

Its the unwillingness to make characters cute. Western artists have this idea that making women cute and pretty is somehow offensive to them and is like sexual harassment.

Everything from large foreheads, to big eyes, to cute lips, to demure mannerisms gets erased when westerners draw, because they want to draw according to western women ideals.

>> No.6804325

Westoids being filtered by anime is a fucking blessing. Hopefully they never learn

>> No.6804380

You chose absolutely the worst examples you baiter.

>> No.6804382

Because they are not pedos

>> No.6805611

I'm glad anime and Japanese media had a hard time spreading to Eastern Europe for many reasons. Mainly because the whole place was cut off from most of the world and their culture. A lot of popular American shows didn't cross the iron curtain either. He-Man, Thundercats, Transformers, most people never heard of the original series.
I'm in Hungary and anime is almost non-existant. Except we did get a bunch of anime shows and movies over the decades, but the weeb subculture is still tiny and insular. There wasn't enough interest in Japanese media to breach into the mainstream, it was all seen as weird, repulsive and not suitable for little kids. Japanese companies are also notoriously hard to deal with, local distributors refuse to buy their shows because they ask too much or have weird licensing agreements. There was still some anime being released up till 2019, but only because they were bought as parts of larger TV programming packages.
Dragon Ball is relatively popular even among people who hate anime, but it's mostly famous for its controversy. When DBZ was cancelled in the late 90s, a kid slit his wrist in protest and another also threatened with suicide. Most networks didn't want anything to do with anime because they knew it only attracted controversy and very few viewers. So whenever I see Americans and Western Europeans talk about the popularity of anime, manga or other Japanese content or the amount of weebshit being posted on the western internet, I feel like we're living in different worlds.

>> No.6805662

bottom one is The Dragon Prince

>> No.6806389


>> No.6806820

Dude EE kids entertainment is mostly made up of gypping older folk and becoming alcoholics at 15.

>> No.6807736

I have a chance then

>> No.6809333

This is a really dumb response.

>> No.6809390

It's the DotA Animation and Dragon Prince

>> No.6810275
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What I find interesting is that western artists will sometimes make one singular good animation or drawing (animation for the most part), then fade away into unpopularity because they can't make any more good drawings.

>> No.6810282
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>> No.6811539
File: 5 KB, 299x168, A88561FE-0974-477C-A531-1351CB4DFBA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren’t you forgetting a nother animation that made Castlevania that was close to my to Godzilla

>> No.6811770

This "one beauty standard" is racist, sexist and marxist, that's why it's now repeated in the west.

>> No.6812020

>hurr the westerners!!!!
>all show itt are animated by koreans

>> No.6812026

And the animation is ok.
The designs, pacing, stories and acting is shit tho.
It's already been said before, this shit is made by people who are ashamed to be making anime but they have to because corporate is chasing trends without understanding why they're trendy.

>> No.6812152

Being a western artist who mainly draws in an anime/manga art style is like being a white rapper. A few can pull it off, but most are cringe.

>> No.6812160

>Designed in USA
>Made in China
Just like everything America produces these days

>> No.6812174

I don't think it looks bad it's just the forced troon political writing behind the characters that makes it cringe.

>> No.6812197

Rappers are all cringe, though.

>> No.6812223

I'd rather have different IP's using familiar ideas than things like Marvel, DC, TMNT, etc, who constantly get dug up from the grave and raped by different handlers,

>> No.6812231
File: 355 KB, 1141x726, IMG_4578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western artists have this idea
>When westerners draw

Lmao. Shut the fuck up. You sound like a woketard ranting about “the LGBT community” as if it’s a real thing.

>> No.6814349

my god that movie is amazing

>> No.6814467
File: 290 KB, 1704x1459, She-Ra-Errors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6814469

>how does something like this even happen?
Artist had 30 years less of practice at the time, and was working on tight deadlines where pencilers were expected to crank out a whole 24-page comic in two weeks.

>> No.6814473
File: 295 KB, 914x848, fixed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voltron doesn't look bad, the rest of the show itself is mid to awful tho.
>why westerners have such a hard time drawing anime
Because the current industry is full of people who believe anime is evil incarnate like some 90s bible-thumping soccer mom (They're just racists)
Those people also think they're going to be the next Stan Lee by "make a gigantic change in the entertainment" so they keep pushing the same group of design clichés and expect people to accept them.
And many of them unironically are rabid man-hating communists who despise "everything cis-hets like", like attractive women.

>> No.6814485
File: 169 KB, 803x854, 4e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seemed inauthentic to hardliners
Nothing of that.
The show's reputation was ruined before the first episode aired because it was being funded with the money that was supossed to be going to jap animation studios, a promise CR blatantly broke because they were funneling the money to fund HGS instead.
The secon third of the backlash came from the director being an raging man-hating feminist, being a fucking douchebag will affect the reputation of the project, that's a fact.
And the last nail in the coffin was the bunch of images and assets the showrunners directly downloaded from google search to use in the show.

>> No.6814489
File: 1.66 MB, 2454x1432, she-ra-netflix-adora-catra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I can see already a nigger on the background of She-Ra and I'm sure the right one must have Steven-Universe-tier writing in it.
The black dude was a redhead in the original show, just another case of dyslexic hollyweird.
And yes, the show's writing is godawful SU slop, the MC is an underage girl scissoring with another underage girl who's the big bad but per plot armor pulls a Vegeta redemption in half an episode, other of the MCs hates her mother like a spoiled stupid brat and on top of that, those three characters are self insetrts of the writer.

>> No.6814494

>Anime is cartoon is animation.
Anime refers exclusively to japanese animation literally because we don't want to type "japanese animation" all day, anon.
And no, SU isn't anime, nor it is any "netflix original".

>> No.6814499
File: 795 KB, 1213x2999, gm4yboz4wyu61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, a different time.

>> No.6814505
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, ggwon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got another one.

>> No.6814510

The weird book cover(?) on the right isn't a "fixed it!" image, it's its own thing. And it's blatantly a homage to Utena at that. Whoever made this image is a retard.

>> No.6815433
File: 104 KB, 299x467, ToastPose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah the right one in your image is Bee and Puppycat by Natasha Allegri who did the designs for the genderswapped ep of adventure time:

Bee and Puppycat is pretty much the definition of comfy watching but super laden with "progressive politics for progressivism sake" down to the love interest being a tan dude with a mohawk. You really gotta take off your 4chan tinfoil to watch it, and even then it's ok.

I liked the color scheme, the designs and pic related, Toast.

But yeah, they just do shit like:
>How their relationship developed is unclear, but according to Toast, she’s pregnant with Merlin’s baby and uses this fact to instigate fights with Cas.
To say its peak tumblrcore is an understatement, but i recommend watching it regardless.

Lately the best show I've seen thats non-anime is "This World Can't tear Me Down" on netflix. It's italian and dubbed in italian but the references are solid, the art is unique down to the shadow cast under every characters nose and it has a very adult swim feel to it. Also deals with political issues in Italy like attacks on immigrants by nazis which is interesting. I recommend at least watching the first episode.

>> No.6815579
File: 93 KB, 640x632, xjK4MPbAarURVBR8thVwlydkjg5_qFG3KFmp5BJZbTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what tumblrinas think anime should look like, anon, pretend that "it's not a thing" won't make the problem go away.

>> No.6815583

Woah I always thought the Steven Universe dyke was the AT genderbender who got a gig. Maybe my timeline shifted.

I can stomach most garbage as long as the show itself is creative and well-written, I'll give it a chance, most recent thing I've watched has been Garden Wall.
It's only when it lacks substance on top of teeming with propaganda that I drop it entirely.

>> No.6816940
File: 204 KB, 1341x610, schizos1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This retard is always on the watch for these kind of threads to spam the same images, over and over
Specially the Utena one
Im honestly curious to see its work, it'd be sad if he spent more time trying to "defend the exitance of anime" against some boogeyman )??? than drawing

This place really breeds mental illnesses, ive even starting to recognize this schizo

>> No.6816948
File: 79 KB, 1312x367, schizo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he ever make it or will he seethe permanently about "antis"

>> No.6816950


>> No.6816956
File: 159 KB, 824x628, schizo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6817219

>Oh noes, people share common images and talk about popular topics


>> No.6817223

>comfy watching but super laden with "progressive politics for progressivism sake" down to the love interest being a tan dude with a mohawk. You really gotta take off your 4chan tinfoil to watch it, and even then it's ok.
>I liked the color scheme, the designs and pic related, Toast.
>But yeah, they just do shit like:
>>How their relationship developed is unclear, but according to Toast, she’s pregnant with Merlin’s baby and uses this fact to instigate fights with Cas.
>To say its peak tumblrcore is an understatement, but i recommend watching it regardless


>> No.6817230

Mr Jannie who thinks its a woman, we all know its you who scream MUH SCHIZOOOO, you are the ones who always throws around RICOmacPEDO in posts like this >>6804309, you do it all the time

>> No.6817233

Jokes on you, there are no spoilers on /ic/, thank the jannies as well.

>> No.6817674
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 1667585654944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same filenames
>same image hashes
>extremely similar comments posted alongside each image that all use the same writing style and retarded arguments
>"b-but dey all totes different peepo doe!"