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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 57 KB, 976x850, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6789476 No.6789476 [Reply] [Original]

You ever feel like all this grinding is pointless?
I've still yet to see convincing progress pics from here

>> No.6789480

Define "convincing", frog.

>> No.6789482

I'm kind of like Frieza, I only grind when I needed to. But I've improved so much since I began a regular regimen three days ago that everything I drew just a month ago looks like shit now.

>> No.6789488
File: 39 KB, 844x501, IMG_20230812_085921_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If grinding isn't worth it then how else do you intend to get where you want to be?

Every human has the same type of brain. Our neurons fire together when we're performing certain tasks. When you draw it starts to build a network for it. That's where the muscle memory hides. And your pathways will be weak as shit unless you actually do the thing hundreds of times. You don't get a choice in that matter. No one is becoming a body builder without a better diet and exercise.

If you can't turn exercise into a game, you care way too fucking much about how your art is turning out. And you're being egotistical. Just zoom out. You're nowhere near as good as the masters. Even the master draw shitty stuff sometimes. So of course not everything you draw can turn out good. That's just how it is,and that has to be okay. You can't derive your value from the quality of your art. But rather your understanding, and your frequency of output.

>> No.6789503

Fuck art

>> No.6789564


>> No.6789578

The average 4chan user is more talk than action. They like to feel superior over things they've never managed to prove.
If you want to see progress, go to literally any other platform.

>> No.6789583

>Draw daily
>learn the fundies
>copy the artist you like

Its that simple or you're just lazy

>> No.6789623

I do have a choice in the matter, my nuerons fire much faster than yours and they are stronger as well.

>> No.6789637
File: 2.86 MB, 576x864, wifey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ever feel like all this grinding is pointless?
you have to have FUN
the more you learn the more gun it gets

>> No.6789639

Grinding is pointless, practice with purpose. Learning to draw is 99% learning to see, which you can't do mindlessly.

>> No.6789647
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 1683483303232517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing boxes just to aquire the craft of drawing boxes is pointless. Your forte' may not be drawing things, but making patterns,color not black and white lines. You already have what is essential:the urge to create. A pen or pencil is handy and a good beginning, but it may not be what your selected medium might be. Want a practical exercise? A still life,an interesting lump of clutter for your rendering pleasure. Like the Draw These 4 Archetypes:Big n Dumb,Smart Wizard,sexy person,imp. Many interpretations of the theme appeared, and I contributed a few. It's defining what you want to say,then how you will say it that you will eventually figure out. I am relearning how to draw my own characters again in pencil and I decided as a lesson, to draw all of them once. Put pen to paper and see what happens.

>> No.6789665

theh rder I work on a piece, the more soulless it is. The most construction I use, the stiffer it is. The more shit I learn, the worse my art is.

>> No.6789670
File: 283 KB, 304x457, take the fun-pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and fun-pilled

>> No.6789674

The more fun you have, the harder you can work without it feeling like work.

>> No.6789715

Damn thanks for simplifying it this much ngl

>> No.6789803

>You ever feel like all this grinding is pointless?
You've never done any kind of physical exercise have you

>> No.6789841

How do I fun?

>> No.6789870

FInd something you really like to draw.

>> No.6789913

Could work.

>> No.6790039

I actually do lift and the reward is far greater

>> No.6790049

we /artfit/ now

>> No.6790064

Lifting your fat arse off the sofa to draw cannot be considered a reward.

>> No.6790071
File: 21 KB, 257x227, 1659045780276672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790078
File: 57 KB, 444x621, photo aug 12 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this was look FAT to you?
I work out 6 days a week and it's far better than muh drawing

>> No.6790248

oh god you're starting strength anon

>> No.6790251

>people still fall for SS
Some things never change.

>> No.6790335

At the beginning you draw non-stop to create the habit of drawing, then comes the good part because once you have acquired the habit you start learning, you start recording every stroke in your head, every sensation, strength, movement. When you start to see the flow and feeling of the lines of other artists is when the fun begins because you can understand style decisions and even know the level of mastery and effort that your favorite artist had to go through to get to that line. It took me years but I'm there. Good luck and greetings.

>> No.6790340

How do I practice with purpose when I understand nothing about the skill and no resource seems to really even try to explain it? I don't really know how to try to draw something. I can only slap down lines at random and hope it somehow works, because I can't perceive any sort of logic to it and have no process to follow.

>learning to see
I have no idea what that means. My best guess is that it means learning to break things down into lines, which I don't know how to do. Lines seem like an inherently abstract medium with almost no ties to reality, and I'm not sure how to deal with that. Other visual art forms are a lot easier to get into because it's easy to see how the artwork is tied to the subject.

>> No.6790344

>learning to break things down into lines
break it down into tones instead

>> No.6790356
File: 1.14 MB, 1299x1059, quick mafs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from left to right in about 2 years by grinding random books and copying some photos I found on the internet in the few hours a day I had left from wagecucking.
it's still kind of shit but I guess grinding must work to some extent.

>> No.6790372

Why are you complaining about art then? Art progression is way faster than lifting progression (Unless you're bloatmaxxing)

>> No.6790382

Lmao go outside nigger. This shithole is only 1% of the art community but ironically has 99% of what niggers will need to get good but that hasn't been true ever since proko and co decided to shit /ic/ up.

>> No.6790392

I feel like it's useless but that's a lie, it's a slow process

>> No.6790393

It's hard to explain because something has to click in your mind for each aspect of fundies and it isn't going to happen by mindlessly grinding, you need to study various resources mindfully so you can see what they're trying to explain.
>learning to break things down into lines
That would be one step and practicing copying other drawings will help. But it's not quite the right approach for drawing from life/photos, for that you need to learn form, as there are no lines in reality as you say.

>> No.6790396

holy shit hahahaha

>> No.6790417
File: 45 KB, 800x450, rubycpver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what the fuck are those calves, how do you do leg day every day but store all the gains in your glutes like some sort of protein ass squirrel

>> No.6790452
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1469826352371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protein ass squirrel

>> No.6790483

>people still fall for Starting Strength
Says anon as he picks up his copy of fun with a pencil /framed ink/whatever garbage video course

(yes ss is garbage)

>> No.6792673

having fun is inherently sovl... and sovl>skill... i get it now..

>> No.6793049
File: 3.82 MB, 3724x1868, Illustration537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise you anon, you will get better. Just have fun with it. Don't completely disregard your studies but also don't burn yourself out by doing boring ass studies.

If you have more fun with something, you'll be more interested in it. If you're more interested in it, you will pay much closer attention to anything related to art..

picrel Is me after drawing like basically every day for 2 years. All my learning was done from observation, I barely did any rigorous studies until recently. My current skill is not that good I'll admit, but just having fun gave me the foundation to actually start studying for real.

Grinding early on is useless. It's like trying to understand calculus without knowing trigonometry. Just keep having fun and you'll eventually build the required foundations.

Right now I'm doing studies every 2 to 3 days, the rest is just having fun. I'm trying to improve my rendering, starting to realize the importance of composition, hammering out any kinks in my anatomy knowledge, and getting into writing so that I'll one day make a comic.

This is a comfortable pace for me, I don't feel rushed because I am absolutely sure I will be a master a couple of years later.

>> No.6793059

left, a turd.
right, a polished turd.

>> No.6793068

thanks im working on it

>> No.6793082

>you can do the rump shaker huh? the crab shaker, give me the crab shaker dude! shake your ass!

>> No.6793084

it's impressive how 3d the one on the right feels though

>> No.6793104

Are you muslim

>> No.6793109

Thank you. I tried imitating phone selfies with the flash on. It's easier to do this type of lighting because all it involves is just you thinking "ok, anything facing the camera pov is lighter, anything facer away from it will be darker."

>> No.6793147

>back to this loop
Why does /ic/ keep falling for it?