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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 13 KB, 376x414, 1675648117216394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6788317 No.6788317 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest /ic/ meme of all time, you dont have to worry that your stuff isn't as good as some giga artist like cute sexy robutts, people will like your stuff anyway, even amateurish stuff

>> No.6788323
File: 260 KB, 2258x472, 1689858089892973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt. hopeium

>> No.6788341

Hey that faggot is going to eat both our cakes are we going to let him get away with that!?

>> No.6788347

Put 100,000 regenerating cakes per person, and yours is at the back.

>> No.6788371

Yes, my cake was made to be eaten. Not to rot away.

>> No.6788389

Then post your cake

>> No.6788400

With this attitude you are never gmi. Just post good shit and draw

>> No.6789045
File: 32 KB, 600x423, 8bcdc13ceaaac4413201d5f36041a088[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like

>Oh boy German chocolate cake!
>Aw...carrot cake

>> No.6789046

carrot cake is the best, along with red velvet

>> No.6789051

Who the fuck doesn't like carrot cake?

>> No.6789063
File: 207 KB, 605x495, 1682129635864862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coincidentally, today my mother baked a carrot cake with pineapple jelly caramel on top, it was delicious. idk what you're talking about carrot cake being bad, you just have shit tastes, anon.

>> No.6789088

>carrot cake with pineapple jelly caramel on top
That's an odd combination of flavours. Did she come up with the recipe herself?

>> No.6789093

This cake talk reminds me of that one anon who made food art, is he still around?

>> No.6789095

it's not really that odd, at least not in this country, some recipes even mix the carrots and pineaples together for the dough instead of leaving the pineaples just for the caramel. I believe this is an old recipe, she has come with some recipes herself, but not this one.

>> No.6789098
File: 23 KB, 303x249, dBW4WD8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrot cake is my favorite too which is why I used it in the example. When given a choice at a party though, you know damn well which cake will be gone first. And you know why and you hate why. A frustrating feeling that even though you like it, nothings wrong with it, it's better for you, it's healthy and most people actually like it...still it's the last to go. All because it dares challenge the dessert world; adding a vegetable to it, an unappealing thought which is the same reason why it's the last to go.

>> No.6789112

I think amateurish art has soul to jt



>> No.6789115

I agree with you, but not for the reason you mentioned.
In this context, a carrot cake is the last one to go not because it's a vegetable dessert, there isnt really a stigma to vegetable desserts (specially when you remember the god-tier pumpkin cake exists), but if you put a carrot cake to compete against a chocolate cake, obviously the chocolate cake is going to win because it's more popular, even if no one hates carrot cake, chocolate cake is still going to win because people who dont like chocolate are a rarity.

>> No.6789130

I've had carrot cake with pineapple mixed into it, but I've never heard of putting pineapple jelly caramel on top. It sounds good though, I'll have to see if I can find a recipe for it.

>> No.6789131
File: 308 KB, 1536x1152, YpihifdXP4WNbGMdjw7e3DuhJWBvCw4SfuLZsrnJYHEpsqZFkiGGNCQ2XEouyPvRMr7epCPs1voGKLeyfE5gAxCz5pMJ1NsagYMyFcou3Snn1NLmnMidjrv3tHCbRwYn3V4oMVUnXig9N5m9LZEGTZetCAzgEfPqwgB1Gj3co51x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. We are so hard on ourselves sometimes, normal people junt don't care about details.
Just draw and stfu already asshole! Keep producing you piece of shit! Just fucking do it ffs.

>> No.6789136

it's actually just pineapple caramel, the "jelly" part was me poorly articulating sentences lol
If I remember correctly, the caramel is just boiling pineapple bits with sugar (and water, I think?), dont know how the recipe works, but you can find it on google just fine.

>> No.6789147

Cheers anon, I'm going to try making something with it later.

>> No.6790102

>anon clearly uses "chocolate" and "carrot cake" as a metaphor for something more popular vs something less popular
>"but why wouldnt they like carrot cake? i dont understand? carrot cake is great anon what do you mean you dont like carrot cake?"
actual low IQ individuals

>> No.6790103

they were nitpicking his metaphor, because carrot cake is unironically the goat. It would be better if he said something like fruitcake

>> No.6790151

but that doesnt matter, he couldve said complete nonsense, the point still stands even he said "bibblyshmibbly and moopydoopy" because you still understand what he means by context. you gotta be a moron not to.

>> No.6790153

everyone understood it, anon. I think you're the one who's low iq fr fr

>> No.6790188

did you eat breakfast yesterday

>> No.6790202

No but I ate ur mom

>> No.6790915

lmao got his ass

>> No.6790930
File: 135 KB, 377x624, 2kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790934
File: 690 KB, 377x624, 8545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790943

More like
>Eh, German Cocolate cake...
>Whoah, Carrot Cake!
Some people like different flavours anon.

>> No.6790948


>> No.6790949

I spent 3 mins trying to figure out the difference... fuck you.

>> No.6790950


>> No.6790962
File: 157 KB, 298x1012, the cake is automatic now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the two cakes comic.

>> No.6790963
File: 235 KB, 360x498, 1690847714376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is a good thing
Fuck off tranny. Merit would reign supreme in a just world.

>> No.6790964
File: 209 KB, 375x6386, ´free cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory free cake comic

>> No.6790970

I feel like I lost some braincels reading this

>> No.6790986

Just write a fucking novel damn

>> No.6791002

chocolate cakes suck while carrot cakes are at the top tier. whats your point?

>> No.6791008
File: 9 KB, 377x414, a5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791017
File: 102 KB, 440x692, 2shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791197

I have no idea what just happened

>> No.6791201
File: 1016 KB, 782x1010, imgbin_sheep-good-shepherd-catholicism-christianity-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791265

It's a decent representation of how most /ic/ threads are.

>> No.6791317

I hate anything related to carrots.
Simple as.

>> No.6791364

Nice pie

>> No.6791370


>> No.6791372

>t. sightlet

>> No.6791375

The metaphor got stretched so thin that half way it felt as if i was just reading a comic about cakes

>> No.6791427
File: 7 KB, 376x206, tegaki_2023_08_13_15_42_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791437
File: 11 KB, 230x219, cf36bd2b22c97373bc07acdc066ec8f3ce2c818ac411ba8bae8e08b4cd392d94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Offtopic though, does it take THAT much skill to go from a simple cake to a two stories cake?
For all I know about baking, it really isnt too difficult, quite resourceful and more complex sure, but it's not like you need a lot of skill to successfully pull it off.

>> No.6791440

A cope
If you want an audience your art style mustn't be nondescript or you must draw one specific subject/theme

>> No.6791545
File: 82 KB, 225x225, TayZonday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate caaaaake

some stay /beg/ and others feel the form

>> No.6791548

based and gmi

>> No.6791563

>I move away from the canvas to squint
Chocolate caaaake
Loomis quickly crashing through your gains

>> No.6793283

This is unintentionally a really good parallel you've brought up here. People's tastes can greatly differ.

>> No.6793920

What if someone asked for a bit of the German chocolate cake and a bit of the Carrot cake?

>> No.6794010

I've made a couple of multi-story cakes before. They're not that difficult, they just require a lot more work. But the important thing is that you need to dowel the cake to make sure the cake doesn't fall over and the top layers don't crush or sink into the bottom layers.

>> No.6794024

literally just bake

>> No.6794062

The 2 most honest

>> No.6794105

This is patently false
You try posting anything below int on a board other than /ic/, people gang up on you and get physically angry, telling you to fuck off and never come back until your art looks pro.

>> No.6794152

really? i see shitty art get love all the time if its relevant to the thread/board

>> No.6794649
File: 518 KB, 1033x434, cakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794658

funny, but left just didn't show their actual early work.

>> No.6796181

Carrot cake is based

>> No.6796428

i remember when i was a turbo/beg/ i drew the shittiest pic of a naked dude about to get mobbed by girls and they thanked me
if i drew that shit now, it would prob get saved

>> No.6796430

i agree anon
its a shame that people sometimes try to improve but lose what made their art unique in the first place

>> No.6796431

its not that they dont care about details, its more like they wouldnt even know what to look for because they dont have the same amount of knowledge
i feel like this is why people love the daigo v j wong clip and people who dont play fighters will shrug their shoulders
people in the FGC know and understand how much skill it takes to pull off the fulll super parry and then come back after
just like how in art, an artist will undderstand the work put behind a piece, while non artists will not

>> No.6796437

thats lowkey my attitude

>> No.6796445

Social media is fake, left's work is just the earliest good enough he decided to post.

>> No.6796452

it looks like someone made the initial 4 panel edit and then an actual autist added literal incomprehensible nonsense from there

>> No.6796455

Yeah except there aren't just two cakes there 20 million cakes and your cake is the 19 millionth place and nobody even looks at it let alone eat it

>> No.6796456

Outside /ic/, only one guy shat on my piece and it was truly low effort one. Everyone else reacted to the intent/scenario.

>> No.6796457

Besides the worms, it seems to be pretty clear about greediness for GOOD free art and not liking smaller stuff. Possibly also something about shit stuff done by famous artists being wanted or AI art.

>> No.6797409
File: 546 KB, 1000x1099, 1685600600451013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6797412
File: 7 KB, 377x414, 1663293970438358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797416
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>> No.6797418
File: 13 KB, 377x236, 1664250271981378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797424
File: 7 KB, 377x414, 1667124218836651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797468

>long shit bad because i don't understand
>muh autism
>every single time
Lurk more.

This comic really seems to be a good worm filter.

>> No.6797559

that’s not how greentext even works, newfag

>> No.6797566

>hating on carrot cake
Anon, I...

>> No.6797567

Shut the fuck up, wormnigger.

>> No.6797855
File: 14 KB, 423x500, 1672218392030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6798127


>> No.6798153

people love art with soul, doesn't matter if it's beg, int pro or whatever the fuck as long as there's emotional connection, that's all people care about.

it's no different than telling a joke or making a funny meme, it has to connect. as long as it connects nobody gives a shit about how technically well it's executed. besides other artists and ic artists who want to jealously seethe at you.

>> No.6800795

I've seen many artists delete works that are far better than anything I can hope to do...