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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 36 KB, 592x480, 1658386463682087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6771003 No.6771003 [Reply] [Original]

Always leave text about this thread here.
It's thread
It's questions
It's answers
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies

>> No.6771011

Why there wasn't one of these before?

>> No.6771336

Anyone know how to hide likes, retweets and followers on Twitter for pc or android?

>> No.6771361

is there a huge difference between vilppu, bridgman and loomis? prebeg retard here still going through keys to drawing and figuring out what i'll do next

>> No.6771394

Just read the books. They talk about the same things, with different emphasis and priorities.

>> No.6771423
File: 23 KB, 725x387, sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a fucking moron for asking this, but how do I draw contour lines on a sphere accurately as in pic related? I try again and again, but I can never get them to feel right. Even if I manage one like in pic related, adding y and z-axes that are the right shape and size to create the effect of depth is extremely difficult for me. I've been practicing for a few days and haven't seen any real improvements.

Am I just retarded?

>> No.6771585
File: 338 KB, 1894x775, Screenshot 2023-07-31 163202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're doing Loomis? The secret Loomis never tells you is that your initial underdrawings are always very scribbly. It's never as perfect as he demonstrates in his book. Maybe we're all just lacking in skill, but even Vilppu recommends drawing loosely and freely in your initial stages. You can just clean it up afterwards.

>> No.6771614

what >>6771394 said, as long as you read real books and not ''how to draw manga'' garbage you are going to learn, it's al the same information just delivered differently

>> No.6771637

Is it viable to have a "secret" NSFW presence separate from your other stuff, or are you doomed to get exposed?

>> No.6771672

Not aimed at anyone in general, but if you feel like your lineart is shit, you probably need to do one or two more passes.
>Lower Opacity to around 20-30%
>Create New Layer
>Redo the Lineart
>Repeat this again if need be.
Depending on the complexity of your drawing it might take a bit, but just do it anyway. Future you will thank you.
Bonus: Sometimes drawing separate parts of the drawing onto layers may help.

>> No.6772218

could someone pls give me the rundown about what social media is the correct current one? everyone is fleeing twitter, i have never seen any content from the threads app, tumblr is still tumblr, what is the correct one

>> No.6772257

I've been using Krita for a while now, but CSP gets mentioned a lot on /ic/. Can anyone give me a QRD why they like CSP or why it's good?

>> No.6772284

So are jannies nonexistent? There's a guy shitting up the board as we speak yet no action has been taken so far

>> No.6772364

haven't tried krita so i couldn't tell you how they compare, i suspect most people can't. just look through some youtube videos on it or something.

>> No.6772373

You're not going to want to hear this, but it's TikTok.

>> No.6772376
File: 66 KB, 247x200, 1453055699345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your honesty

>> No.6772423

I need edgy/cool reference material, whats the jap term so I can use it on pinterest? I thought its 中二病 but I only get the anime.

>> No.6772925

do pencil+paper skill translate well into digital? I'm just starting out but I want to get a tab s6 lite early on to practice alongside pencil and paper and get myself used to digital if that would be beneficial

>> No.6772956

The overall techniques surely do, your brushes will not react like you are used to, there are things you can‘t replicate as well in digital but it comes with a bunch of other features as well.

>> No.6773239

Coomdrawer here. Is there redemption for people like me? Is it possible to fully shift to cute SFW stuff and never look back, when my soul and integrity was already damaged? I am ashamed of myself.

>> No.6773300

CSP has the asset store and 3D models. It's more focused on comic production and lineart stuff (used to be called Manga Studio even) so it's well-suited to cartooning. The stabilisation options are more comfortable for most people and much easier to understand the settings for.
Krita has better optimisation for large brushes since it isn't single-threaded so if you're a painter it's probably better to stick to it since you're not missing out on much. The editing and post-production features are a lot more robust, but it's still no Photoshop.
At the end of the day the best software is the one you're used to and doesn't get in your way, since switching programs for good and relearning stuff is a big timesink. A lot of people just use CSP because it's what they started off and are comfortable with. I still use Krita even though I draw a lot of lineart stuff because I'm too used to it and other programs feel weird to me. Such is life.

>> No.6773339
File: 112 KB, 736x1102, 2a5fe1aca4142d6d9765c3e38c991295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about background effects like this? I use CSP and theres just a lot of texture and filters going on in the ground and sky and the overall drawing. I looked for some advice in the tips section but I couldn't find anything, and although I could try and figure it out for myself I wanna try asking IC.

>> No.6773354

Use a new account and chance the rendering style. Some lewdartist didn't change that and got outed soon after

>> No.6773408
File: 1.25 MB, 1911x2186, Random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should i draw rigth to left as a westener
Im starting a comic (or graphic novel or whatever is called) and im genuinely struggling to decide whether to go on manga or comic reading direction
Is there even any advantage in changing direction?
What is more appealing to (you)?

>> No.6773490
File: 189 KB, 500x500, 1633704125830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im starting a comic (or graphic novel or whatever is called)
"Comic" is fine, I think "Graphic Novel" has to do with how long it is.
>genuinely struggling to decide whether to go on manga or comic reading direction
>Is there even any advantage in changing direction?
Not really, I've read Korean Manhwa, Japanese Manga, and American Comics, American and Korean are published same direction, only Japanese Manga is published "backwards" the only "advantage" would be that if you want to produce stuff "Japanese style" then sure, go for it, but it's not really necessary
>What is more appealing to (you)?
I mainly read things on the internet now, Westerners and Asians (including some Japanese artists on twitter) western orientation, the only time I see the right to left orientation is in published black and white Japanese manga. To me seeing stuff Left to Right just seem more natural.
Hope this helps.

>> No.6773501

What I do is:
>Resize to like 4-5 times actual size
>Resize to actual size

It eliminates most the wobbles, fuzziness and blatant eraser edges.

What is a style that is universally acceptable? As in the middle ground of anime/"western cartoon"/other?

>> No.6773511

I want to learn how to draw, but i need structure. I need someone to tell me exactly what to do, what exercies to do, give me homework i have to do. If i don't have structure like that i just can't learn anything. I learned a decent amount of Japanese all by myself (currently N2) because Wanikani provides good structure to learning with daily tasks and long-term goals, as opposed to Anki's more freeform style which didn't work for me at all. My point being that i need something like that for drawing, the sticky is nice but it's just too vague for me. Anyone know of a good resource like this? Maybe an online course? I don't mind paying if it's good.

>> No.6773514

What's going to happen when you have to sit down and actually draw your own ideas? Nobody will be able to tell you what to do next every single time.

>> No.6773527

Wwhen it comes to using the skill i can do it on my own. I've translated a bunch of stuff from Japanese by myself, i consume Japanese media all the time and etc. I just need structure for learning it.

>> No.6773540

There's no such thing as universally acceptable, pick one style and go with it.

>> No.6773591
File: 9 KB, 569x300, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Photoshop.
How do I make lines like the first one on the image without using size 1 brush to build the entire width of the line?
I know resizing also works but there has to be some straightforward way like some brush setting, right?
If cannot, what other program can do?

>> No.6773594

Still me.
Pencil tool on the other hand is too rough but if I could make something between the two tools somehow that would be awesome too.

>> No.6773701

do it the western way anon. no one's gonna mistake your thing for actual manga.

>What is a style that is universally acceptable?
if i knew i'd deliberately draw to avoid it kek

>> No.6773708

this has a list of videos, maybe go through one a day or something

artstation learning recently made itself free, so there's probably some courses on there you can get if you want something to work alongside

if you're looking for step by step, work through the andrew loomis books, easy to download free online. they are kind of a meme, but are designed for what you want

the most consistent success i had was taking a community art class because it forced me to do things out of the house regularly and in person. you may have something like that if you look.

frankly >>6773514 is right, this is a self directed hobby, if 'sit down and read a book' is too vague for you, you may be in trouble

>> No.6774232

have people (artists + audience) been abandoning twitter yet? i recently logged into my placeholder account with no posts to see it suspended (probably got assigned a blacklisted dynamic IP and tripped their login detection), not sure if i can convince them to unfuck my account and in the event they don't i hope there's an alternative to flee off to so i never have to bother with that shithole

>> No.6774308

yeah at least one popular creator resource account i follow has left twitter, you're not missing much

>> No.6774311

look into the roundness jitter and angle jitter, fucking around with those should do the trick

>> No.6774316

turn off anti aliasing?

>> No.6774319

can you do that in PS?

>> No.6774565
File: 73 KB, 474x842, 1633704230630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, how do I commission an Anime Statue? Do I just find someone who uses ZBrush and ask them to do me a thing? How expensive is it?

>> No.6774611
File: 837 KB, 1365x2048, F0qEdltaIAUemWn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a trick to applying a texture overlay without messing with the overall values? no blending mode looks right and i feel like a retard for not figuring this out

>> No.6774613

Soft light usually affects the values less. Mess with the texture layer's opacity until you think it looks fine.

>> No.6774672

i dont really like soft light, the texture doesnt pop out unless its full opacity, which then brightens the drawing too much

>> No.6774686

かっこいい絵? Add ダーク too for edge I guess.

>> No.6774873

In photoshop if you select an old history state and repeatedly press ctr+z, it will flip between that state and the most recent one. How do you do this in krita?

>> No.6774885

You could add a curves or levels layer + a saturation layer and just mess with them until the values look like they did originally, then create an action that contains those layers with those settings.

>> No.6775374

i need refferences for different angles of things being lighted and casting a shadow. its type of things i cany have at home so it is impossible to observe and learn from irl.
is there a specific website where i can just sculpt a 3d digital thing and move light wherever and see what kind and where does it cast a shadow?

>> No.6775475
File: 506 KB, 2103x2300, 20230609_004710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't drawn in over 2 months, aside from the occasional doodle, despite the slate of personal projects I could be working on
>Browsing dating app earlier in the week, find a girl with a nice figure and good pics, seems to like anime and art too
>Use her pics as refs and draw her until I make a nice piece for the first time all year with the idea of showing it off to her

Immediately hated myself upon recognizing I apparently have no motivation to draw for myself but will pick up a pen if it meant it could get me pussy.

also where's the vent/watercooler thread

>> No.6775484

it isn’t that big a deal even if you get exposed as long as your nsfw isn’t too fucked up

also if you change your style a little then you’re less likely to get caught

>> No.6775554

What is the name of the website/app blocker people often mention here in /ic/? I tried to google it but didn't find the one which has been mentioned here many times.

>> No.6775864
File: 252 KB, 800x1183, 1688488915331353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone that uses Krita, what are the best settings/brushes/options i can set to if i wanted to partially mimick the style of Carlos Ezquerra?
Because i hate how flat my drawings usually are and i want to make the brush strokes seem more dynamic and the color shading/blending a bit more interesting.
Or any other tips using Krita is nice, i just mentioned Ezquerra because i think his style is charming.
And chances are some stuff is less about the tools and more about the skill, so maybe i should look into artists streaming/recording themselves using Krita and how they do it.

>> No.6775957
File: 662 KB, 598x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm doing Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and this was my result for the upside-down drawing. I guess i want to know if this is a normal outcome? The author is right when she says that it came out better than i expected, but i still feel like i failed the exercise, since i ran out of space for the head, and the crossed legs, which she mentions is one of the parts students usually get very right, look very wonky in my version. It took me an hour to complete, and honestly by the end of it i was feeling a bit of mental fatigue and confusion.

>> No.6776072

Is there a general thread on any board about writing/illustrating graphic novels?

>> No.6776168
File: 4 KB, 131x131, frogthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to search for videos of people doing things? all I get is videos of people walking, I want things besides that

>> No.6776243

how am i supposed to approach chapter 2 of scott robertson's how to draw, am i supposed to do all these diagrams, find the 60° cone of vision, draw top views and all that shit every time i want to draw 2 point perspective? i thought robertson's aim was freehanding all this stuff and even covers how to freehand in chapter one.

am i too stupid or am i missing something here?

>> No.6776461

there was this one pin up artist who had a website where he wrote down tutorials and how he approaches figure drawing
does anyone remember what the website was?

>> No.6776465

Babe Lab blog

>> No.6776467

What? Just pet the dog

>> No.6776471

Scott Robertson is a draftsman, he can freehand because of his intimate knowledge of construction, perspective and a large visual library. You wanna freehand like Scott Robertson, you better start practicing what he does.

>> No.6776479

yup that was it, thank you

>> No.6777200
File: 146 KB, 1280x960, photo_2023-08-04_19-28-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freehanding shit takes mad practice but that's what you're supposed to do
don't give up tho I know it's easy to get fucked up with How to Draw but it's not as impossible as it seems to get good at it
picrel is my work, leftmost is the oldest while right were made the same day
you can see I went from struggling to do the most basic ass exercise to getting fairly believable 3d volumes in a couple months of daily freehand practice, you can see at the top of the picture that above my copy of How to Draw there's a thick stack of printer paper, that's all freehand perspective practice

>> No.6777260

yeah ok then i was right that the freehanding stuff IS the aim of this but

what's with all this 60° cones of vision hullaballoo what do i do with this. the non-freehand stuff in chapter 2 is what's confusing to me because it's talking about overhead views and drawing all these really complex diagrams

>> No.6777297

>what's with all this 60° cones of vision hullaballoo what do i do with this
you put it in the back of your gayman skull for when you'll need to draw more complex and precise stuff that requires you to establish a focal lenght for your view

>> No.6777303
File: 361 KB, 549x548, thatsrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright then that pretty much clears it up, thank you

>> No.6777350
File: 2.92 MB, 1333x1649, test_texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed a random fabric texture online and set the layer to 'overlay' then went to image, adjustments, brightness/contrast and turned down the brightness, then I set the layer opacity to 50%.

Seems to be able to retain the values and vibrancy of the colors for the most part. I think it can get you close enough if you play around with the other adjustments and opacity some more.

>> No.6777403

is there any perspective course or class that focuses mainly on digital?

all i've found focuses on traditional tools which makes sense but i'm interested on seeing that applied to digital because while the concepts are the same, the way to get there seems a bit different.

>> No.6777479
File: 385 KB, 128x128, 1689738184061790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you find good reference for portraits? High quality, with good lighting.
Movie screenshots?

>> No.6778105

How do you stylize your art like what this person did >>6774611? would you use similar art as a reference or would you use a regular reference and try to stylize it? If it's the latter, how do you stylize a regular person like that?

>> No.6778149
File: 313 KB, 1008x1556, pooperman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with Superman's left arm (the one holding the missile)? It looks strange to me.

>> No.6778569
File: 19 KB, 800x450, d-visualization-female-skeleton-pelvic-area-human-right-side-121104569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778584
File: 47 KB, 768x500, 3892319A-80A7-4D0B-89A4-AD2C653B0E0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778586

there are a fuckton of reference packages on artstation etc if you are willing to pay
obviously they can be pirated as well

>> No.6778639


>> No.6778666

Tangent(sleeve to hand part) creates illusion that his hand is fucked up

>> No.6778712
File: 1.24 MB, 1008x1556, supa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think the shoulder and upper arm match the forearm position

>> No.6778714

Are services like cashapp and venmo good alternatives to PayPal? I just don’t want commissioners to see my name or other personal info.

>> No.6779111

is deviantart a good place for art these days?

>> No.6779201
File: 5 KB, 654x120, APp23rp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use "Control Panel for Twitter" on Chrome
You can hide all retweets etc and put them on their own section
Tweetdeck used to be good but they sperged out over Elon and refuse to update it anymore

>> No.6779216

How do I overcome the anger I feel when I suck at drawing? Basic sketches take me half an hour to draw and my pencil lines are too fucking thick.

I want to punch a fucking wall right now.

>> No.6779335
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1300, 1686296933870116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, do you sign your work?

>> No.6779517

anyone else ever have an issue drawing too small? i feel like its a problem but it feels way more comfortable to me, it was also a problem with handwriting in school and i never fixed it.

>> No.6779585

the same place where you have it, moron

>> No.6779586

Any recommendations for twitch streaming artists? Specifically concept art, digital painting etc. idc about the anime shit.
I've been scrolling twitch for 15min and so far I only followed a Bob Ross channel

>> No.6779850

what about when drawing with pens that you can't erase? When you're at the level where you can do that competently, is it still restrictive to go in somewhat clean instead of rough and playing around a bit until you get the optimal look?

>> No.6780205

I've got a couple

>zambiie - streams every few days
>aruurara_art - japanese furry but really fuckin good and streams regularly
>honey_goblin - vtuber does art streams 1 or 2 times a week
>tbchoi - doesnt stream often but is a pro concept artist and does lessons
>eu03art - always streaming, always painting big tits

>> No.6780234

You have an anus, you can just take a pose and feel where it will be.

>> No.6780235

Does a color decrease its saturation under light? Does it increase under shadow instead?

>> No.6780279

Different ways to answer this question but I'll throw some ideas at you. Each color has a peak chroma or chromatic value which is to say for example, yellow peaks in chroma near its highest value, where purple peaks in chroma at a very low value. That is only one piece of the puzzle because that is to say what a color is regardless of how it is percieved from the human eye. All colors will desaturate the closer they are percieved to black because black has no chroma at all, it wouldn't make much sense for something that is 90% black to have much chroma. Same can be said about white as white also has no chroma something that is 90% white will be rather desaturated. But learn the peak chromatic values of each hue and you might be able to use them more intelligently.
this guy wrote the book on color and light and has some good free resources on this blog.

>> No.6780333

A very useful answer, thank you. I will check James Gurney's stuff

>> No.6780379

am I shooting myself in the foot if I start drawing with a mechanical pencil instead of a regular pencil? I happen to have an absurd amount of 0.7 leads and an old mechanical pencil laying around from my high school days and I don't feel a whole lot of difference

>> No.6780728

how often do you rotate your canvas?
when do you rotate your canvas?

>> No.6780755

I usually rotate to the right angle when I needed to make a long curve very carefully.

>> No.6780771

how does rotating your page 90 degrees help make a long curve?
are you dragging the pen/cil as you rotate?

>> No.6780780

Cashapp doesn't work with some countries and people could still see your name in venmo.

So far, it seem Arty.ooo hides your name and everything, but it also hides the clients name as well. I'm not sure how much they would reveal during a dispute though, I haven't had the chance to test that yet...

>> No.6780788

It's rarely exactly at 90 degrees, I use the rotate view tool until I got the best angle to draw a curve.
Because of the way how our shoulder and elbow are connected, there is a specific angle where we could draw long smooth curve nicely. I hope you're not still drawing using your wrist...

>> No.6780841
File: 2.60 MB, 1058x1280, A Bigger Dress by sligarthetiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brushs for this coloring? and how painting like this artist?

>> No.6780902

seconding this
i am thinking a brush emulating markers

>> No.6781264
File: 837 KB, 1500x1999, IMG_20230805_091817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Cintiq 24 good enough to draw on everyday? Should I consider to save more for 27?

>> No.6781269

24 is more than enough, most people go for 24 because 27 is going into "too big" territory and there's some pros that scaled down from 27 for better desk setups and shit. - I personally had to get rid of my second monitor and opted out for a tablet on the side instead because even with this big desk it just wasn't big enough to have both comfortably.
Take that difference and get a good flex arm and table for it, as that shit is mandatory for tablets this big and heavy (I have wacom's one but it's cheaper to get a standardized flex arm that works for more than just their tablet)

>> No.6781274

For reference Ethan Becker the popular youtube animator uses a 22' and you can see how big it already is when he's next to it

>> No.6781281
File: 17 KB, 200x200, XBVc1a7wnrCFuh3PCUvOi2HjkBHIDzisfUyeMJmoEOkNdXolkouUY64XSnSJ7w7sEuqDi0Q8L4E86h8E1obiIdzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know any good chinkshit fineliners on amazon/aliexpress/taobao . preferably budget friendly stuffs

>> No.6781282


>> No.6781283

how do you guys deal with imposter syndrome? im good by normie standards but am pretty meh on here and i try to deflect any praise to avoid complacency but at the same time i have a hard time accepting that ive actually progressed a lot.

>> No.6781284
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 1494761091255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any places with drawing games/challenges on this site? There's /i/ but it's slow as fuck. I see only 'draw this in your style' threads on /ic/. Draw threads on other boards I saw are for free commissions.

>> No.6781305

If I upload to Twitter a practice drawing without clothes (censored nipples) anime style there is a chance that I will get banned or get a strike (if there is such a thing)

>> No.6781322


>> No.6781342

Unironically DBT skills. There are resources to learn them on your own easily found online. You have poor distress tolerance and emotion regulation if drawing (or anything) makes you that mad.

>> No.6781344

honestly you just don't, you'll feel like that for a very long time and most professionals struggle with it too.
Imo unless your UNDOUBTEDLY good, like an industry legend (think Mullins tier) you will always feel like shit, and even then it's not a guarantee.
What I personally do is I choose to keep going out of spite. Like am I a fraud and don't deserve all these likes and follows? Yeah but too bad, I'm doing it anyway. Does an amateur like me deserve to be hired by this studio and get payed to do my "fake" art? No, but I'm fucking doing it anyway suck my nuts

>> No.6781361

>Am I just retarded?
Yes, but the truth is, everyone is retarded. Most people just "wing" contour lines.
As long as it looks right in relation to nearby contour lines, it gets a pass.

>I've been practicing for a few days
>few days
There's your problem, right there.
You expect to master a fundamental building block of perspective thinking in just a few days? Many hobbyists stay /pre-beg/ for years, namely because they're not struggling.
You are struggling, right now, which means you are improving.

Keep practicing, and make sure to practice everything.
If you grind just one thing, you'll throttle your progress, since your brain constantly requires new stimulus to function at maximum efficiency.

Most people's lineart looks like shit because they don't respect lineart as a real skill.
If you look at really big artists using thick lines for lineart, you'll see how they masterfully (or cleverly) establish a long, consciously-sized and complicated contour in a single brushstroke, whereas a beginner may just awkwardly try to fix a failed brushstroke with more brushstrokes.
Experts know how important good lineart is, so they've practiced it.

Other times, beginners use lineart when they just shouldn't, or their line width is too high.

>> No.6781366

It doesn't matter what your "objective" art levels are. Buddhism states that comparison is a root of great suffering.
Without comparing yourself to other artists, you would no longer suffer.

If your goal is to express yourself, then your measure of worth should come from within.
If your goal is to make money, then your measure of worth should come from how much you earn from your art.
If your goal is to impress total strangers online, then your measure of worth should come from how many or what kinds of strangers on the Internet you can impress.
Be honest with what you want to achieve.

>> No.6781503

why do you watch art streams?

>> No.6781769
File: 36 KB, 1200x1170, Adobe_Photoshop_CC_icon.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed how the Move Tool works in Photoshop. If nothing was selected, you would move the contents of the entire layer no matter where you clicked. Now you have to actually click on your drawing in order to move it. If you miss your drawing, it will move the contents of the layer underneath it.
Does anyone know how to go back to the old way? Now when I'm sketching, if I go to quickly move my sketch across the canvas, I end up selecting the BG layer instead.

>> No.6781800
File: 672 KB, 1947x2735, 1691182818904897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to color like this?

>> No.6781804

Flatcolor, lights, shadows, Shadows with Gradients and opacity. I recommend that you watch timelapse videos of illustrators who have a style to your liking

>> No.6781947

Uncheck auto select layers.

>> No.6781957

From my experience (prior to elon being king), twitter will tagged your account as adult content. But their bots sometimes can be a bit iffy and let it slide...

>> No.6782000
File: 175 KB, 1193x1039, IMG-20230804-WA0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do anybody here does comics trips? How much time does it take?

I want to do manga, but my drawing skills are pretty bad, and I don't have the time to draw 20 pages of comics each week or even each month.

4 panels each week are doable for a wagie, right?

>> No.6782045

looks like those basic testured brushes, but with the texture more, how to said it, more zoom in, more wide, depending of the program, in sai for example is the "scale" option when you select some texture in the brush configuration, in photoshop is in "texture" and then the option also named "scale". Then you can make like, a brush that has a low minor size to make the thin lines, and for the coloring you can increase the min size so you will play more with the texture in the shadows and all that. I remember that in sai and i think in the other programs also you can put the texture in your smooth blender brush (in sai you can use the "water color" type of brush) so when you smooth the edges is gonna do it with the same texture

>> No.6782054

more than enough and i would be more concerned with having everything well positioned to have a good posture, because otherwise it's irrelevant what device you use to draw because you aren't going to be able to draw for many hours anyway

>> No.6782065

There are so many Japanese doujin artists who are wagies who can do one 24-36 page comic in a month and quality aside they manage it because they have a deadline in the form of cons they sell at. I think you may benefit from a self-imposed deadline too, so one 4koma a week sounds doable.

>> No.6782143


>> No.6782618

I uploaded my best drawing to date on Twitter and I only have 10 views, when my drawings with the worst quality reached 300/500 views, 20 likes. What can I do to make my recent tweet have a greater reach?

>> No.6782650
File: 293 KB, 770x877, Screenshot_2023_0808_103757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a display tablet make drawing faster?
My drawing speed deteriotated significantly after switching from pen and ink to non display tablet and hasn't been showing signs of recovery at all.
Something that took me no more than 10 minutes to draw traditionally takes me 50% longer to draw digitally.
I dont know why.
Like drawing gesture on paper was never a difficulty for me but on my wacom intuous I can't get it right more so often.

>> No.6782689

I learned that the motor skills that you need to develop to draw with paper and pencil are not the same as to draw on a tablet, it sounds strange but that's how I lived it. So practice until you adapt

>> No.6782701

I've adopted the done > perfect mindset and been preparing drawings to upload on my social media profile, but the problem is I don't like any if them much. Do I say fuck it and upload everything?

>> No.6782708

Never because my program doesn't allow it.

>> No.6782714

>I don't like any if them much
you dont like them but other people might, it can be a case that you dislike the drawings because deep down you know they dont represent either your skill and the artistic vision you want, or it is just you being too hard on yourself and some people out there are going to like your art

all in all, doing anything in this life for the sole purpose of others liking it is futile, unless you are getting paid for it, then its shitty but its not for nothing

>> No.6782751

My goal isn't money per se, I want to nerd out on things and get reactions out of people
I see people posting sketches and skits alongside "full fledged" art, I get a clear image of their thought proccess and I love that, but idk if I can do that myself

>> No.6782756

>draw something
>never ever will draw that post again, because why would I?

what experience did I actually gain? What carries over to the next drawing? I still have to spend hours creating references, then drawing over them and relearn the construction for that pose. Its like drawing doesn't make sense anymore. I'm starting from scratch each time like its my first time drawing.

>> No.6782760

Has anyone here ever made doujins to sell at a con? It seems like it would be a good way to get your oneshots out there.

>> No.6782823

>So practice until you adapt
Actually, I've been drawing with it for over two years now. It wasn't until last month I when I decided to push myself to draw every single day thay I noticed how cumbersome screenless tablet is.
Which is why I wonder if by having a screen tablet I could somehow fix this problem.

>> No.6783256

Personally I am several hours faster with my ipad compared to my screenless tablet even after using the latter for years.

>> No.6783952

is it better to keep your twitter strictly your own art, or to reblog other stuff?

>> No.6784797

is it a bad idea to use other drawings/sketches as reference?

>> No.6784874

what is the recommended brush thickness and canvass size to draw? And how hard should you press to get the perferred thickness?

Thick brush that you dont need to press hard for?
Thin brush that you need to draw with feather weight?
Thick brush you need to press down for?

please don't say "whatevers comfortable" because nothing is comfortable about using a tablet.

>> No.6784876

How do people add text to their art?

>> No.6784892

retweets won't clog up your media tab; avoid posting meme pics or reaction images because those go into the media tab where your art would be
no, but don't just copy it directly if you're going to post it online or something
the answer depends. generally, it's whatever produces the lines you want, which requires some experimentation to find. try all of those settings for a few days each and see which ones you like. you also don't have to stick to just one thickness. as for canvas size, around/above 3000x3000 is my recommendation, though this also depends on preference and what you're drawing (e.g. if you want ms paint style shit turn the canvas size down, lots of detail turn it up)

>> No.6784957
File: 28 KB, 604x453, 1675558205523850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This reminds me of Kant's metaphysical topics.

>> No.6785023

any issues with scaling? can i just draw small and scale up?

>> No.6785953

>start drawing
>realize ive already drawn this exact same pose/scene/situation/design before but with different characters
>repeat every day
why do i have 0 creativity? i constantly see other people's art and know I couldn't come up with something like that by myself. am i missing inspiration/expanding my visual library? i don't mean that i can't come up with anything original, i mean that it seems like i cant come up with anything at all

>> No.6785954

I find that CSP is better for this than other software but in general it doesn't look good, don't do it.

>> No.6785966

Are you depressed by any chance? I felt this when I was depressed. Touching grass and watching movies helped. Seeking inspiration from things outside of art/creatives helps originality.
I wouldn't say most people are creative. They do the same thing you do, using templates, jumping on trends, putting characters and scenarios into poses. You wouldn't know how much a certain reference pose from pinterest or something was recycled.

>> No.6785972
File: 126 KB, 570x1024, 20230803_201628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would like to think I'm not depressed so I'll just chalk it up to not having seen any good movies in a while... it is easy to forget how uninspired most stuff really is. thanks

>> No.6786337

If you're drawing with pens you can't erase you have to either incorporate the scribbles into the artwork or rely on extensive memory and experience.

>> No.6786347

What is a good beginner book that focuses on construction?

>> No.6786626

If the point of a warmup is to get the muscles active and blood flowing in your arms/hands, would any physical activity using the arms be sufficient? Should I lift for better drawing?

>> No.6786662

You should lift, run and stretch to keep your body healthy and your mind functional. Physical activity won't directly improve your drawing quality, though.
If you need an art warmup, draw something real simple, sketch something easy etc. "A light form of the actual workout to be performed."

>> No.6787216

I still keep photoshop installed mostly because of their text editing tool. It's an old version before Adobe switched to the subscription model, but the text editing is still better than CSP imho

>> No.6787257

would a white cotton shirt work for watercolor practice until I'm good enough to dump money on actual watercolor paper?

>> No.6787284

Figured it out.

Make a rectangle on a layer
Make new layer
Apply noise filter to new layer
Set mode to overlay
Ctrl t and distort the rectangle to a plane in perspective.

>> No.6787428

how the FUCK does the 2point perspective ruler on clip studio work, i don't understand it at all. i can't move the vanishing points.

>> No.6787462
File: 45 KB, 504x407, 1689262485307127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that whenever I drag a picture from 4chan to Pureref I always get two pictures, one small and the other large?

>> No.6787464

I personally can't draw lines that go straight down so I have to rotate it 90 degrees and draw horizontally to make them. I think it might be a tablet limitation since I have a small one and I like that reasoning better than "I literally can't draw a straight line going down"

>> No.6787777


>> No.6787781

Thanks fren

>> No.6787791

I always wanted to ask this:
Why is that so many artists hate lineart?
Every single tutorial I see on youtube the guy or the girl mentions how its their least favorite part, but when i draw I feel like I could spend hours even just getting it "right", as I think I'm quite enjoying it. Mind you I'm a total beg so that may also be the reason.

>> No.6787796

how do i sketch like joel jurion? i can't post an example i dont think its allowed but he's popular enough im sure someone knows him. it doesnt look like he uses construction at all but im too /beg/ to tell. i just love the way his stuff looks. he's posted as early as 2006 so i hope it isn't a case of just draw for 20 years.

>> No.6787806

u need understanding of perspective and anatomy

>> No.6787811

I have big Slavic hands meant for menial farm work and war
How do I stop death gripping my pens and ripping paper?

>> No.6787814

so its a case of just draw for 20 years. i was hoping he had shown his process somewhere but i dont think he has. or that there was a specific teacher/book to follow to get similar sketches.

>> No.6787816
File: 2.31 MB, 1280x1611, 141 - muzinabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books or videos showing how to do a pen & ink illustration like picrel (artist: muzinabu) from imagination, from idea to finished product, step by step (including pencils, value planning, etc.)?

>> No.6787820
File: 735 KB, 1000x1000, 131020151723The-Pencil-Grip-Soft-Gripper_ig1_L-383852298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicker paper? Some pen gripper thing?

>> No.6787826

completely forgot those existed, I'll give it a try

>> No.6787830

Lineart requires more precision/accuracy than sketching and coloring. More rules = less fun

Also redrawing the same thing increases the boring factor

>> No.6787833

Downlad Blender. Watch some basic tutorials. I'd reccomend one one navigating the app, one for how to download and import 3d models and one for how to create and move light sources. Then you'll be able to download anyting you find online and light it. It's not very hard, trust me

>> No.6787835

I use SelfControl for mac. "Freedom" is pretty good too. No idea about windows or mobile

>> No.6787920
File: 81 KB, 735x1000, plaster casts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a site or link to see or download many plaster casts references (like picrel)? It could be classical statues or geometrical figures.

>> No.6788247

honestly try drawing like him (copying, doing your ideas in his style, drawing his characters from a different angle) and you will get a feel for how he does things
reverse engineering and figuring things out is a very valuable skill to develop

>> No.6788263

does the loomis 1/3rd of the head method work for everyone or is it just "Look at it and guess for each person"?
Feels like I can never get it right no matter how much i measure. Doing traditional on a flat table while using my laptop for references.

>> No.6788294

People seem to really undervalue the concept of "I like it, I will copy it". It's how babies learn language and how we can learn to dance. Anons could at least try to copy once before posting "how do I draw like x".

>> No.6788296

i've been trying to copy it lo, i just suck. i just wanted more info on how he does it is all, if he's been drawing for 20years surely he'd show his process before or talk about it. but no i dont think so, just his rough sketches which i really like.

>> No.6788302

Masters all the way down. He's been doing it for 20 years so he has a head start in drawing and thinking how he should draw. The secret sauce is always knowing how to construct the body and, in the case of stylized art, knowing when to simplify form.
IMO when copying you resign yourself to 80% accuracy most of the time while pushing for 90% some times. Since your perception, habits and how things should look filter through our strokes and ergo our art, you would have a hard time making a direct copy unless you really invest in grids and copying as such. I think you would be best served trying to copy his work and once you realize that it looks off, adjusting it to your own opinion.

>> No.6788753

It's an average proportion you learn to make things simpler. You have to adapt it to your reference since they won't have exactly average proportions.

>> No.6789976

I have three different Twitter personas for different niches I like to draw. Because marketing.
Should I have a linktree or a carrd link that redirects them all together into one page? Or would that defeat the purpose of making separate accounts?

>> No.6790093

even professional comic artists will do pencils first, and then inks. And even when they ink, they use whiteout to correct your mistakes.

Don't put yourself in a position where you can't erase, unless you're a masochist

>> No.6790095

I follow a few artists who have sfw and nsfw accounts, and I follow all their accounts. It's fine to link them

>> No.6790598

This is a very weird question, but when seeing a photo of someone irl, say from a front-facing angle, can you imagine accurately what they look like from 3/4 or a side profile view without actually having a reference image of them in that view?

Will any person "fill in the blanks" differently when trying to guess at other angles of another person in their imagination? Hope this question makes sense.

>> No.6790601

Yeah, it's actually impossible to do it 100% accurately. We can only guess based on our anatomy and perspective knowledge. Good artists can get pretty close, but not quite.

One of the reasons why art teachers tell you to not draw from photos is because of the lack of information. You could probably guess what the other angles look like if you were looking at the model irl, due to your binocular vision

>> No.6790622

prebeg here. I got two stacks of 500 printer paper sheets to practice on, but someone told me it's garbage and will actually hurt me because good drawing paper feels much different. It's only one person's opinion so idk if it's true or not. Should I invest in sketchbooks this early on?

>> No.6790624

printer paper is fine. it's even preferable for grinding exercises and stuff that you may not want to fill up a sketchbook with. whatever the case though, the important part is to draw, doesn't matter where or what paper you use.

>> No.6790626
File: 251 KB, 1024x1027, Rohrbach-verbrennung-1525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.6790634
File: 1.41 MB, 498x493, spongebob-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a crafts question.
I bought a sticker that is far too large.
Can I cut it or will cutting it somehow fuck it up and just ruin it?

>> No.6791433

i want to learn dgital painting but idk where to start

>> No.6791769
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best mix between western cartoons style and anime style you ever saw?

>> No.6792977

how the fuck do I know what cast shadows look like

>> No.6793064

where do you think the best place is to learn anatomy from

>> No.6793069

I like mangamaster's style.

>> No.6793234
File: 52 KB, 600x338, IMG-20230814-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit too cartoony (probably not usable in a shounen work) but you definitely get the point.

Do you have any other artist that comes to mind?

>> No.6793245

Any idea why my CSP lags when I stream it? It works fine when I'm not streaming. I have tried lowering the stream resolution, stream frame rate, canvas size, brush size, stabilization, disabled hardware acceleration, set the program to high priority, closed off all other programs, just about everything I can think of but it just doesn't want to perform at 100% when I'm streaming. I didn't have this issue a few months ago, but it started out of nowhere recently and I have no idea what is causing it. Granted, I have a toaster laptop, but like I said I used to be able to stream just fine until recently.

>> No.6793247

Let me guess, you dragged the image into pureref, pureref took the copy of the image and put it in the canvas, but because there is an anchor tag wrapping the image, it will also try to call the link, but it will result in getting the small thumbnail, basically, it will try to call the href link.

>> No.6793250

Try to remove the anchor link, then drag and drop and see if it works.

>> No.6793253

Or maybe there are 2 img tags. Sorry, i will go draw.

>> No.6793414

I've been using Autodesk sketchbook on my phone to start drawing which has been helpful but I'm wondering if Photoshop or something else might make drawing easier and give me more/better tools to use.

Do I need a drawing tablet?

>> No.6793508

Can you post examples of artists who clean up their sketches instead of drawing a 'proper' lineart?
like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s9tw5OrcaY and Kienan Lafferty

>> No.6793612

Have you been drawing on your phone with your finger if you don't have a tablet? That's a one way ticket to carpal tunnel, invest in a good drawing tablet or just get a cheap screenless one to start out.

Autodesk is honestly one of the worse drawing programs I've used before, try out krita if you want a decent photoshop alternative that's free.

>> No.6793624


>> No.6793707

I have a note 9, I've been drawing with a stylus. I didn't expect to get too into drawing but the more I do it, the more I like it and the more ideas I get.

Drawing with just a stylus on my phone though can be time consuming and there's a lot of pinching and swiping involved. I don't want to spend thousands though on something that's really just a hobby for me. I'll see what kinds of drawing tablets are out there.

>> No.6793882

Figure drawing (unironically). Learn the muscles from any source you'd like, then learn how they are shaped and manifest on the living figure thorugh figure drawing

>> No.6793902

Scott Eaton's vids were good for me

>> No.6793924

anyone got any videos where artists talk about how they learned to draw? i find it interesting to see how other artists learn

example vid: https://youtu.be/zmUMhMs5vFE

>> No.6794026

What brushes do people generally use in CSP when doing sketches? ex: people in the "redline threads" or "figure study threads" for some reason I can't seem to find a match. I know everyone probably uses different ones but I feel like I am missing something.

>> No.6794034

Tips on creating poses from imagination, mainly when the right visual reference isn't available or found.

Mainly for comics and pinup artwork.

>> No.6794087

How to draw people in environments fitting the perspective, i can draw both separately, but not together, also how would i make dynamic figures in perspective.

>> No.6794091

hard round (with or without opacity) and basic g-pen

>> No.6794125

which brush you use isn't important in line drawing, really. Pick what you like

>> No.6794126

the answer to both of these is mannequinization, being able to draw a simple figure out of cylinders and box shapes. Lay down a perspective grid, and drop in figures. when you go to life drawing, lay in those simple figures, instead of copying the contours of what you see

>> No.6794141

Perhaps learn a mannequin that works for me but for more thumbnail size sketches? Wanna use them for reference for larger sketching, not draw on top of.

>> No.6794245

How do you develop an art style? My drawings look so uninspired, but I go around here or literally anywhere else and I see people who don't necessary draw 1:1 with real life, but their art looks absolutely stellar and full of soul. I don't get how one goes about developing an art style...

>> No.6794272

Simon/Teal Line Guy does it too but it's not that easy finding his process videos.

>> No.6794856
File: 155 KB, 1280x793, akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you analyze the composition in this piece? tried dividing in thirds golden rectangles and even informal subdivision but i just can't find the way. it doesn't help i'm insanely stupid.

>> No.6794898

I'm not familiar with vilppu so I can't comment on that, but loomis is broader and more beg friendly than bridgman if you're just going to be using the books.

The biggest issue with loomis is the difficulty curve in pretty much all his books is ridiculous so you might hit a wall early on. You'll get a very solid foundation out of loomis but it can feel a little rote. Loomis also has better heads.

With bridgman you're going to be constantly learning in a really natural way but it also requires full engagement and the books are seriously baffling if you don't already have a decent grasp on fundamentals. Marshall Vandruff has a free bridgman drawing class on youtube that makes it infinitely easier to follow so I would recommend that.

Personally I would recommend trying the bridgman class at your own pace and supplement it as you go when you're stuck. If you're really beg though I could see bridgman being a bit challenging, but stick with it.

>> No.6795240


>> No.6795788

How is clip studio paint compared to photoshop? I’m an Adobe user, but am fed up with them forcing cloud storage saving down my throat when I didn’t ask or want it. It’s mandatory in Fresco so it tells me the direction Adobe wants to go.

So I’m looking for a viable alternative (if it exists) but I don’t know the pros/cons in this case, and would like to know before investing time into switching programs.

>> No.6796165

when you have the sketch that you want do you alter the canvas size to 'frame' the drawing in the way you want?

>> No.6796214

How can you make the leap from something kind of mediocre and immemorable to something more recognizable like the Scott pilgrim style? I want something kind of like that but I feel trapped in this kind of "meh" zone and don't know how to crawl out of it. I'm not sure if you have to keep pushing or change direction

>> No.6796242

idk if it is just a /beg/ thing, is there a way to work on your art as a whole without worrying about stylistic consistency like if the building in the background doesn't fit the figure in the foreground?

Basically what/how do I grind so I don't befall the "the character looks good but the tree in the background doesn't fit/looks like shit" predicament. It's not necessarily a background thing, it could be stuff like a gun or a glove. I'm confident if it's just a painterly realistic piece but I keep running into this feeling when doing stylized illustrations with multiple elements.

>> No.6796285

nah, framing is pretty much the last thing I do when drawing

>> No.6796392

is it okay to stick with a drawing a bit longer than you should as long as you're correcting issues or should u just let her go eventually? i'm sure the answer is to just grind as many as u can but its hard to say when the drawing is finished

>> No.6796699

>White people can't read this.jpg

>> No.6796813

Just draw. Artstyle is a mix of the small tips and tricks you pick up when drawing to save time and the bits and pieces of what works for other artists that you steal from to create something that is uniquely yours. There is no linear path to create an artstyle, it's something you need to figure out yourself.
Of course, you could go and copy another artist's artstyle to start with, but developing it is something you need to figure out on your own. Could be the brush you use or how you depict colours and light, but the most important thing comes from your own habits and studies.

>> No.6796821

Just keep creating original work, consistency will come with greater output and experience. Style is not something you should worry about. And if one part is lower quality, you just have to practice that part more. Really understanding form will help you draw anything if you want to practice from the very basics.

>> No.6797015

Just checked it, looks like it does have something to do with pictures linking itself. When I open an image on a new tab and drag from there, the problem doesn't happen.

>> No.6797029

I see, thanks anon. It's true now that I think about it and sometimes pro comic artists have this issue too, especially with cars for some reason.

I'm just confused about how animation industry workers or some experienced artists are able to clone styles. I guess it's kind of 2 fundamental questions:
>what parts of a style do you have to figure out when doing master studies, especially stylistic ones? What's the rough logic there so you understand the person's style and didn't just blindly copy a drawing without understanding the reasoning?
>what makes a drawing/painting harmonious/consistent? A nice balance of detail density so your senses aren't bored/overwhelmed? Shape language? Composition matters too but I feel like that bleeds into artistic voice and elements like lifework and color are slightly detached from it.

>> No.6797087

it's beneficial to even redraw the entire thing, seeing if you can make it better

>> No.6797092

Composition is about focal points, and how you get your viewer to see the focal point, and how you frame elements around the focal points in a pleasing way

The rule of thirds is a complete scam. Look for rhythm lines, basic shapes, value contrasts, and dramatic camera angles

>> No.6797188

is the David Finch roadmap specifically for people who want to draw comics? I'm a huge beginner who can only doodle a thing or two and I know jack shit about the technicalities

>> No.6797861

I was wondering. Is drawing multiple squares at then drawing a character inside them good for keeping sizes precise?

>> No.6797936

is only being able to draw good circles counterclockwise a bad thing

>> No.6797950

Should I make a 2d animation coom Patreon, does 5 dollaridooa for access to it sounds good.
I made a coom account once, got 1k followers super easily but I got caught up in other shit, gave up, it was easy money though, I feel like simple animated loops but in 2d would be a good idea, fun too.

>> No.6797992
File: 2.34 MB, 866x1222, 1681300235968312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For master studies, is drawing 1:1 copies required to learn anything? I am god awful at copying, so I want to learn from artists I like without doing the 1:1 stuff. How essential is it? Pic related is an artist that I like, but I don't know where to begin with a 1:1 copy, so I want to learn from this artist in other ways

>> No.6798002

Copying the masters without having basic notions of anatomy is useless, you won't know the reason for style or perspective decisions. Believe me, it happened to me.

>> No.6798058

help pls

>> No.6798078

copy bits and pieces. For a while, I only copied faces.

>> No.6798405
File: 34 KB, 552x552, 1473659602860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is CSP worth using? I was just setting up my hotkeys and it crashed. I have heard many others say it crashes randomly and they lose their work.
It didn't even recover the scribbles I made with my mouse while setting it up.

>> No.6798412

/v/ has gartic phone and skribbl.io threads every once in a while, maybe /vm/ has threads about it too

>> No.6798472

does anyone still has the files and brushes from this?

>> No.6798488

Is there an /ic/ discord or something?
I'm lonely and want art friends but I don't fit in anywhere else

>> No.6798527

Yeah, csp seems to be the second most popular paid drawing software
And Photoshop users tend to love the brushes but are set in their ways
I've had it crash on me 3 times total and it it recovered 99% of the work I had

>> No.6798716 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 1318x164, Screen Shot 2023-08-17 at 11.17.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey (you)

I'm sorry I was too harsh.
fwiw the thread is on warosu as >>6797711

That sucks to hear about your cousin.
I had no idea about any of this.

>> No.6798727

discords themselves are no guarantee of art friends when you first get in. It's better to find a few people you like there and be art friends with them and make your own closed server like actual friend groups. When it works it's great but it might not always work.

>> No.6798752

Nah yh I get it, just asking is there any at all with people from here specifically.
I'd put in the work and everything to make friends

>> No.6798778

Do people even frequent this board? As in regulars. It seems to turn over every few months. As a matter of fact a few pros used to come here in the past decade and if you go even further back there's conceptart.org and such. Where do pros post now on the internet? Can't all be private discords and studio clouds with only colleagues.

>> No.6798819
File: 14 KB, 777x777, onefuckingsnarkyjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pledge my undying love and affection for the person who can answer me this


>> No.6798830

I think they're probably busy lording over at their own patreon and its discord.

>> No.6798985

The very first excercise of the book is to draw whatever your shit untrained hand vomits when you try to draw a circle and then build up from that formless visual noise into a "funny face".

Yes you are retarded, if you want "perfect" lines just use the circle, line, square, etc. tools, if you want to draw freehand then embrace the imperfections.

Do you assholes think pros start by rendering a face and then intuitively render the rest of their work? or how the fuck do you think those pieces you like so much are made?


>> No.6799011

I can actually answer that, but depends what do you mean by pros.
Industry pros as in people actually working with companies or high level freelance, frequently don't post anywhere. They don't get work that way so they don't feel compelled to clout chase - if they do post it's IG/Artstation.
If you mean social media pros they ofc use IG/tiktok etc. and have their personal patreons and discords.
Both groups communicate with their peers in the same field. I was mainly asking if any other chucklefucks from here who are trying to gitgud or whatever hang anywhere - I just can't handle the fake positivity that every single art community oozes with and I'd rather talk plainly and realistically like people here often do.

>> No.6799034
File: 102 KB, 2048x888, IMG_3098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a simple process or blending mode that achieves this effect?

>> No.6799042

Forum culture is dead
People tried to revive or recreate conceptart org a few times and it always flopped because although pros would join, they'd treat it just like another instagram or whatever: join, dump work, link their main social media, leave
On conceptart people would actually chat and post in each others threads and there was more of a feeling of being there together on a journey, just at different stages
Now people just care about shilling their shit and boosting their numbers

On discords there are a few, check the stickies like /cbsg/ or /dad/, they have some pinned

>> No.6799213

weird ass question but do you know artists that draw the knee really well

>> No.6799251

I always make tiny ass mistakes that influence the end result , when drawing proportions. Like arm too big or too small, perspective too far or too close. Is there perhaps a targeted effecient drawing excercise i could use to improve? Instead of just keep drawing and figure it out.

>> No.6799734

>Forum culture is dead
It does seem like the pros are just using most social media to shill but it didn't feel like that long ago when it seems like industry professionals and people on there way to getting there interacted with randos and with each other somewhere public. Can't help but feel like it's just their little friend circle now and everything is very gate kept or little discord circlejerks.
What happened to communities? I'm lucky enough to have gotten some good crit from fellow grinders but it feels like now whenever someone gets a whiff of "making it" they start shilling and worse, plateau and refuse to improve. What the fuck?
Could it be that the low hanging fruits of early internet art have been picked and now we're in the fog of war so everyone's only looking out for themselves and isolating?

>> No.6799743

>I'm just confused about how animation industry workers [...] are able to clone styles
Professional animation studios have guidebooks than span hundreds of pages detailing every minutia when it comes to depicting characters. Look up The Simpson's No-No book. It's not something anybody can just do by eyeball.

>> No.6799748

I actually saw a video on that recently, Simpsons is one of the biggest western shows so it's understandable. What about one of the dozens of anime that comes out each quarter or smaller productions like Vivziepop's stuff or that Mexican show Villainous? A stong understanding of general rules of cartooning and an accurate feel for 3D form?
Another way to phrase that question is what do art directors look for when they correct artists' work? Or simply what do you look for when breaking down and taking note of an artist's style?

>> No.6799750
File: 2 KB, 329x302, yh089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"difference" layer mode

>> No.6799804

How do I make mosaic censorship that can be toggled on and off in Krita?

>> No.6799830

And how the fuck do I choose my resolution on export in this piece of shit? Am I really gonna have to do a destructive downscale of my file before exporting?

>> No.6799880
File: 530 KB, 1920x1080, may-strive-art-by-asana-maeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i learn to understand and create illustrations like this, with "flow"?
I understand things like perspective and gesture, but idunno how to apply it like these illustatrions do (or if theres something else im missing)

>> No.6799981

It's significanly easier with shilouetting. You'll have to let go of the image in your head of the finished piece and with shilouettes establish what actually works and looks good.
Additionally check out this vid I think it might help with the process itself, I found it helpful

>> No.6799995
File: 24 KB, 544x564, FTC_BloUsAAoOHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it better to do master studies or study irl images? or is it better to do both?

>> No.6799997

>now whenever someone gets a whiff of "making it" they start shilling and worse, plateau and refuse to improve. What the fuck?
Could it be that the low hanging fruits of early internet art have been picked and now we're in the fog of war so everyone's only looking out for themselves and isolating?
I think it's because it's simply gotten so competitive and accessible.
Theres so many resources and a lot of people come to "learn" but in reality they don't want to, or are not serious or don't even know what they want and they waste a lot of time of the people giving advice. So on top of wasting time relatively frequently giving advice or working with people who just won't use it there's simply different life and art stages so you aren't a good fit for just anybody - and the cherry on top imo is simply todays world. It's pretty shitty working and living today, even worse now than just a few years ago and it feels like everybody in the world is just kinda nose down, minding their own business and don't have the capacity or balls to do anything to change.

All in all, if there is ever to be another community like that it will start off with the few who want to work and aren't chickenshit to put some emotional and physical work into it but if it's any good it will get flooded sooner or later with the trash. Especially if you manage to "make it" or find work you have even less capacity and willingness to have 80% of your interactions be pointless.

Specifically regarding plateuing and refusing to improve, it's really no different than anything else in life. There's a video by Bobby Chiu about the "1% door" or how this figurative 1% of people will continue to learn and improve just for the sake of it and he encourages you to be that 1%.

>> No.6799999

try doing 30min studies of your fav artist's body of work every day and then 30min of a picture. Do that for a while and see where you at after like a month

>> No.6800001

should i copy the entire pic completely or should i do it in pieces?

>> No.6800006

All of it, to the best of your ability keeping all the elements at around the same stage of completion. (so don't go doing element by element from 0%-100% but rather do everything to be around the same %) The time limit will force you to focus on what's important.
Big shapes first, then smaller - don't focus on detail.
After you get comfortable doing that and can comfortably draw whatever in a short time frame you'll probably have a better idea of what you want to study specifically (like brushwork, color or perspective) to get the desired result

>> No.6800018

is using sketchup to draw landscapes and backgrounds (professionally) cheating? is this common in the industry?

>> No.6800025

They are paying for a finished product not how you got there. besides if you'll get hired you'll adapt to their pipeline which may or may not include sketchup and a whole host of other tactics like blender, max, photobashing etc.

>> No.6800026

No, it's fine and quite common. As long as you are saving time/producing good work they wouldn't mind, especially since it can speed up the workflow for 3D artists down the pipeline.

>> No.6800043
File: 210 KB, 700x999, Wakfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ankama. Not too simple but not too overdetailed either

>> No.6800158

Thanks for the tip and thanks for the video, anon
Thats a nice channel

>> No.6800217
File: 194 KB, 1472x1800, how to draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this book like?
is it any good?
would you say it'd be good to read this after 'the art & science of drawing' and 'keys to drawing'?

>> No.6800253

No problem. His work isn't exactly up my alley but this video of his came up on my recommended and I found his process very helpful and with silhouettes I'm having a way easier time coming up with a pleasing composition and I'm thinking about it right from the beginning

>> No.6800330

What is XA's secret? He says he's (obviously) inspired by anime many times but what's the other half?

>> No.6801079
File: 175 KB, 407x485, Sheer Bewilderment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon doesn't get it. They can understand 2mm, but 1.3mm doesn't make any sense?

>> No.6801280

probably from some imperial measurement

>> No.6801980
File: 239 KB, 1808x936, wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to heal creatively after my social, psychological and physiological safety have been thoroughly ruined by narcissistic abuses. I lost time, and my ability to empathize with others has vanished. I have no passion for anything anymore.

>> No.6801992

make art for make-believe people/scenarios/whatever. A world where there's no abusers - make art about those kinds of stories/IPs/games

>> No.6802944

How pathetic is it to use situations where peopled wronged you as scenarios for your comic book?

>> No.6802984

I'd have to see it, but probably

>> No.6803237

I don't think it's as pathetic as most people would say because it's totally fine to be inspired from personal experience, but if you're making it out of pure revenge fantasies with very little distinction with the real thing then it is at least a little pathetic. Especially if you yourself haven't grown from when you were getting wronged.

>> No.6803752

Any good anatomy books or courses for complete retards like myself?

>> No.6804025
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem. My perspective has shifted into a pessimistic lens. All I see is black. Narcissism is everywhere. I could write more details, but the intensity is bad enough that I can hardly discuss the subject, I don’t want to spread negativity. The worst horrors are executed by entities who unconditionally believe themselves to be ‘good’. The devil is bold.

Somehow, there are good sides of being deceived, exploited, and humiliated. I am free from expectation of empathy, from others, and myself. However, this means it is difficult to engage in ‘make-believe’ ideas, now I’ve seen what lies behind the masks. In my opinion, there is something deeply counterintuitively honest about characters presenting themselves as ‘evil’. There is no angel, only demons competing together for the appearance of candidness. Although this is a multilayered problem, even artistic metaphors may harbor intricate networks of layered gimmicks. That is said, I am open-minded and sceptic, these words are not final. I am sorry if this rambling is inappropriate, I had to rant a bit. I’m not sure how to brainwash myself into believing in Love again.

If you are using your own hurdles as inspiration, it may be interesting, as long as awareness of escalation, safety, and personal wellbeing is sufficient. Personally I am too abstract to care about whatever fairy tale is associated with imaginary physical avatar.

>> No.6804032
File: 282 KB, 1233x1783, Dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you create dots (visible at the top and at the bottom) that decrease in size with each new line? I know how to make the dots in CSP but not how to make them change size at different point.

>> No.6804086

I have been wanting to take peter han's dynamic sketching for a while now, should I just go for it or wait till I get better to get the most out of his critique?

>> No.6804110

show that through your art. create someone having to experience all your suffering. and maybe if you get far enough with that, you can create and watch them heal, and in turn heal yourself.

i’m somewhat in the same boat as you, it’s just that i can imagine someone healing through it, as proof to myself that it’s possible.

i hope that’s possible for you someday, truely.

>> No.6804260

Try to stream some other CPU heavy program and see if the proplem lies on CSP, hardware or operating system

>> No.6805279
File: 209 KB, 969x914, IMG_0132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, I ended up I trying to confront my narcissistic abusers. If you thought the /ic/ crab mentality is bad, this is nothing in comparison. /biz/ crabs will literally threaten you with hate speech, emotional and physical blackmail of 'assassination smart-contracts', and even call you 'racists' or severe defamation as a smart-contract devs (before I said anything explicit about their behaviors). Then they will mock your agony in a hospital, act as if nothing happened, project everything on you, and play the DARVO reversal boilerplate.


Never expect decency from others. As absurd as it sounds, some people will harass, threaten, and defame you for negligible self-inflation and giggles, as long as they are confident in their impunity and sycophantic positions.

>> No.6805301
File: 183 KB, 1000x1080, monochrome-dots-background-abstract-fade-backdrop-vector-31536700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a pattern that you like on google or make one yourself and put that on a multiply layer

>> No.6805305

Maybe don't seek validation from 4chan of all places

>> No.6805344

I feel numb. I lost purpose and passion. It doesn't matter what I do, or at least it seems. I am not seeking validation, but openly talking about my story to see what abstraction comes out of, navigating the sea of infinite potentialities to probe for eventual epiphany, or something. Autists are sometimes transparent and open like this, which constantly play against themselves. Sharing all internal thought processes may not be self-advantageous.

I need a 'being forgotten' plan. The best strategy is presumably to close internet and leave. Unfortunately, they even post on /ic/ and artistic Discord channels I have been using. They love-bomb hierarchical positions everywhere. This reality has no space for me.

>> No.6805599


figures the mods are probably trying to save money on hosting.


>> No.6805601
File: 152 KB, 1462x1955, dd6i0o-4ff4a7e4-ae3f-43dc-be93-a2e5690bc4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people still learning flash
Started at late age
I feel like walking ghost town

>> No.6805602
File: 585 KB, 2048x1452, 27709556_1971847553142079_9133863765249410376_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6805899

Hey guys, I'm looking for an online forum where instead of speaking through text, you speak through drawing
You draw and someone else continues your drawing to interact with you
Are there any? I know one in french : https://www.forum-dessine.fr/forum/3293/bavardages#new
I guess there should be one in english too right?

>> No.6806153

How can i tell with certainty that my drawing tablet is a piece of junk and that it isn't my settings?

>> No.6806157

Is it from any of the three big brands? Then you're trash. If not it's trash.

>> No.6806164

It's a Huion 1060.

>> No.6806233
File: 94 KB, 498x498, pepe-the-frog-thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does danbooru keep reposting my rejected posts to rule34? Literally like if a site went through another site's garbage to get it's content.

>> No.6806379

I need a link to a comprehensive guide on layer management. I always fuck up and end up getting confused and resorting to overpainting and it looks like a mess.

>> No.6806424
File: 765 KB, 627x635, 1675121458486984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I upload NSFW images into my own galleries besides Pixiv? Deviantart is a shithole and I don't really care for Twitter. I don't know how many other options exist. I just want to upload shit without fighting policies and thin-skinned advertisers.

>> No.6806634
File: 97 KB, 1290x1074, Fwi9ByOaAAELErz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get a 2 week internship at a place for some design work. Problems are they aren't going to pay me and I have no interest in even working for the place. I only got it because of le nepotism meme and I don't want to disappoint my parents. They think this'll help pad out my portfolio even though I haven't actually applied for any jobs in the last 3 months and I think it's strong enough.
What do?

>> No.6806674
File: 38 KB, 360x373, D3E45539-FBBF-42F6-A3CE-E241CE6FB393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


https://booru.org/ unless youre looking for a placewith social aspects. literally just say your gallery is nsfw and make sure no real people are uploaded, only drawings you own the rights too and you wont have it taken down by the admins.

stating nsfw means porn ads on your gallery but sfw has no ads iirc. i tried to upload nsfw onto sfw setting but my gallery got taken down eventually so yeah you gotta dral with porn ads if ur uploading nsfw.

>> No.6806679
File: 979 KB, 766x1024, 3C7049E1-661A-4C72-841F-DBD9CAB3B29C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


happened to me, i assume they use a crawler. I actually dont mind being rejected by danbooru, their tagging system is so easy when you upload and the fact it pretty much gets auto uploaded to gelbooru and rule34 is neat.



also fun database, its the /v/ drawthread booru i had no idea everypost i made in the drawthread was being preserved there, it actually blew my mind because so many of the pices that got uploaded there, i thought i had lost for good.


though truthfully, ill never understand fans. i guess its similar to how i admire musicians for being able to do something i cant do lol

>> No.6807825

He has nice ideas, but it's clear he's still learning, something about his comp in that image that you can easily avoid is not getting locked in the "standing guy" looking at thing mindset, if you look at >>6799880 you can see the eye level is pretty much below the character, as if you were falling with her (so dwarf or lanklet view can be exploited for comps), obviously exaggerated perspective for effect helps with that sense of movement. If you want an irl example, imagine those guys with GoPros doing some extreme sport. A basic exercise would be just doing simple bodies with no detail to test out that perspective, overly commiting to a sketch isn't the best approach, so there's no need to fill the page with grids until you found some pose/eye level that you like, then you add some perspective lines to make sure your character is selling some "realistic" perspective, then you can either save them or do a few more so next time you come up with an illustration you can use them as a base for constructing your scene.

>> No.6807827

how long does it take to develop an artstyle that is both distinctive and attractive?

>> No.6807873
File: 108 KB, 918x341, 365762478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any anons that are versed in PS or similar painting softwares, can you recommend some decent key bindings that had made your painting process more comfortable or that don't force you into stopping from what you're doing that you intuitively press them without any awkward results?
Do you prefer setting them up in a simple key press instead of multiple keys?

Any preferred keys/shortcuts?
I tend to use ctrl+alt plus drag mouseclick/penpress to adjust brush size, but I'd like to try another setup.
Same for picking hues, switching brushes on the fly or any useful trickery. Any suggestions are welcome

>> No.6807962

I use Z and X for brush size so I don't have to reach across the keyboard
Also Q for opening colour window

>> No.6808361
