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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 552x99, Screenshot 2023-07-30 180628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6768763 No.6768763 [Reply] [Original]

>charge fair wages for my comm for once
>instantly get backlash and people shitting on my art and tell me to drop my prices back to 3rd world shithole prices because all artists are doing that
we're doomed forever to charge $60 per full color aren't we?

>> No.6768769

now nuke your thread

>> No.6768777

why even obsess over antis who will never pay you?

>> No.6768819

You're free to set the price you want and if people feel that your art is worth it they'll pay and if they don't think it is they won't and they'll hire other artists

That's how free markets work, simple as

>> No.6768823

If it makes you feel better anonbeatnik I've raised my price to be slightly higher starting today

>> No.6768829

at this point i'm not sure whether this guy is spamming earnestly, ironically or if it's a third party pretending to be him spamming himself as some sort of convoluted defamation scheme

>> No.6768831

Free market is only a good thing if its local.

free market in the usa we follow the US average pricing = art comms average around $15 to $20 per hour, roughly $300 to $700 per full color
free market on the global scale we follow the 3rd world shithole average pricing = $2 to $6 an hour, roughly $30 to $60 per full color

$400 a month in Venezuela is the average income of a surgeon there btw.

>> No.6768842
File: 48 KB, 640x492, dire-straits-money-for-nothing-Cover-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people talking shit wouldn't buy your art if it was free anyway, they just see you make a week's worth of their wages in two days and get assmad about it.

I get the same at my day job, I make about 15% more than some people because of some certification and everytime we meet they always say something like
>Yeah but any retard could do it
>That's not a real job anyway faggot, you wouldn't last five minutes doing actual work the way we do
>You only got it through luck and connections, fuck off before I break you in half bitch

Some people are just mad because they're poor and don't like being reminded.

>> No.6768868

I would raise the price every time someone complains.
They complain because they want your work but are cheapskates, why would they comment otherwise?

>> No.6768872

The hell is this workplace?

I'm sure glad I work online, I have never met these cartoony retards you NPCs always talk about.

>> No.6768886

I didn't say whether it was good or not but it is what it is, you operate under it: people are free to commission or not commission you at a given price, you aren't forced to charge lower prices but people aren't forced to accept your price either if they don't value your art

>> No.6768893

Based on his description he does networking/it for construction sites.

>> No.6768905

Not 1, not 2 but 7 Twitter threads on the catelog.

>> No.6768908

It's hilarious though, they're such bitter wage cuck slaves loathing their own lives that they froth at the mouth when confronted with the success creatives and entertainers have. Especially faced with the fact that someone can love their job and make a living doing what they enjoy. Keep in mind though the average person is just a hole that exists to consume from one end and then shit out the other like a sea cucumber. These modern day peasants have their uses though, they're good to keep the system and economy running until automation replaces most manual toil. It'll be even funnier when poverty and the eventual nihilistic dread of obsolescence will hit these netflix cockroaches like a freight train and they won't be able to support their living for the weekend habits. At least it should reshuffle society somewhat and incentivise more people to do something more constructive instead of stacking boxes or driving around all day. No other way to achieve ubersmench.

>> No.6768927

Probably the latter. Or just another guy sharing the same views but have a convenient meat shield to deflect it from him

Yeah a seanigger I know says something $1500 is what manager working for around 10 years would be making. No shit 3rd worlders are going to be happy even charging this rate.

>> No.6768945

>nobody wants to pay money for pixels
TradChads can't stop winning.

>> No.6768947

>Yeah but any retard could do it
Please tell me you counter that with "and this retard did."

>> No.6768948

>I make about 15% more than some people because of some certification

This is very common. I remember working as a janitor and one janny was making 20% more than the others because he sat in on meetings with the clients and did basic customer service. The others just avoided any meetings like the plague and wonder why they get paid less. The crab mentality can go fuck itself.

>> No.6768951

Based. Remember that 1s and 0s have literally ZERO real value because they can be quickly and easily copied at practically no cost. If you want to make money you need to create something physical and one-of-a-kind.

>> No.6768959

yep, go and get a real job faggot

>> No.6768968
File: 18 KB, 569x423, FIPqMxgUcAAI9Vx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom literally said this when i bragged to her i made $500 a month working on art comms 12 hours a day
>she then followed up why don't you ask your uncle for work in his workshop, he pays his mechanics $2400 a month
>tfw my mom was right all along except the faggot part

>> No.6768971
File: 39 KB, 699x439, mc_wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, fuck these people. 340 isn't even much, professional illustrators charge thousands for a single illo. Ignore them & move on.
But this is why I don't do commissions. I used to freelance graphic design and got tired of jack-offs wanting work practically for free. I'd rather just work on my own projects and put up a patreon.

>> No.6768979

>$2400 a month
A stocker boy at Win-Dixxie earns the same. More if they work overnight and they don't have to work as hard.

>> No.6768993

>he pays his mechanics $2400 a month
Key word. Are you skilled as a mechanic?
I'm thankful I don't have to fix shit at my job, I would be anxious about breaking it even harder.

>> No.6768994
File: 19 KB, 306x306, sun so loud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More if they work overnight and they don't have to work as hard.
Overnight is where it's at. If your excuse is REEE I'M T0O AUTISTIC/INTROVERTED TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE just grab an overnight shift cleaning/stocking/guarding somewhere (note, some you might have to deal with some people). Normies don't want these positions so they're giving them away. And sometimes things are slow enough you have time to DRAW.
Just make sure to get your sleep during the day or you'll crash HARD.

>> No.6768996

Depends in what country he lives.

>> No.6769011

Now those are some first world problems. Time to pick up your 2011 laptop and move to Burkina Faso.

>> No.6769014

Should've read up on cars and not loomis then kek. I'd love to have a comfy job at a mechanic's shop.

>> No.6769159

How did you manage to make just $500 in a month of 12 hours a day

>> No.6769193

>t. seething wage cuck

>> No.6769227
File: 41 KB, 470x470, 16546516954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know how bad wageslaving npcs can get.
>be me 15
>get first job at mcdonalds
>first day, learning to work the register
>other coworker standing besides me teaching me
>my first ever customers come in
>a couple in the 30s maybe
>man orders 2 mcmenu but the cheap variant that costs 40cents less
>tap in regular mcmenu
>realize i made a mistake and apologize
>ask my coworker how to fix this
>guy immediately goes "if you don't fix this i will beat you"
>i just go "come at me then"
>manlet does nothing
>coworker just looks dumbfounded but doesn't react
>coworker swipes her key card to cancel the order and lets me get the right order in
>total is now 14.49 instead of 15.29
>guy starts bitchwhispering how this is an easy job and how hard his job is
>just ignore while my coworker explains me shit
>still keeps going "i should just break his face"
>lmao internally
>give them their order and tell them to have a nice day
>shift manager comes
>coworker explains what happened
>shift manager makes me a milkshake and tells me to go have a small break
>go outside
>see the couple leaving
>"you should come do my job then you'll see what real work is"
>keep drinking my milkshake
>never seen this swarthy manlet and his fat wife ever again
Moral of the story; npcs are incredibly insecure and they would try to commit violence over a simple mistake that can be easily fixed while trying to boast about how much of a """hard worker""" they are because they are that fucking miserable.

>> No.6769239

Miles (some furry with industry experience) charges like $5000+ per commission
He gets waves of people complaining every single time, but still gets commissions.

>> No.6769245

>guy immediately goes "if you don't fix this i will beat you"
Why make up such a retarded story

>> No.6769248

Big names charge big bucks, whoop whoop
Also, Miles is less of an artist and more of a brand name among furry. He is seen as the furry equivalent of Apple. They don't care about the quality, they care about the recognition associated with the brand

>> No.6769250

You ever been around southern italians?

>> No.6769252

Point was randos complaining publicly about your prices are meaningless. You still might get work from people that think it's worth your prices.

>> No.6769253

fuck off allbitchnik

>> No.6769261

Your story is just a retarded made up fantasy. I believe you work at McDonald's and put in the wrong order, but that's the extent of what was true there.

>> No.6769263

Yeah, """""might"""""
Keep yourself realistic.

You faggots keep on complaining about how third worlders are charging at prices that you cannot compete with
But guess what? They are just playing their cards
Play your cards and use your tools to produce better quality than they can even make

>> No.6769268

>You faggots keep on complaining about how third worlders are charging at prices that you cannot compete with
Didn't do such a thing. Fuckin schizo

>> No.6769275

The fact you think this shit is fake just shows you’re one of them, faggot. Shit like that gets recorded and posted on the internet all the time.

>> No.6769279
File: 6 KB, 227x222, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, just reacting to this thread

Hearing posts like>>6768831 is sad
How would you faggots feel if the megacorp cried out because you guys can just buy the same quality of products elsewhere for much cheaper price

Demanding monopolies because it hurts your pee-wings compete is bullshit

Third worders aren't going to decrease their prices.
You have your cards, use it
Or just go to the third world if you think that they are too unfair

>> No.6769287

>waaaaah its fake its fake waaaaaah didn't happen i dont believe it just admit its fake waaaaah
Are you mentally ill?
i second this
I really don't get retards like this

>> No.6769291
File: 331 KB, 358x408, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man that sucks that youre being lowbaled ano-
>"$60 per full color is low"
>"hes charing in the 300s for digital art"
never the fuck mind OP youre a faggot

>> No.6769293

and then the milkshake stood up and clapped

>> No.6769316
File: 50 KB, 720x541, 988a44a4d5b65be4f219b4ea9e3b78f6443c903a17fe95f6d5ce7a1a9b4ab74a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still dont understand why some people here treat art, which is essentially a trade job, like a wage job.
You guys ever worked a trade job before? You just dont sit on your ass doing the absolute bare minimum solely to fulfill a time quota and say "durr I'll continue tomorrow". No, you're requested for a job and you do nothing but the damn job no matter how long it takes, even if it means you're finishing a 300$ job in 2 hours or a 50$ job in 12 hours.
I dont understand you fags.
>$400 a month in Venezuela is the average income of a surgeon in a private clinic* there btw.
Fixed and even that number may be an overstatement.
>t. veneco.

>> No.6769320
File: 454 KB, 622x640, the_car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based mom

I'm going to make sure at least one of my children becomes a mechanic

>> No.6769341

uh oh the 3rd world shitholers are here

>> No.6769347

Yes, and?

Don't act superior now when you are whining about our unfair advantages

>> No.6769352

why are you charging 3rd world shithole rates for the international market?
shouldnt you charge 3rd world shithole rates only to your 3rd world shithole friends?

>> No.6769353

>our unfair advantages
You the reason on why you have those in the first place. You can live like a king, but choose to lowball instead like a retard.

>> No.6769358
File: 107 KB, 1355x992, 1f49972e1e6633515c42a99b1a100262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pricing is a race to the bottom
The cheapest is the most attractive one.

Go live here if you hate my advantage so bad. But you won't do that, now would you?
I wonder why

>> No.6769362

I wish people shaming western commissioners who pay 3rd world shithole rates to their artists are way more common. Tell them to move to those 3rd world shithole countries even if they love paying that low for art.

>> No.6769366

>Go live here if you hate my advantage so bad
your commissioners should live with you in that trash dumpster you call a home instead
they want everything cheap, right?

>> No.6769371

holy shit this seethe is amazing

>> No.6769372
File: 26 KB, 164x111, 1684591993382141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muhhh your country is a shithole!!
I find funny how people say spic countries are shitholes, as if spics themselves werent aware of the fact and as if spics gave a shit about their countries being called a shithole.
Also, I firmly believe calling Venezuela "third world" is quite generous, if anything this a dystopian nightmare in comparison of any third world country, murica included.

>> No.6769374
File: 141 KB, 512x288, tumblr_b275b69f16b80be5198c32a5e7c8cfc1_bbf4a9d1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would do the proper thing and seek the 3rd world artist who can afford that price....and produce the same quality

Stop. fucking. whining
The third world can't even produce proper quality due to lack of tools, not even proper internet and pc

You have much better tools and therefore *should* be capable of giving better quality.
Do you suck that bad?

>> No.6769376

I do cyber security auditing which is all remote email and meeting work at the level I've clawed my way to, and at a surface level, many people have reflexively called me a bitch for doubt and juxtaposed something like carpentry as a truer and realer job. At the very least when I've talked about it on other platforms, in open "what do you do and how can I do it" room questions, people often comment and flatly say that I don't deserve what I'm making for what I'm doing. But I guarantee if you ask them "do you enjoy the fact that there are a great many hospitals in the USA that aren't currently being held hostage by scamming ransomware attacks from Russians and Norks, and then being rendered inoperable even after paying because fuck them?" they would say yes absolutely that's amazing, let's keep shit running smoothly, but will still tell keyboard jockeys to go fuck themselves. Tldr people are just spiteful mutants until they take a good long look at themselves and become humble, and even then are only marginally more tolerable. Art seems to magnify this phenomena.

>> No.6769393

damn bro went unironically "but muh VUVUZELA"

>> No.6769395

Nah, this shit is entirely fabricated. You're just daydreaming about how you wish you responded when some guy got annoyed you put his order in wrong.

>> No.6769399
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Im putting my country in high regard

>> No.6769402

>$2400 a month
Is this what you guys think is a lot of money?

>> No.6769408

Does Russia really do that? I thought it was CIA propaganda.

Anyway, I'll suck your dick if you can help me get a job like yours. I'll lick your booty hold til it squeaks clean. I got a bachelors in business... rip.

>> No.6769421

not really
but an online commission artist living in flyover states like ohio or something where rent is $500 a month, that's pretty livable and comfy

>> No.6769430

Depends where you live. In expensive cities in the West? No. In a small country overseas where the US dollar takes you further? Yes.

>> No.6769433

Yes, believe it or not but cyber attacks are extremely low risk high reward. Suffice to say, a state level actor can essentially spam all sorts of attacks 24/7 until something sticks, and something always sticks. So the name of the game is minimize, essentially.
>Bachelor's in business
Funnily enough I had to go back for my MBA to justify the job I have now, after getting a generic "cyber security" degree from a state university. My ladder climbing stems from a hate of computer greebling, I much prefer to tell other people who tell other people what needs to happen. Start off at a help desk and learn just enough to justify the next higher job and in 5 years you'll be where you need to be.

>> No.6769434

>where rent is $500 a month
Maybe for a bedroom in a shitty area
Rent isn't that low basically anywhere anymore.

>> No.6769443

Could... you help me get a help desk job at your company? >_> Is it wfh?
Maybe share a discord or throw away discord? If you don't mind.
I'm in the US and struggling, the job app process is discouraging. Seems like the only way to get a job is a friend ref.

>> No.6769451

The company I'm at now doesn't have a help desk, they pay another company to do stuff. But the best recommendation is to just go on usajobs or something similar and look for companies who want help desk people for government systems. Work and try to go from contract to gov, this is assuming you in the USA unfortunately, and yeah it's almost always wfh or hybrid. You don't "really" need a reference, at least nobody I've ever recommended was hired.

>> No.6769458
File: 61 KB, 702x552, Screenshot 2023-07-31 035518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found one pretty good
ill live here. area might be shitty and the last murder in the area probably happened a month ago but its cheap, its good. Its Athens, man.

>> No.6769478

>yeah sure the area sucks and I'll get murdered shortly after moving in, but y'know, worth

>> No.6769479

"Fair" is determined by people who are willing to pay.
If people are paying you this money, you are safe to ignore the seethe.

>> No.6769485

You're an idiot, pricing doesn't work that way. If no one is willing to pay above a price that's the max price. You can make an autistic piece of art with so much detail that it took you weeks to make but that doesn't matter to the one buying it, if you charge 10,000 for very detailed portraits you are not going to sell because no one is willing to pay thousands for a portrait. And the people that do get high prices they do so on brand not work put in, the brand is what they are charging for.
So just charge what people are willing to pay for until you get enough clout, by building it up not just magically by the way, to justify selling your name too into the price tag.

>> No.6769490

you only get murdered if you relaxed,
its your fault you chose this life anyways, mommy didnt told you to be a full time internet commission artist, you chose to be one.

>> No.6769491
File: 799 KB, 1080x1080, 16894949795854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be anon on anonymous board
>tell a story that happened to you
>some fag keeps insisting that the story must be fake because he can't accept that shit like this happens and "you must be daydreaming about how you wish you had responded"
I'll tell you another story that happened to me
>be 18
>get caught up into working as a scammer trying to get people to sign up for magazines and shit
>always drive to different cities and towns every day, from the home where you live in with other coworkers
>that day we drove to a city we went couple times already
>hand out flyers for a lottery where you could win a car
>basically its just data collection to call them later to get them to sign a contract
>working a street with a female coworker
>10 am
>some drunk arab starts mildly yelling at coworker at approaching her
>get inbetween
>see he has beer in his left hand
>right hand in jacket
>sandnigger pulls out his right hand from the jacket
>hear a click
>glance at his hand
>nigger seriously pulled out a knife
>keeps it hidden behind his hand
>keeps calling me a square head and a dirty russian
>coworker gets inbetween from my right side and starts calling the police
>niggers keeps doing nothing
>the moment i'd look away he probably would've stabbed me
>coworker starts talking to the police on speaker
>niggers starts backing away still calling me a fucking russian
>rest of the team comes
>we go into a nearby bakery
>persian woman working at the register knows this guy but don't want to snitch because he just got out of prison
>get her to snitch
>police comes
>do what police do
>I'm starting to shake from the adrenaline
>time passes still working in that city
>keep lookout for the guy
>see him a couple times seriously trying to blend in with the crowd
>as if some rectangle head afghan shitskin like him could blend in with whites
>weeks later we go back to the city to work again and find out from the woman in the bakery that he got arrested for selling drugs

>> No.6769494
File: 485 KB, 1300x1547, F0oxEOAakAE0q6Sww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just charge 3rd world shithole prices until you get to 100k followers bro then you can charge $500 per piece
>pic related is what the average 100k follower artists charge
Do understand lots of big art accounts come from 3rd world shitholes themselves. Shit isnt any different up there

>> No.6769496

yeah I'm not reading all that shit, don't care, your first made up story didn't happen.

>> No.6769500

>that art

>> No.6769501

I don't see the issue, making 95 dollars for a hour and half of work is pretty good pay, way above the standard hourly.
Besides I've never even heard of this person so I doubt they have much of a brand.

>> No.6769503

onkel dieter?

>> No.6769506

ackshyually he has over 300k.

>> No.6769511
File: 89 KB, 1024x731, 1586346082107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man
keep coping and seething or something, shitskin.
Sure showed me.

>> No.6769518

lets see you shit out something of that quality in an hour and half, nodraw retard faggot
lines better not be messy

>> No.6769521

>Besides I've never even heard of this person
The famous line said by shitters who aren’t a part of a community or live under a rock

>> No.6769522

>of that quality

>> No.6769530

>i dont understand
Once you realize that a majority of this board are either underage or extremely autistic that they can't go outside by themselves, you'll understand.

>> No.6769536

thank you god for ai

>> No.6769537

Thank you anon. I'm not "great" at It. I've just been a casual user since I was 5. Will I be ok? Do they train?

>> No.6769543

I’m so glad that I draw fast. I’ve seen streams where people spend hours just on the digital inking of a drawing.

>> No.6769544

You guys are still here

>> No.6769548

>people getting aggressive over stupid bullshit
Yeah, I know a guy like that. Most of the time an alright dude, but then he snaps and starts insulting me because of stupid crap or me disagreeing with him. Sometimes I just want to beat the shit out of him, but I have contact with him every day, so it would make things very difficult later on.

>> No.6769549

Tradesmen will whine about you getting paid a lot to sit in a nice air conditioned office until their bank account is bruteforced, their credit cards are all maxed out and someone has to roll that back.

>> No.6769551
File: 263 KB, 990x753, 1111-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

karl kopinski charges about 4,000 for pic related; what makes you think your tranime /beg/ images are worth hundreds?

>> No.6769554
File: 56 KB, 536x501, 1662157234658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh what does your $340 art look like bro?

>> No.6769558
File: 126 KB, 800x1229, F2N7lUTagAA9q-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of his "samples" for which he claims is worth $340

>> No.6769563

True and cold hard reality pilled.

>> No.6769565

Holy fucking shit
That's just 4 fucking K?!

Please be fucking joking. You mean just 1 character, right?
1 character and no complex bg, right?

>> No.6769568

whatever it looks like, it costs way more money to obtain than whatever your $30 pieces of shit doodles you shit out from your 3rd world shithole in your stinky 3rd world shitheap you call a home

>> No.6769570

Also, that's that non-SP doing at the back?

Are they joined together due to mechanicus bs or some sort of advanced servitor?

>> No.6769572

Now post your full color 3rd world masterpiece shit doodle anyone can buy for $30

>> No.6769576

that's on the high end too, anon; a lot of artists that do full finished pieces for major companies are paid between the 1k - 3k ballpark (per piece), of course the more famous you are, the higher you can charge

generally the agreement with larger corporations is that the artist can sell prints and still profit from the piece after it's done

>> No.6769577

>p-people would never be randomly aggressive to strangers
Said anon, randomly being aggressive to strangers in the thread.
Woman moment.

>> No.6769581

I know but holy fucking balls. That's not a steal, that's daylight bank robbery

>> No.6769584
File: 185 KB, 361x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can google $30 commissions, you know

>> No.6769590

Well, he doesn't have to draw degenerate shit and since the publication are doing the prints, he'll get royalties for the rest of his life which can amount to hundreds of k's.
Also generally, NSFW and lewd stuff should pay more as commissions. SFW is always on the low end

>> No.6769593

>its $50

>> No.6769596

look up how much companies pay for full-time artists anon, it's shit; a lot of companies don't even bother listing the salary range and expect artists to apply first

>> No.6769601

>which can amount to hundreds of k's.
Sounds pretty alright, I guess. I guess that most artists don't have it so good, tho.
Corporations are shit, nothing new. Wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to use AI to push them out of freelance stuff for general public and back into wageslavery.

>> No.6769602

>paying $30 for a full color work
why bother? just use AI if you want value so much.

>> No.6769607

Does it matter?
Still absurdly lower than $340 while also being more skilled

>> No.6769609
File: 817 KB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is asking $30

>> No.6769627

The difference is that you're getting good while working on art comms 12 hours a day.
His mechanics don't have career. They will stay $2400 mechanics forever

>> No.6769631

Nothing about the image is complex, it's one character, no real background, , basic rendering, if they're a competent artist and do commissions regularly they can easily do that in 1-2 hours with simple layer and effects tricks.

>> No.6769640
File: 295 KB, 1125x1500, 5439452121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim lee charges $1000 for 1 puny sized b/w char sketch commission like pic related
Wait until you see Alex Ross's and Bruce Timm's prices

>> No.6769644

Art quality isnt everything
Branding for example does factor into the value of your art.
Lots of artists can draw better than CWC but can they sell $200 per crayon art commission like CWC?
I can totally see someone paying beatnik $340 for that because that's Beatnik's original art, drawn by them.

>> No.6769648

Russians are in the sweetspot of having white intelligence and Latin American shithole living conditions, so they perform this type of specialized scam. The CIA propaganda you hear about is that Russia does it in a politically motivated way, but truth is it's just a bunch of slavs trying to make easy money.

>> No.6769654

>draw yaoi all day
>no basic knowledge of efficient rendering

>> No.6769655
File: 188 KB, 960x648, 1684789362393354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm currently doing night shift at a hotel in the middle of the English Countryside. I interact with like max 3 guests to get them them a bottled beer then they go to their rooms, rest of the night is drawing, watching films or whatever I feel. Take the night shift pill

>> No.6769660
File: 314 KB, 501x445, 1685408608686961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty clear a lot anons ITT are underage keks or monkeys learning how to draw for "ez money $60 per hour $4000 sketch". You know, those types who counting followers daily, cocksucking for retweets (begging for retweeets), searching for shilling secrets and trying "to milk le fotm" because he doesn't even like drawing. It's hilarious. They even believe someone charging $30 is somehow crashing their dream $4000 sketch/$60 per hour market lmao
>but reddit said stop underselling yourself!!!!!
Just stop. You're NGMI. No one will pay you shit just because you live in 1st world country and want $420 per hour. Drop drawing. You want to learn how to code not how to draw. Coding is for you. You don't even need to know math. Only leetcode algorithm grind for job interview. Even now the market still not saturated. Just do it. Learning how to code is easy than learning how to draw. You can work from how too. Just look at Sirs.

>> No.6769661

Anon, if you can paint one of these every 15 days, you will make a six figure salary, sounds pretty good to me.
A skilled artist would be able to paint these in a few days. A digital artist even faster (but it's digital, so a bit less prestige).

>> No.6769664


>> No.6769665
File: 1.96 MB, 1397x2000, vvh48HS2_0406182247231sbpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about Karl Kopinski guy but your status as an artist, the charm your art has, is your art appealing to lots of people?, how much you see yourself worth, how you market yourself, how actually retarded you are to be bullied to charge shit amounts for your art etc all factor in how much you make through commissions.
Like Adam Hughes for example, an artist known for his pinups, charged $1000 for something like pic related and that guy got so much people wanting to commission him his commission slots disappear in seconds.

>> No.6769669

Funny how permabegs think they are entitled to charge high only because it took them hours to finish their shitty art. That trash you posted isn't worth more than $15, traced 3D model, and no semblance of skill on the shading/details.

>> No.6769671

And yes, Adam Hughes lives in a real first world fantasy land where freelancing with your art makes you shitloads more money than working in the industry, unlike e artists where we have to compete with undercharging 3rd world shithole drawfaggots where the average comm price here is $60.
That pic got 700 likes on twitter btw, about 50 times less than whatever that $95 per full color comm 300k follower barleyshake guy got for his last drawing.

>> No.6769675

>undercharging 3rd world shithole drawfaggots
Your fear undercharging because your art is hot garbage worth nothing. Simple. Even mid tier artists don't fear undercharging. It just can't affect them.

>> No.6769689

That a lot of words to say "I only charge $15 for 10 hours of work"

>> No.6769690

while i would agree, in the case of OP his work is just too shit for $340, it doesn't have appeal, it's generic and /beg/

>> No.6769693
File: 53 KB, 248x253, 1680526566999194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is weird.
>Nooo!! Why are people charging so low for their draws! It's the third worlders fault for charging so little!!
>Nooooo!! Why are you charging so high?! Your art isnt even worth 5$!!!
Make up your damn minds, for fuck sake.

>> No.6769694
File: 24 KB, 316x286, 1684532067548994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bro. 3rd world shithole drawfaggots are undercharging him. He deserves a honest $30 per hour and even more.

>> No.6769695

My art
>worth thousands of $$$
Your art

>> No.6769698

stop saying retarded shit and post your work, shit eating dumbfuck

>> No.6769702

You just charge what people are willing to pay for your art. That's the whole point and true answer.

>> No.6769706

Honestly when starting out your best bet is to find your hourly rate, try to get shit done ASAP and charge that plus a little more. When doing commissions one of your goals should be turnover and speed because you sure as shit wont get paid for quality or prestige.

>> No.6769714

All 1st world artists on /ic/ want to make actual livable money with their art through commissions hence the fair wage comm prices movement.
3rd world shithole drawfags here who are comfortable getting comms through undercutting 1st world artists are mad and want to bring down anyone who try to support fair wage artists because they can no longer use cheap bargain bin prices to score comms.

Ergo, 3rd world shithole shitdoodler cunts don't want to be boycotted through their cheap comms and don't want to actually compete with 1st world artists if people only willing to comm fair wage artists.

>> No.6769716
File: 62 KB, 848x480, 1682310509691494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's not only what people are willing to pay, but skill and demand are at play as well, if you have a consistently high traffic of clients, you can cut yourself some slack and increase prices just fine, can also do it if your skills allow you to because the clients can see the increase in quality.

Honestly, this whole thread is pretty useless, specially so with the loca schitzo jerking himself off with his mid-looking anime trash works. I'd give him any sort of credit if he had more to offer, but hell, he has nothing of interest in his art style and rendering.

>> No.6769720

The fair wage comm prices movement is a mega giga problem for 3rd world shithole drawfaggots because 99% of all online art commissioners are from 1st world nations and they can easily sympathize with artists from fellow 1st world countries so they're more likely to support 1st world artists despite the higher than 3rd world shithole prices.

>> No.6769723

maybe they should try getting a job with stable income if their art is that good and in demand, then they can also continue making weebshit for twitterfaggots on the side

>> No.6769727
File: 25 KB, 268x326, 1675854211830606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all sounds like very stupid, schizophrenic conspiracy theory, but if Im following it correctly, let me ask you something:
Why would third worlders be mad at first worlders trying to push a higher average price standard when this only benefits all artists in the long term?
>B-because they're stu-
No, it's because this whole thing is stupid. You are stupid.

>> No.6769728

Why don’t you, 3rd world shitstain?

>> No.6769731
File: 24 KB, 326x283, Scarring+kids+is+why+they+get+boners+from+ed+up+_4cc0c1e4002d7de3f9a7ef0150a2077d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot accuse your strawman of being mad when you spam so many buzzwords over people you fear so much

>> No.6769732

i was referring to the thirdies, you dumb nigger

>> No.6769733

>When doing commissions one of your goals should be turnover and speed because you sure as shit wont get paid for quality or prestige.
With such mindset it's better to work in McDonald's or in concept art. You will be mentally on the level of typical burger flipper. Such artists are nothing new and they burn like a Icarus. Every day on twiiter you can find their meltdowns and abandoned accounts even with good yet soulless polished art. You're creating hell for yourself by turning one of the chilliest job into pure wagecucking. Just try concept art field instead of commisions. Or 3D sculpting. Hell I'm not even romanticizing artist profession.

>> No.6769735

>Why would third worlders be mad at first worlders trying to push a higher average price standard when this only benefits all artists in the long term?
shitters from their country would harass them because their countrymen want art from them and get mad because they would charge an equivalent of 5 months of rent

>> No.6769737

They aren't, though lol

>> No.6769738

Worst outcome of this situation is the potential global boycott of 1st worlders giving income to artists from poor and starving nations to ensure the artists in 1st world countries are protected and preserving their evolution (1st world artists are more likely to generate their own unique style if paid properly instead of the current state where we keep rehashing the anime style which what 3rd worlders keep doing.)

To simplify, buy local instead of supporting some undercutting shitdoodler from starving countries like poland, brazil, mexico, timor leste etc where $400 is the average high income for the people there.
So theres a good reason why artists from starving nations have a good reason to fear this.

>> No.6769739

>Why would third worlders be mad
I don't think it's artists who are mad. right?

>> No.6769740
File: 26 KB, 346x346, 1673415213149877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.6769744
File: 151 KB, 296x326, Yes+_2a72a8d0bae8f9af0360654455ac5dfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to yourself speaking.
You think that commissioners would boycott artists for selling their services for CHEAP?

Consider the rope.

>> No.6769746

>draw a box 100 times and you'll get better
>"yes so based"
>do 100 commissions and you'll get better and maybe even charge a little more

>> No.6769748
File: 170 KB, 700x980, 1673029498942775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, this whole thread is pretty useless, specially so with the loca schitzo jerking himself off with his mid-looking anime trash works.
Is he some famous schizo in this /ic/ timeframe? I'm from Malaysia/lolibro posting /ic/ times btw.

>> No.6769749
File: 23 KB, 160x160, MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you literally just said the mayority of commissioners are from first world countries, which is so far the only factually correct thing you've said this entire fuck ordeal, allbeatnik.

No third world artist charges so little because 'muh people need me', asshat, people undercharge because they dont know about international pricing caused by the abysmal accessibility differences of the dollar currency, therefore they dont know how their art is supposed to be worth and weight their prices down as a result.

Again, this whole thing is stupid, you are stupid.

>> No.6769750

To all these whiny faggots, what is your proposed solution? Because there is no better alternative then individual people trying to negotiate it out.
Stop and think for a second, for the proposed amount of money some of you want the average person can pay for their yearly movie budget/streaming budget plus a game or two. One picture vs endless entertainment value, it's obvious which people are going to see as a better use of their money and that is what you have to compete against.

>> No.6769752

An artist from Netherlands charging $340 per comm vs an artist from El Salvador charging $340 per comm.

Which will the American client choose to pay to draw his furry OC?

>> No.6769753

Literally these mfs want someone to pick between Baldur's Gate for 200 hours or some floating anime girl and then get salty when they lose the coin toss.

>> No.6769755

The one from Thailand who charges $34.0 :)

>> No.6769758

>draw a box 100 times and you'll get better
Such grinds are very tiresome even if you love drawing. Especially long life studies.

>> No.6769759

qrd on OP, he's a gigantic faggot who believes he's entitled retweets for drawing shit art. Sage and report this bait thread or else it ends up like last one

>> No.6769761
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 154778951435456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone on this board actually in an artist
Who do you think would be mad that artists would start demanding higher prices?
What kind of people would have a conflict of interests over this?
Artists wouldn't because it would directly benefit them, no matter where they're from.
3rd world people don't buy art, generally.

Although, it is the fault of 3rd world shitters why prices will become so low that it won't be worth to pursue art comms anymore, and ultimately it will fuck them over, too, because they will need to compete with each other through skill and pricing, until it won't be worth ever for them.
Coomers just want cheap stuff.

>> No.6769763

Kill yourself

>> No.6769764

go back you fucking faggot
twitter is the place for you fucking dramawhore
hang yourself literal turdpolisher

>> No.6769766

>that it won't be worth to pursue art comms anymore
that had already stopped when charging more for your art will result in insults from jelly 3rd world shitter faggots. that's why loads of big art accounts dont do comms because its absolutely pointless to charge so low for comms.

>> No.6769768

>because they will need to compete with each other through skill and pricing, until it won't be worth ever for them.
So like any other market?

>> No.6769769
File: 2.78 MB, 498x280, sono-bisque-doll-marin-kitagawa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop with these "Twitter threads" please? I feel like it's one or two people that constantly make these threads.

>> No.6769770

It's one no life faggot
Sage and report

>> No.6769773

If pricing is the same, the 1st worlder will win everytime due to better art gear, health, education and higher IQ.

>> No.6769774

Kill yourself OP.

>> No.6769775

Kill yourself

>> No.6769776

He could have lived like a king if the others didn't drive the price down. Damn suckers.

>> No.6769777

>Although, it is the fault of 3rd world shitters why prices will become so low that it won't be worth to pursue art comms anymore
This is not how it works. Art exist in circles thanks to internet. You don't know about existence of other millions artists because they're outside you. People pay you because they want art made by your. This is the same how AI shills fail to understand why AI can't kill commissions no matter of artist level. The relationship between artist and client is not just "I want any art cheap". You can always buy something cheap after all. Food, phones, cars, tech. But if you have money you still buy expensive shit even though cheap alternatives exist in bigger quantity and some have quality better than expensive ones. The client want your brand and your art. Neither he want AI shit because AI is like a sand - free. That's it. If you're not shitposter you have no reason to worry about 3rd world shitters and their prices.

>> No.6769782

Just shame people who pay cheap for art, simple as.

>> No.6769784

Forgot to add. Addiction to comms exist too. Some clients just want your art so hard they just pay you non stop. No matter of price

>> No.6769786
File: 140 KB, 326x245, Sorry+for+him+when+youre+the+one+ignoring+the+eldenlike+_9144691681cd633fbd744a8ff4b49425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your delusion is never going to happen because low prices is but just one part of the market

and Time

Once someone receives enough recognition, his prices would increase based on demand.
Demand would never drop if you can keep the quality up

Likewise, someone undercutting prices dirt cheap and can still make do through timely deliveries

The only 1 question is where the baseprice is.
$30 is the lowest that most art sites allow and thus it is the base price

>> No.6769790

False. 1st world art education died out long ago. Officially slavs, chinks, frogs and japs are kings. They don't teach contemporary art. They're last bastions of art education. 1st world has only few niche ateliers.

>> No.6769791

oh, I remember this guy his name is randy or something

'something'-beatnik is what someone else referred to him to.

he did shit on that other guy that I don't like though and it does create some interesting discussion, it's not a *productive discussion* per se though.

>> No.6769793

Just kill yourself OP. I hope twitter bans you soon enough so your ego can die with it.

>> No.6769794

Yeah, one that came around recently with a thread about being a small artist and how big artists are supposedly pushing them down, then came around with more inflammatory takes, making up information about that one artist and samefagging to jerk himself off, he is Allbeatnik, the one that started this thread and is acting all retarded with the whole "durr third worlder shitters" nonsense.

His art isnt even that good to begin with, just your run-of-the-mil anime trash coom artist. In spite of this, he REALLY likes to jerk himself off... and if you ask people on the /v/ drawthread, they may know the guy.

This >>6769777 >>6769784, more often than not, commissions come from people that want something from you specifically, more than just wanting a draw, they want you to make the draw, this is essentially why I stress really hard about compelling art styles, because that is what attracts good commission clients most of the time.
Also the whole "prices will lower" is a slippery slope, we have literally 2 decades of the same thing happening and it hasnt changed a bit.

>> No.6769798

Report this thread already

>> No.6769813

The problem with begs like op overcharging is that they force more skilled artists (but not as big as the 4K per pic faggots) to up their prices to the point where, let's stop being delusional for a second, it's very hard to find people to buy regularly. And that's what make clients end up going to the under chargers who fuck the market even more.

We're just doomed, wanna do art? Do it for passion, there's no money here.

>> No.6769814

This. The problem isn't that third worlders are devaluing art, its that nobody gives a shit about your art.

The way I see it there's two approaches. You can make the broadest appeal art (IE anime girl pinups) and market towards the lowest denominator of art buyers. People who, in general, are just looking for the cheapest price. You have to compete with third world prices, a super oversaturated market, low customer retention, and now AI.

Or you can work on creating a demand for your art. Be unique, be interesting, target a niche and don't be an asshole. Its not about having a large following its about having a following of people who actually care, and are willing to pay extra for art because its from you. These artists can eventually segway into stuff like Patreon.

The pill that this board can't swallow is that in order for this to work you actually need to make art worth caring about. It seems like most of you bought into the "draw the most popular thing" meme and are suffering from the consequences.

>> No.6769815
File: 872 KB, 1536x1024, 9824ee628672ffc98811bb839bf59d0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do want to bring to the attention that everyone who is against rising prices;
>never posts their work
>never makes reasonable arguments but resorts to the usual insults
>namefags some tranny
It is obvious that those who are against it, do not draw are can be safely assumed to be straight up coomers.
The other argument i read
>but this guy sucks
It don't matter.
Any artists should be free to charge how much they want and the coomer audience has no interest in actually supporting artists. They just want to consume, hence they have to divide and stir up the pot.

I personally do not care about the drama you discord trannies have with this faggot, but he brings forth a good point.
Start charging more you stupid niggers.

>> No.6769816

No they don't

>> No.6769817

>someone undercutting
That's all I'm saying. If nobody did that, artist thrive.(or maybe ai fucks it up) I know it's impossible.

>> No.6769819

Unpopular opinion but this race to zero strategy is usually done by chinks and turd worlders because they dont care about protecting value or sustainability, and only care about getting as much as gross profit. Funnily enough even some chinks started to realize that it's better to make more margin from lesser customers, which is why for phone brands they have the luxury segment brands (like OnePlus), and then they have the commoner's brand like Redmi.

Also even as a turd worlder, I dont think race to zero strategy is sustainable. You eill get burned out and wondered why the fuck didnt you just charge higher in the first place.

>> No.6769822

Life won't change because it's inconvenient for you

>> No.6769823
File: 137 KB, 804x1192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude it's this allbeatnik guy

>> No.6769825

OP is schizophrenic and keeps making dumb Twitter threads over and over with some dubfuck argument to attract (You)s. It has nothing to do with art and unless you're a drooling retard you'd recognize it and report this thread.

>> No.6769826

I said I know it's impossible. It's like you are replying to something that was not said.

>> No.6769829
File: 520 KB, 793x1778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny to look at his profile though

>> No.6769832
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 320558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, duh!
There is a bottom line where it's now too expensive, and too difficult to justify the price.

Nevertheless, that's the bottom allright

$30 is the price set by art sites because that's as low as they are willing to do paper works with the banks.
Anymore and it's too low to justify the banking fees

$30. That's where all begs start.
Take it or leave

>> No.6769833

I'll do it for $29! Paypal only.

>> No.6769834

100% wrong, my dear niggeru-kun.
But at least this guy is trying shit until something sticks on the wall.
What are you niggers doing besides trying to derail conversations and threads?

You can always post your work, but we all know you ain't gonna do that.
The message counts, not the messenger.

>> No.6769836

I could be wrong but I'm pretty convinced it's mr. Allbeatnik, I root for my man allbeatnik regardless

>> No.6769837

>Paypal only.
This is your problem
Paypal shit is inconvenient and not everyone would deal with "Paypal only"

Your service better be worth $29 AND the inconvenience of the costumer
Even if that works, Paypal bottoms at $5, iirc

>> No.6769838

Quote properly, retarded newfag

>> No.6769840

>trying to derail
What discussion, exactly? It's a fucking twitter thread.

>> No.6769841


>> No.6769842

That's intentional, dude
Not giving You) and inconveniencing the guy to check the number

>> No.6769843

I'll do it for a maruchan ramen and a dr pepper zero.

>> No.6769844

Ok, I'm dropping my price to $25 and will include a free photo of my cat.

>> No.6769845


>> No.6769846


>> No.6769847

No! It my com, I'll pay you to let me do it!

>> No.6769852

I wonder if randy can top that!!!1 >:^)

>> No.6769855

kill yourself

>> No.6769858

>You can make the broadest appeal art (IE anime girl pinups) and market towards the lowest denominator of art buyers. People who, in general, are just looking for the cheapest price.
It's mostly because they're just learning how to draw and underage or young tho. Also when you have low price art you attract the dregs of humanity and kids so be prepare for scams. When you go $100+ they will start disappearing. But in general there is no reason to not sell comms if you're learning how to draw. You get money, you get morale boost, you feel progress, you learn working discipline, you get exp. And people love to see from 0 to master no talent meme live. It's inspiring. remember Rapoza's streams

>> No.6769862

>who is against rising prices;
100% of them are either underaged or from 3rd world shitholes
theyre not real people

>> No.6769864

>trash beg art style and skills
Top kek, and this is why delusional faggots later come here and whine that they can't make a living out of art

>> No.6769865
File: 45 KB, 784x522, 155740951369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're just doomed, wanna do art? Do it for passion, there's no money here.
There're always middle grounds, anon, you can charge a reasonable amount of money that, while it wont be enough for a living on it's own, will help you greatly if you hold it as a secondary income and push it enough to make it consistent, or even make it a primary income if you really put your head into it professionally.
And like I said earlier, an appealing style calls for commissioners who will seek your art for what it is, rather for how much it's priced, even if it's too much, or too little, or someone does something better for a lower price, they wont leave you because your art can only be done by you. Some people just want to consoom, but that's not for everyone, and those people wont come back to you anyway, so who cares about them? focus on the ones that will hold onto your art. I know about this, because my regulars come back to me for my art, and some even dare to tell me to increase my prices because my art, as beg as it is, it's worth it for them, apparently.

>never posts their work
I can p my w if you want, but you will not listen to anything I'll say and solely focusing on weaponize my words while you make fun of my art, I know you will, you're not here for a proper discussion, you want to stroke your ego, and I havent p my w because I know this is how it will turn out with you.
>never makes reasonable arguments but resorts to the usual insults
I gave you arguments, you dont listen, you only keep digging deeper into your own delusions even when I point out the glaring flaws in said delusions.
>namefags some tranny
Samefagging as usual, I see. You are not fooling anyone anymore.
>But coomers dont care
not all commissioners are coomers, that's the route you chased, as a mid anime trash artist that has nothing to offer other than girls with funni faces and lewd barebones poses.
That's intentional, anon, Im not giving this guy a (You) know it's him.

>> No.6769867

if you keep attacking the fair wage artists art like that you're going to prevent more artists from raising their prices
dont do that and keep living in your trash heap while you make $2 an hour doodling worthless pieces of shit the rest of your 3rd world shithole friends can shit out just the same

>> No.6769870

pyw retard
i want to see your $40 shit doodles

>> No.6769873
File: 1.05 MB, 865x1048, 16645465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l>l say and solely focusing on weaponize my words while you make fun of my art, I know you will, you're not here for a proper discussion, you want to stroke your ego, and I havent p my w because I know this is how it will turn out with you.
Holy schizophrenic, strawmanning, insecure snowniggers.

>> No.6769875

Starting at 599 us dollars. If you want to com me and can't afford it, just get a second job.

>> No.6769879

I think you're the OP (@allbeatnik)

It's fine but nobody really cares
I don't think people think it's very reasonable to charge $340 for your work, me personally I don't care and I wish you the best of luck and half-support (I think what you choose to depict in your artsies is very retarded sorry but it's that way)

>> No.6769880

> while you make fun of my art
Well there you have it, the retard is here since the beginning of this thread

>> No.6769883

I think the funniest thing is that this thread is proper discussion to you

yeah no shit it's @allbeatnik str8 outta Norway

>> No.6769889


>> No.6769894

its okay
your shitty behavior of attacking artists like that is very typical of shitskins living in shitholes
you make shit money so your life is shit explaining your shit behavior.
im sorry that your mother gave birth to literal shit, that draws shit, makes shit money, behaves like shit and ended up being shit itself.
Flush yourself.

>> No.6769898

I'm from the Netherlands I have no money issues kind sir

my mom loves me she is very happy with me

at least I try to contribute to an actual industry instead of drawing whatever retarded horseshit for scrap money

>> No.6769899
File: 242 KB, 639x634, 1587033140649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest thing is that you believe i don't know the 3D chess you're playing, retard.
>make a thread
>start spamming and namedropping
>some retard (like me) comes along trying to at least introduce some balance into the thread
>keep doubling down and spam some more
>keep namedropping some more
>accuse others of the things you're guilty of
>inb4 schizo
Nigger, come on.
The only way i'd be wrong is if you were actually mentally retarded or an underage brown faggot.
Do you even read the autistic teenage angsty shit you write, faggot?

>> No.6769901

The saddest thing is his raffle. Having to give away your work in a pathetic attempt to get more clout and sell your overpriced turds. Please, have some self respect.

Only 120 likes Jesus. I've stumbled upon his kind a million times, next month he will be opening an "emergency sale" and beg for money for rent.

>> No.6769903

ftfy shit
go back to grinding $2 an hour doodling degenerate artworks for your american customers making $120 an hour

>> No.6769905

The raffle is for hardcore fans only, look at the rules. You'll never win it unless if you really love their art.

>> No.6769909

well, he's a bit desperate making money with art but I don't think that's bad, it's whatever just let him be.

but man is he >>6769903 rude about his ways, I don't know what to say I think you're a rude boy randy but I don't hate you. You can seethe at me all day then perhaps you can join up with your neighbour Sir Undazard https://twitter.com/TruthNeko/media

You can blame the Dutch guy for all of your life problems together, in harmony!! <3 :^D

>> No.6769911

i hope i win i love him

>> No.6769913


>> No.6769915

Not if you get an actual job where they pay you by the hour.

>> No.6769916

>How would you faggots feel if the megacorp cried out because you guys can just buy the same quality of products elsewhere for much cheaper price
They literally do have things like region locking and charge different prices in different countries. Look at pharmaceuticals for the obvious example.

>> No.6769922

You know what, i'm going to offer commissions for free.

>> No.6769926

Even better, i'm going to pay people to commission me for free.

>> No.6769928

The only realistic way to make it!

>> No.6769930
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x2404, 1690218432200851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not sure if this drama/controversy spam shilling tactic on 4chan can lend you $340 clients when picrelated is 400 euro. Just what drives underage to think this shilling is better than learning how to draw? Loneliness? Attention fagatory no trips feat 2023?

>> No.6769931


>> No.6769932
File: 196 KB, 704x1180, 1689059034533663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6769933

>joined the raffle out of spite
>liked and rt all their works out of spite
>raffle ends and the winner is announced
>its not you because there are other long time fans who are doing the same
good luck ;)

>> No.6769935

he's at the wrong board for that as well
people here want to *get paid* for art

I think OP thinks that people here commission each other with some regularity but I think he's very mistaken in that assumption.

>> No.6769937

I'm bored what should I do?
>joined the raffle out of spite
>liked and rt all their works out of spite
>raffle ends and the winner is announced
>its not you because there are other long time fans who are doing the same
>good luck ;)

>> No.6769938

ngl feeling spiteful >:^O

>> No.6769943

This thread is every reason why i don't interact with anyone that posts in this shithole.
You should all end your shitty lives. Unironically.

>> No.6769945

kill yourself

>> No.6769948




and now


>> No.6769951

Lets start with the undercharging shitskins.
Can't wait till Art is valuable again

>> No.6769952
File: 130 KB, 620x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6769955

>blocking shit
based and redpilled
its important to stay hygienic in the first world.

>> No.6769959

I'm whiteskin you know it :)

regardless, no hard feelings I wish you the best of luck with what you're trying to achieve trying to live off selling drawings.

>> No.6770010

>they want everything cheap, right?
"Cheap" is a rather complicated and changing term around here.
>t. another veneco

>> No.6770022

still seething over karu I see

>> No.6770042

>have been trying to get a CS degree for years
>hate it
>since I spend most of my time drawing, I barely know how to code
Fuck me...

>> No.6770047

What is a good alternative to Paypal?

>> No.6770075

He was right to call karu out, it's really gross to see him and his weird clique on twitter publicly sucking eachother off. Seeing him give slammo fellatio in his comments was incredibly cringe

>> No.6770150

Working on your own car is comfy
Doing work on any other car is not comfy whatsoever

>> No.6770161

the problem is that trad market aligns more with a different subject, with an older population which makes securing patronage more difficult.

>> No.6770162

I can't imagine pretending being a mechanic is comfy.
I like wrenching, but not on random retards shitmobile

>> No.6770167

allbeatnik only has 3k followers on twitter

>> No.6770177

I'm not sure if i'm romanticizing it too much but, it sure sounds way better for your mental health to get paid for getting things back in working order rather than drawing degenerate coom or flipping fucking burgers

>> No.6770179

This anon is right:
You can continue to improve and charge more money. Your uncle's mechanics will be making $2400 forever unless they get a new job or start their own business.

>> No.6770204
File: 639 KB, 874x1837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I saw that!
I also thought it was a bit cheap and cringey but you know how it goes in whale twitter cliques

here's another great whale-to-whale fellatio/pity-party thing
It's great to document these like a nature documentary! :^O

Do you automatically become cringe when you gain followers or do you have to become a cringey to make it possible to gain the whale status. Well, one thing's for certain, I'm cringey as hell!! <:'^(

>> No.6770206

I think that's very impressive for the quality he puts out and how much of an inbearable child he seems the way he conducts himself.

I'd call it a remarkable feat that he managed to amass 3K.

But it makes sense, he seems to have some sort of innate attraction to be a humongous attentionwhore, so I guess that's useful and he's also extremely desperate for clout and approval it seems (and money).

He sounds pretty poor though considering the way he talks about money it's very clear that he doesn't have a lot of money but so is the artist lifestyle a little bit, it's kind of part of the deal.
It's well-known that this isn't the most financially lucrative career choice.

>> No.6770208

Well, all three of those jobs I imagine that all of them can be very stressful.

>> No.6770211

sorry but I don't believe you worked on those commissions 12 hours a day

I don't believe you draw 12 hours a day, I think you believe that you draw 12 hours a day, but I don't think that's the case at all.

>> No.6770226

i need your blog you fucking asshole

>> No.6770238
File: 202 KB, 393x478, Why not both.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6770242

I hate this kai yu retard so much, untalented cringy piece of human filth.

>> No.6770340

The guys that host our webcomic told us to use Payooner or else we cannot get paid

>> No.6770341

Allbeatnik. 22 (you's)


What's my (you's) score?

>> No.6770342

>salty crab still crabbing
kill yourself

>> No.6770343

seeth more american

>> No.6770382

>thread has nothing to do with the Karu bitch and his homeless drawfag gaysex loving friends
>"umm is this thread talking about me?"
This Karu guy can't be anymore pathetic its sad.

>> No.6770521

Kill yourself beatnik

>> No.6770536

>nobody wants to pay money for pixels
Not according to my bank account.

>> No.6770546

Envy is a bitch.

>> No.6770558

kill yourself shitskin

>> No.6770563

Karu is a sad attention whoring mentally disabled retard. Poor, starving, suicidal, working $2 an hour and living in a shithole unemployed do that to you.

>> No.6770603
File: 15 KB, 342x369, Pastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what the point of this was, but anon, you (You)'d me 8 times, so that makes my (You) count 8? Honestly, who cares. Im not allbeatnik, btw, and thank god lol

Im surprised how many buzzwords you can fit in a single paragraph and the sheer amount of anger that reeks through this posts like you genuinely hate this guy to death for... whatever reason, mogging you? making a fool out of you? Holy hell, you are obsessed, anon...

>> No.6770605

kill yourself

>> No.6770608

He at least have 50k followers. So around 50k people will press F when he hang himself for his shit life.

>> No.6770620

what a horrendous piece of work AI has shit out

>> No.6770623

That Karu mentally disabled super bitch is known to be a big attention whore and a enormous retard on many levels
-Refuse to help people
-Easily bullied to help others when someone called him out for it
-defends your 3rd world shithole kind charging $2 an hour working on comms because he enjoys being poor and retarded
-after this thread he'll be like the retard he is, flip flops and raise his prices in an attempt to not look pathetic and being made fun of for being poor and retarded

>> No.6770625

If I'm a third worlder I wont disclose that I'm a third worlder and just charge first world price. I'm not going to cater to my countrymen's cheapiefags just because they live in the same country as me.

>> No.6770631
File: 1.04 MB, 1204x1598, Man with the Golden Helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this thread:

Those who raise their prices = Team Allbeatnik (PBUH) (Omega Chad of Artists, King of Art itself)
Those who keep their comm prices low or charge them cheaper = Team bullied and peer pressured by 3rd world Shithole drawfaggots to keep art wages low. (suicidal virgins, pathetic low life scum, sad, wont be doing art anytime soon due to finding other jobs that pay more)

>> No.6770680

This is why you'll always be a third worlder lmao

>> No.6770687
File: 182 KB, 391x412, 1682288426160008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see what this thread is all about. You're just screeching about this "fair wage" thing to excuse yourself from people not buying your flaming 340$ commissions? That is honestly pretty sad desu.
But I will give you some credit, because I will consider increasing my prices, not to the bullshit amount of your mid weeb coom draws, but to an amount that people (and I) find reasonable for my art, something like 10 extra bucks from it's original 40$.

>> No.6770690

kill yourself

>> No.6770691

That idiot should be charging more.

>> No.6770699

The market doesn't want your product. No one is going to pay money out of their full wages if you don't deliver a value which society perceives is the effort that goes into those wages.

The only valid complain would be claiming the perception of the value you offer is off, but it doesn't seem off at all. Your skill is not worth 340$

>> No.6770700
File: 125 KB, 828x642, 1690356915092954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, artist
>raise my comm prices because I think it should be done because prices of goods and rent are increasing and as a living person i need that extra side income
>all Allbeatnik haters from 3rd world shitholes caught up to this and start spamming my comments

>> No.6770709

Allbitch is having a mental breakdown again?

>> No.6770712

watch out of poles too
karu and his homeless hobo shithole poverty friends also defend bargain bin tier art comm pricing to death

>> No.6770715

*All-Father Nik
ftfy retard

>> No.6770718

weak, i got knives pulled on me in third grade. That shit happens, anyone can get a knife. If you see a knife, keep distance, use your coat like a matador, hold it as far from yourself as you can. If he wants to stab, he'll stab the coat. Wrap the coat around his arm, kick groin, take or throw the coat with knife now inside. No need for training or getting into dangerous melee. It's not optimal but it worked and kept me safe a number of times. One way or another you learn to deal with it.

>> No.6770722
File: 581 KB, 800x588, 156654615465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole thread is just drama faggotry and namefagging
>they've been at it for weeks
These unfunny effeminate threads are proof that this board is just a den of underage shitposters trying to get big with anime coom and probably organizing on some shitcord server.

I normally wish everyone the best, but i really hope no one of you ever gets any fame or money.
The pornification of art and its consequences have been really a disaster for the human race.
At this point i really hope AI gets commercialized and easily available to normies, so none of you can ever get the chance of even get one like.

>> No.6770726

all those 300k can just google "tit vagene anime" on google and get a billion results. But they go to that average artist to have their art made by a human. Why do you think that is? If google images can't beat an artist, AI won't be any artists either.

>> No.6770729

Any backlash you might get, its probably from cocksuckers of that smelly 3rd world Karu cunt.
The starving and mentally ill dumbfuck is the biggest crab on the planet and will go to lengths to make the lives of all artists shittier.
Him having fans is the proof that self-hating retards exist and there a lot of them out there.

>> No.6770742

I got that wage just sculpting clay teeth vernier.

>> No.6770750

Lmao, he was right

>> No.6770756

Board is dead
Better to abandon it and start blocking every single porn /beg/gars on social media.

>> No.6770768

I have been hiding almost every single thread.

>> No.6770772

>The pornification of art and its consequences have been really a disaster for the human race.
I dont know what you mean by that but i believe you

>> No.6770780

Autistic individuals should not be allowed to use the internet.

>> No.6770790

>comes into a drama faggotry thread
>calls it drama faggotry
no shit huh? nice big words, everyone thinks you're very clever, dunking on a bunch of poor ESLs on 4chan

>> No.6770793

thank god i don't interact with anyone that isn't at least high int
these fags will never manage to get out of beg

>> No.6770798

This board died because fujos, trannies and kids didn't get enough beatings and weren't bullied enough.

>> No.6770856

Just putting it here
Allbeatnik is my god and my king

>> No.6770876

They created it you mongoloid

>> No.6770891

draws too cute charges too low, needs to up those prices

>> No.6770893

you've never worked customer service a day in your life

>> No.6770898
File: 344 KB, 1280x1605, William_Bouguereau_-_Dante_and_Virgile_-_Google_Art_Project_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wonder if prices aren't this low because people start out at 20$ when they're /beg/ as fuck and don't dare charge more but never raise them significantly when they improve because they're too afraid of confrontation to do so. I've seen people increase them by 10-20$ but I've yet to see some dude double them outright arguing he's been doing it for dirt cheap the last couple of years.

You know, the same way wages never go up because people are too scared to ask for more than 3% while their rent doubles.

>> No.6770996

>$340 commission for beatnik tier quality/clout
I could buy a new midrange phone for that amount of money. What the flying fuck.

>> No.6771006

you could buy the best iphone model with 1 month of rent in the first world.
you need to stop living in whatever shithole you came from

>> No.6771278
File: 722 KB, 1469x869, 1689788330789504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned my lesson about dropping prices. im /beg/ but i needed some grocery money, so i did 4 quick sketches for $4 total type of sale. it worked, but motherfuckers were asking for the most tedious boring shit ever it felt like fucking torture. i had to end it after a few days, and then i knew to stick to my guns.

>> No.6771543

op is a massive faggot and so is everyone replying this

>> No.6771584

Get better at drawing next time you filthy mongoloid trash. I get more commission than you at half of your folllower count

>> No.6771623

Stop samefagging beatnik.

>> No.6771626
File: 336 KB, 2323x1803, image_2023-07-31_181645145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek abs penis

>> No.6771982

probs a big ammo/support servitor

>> No.6772145

No fucking way, man.
That's Ultramar.
They are the force that's good at everything but prefers melee the most.

A servitor will just slow them down and extra ammo is nearly useless when its only purpose is to pin the enemy while they charge

>> No.6772336

Fuck no! Freefaggots are the worse kind of people you want to attract. They'll ask for the moon and yet somehow gets angry that their free shit isn't done yet. Worse than paying commissioners. So far in my years of doing commissions, I've only ever done 3-4 free artwork gifts and that's also out of my own volition. No request shit. Requestfags are the worst.

>> No.6773136

I made that image :)

>> No.6773188
File: 16 KB, 407x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh more than half is pretty good good job

>> No.6773193

here's a tip, I don't suggest anyone to take their own life that's not really my style

keep it gangstah! <:^O

>> No.6773200

how did you not catch these?


come on man, textbook examples

And the allbeatnik ones I think you're accuracy on that is rather poor.

>> No.6773207

"middle" is being polite

also do this >>6768868

>> No.6773209

this is gangster.

>> No.6773216

i love allbeatnik.