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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6768538 No.6768538 [Reply] [Original]

>every book talks about construction, perspective, and line drawing
>nothing on shading or color

>> No.6768539

Lurk moar

>> No.6768544

post em, oldfag

>> No.6768560

Post what you already read.

>> No.6768563


How to Render by Scott Robertson.
Color and Light by James Gurney.

There u go fag.

>> No.6768568
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>> No.6768574


>> No.6768578
File: 2.67 MB, 498x278, kung-pow-kung-fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no...
Op don`t bite.

>> No.6768617

>nothing on shading or color
you just look at things in real life and draw/paint them, dummy

>> No.6768620

you really don't need anything else to get to an advanced level. now stfu and read

>> No.6768630

watch marco bucci

>> No.6768662

do you people never just study from things you see? paintings? movies? real life? do you need a book to teach you this stuff? dont you have... idk, observation skills? are you all literal robots that cant see things and recognize them with your human eyes, and instead need to have verbal code thrown at you to figure anything out?

>> No.6768669

Give me some lineless coloring vids

>> No.6768674

>do you people never just study from things you see? paintings? movies? real life? do you need a book to teach you this stuff? dont you have... idk, observation skills? are you all literal robots that cant see things and recognize them with your human eyes, and instead need to have verbal code thrown at you to figure anything out?
They are anon. Faggots can`t replicate a picture by looking at it. Most of the board doesn`t have critical thinking let alone analysis skill. /ic seen a better days.
One fuck was arguing with me that you can`t learn from speedpaints, from a fucking process literally shown to you. Fuck nu /ic. Ngmi crabs indeed.

>> No.6768675

Lines do not exis`t, cope. State of nu /ic.
Captcha- 0vr4u

>> No.6768679

> One fuck was arguing with me that you can`t learn from speedpaints
That’s not nu ic, that’s from Andrew Loomis. He’s the one who said there’s no point in watching other people paint, that you shouldn’t even try to apprentice with a mater artist. Instead, you should just honestly learn the fundamentals of drawing

Sounds like you’re the illiterate, ignorant one

>> No.6768681

i swear this place is full of literal NPC

>> No.6768686


>> No.6768687

nta but im sure anon didnt conflate it 'being told to him' with 'reading it in a book'
just because a big artist says something doesnt mean its objectively true, and this is another issue, in my own opinion, with nu /ic/
they dont trust their own senses, they wont even pick up a pencil and draw until they get concrete information on how exactly to do it, preferably from a famous artist with a book

they would not have been able to be artists a few hundred years ago when they had to just practice, experiment and use their own eyes to learn, and couldnt instead just demand instant tutorials on how to exist

>> No.6768689

>>6768679 Proves it.

>> No.6768691

>"Non Player Characters"

>> No.6768693

>just because a big artist says something doesnt mean its objectively true, and this is another issue, in my own opinion, with nu /ic/
>they dont trust their own senses, they wont even pick up a pencil and draw until they get concrete information on how exactly to do it, preferably from a famous artist with a book
This. For fuck sake.
>B but this artist said...
Some artist`s will say that banana taped to a wall is art and some paint with shit, doesn`t mean that you should sign under THEIR thoughts and take it as a matter of fact. /ic- Infinite clowns.

>> No.6768694

>they dont trust their own senses, they wont even pick up a pencil and draw until they get concrete information on how exactly to do it, preferably from a famous artist with a book
That's how you know none of these people have the desire to be artists, if they did they wouldn't have waited because they wouldn't have considered the act of drawing to be a waste of time unless theyre minmaxxing that shit
They would've just drawn out of passion
These are all non-artist faggots equivalent to normies who decide to pick up art is a midlife crisis hobby thinking it's easy, and are demanding all the tutorials and accesories that come with it like it's a fucking kit

>> No.6768695

Says a thing that can`t think for itself.
You are buddy, Loomis said it too btw.

>> No.6768697

>corrects someone's spelling like a faggot
>is proven objectively incorrect
>gets this assmad
back to leeddit you go zooooooooooooop

>> No.6768699

Im nta you idiota. Stop punching yourself dude.

>> No.6768703

>gets this assmad

>> No.6768705

Btw NPC`S Character`S. NPC- non playable character. Get it dum dum?
Should we ask /vg perhaps?

>> No.6768708

Fun fact only 3 out of 12 /ic posters are mentally mature. Not (You).

>> No.6768717

>im not mentally mature
>gets this assmad

>> No.6768718

You're a moron, if you replace a word in an acronym with another word that starts with the same letter, the acronym remains the same

>Non Player Character > N . P . C
>Non Player Characters > N . P . C
The letter 's' in the end isnt a new word, its not called "Non Player Characters'es"

>> No.6768719

>Should we ask /vg perhaps?
yeah why the fuck not
i dont trust theyre judgement but id still be interested to know what they say
realistically tho, probably a lot of "fuck you faggotranny reeeeeeeeeeeeee"

>> No.6768720

Ask /vg first, then ask /lit. Cope.

>> No.6768721

>probably a lot of "fuck you faggotranny reeeeeeeeeeeeee"
And they would be right in your case.

>> No.6768722

you know youre wrong and youre deflecting, neither of them are an authority on this shit, theyre both retarded boards on a retarded chinese sheep breeding forum

>> No.6768723

>you know youre wrong and youre deflecting, neither of them are an authority on this shit
Uhu, you are authority, got it professor big boy. Bebe please.

>> No.6768725

>got it professor big boy. Bebe please.
oh dear i didnt know i was speaking to a woman
apologies, madam, youre right, how foolish of me, please do not go into hysteria and wet your panties, i will vacate the premises immediately and cease all discussion with you
i know your kind tend to be a little sensitive to
pardon the scary word
i will take my leave now

>> No.6768726

Literal child.

>> No.6768727

Kek holy shit nu-web users really don't know how to handle the mildest of trolling, do they?

>> No.6768728

Trolling outside of /b.
Kek, nu 4chan users.

>> No.6768729
File: 335 KB, 909x717, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant catch me, wretched vagina haver! im running away now!

>> No.6768731

Running away from maturity and adulthood for sure.

>> No.6768736

im gooooooooooooooooooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒnᵉ

>> No.6768738

>im gooooooooooooooooooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒnᵉ
To touch some grass?
Socially and mentally?
With you the jokes write themselves man.

>> No.6768739

boooooooooo im a spooky ghost now you cant see me

>> No.6768740

Wtf is wrong with you? Kek.

>> No.6768741
File: 123 KB, 439x491, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like watching a fully grown adult try and outsmart a 10 year old schoolyard bully
and failing

>> No.6768743

Uhu, samefagging much.

>> No.6768744

boooooooooooooo im hunting your underwear drawer oooooooooooooooooh spooky panties

>> No.6768750
File: 3.46 MB, 498x334, reigen-arataka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6768756

Retards who love to flaunt their ignorance
Humans have been trying to make art, with essentially the exact same tools and goals, for literally thousands of years and have been writing down how to do it the whole time.
Trying to learn art without reading about what artists of the past have learned about the craft isn't virtuous, it's retarded.
Learning art without reading is like saying ur going to learn math, from scratch, on your own.

Also, watching other people draw is a horrible way to learn how to draw because you don't actually see the decision making progress and the mental toolkit being utilized for making those decisions. The order someone paints or draws in is a result of their own internalized rules ideas and objectives in painting and you can't see any of that while watching someone else draw

Dunning Kruger as fuck, you're so proud to be ignorant and unskilled, disgusting

>> No.6768760

youre an idiot if you cant tell that the people youre responding to arent saying that you should never ever read a book, theyre saying that you should be capable of learning without one and simply attempt to practice without first acquiring permission

>> No.6768762

>watching other people draw is a horrible way to learn how to draw because you don't actually see the decision making progress and the mental toolkit being utilized for making those decisions.
Maybe YOU dont
Get good

>Dunning Kruger as fuck, you're so proud to be ignorant and unskilled, disgusting
No amount of buzzwords will give you a soul if you don't already have one

>> No.6768766

>Retards who love to flaunt their ignorance
Humans have been trying to make art, with essentially the exact same tools and goals, for literally thousands of years and have been writing down how to do it the whole time.
Trying to learn art without reading about what artists of the past have learned about the craft isn't virtuous, it's retarded.
Learning art without reading is like saying ur going to learn math, from scratch, on your own.
No one talked about it. You make up arguments.

>Also, watching other people draw is a horrible way to learn how to draw because you don't actually see the decision making progress and the mental toolkit being utilized for making those decisions. The order someone paints or draws in is a result of their own internalized rules ideas and objectives in painting and you can't see any of that while watching someone else draw

You are not smart enough to understand process and reasoning behind steps in it. Wow.

>Dunning Kruger as fuck, you're so proud to be ignorant and unskilled, disgusting

If you aren`t troll then you just dumb then. In most classic art school you learn by watching, cope.

>> No.6768771

>Dunning Kruger as fuck, you're so proud to be ignorant and unskilled, disgusting

>> No.6768773


>> No.6768774

>Learning art without reading is like saying ur going to learn math, from scratch, on your own.
No it isn`t. God i swear monkeys are smarter than you are.

>> No.6768848

>only 3 posts in the entire thread are actually helpful
>the rest is just shitflinging between autists
classic 4chinz thread

>> No.6768864

>retarded thread with retarded question
see >>6768539

>> No.6768865

Well you didn`t contributed to op, classic indeed.

>> No.6768904

I am one of those idiots, unfortunately. I mean I have been drawing for a long time, but even reading all of these books and tutorials wasn't helping me. I just didn't get it.

I am lucky I found someone whose teaching methods aligned with me and then after some years it finally clicked. I mean I am not one of those people who needs permission to pick up a pencil to start drawing, but to understand like all of this stuff...yeah, I actually needed a lot of help in that area.

>> No.6768910

Learning about shading comes from learning form. Once you learn form then you can start learning how to render it. Trying to learn how to render form without understanding form will result in a 'polished turd.'

The fact that there are so many out there should signify how much easier it is to learn color and render. Learning how to actually draw can take years and then some.

>> No.6768944

its because color is meaningless until you learn value and value is a absolute prebeg basic

>> No.6769513

>Learning art without reading

People had to figure out techniques on their own before writing them down you moron

>> No.6769556

You can learn (digital) color in 20 minutes on youtube. Even children with crayons and fingerpaint grasp color intuitively.
Everything else will take you years of practice

>> No.6769658

Incase u havent realized anon here cant even do those properly yet. Learn to walk b4 you fly.

>> No.6769912

I don't know what I'm getting out of these books. They all just boil down to "draw the anatomy correctly", yeah no shit. None of them talk about how to make good art. The construction methods are great for efficiently making polished turds though.

Like this OP image. You're telling me the artist had a photo of a guy doing this exact pose in those exact clothes with the computer stuff flying around? Of course he didn't, he had to make some stuff up. Anatomy always looks so simple, like some drawings only have a few dozen lines, but everything is there. Meanwhile I use hundreds of lines to draw the same thing and its way worse. Makes no sense. The longer I spend trying to fix something, the shittier it gets.

>> No.6770029

Thank you hero-anon. I can draw (it is shit but that is always a matter of practice) but I am lost on rendering.

>> No.6770056

Yes you idiot and it took them a long time that's the point
You read so that you can learn what they learned without spending 40 years figuring it out on your own
The way all fucking education works

>> No.6770057

reading is a beg trap

>> No.6770157

there are book on them, but i would say they are more specific to medium and even the way the medium is handled.

>> No.6770190

say what you will of this dude's taste but his technical skill is undeniable

>> No.6770227

You are stupid as a rock.

>> No.6770231

yet you are associating with someone like >>6770057

>> No.6770259

Assuming much, easy there bud, assuming is a sjw trait.

>> No.6770880

>still using swj as an insult in 2023
Are you 12?