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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6759284 No.6759284 [Reply] [Original]

And why is it such a common thought on this board and in the vast majority of weeb circles?

>> No.6759290

probably psudo anime cartoons and tumblr artstyles with long noses and shit.

>> No.6759295

I've never been on tumblr shit and I dont really like westoid styled artstyles

More likely reason is
>Grow up with animu
>Watched/consoom more animu
>Got used to animu aesthetic
>Expectation for female characters are always cute types with big eyes, flowy hair, wearing miniskirts, etc etc

Whereas you can see the tumblrinas going more into calart or whatever those noodly arms artstyle with cartoons like Stephen Universe or Adventure Time

>> No.6759300

I grew up with 90s comics and then the Timmverse animated series and while I'll always love that aesthetic, I still find anime more appealing. I didn't sit and watch a full anime until around the time adult swim did that farting Full Metal Alchemist marathon for April Fool's. I've thought about it and I don't have a good answer, other than I have come to dislike 1) Western greebling and 2) the "San Francisco sensibilities" that Western art has been afflicted with for 20 years. I've never seen that stupid high fade flophawk haircut in anime at least.

>> No.6759307

Posts old westoid art, asks why zoomer westoid art bad.

>> No.6759313
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because a lot of MODERN american stuff is just garbage. all the really good western artists peaked before like a decade ago and none of the new blood is actually good and most of it is straight up ugly. a lot of jap stuff is pretty generic but at least it's not straight up unpleasant to look at

>> No.6759320


>> No.6759322

For an easy comparison between aesthetics look at fanart for sometime and 99% of the time western fan artists get mogged by asian fan artists

>> No.6759326

>What is the origin
Calarts. Modern western cartoons in general are goddamn ugly.

>> No.6759339

Just retarded us/them trolling for kids who never venture out of their comfort zone. I'm glad I never fell for the retardation, and my shelf has Tezuka, Kirby, Inio Asano, Frazetta, Robert Crumb, Studio Trigger, etc.

>> No.6759345

The worst SJ title mogs that art

>> No.6759350

>The worst SJ
South Japan

>> No.6759353

>And why is it such a common thought (...) in the vast majority of weeb circles?
the answer to this one is pretty simple, weebs like eastern art
asking why someone who loves X thinks more lowly of Y is retarded and you should be ashamed of yourself for even asking it

now, as for your other question:

>why is it such a common thought on board
the answer to this one is that 4chan, and /ic/ in particular is full of faggot contrarians who think the opposite of whatever they deem to be popular
>"b-buh-but anon, there are valid reasons to dislike western art!"
yes there are, but youre under the impression that /ic/ holds those reasonings
they dont, theyre just inflammatory homos

>> No.6759398

Post 2000 western comics and animators kind of suck at drawing

>> No.6759466
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The vast majority of human creation is utter garbage slop. Only a few are good enough to catch your attention. Survivorship bias or whatever it's called.

When people tell you modern American media is garbage, they aren't wrong. But there is just as much Japanese slop as American slop if not more.

Anime is just more mainstream. Japanese media gets more attention meaning good Japanese media also gets more attention. Leading to the illusion that Japan is inherently better.

The retards here don't possess enough sentience to realize that most stuff on average has the same quality, across most first-world countries.

>> No.6759878

>the answer to this one is pretty simple, weebs like eastern art
/co/ doesn't shit on anime as much as weebs shit on anything that's not made in japan though so that's not exactly the core reason

>> No.6759879

I see my post about seriousness in western art made an impact... Good.

>> No.6759887

This. There's merit in both styles, and anime is starting to go the way of western art. I don't see cool shit like cowboy bebop, tank girl or Akira being made. I remember there being discussions over the new "everything is a box" style anime destruction scenes. Where it gives the animator faster use of time when dealing with complex structures being destroyed, it also leaves out a lot of fluidity and organic feeling in the animation itself. Very few anime/manga artists are being forward thinking, it's all polishing the fabrics and body to look realistic with extremely generic faces. It's just as bad as calarts imho

>> No.6759894

>Post 2000 western comics and animators kind of suck at drawing
Yeah, but desu most post-Y2K manga/anime also sucks, though for different reasons (formulaic plots, overused tropes, stylistic homogeneity).
I love many contemporary manga artists, like Inio Asano and Junji Ito, but they're in the minority.

>> No.6759907

thats cause /co/ doesnt like comics or cartoons, they just coompost and politishit

>> No.6759921

>most post-Y2K manga/anime also sucks
2000 to 2006 circa was the actual peak of anime in terms of variety in content and original works though

>> No.6759963

modern western comics are absolute bottom of barrel trash. literally paying people below minimum wage for the art and pennies per page of written story. used to live off one comic writing. now you need 3 ongoings and ancillary work to support because they only hire retarded people. the art is similar. theyll pay a cover artist to sell the book, but the interiors are traced 3d models and literal dot eyes and smiley faces from people that dont know what they are doing. the coloring and inking are absolute lowest level possible and actively worsen the comic.

so zoomers growing up on anime and manga look at a comic book and its ltieral trash they could draw better for 99% of comics put out. since they cant tell manga is traced/photobashed as well due to the higher standard of tracing, they at least accept the traced manga as valid. the comic just looks like shit, so western art bad since all they know.

>> No.6759964
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Western artists lost their touch trying to ape a generic anime style instead of doing their own unique style, ending up as some fucked up pastiche of anime that always look off because it's nowhere near accurate to popular anime, and nowhere near attractive because it's a bastard style, ending up as pic rel, but without the soul

>> No.6759976

>modern western comics are absolute bottom of barrel trash. literally paying people below minimum wage for the art and pennies per page of written story. used to live off one comic writing. now you need 3 ongoings and ancillary work to support because they only hire retarded people. the art is similar. theyll pay a cover artist to sell the book, but the interiors are traced 3d models and literal dot eyes and smiley faces from people that dont know what they are doing. the coloring and inking are absolute lowest level possible and actively worsen the comic.
What the fuck are you talking about lol

>> No.6759995

I also said "can't be", but I just googled new graphic novels and comics. I didn't see one good one.

>> No.6760291

Im speaking generally , exceptions everywhere.
Western cartoons rarely delt with adult , or even late teens subjects, so if you watched anime you had something from 5 to 25 yers old to watch (familiarity) . West has been focused on liveaction more then animation, while in nippon it is the animation that is mainly produced. Overt sexualisation in animu that most western cartoons wouldnt even dare to touch even way back when (coomerism , sex sells). IPs being owned and restrained by big corpo while in japan the mangaka is usually the source of the IP and the anime is made to promote manga sales.
West has europoor comics (frenchies apparently being best at it) and americunt superheroes . the only one getting a budget for a cartoon are the superheros

>> No.6760345
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>post-Y2K manga/anime also sucks
I'll say manga post-y2k is far more entertaining by far than western comics. Granted there are a few gems in the western side. But it is unbearable to read at all, despite the quality of the art or writing. But, anime vs western animation actually feels like it leans more to the western side of being better with the sheer amount of artistic differences and topics notably in smaller studios and indie works. Most anime just feels like fan-service with the sheer amount of panty shots and cute girls and generic styles.

>> No.6760408

I’d say their is a renaissance in western indie animation on YouTube. Meat canyon is top dog atm, but he took off where
>lousy pandah


>old flashgitz


And even egoraptor left off. It’s a new grounds phenomenon that has blossomed into papa meat, which I for one am extremely happy about.

>> No.6760427
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>What the fuck are you talking about lol

>> No.6760942

you forgot one of the greatest

>> No.6760946

I think the most offensive thing here is they they drew this dude's legs

>> No.6761101
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You really think it's only weebs? That style is not even popular in the countries of origin.
It's amazing how badly you create a scenario to spare your feelings and hide a truth, and that truth is irrespective of any other eastern art, western art is simply not popular.
The majority of people don't watch anime and they have no love for western art either. So your question is just a cover.

>> No.6761106

I just don't lile the style
I do like hellboy th and Miller's batman when I was a kid

>> No.6761391

how about some furry edgelord art?

>> No.6762339
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I think OP's art is disgustingly ugly.

Yes, I'm an animefag, but as a kid I grew up surrounded by Western productions and very little contact with anime - in fact, I hated the applauded Saint Seiya.

Even back in my single digits, I would get X-Men comics and be utterly confused by the grittiness, the faces done by characters, constantly looking like they're taking a shit.
I'd have no interest in the art because it all seemed static, even when there was a lot of movement going on.

I also got some comics by Disney, from Duck Donald, Mickey et co, and they were equally lifeless. I couldn't keep my attention span on them. And I was a bookworm who'd read 2 books a week, plus play a lot of videogames, comics should be a breeze.

I did enjoy Tintin, Waldo and Asterix books, though.
And I thought Swat Katz looked awesome, although I've always thought Thundercats, He-man and what-have-you were uninteresting or just plain ugly.

>> No.6762349

Whatever happened to X-men? They were anime-adjacent because of X-men vs Street Fighter and Marvel vs Capcom but Marvel didn’t capitalize on it

>> No.6762517

God I fucking despise solid black shadows everywhere paired with oversaturated colors. I'm trying to read a comic not a fucking traffic sign. At least use an analogous color palette if you can't fucking help yourself, goddamn

>> No.6762520

Internet gave voice to masses which not need to be heard. (You)

>> No.6762566

I'm convinced people who fellate modern comics just have the same unbearable childish taste in colors. No other media gives you the same kind of eye cancer

>> No.6762572

X-Men had its thing distributed through all of Marvel's comics. If the Genosha stuff came out today half of the people on this board would be seething out of their skin and screaming about how woke it was. Once the rest of the comics all started getting in on those themes X-Men lost what made it unique and has been struggling since.

>> No.6762576

>childish taste in colors.
You are mentally underage.

>> No.6762592

No u

>> No.6762634

He's wrong but Shonen Jump, manga magazine

>> No.6762635
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The greatest of the greats are either dead or are already old. I still have yet to see someone taking their place.

>> No.6762636
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>And why is it such a common thought on this board and in the vast majority of weeb circles?

I've to say that the west has lost their kinos.
That the west have lost their soul.
I mean are there anymore new western comics that are not super-hero and are popular?

>> No.6762637

American comics have been sabotaged by their own editorials ever since digital coloring became a thing.

And desu the art has been shit for a while. The few good artists like Madureira and Campbell stopped doing comics because the shitty bi-weekly grinder just didn't let them do art to the standards they wanted.

Like everything else America, it's all shit now because some fucking kike loan shark lent the company a couple bucks and now they're entitled to infinite plus one dollars every fiscal quarter, and if they don't comply the company gets sold to someone who will.

>> No.6762644

>I mean are there anymore new western comics that are not super-hero and are popular?
Have you even bothered to look for any?

>> No.6762649

All the shit that's worth it and got any popularity in "recent" times is around 10 years old or more as of now while the oldest currently popular running new mainstream shounen is like, 5/6 years old at most? Not to mention there are a few nicher manga like Made In Abyss who get enough popularity while image and dark horse series are much more obscure by comparison.

>> No.6762691

If you have an answer then share it, don't do this passive aggressive thing.

>> No.6762715

Proved my point.

>> No.6762898

rob liefield in the 90s

when ngmi bitch and moan about their art not being good enough, I just point to rob and his work and how rich he got off of it

>> No.6762916

Seethe more, wokemerican
Keep pandering to niggers and Wilkes, you industry is doomed.

>> No.6763129
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>> No.6763132

american exceptionalism goes both ways