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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6755764 No.6755764 [Reply] [Original]

Would you consider TheGoldenSmurf pretty much the only legitimately good and relevant western online comic artist those days...? I can't legitimately think of much other recent webcomic artists or "western mangakas" that match his skill level if I'm being honest.

>> No.6755768

>webcomic artists or "western mangakas"
ah, time for our favorite game
is OP retarded or just baiting?
theres no winning in this game... we all lose

>> No.6755777

>copy -current popular artist- (murata in this instance)
>add even more fetish shit

basic bitch tastelet

>> No.6755781

I tried reading your comic and got bored and also confused as to why it was formatted from right to left when its in fucking english.

>> No.6755782

boring and messy looking garbage

>> No.6755867

hi smurf

>> No.6755890

digital garbage with same auto render trash murata switched to.

>> No.6756026

>Only posted on Mangadex
>Formatted right to left
>Shitty lettering with an ugly font with random italics
>Over-rendered, conceptart.org era weeb style

Literally who? I’ve been active in this industry for a decade plus and have never heard of you.

>> No.6756100

Whoa, really?
I want to see the industry standards

>> No.6756102

>the only
Don't do this, man
Pride before the fall.

>> No.6756103

No, next question

>> No.6756829

He's a better illustrator than comicmaker. His comicmaking skills are pretty weak, but he can render a drawing pretty well I guess.
Anyway he's nowhere near the only good western comic artist, nor the only good manga-styled comic artist, and I'd really hesitate to even call him a good comic artist at all. And "relevant" is a moronic way to look at it -- what, somebody isn't skilled if they don't have twitter followers? Smurf is basically irrelevant too, the only difference is he has a legion of followers from his smut. His comic is pretty damn bad, the only saving grace is that it has plenty of well rendered ass and tits.

>> No.6756847

What is with anons and wanting to constantly shill their favorite shitty coom artist here?

>> No.6756856

No, he has really no sense of aesthetics, just really ugly. Also he got buttmad when Murata unfollowed him and started randomly criticizing One Punch Man art that he was previously sucking off which was really embarrassing

>> No.6757941

>Also he got buttmad when Murata unfollowed him and started randomly criticizing One Punch Man art that he was previously sucking off
that's funny

>> No.6757947
File: 166 KB, 490x403, 1621590753993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol everyone is such a cunt to western artists. Japanese artists get away with so much shit. Ffs jps don't have to draw noses.

>> No.6758148

This is not true at all. Euphoniuz, Blue the Bone, viperxtr, and other artists/animators are treated the same as the Japs

Smurf too is completely fine. He gets shattered on for being an ass

>> No.6758167


He's just deeply unlikeable, just look at his twitter, the guy sounds like a /a troglodyte and his manga is a dumb meme and doesn't really have a lot of merit on its own. No wonder other other professionals wouldn't want to be associated with him.

>> No.6758265

Well it was probably just because he draws some degen porn, especially of OPM characters, but yea he's a tard weird tard too

>> No.6758292


>> No.6758307

Looked it up and you can hardly call it a comic
It's more like a collage of fetish images that don't read well
Newspaper comic strips are unironically better

>> No.6759079
File: 176 KB, 1178x973, FlJnedAXoAIPJFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy sounds like an /a/ troglodyte
Here's how he ranks popular shonen series in terms of quality btw

>> No.6759404

>Fairy Tail over AOT
And he think he has good taste lmao

>> No.6759455

>chief's kiss

>> No.6759463
File: 861 KB, 1287x3112, St.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not a basic ranking by quality.

>> No.6759542

I hope you get the assblasting you came here for

>> No.6759587

>Would you consider TheGoldenSmurf pretty much the only legitimately good and relevant western online comic artist those days...?

>I can't legitimately think of much other recent webcomic artists or "western mangakas" that match his skill level if I'm being honest.
Since when is their level of skill that indicative of their relevance? Andrew Hussey drew in a very simple amateurish way, and his comic was a bigger hit than most successful comics will ever be.

What's this guy even making? I've never heard his name before, so for all I care, the Bike Cuck artist is more important than this guy.

>> No.6759843

>Dragonball anywhere but F

>> No.6760747

I really like his art, despite it being coombait. The problem is the story. It just isn't good, even for an Echi.

>> No.6760789

>the guy sounds like a /a troglodyte
He is, he's still shitting up the OPM thread to this day.

>> No.6760855

Is he autistic or something

>> No.6761110

> even for an Echi.
That bad? How so? That’s a really low bar.

>> No.6761112

No. His stuff manages to be blander than his god OPM and the coomer designs do not help.

>> No.6761940
File: 226 KB, 906x1280, 1669933903751205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le shonen teir OC is the strongest in the world and isn't afraid of anything and she's funny and sexy with big bodonkers and she's muscular and there's some funny quips and she knows shadow clone Jitsu and she saves a village and there's some demons she needs to fight ect ect ect.
Early Dragon Ball up to the Freeza arc was more entertaining than this.
His art is really good though.

>> No.6761970

>this thread
Anons are always going to say the same thing
>coombait art
>atrocious writing
>even shittier paneling
>guy should just do coom and stfu
>people only follow him to laugh at his autism
Make this same thread in 3 months again like usual, TGS.
Don't forget to post it on /co/ as well.
btw to answer the inane question:
>Would you consider TheGoldenSmurf pretty much the only legitimately good and relevant western online comic artist those days...?
Literally who?

>> No.6761986

even worse, he's fr*nch

>> No.6762048

It's hard to criticize smurf without sounding like a crab because he is good. But he excels as a "twitter" artist not a comic artist.

The same way when a successful internet reviewer tries to make their own movie and it's terrible because they didn't hone every other skill needed for a full production. They feel like they can skip their shitty student film phase because they already have an audience. But when most of your career is fanart, memes, and random OC pictures you aren't going to make Berserk on your first try

>> No.6762207

Yeah, many artists think that good drawing skills and coming up with cool moments is all you need to make a great comic.
Aspects like good paneling and especially good story writing are arguably more important than art quality when it comes to making comics, yet the majority of indie comic artists never study these critical areas.
Why is that? Are they just unaware of the importance of these skills? Or do they think they're above it all?
It saddens me when I see an amazing looking comic but you can tell the author has zero clue about basic story writing and it's just dozens of "cool moments" awkwardly stitched together.

>> No.6762224

Writing and drawing are different skills. That's often why there's so many writer-artist duos.

>> No.6762248

In my case as a beg webcomic maker, is not that I don't study them, but I have trouble "integrating" that knowledge properly.

>> No.6763379

idk about that, but I would put triplets into that demon lord.

>> No.6763393
File: 47 KB, 586x292, 342534675456352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's gonna win a place for his twitter feed next?

>> No.6763459
File: 23 KB, 338x430, 1668812352195058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, now I feel bad. If you're reading this I was just shitposting dude. I'm biased against shonen-esque stories anyways, there's no fucking way I'd read the new Dragon Ball either.

>> No.6763474

This confirms that the OP is smurf himself

>> No.6763551

Even at it's worst, Dragonball produces a large variety of creative top tier designs.

Future Trunks, Cell, Beerus, the androids and Buu are lightyears above generic twitter OC action girl muscle waifu with mommy milkers #98453637.

The biggest problem with alot twitter artists is that they only a few characters they endlessly duplicate like Chris-chan making a dozen sonichu.

>> No.6763602
File: 749 KB, 785x518, 16299898321544756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uuuhm someone said my badly written work is badly written BUT AKSHUALLY is a reverse compliment because DB comparison and they didn't mention the other arcs. Check and mate. Gotcha.
No wonder his comic is trash when he doesn't have one ounce of reading comprehension and is basically looking for any excuse to sniff his own cum
His shitty delusional writing style reminds me of anons i had the displeasure of arguing against.

I had no reason to dislike the guy, but he's outed himself as a huge faggot.
He shall only receive praise and compliments so he'll stagnate and fail: I call it tsundere crabbing.

>> No.6763610

He already has an legion of coomers so he should just accept his destiny and go full porn. There is no need for him to pretend there is more than that or that people actually read.

>> No.6763639

Which is sad because he started at the dr/a/wthreads begging for art.

Guess he got high in his own farts.
Complacency before the tragedy

>> No.6763646
File: 499 KB, 1080x1080, 1670739787794017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fellow TheGoldenSmurf tourists.

I hate niggers and kikes and AI is the best thing to ever exist and we should all behead women who don't dress modestly!

>> No.6763647
File: 33 KB, 233x225, 1654654165476356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as i have observed, he seems really desperate to be acknowledged for being a comic artist rather than some coom-printer that he goes this far to try to clown on anons for twitter clout and circlejerk with other delusional fags like him.
Imagine, some 30 yo faggot spending his time spamming the same threads every month and then going on twitter and saying;
>"wow this guy is ragebaiting he must be obsessed i dont even post on ic lol lmao"
without being prompted to or having any real reason to be that specific.
It's very obvious he makes these threads himself.

If he wants to know his true value as an artist he should stop drawing the big titty muscle girls and see where that takes him.
The thing is, he fucking knows that no one gives a shit about his comic and only follows for the coom, and given his behavior, it bothers him a lot.

You gotta ask yourself, why give yourself so much work in making a comic when you could be working less, not be seen as a hack by others and rake in the dough from even more coomers?
He writes porn comics, but draws no porn. That's all he does.
He has 200k followers so he must believe everyone is just jelly & crabbing and jealous of his """success""".
Social media was really a mistake.

>> No.6763650
File: 400 KB, 845x632, 156624695465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate niggers
>and kikes
>AI is the best thing to ever exist
>we should all behead women who don't dress modestly!
TGS, no!

>> No.6763660

>If he wants to know his true value as an artist he should stop drawing the big titty muscle girls and see where that takes him
Not even that far I may say. He just need to deal with criticism and work to improve the rest.
>He writes porn comics, but draws no porn. That's all he does.
And you become bored really fast of all big tits on screen so his ace lost its value pretty fast

>> No.6763671

>, Dragonball produces a large variety of creative top tier designs.
so how many goku clones and color changes do we have now?

>> No.6763980
File: 347 KB, 300x300, 1671327394062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Smurf.
You heard everyone

If you wanted to be recognized as a comic artist so badly, then go back to your roots.

Enough with the comfort bubble and learn decent writting, story boarding, and panelling just as how you grinded fundies, anatomy, and coloring 7 years ago

>> No.6764813

smurf im a former fan yours and I had to stop following you because all you do is bitch and complain. you have a massive bloated ego. you roam the web looking for people talking shit about you. you have a channel on your discord dedicated to posting about people talking shit about you. you seek validation from your dicksucker followers thinking they care about you. they are not your friends. people might like your art but the moment they catch a whiff of your annoying personality or your complaining posts on twitter they immediately lose interest. you make more haters than fans by being an annoying bitch online and the fans you do attract are either coomers or equally annoying people.

if you really do want to become a better artist and grow your following you first need to become a better person. please for the love of god work on yourself and stop egosurfing constantly. I know your fucking goons showed you this thread or you created it yourself. remember to post a screenshot of this on your twitter too

>> No.6764850

>only legitimately good and relevant western online comic artist those days...?
Lackadaysy is getting an animated adaptation and ava's demon has started up again and is now releasing a print version of the first chapters
People in here need to broaden their horizons a little damn

>> No.6764871

No one but kiddies and retards read or follow comics

>> No.6764896

His gray lineart sucks

>> No.6764954

Then why are you here?

>> No.6765022
File: 1.18 MB, 823x628, Jagganoth_attack_prepare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, are you retarded?

>> No.6765187

We are retarded

>> No.6765239

>so how many goku clones and color changes do we have now?

That doesn't contradict my point at all. For every goku recolor we get an entire arc like the multiverse tourney that introduces dozens of crazy character designs.
Hell even the recolor ultra instinct was so memeable it made Shaggy from fucking Scooby doo into the face of an entire fighting game.

>> No.6765285

You guys are stupid. I don't like his style, but the art isn't bad. You guys are making him sound like he can't draw.

>> No.6765293

You could very easily reply to the 2 posts in the thread that actually call his art bad. Don't strawman all the legit criticism in this thread as calling him bad at drawing.

>> No.6765442

Not everyone you don't like is a hater
Take the crits like a man, Smurf

>> No.6765444

>demon lord