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6751190 No.6751190 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on using ball jointed dolls as reference?

>> No.6751255

Do you really have $400 to throw on something you're not actually gonna use?

>> No.6751262

I love how elegant some of them look. Idk how to explain it but Ive always loved the face looks. The anime ones are always shit.

>> No.6751299

personally i like them in theory and theres so much potential for creativity, but a lot of them end up looking the same

as for reference, anything you can look at and learn from is a good reference as long as it doesnt actively stagnate you
if its your ONLY reference, youll fall behind either way, and this is true to everything stylized

>> No.6751305

bros... is it ok to fall in love with a doll

>> No.6751318

as long as it’s a cute doll then nothing else matters…

>> No.6751321
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1440, 328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought two of pic related. They are stiff as fuck and cannot rotate the thighs so some poses are not possible. But hey 11 euros for such a cool thing, it will come in handy for post apocalypse drawing. Btw the only difference between the male/female is that female has thinner chest piece in shape of triangle while male has thick square like.

i plan using them when i will hop into figure drawing seriously. also i am thinking of getting sticky bones which seems to have 100% fluid poses + holder to view it from any angle.

>> No.6751346

Mr. Pawell, you really didn't learn anything from your rushed Bargue plates. (What a surprise!)

It's a shame to see you struggle to even draw cylinders in perspective. A remedy would be to show more diligence and care in studies from life of something as primitive as a roll of toilet paper.

>> No.6751363
File: 43 KB, 564x846, 404c727e0f8a043a80bded18e59a6153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their anatomy is very unnatural.
Action figures and this wooden shitheap >>6751321 are also trash but their articulations are still somewhat natural. BJD joints are min-maxed for poseability which means complex unnatural articulation on knees, elbows, etc.

>> No.6751368

>pencil art
>bad medium
I challenge you to a duel, anon. It's a matter of honor

>> No.6751389

why is this hot

>> No.6751396
File: 564 KB, 920x1559, 1689098548238147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6751431
File: 66 KB, 537x1000, 20130220180603440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how they look but they're so expensive.

>> No.6751437

feels beg :-(

idk if i had bad paper or bad pencil or bad day or something, but after 1 year of being digicuck going to pencil felt like the canvas is sandpaper and pencil is dull rock. i even put extra sheets under so the paper so it wouldnt have contact with table. and the grafite kept smearing everywhere lmao

on other hand the japan markers felt amazing to use. pencil BTFO

>> No.6751492

As long as you made it yourself

>> No.6751494


>> No.6751502

you know you can like, just use it as a reference for poses, right? not a perfect 1:1 model to trace over a picture of?

>> No.6751704
File: 166 KB, 431x1000, IMG_4943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you're using them for. Like >>6751363 says, the anatomy is often inaccurate - intentionally so. The placement of joints is sometimes weird, too. You can see from this picture of my doll when I was painting her than the legs are long, and the torso joint is very high(really it should be a three piece body for more accurate movement, but those are rare and not always better). I know there was some russian dollmaker making BJDs with a LOT of articulations, including a joint for the shoulder to raise the arms up, but those were very expensive. If you're just trying to check out a pose like >>6751502 says or trying to see how clothes would drape, or light would fall on it, it's fine.

>> No.6751717

It looks like she hanged herself

>> No.6754232


>> No.6754371

Eh, if the artist is already knowledgeable / experienced with the human anatomy to some degree, he/she would pose the dolls as close as possible to what a human could/would do, or try to pose using their own body to see confirm the posture of the dolls.

>> No.6755300

i don't know where you're looking but the doll is literally doing the thing the image says dolls don't do, and if we can back up a bit, what the fuck even is that left image supposed to be? other than a ctrl+z?