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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 152 KB, 1053x1216, 828849696948493846748385849748922737484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745692 No.6745692 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is that?

>> No.6745700


One is trying to compensate for his insecurities and thereby represents himself in fiction as something he wishes to be

The other has no need for illusions and just wanted to maximize the emotion of his art via exaggeration.

Fag like the guy behind y2k shit and other tumblr shits are abhorrently devoid of self-awareness
Meanwhile, chads like ONE couldn't care less about his representation. He wanted to deliver a message and nothing more.

>> No.6745704

I second this.
btw i look just like the guy in the bottom left and my art persona is literally a stick man

>> No.6745717

Down right should be empty

>> No.6745718

Pretty accurate. The biggest example would be between these two girls I sort of knew online. One was a fucking dump truck and the other was a literal 10/10. The 10s sona was simple while the other's was trying hard to be sexy. I remember at one point some poor scrote drew the ugly chicks sona a little chubby and she freaked out while a month ago the same thing happened to the hot one (but to a literal fetish extent) and she reposted it.

>> No.6745723
File: 12 KB, 92x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomar imagine if you were turned into a worm like you woke up tomorrow and just found out you were a worm, would you live with it and adapt and have beautiful aryan worm children or would you just kill yourself right then and there

>> No.6745746

God /ic/ is so full whiny faggots. I remember "meet the artist" pictures threads, and polfags were whining and complaining that people drawing themselves ugly and saying shit like IT'S BECAUSE IT SHOWS HOW UGLY THEIR SOULS ARE.

And now you put a "Chad " Picture next to ugly sona and these retards talking different.
You are literally thinking like stereotypical women - easy to be impressed, whiny and hysterical

>> No.6745764

my art teacher was a huge guy (but handsome) and he had a literal stick figure. He couldn't be fucked at all to put in an iota of energy whenever he drew to represent himself.
So maybe it's about being insecure idk
My teacher never gave off any insecure vibes, has a gf etc.

>> No.6745766

>You are literally thinking like stereotypical women - easy to be impressed, whiny and hysterical
Almost like it's not specific to women or something
There's literal cultures revolving around avoiding male hysteria

>> No.6745771

i swear i see this thread every fuckiv4gmtsng year.

>> No.6745772
File: 47 KB, 622x622, 1620194967676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trying

>> No.6745774

yeah, thats something zack wouldnt say, stop trying so fucking hard and study comedy or listen to people who are funny. maybe you'll learn something about social interaction or comedy queues. even its related to oneyplays its not funny at all. PYW

>> No.6745834

there are exceptions, I remember this case where a basement dweller got pussy drawing himself as ugly as possible so in comparison he wasn't so bad

>> No.6745898

Call me a faggot, but the fat guy's sona actually looks like him. It only needs a second chin.

>> No.6745909


>> No.6745955
File: 133 KB, 302x426, 1689359707850468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing yourself at all is fucking cringe

>> No.6746344
File: 355 KB, 678x459, 1492877111331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a folder. You tell me

>> No.6746347
File: 550 KB, 900x1107, awkwardzombie - katie tiedrich II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746351
File: 148 KB, 500x261, mi imaginacion y yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746356
File: 38 KB, 639x519, literally him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man's got the goblin-shark phenotype holy shit

>> No.6746360
File: 262 KB, 634x763, jaltoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746372

he just has a prominent nose, underage-san

>> No.6746374


>> No.6746376

he looks like an insecure hairline punjabi without the wierd headwear

>> No.6746384
File: 290 KB, 628x1000, Lets speak english accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she actually saw the thread where we were making fun of her and changed her design because of that

>> No.6746388
File: 2.12 MB, 1150x2006, 1517713676999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746390
File: 999 KB, 675x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lost a lot of weight actually

>> No.6746393

this one looks like a bad selfie with a touch of butter face
people forget just how much the fish eye distortion ruins close up selfies
i reckon she doesn't look this obese if pictured from a slight distance with a proper camera

>> No.6746397
File: 391 KB, 513x626, armenian cory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746399
File: 870 KB, 900x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually prettry slim. I remember her posting a gym selfie.

>> No.6746400

i can never take women who use phones/collars/hoddies to conceal their double chins seriously
its the femal equivalent of blackface but actually offensive imo

>> No.6746401
File: 35 KB, 679x374, Ed2YG6nXoAMpfY6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butch hartman used to have this as his pfp and someone complained about it and he changed it to the "haha i'm an ugly weirdo goofball" pfp

>> No.6746402
File: 117 KB, 878x1024, vee.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who

>> No.6746435

True to an extent for men, after all, no one who is ugly wants to remind themselves of how ugly they are.

That said, women never draw themselves as "ugly" or gross, they're always cute, or at most "soooo quirky!".

Didn't they draw everyone like this though? Granted, the guy is somewhat closer to accurate than the girl, but what I wrote above applies to her (she needed to draw herself as chubbier, or with that double chin).
And she's hiding that chin there, so I can only guess she embarrassed about it - fair enough, and likely never going to be in her own drawn representations.

Hers is not even that inaccurate? Or is that the new design? That's just people online trying to be cunts rather than remember that art styles have limits in realistic portrayals of people.

>> No.6746438

I'm not autistic enough to draw myself

>> No.6746464

she changed her nose and gave herself tinier eyes

>> No.6746485

>phone concealer
That's just how you take a picture of your own outfit in a mirror, bud. I don't think she's trying to hide her fatness, you can literally see her.

>> No.6746496

>its the femal equivalent of blackface but actually offensive imo
Okay, you made me laugh, ya cheeky bastard.

>> No.6746671

>women never draw themselves as "ugly" or gross

This girl is a chad
And by chad, I mean /pol/ once terrorized her comics and made them racist.
Her response?
None. Not a single shot. Ignored the fuck out of the trolls and it became one of 4chan's greatest defeats. And by a woman nonetheless

>> No.6746676
File: 1.41 MB, 1052x1786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how it actually is.

>> No.6746683

Based and true

>> No.6747034

People really forgot that the only way of defeating trolls is by ignoring them

>> No.6747050

Larry is fine, Dobson is such a fucking loser tho lmao.

>> No.6747051

Those are pretty reasonable.

>> No.6747053

But Butch Hartman is absolutely a Chad. People can shit on him as much as they want, but you can't deny that he's handsome.

>> No.6747059 [DELETED] 

It is something he would say. Though probably not Aryan because Tomar is a kike

>> No.6747129

These are accurate to how they look.

>> No.6747133
File: 184 KB, 1000x1000, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a 'sona for yourself /ic/.

>> No.6747142

I agree about the insecurity thing though why would anyone want to make themselves look ugly?

This is the only correct answer. Chads do not bother with cringe sonas and use their real picture.

>> No.6747145

I don't see an issue with 3 or 4

>> No.6747149

My college qb, straight As, rich parents, thot slayer housemate has a stuffed dinosaur as his social media profile picture.

>> No.6747159

>women never draw themselves as "ugly" or gross
Since when is simply being cartoony or stylised "gross"?

>> No.6747161

u know the toughest mfers are always the softests

>> No.6747179

That's cute as fuck and doesn't count as a sona

>> No.6747185

she lost the tits

>> No.6747194

women dont abide by this rule the same way men do, they are a lot more precise and calculating in the way they draw themselves, working to create the best combination of cutely-frumpy, not too pretty yet not so ugly that one could mock them or see similarities with real life
they require a fucking flowchart to figure out, not just a 4-square "if" "then" scenerio

>> No.6747196

3 is actualy spot on, and 4 isnt even a drawing its just from that dogshit avatar maker application that usually only teenage girls use
the first one is cool enough to pass by, too, he clearly focuses on evoking an emotion more than anything and its a fun design that wouldnt work if he was trying to be realistic

really just 2 and 5 scream insecurity

>> No.6747197

so.... draw yourself thread? this should be fun
cmon its not like any of you are actually good enough at art to dox yourselves

>> No.6747203

As shit as you can be at drawing, you can't avoid doxing your fucking race though

>> No.6747205

It's less about wanting to be ugly and more like "I don't really care."

>> No.6747206

anon, youre not the only black guy in the world i fucking guarantee it

>> No.6747207

>Chads do not bother with cringe sonas and use their real picture.
nah this is absolutely a psyop to get us to dox ourselves
"hehe dont be a coward just post your real face" fuck off fed

>> No.6747208

I'm asian.

>> No.6747209

well there go do, doxxed
now draw yourself faggt

>> No.6747213

I can't draw for shit. But I have the feeling most of the art fags in this board are niggers. And they don't want to unveil that in a place like 4chins

>> No.6747217
File: 16 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fine ill do it for you

>> No.6747221
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_20230717_082959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further proof that only incels draw like top and sex havers draw like bottom

>> No.6747222

rest of post disregarded, go back to twiter

>> No.6747224

sorry i don't take orders from incels

>> No.6747235

I'm assuming this was like the intro to a porno or something? No way someone, even the most desperate horny loser, thought that piece would be okay to draw for a caricature.

>> No.6747240

no. 4 is just a cooking show guy (jack). don't know about the other ones if they are artists or had others commission it for them.
maybe no. 5 had the avatar done before he lost all his hair.

>> No.6747251

you shouldnt even be on this website, doesnt the landlord you pay thousands of dollars a month for a shitty inner city apartment block this site on his wifi?
and replace your tampon while youre at it

>> No.6747252
File: 50 KB, 711x397, Bitmoji-3306057890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no. 4 is just a cooking show guy (jack).
what does that have to do with what i said?
his avatar is made in an avatar maker program

>> No.6747271

that's alot of projection, typical incel behavior.
i pity you.

>> No.6747305

alright anon, its been fun falling for your bait
youre pretty good at it, if i didnt know you were shitposting id almost believe you
but seriously, pretending to be like this on 4chan oughta be a bigger crime than being genuine

>> No.6747367
File: 132 KB, 1080x619, IMG_20230717_122205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That me

>> No.6747376

God damn, anon.
Maybe you incredible hot in IRL.

>> No.6747399
File: 22 KB, 269x398, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747430
File: 21 KB, 282x345, coom monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747445

holy sovl

>> No.6747633


>> No.6748266


i draw myself as a white humanoid naked creature with a tribe mask (i suck at drawing because I just began, but imagine it in your head)
Ok you might think I do this because im ugly but no it just looks interesting

>> No.6748288

y2k guy is not a persona/self insert though

>> No.6748304

very accurate to life
they are not artists except dobson, who is based on his younger self as he appeared in the comics, not relevant to the Op's question about avatars

>> No.6748307

Art is the one place I can escape being an ugly retard and you want to take that away from me.

>> No.6748313

I used to draw a cute sexless bug-eyed glasses thing, but after a while it just ended up looking like Futaba from Persona 5 and eventually changed it to a blob because I didn't want to be associated with anime trannies on twitter.

>> No.6748315

No one is stopping you.
Just never post your real photo online for us to laugh at.

>> No.6748318
File: 612 KB, 900x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of artfags just looks like Ronie
amorphous brown haired bespectacled blob

>> No.6748320

it's true even the women look like that

>> No.6748383

It's funny because Ronnie's actually decent-looking IRL

>> No.6748509

Her face hahaha lmao

>> No.6748515


>> No.6748550

FtM shaggy LUL

>> No.6748557


>> No.6748574

what the fuck is a 'sona'

>> No.6749360

umm im a little fat thighed elf with blue hair and piercings...!!! i love to erp as her because im a perpetually lonely khv touching 40 years old~~ please dont break my immersion!!!

>> No.6749403

This guy is a hero.

>> No.6749564
File: 81 KB, 759x911, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have to wear my insecurities like armor because of peer pressure

>> No.6749720

I am still fairly attractive despite having embraced a self-destructive lifestyle, but I hate myself to the point where I can't draw an avatar. Those few times I've attempted it I came up with something that was supposed to look like "haha I'm a weird goblin" like >>6746344 but I couldn't make it funny, it looked like a mean spirited caricature of someone the artist hates

>> No.6749745

I draw myself with muscles but I worked my ass off at the gym so I deserve it

>> No.6749985

Who the fuck actually draws themselves

>> No.6750295
File: 89 KB, 440x348, Live footage of me trying to get some work done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fun.

>> No.6750377
File: 41 KB, 633x758, 1610224065230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bald, nearsighted, and weigh 330lbs.

>> No.6750732

This is literally a bit he did except tomar was an ant instead of a worm

>> No.6751501

the la air is killing cory.

>> No.6751504


>> No.6751507

does anyone have the version with japs included where it's just an animal with a ( ・ ω ・) face

>> No.6751843

What If I’m heterosexual male that acts like a male online but I present myself as an anime girl?

>> No.6751871
File: 50 KB, 460x699, 807968f7123bd8ea95d66c1540bce912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751931
File: 89 KB, 559x607, millions must die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751943

But her skin is permanently loose

>> No.6751951
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, aquaticlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752357
File: 168 KB, 1140x1140, drawin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't drawn myself in a long while, it was fun.

>> No.6753124

I look mid but have a silly avatar

>> No.6753136

That drawing is really impressive for a caricature thing, how long did they wait for that, no way they would just sit there for an hour while hes drawing

>> No.6753159
File: 82 KB, 542x601, who this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this?

>> No.6753174
File: 62 KB, 1068x601, B7294E2A-5B38-4AED-8A57-87F4C4AC3996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, right?

>> No.6753212
File: 157 KB, 648x672, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6753228


>> No.6753245

that's right

>> No.6753288


>> No.6755025
File: 83 KB, 1204x1600, stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck

>> No.6755033 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 81x125, 1586196722143s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this from years ago
oh God where did the time go

>> No.6755036
File: 131 KB, 517x797, 1560877161488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6753174 #
>>6753212 #
I have this from years ago
oh God where did the time go

>> No.6755625
File: 32 KB, 653x627, ugly bastard for hire .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it

>> No.6755660

Extremely fucking accurate

>> No.6755666

>study comedy
Literal asperger posting. Dead serious. Get checked, retard

>> No.6755676

I'm jacked but ugly

>> No.6755708

she's got like three of them, which one are you talking about?

>> No.6755820
File: 844 KB, 2056x1868, zehahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6756062

Lookism needs to be destroyed, leave ugly people alone

>> No.6756068
File: 83 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled206_20230330184652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me irl

>> No.6756117
File: 11 KB, 398x306, image_2023-07-22_223208162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sona posting

>> No.6756199
File: 64 KB, 1024x1024, Closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this of myself recently

>> No.6756805

the first one is an image (a mask)
the second one is an emotion (selfless expression of own nature, the foundation of art)

>> No.6756808

Normal people don't mind uggos so long as uggos don't try to date above their status.
Stay with your own and nobody gets hurt.

>> No.6756828

looks like jewish trump

>> No.6756851
File: 122 KB, 736x931, 1687380924000398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who unironically say "sona" should kill themselves.

Also everyone in this thread who participated and drew themselves is a fucking faggot starved for attention

>> No.6756875

don't post my sona without my permission, buddy

>> No.6756884

I'm just having fun anon, it's not my fault you don't

>> No.6756937

I always just called it an "Author Avatar" because I read too many sprite comics as a kid, and yeah I think "sona" sounds fucking dumb but you sound like a real Negative Nancy Anon.

>> No.6756987

real originals call them avy/avies

>> No.6757015

Yeah me too

>> No.6757035

"sona" sounds more official, like its your designated persona, an intentional icon that youve created thats separate from you
whereas avatar just sounds like a little doodle of yourself

also yeah anon is a no fun fag whos so insecure about his life that hes trying to reclaim any semblance of 2kewl4school he can

>> No.6757082

draw your fucking sona faggot youre the only one bating replies

>> No.6757126
File: 212 KB, 776x1200, 1565589984217[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfukign Josh Luna

>> No.6757194

she's such a stacy

>> No.6757527
File: 39 KB, 234x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so over

>> No.6757756
File: 414 KB, 1356x839, bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757804
File: 593 KB, 994x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually look like a ghoul irl

>> No.6757806
File: 612 KB, 3024x4032, 20230618_173641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little rayman version of myself from ages ago

>> No.6757832

"sona" more in my head evokes the term "fursona" and any other alternate internet identify commonly used by perverts to escape their loser existence. If it was just "persona" though that'd at leat sound cool.

>> No.6758041

Jesus christ this fucking board

>> No.6758384
File: 16 KB, 516x711, 1672370587240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6758405
File: 157 KB, 478x463, what a sad story (laughs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoying things is for loser
>trve aryans hide behind cropped paintings and cry like faggots
kys nigger

>> No.6758432


>> No.6758440

I have a fursona

>> No.6758460


>> No.6758968


>> No.6759081

Larry Bundy is an artist.

>> No.6759086

bitterest saddest motherfucker in all of ic. pity this crab for his snippers will NEVER be able to draw

>> No.6759108

damn, he could have been a model

>> No.6759112

cute loli, classy

>> No.6759191


>> No.6759481
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, apu fbi (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759490
File: 168 KB, 682x642, 1676899340816973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759497

manlets can't be models

>> No.6759601

He could be a model for the dwarf range.

>> No.6759610
File: 358 KB, 1016x1313, 1682418307313020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6762521
File: 302 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230726-011904_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6762766

I would never make a fursona but I'd be lying if I said I dislike the concept. It's like having a cool avatar or a D&D character that you really love. I dislike the cringe kinky roleplay and porn they make with that shit, though. If my self-esteem wasn't six feet under I'd love to have some kind of cool avatar who's basically the best of me

>> No.6762768
File: 1.11 MB, 542x560, me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6762783

the word "sona" literally comes FROM the term 'persona', my child o' the internet. thats ALSO from words like "fursona" "trollsona" "ponysona" or whatever else come from

>> No.6762786

you draw yourself like a man whos trying his hardest to come off as frumpy and nonthreatening and are afraid to shake your female colleague's hand in fear that youll commit a accidental rape

>> No.6762859

kek last slide

>> No.6763123

id still do it

>> No.6763124
File: 195 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deliberately use this old thing for my art avatar because In many ways I want to be the big orc guy
Part of the reason i go the gym.

>> No.6763127
File: 2.79 MB, 2000x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like its both of them that lost weight.
Good for them. Good for them :)

>> No.6763156
File: 454 KB, 750x1334, 30749B95-4E3F-4EB5-800D-43945564A897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6763171

Real chads are the ones who's sonas are just drawings of them but simplified

>> No.6763176

any examples?

>> No.6763177
File: 17 KB, 320x280, arakawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite is when Japanese mangaka draw themselves as simple cartoon animals

>> No.6763181
File: 16 KB, 412x498, Portrait2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6763861
File: 672 KB, 843x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6763886
File: 67 KB, 256x437, Dood308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already had a sona, hair used to be different, though, this is a lot closer to what I genuinely look like. I used to have a separated sona that represented my own subconsciousness, but that ended up so badly I stopped drawing her altogether.

These threads are always a pain in the little self esteem I have because it always make me feel like Im subconsciously leaning towards the "compensating" kind of sona, rather than the "caricature" kind of sona, not to mention they make me feel bad for having a sona to begin with, because apparently it's cringe and whatever.
I should probably stop listening to you fuckers in this specific regard...

>> No.6763938

But the top right sona isn’t attractive either. It basically does look like a cartoon version of him, with really only the pose/expression giving him any additional “spice” or attitude.

>> No.6763957
File: 111 KB, 600x486, 1689380092210280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't draw yourself and get over the cringe, then how can you trust yourself to actually make art that's not superficial like using the word cringe unironically is. You learn about yourself and how you think about yourself and how you really look when you dissect yourself in a self portrait. It's therapeutic and cathartic and is a great tool for leaning depth in art and about self reflection. You just sound afraid.

>> No.6763961

My art IS me.
All of them are expressions of myself.
Having a persona just separates you from your art. You are saying that this persona is much more valuable than everything else you have made because they were not made with your heart.

>inb4 cringe
Fuck you.
I made my sacrifices and the fruits of my labor aren't something that I will undermine
All of them are special. All of them are important

>> No.6763965
File: 10 KB, 183x275, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that. All these excuses because you're to afraid to actually face yourself. That's so pathetic

>> No.6763966

Also I never said to make a persona, and that's not what you originally said either. You said drawing yourself os cringe, but it definitely doesn't have to be. You put this gay implication of a "sona" onto the whole of drawing yourself, when it's only a small piece .

>> No.6764082

>I used to have a separated sona that represented my own subconsciousness, but that ended up so badly
what happened?

>> No.6764159

It was cooler and stole his gf

>> No.6764321
File: 74 KB, 420x435, Dood228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically I made her to be a sort of representation of a part of my own mind, as well as an alter ego, she would be one to call me out and openly say how much of an idiot I am for all my shortcomings. Problem came up when she became my inner voice, meaning that I was listening to this alter ego bully me on a daily basis at a time. Somehow I let this alter ego be extremely abusive to me and everything I did at a time I didnt need it because I was already dealing with some bad mindsets then; even though I realized it and tried to talk it out with her (literally?) I didnt realize how destructive it was, but one day I did she just vanished and I started hearing my own inner voice again. I havent properly drawn this alt sona ever since because for some reason I just cant draw her, despite still being there and occasionally bullying me.

>> No.6764513
File: 5 KB, 216x200, 1491897446997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that even happen? Are you schizophrenic or something?
>I was listening to this alter ego bully me on a daily basis at a time
that must have been tiresome dude
>despite still being there and occasionally bullying me.
Wait, so she's still in your head? bullying you? anon you need some help I'm not joking

>> No.6764546

hes actually kinda handsome imo

>> No.6764549

this one is so cute ^_^ do you have a twitter?

>> No.6764574
File: 71 KB, 479x364, 1657497034435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does that even happen? Are you schizophrenic or something?
After a lot of internalizing the issue, Im most certain it was just my own inner voice taking the personality of this alter ego. As far as Im concerned, your inner voice taking the personality of someone you're familiar with is a fairly common thing, usually happens with your inner voice taking the personality of your parents and yourself, and no voice is constant, they're always changing places because at the end of the day you're still talking to yourself.
In this particular case, my inner voice took the personality of this alter ego and it stuck with it, to the point I was only listening to her, or technically, myself through the lens of her; that would explain why I was so quick to revert back to listen to my own inner voice once I realized the problem I was stuck in.
>that must have been tiresome dude
It really was, considering she was always complaining about stuff, calling me out for every little mistake and undermining every little achievement I got.
>Wait, so she's still in your head? bullying you?
Yeah, just not as much as she used to, which is fine because at the end it's just as I explained, she's just one of the few voices my subconsciousness uses to communicate with me, nowadays the voice I hear the most is my own, which is a lot healthier.
No, anon, I am not insane, I just address this particular thing about myself with a little bit of autism because Im no stranger to my own stupidity and Im always looking forward to understand myself, even if it means thinking outside the box.

>> No.6764605
File: 210 KB, 685x723, sona_drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6764613

He's the only one who's nice and doesn't deny the Asian dude's race and heritage, he's only trying to fill a hole in his life, but of course he's still racist or evil or whatever because he's white.

>> No.6764653

The second one reminds me of early 2000 gamer comics and now I'm not sure if it's a guy or not

>> No.6764661

>>The second one reminds me of early 2000 gamer comics
who? awkward zombie? No way

>> No.6764744

No I was laughing at the fact that he depicted what I would ask to an asian friend, if he knows any asian chicks that are availabe.
I'm white too bro, I just want some asian pussay.

>> No.6764963
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>> No.6765082

You can see the edge of her areola

>> No.6765115
File: 131 KB, 800x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profile pic I did a while back

>> No.6765224
File: 48 KB, 344x377, 1545289493883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your inner voice taking the personality of someone you're familiar with is a fairly common thing
I don't know man, never happened to me, when I think of something the voice in my head is myself, same personality maybe a bit unrestricted but still, its me.
>It really was, considering she was always complaining about stuff, calling me out for every little mistake and undermining every little achievement I got
were you depressed when it happened? because it sounds like that
>Yeah, just not as much as she used to, which is fine because at the end it's just as I explained, she's just one of the few voices my subconsciousness uses to communicate with me, nowadays the voice I hear the most is my own, which is a lot healthier.
So you have other voices besides you and her?
It is healthier, but I still think you need to find a professional to talk about this, she may be no longer bullying you that frequently but she is still there.

>> No.6765228

>superficial like using the word cringe unironically is
true. but using the word unironically is superficially cringe, also. now we're in a loop where nobody will escape with their reputation in tact. thanks, motherfucker.

>> No.6765289

>I don't know man, never happened to me
Yeah, I figured, point that Im making is that these personality changes of the inner voice are not on the realm of mental issues, at least not in the way they are happening. It's more of a consequence of spending too much time inside your own head, I'd say.
>were you depressed when it happened? because it sounds like that
Not depression, but I do deal with a lot of stuff on a basis, so Im not usually in the brightest mindset.
>So you have other voices besides you and her?
My parents' often pop up, but it doesnt happen often, I think.
>but I still think you need to find a professional to talk about this
Im not sure, considering the problem has diminished over time, rather than getting worse.

>> No.6765299

My innervoice is me telling me to commit crimes

>> No.6765316

Everytime I try to forgot this guy somehow comes back

>> No.6765324

I find amazing that he's still doing comics

>> No.6765355

now some drawanon should do a genderswap of one of these 'sonas

>> No.6766900
File: 341 KB, 924x871, image-119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally made a sona, btw I'm stronger, smarter and more handsome than all of you

>> No.6766901


>> No.6766922
File: 317 KB, 637x566, how the fuck does this have anything to do with art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be woman
>make coom art
>also post your tits on the web
They have the chance to not whore themselves on the internet and they still do it.

How soon will we see women drawing porn trying to get patreon bux and having an onlyfans selling their nudes at the same time?

>> No.6766937

We need to bring back slut shaming.

>> No.6766954

dont work anymore since now sane reasoning is homophobic and mysoginistic or whatever
we need to beat women
at their own game

i suggest pretending to be a woman and generating ai pictures and making porn at the same time
It will happen sooner or later anyway

>> No.6766972

>How soon will we see women drawing porn trying to get patreon bux and having an onlyfans selling their nudes at the same time?
it already started, not to the point of every thot creating an OF(yet) but to use her body to attract more followers to their art accounts

>> No.6766973


>> No.6767048

Which should tell you how smart they are by doing something so counterproductive
>make art
>post your nudes
>attract a bunch of coomers who don't give a shit about the art
>no one will comm you since they're all there to see you naked
>end up whoring yourself in the end anyway
>everyone will know you're a whore and avoid you
>you have also attached your public image to the porn you draw
>basically speedrun destroying your social life forever because you thought you were a marketing geniuses
These cunts don't even know that all the money and attention they get to expose themselves, is out of malicious intent.

>> No.6767069

she makes 2k-3k a month on patreon and it took her under 1 year to reach that. she will make more if she starts an onlyfans

>> No.6767259

one psychological difference that studies have observed between men and women, is that women wanna get famous as themselves, whereas men wanna get famous as their work

a woman is more likely to wanna show her face once she makes it big, she's less likely to work anonymously, and she's less upset when she discovers her fame comes from people simply liking her, as opposed to liking her work
a man is more content to become famous as "GoblinCrusher69" the guy who makes beautiful art. a woman is more content for become famous as Emily Smith, herself, for uh.... anything at all....

Mandatory 'this isnt the case for everyone and theres always gonna be outliers' statement inb4 people reeee, but this isnt me shittalking, this is an observed phenomena with the majority of people from their respective gender

>> No.6767260

Amazing how no one has done an insult mass reply for each poster

>> No.6767261

well now that you said it some funnyguy will do it just for the attention

>> No.6767262

Yeah, maybe that was my intention all along hehehe

>> No.6767375

>won't post it

>> No.6767543

Good post.
This is indeed true, although, one has to think about consequences.
Look at all the pornstars who wanted to be famous so bad and get attention and validation and now they're washed up roasties no one wants to touch with a 10 foot pole.
It's going to be the same with these female porn artists.
With porn art, they got a get-out-of-jail-free card and don't have to attach their identity to their work, yet they still do it to
>"attract more people"
If they were old hags who already had established a family and had kids, that would be completely different, but these are young women who not only whore themselves artistically, but whore themselves as well.
If a woman is willing to expose herself to random internet strangers, it is not to exclude that she will more than expose herself irl given a cheap price.
All they're doing is basically ruining their lives for easy attention from coomers who don't have good intentions and underage kids.
This shit happens with females twitch streamers all the time where they start getting donations and messages like
>"you'd get more money if you showed tits"
And given long enough targeted grooming, they'll cave in because women will always submit to the will of the many, seek out to expose themselves more for attention and money, until they become just another cumrag in the porn industry.

Issue is with all the sex work fake positivity spread by bad actors and the overall decline of shame and increase of narcissistic impulsive behaviors, they probably believe anyone who tells them of the risk of pandering to the adult industry is just jealous of them because it makes them money;
Of course it makes money, because if it wasn't, no one would be eager to show their tits that easily.
>Mandatory 'this isnt the case for everyone
Feels pretty bad that it feels you're walking on eggshells, because you know how much they're going to cope and call you names just for saying innocuous facts like this.

>> No.6767817
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x843, 1679314947289065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6767838

Jelly uggo detected

>> No.6768143

>god i wish I was a cute girl so bad why can't I be a cute girl I want to wake up tomorrow and be a hot woman
women will breathe wrong and troons in denial like you will smash their heads on their keyboard about it.

>> No.6768641

so if i tell you im not a tranny and im actually a man, you will convince me i wanna be a woman, wont you?
go see a therapist if youre seeing trannies in the walls

>> No.6768642
File: 25 KB, 448x473, 3226u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"haha girls be like-"
>y-you wanna commit acts of violence against me dont you anon? you wanna smash my head in? hurt me? take my body? you w-want to abuse m-my supple, girly body for your wicked mannish desires, right? ouuuugh
why the fuck are the women
every goddamn time

>> No.6769311

Top Guy:
>"I know I'm an unfortunate looking fella, but I see no reason to let that affect the portrayal of myself in an entirely fictitious medium"
Bottom Guy:
>"I hate how my appearance, but by purposefully drawing myself uglier, people will be less likely to be critical of my appearance when they see how I actually look"
Look I can psychoanalyze strawmen as well

>> No.6769331

Yes you can buuuuut what does reality show?

>> No.6769389
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 20230730_141559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6769452

i’m an ugly person, but my sona is a cute anime girl, it’s bad enough people in real life have to be subjected to me, if i have a choice why would i want to subject people to ugliness? my character also looks nothing like me, i get that ugly/fat people with attractive or at least thin personas might seem like they’re compensating or at the very least are completely unaware of what they actually look like, i don’t think i’m doing that.

>> No.6769455
File: 43 KB, 615x680, Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does reality show?
Well they're artists so most likely they're both insecure losers

>> No.6769463

A bunch of neckbeard basedboyz trying to topple a chad. Life really is a meme kek.

>> No.6769467

I just use a cute girl as my mascot without ever implying she's supposed to be me.

>> No.6769469


>> No.6769615

>No fun allowed
Stop being incel

>> No.6769659

>oh God where did the time go

idk, i get the same feeling too, almost like 3 years were robbed from me for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

>> No.6769662

the word you are looking for is 'Avatar', which was a term used before the film came along. we also had 'persona' too but thats a no go either.

you can thank your corporate overlords for reducing the range of language for this.

>> No.6769672

no, the anon isn't wrong.
these women don't realise it, but they're actually going to be causing themselves a lot of problems to their reputation in the future doing stuff like this.
sure, you will get money now like your average porn artist, but the moment you attach a public image to yourself once you hit your 50s and you're still expecting to be treated the same without any kind of judgement or people avoiding you, they're completely out of their mind.

once a thot, always a thot, according to people. you're perceived as less trustworthy doing this and you have the weight of your body being passed around by creeps online. its not good for women's psychology, and men could learn from that kind of thing too.

its not empowering. its a con to rob you of agency when a situation becomes dire in the future and your life is on the line.

>> No.6769760

this is all speculation until these modern thots start hitting the wall.
there are always horn dogs out there, even for 50 dusty puss.
anon talking like hes seen it all.

>> No.6769781

i've spoken to workers who got caught up in this field of sextortion.
yeah, there are always horndogs out there, but there are families that are also affected by this stuff too, especially offspring.
the sex industry is not something to joke around in. even legalised, there's a lot of awful stuff that the media doesn't talk about outside of scandals and celebrities, but that doesn't sell headlines or encourage people to think more in depth.
its a very nasty place.

>> No.6769792

>its not empowering. its a con to rob you of agency when a situation becomes dire in the future and your life is on the line.
Basically, you've hit the nail on the head.

What women are subjected to is pure abusive manipulation with long term consequences.
You want to get a job anywhere?
Forget it. You're known as that thot and a bunch of your "fans" hang around.
You have children?
Your kids will be bullied by their peers and harassed by your "fans".
Your "fans" will find out where you live, and delude themselves they've got a chance because you're the based female drawing the based porn they like, so of course you must be as perverted as them.

You will have no other option but to submit to your "fans", because no one in the normie sphere will be accepting you. And when you'll be a hold hag, do you think anyone will come and save you? Won't happen.
You're an old hag, you're low value, even as a cum rag. No one is going to respect your existence if you have no other option.

>> No.6769831

i wasn't try to doompost like you are anon.
im not saying the people caught in this shit have no hope. it just makes life a bit more difficult, but its not impossible to pull out of.

its usually the antifa-types that are willing to make the lives of these kinds of people a living hell too, from what I've observed over time. and they speak pretty similar to what you just posted too.
and i dont agree with it.

>> No.6769861

Passing your hand through fire, doesn't mean you'll hurt yourself, but there is a high chance you'll burn your skin off, so why don't your try to avoid the risk and take some precaution? Why risk a bad outcome?

You should always think about a worst case scenario and how to avoid it or at least be prepared to deal with it.
Someone who doesn't think about the consequences of his actions, doesn't survive for long.

>> No.6769876

truest thing ever said holyshit

>> No.6769886

>Someone who doesn't think about the consequences of his actions, doesn't survive for long.

yeah, but society shouldn't be designed in mind to throw these people out. a lot of this stuff is a result of a combination of extremely bad luck, bad advice and the culture around these people encouraging it.

it was not long ago people were willing to offer a hand to these kinds of people to help them find alternatives to living that didn't revolve around the sex industry but since the recession those attitudes are being withered away bit by bit.

and even then, the people who have witnessed it or survived it have spoken up about how to help these disenfranchised invidivduals or spoken about its dangers, and all they get are doxxers and political extremists hijacking their misfortune in their little sick games, and there's not as many anymore willing to pull them aside and tell them to not act like psychopaths.

its not the people caught in this industry that are to blame, but the system that encourages it, and the provocateurs taking advantage of their emotions.

>> No.6769904

>its not the people caught in this industry that are to blame, but the system that encourages it, and the provocateurs taking advantage of their emotions.
But that's exactly what i said.
But these women are also responsible for their own existence.
You can't teach psychos not to fuck shit up, you have to make potential victims aware of this shit so they can look after themselves.

>> No.6769973

why does every single thread in this shitty board turns into men vs women

>> No.6770036

>you have to make potential victims aware of this shit so they can look after themselves.

everyone understands how important that stuff is anon, but in the age of digital oligarchies, especially with the advent of camera's and recordings and stalking being normalised enmasse, its becoming increasingly impossible to experiment out of the box without everything being recorded and used against you. its why you're seeing more and more artists and visionaries leaving behind the entire field, because the only things allowed to experiment and make a fool of themselves (even innocently) is technology itself.

its similar to the mantra of those above us trying to enforce systems of tyranny using excuses of bad actors to limit travel and excessive security checks just to do basic shit. when you have once good people going out of their way to help others, and they see the world completely turning against them, you are going to be creating more psychos when many of them never wanted to become that.

its similar to pornstars; when the only thing left that is truly 'free' is their own bodies, and the only free person not involved in the process that is free is the coomsoomer, who really is at fault?

>> No.6770253

This board is infested with turd-world male attention whores with persecution complexes.

>> No.6772577

sounds like you made a tulpa, dog

>> No.6772855

I think it's less about physical appearance and more about their mental health and how loose they are in their art. Along with how many years they have under their belt. I feel like doing an overcomplicated sona is something a lot of beginners do bc they want to put their best foot forwards and it gives them motivation to try harder bc they can be looser considering it's their sona and they don't have to be on model or anything. Just no think, only draw

Eventually, over the years, artists will care less. They've drawn and changed their sona so many times and by now they have better things to channel their efforts in.

Personally, I do mine as kind of good and appealing for branding but also has more goofy iterations and I've drawn them very silly a lot. Also partially bc I've drawn my sona SO much that I could draw them blindfolded and it results in me thinking less so the drawings become goofier...

Idk it's more of a mental state thing to me than a physical state, but it's definitely partially the latter. I think most people try to draw themselves better or make a sona that more reflects their personality and interests than their physical body

>> No.6772858
File: 69 KB, 1024x576, 1629922631387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is, how many of you are willing to post your actual photo next to your self portrait?

>> No.6773141
File: 17 KB, 292x318, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6773182

>He wanted to deliver a message and nothing more.
Messaging is for tasteless hacks, keep your faggy propaganda to yourself, commie
Draw for fun and for yourself, not for other peoples perceptions.

>> No.6773222
File: 22 KB, 538x420, frusona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6774871

we need to shame sluts on my dick and nobody elses

>> No.6774909

no, shame slut them to me. im cuter.

>> No.6775007

experimenting some stuff
also billions must die

>> No.6775008
File: 28 KB, 512x512, Untitled156_20230803133010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775047

billions must LIVE
billions must LAUGH
billions must LOVE

>> No.6775564

"Hey Tomar."
"Let me ask you real quick, big green Rick and Morty portal opens up, out walks Hitler,"
"Out walks Hitler and he looks at you and says, "It iz tImE jUu kNow zhe tRoOf." and he hands you a manila folder labeled 'ZHE TROOF', do you open i-
>(((The Truth?)))
"No no, ZHE TROOF, like all gutenberg bible print letterhead and misspelled, DO YOU OPEN that folder?"
>(((And this is a folder given to me by Hitler? Can I ask him what's inside fir-)))
"No he's already, Hitler's already gone back *chuckles a bit to himself* to Hyperborea, back through the portal."
>(((Well fuck the folder I'm gonna follow him through the portal I wanna se-)))
"And the portal closes behind him."
"And all you have is the folder, do you open it?"
>(((How big is this thing, is there a booby trap?)))
"No it's a simple folder, just some papers in it. The twist isn't murder, Tomar,"
>(((Okay, I mean-)))
>>"Yeah hashtag, not ALL nazis Tomar."
>(((Okay, Chris. I mean... I guess, sure. What is the truth?)))
"So you open the folder, inside, are pictures and documents, PROVING, that not only are the Elders of Zion 100% real, and have been manipulating-"
>(((Oh yeah?)))
"Been manipulating markets, and starting wars, all over the world, but ALSO-"
"but ALSO, Tomar, 9/11 was done by THEM!, Tomar."
>(((I mean, yeah, why not?)))
>>"Yeah but Tomar, that's not the worst bit. It's your mom."
>(((My mom?)))
*laughs* "Yeah, Tomar, your Mom's an elder of Zion, and SHE came up with 9/11!"
>(((Oh my God)))
"What are you gonna do Tomar? What do you do with this folder of unquestionable truth? Do you hand it to the police knowing your Mom's going to jail for 9/11? You WOULD be a hero though-"
>(((I would, be a- how would it be heroic for me to-)))
"Well you can give like, closure and shit to people and 4chan will call you a based jew for exposing this, and-"

>> No.6777121

>one psychological difference that studies have observed between men and women, is that women wanna get famous as themselves, whereas men wanna get famous as their work
Could you tell me which studies discusst this?

>> No.6777407
File: 120 KB, 1280x1220, F1vizsJXsAIQhAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This grey old website, aint what it used to be, aint what it used to be, aint what it used to be...........sigh

>> No.6777648

what's the problem? all of these are fairly accurate

>> No.6777717
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>> No.6777749


>> No.6777797
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>> No.6778191

1 used to be as skinny in his earlier videos.

>> No.6778201

Holy shit, how can you be so fucking delusional kek.

>> No.6778210

Racists can't understand why they are being racist, just as somebody can't smell their own farts.
Many such cases.

>> No.6778337
File: 15 KB, 587x619, Jackpine Jack Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778756
File: 124 KB, 968x840, 040823 LegendaryCut - My PepeSona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spend too much time on this toxic wasteland

>> No.6778757

Rate my sona pls

>> No.6778780

Pretty decent, you should use another file format next time though.

>> No.6779746

He's racist because he calls them docile and tight, not because he has yellow fever.

>> No.6779865

Exactly, and any white woman who thinks black men are confident, or thinks that they have big dicks is also racist. I hate whiteys thinking positively about other races. We should all only hate and kill each other to end racism.

>> No.6779888

All I see are faggots crying. Kys subhuman trash

>> No.6779945
File: 1.28 MB, 3900x1800, 16913364783326065195887895025267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.6780014

damn, he was actually pretty handsome

>> No.6780563

This is so funny. Gave me a good lol.

>> No.6780568

Looks like this graffiti I saw in San Francisco. Face like this with big text that said "IM HERE. WATCH OUT. UNREGISTERED SEX OFFENDER."

>> No.6780711

Kek. Nice lines, you're good at gesture

>> No.6780760

This isn't you.

>> No.6780807

>Exactly, and any white woman who thinks black men are confident, or thinks that they have big dicks is also racist.
Kinda. stuff like blacked can easily be racist.
>I hate whiteys thinking positively about other races.
Saying "asian women are Docile and tight" and expressing lust for the british broadcasting corporation, isnt really thinking positively about other races.
It's simply viewing them as sexual objects. Docility is also a weakness.

>We should all only hate and kill each other to end racism.
despite what pol may tell you the two options are not: Kill all black people vs worship the ground they walk on

>> No.6780887

> stuff like blacked can easily be racist.
Is being "bleached" also racist? If being "blacked" is racist, so too is being "bleached".

>It's simply viewing them as sexual objects.
Well it's beyond the realm of the comic, but any person who likes a race sexually, is also going to have more opinions on them than just wanting to fuck/be-fucked-by them. I also strongly object to "sexual objectification" being a purely bad thing, people often say that it's dehumanising, but I don't want to fuck a chair, I only want to fuck other living and breathing human beings; as do the vast majority of others.

>isnt really thinking positively about other races.
Is a mostly positive trait, it can be weak, but it's also just being very agreeable.
Is a positive sexual trait, not something you should say loudly, but still a positive.

>We should all only hate and kill each other to end racism.
The fact that you didn't get that the post was facetious means you're at least partially retarded.

>> No.6780894

>Is being "bleached" also racist? If being "blacked" is racist, so too is being "bleached".
yeah basically.

>Well it's beyond the realm of the comic, but any person who likes a race sexually, is also going to have more opinions on them than just wanting to fuck/be-fucked-by them. I also strongly object to "sexual objectification" being a purely bad thing, people often say that it's dehumanising, but I don't want to fuck a chair, I only want to fuck other living and breathing human beings; as do the vast majority of others.
You can find black men sexually attractive without believing they all work like in NTR doujins.

>> No.6781067

He's so handsome

>> No.6781097


>> No.6781102


>> No.6781122

This takes me back

>> No.6781485
File: 416 KB, 862x726, Bit of a me moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this isn't a drawing but it counts

>> No.6781487
File: 277 KB, 1107x2048, Casual everyday attire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781500

usually accurate, with the exception of jazza imo. he doesn't greatly exaggerate his cartoon avatar to make himself look uglier or more handsome

>> No.6782016

Based Cartoonist

>> No.6782094


>> No.6782269

But he ruins it with his colors. He depicts himself in this middle eastern skin tone when he's white and bland as white bread.

>> No.6782793

I remember this faggot complaining about white people making Asian food (even went as far as adding some shit like "with mayo!") then drew all the white people with their own distinguishable features and individual styles while giving the 2 Asian characters the same fucking face.

>> No.6782820

>full hair
>is actually truly undeniably BALDING

>> No.6784530

Joe actually used to be skinny but let himself go unlike his friends.
Don't see problems with Larry.