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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 914 KB, 1066x1850, 1689261630328926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6743162 No.6743162 [Reply] [Original]

I recently found out an japanese artist I like uses ai to assist then with their art, shota on milf, like 80% of it is done in ai. The dude used to just draw normally but switched halfway through with a mix of ai techniques.

Is AI good or bad? It seems like it would change a lot if industries.

>> No.6743166
File: 258 KB, 561x1806, 1689365066602270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some korean and japanese artists are already getting replaced according to a few articles I saw online.

>> No.6743174

>no artist posted
>just indian shills trying to change public opinion

>> No.6743179
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>> No.6743182
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>> No.6743183
File: 94 KB, 620x877, 74484680_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before ai

>> No.6743187

>if industries
A lot of industries.

>> No.6743190


>> No.6743191

It always happen with stagnant old fucks that grew to hate drawing and got tempted.

>> No.6743194

it is bad, stop pushing the propoganda

>> No.6743195


>> No.6743197


>> No.6743198

What propaganda, overall I checked on youtube and people seem to be very mixed on the technology.

>> No.6743203

Please, make an /ai/ general

>> No.6743205

Ai is democratizing art, adapt or die.

>> No.6743216

ai is fucking up art, kill it or kill yourself

>> No.6743223

>ai is fucking up art, kill it or kill yourself

How? Al it seems to be doing is making it a bit more accesible, like how translation services like bing translate made translation more acessible to the average person. The average person likes free stuff and will go through many lenghts to get free stuff, usualy the people who complain the most are the ones being upset that it would hurt their profits. Take adobe for example hating people who pirate their software and going after pirates. Similar thing with nintendo.

>> No.6743226

ai fags tell liberals ai democratizes art
and then tell right wingers ai is making liberals seeth

>> No.6743228

AI is going to take over every industry, faster than most people think.
I agree with the "if you can't beat them, join them" crowd.
AI art is actually pretty cool once you get into it a bit more.

>> No.6743233
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x1536, 96ce37bd-a14d-4026-b8ed-149356848a7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I still like his artwork it is pretty hot

>> No.6743245

Aka based

>> No.6743260

It's good, lots of people will be able to make cool stuff now with it, sucks for the people that get fired but they'll get a new job

>> No.6743264

least astroturfed AInigger thread

>> No.6743278

There's no joining with AI garbage, only submission into mindless consumerism.

>> No.6743279 [DELETED] 
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AI will not make you women codetroons.

>> No.6743282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6743285 [DELETED] 
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>>6743162 (OP)

>> No.6743292

Art was already democratized, you're just a lazy faggot.

>> No.6743294

Honestly if bots are just gonna post ai shit on here over and over again then I'd rather just watch gore instead

>> No.6743295


>> No.6743296

Those armpits are atrocious.

>> No.6743298

Democracy is when your place of occupation gets bombed to dust and your ruling class killed or crippled and you're supposed to be happy about it.

>> No.6743312

Someone should ask these AI using artists why we should give a fuck or support them anymore when we can use the same tool to pump out even better art than them.

>> No.6743421

>everyone I don't like is a bot
>someone asking a question on an art fourm is a bot
Go back to rddit, 4chan isn't a place to circlejerk

>> No.6743435

>blah blah blah reddit blah blah blah
lmao, scratched disk repeating the same shit. Tell your programmer I said fuck you.

>> No.6743520
File: 165 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230714_214511_852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An AI made this
Damn I'm in love, how am I suppose to hate this? It warms my heart

>> No.6743524

It amazes me to no end how even with the best of the best art scraped from top artists, every single model just produces that plastic look that gives away its AI regardless of deformities

>> No.6743531

Yeah it gives away a very special vibe but I still like it

I would even say some ecchi AI pics give some sort of degenerate vibe I love, I can't put my finger on what but it may be that plastic thing. Why does it make me really hard? There's an special aura to it that drags me in.

>> No.6743542

You like garbage, just like there are some people that like the taste of literal shit.

>> No.6743546

I love that you're upset at something that you don't have control over, nor can stop.

Real artists couldn't care less about AI, some are even getting it into their workflow.

Only retards like you who built an ego on making lines are this hurt about it, sad!.

>> No.6743557

lol are all AItards this sensitive? I only said you have bad taste, which is true btw.

>> No.6743558

I mean it is sad, it still scrapes and competes in the same market as those same artists. Not to mention it'll probably discourage newer budding artists now as well. Even worse is, the few pipelines for growth upwards is also stunted. Regardless of how you feel about it, it doesn't help as much as you'd think in this state. Not to mention real artists in game dev can't even use ai in this form because of the unknowns of legality that are yet to be brought to court

>> No.6743565

Cool, now take that shit elsewhere because I'm sick of it shitting up my feed.

>> No.6743568

Calling others sensible when you had your ego sent to outer space and back is not very smart anon

Shouldn't have based your personality on drawing and you might enjoy AI as well, but this is your fate, a future where you'll be upset forever

>> No.6743569

Can AI artists even develop a sort of style or a following around a certain style? What would make a potential client choose one particular AI artist over the other?

>> No.6743571

Settle down, man. You're projecting too hard.

>> No.6743580

There's no real reason to get upset over AI unless you're a professional artist, which most people here aren't. heck a lot of Koreans seem to be using it to create references.

I don't remember what company in Japan is already using them, I think Nintendo had something with AI art. It's a matter of time, but it's a win for all.

>> No.6743587
File: 166 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230714_222941_503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just telling you the truth anon, I know it might upset you right now, but as long as you realize and move on it will better for you. It's either this or you will keep having mindless meltdowns at every chance you come across an AI picture, which will just increase.

>> No.6743594

That’s the issue, a lot of beg, and int and potential talent will dry up in the future and I worry for the inevitable lack of great and new in terms of the content that would be produced.

I couldn’t care less about the established artists, they’re good enough to survive but those who would’ve been the one to grow in the future are at risk

>> No.6743600

He was telling the truth too, there’s a reason why all of these images have that consistent look beyond the styles they’re interpolating and that int/ can sniff it out instantly

>> No.6743614
File: 27 KB, 500x500, bigthonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that there's always an oddly well-timed influx of AI shilling whenever AI gets into legal debacles? What a strange coincidence, a true brain twister, a real mystery

>> No.6743628

Go back to your board please

>> No.6743631

I wonder how things will evolve, this tech is really in its infancy

I'm more upset about not having proper AI voice emulator, so porn voice overs that charge $40 a minute can go broke.

>> No.6743644

No way. I've been bussin to this guy's stuff for years.

>> No.6743648

>Go back to your board please
> from a /g/ shitter

>> No.6743699

We've gotten ai threads every day for a year you retard

>> No.6743704

you mean when AI is in the news, people think about it more? whoa incredible, any other words of wisdom you wish to share?

>> No.6743714

Now explain the exact same talking points espoused by AI friends day and day out.

>> No.6743717

these threads will never stop regardless if we ignore it or not, they will get louder and louder and keep repeating overtime

I don't know if this is financial desperation, clout chasing or just some misguided understanding of what A.I. means but its just sad to see the damage it has done to that medium of hobby

>> No.6743721

Probably another site starts banning AI generated content again. Last I knew of was Steam lol.

>> No.6743722

I can't believe i forgot this guy name. Who is he and have his fans realized hes using ai?

>> No.6743725

they came swarming when it was banned on fanbox lol

>> No.6743742

Kek, what damage you insufferable lunatic? The only thing damaged here is your ego

>> No.6743747

AI is good, why wouldn't it be?

If you're worried about not being able to sell art to other people, then you're misunderstanding art

>> No.6743753


>> No.6743755

Don't waste time
They can't reply with arguments, only feelings they got imposed by someone else

>> No.6743757

Arguments have been made over and over, even above in the comments if you scroll up a bit 1/10

>> No.6743759

>only feelings they got imposed by someone else
How do you unironically post something like this when the very generative models are based off of the works of other people in the first place absolute fucking kek

>> No.6743760

AI may one day be able to provide enough art to sate the need of consumption, but AI will never sate the need to express oneself

>> No.6743762

Art is about the outer expression of your inward mind. Art is soul. Create and experience art for the sake of it alone. AI doesn't change this

>> No.6743766

Thanks for your worthless opinion when everything art related is worth value and people will pay for that value for that reason. Maybe if you're so out of touch with society that you have the funds to sustain that thinking then feel free to do it for that reason.

This weird expression of art as some nebulous thing makes it even more stupid to think using something like ai to gacharoll your SoUl is somehow an expression is the funniest part of this

>> No.6743768

I'm sorry you feel that way

>> No.6743769

and Im sorry the rest of the world can't live in the fantasy of delusions like you. Not that I disagree wholly, a world where people don't have to worry about financials and pursue art for the sake of art sounds amazing in theory, but we're never going to be able to get there.

>> No.6743770

The way you aifag "express" yourself through your gacha slop machine is no different than a random dude googling dumb meme pic to express that his day was shit.

>> No.6743771

don't bother, they're both blind and deaf now and will never gaze nor listen to anything you say about A.I.

its the reality they've chosen to cope with their failure so they're beyond help now, just let them wallow in their A.I. reality and just move along

>> No.6743773

You can't be this retarded can't you?

Artists that trace other artists to "study" and most of the times make their drawings as entire out references are supposed to be different? because..they just are!!

Truth is that at the end of the day AI art is just a tool for people to have fun, same way as art. Sad fucks like you that take it personal get what they deserve

I don't even understand what people like you are trying to accomplish by the way, it's like schizos trying to fight vaccines in modern age, it's here and it's here to stay

>> No.6743776

>Cope with their failure
Case in point, see how this anon tries to inject an ego-based argument into the discussion

Sad, again, this is what happens when you based your entire personality/life on one trait

>> No.6743784

Maybe I missed it, but since when do we consider machine learning from LLM's the same as learning from reference as humans again? This point has been brought up since the beginning and it's been moot this entire time. Even the USCO put out a statement saying it's inevitably a dice roll to use gAI and therefore it isn't original nor is it copyrightable.

Let's also just ignore the fact that artists can draw from imagination? Or even just the fact that there's a monumental difference between an artist using a reference to draw vs a generated image from a model. But sure, let's just swipe that all away and say it's the same.

If you have fun with it go for it, but the vast majority and the lurking danger of it comes from corporations inevitably phasing out and removing the pipelines for future potential artists because cheaper and faster even off of the works of the same artists are being used to compete against them. There's probably a reason why there's huge strikes with AI as a pivotal point in the news for writers and actors right now right?

>I don't even understand what people like you are trying to accomplish by the way,
Says the retard pushing AI for people who want to learn to draw? Are you daft

>> No.6743786

Hell of a better skill to have when applying for jobs than some random schmuck who says they're good at prompting lmao what a cope one liner you got there

>> No.6743787

I apologize for striking a nerve, but at least you recognize how dumb that sentence you typed was kek

>> No.6743789
File: 317 KB, 1237x1752, doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tracing is considered a fraud

you basically claim its yours even though you've just overlaid and trace it from other works, so it removes any originality of your piece

you're just lazy and angry to other talents that do better than you and running to A.I. to cope with than accept your failure makes it even worst

I clearly get how you people think and in my experience I too know how painful it is to fail, but running to A.I. wont fix anything, by the end its just an image generator, and you saying that its "fun" its just a thin veil you've draped over yourself to hide the tears and refuse reality by continuing to live a lie will not help

either way I know you wont even bother reading all of this since you're beyond reach right now, so I posted a pic to keep you distracted

>> No.6743807

An AI is doing an original drawing with the prompt you gave to it. Sure it's using all the data from other artists, so? It's making something new, period. This "copyright" meme debate is nothing but a tantrum from sheep minded people like ITT who simply don't understand it or think they have even a chance to stop it. Japan already approved it and so will everyone else.

>Says the retard pushing AI for people who want to learn to draw? Are you daft
Lol, lmao. People who solely use the AI were never interested in drawing, how can't you not see this?

It's not even wrong by the way, there's a difference between wanting a picture of X thing and enjoying the process of making X. What you and the other sad fucks are mad about is that now you can do something close to X without engaging in the actual process.

This is why AI art is successful despite being obviously "plastic" and why it doesn't even need to reach 1:1, because people don't care and just want to have it for very specific purposes.

See this other retard here, case in point again. It's people who do not understand

>> No.6743809

Yeah and artist don't go out their way chanting and celebrating the death of all artist and wishing their complete replacement to those artist they were inspired to like you ai parasitic subhuman scum.And no matter you much you aifag cry, your machine is not fucking human and will never have the same right as human.

The only reason why AIfag cry so much about AI right and try to equate them to human so bad is because they somehow think if it's validated, all the accomplishment the AI has done will transfer to them. Then the subhuman will call the AI they defend the right so hard is just a tool lmao, absolute scum behaviour.

AIfags don't have any principle. They only want to exploit everything they can with AI with one excuse after another, lie and then switch with another excuse so that they can be a lazy parasite and demand every respect and money they can get from their slop machine.

>> No.6743814

Seriously though, if I were you people I would find a better way to cope, at least ignore it and try to get mad over it. This tech is in its infancy and it will be the next thing after the internet, Nvidia is already fully focusing their designs on it

Either you embrace it like Asians do or the future will be tough as fuck

>> No.6743817

An AI is doing an original drawing with the prompt you gave to it. Sure it's using all the data from other artists, so? It's making something new, period. This "copyright" meme debate is nothing but a tantrum from sheep minded people like ITT who simply don't understand it or think they have even a chance to stop it. Japan already approved it and so will everyone else.
No it's not you fucking retard. It's anything within the bounds of interpolation between images in the training data. It's not new, that's why models will need more and more actual training data to get better as time progresses you fucking dunce. If it could create anything "new" then there would be no need for iterative change to the models and updates to the training.

>Japan already approved it and so will everyone else.
Japan hasn't passed any laws whatsoever to make it easier, i swear the same bait articles come up, even when sites are slowly banning posting ai images for a reason.

>What you and the other sad fucks are mad about is that now you can do something close to X without engaging in the actual process.
Like I said, I couldn't care less about bootlickers like you, it's the companies and corporations taking advantage of the situation and cutting out present and future artists if things don't change. I hold no ill will towards you since you're okay with the idea of using other's works and that you seem to realize the model generates the brunt of the work. If you're okay with that and calling that expression that's on you as pathetic as it is.

>> No.6743818

AI art will force its way through in hobbies that are routinely done solo and require a mixture of skill-sets; animation, videogame dev, videogame modding, etc. These types of creations usually takes hundreds to thousands of hours to finish so nobody is going to scoff at a way to speed up the process; even if it's rough and rudimentary.
Pure artists are just fighting an uphill battle.

>> No.6743830

They would probably enjoy it if you did that. AI artists are very inclusive of others joining into their hobby.
AI art is the freest kind of art after all.

>> No.6743833
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1v6tq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon will you routinely be sucking on techbro cocks for every fucking thing since you clearly want to shill AI for free
I'm pretty sure this is like almost the 8th thread you niggas made after the fucking adobe surveillance L
>you basically are the fucking hugbox reinforcement squad at this point for it

>> No.6743836

I have no allegiance to any group except for free and open source software. I don't care about 'techbros' because they don't support FOSS.
>I'm pretty sure this is like almost the 8th thread you niggas made after the fucking adobe surveillance L
What's wrong with that? AI art is still art; and this is an art board, so it belongs here.
>you basically are the fucking hugbox reinforcement squad at this point for it
How so? I am just stating my opinions. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6743837


I doubt the guy will get cancelled

>> No.6743838

Are there any crusade campaign to dunk on these kind of AI "assisted" artist? These are no different than tracing and need to be called out

>> No.6743839

>Pure artists are just fighting an uphill battle.
They werefighting an uphill battle when everything went digital

>> No.6743840

Adapt by ruthlessly bullying ai fags until they have ptsd

>> No.6743841
File: 11 KB, 99x112, IMG_20230407_141521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say this as you niggas shill about near 24/7 going "you should use it too" or being an adapt or die nigga
>that and y'all niggas are far too deep in the roko's basilisk Koolaid

>> No.6743843

I don't understand what you are saying. Please speak English and lay off the Twitter.

>> No.6743846

>what's wrong with this being the 8th thread
The rest of your shitty chatGPT text can be discarded

>> No.6743851

I'm pretty sure there are more than 8 threads and even more generals going around about the same art topics you usually talk about. AI is a new frontier and always has new and interesting things to talk about so I don't see the problem here.

>> No.6743853

I could say the same for y'all AIfags for making a thread about it then
>or are we ignoring the "AI" threads we're spamming

>> No.6743854

>literally got an ass on her stomach
>his fans see nothing wrong with this

>> No.6743858

Future is going to be "tough as fuck" no matter how many hours you twaddle with stable diffusion and chatgpt. No one is going to pay for your housing, food, and healthcare while machines do everything. People will lose their minds from having no purpose other than to exist and waste time. Embracing ai is embracing your own extinction.

>> No.6743859

>I'm sure then you could go on /g/ for AI "discussions"

>> No.6743866

>It's anything within the bounds of interpolation between images in the training data.
To...create a new thing. This is the same process you use to study and reference anon, it's so tedious.

I'm not bootlicking, I'm extremely happy that people are now able to use such an amazing tool to experiment and have fun with, and so do artists that have already adapted and dropped the sheep redditor mentality.

>cutting out present and future artists if things don't change

Cutting them? You mean not hiring? Well anon, technology does have a precedent of leaving people without jobs I'll give you that, but that's progress, someone has to take the L for the rest to win. Imagine if we had listened to those who wanted to ban the printing press.

>> No.6743867

>People will lose their minds from having no purpose other than to exist and waste time.
No? Hobbies don't instantly become worthless once a machine starts doing it better. Your greed has rotted your brain.

>> No.6743868

Yes. AI art is both art related and technology related. What's the problem?

>> No.6743869

You're entering in schizo territory, do you wanna go there

>> No.6743873
File: 2.06 MB, 406x228, anchorman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a bootlicker
>but look what what it can do and I'm here to shill you on it
>"and so do artists that have already adapted and dropped the sheep redditor mentality."

>> No.6743875

talking about something != shilling. you think every viewpoint that doesn't match yours is automatically shilling?

>> No.6743880

I think in the distant future, very very distant future, only a few humans will remain, say around 50 or less. They will all be scattered around the world. The aesthetics of the future will resemble that of a factory, a really big automated factory. You would lift your head, left and right and you'll only see tubes and pipes, giant endless rusted pipes of all sizes pointing everywhere. These will make most of the new world, even if you followed them, it would lead you nowhere, there are thousands.

The few humans left were supposed to be supervising but no one really knows much of what's happening anymore. No one knows their whereabouts nor there's really anyone around to ask, from all we know, the few that remain may be in a long dream. Things keep moving somehow, the factory can expand and repair itself. As you walk around you hear different noises, the factory seems to be active at all times. The pipes are moving something. You can't tell what's going on nor what's being made but something is happening.

When you stop to look past the background noise, you perceive how devoid of sound the world actually is. You feel that, even if you decided to spend the rest of your life walking in a straight line, you might not even come across anyone, ever.

>> No.6743883
File: 127 KB, 720x369, IMG_20230629_195923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the AI shill who last time came with posts wanting to have robot girlfriends

>> No.6743884

Peoplw coom, they don't care about the artwork (not to mention a lot of artists do that now in regards to the ass tummy)
For most people it is nut then post nut clarity then going on with their day.

>> No.6743885
File: 133 KB, 1000x600, odd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on kemono. This is his opinion about his AI usage.

>> No.6743886

typical artist FUD. artists hate the future and want humanity to die so badly. you can tell the greed has rotted their brains.

>> No.6743889

Ah alright.

>> No.6743891

This is pretty worthless since he's utilizing a base model of stable with copyrighted images within the training data like every other trained lora out there.

>> No.6743892

>Pointing fingers in an anonymous website
I see you've made up your mind, let me get my schizo wizard hat

>> No.6743893

The model isn't copyrighted, it was just trained on copyrighted images. It's up to the user if they want to generate copyrighted images or not.

>> No.6743897

That's literally what I typed, it's trained with copyrighted data from the start, it makes no difference if you're adding your own work because it utilizes it all in the end. That's why his last sentence about copyright and using it for easy monetization falls hollow

>> No.6743899

People who have everything handed to them and never work a day in their lives are the most spoiled, greedy and insufferable types of people. Which is everyone in fully automated space communism.

Nothing about that is schizo. How are people dependent on government welfare viewed by society at large? Even people who vote for them to have welfare resent them deep down. Putting 50-90% of humanity in a situation where they depend on welfare will never change this. It's more likely they will be culled out by an ai designed supervirus than it is they will ever see ubi.

>> No.6743900

sure anon, but neat schizo blog you're making here are you going to continue to bitch and shill all night on the crab board

>> No.6743902

>it makes no difference if you're adding your own work because it utilizes it all in the end.
Yeah, the human brain does that too. Pure artists can't avoid using copyrighted images either because they train on it passively.

>> No.6743903

>*save as*
lul :)

>> No.6743905

It seems like you're the one that wants to shill AI here, anon. Why else would you be trying to give the thread activity?

>> No.6743906

>artists are greedy
>let me use everything you made for free and mint the computer's turds as nfts
>please pay me 500 dollars

>> No.6743908

Yeah i don't know if he's just ignorant or trying to make excuses. More people need to tell him tho cause his fans are just slurping whatever he makes without question.

>> No.6743909

Those are grifters. True AIchads just gen art for the people for free; and they do it because it contributes to humanity.

>> No.6743910

well anon I'm just here to reach bump limit

>> No.6743911

There are no true ai Chads because trannies can't be chads

>> No.6743913

That sounds like a futile effort. Once it reaches the bump limit, somebody is just going to make another AI thread because the AI art world always has something to talk about.

>> No.6743917

That literally has nothing to do with the conversation and the original post of the comment . We're talking about the ignorance of the person posting that within a trained lora. Regardless, artists have the ability to choose to incorporate or disregard whatever they take in on the fly. We have passive "learning" for a reason as well which further differentiates the idea of LLM's since everything from the start to the future is decided by tweaking the weights and training data. I don't really know what you're trying to prove when they're different things.

>> No.6743918

ah yes anon we must near triple the amount of porn available by next year. Hopefully soon we can get it to needing exponents to calculate it

>> No.6743925

By that do you mean (you) and AIfa/g/s want to talk about it

>> No.6743926

>LLM's since everything from the start to the future is decided by tweaking the weights and training data
No. You can also tweak image generation parameters and influence what images you want to generate through adding additional starting noise or mixing other models/loras on the fly. Using a copyrighted model also doesn't mean you'll exclusively produce copyrighted content.
If you use that model to produce an entirely black image, are you all of a sudden guilty of copyright infringement?

>> No.6743931

AI art is of interest to many types of creators that don't just exclusively work on drawings. It seems that pure artists are just the ones who are adamantly against AI art.

>> No.6743934

>To...create a new thing. This is the same process you use to study and reference anon, it's so tedious.
I don't know where you get this idea that it's the same, even on the surface the actual learning process of an artist using reference is so much more difficult and different from a model that runs through simulations of data within it's harddrive before it doesn't need it anymore. Not to mention most LLM experts have put out that they're vastly different. Even if we dispel that notion of disputes, you're somehow saying we have enough data about learning and how the brain fully functions to know how to apply that to an LLM? We'd have actual AI at that point, not this right? We don't anthropomorphize code/machinery and assign human rights of authorship to it because it doesn't learn like a human. I genuinely don't know why you're saying it's tedious when you're spouting this kind of crap and whining about it.

>I'm not bootlicking, I'm extremely happy that people are now able to use such an amazing tool to experiment and have fun with, and so do artists that have already adapted and dropped the sheep redditor mentality.
Anyone with drawing skills can adapt and choose to use ai in the future if it really is necessary. There's something called idk morals? Most people here are choosing to not use it because it's straight up fed from the works of artists without consent, and it's a big enough sticking point to them to not want to use it. I know you don't care about art, you don't see it as anything more than a product to automate and it's really clear but there is more to it than just this dumb catchphrase of "sheep redditor mentality" maybe try to look at it from multiple viewpoints first.

>> No.6743940

>AI art is of interest to many types of creators that don't just exclusively work on drawings
There were already plenty of other ways to make art without drawing.

>> No.6743942

>proceeds to have dozens of adapt or die posts in this thread
>"many types of creators are interested"
>near all the ones here are fa/g/s

>> No.6743944

Are you actually reading what was said. We're not talking about fucking legality of copyright here, it's the moral issue that he's spouting which is hypocritical because he doesn't realize the copyrighted images have been used to train the base model in the first place.

Not to mention, this copyright issue hasn't even been solved in regards to training data. Nothing regarding what you said is false, but that doesn't mean there haven't been instances where models have outputted almost identical images to the training data. At that point, probably grounds for copyright infringement similar to the andy warhol case.

>> No.6743945


>> No.6743946

>sheep redditor mentality
Ai faggots are literally the sheep. "You must follow the technology herd and never voice any misgivings"

>> No.6743948


>> No.6743950

>andy warhol case
I don't see how that's relevant. A model and a piece of art are two entirely different things.
One is just a vehicle for producing art and one is actual art.

>> No.6743953


>> No.6743955


>> No.6743957

>buckbroken 'artist' already trying to manually bump the thread to the bump limit

>> No.6743958

Why do you keep speed reading, I said if there are images outputted that are closely identical to the original training data images, it could be liable for copyright infringement based on the output. We're talking about the training data within the model, not the actual model itself.

>> No.6743959

This is all just semantics dancing around the fact that ai can't work without other people's data. No one would have argued that people should be able to develop software with other people's data before ai came out and this is just desperate ai shilling

>> No.6743963


>> No.6743965

>there are images outputted that are closely identical to the original training data images
You could also do this with models that aren't trained with copyright images. If you start with the right amount of noise, you can generate any type of copyrighted imagery you want to. Doesn't mean the model itself is at fault.
The fact that you can draw Mickey Mouse with a pencil doesn't mean the pencil is copyright infringing either.

>> No.6743967


>> No.6743969

>I know you don't care about art, you don't see it as anything more than a product to automate
You're absolutely wrong and again this is your mentality, you're the one who refuses to give people a new tool to make art. You only care about your ego and art as a business, not about the process of making art itself (which is never in any way being attacked btw)

Also copyright? LMAO when did artists care about copyright when a shit ton of them started doing fan art for a living which technically goes against copyright as much as AI does (in your head, because it really doesn't)

You know, copyright doesn't even mean what you think it means, most companies are copying and learning from each others products to develope a competition. When the final product is different you don't have any sort of copyright, this is the same with AI.

You can copyright your own fucking work, I will not use it, but I can generate my own training a machine, I can learn from your product. That's exactly what happens and there's nothing wrong with it.

Just fuck off already with this "Muh I care about art!" you don't, people like me who want it to be widespread and in a new form actually care about it, artists that embrace and use it to reach new heights care about it. Not double faced people.

>> No.6743972

>ai can't work without other people's data.
Most artists can't do that either. How did you learn how to make art?
>No one would have argued that people should be able to develop software with other people's data before ai came out
Literally the entire FOSS community argued this. Copyright is designed to protect corporations, not people.

>> No.6743973

Well anon your shill threads aren't gonna kill themselves

>> No.6743974


>> No.6743976


>> No.6743977

You're halfway there, anon. Just 150 more posts to go!

>> No.6743978
File: 2.32 MB, 313x313, sciencegonetoofar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743979

Sure anon keep giving me (you)s as well

>> No.6743981

is this real?

>> No.6743982

What are you talking about, genuinely what does this hypothetical have to do with this. Nowhere in the andy warhol case are we talking about the medium, we're talking about the potential output and how if the training data used was almost identical it would be grounds for the same type of situation as the warhol case.

>> No.6743983

What I'm most excited about AI art is how it will help independent VN developers who could only dream of making a game.

This will breach into a shit ton of new experiences, and subhumans want to cancel it. Keep dreaming faggots you're fighting for a lost cause, you're fucking evil.

>> No.6743984


>> No.6743985

holy shit....

>> No.6743986

It's an edit

>> No.6743987

it's real. i saw it

>> No.6743989


>> No.6743991

>give people a new tool to make art.
You have either never used ai or never made art

>> No.6743993

Well of course the dancing animal is real but clearly they could never afford those background actors

>> No.6743994

. .
. .

>> No.6743996
File: 45 KB, 550x503, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret to inform you all that it's fake.

>> No.6743997

Your argument falls apart because brains are not computers. Only fedora wearing virgins who put "atheist" in their bios believe this shit. Copyright has been corrupted by corporations sure but you fags just want to steal and never get called on it.

>> No.6743999

>we're talking about the potential output
That's what I'm talking about as well. The potential output for a model is literally infinite, but the use case is just what the model is designed to produce. Most models are pretty generic, and aren't exclusively used to generate copyrighted imagery. The people who use models aren't being told to generate copyrighted imagery either.
>it would be grounds for the same type of situation as the warhol case.
And that's what I'm trying to argue against. How would it be similar? The andy warhol case isn't about AI models and there's only a really vague forced relation between the two because the case is just being massively over-hyped.
AI models are so alien to the current legal system, it's probably fruitless to debate about this until a relevant AI case is conclusively finished.

>> No.6744002

> you're the one who refuses to give people a new tool to make art. You only care about your ego and art as a business, not about the process of making art itself (which is never in any way being attacked btw)
People could make art in anyway shape or form even without ai. it's the same kettle calling the pot black you couldn't care less about art because the people who actually produce it aren't willing to give consent to their art being used as training data. If you really cared about the process you'd be okay with that, and realize art is anything you make it to be it doesn't have to be ai scraped from existing art. So stfu with your lack of work ethic when you see it as a tool that people will use to automate for their businesses in the opposite way. Like jesus the irony here.

> LMAO when did artists care about copyright when a shit ton of them started doing fan art for a living
You act like fan art doesn't work as a two way street between the IP's and the fans. Are you this regarded to realize that fanart can still exist because most companies realize it's a net positive?

>I will not use it, but I can generate my own training a machine, I can learn from your product.
What. You won't use it, but you'll still use it for training data? Wat like come on dude wtf are you spouting now

>Just fuck off already with this "Muh I care about art!" you don't, people like me who want it to be widespread and in a new form actually care about it, artists that embrace and use it to reach new heights care about it. Not double faced people.
Yeah I care about art, so much so that i'll lie to people about using ai to automate the process and make quicker bucks out of it. Who cares if im using a model ripping off other's art and using it to compete against each other. Who cares about other people and their actual works of art and creation. I'm gonna reach new heights since im not double faced! Retard, the person behind the art is just as important as the piece

>> No.6744004

>Your argument falls apart because brains are not computers.
Proof? How do you know this?
>you fags just want to steal and never get called on it.
Stealing? Nobody is taking your art away from you. New art is merely being generated.

>> No.6744005


>> No.6744010

how many generations had a fucking stockphoto watermark or signature "magicly appear" anon

>> No.6744011


>> No.6744012

Automating sacred parts of the human experience is one of the most evil things bugmen are trying to do. You are mad because you want to experience your whole life through a screen and some people pointed out that this might not be a good thing lmao

>> No.6744013

>Stealing? Nobody is taking your art away from you. New art is merely being generated.
Scrape the entirety of the web, including copyrighted works and images from artists and create a model to generate work based on that without consent and introduce it into the world for people to compete against the original without repercussion.

I get that you have this shtick about new stuff being generated, but without the actual training data of quality stolen and used, there's no new images. Stop acting like there's nothing wrong with that, when in reality you get a subpar dogshit model if you try to use only licensed and public domain images that no one would use

>> No.6744016
File: 44 KB, 306x185, IMG_20230714_235055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6744017

The breaking of fair use portion is the part that makes most sense in the hypothetical scenario of an image outputted closely related to the original copyrighted training data. Especially when the models are selling subscriptions like midjourney. I dont see how you'd get away with that when they're competing directly with each other

>> No.6744020

>but without the actual training data of quality stolen and used, there's no new images.
And that's perfectly fine. Artists who only do it as a hobby can continue making art as they always have. AI art will only threaten the soulless producers who only make mindless slop for profit.
Both AI and pure art will benefit from each other.

>> No.6744021

No you dumbass it's still stealing. That was the whole point of your argument don't backtrack and go with the whole it'll benefit artist when it clearly hasn't and we've seen companies lay off their industry level artists for AI

>> No.6744022

(’-’ )

>> No.6744026

( ‘-‘)

>> No.6744028

>we've seen companies lay off their industry level artists for AI
And that's a good thing. Companies are greedy and will lay off their employees for the slightest bit of profit.
Artists should realize that the entire economic system is out to get them, so they should adapt instead of dying trying to fight a futile war against human progress.
Maybe in the future, artists will start enjoying art for the sake of art itself; rather than merely making art for the money.

>> No.6744030

Ai fags are clinging so hard to training copyright data is not illegal because that's the only hope they have left. Just a reminder to all aifag that the public opinion about your slop machine is rapidly going against you. You have pissed off so many people in so many sector that it's only the matter of time for the law to heavily regulate your ass.
The way the machine eat billions of copyright data will never have the same right ad a human learning experience no matter how much you parasite cry about it.

>> No.6744031

............................( _")

>> No.6744032

AI will adapt. It will be forced to adapt and become stronger than before.
Your meaningless actions will only strengthen the hydra.

>> No.6744033

nah its real

>> No.6744034

What makes you think there won't be AIs to fight against AIs

>> No.6744036

Really proving the below to be true nigga
wouldn't surprise me if you were to esl that you use chatGPT to write your stuff for you

>> No.6744039

sneed will adapt

>> No.6744040

.....................................................( _")

>> No.6744042

>Maybe in the future, artists will start enjoying art for the sake of art itself; rather than merely making art for the money.
Maybe you're just so desensitized but visual arts is all around you and worth valuing, because it's worth that much. I don't know how sheltered or what trust funds your parents set up for you to think like this, but most people learn skills and utilize them if they can to make a living so they can continue to do waht they love to do. I've seen this point a number of times today and I gotta wonder why this particular set of ai sisters are so hung up on relinquishing any sort of money making capabilitity from artists when we live in a capitalistic society. Are you just that pathetic and jealous because you failed your creative endeavors and wish the same onto others? Or are you that out of touch with society to not realize making money from your art when it has value is just normal? Like seriously what kind of delusion are you living in.

Also props to you for that bit about companies, when you're actively bootlicking them for using their products. The irony is off the charts spewing hypocrisy every step of the way

>> No.6744043

.................................................................('_' )

>> No.6744044


>> No.6744046

That sounds like a society problem rather than an AI problem. Maybe artists should try revolting if some random software has the ability to threaten their livelihoods this much.

>> No.6744048

Why do you talk like an anime character, faggot?

>> No.6744049

.................................................................(‘‘- √)

>> No.6744050

That's the irony here. Ai is going to disenfranchise large portions of the population and will never open new doors. This will create hordes of people who have nothing to do but fight for regulation of ai and design software to protect against ai. All those "new jobs" that automation supposedly creates will look like this and people who want unregulated ai will seethe eternally about it. Need I mention all the fake DEI jobs that also tie into regulating ai. Before you argue against this remember that you can't automate a job that was already bullshit in the first place.

>> No.6744053


>> No.6744055

I was joking about the sheltered or out of touch trust fund jokes but I might have hit the head for once.

>> No.6744057

desu ne

>> No.6744059

( :y) .............................(•~•)

>> No.6744060

Artists are the ones out of touch here. Making more laws limiting AI art won't do a thing. You simply can't stop information from spreading across the internet once you release it. The models will freely exist on any individual's hard drive and people will continue generating and distributing art for free.
Prepare for the worst case scenario. The world is changing fast, whether by cruel, unrelenting mother nature, or the stalwart progress of technology.

>> No.6744063

Artists are the ones out of touch here. Making more laws limiting AI art won't do a thing. You simply can't stop information from spreading across the internet once you release it. The models will freely exist on any individual's hard drive and people will continue generating and distributing art for free.
Prepare for the worst case scenario. The world is changing fast, whether by cruel, unrelenting mother nature, or the stalwart progress of technology.

>> No.6744064

Will your hdd survive a nuke going off a few kilometers from where you live?

>> No.6744065

my hdd will survive 2 nukes

>> No.6744066

why are you the one samefagging here anon

>> No.6744068

I don’t disagree with you but it’s not like siting back and letting the course of things play out with no regulation or recourse is the play. Regardless most of the artists here will find a way to adapt in the future as well

>> No.6744069

Is it over for japan? Be honest

>> No.6744072

That's just the bump limit schizo replying to my post for no reason. He HATES AI threads, so he's working very hard.

>> No.6744074

Why are you trying to make 90 fucking threads in a month anon

>> No.6744075

I hope so. Japan is the original soiboy nation.

>> No.6744076

?? Take your meds
Automation is what made the world we live today

>> No.6744077

>That's just the bump limit schizo replying to my post for no reason. He HATES AI threads, so he's working very hard.

>> No.6744078

>Regardless most of the artists here will find a way to adapt in the future as well
That's how it's always been. Regardless of what side you are on, you are merely just a peon working under the powers that be.
Unless you're part of the oligarchy, your best play has always been to just live your life as best you can.

>> No.6744081

This. This is why I need a motorcycle. An ADV bike that can take me anywhere. No corpo will be able to stop me. And if I die? Great. I'll have great fun on the bike until I die of natural causes or in a crash. Win win.

>> No.6744082


>> No.6744083
File: 79 KB, 620x480, Jr6a3GFCUTrt9RcKkhZh7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon and in some places like china they even have built in suicide nets if your overstressed

>> No.6744084

What threads? I don't make any threads.
I just post and contribute meaningful discussions to interesting threads I come across.

>> No.6744085

thanks for the free (you)

>> No.6744087

>Automating sacred parts of the human experience is one of the most evil things bugmen are trying to do
You can't automate making art for fun. It's just the moneymaking part that is being automated.

>> No.6744088

> I will keep filming and fucking children and no law have ever been able to stoop me
True fellow subhuman

>> No.6744089
File: 96 KB, 720x223, this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and near every thread that happens to be an AI thread that magically appears almost 8 times in one day

>> No.6744090

>brings up some absolutely insane and schizophrenic scenario that nobody implied or mentioned
take your meds

>> No.6744092

"surely" mf talks like the nerd emoji

>> No.6744093


>> No.6744094

There's no magic about it. People want to talk about AI art because it's the most interesting art form. Nothing weird about it.

>> No.6744095


>> No.6744098


>> No.6744099
File: 361 KB, 720x1184, 1689295881098792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes my nigga. Nothing weird or note worthy on summing the headpat squad
absolutely nothing at all

>> No.6744100
File: 1.12 MB, 480x480, 1648804944662.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does he float

>> No.6744101

You should show this to >>6744098.
It seems like he is wasting his time because AI art threads are just this popular; and the attempts to force the bump limit on AI threads are sisyphean.
Their popularity should not concern you though. You can simply make more of other art threads and post in them as well. With imageboards, you have lots of options for the content you choose to participate in.

>> No.6744103


>> No.6744104
File: 965 KB, 1440x1080, image_2023-07-15_034802590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744105

sneed thread

>> No.6744106

sneed bread

>> No.6744108

>spamming and flooding is nothing to be concerned about or dealt with
>you also /g/ to go to as well if you wanted to actually "discuss" AI

>> No.6744109
File: 107 KB, 311x313, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed head

>> No.6744110

I don't see any spamming or flooding. I just see people posting in art-related threads.
This board moves at a slow pace compared to the other boards. How could there be spamming involved?

>> No.6744111
File: 141 KB, 800x532, 800px-Norton_Motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6744114
File: 53 KB, 460x460, 1610382106381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will play chess with a pigeon

>> No.6744117

>making 8 AI threads on a slow board in less then a day is not spamming or flooding he says
also another (you)

>> No.6744118

another (poo)

>> No.6744121


>> No.6744122

AI art threads are also art threads; and art threads belong on an art imageboard. What's the problem here?
It seems like you should be more concerned with the mindless spammers around you than people participating in productive AI art discussions.

>> No.6744124

AI art threads are also fart threads;

>> No.6744127

For an ai art thread, there seems to never be any actual ai art up for discussion or critique. Wonder why

>> No.6744129

for an ai fart thread,

>> No.6744131

There are a few, but AI artists realize that this environment is hostile to their presence; so they are rare. Eventually, as AI art becomes more commonplace, you'll start to see more and more AI art up for critique and discussion.
The future might be closer than you think as well. It's up to the open-minded artists of /ic/ to continue contributing to productive AI discussions and welcoming budding AI artists to the hobby.

>> No.6744132
File: 764 KB, 280x280, BeneficialDefenselessIggypops-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon your on the crab board and on the crab floor, and I judge this thread to get fucked.

>> No.6744134

>shota on milf
Kill yourself

>> No.6744135


>> No.6744136


>> No.6744139


>> No.6744140

I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. Especially when most of the average prompters can't even fix the mistakes themselves

>> No.6744141


>> No.6744142

They'll learn, just as all artists do; and this is the best place for them to learn. Please help out the community by guiding them well, anon.

>> No.6744143


>> No.6744144


>> No.6744150


>> No.6744151


>> No.6744152

I wish I could pal, can't help people who won't even pick up a pencil to edit their genned images

>> No.6744153


>> No.6744155

I do want an AI thread but only to laugh at their failure. Every time misfortune comes to AI fags, my day get brighter!

>> No.6744156

Well anon here's some motivational music to get them on their way

>> No.6744158


>> No.6744159

it would end up in our pajeets shitting up the thread defending their honor anyways

>> No.6744161


>> No.6744162

Gotta be honest, all I've seen has been loss after loss whether it's sites banning it, or legal issues encroaching. I remember a few months back when they would argue that the training data used isn't copyrighted, and even in the latest hearing the rep from stability even says it himself that they do use copyrighted data without compensation.

>> No.6744163


>> No.6744164


>> No.6744165


>> No.6744167


>> No.6744169


>> No.6744171


>> No.6744173


>> No.6744175


>> No.6744176


>> No.6744177


>> No.6744178


>> No.6744181


>> No.6744182


>> No.6744183

Phone/if you could also use Google search you could Ctrl c and z if you don't have the characters for your keyboard. Same for other languages characters that are not found on most keyboards

>> No.6744187


>> No.6744188


>> No.6744191


>> No.6744192


>> No.6744195


>> No.6744198

† Le Regis Crist †

>> No.6744200


>> No.6744203


>> No.6744205


>> No.6744206


>> No.6744207

( Π÷Π )

>> No.6744210
File: 20 KB, 399x386, frog thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread shitters

>> No.6744212

the fabled not an emoji character

>> No.6744215

well that one didn't work «№»

>> No.6744217

Kaomoji chads... ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

>> No.6744219


>> No.6744220

opa |、
(˚ˎ 。7

>> No.6744222

"૮( •⤙•˶

>> No.6744280


>> No.6744314

AI is a tool but so malware.

>> No.6744353

What the hell is going on?

>> No.6744357

>trannyism and hrt for 10 year olds is the world we live in. Take your meds! Can't stop progress!

>> No.6744363

>welcome budding phone app twaddlers to the art community
Lol artists will only become more hostile the more their communities are invaded by worthless retards who want to show off t>>6744131
housands of the computers turds and try to charge money for them

>> No.6744365

It's good for amatuers and indies, it's bad for carrier corporates.

>> No.6744405

You tap to femboy porn sit down

>> No.6744867
File: 69 KB, 1031x705, lmaoxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left I drew as pre beg, put it into control net and got right

>> No.6745037

Imagine. It's been 6 months and you technerds still haven't changed your rethoric in spite of being bullied into submission by reason, logic and evidence time and time again. You still keep pretending you have the upper hand. You're low iq. You're morons. Consumers with the inability to reflect and think critically. You're followers. Every single one of you stupid idiots.
And no it doesn't fucking democratise art; it monopolises it if anything. Big corporations making money of off artists hard work while making their work lose value in the process. We've all seen the result of this and it's only just begun.
You guys are and will forever be the zombified, cattlebrained, easily influenced consumershenchmen that these multi billion corporations rely on to spread their own talkingpoints. And you're doing a great job of it. Just don't expect to be respected for it. You are shit underneath my shoe. Soulless fucking parasite.

>> No.6745045

As if you know anything about "real artists". A lot of artists working professionally in the industry have been vehemently against this kind of usery for a long time now. Fuck off with your disingenuos arguments nerd.

>> No.6745051

It's so disrespectful that I can barely comprehend it. If I put myself in their shoes I still wouldn't do it. If I were someone who didn't draw I still wouldn't use this AI tech as a grift to compete against artists.
It's unethical and honestly disgusts me.
In 7 months they have made such an inhospitable, cruel place for artists that it wouldn't surprise me that many of us abandoned the idea of showing our artwork to the world.
I have been completely sidelined and I'm just patiently waiting. Hoping that something major will change and that the nerd responsible for this will be hele accountable. Fucking parasites.

>> No.6745058

It's karma.

>> No.6745623

>AI art up for critique and discussion
there's nothing to "critique". you didn't make it, and have no control on 99% of it. you don't know how to fix it because you don't know how to draw or paint. you are delusional.

>> No.6745874
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art Bros, are we getting cucked by AI Chad??