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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6742029 No.6742029 [Reply] [Original]

My art that I am working on is all I have in my life

No family. No friends. No girlfriend. No respectable career to make up for the lack of the other stuff either.

My art doesn't really even pay most of the bills. It isn't going to keep me warm at night. My OCs won't keep me company. I guess I can find a socially respectable and lucrative career path and find someone who fits the bill but I don't have to particularly love. Yet I have the compulsion to keep working on my art.

Artists, why are we like this?

>> No.6742735
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>> No.6742736

also my asshole is itchy

>> No.6742741

Kys pajeet

>> No.6742752

The only choice we have is loneliness or vulgarity, I'd rather make peace with loneliness

>> No.6742811

Being "a creative" sucks unless you live and die for it. It's like being an ascetic monk, you're not really welcome or play any part in the material world, but there are times when you can really rock the boat.

>> No.6742867


>> No.6742875

>another no draw thread

>> No.6742884

art is a hobby, not a career unless you already have a big connection and jewish. if I were you, I'd work minimal wage job and saved until it's enough to get me somewhere cheaper in South America and open a small business there.

>> No.6742889

That is the worst possible advice I have ever seen on this board

>> No.6742896


>> No.6743012

You would be the same miserable piece of shit doing anything else.

>> No.6743018

I"m married and financially well off and I don't particularly need the commission money but I get the greatest personal pleasure from being paid to draw my fetish for other person

>> No.6743126

I started focusing on my social life and started going out more frequently and I've basically stopped drawing. I used to love no lifeing illustrations in my room all weekend but now I'm always too tired after getting home from a social gathering to pick up the pen.
It's nice being social and seeing my friends more frequently but I miss drawing. Is it even possible to do both?

>> No.6743129


>> No.6743156

I understand you. I don't care about material junk, money, women, things like that. I just want to create art. Though its important to keep yourself grounded and maintain some connection to other humans. It will pay off in the long run. We're not built to live in solitude for decades, no human can handle that. Try to at least stay connected to your local community even if its just saying hi to people when you go for walks.

>> No.6743241

I like material junk, money, and sex too but not to the point that I would settle for subpar art.

>> No.6743317
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I’m jelly. I too no life drawing and how long for what you have. Tired of being alone. Creativity is merely a cope. I want to interact and be apart of a social fabric. Anyways, just carry a pocket sized notebook and doodle things here and there. Go enjoy your life man. You can draw when you’re old lonely and decrepit, and all of your friends are dead. Now is the time to be alive. Don’t be like me, anon.

>> No.6743513

if only we had some sort of designated thread for people to /vent/ hmmmmm... nah that would leave less room for AI threads

>> No.6743682
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>no family
How come? Did you burn bridges with every single one of them?

Sounds fishy. I come from a healthy family environment and I can never believe you loons when you talk about all these schizo moms and abusive dads, don't you have aunts, grandparents, siblings, cousins?

Friends can help, but family is the most important thing a person has. If you don't have any way of having one, you should focus on making one yourself.
But make sure you're not going to perpetuate the vicious cycle by being a shit parent.

>> No.6743683

Are trannyjannies banning /vent/ and /wct/ now? Or they just haven't been created?

>> No.6744584

Foster kid.

>> No.6744794

Drawing in and of itself is a social activity. Art is communication. If you're already getting your fill of socializing at parties it's not surprising you have less desire to draw.

>> No.6744894

pattern recog and a touch of soul keep watching stay humble (love)

>> No.6745404


>> No.6748070


>> No.6748284


I say that and look like that

>> No.6748303

I've devoted years of my life to making an animated series. Sometimes I delude myself into thinking this'll be the thing that turns my life around, but realistically I know it'll get a few pity views on YouTube and I'll just be broke and alone again after killing off the closest things to friends I have. If it were possible for me to catch a break I think it would have happened a long time ago. Honestly, I think some people are just meant to suffer and fail.

>> No.6748331


name of the show or it never happened

>> No.6748358

Not a scrap of it online yet, still in preproduction.

>> No.6748373

I don't know, seems like a curse.
Im in the same place every year.

>> No.6748376

years just keeping it offline? post it

>> No.6748381

I want to see it, you should post it
You need to put yourself out there for people to find you. People are not digging through thousands of content just to find you, and how can they if you never post.

>> No.6750187

The fuck is he on about?

>> No.6750212

Incredibly based
Knowing that some random internet creep is getting off to something I created always gives me the biggest feeling of pleasure in this life. Like being a god and creating a beautiful female for the apes to mate.

>> No.6750758
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>> No.6750790

Not him, but all my family died when I was like 19
Nearly 30 now and I hate my life
I literally cannot imagine feeling safe and financially secure

>> No.6750791

>I come from a healthy family environment and I can never believe you loons when you talk about all these schizo moms and abusive dads, don't you have aunts, grandparents, siblings, cousins?
oof, woman detected
neck yourself, you're a terrible person

>> No.6750795

>if daddy didn't diddle you, you're a woman
The standards get higher every day.

>> No.6753613

OP you need friends

>> No.6753651

Me too. But everyone is just using me.

>> No.6753665

>Artists, why are we like this?
I don't know, but it does make me happy, and its a better choice than weed or booze, which is what a lot of non-artists put in that spot.

I'm probably further down the line than you, I'm in my 40s, but I have the same situation as you. No friends, no girlfriend. I look around at other guys my age and they are fathers with kids in middle or high school. I have pretty much no chance at a family at my age now, unless I meet a woman who already has kids. So my biggest piece of advice is to make an effort to get those things in life you want. I wanted a family so bad growing up, and I thought of myself as a pretty nice guy and that a wife and family would come along if I kept being a nice guy. It didn't. If you want people in your life, if you want things, go get them. I know it seems really tough and you feel like giving up, but don't. Go get that stuff however, whatever way you can. What you end up with might not be what you had planned, but try, and keep trying.

>> No.6753714
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>> No.6753730
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>> No.6754738

Women aren't people and should not vote