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6739466 No.6739466 [Reply] [Original]

Every webcomic site is filled with anime inspired comics. I know older webcomics have had success pursuing other styles but it seems like newer webcomics are doomed to fail if they don't draw with an Eastern flair.

>> No.6739469

Western comic style just doesn't have worldwide appeal. Even the people that love the marvel movies won't read the actual comics.

>> No.6739496

Popularity happens in cycles.

>> No.6739500

Most webcomics that still use western style are ugly noodleslop.

>> No.6739502

What evidence do you have to suggest this is true when it comes to comics?

>> No.6739517

A huge problem with western webcomic artists is a general lack of respect for the medium. So many webcomic artists see themselves not as artists pushing the boundaries of sequential art; instead they seem to see themselves as temporarily embarrassed animators.

>> No.6739531

Weekly east vs west thread. We get about 5 of these spread throughout.

>> No.6739539

Ask yourself: why would comics be any different? Is there any reason at all it wouldn't be same here?
Western comics were (globally) mega popular. People have gotten bored of them (or they got worse, whatever), so now eastern comics are (globally) mega popular. Eventually people will get bored of eastern comics and so it'll switch again.
The only thing I see hampering this cycle is the issue that comicmaking is a much more accessible career path in the eastern world than the western world, which means more people are capable of moving the medium forward. This doesn't stop passionate people who will make their thing in their free time though.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with "anime influenced webcomics" as OP puts it. Western comics influenced eastern comics a shitload, I don't see why the reverse is such a bad thing. Readers will read what they want.

>> No.6739545

Minor self-correction
>comicmaking is a much more accessible career path in the eastern world
Meaning we'll likely see a lot more eastern influence in all comics over the next few decades, the medium will evolve through these influences and western comics will become totally different from what you currently think of when you think of western comics. As has always happened.

>> No.6739559

you couldve made this an actual webcomic sharing and discussion thread instead of a seethe one
youre right, but thats besides the point, non-anime crap doesnt get as much publicity because most of the internet is overtaken by normalfags who read webcomics exclusive on their phone and dont touch anything except for the most mild, samey and sterile crap imaginable
its not that theres no demand for the old stuff, its just that the internet became overrun with these people and now the old stuff gets overshadowed and unfortunately classic cartoonists and comic writers see this change and decide to change the way they create as well

>> No.6739563

These days, western artstyle just lets everyone know your comic will have shitty artwork as a vehicle for obnoxious writing

>> No.6739635

I think the big issue is everyone is thinking about superhero comics, rather than the western industry as a whole, just loot at >>6739469 and what he says:

>Even the people that love the marvel movies won't read the actual comics.

There's so much more to western comics than superhero drivel, just like there's more to Japanese comics than isekai. However, unlike isekai to manga, superhero comics are the face of western comics and it's a very poor representation unfortunately; It gives the impression of childishness, being hard to get into, lacking in genre diversity, poor writing, and is just a major turn off for many. One of the things comics needs to do is shake off this crappy caped stigma.

Anymore, more to your question, are western comics DOA? Nah. We'll eventually have another Scott Pilgrim, or Maus, or homestuck, and if anything the success of Japanese comics should boost the readership and therefore the industry as a whole... And I just realised I'm a retard and this was more specifically about web comics - but I think what I said still applies a good bit, though there is more to be said about how the homogenisation of the internet and how the 'webtoons style' took over because of it, but I've written enough.

>> No.6739641

modern "people" give 0 fucks about anything that isn't porn
there are no maybes or ifs. not porn = not a single person will even look at it for a nanosecond
if they do it's because there's the vague promise of porn eg some quirky female character or something that might be a setup for a fetish
that's it, make porn or nothing, even those shitty webtoons are all softcore porn
the art world is just porn, the point here isn't western or eastern the point here is catering to cumbrains
even the LGBT yas slay queen shit is just about validating people's BBC porn addiction and tranny mind disease
everything literally everything is just about porn, validating porn, validating sexual fetishes, porn and sex
nobody gives a fucking fuck if you have a story to tell

>> No.6739645

>There's so much more to western comics than superhero drivel
this, so much this! how many US indies and eurocomics have you supported with your money this year?
>inb4 hurrr I totally spent $1000 on French graphic novels alone this year, I am totally not lying
nobody buys shit, there's no money in comics, people talk about capeshit because capeshit is about known IPs that get talked about
if marvel movies didn't exist people would have forgotten about capeshit as well

>> No.6740406
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>> No.6740455
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I agree. I don't come from an art background, and I don't want to be this person, but I sort of agree with the view that a lot of new Western art is the Cal-arts style. Something about all the new stuff feels homogenized and too similar. Probably the next Renaissance of Western art will come from independent artists who are not from art colleges.
It also depends on what you call a comic. For me, even the classic super hero comics always looked too stiff. There are comics like Sam and Max or Cerebrus, Cerebrus, and Calvin and Hobbes - and these are very individualistic and look way better than anime, at least to me.
If you want to limit the conversation to web comics made purely with digital, Western art may be in a bit of trouble. To me, most digital art doesn't look that good, yet somehow, some of the Eastern digital art comes out okay.

>> No.6740469
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This post hits hard, too real.
They also make no effort to classically train themselves in writing. Almost none of them plan ahead. They just wing it, without any forethought into recurring symbolism, long term character arcs, basic fucking shit like that.
It's just wing it bro. Be funny, be quirky, be lewd, be political, abandon project abruptly, repeat. Nobody is enthralled with a work that has no clear vision and direction. If you write something, it should be because you're going somewhere with it. Fuck.

>> No.6740481

>instead they seem to see themselves as temporarily embarrassed animators.
Nice headcanon

>> No.6740655
File: 31 KB, 538x615, af88cbba650b4a4023a022c102373dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If A comic is good its good. It doesn't need to be anime inspired. If it is good and still fails , that is a shame.

>> No.6740668
File: 205 KB, 350x350, ithurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to be good at art.

>> No.6743647

what's the best webcomic then?