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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 223 KB, 485x273, 1670975468395398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6735275 No.6735275 [Reply] [Original]

(i'll say something about it)

>> No.6735277
File: 12 KB, 1000x1076, hardwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735280

certainly an unique take on johnny bravo, i kneel.

>> No.6735282
File: 1.93 MB, 2000x2000, 9F5F233F-DEFC-4B27-9ACA-36A74F4E1ADF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6735283
File: 1.08 MB, 2890x2812, 20230710_012618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6735284
File: 497 KB, 2400x2200, headlessmaninsuitweildingancientkatana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6735287

This looks feminine but I don't think it was supposed to be, was it?

>> No.6735289

Is that supposed to be zach? cool stuff. I'm not sure what's up with the massive nose though, it feels like no other facial feature on him is exaggerated to such a level which makes it stand out dearly.

You're doing a portrait, nice. I'm assuming this is a wip because it could use further definition/refinement so it doesn't look as blurry but so far (apart from the nose looking ever so slightly crooked) you've nailed proportions. I'm gonna be frank with you though, not a fan of that grayish color palette.

>> No.6735293

Always loved this pitch black cel-shading like inking, you've done a pretty job there. I feel like this drawing has an amusing concept but overall, the pose feels a bit stiff and that makes it certainly less interesting.

>> No.6735298

I wanted to give him a nose similar to the character he draws

>> No.6735303

Alolan diglett if he Johnny Bravo for halloween.

>> No.6735304

a lil bit feminine. kind of a bishonen design.
yeah it is a wip but i could work on it for a week and it'll still be blurry.
i struggle heavily with edges.

>> No.6735307
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, man, not only posted my shit on two different threads by now, didnt get much feedback, but I also mad both threads sink or derail.
I dont want this thread to sink or derail, but most importantly, I dont want to be called out for spamming.
Another time.

>> No.6735308

I posted on another thread and didn't wanna double post lol, post yours so I feel less bad about spamming

>> No.6735320

Just pyw, i promise i'll keep it constructive!

>> No.6735326
File: 574 KB, 1276x1646, Lingerie Peach (Moon).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yours so I feel less bad about spamming
Well fuck it, anything to help.
While yeah, this is the third time Im posting this, at least this one is different because one was an alt, and the first one was an outdated version. I finished this one today because I upscaled the original and redrew every single layer from scratch; original was way too small and that was kind of annoying me.

>> No.6735329
File: 887 KB, 1806x2658, Mr.Nobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combat vet turned hitman

>> No.6735330
File: 1.78 MB, 3300x2550, anniedynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most recent finished piece

>> No.6735343
File: 166 KB, 1187x1413, 1341DE84-8522-4AD7-8077-851954C194B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735354

Your style is very clean, your background is fitting and peach looks appealing.
However i can't help but feel that there's a lack of something to bite here, everything is up to a nice standard but, the pose is boring and not very suggestive, peach isn't like "sexy" enough, there's not a whole lot of skin here, even her bellybutton is covered! this isn't bad by any means, it's just that i don't see "it" you know?
And let me mention that, frankly, i've never been a fan of lineless drawings (if the drawing in question hasn't been rendered to hell and back) i feel like lines add a lot of expression and detail to a drawing and can easily forgive a simplistic rendering style, maybe you should, idk, try them out again i guess? Just a suggestion.

>> No.6735366

Mr nobody looks like a russian gangster, it's probably because of the jacket. I'm not sure what kind of gun that is but the perspective is both simple and yet adds to the drawing so the fact that i can't see the gun is forgiven. The lineweight on his body differs from his face, i'm not sure if that's intentional anddd issue #3? Comic?

>> No.6735379

Y she kill birb tho :(

>> No.6735389

OC? I like your rendering but i'm not big on the matchy-matchy color palette of her outfit. She feels completely detached from the background, it seems like you wanted it to be this way but, why bother with a background then?
The way the bird thing and the chips are neatly lined up where she's standing makes it feel very 2D and composition is kinda wack.

Cute girl, nice portrait. I think your values are all a bit too samey here though, you should check those because there's a profound lack of color.
Unless of course such a palette is intentional.

>> No.6735406
File: 901 KB, 1806x2658, Mr.Nobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking back at it he does look kind of russian. its probably the lips. heres and updated version

>> No.6735409
File: 561 KB, 1450x1250, Doublos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done something random in a while

>> No.6735419
File: 551 KB, 1020x1132, Pastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pose is boring and not very suggestive
Cant disagree there, I went for something simple from the start and even then I tried to give it some dynamism by curving shoulders, torso and legs, it wasnt really a whole lot at the end of the day.
>peach isn't like "sexy" enough
Perhaps it's the style, I got told a lot that the lewd elements often clash with the style itself being too cute (though to some people this clash only makes both traits double in impact). Either that and/or the fact I still cant make sexy girls without them being also cute kek.
>there's not a whole lot of skin here
I mean, that was kind of the point, I love women in lingerie and I wanted really badly to improve my lingerie crafting, plus sexy clothing is more of my cup of tea than outright naked. If anythig, the alt version exists >>6734976
>frankly, i've never been a fan of lineless drawings (if the drawing in question hasn't been rendered to hell and back)
Very fair, I do like them, even when they are simplistic, but I will admit the lack of "turd polishing" is holding my rendering back.
>i feel like lines add a lot of expression and detail to a drawing
>maybe you should, idk, try them out again i guess?
Oh, I still do lined art, just not as much as I used to, nowadays it's relegated to sketching or a quick rendered draw. Picrel.

Overall, thanks for pointing all those things out, I'll try to work some things out for the future, specially the cute/sexy dissonance. Also Im glad it's at least an appealing piece kek!

>> No.6735426

They grow up so fast.

This looks like a pig-woman in half a warhammer-ish armour. Anatomy is pretty wack here her arms look small and detached which makes her look quite stubby, not a fan of that! when i think of warriors i think of big, tall bulky guys/gals, specially when talking about fantasy hog-like horned creatures.
You should look into lineweight, there's a lot detail here and the same weight makes it hard to focus on things (or you could just color it)

>> No.6735433

Thanks! I`ll look on it.
It was just the most recent thing I had at hand do I will keep working on it later.

>> No.6735450

Nice to see you posting this, it shows me that you can do a whole lot better. Do you search pinterest often? it's a great place to expand your visual library on slutty wear and suggestive poses. My favourite artist is asanagi btw so i do have a knack for that too.

>> No.6735455
File: 158 KB, 2123x1419, IMG_57033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in another thread but I kind of wanted crit

Lol it was you. I like this one a lot, I feel like you've gotten continuously "softer" with the feel of your drawings. Not sure if it's the shading, colors, or what.

>> No.6735460

Ohhh i know you, love your stuff! you have such a way with expression, form, shapes and lineart. Not a whole lot to say here other than i'd like to see this brimming with some nice colors.

>> No.6735469

So based, I need to learn to color lol. Thank you!

>> No.6735494
File: 1.17 MB, 1806x1821, FzKRMxpWcAE7OGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madeline says hello, anon

>> No.6735511

>Do you search pinterest often?
I dont, I tried it once and the algorithm was too sensitive it was all over the place, at one point I saw an interesting BNHA pic and the next thing I knew, I had anime memes on my feed, it was weird. Normally for my visual library I just download everything that seems useful or visit any of the boorus, they cover a lot of ground even though they are mostly for anime stuff.

Ayyy long time no see! I cant really say much about your art, cause you have totally blown me away for how much you have improved, even though you art has become a lot more different from back then, you still keep that essence in your faces and anatomy. Im just very proud of you, hope you keep on pushing!
>I feel like you've gotten continuously "softer" with the feel of your drawings.
Well, now that you mention it, I kind of see it, although not much has changed, except the coloring and some extra polishing, maybe. Either way, thank you!

>> No.6735517
File: 268 KB, 1324x868, 1686611948204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madeline looks cute, stiff, but cute. Anon, you know what's great about simplistic and cartoony designs like these? It's that they can be extremely expressive. I'd love to see maddie's character being fleshed out through a bunch of doodles like these, disney's concept art tends to be great inspiration material for that.

>> No.6735520

making the lines randomly thicker isnt how line weights work. its very jarring looking at this. its like you realize you are supposed to do line weights, but just randomly thicken parts of it with no rhyme or reason. some of the things that should have it, dont, like right persons boot/sole of shoe being one line weight - the bottom part should be bulging out and have thicker line weight to enforce it, but only part that gets it is random corner that makes the boot look square and hurts the art. most of the liens just dark 'corners' or joints and often both sides of something when one is further away or fading off into distance, etc.

drawing cartoon blocky style also has let you ignore basic anatomy. yes, cartoon drawings have anatomy. just look at left guys hands - far left is massive and bigger than his head. the other fist hastily made into fist to fit in the stiff position is significantlly smaller. also, why is it completely straight arm with no bend or anything despite leaning against his own foot and hes in a sitting slouched position? it makes no sense compositionally. the legs are different sizes as well. just measure knee to foot for both legs. one is significantly longer than the other if you cant tell just from looking at it. same with the far left arm - follow the straight upper arm down. even with it bending and coming towards us, that arm is way too long and acting like a giant noodle to get it into position. its like you just started drawing the fist and gun or pole or whatever it is and played coonnect the dots to his body. everything is out of whack on both of them. arms should be same length. legs should be same lengths. different parts of the body should have relationships in sizes and landmarks even with cartoons different art styles. you can bend and break those rules, but the piece should stay consistent to how you do these changes. yours does not.

>> No.6735524

Thanks, anon.
I'll practice this. That concept art looks cute.

>> No.6735530

crit-sama i-i i kneel....

>> No.6735535

I feel so called out in so many ways lol. I do just thicken lines by "feel" and not with really any rhyme or reason, I'm not sure what the rules are though, I know thicker if closer but I need to work on that. I gotta get some rules.
I had no idea how to position that guy's hand on his leg so you definitely caught that I just made it kinda stiffly into a fist sitting on his shoe. I definitely need to work on keeping body parts consistent too. I kinda noticed some stuff you mentioned but was wondering if other people would, I appreciate the crit! Thank you!

>> No.6735648
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, Mah boi I'm about to drop some truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to disagree and criticize your criticism, anon
making the lines randomly thicker is absolutely one way of using line weight, im sure you learned in school about how line weight needs to be used to define shape, but rules are made to be broken and Anon's art is a perfect example of breaking rules
the work feels rough, scratchy and playful and the confused line weight adds to that feeling, making the whole thing feel very fun in a scruffy sort of way

cartooning in a certain way, like a style thats more blocky, doesnt necessarily entail "ignoring anatomy"- a cartoon character's anatomy can be varied and shifting, body parts can change depending on the direction theyre facing or the form theyre in, especially if what Anon is attempting to illustrate isnt a 3D shape that actually exists in space, but rather the concept of an object, which is very much valid in a cartoon. yes, if you calculate the lengths of every limb it might not make sense, but it doesnt need to, because you shouldnt be calculating the length of every limb
the only issue here in regard to limb length is that its not internally consistent- it feels jarring when you notice that a limb is longer than it should be when its in slack as opposed to being stretched. thats why the right character's longer limb looks A-okay, but the left one's longer limb looks odd, its not stretched, its resting, and that implies less pull in our heads

you seem to be under the impression that "artstyle" refers to how body parts are drawn, square heads on thin limbs or round mouths, and yet you dont apply the notion of artstyle to a completed piece
as if you think "Artstyle" just translated to a character being a different species than us, realistic looking people. "yes this one is drawn in a cartoony artstyle, but that just means they should still be illustrated like a cartoony looking person who nontheless logically exists in our real 3D world"
existence itself within a piece of art can have an artstyle

>> No.6735656

What did Tomar mean by this? I feel like he's gotten more violent in recent videos than before, he doesn't even deny his hostility towards his wife anymore.

>> No.6735658

whos Tomar?

>> No.6735659

Mhm? ... I don't know, that's weird...

>> No.6735660


>> No.6735692

I am Tomar.

>> No.6735702

Is that a welrod pistol he's holding?

>> No.6735729

I don't have the energy to read these, who's winning?

>> No.6735732

read the first letter of every line

>> No.6735803

Unironically makes me read faster holy shit, thanks

>> No.6735841

Stfu and pyw faggot

>> No.6735845

Lol bro youre a massive cock sucking faggot.

Post your work right now or shut the fuck up and leave the other retard alone

Fucking faggot

>> No.6735848

thanks for the critique! character is Dynamite Annie from Antonblast

>> No.6735969
File: 550 KB, 1659x1659, metal_gear_acid_2___single_action_alert_by_ddark92_dg28qnj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Gear Acid 2 - Single Action Alert

>> No.6735987
File: 1.51 MB, 1775x866, testing34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a portrait, then this. im lost. idk what the purpose of this is.

>> No.6735997
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x3024, spiderhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736090

The fluor colors assault the eyes, i'm not sure at all what is going on here (are those bullets flying towards the camera?) but it feels like you're at least on the right track for improvement. If i were you i'd look into composition and values. At least the poses don't seem bad but there's noticeable stretchy wonkyness on the blue guy's armour thing.

>> No.6736112
File: 2.25 MB, 4724x6948, tav 2 copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736128

Was this inspired by blade runner? i like your composition here, the color palette is cold and toxic looking. Your style feels simplistic but it gets the job done, it's good enough but at the same time i can't help but feel that you've skimped too much on detail in certain parts (like the projecting robot being just a dot).
I'm not sure what's that to the letf side of the shadow figure, it looks like a guy on a wheelchair.

Your work is creatively creepy, those boney horrors look straight out of hell and are very well drawn. The juxtaposed colors and the way these things are positioned, makes it look like as if this spider-man and bird creature were facing off one another.

>> No.6736144

Perspective looks a bit off on your background but that girl is gorgeous, you've done a good job there. I'm not sure if you're the same guy >>6735284 but i've noticed that you (or you guys) are overdoing your folds and it's making your drapery look a bit odd.
And about your comic, i have 2 ways of interpreting what's going on here; either the hour is relevant to when the dream was had or that an alarm is going off and it's pulling her out of her dream that's seemingly about a squiggly house.

>> No.6736146

Having the "camera" zoom in and out like that is jarring.

>> No.6736156
File: 452 KB, 1500x2500, IMG_20230617_001846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on vacation and haven't been able to finish anything since this, but I've got a bunch of new mecha stuff I'm working on now

>> No.6736169

Your artstyle is really nice, i like your lineart and rendering. This looks like a demon girl and her guardian of sorts behind her? not sure but it looks cool.
Her angular butt looks really odd however, and that wrist seems disconnected and janky.

>> No.6736177
File: 1.99 MB, 1800x1500, a dreaded, sunny day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished this a couple weeks ago

>> No.6736264

is she a lady-boy? why are her hands so big and blocky? shes literally like 7 years old lol. also why are her wrisrt so big as well? is she part little girl part ogre? whats goin on man?

>> No.6736272
File: 1.39 MB, 1290x1384, IMG_2236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736276

never too late to struggle with hands
I'll see if I can fix it

>> No.6736296
File: 110 KB, 1808x1496, asgkghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6736309
File: 3.54 MB, 1762x2293, mech2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate. Yeah without sperging out it's like 50% guardian / 50% possession.

I'm shit with wrists for sure. I did some curves sharper (like the ass) on purpose, but that's certainly room for improvement, thanks again

(mecha sketch in progress just for fun not for more (you)'s)

>> No.6736318

Work on your line work and pen control. look at the ends of many of the sun triangles - you can clearly see tails of lines you made and some dont meet at the point properly. just the top center you can see an example on the left and right of the center most one. there are a lot of issues with the pen control throughout like this where you maybe are just rushing to get it done or just dont care, but the these all add up to hurt the piece. inking is long and stippling and line work takes forever to do properly. you can see the thin original lines a lot and then gaps with the thicker line you tried to put over it in several places, too.

for the face, the Sun has massive eyes. the mouth doesnt fit them. as the center piece of the image and entire focus, this is jarring and should have spent more time on the proportions of it before inking. the ornamentation 'droplets' above the eyes also look like they should be symmetrical, yet are not centered properly and hurts composition. like the black dot is off center and little one shifts left from it and the droplets/pedals going off these dots dont align properly when it really looks like it should and that you intended for it to be more symmetrical.

the stippling is similar to the linework - it requires precise and time consuming attention to detail. when rushed, it can look sloppy or bleed into other dots or ruin the effect you are attempting. in this case, you are trying to have gradients with the stippling in many places and it looks like you start rushing or just randomly mashing dots. they bleed into each other and the gradient disappears into random dark to light to dark patches in some places where you are clearly trying to indicate shadow or the sun beam being behind other sun beams and edges or corners of pieces. more controlled stippling will prevent this. you can also tape over places to keep the halo effects more consistent. some dots extend into your halo effects.

>> No.6736320

looks very good anon, but the chicken scratch could be worked on (top of helmet, folds of collar etc)

Looks nice, and bonus points for trad. The eyelashes look a bit symbol drawn, did you do them from memory / imagination?

very pretty rendering. Agree with other guy about the hands being too big. Additionally, I think you should push the value difference with the shaded parts of her more. Lastly the ground is looking good but unfinished. Perhaps add indentations in the grass where she / the book is? Kind of feels like she's floating.

Linework is very nice, but I'd work on your panelling. 4 same size panels isn't as interesting as it could be. Also agree with the other guy about the camera being close to the clock, then far, then back close again. Could flow better I think but I'm not a comic artist.

I like the style quite a bit. The bird thing is great. I don't like the head spider, I don't find it as interesting to look at, but that may just be a personal preference.

The colours and atmosphere are very nice. I think maybe you want to double check the construction on her face, especially since it's the main focal part of the piece, it looks off to me personally, but could be stylized as longer nose if that was your goal.

>> No.6736371
File: 650 KB, 1290x1807, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn, thank you for the thorough and detailed critique Anon, I really appreciate it. You made me see a lot of errors I hadn’t seen before with my line work and rendering, so I’ll definitely work on everything you mentioned. If you don’t mind, do you have some crit for this tree of life tattoo I’m working on?

>> No.6736380

Thanks, and I guess they were symbol drawn just for appeal, ya know. Maybe they would’ve looked better realistic

>> No.6736384

Oh and they were from imagination

>> No.6736391
File: 593 KB, 812x801, frying pan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736399
File: 482 KB, 2040x1530, the house of owls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure go ahead

>> No.6736448
File: 688 KB, 1415x1000, sashimi fishing2_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not great at backgrounds.

>> No.6736557

I agree with the comment about the hands althought i think it's more about the arms looking too big in general. You may be trying to go for possummachine-like proportions but are missing some key youthful qualities about his lolis. I'm sure you know who that is, i'd study his hands if i were you.
Lastly, you sabotaged yourself by having the POV go straight downwards, it's hard to communicate form like that without a good amount of "camera" deviation, I mean that apple looks like a sticker!
You've already come quite far in your artistic journey, i'm sure you'll be able to get past these problems.

>> No.6736567

(You)'d the wrong guy

>> No.6736596

That stahlhelm looks pretty goofy, it's supposed to be taller than that. I think your guy's lacking a forehead.

>> No.6736796
File: 21 KB, 350x450, Treeoflife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know much about tattoos and how they will look/transfer to skin nor contours of where it might position relative to muscle groups, etc. something on paper much squish or stretch or curve awkward on an arm with bunch of different muscle groups working or where ever this ends up. i can only really discuss anatomy of a tree and basic composition since its just outline of the tree so far.

for a tree, branches dont get significantly thicker as they go up or out. take the left side - horizontal branch that has some really thick far end branches. like as thick as the middle part of the branch. that doesnt happen outside odd knot or where multiple branches spread out type of thing. so that part that looks liek a Y going vertical off the horizontal branch is odd looking to me. other issues are the smooth, tentacle-like nature of a few of the branches. they dont look like branches. the branch immediately right of the Y segment i just mentioned is one such branch - looks like an octopus with smooth S curve nature of it and only details on under side. to the far righ tof it is a similar tentacle shpae going upwards with the broken branch parts looking like suckers of the tentacle. These are minor things and might not matter when inked or if you are doing color or leaves or other things. Might not matter at all if thats the way you want the tree to look. It's more if you study trees and notice it. Most wont care.

For the composition, circular is a nice way to do this with branches up mirrored with roots below. The only issue i can see is if you want the heart shaped roots misshapen and skewed down and left. i was expecting symmetry and figured youd do entire root system identical on both sides and same with the branches at top for a tattoo. you could even do half a drawing and mirror it or in digital programs draw only half with it auto mirror for you. the heart could be right side up if worked roots smaller to deeper. attched is example.

>> No.6737072
File: 916 KB, 908x1000, 15234890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6737261

>very pretty rendering. Agree with other guy about the hands being too big. Additionally, I think you should push the value difference with the shaded parts of her more. Lastly the ground is looking good but unfinished. Perhaps add indentations in the grass where she / the book is? Kind of feels like she's floating.
thank you. the ground being that way is me trying to address a recurring problem I have that is over rendering the background to the point the character gets lost in the noise
I'll work on those areas you pointed
okay. I know his work, very good artist but I haven't really studied how he draws things. I'm usually referencing alke or luimi for proportions
agreed on the camera angle, didn't think it could backfire like this. that one is too fundamental to fix at this point tho

>> No.6737285

Looking badass anon, i'm liking this.

>> No.6737415

Thanks anon!

>> No.6737482

That's a nice interpretation on the face, she gives off betty bop vibes. Neck may be too long. Also i'm not liking that charcoal brush much, it makes things look very dirty, in the reference she's wearing a dress and in your drawing she looks like she's wearing peasant clothes.

>> No.6737488

Are you using reference for these? Construction? i don't think that's how legs connect to the pelvis, and the pelvis to the torso, it almost looks as if their spines were coming out of their crotch area. The arms are janky and proportionally inconsistent, look at those wrists.
At least the faces are appealing, even if luz looks like she's balding a bit.

>> No.6737497

I'm loving the colors, shapes, design and cel shading here, you've done a great job. The astronaut looking fella, i've seen you post her (?) earlier, her overall design looked charming.
The background does leave a lot to be desired however, perhaps it's because it's just one flat color with a slight gradient to it; there simply needs to be something more going on than an evil looking moon-thing up there, have some fun with it you know? within reason of course, since the astronaut seems to be the focal point here.

>> No.6737498

Interesting style. Could definitely use some further refinement so this old man didn't look like he had 0 eyes and 2 mouths.

>> No.6737513
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, antarctic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to convey that empty, desolate feeling the antarctic sometimes has, which is why I tried to keep it very clear. Granted, I still could've added a few clouds or stars, but I guess that didn't cross my mind at the time. Thanks for the crit!

>> No.6737591
File: 1.65 MB, 1037x1074, attack on titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6737598
File: 998 KB, 1749x2739, 20230710_203618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6737781

A lot of the art on this thread is more than half-decent. Wtf? I thought /ic/ was full of nothing but no-draw trolls? Where were all of these guys hiding?

>> No.6737810

I see. So was the sky not having a lighter color toward the horizon line an intentional stylistic choice? are those supposed to be mountains far away from the astronaut or just peaks? this could very easily be interpreted as a platform or mini world of sorts she's sitting on.

>> No.6737879
File: 1.58 MB, 2000x2500, scholarfin1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6737883
File: 1.83 MB, 640x480, 1453835999977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted!

>> No.6737892

Saw your stuff, you seem to hide behind rendering because you can't make appealing/pretty art.

Please consider tackling your shortcomings. Being able to stylize is great, but ONLY being able to stylize isn't.
You know what they say, master the rules before breaking them.

>> No.6737897

Stop shading around the shapes as if it were lineart.
Pick one side of the legs, one side of the arm and run with it.
Sure, borders can have shadow for volume, but they're way softer than that, hard edges are for projected shadows.

Overall good job, you're in the right direction, colors are very nice.
On another note, the dress and the hair don't wrap around the subject very well, making it look a bit disjointed, this is something you must make sure is working during sketch phase becaue fixing it is a bitch.

>> No.6738044

Looks like a mythical sea creature with wings. You could use some further line weight i think, to outline certain things.

>> No.6738048

>So was the sky not having a lighter color toward the horizon line an intentional stylistic choice?
Nope, just a mistake lol. I got so tunnel visioned into making it "empty" that I ended up not using the reference very well.
>are those supposed to be mountains far away from the astronaut or just peaks?
They're peaks, but the perspective doesn't exactly help make that much clearer.

>> No.6738078

The color, texture and lines here look pretty sweet man i love this. They're good to the point where you can overlook certain jankyness like those legs and odd foreshortening. Two things that i cannot overlook however, is the right hand and the left arm which is in an extremely unnatural position.

>> No.6738086
File: 584 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20230709-124310_Pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty, here's the ref so you can see what I was going for.

>> No.6738093

Let me just say that this enchantress you've so skillfully drawn up and posted here is thoroughly gorgeous and nothing else, you clearly know way more than me lol.
The colored lines in particular are calling my attention, you've got a pleasant style.

>> No.6738121

No wonder it's janky, even your ref looks a little strange!
You definitely messed up the anatomy on that arm though, when you put your hands on your hips you'll notice your elbows go back and stay fairly close to your torso.
Here >>6737598 it feels to me as if her left elbow were slightly in front of her torso even, which in turn makes it look really odd.

>> No.6738129

This is unmistakably a charcoal woman surrounded by dancing charlie chaplins. Definitely one of the works of all time

>> No.6738131

that's what I find interesting, sometimes what looks realistic looks weird in a drawing. Gonna go draw more.

>> No.6738133
File: 274 KB, 1224x1526, 19375383649843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6738144

Yep, certain things just look right only with great rendering.

I see a flying robot groping that girl's chest. It took me a good second to figure out what was going on here because your style just feels too simplistic to me.
I'm not feeling that circle face she has, you could have so much more fun with cute faces and yet you settle with this! cmon now, let's get a little bitnmore creative.
Lineweight is way too fat or way too thin at parts, it's a well intentioned effort but i'd appreciate a little more consistency.
You sure nailed them milk jugs, though.

>> No.6738159
File: 12 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration11 (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my best drawing ive made yet

>> No.6738176
File: 525 KB, 1167x1680, Fnq3GwJakAAWYNf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6738179

The eye seems placed wrong bur the lines are pleasing. I like the knees

>> No.6738188


>> No.6738566

aw hell nah spunchbap drew the bax with dem janky ass edges

>> No.6738959
File: 446 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration22c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6738969
File: 275 KB, 512x512, 1639849310084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6738986
File: 765 KB, 2362x2519, sssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6739099
File: 763 KB, 1627x2191, DB9E2315-4B0B-4B85-82C3-0B0F55BDA764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure Lolz

>> No.6739421
File: 2.24 MB, 2944x3896, sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told that my anatomy and faces are messed up with these characters. I agree that they look a little weird, but I'm not really sure what's causing it.

>> No.6739457
File: 184 KB, 320x240, 1439726874087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, these are dancing Laurel and Hardys,my most popular product in my animated painting store of Second Life. And this gif was the store sign : Strange Conjurations.

As mediums go,SL is still filled with innovation, creativity and wonder,over a decade before Minecraft. And cybersex a thousand times better. At least the women don't look like love dolls made out of Legos.

>> No.6739493

You've done a pretty good job with this, she looks very cute, thick and soft. I think her face is appealing, a completely acceptable stylization of a moe face in my opinion but you may have overdone the "softness" on her butt, the way it seems to be spilling out from the upper part of her boot feels more off-putting the more you look at it.
I'd look into that boob anatomy, they feel off of to me because they're seemingly "connected" to part of her back, i could be wrong! i don't draw huge honkers often.
And lastly, there's no way you'd be able too see that much of the knee that's facing away from the viewer. Of course, if it's been drawn that way intentionally to make the pose easier to read then it has done its job perfectly, i totally didn't notice that at first.

>> No.6739528

i am trying.

>> No.6739541

I appreciate the confidence of calling it illustration

>> No.6739561

Let me start off by saying that's definitely a child in a bikini. What you've rendered so far looks pretty, colourful, i like it.
I have a complaint regarding the face however, it looks "correct" but it doesn't look very appealing to me, her nose is flat looking and her eyes are too small in my opinion. I don't see any problem past those of appeal there, you could've certainly choosen some cuter facial features.
And i know you're going for youthful proportions but i'm still thinking that either her torso is too long or her legs are too small. Anddd lastly as blasphemous as it may sound: a sliver of hips wouldn't hurt or look half bad on her either.

>> No.6739562

You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.6739574

The "i love god" cap is such a vibe, what a soulful sketch.

>> No.6739613

Oh you're this guy, l love your work! Please don't be afraid to post more of it on /ic/. One thing I've learned from thus board is that some fans are here purely to put people down, don't let that get to you.

>> No.6739638

Sweet stuff, i like this! It'd look straight out of a 90's rap album cover with the right brushes and textures.
Simulating more traditional methods from the time would probably add a whole lot more soul to your artwork, i think it's worth a try.

>> No.6740238

Are you sure you're not sure? I'm guessing you're using reference for these, i'd recommend you start flipping your canvas so you can more easily notice those oddities in your anatomy. Also i'd look into ear placement, see how other artists do it, some of those do look strange. And it seems like you're having a tough time with hands, start using your own as reference to make them way easier to draw.
This isn't completely bad however, it's clear that you're not a complete beglet.

>> No.6740249


not a drawfag
but the lineless style is something I don't see too often
the picture is maybe a little dark/drab but I guess you wanted that?
perhaps you canmake her right buttcheek (from.her pov) and other relevant surfaces/texture be more illuminated by the moonlight?

>> No.6740497
File: 988 KB, 1082x1948, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used these references. I flip my canvas very often, too often sometimes. I think there's just something fundamental about heads and bodies that I don't understand yet. Thanks for the feedback. I'll take your advice and look more into ear placement.

>> No.6740851
File: 2.54 MB, 1759x1209, goat pizza small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i've stagnated. I know I need to draw more challenging stuff to change that, but I can't find the time because I keep finding myself needing to spend most of my time drawing lots of weird porn for money.

>> No.6740974
File: 210 KB, 632x754, anon44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown necromancer-girl fanart.

>> No.6740977
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x5333, cyberbaddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740990
File: 2.01 MB, 1894x2899, 20230712_223436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741077
File: 2.00 MB, 3000x4000, 20230713_083700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a page of a comic that I stumbled headlong writing and drawing a new story just to get into the swing of things, but I promised myself someday I will go back to it and add all the background details and define the characters moving through that world I conjured. For now,after finding marijuana again and drawing after 2 years depression, I would forgive any mistakes I'd make. To get anything onto paper was the mission,and it started with me finally joining two halves of an experimental comic page,and making up a story about them: the OyOy plants. I had vague ideas about how the plot plays out,but I was inventing all sorts of strange stuff and having a blast. Now,with marijuana legal and a leisurely walk away to obtain, I can now focus on my present project. But as oages go,I would work on it until I had enough content for my conveyance of the storyline,leaving lots of blank space. So enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.6741091
File: 547 KB, 2560x1920, 32 web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741094
File: 1.10 MB, 3154x4394, enm3r24m8qbb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done "overrendering".

>> No.6741103
File: 2.17 MB, 3000x4000, 20230713_090133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here,the daughter of two characters that I haven't drawn since I was 14 is telling of her encounter with the Mad Doctor from a picture I did in 1989. Being self referential was fun. Jokes only I and historians will understand.

>> No.6741111

Isn't Tomar actually Jewish?

>> No.6741119

Lineart needs to be more defined or colors more subdued. You also dont color in all the areas and can see white spaces. Very jarring.

>> No.6741157

Very much so

>> No.6741178
File: 178 KB, 560x710, hellhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a draw draw

>> No.6741190

You haven't stagnated, you've gotten too cocky. I'm seeing plenty of anatomical oversights here: fingers too short on front girl, poor foreshortening (not enough overlapping lines), back girl's calve doesnt seem to connect to her pelvis, strange neck connection to her head among other minor things.
It seems like you've already moved on to fisheye lent like perspective without even having a solid grasp on proportions which, i mean don't get me wrong, it does look cool but you shouldn't tackle that yet imo, there's more important things you should focus on.
Have you gotten into more complex looking backgrounds yet? Without any sort of wacky perspective hijinks of course.
Let me add that this isn't awful, the things i've mentioned took me a good second to notice, but i'll have to say that the work you've posted does feel a bit aimless.
To elaborate, works that tell a story or invoke a vibe on to you particularly well are by far the best ones, here it looks like she's eating pizza on top of lava in like, hell? I'm not sure what i'm supposed to get from this.
This may sound like i'm dissing you but make no mistake, you're probably still better than 90% of /ic/.

>> No.6741204

WIP? Looking cool. I'm not sure what's that robotic looking thing supposed to be that's holding the staff, could you perhaps make it easier to read?
Left arm and both boots may be too small, the boots also seem a little floaty and don't correspond with those lines that are indicating the perspective of the ground. I'd look into sitting references with a similar pose, spines don't arch like that in such a position.

>> No.6741215
File: 113 KB, 800x1500, buttbike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to redo the right arm, i have the posing in mind but everytime i try to go at it, i end up fucking up the forearm angle and it looks stubby instead of going towards the BG

>> No.6741221

Looking extremely plappable.

>i end up fucking up the forearm angle and it looks stubby
The way you're cross hatching makes me think that you may not be thinking about contour lines enough. Foreshortening is all about succesfully communicating to the viewer which way things are facing or going towards you know? A single line can make all the difference.

>> No.6741226

Boy I'm sure looking forward to seeing this meme for the next 10 years

>> No.6741237

I'd start going to /asg/ to study other artist's work, her hair looks really off here and face could certainly be better. I can notice asymmetry in her boobs and eyes, her left forearms looks to be extremely long too, pay more attention to proportions.
Her hands look strange, are you using reference for these? You have a great pair at your disposal i'm sure.
The way the countour of the "thigh highs" have been drawn make the legs look like they're both going outwards which in turn unbalances the pose.
Those extra lines look a lot like scratches and just don't pair well with your style imo.
And lastly about the design overall i can only say one thing, expand your visual library on that kind of stuff and use reference extensively.

>> No.6741239

Funny. Let's kickstart your journey by maybe reading the sticky and getting into construction.

>> No.6741243

I don’t get this critique. either you trolling or need a better display asap.

>> No.6741246

look at the pant legs and other edges - he clearly fucks up and doesnt color the entire area when he autofilled or however he let clip paint or whatever auto fill this sludge. clear gaps where it didnt register the edge of the line. bunch of these all over the piece.

>> No.6741247

A comic about a talking plant and a lion man! very amusing, soulful, i can tell marijuana played a big part in the making of this. I hope you're doing better anon, my only crit would be to tone down the lines in an effort to make the critters easier to read.

>> No.6741252

Pretty nice, I'd love to see this practice being put into action.
Remember to learn how to stitch reference together! filling the gaps and such where you don't have any, you can't rely on always having the exact pose you want to draw.

>> No.6741263

The pose looks cool, rendering shows form just right. Her face feels a bit korean? Not my cup of tea but like everything else, it has been competently drawn.
I do have complaints about your lineart though, you could elevate your work if you started varying your lineweight in general.
Your colors do feel a bit off to me too, it's not bad by any means but they could certainly be better i think. Maybe your values are too samey? I'm not sure but i'd look into it.

>> No.6741271

I think this portrait may be lacking proper shadows, everything else looks quite decent. Is he supposed to be looking off to the side and not directly at the POV? because that doesn't sit right with me. Overall not bad but i must call into question the purpose of having one side of his face in a red filter.

>> No.6741280

thanks for the critique. Yeah, I need to pay more atention to line weight. As for the colors, I dunno man, its just office attire, its designed to be boring. I will pick a more colorful subject for my next study.

>> No.6741314

Thank you, duly noted. It shed some light on a path that I can finally follow instead of aimless drawing.
I really missed these kinds of informative feedbacks, specially back when I frequented old /alt/

>> No.6741328
File: 547 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20230712_192031_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741722

I mean, i can clearly notice some jank here but it doesn't look awful. I don't work with trad stuff so i can't really say anything else other than keep at it.

>> No.6741756
File: 1.59 MB, 2603x3601, IMG_7817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741769
File: 50 KB, 991x666, Inkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741774
File: 603 KB, 717x1386, blurred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something i drew for a fellow anon

>> No.6741780

The head is too big and the torso is too short even for a child. The legs should be a bit longer as well

>> No.6741781

Ohhh nice work on the shading, i'm loving that hair. One side of his torso is looking fairly bigger than the other though.

>> No.6741789

Silly looking cat-thing, looks cute.

Wooow, this looks really unique and cool, it's fantastic. The blur, the gradient, the colored lines, the expressive figure make this a really nice piece, what a fucking vibe. I'm not sure if this is trad but if it is i fucking kneel, it's artistic as hell.

>> No.6741794

At a glance, the left shoulder is way too small, giving off the impression that the head is too big. The hair at the top also doesn't spread in the way hair naturally falls or stick outs out with shorter strands. The left leg needs work, it seems as though you left a stray line that might be trying to convey the curve where the inner thigh meets the knee. Either way, it lacks form. You're also missing some details on the right shoe. Lastly, there are stray color artifacts littered on the picture.

>> No.6741800
File: 153 KB, 979x1000, SideFace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741886
File: 947 KB, 2250x3000, thhhink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably post this on /cbsg/
Trying another new outfit for my OC. Someone said on that general about his previous outfit that "it has zero appeal", but I also just kind of got tired of it.

>> No.6741914
File: 578 KB, 1200x2346, yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741936
File: 1.18 MB, 1416x943, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A work in progress

>> No.6742037
File: 18 KB, 841x425, 63105132_WBPmLpwb5r3ACS3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not feeling that circle face she has, you could have so much more fun with cute faces and yet you settle with this! cmon now, let's get a little bit more creative.
I feel that, I'm just really attracted to how her face looked originally. Something about cute simplistic faces really gets me going and I wanted to reflect that in my art!
>Lineweight is way too fat or way too thin at parts, it's a well intentioned effort but i'd appreciate a little more consistency.
Good to know, I was feeling kind of iffy on the exaggeration. Though yeah if there's one thing I knows it's jugs, kek.

>> No.6742201

Golly, another cute blondie with double swirls? Sweet!! That one you made looks really good too, who is the girl though? For a second I thought it was my blondie and I was already happy lmao.
Already did way before you posted that kek
>l love your work! Please don't be afraid to post more of it on /ic/.
Much appreciated, anon! And sure, will grow some confidence, I'm just a little hesistant sometimes when I feel like I've posted it too much around the threads, like Im going to be yelled at just because people can recognize me on the spot (the same scenario happened before)
>One thing I've learned from thus board is that some fans are here purely to put people down, don't let that get to you.
True, I've seen it too, although looking back, I dont get much crabbing myself, outside the occasional comment on my artstyle being troon-ish kek.
Sexo indeed, anon!
Also yeah, the darkness was intended (the NSFW version is darker too). I could go back to it and highlight the right thigh and the bed, but I kind of dont want to go back to it anymore after editing this exact same draw over eight times, feels like Im feeding my OCDs at this point and I need to move on... but if I ever do go back to it, I'll keep that in mind, thanks, anon!

>> No.6742209
File: 617 KB, 2485x1412, xcbvcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742210
File: 162 KB, 1198x419, xvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742214

nice, have you drawn a letty?

>> No.6742215
File: 1.51 MB, 2500x1470, zxccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, been thinkin about it, since it's only fair

>> No.6742241
File: 669 KB, 1200x1211, Selkie Rhi Chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742426
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3000, 20230706_191019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still polishing it.

>> No.6742488

this is cursed af

>> No.6742504

Just let it go, you won't make it any better at this point.

>> No.6742506

reminds me of pilotredsun,
idk if it badly traced over 3d models or 3d renders that got an ai passthrough.
it's weird, bad yet extremely interesting lol

>> No.6742518

this is just really shitty posed models with filters added and some liquify to stretch some parts. unironically this kind of thing will succeed more than anyone from /ic/

>> No.6742526

that was csp that did that i just dont change the filenames
how do i try harder then faggio that was genuinely my best attempt at a good cube, should i go back to drawabox then

>> No.6742531

very nice, got a blog or something?

>> No.6742535

I see, now that i have context for the face i don't see much wrong with it anymore. Good luck with your future endeavors anon.

>> No.6742544

you should get on your knees and suck on this bbc

>> No.6742554


>> No.6742578


>> No.6742627

Looking good. Is that the sniper from overwatch?

>> No.6742635

I've seen your guy around, cool to see you trying out new outfits but keep in mind there's no need for him to only have one. I recommend you visit sites like pinterest and boards like /fa/ to get reference and build a stronger sense of fashion and appeal, because his current wear looks very dull, from both a design and color palette stand point.
Have you gotten into construction yet? have you tried getting into a more realistic style? maybe with far thinner lines that'd leave more space for further detailling.
It seems like you're using completely pretty blackish colors for your shadows which makes your work look, again, very dull! i'd try out other colors (reds, blues, yellows, violets and so on) for that cel shading so he didn't look as if he was sitting in a warehouse, to get further away that feeling of dullness you could also start coloring the lines themselves.
Lastly, hands are an expressive part of the body and your thick lines are probably making it very hard for you to get them right, i'd use thinner lines and either google images or your own hands as reference.

>> No.6742646

Those are some small hands and feet! she feels pretty slendermanish to me. I'd look into womanly proportions, simply having visual reference of all sides of an average woman (and her skeleton) will help you immensely, to draw them you just gotta understand how one works you know?
The pose is stiff and unbalanced, have you used reference?
Those hands look very odd, those fingers are far too thin, like i told the other anon you should start using your own as reference.
I can appreciate hereby a brave attempt at shading with brushes, it's not great. To be frank you're not cool enough (yet) to be attempting such methods, stick to easy to understand cel shading for now.
I must say that your detailling on her clothes shows a promising future for you, however.

>> No.6742763

Thanks for the feedback. I used reference for the clothes only

>> No.6742784

I'm liking the background so far, it's really moody. The face on the blonde guy is looking pretty goofy and i'm not sure what it is, it's certainly not very appealing to me and his arm (the one that's facing away from the viewer) can be easily interpreted as strange bumps on his torso.

>> No.6742787

This is feeling very dynamic so far, you've communicated form quite skillfully here. I'm wondering how this comic panel (?) may look like once it's finished.

>> No.6742802

These faces look pretty damn good, my only complaints would be that the way you've drawn that hair looks both time-consuming and doesn't go easy on the eye, try using some anime methods to simplify that.
And the way every line's beginning and end is super pointy is also a bit jarring, have you tried using some nicer brushes?

>> No.6742865

thanks will fix, his face was looking off as to me as well

>> No.6742898

Why is her nose in that cat's butthole?

>> No.6743153

>1000 cock stare

>> No.6743567
File: 1.00 MB, 1377x2000, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do more BGs again recently, instead of keeping it all plain white

>> No.6743633

The fluor colors kind of suck, i'd recommend you go and look into color theory because your palette's very jaring. Also remember to keep your proportions in check, her arms look too small and her torso may be too long.

>> No.6743693

I'm guessing you're the same guy >>6741103 >>6741077
What i've said earlier is still relevant here, your work has soul but lacks readibility.

>> No.6743803

I would let her choke me with her thighs.

>> No.6743822

What is that on her thighs?

>> No.6744540

Man, your background is so much nicer than the girl you've drawn which certainly puts you in a strange position as an artist. Have you referenced that? i like it.
There's a lot of things wrong with the girl, her arms look a tad short, her calves look very strange too, that's not how womanly calves are supposed to look like (where are her feet?)
Her face is really goofy and really isn't doing a great job at conveying any sort of expression, that's a thousand-yard stare. Those facial features are all sort of wonky, try looking for some reference of anime girls whose heads are in that position.
And the pose overall is reallyyy stiff and unnatural looking. Again, if you're just starting up with putting characters into backgrounds it's best to follow a good example or else you'll waste fairly decent rendering into mediocre drawings like these.

>> No.6744585


>> No.6744688
File: 3.60 MB, 1520x2136, rat race resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am trying to
>draw finished piece
>focus on what i struggled the most with the piece
>study that for a week
>do another piece

>> No.6744692

what brushed did you use? i really like the grainy effect

>> No.6744768
File: 56 KB, 1182x665, 1671985409877608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm slowing going through steve huston's book. this is something old

>> No.6744800
File: 2.14 MB, 2992x2992, 20221026_120302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very old doodle waiting for long 12 hr shift to end. Don't miss that place.

>> No.6744844
File: 1011 KB, 562x735, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback, very much needed! This is what I used as ref for the background btw.
I've been struggling with characters for years, where I have a huge problem keeping any kind of consistency with regards to the quality of my drawings. Some days I'm getting pretty good results fairly quickly, while other days I can noodle for hours without getting anywhere. I've definitely had better days than this, but this is also far from the worst, believe it or not.
I can get behind a lot of what you're saying, but I didn't realize the face was so bad. Just goes to show I have a lot room for improvement, I guess

>> No.6744994

>I've been struggling with characters for years
Hm. I'd like to hear about your process.
Do you use reference for the anatomy? proportions? pose? what about construction? things get far easier when you divide bodyparts into cylinders and cubes.

>> No.6745054

I'm seeing a well lit small blonde man looking rather flustered inside a crowded metro.
You've done a great job with the lil guy, he looks appealing, the POV gives off a sense indifference.
However i can't help but think that your composition here is rather gimmicky; in theory it must've sounded pretty cool to have your guy be visible through a close-by handle but in practice it just looks like a big black flat triangle is surrounding him.
I'm sure you could've come up with something more interesting through quick thumbnails, something like, idk, having the POV be outside the metro? i don't see that often, it could've looked cool.
And lastly what did you try to convey with your color palette? The grayish greys feel a bit... devoid.

>> No.6745059

>i'm slowing going through steve huston's book
Well good luck, those are some cute doodles.

>> No.6745063

Is that a fucking baki kirby? kek.

>> No.6745086

For the most part I just use a standard ref sheet with a basic pose to get the likeness of the character and outfit. If I get stumped on a hand pose or something I'll look for a ref or snap one myself, but it's rare that I try to find/take ref for the entire pose.
As for construction I haven't been using straight up cylinders and cubes much. Instead, I've been loosely sketching out the form of the character and gradually drawing more defined/detailed on top. Maybe some actual construction would make my drawings feel more consistent on a day to day basis.
It doesn't help that my progress has stagnated considerably, as I'm not doing proper studies these days since it's more fun to draw whatever idea I have cooking. The croquis I do as warm-up hardly counts.

>> No.6745142

Thanks, I use procreate default brushes. The two I used mainly was organic: stable brush and material:noise brush

>> No.6745207

Nope, it's another character, the ponytail is just a coincidence.

>> No.6745384

I maybe late but still thank you for the advice.
I do get your point about your outfit being dull, because it does looks monotonous, especially colour scheme-wise. Maybe it needs more small details outside of just headband, I think. Either way, I'll try to look up to designs of characters he was inspired by and find the appeal.
Funny enough I created a love interest for him lately, and she looks a lot appealing than him even though put less thought process into her.
As for shadows - here they were brown, and it was kind of the intend because it associates for me with 2000s Internet pics, - but yeah, I get what you meant and I will fix it.
Sorry for this long and unproductive reply.

>> No.6746055


>> No.6746300
File: 2.02 MB, 966x1288, nahum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doodle of a favorite story

>> No.6746307

Honestly I like the vibes of it

>> No.6746593

I love the use of reds and blacks here! it's a really sweet and soulful style, it'd be a delight to see it being used in a more complex drawing.

>> No.6746619
File: 553 KB, 1215x1802, IMG_7355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think this is salvageable at this point, my understanding of composition is shit and it’s a boring pose, don’t even know where to begin with the background. Had a dream I was embalmed alive so going for that but it looks fetishy. Also don’t even know how to begin drawing feet. Any critique is appreciated

>> No.6746656

Crop the feet out, do a background and include the actual embalming tubes
Put some cloth over the body to make it look less creepy fetishy.
I would also change the face to be loosely looking at the viewer.

>> No.6746708
File: 247 KB, 1500x1500, Concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not done with the lineart yet.

>> No.6746714
File: 582 KB, 1067x1302, IMG_7358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6741914 here’s a quick edit, definitely not a expert in anime anatomy or faces here, but I did notice the mouth feels off centered and flat. Like the other reply said, the proportions of the hand and feet are a bit off, I tried to fix with liquify tool bc I got lazy but it looked like shit. I think a more dynamic hand pose would also look better here. The two things I did notice first though were the shoulder proportions being off and the necktie being blindingly red. Also forgot to do this and just noticed it now, wouldn’t the necktie need to be tied around under her collar, therefore it would be visible? Also I would try to decide what style you are going for in a piece, it seemed like you were stuck between typical cell shading and rendering.
I do disagree with the other comment saying you shouldn’t really attempt to try rendering yet, I think possibly a full render could really improve this. TLDR commit to the attempt and work on anatomy and color

>> No.6746771
File: 627 KB, 1067x1302, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some further adjustments to our friend's quick edit here regarding anatomy, as you see I'm of course no wiz at this but it may help you.

>> No.6746783

Feet is a tricky thing to get just right so don't sweat it, practice it.
As the other anon said you could just chop off the legs and have it be a 2/3 drawing but you're gonna need to fix up those shoulders, they look very disconnected from her torso.
And about the fetish thing, i don't see it i mean hell! the face you've drawn shows us that you have great artistic potential man, i like it.

>> No.6746784

Thanks fellas, I appreciate it a lot :)

>> No.6746794

Do you have an underlying figure? her legs are rubbing me the wrong way here but that may just be me.
And is her torso supposed to be facing the viewer? her ribbon thingy on her neck is throwing me off a bit.
Lastly, try to draw up some folds here, her outfit is just boring. You don't need a gazillion courses or anything, you literally just need to go look for some reference.

>> No.6746811
File: 2.63 MB, 840x1356, zap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746812

The legs were bothering me. I did have a underlying sketch but the legs in that looked off to me too.
Should probably rotate them in the right angle. Holding off on having too many folds.
I usually go all in with the lineart in my black and white works but, since it's gonna be in color,
I want the folds to be conveyed through the shading more than the lineart.
But, I might go add more to the lineart once some shading is done.

>> No.6746874
File: 486 KB, 436x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe some actual construction would make my drawings feel more consistent on a day to day basis.
Absolutely, even KJG used construction before internalizing it and free handing everything. You should stop eyeballing everything for now and try out a more by-the-numbers approach.
Pic rel has helped me tremendously in learning womanly proportions, i don't know what I'd do without this cutie.

>> No.6747137
File: 2.65 MB, 2070x3671, A427AF8A-35CE-478D-B7AE-60C1C90348BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747520


>> No.6747539

Thanks, I'll make more of an effort to use construction when drawing my next characters!
Probably gonna feel weird for a while, since I've gotten used to my more loose croquis sketchy approach

>> No.6747854

lookin good

>> No.6747858

read the sticky

>> No.6748157
File: 2.22 MB, 1800x1500, a dreaded, sunny day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the edit. tweaked the proportions, pushed the shadows a bit further and tightened some edges on the background. do you anons see any improvement?

>> No.6748165
File: 93 KB, 800x791, 071723a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6748297

Dude i think the main problem here is the legs and the dress. Think about it, without the legs she looks like a young adult and the dress is making it very easy for your brain to half-disconnect those legs while you're seeing the drawing. It also doesn't help that they feel detached due to the stiff dress not conveying form and direction properly, her torso is looking straight up and her lower half seem to be facing the side, it's strange and again, easy to disconnect both parts. I hope that made sense.

Frankly i think you should just start over and have this be a lesson for you.

>> No.6748314

Are you the wacky portraits guy? love your work

>> No.6748321

Wouldn't say the technical improvement was that big, but it does look better and with punchier colors.

Good job on applying some of the changes, but I suggest moving on next. Look back in pride that you accomplished it, but save the juicy changes for the next piece, otherwise you'll fall in the trap of turd-polishing.

>> No.6748337

yes, thanks

the thread died so I didn't have any place to post

>> No.6748353

One of the guys who gave feedback earlier. I think it looks quite a bit better, good work.

>> No.6748354

make a pixic already dude, i fucking love your art

>> No.6748697
File: 1.95 MB, 1638x2048, ai-kite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748846
File: 3.81 MB, 1920x1080, Sketch_317_Lingerie_Haul_Family_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't post this in my social 'cuz... it's a little too fetishy I guess

>> No.6749003

i think you should kill yourself

>> No.6749006

not a fan of that but your style is legit good, blog?

>> No.6749021

the way you can just tell this is ai drawn over kek

>> No.6749441

holy shit it's not even subtle. ai keks will never pass.

>> No.6749456

The img is called ai-kite...

>> No.6749457

Why post ai slop on a pyw thread?

>> No.6749582

thanks anon, I appreciate it.
Been gathering followers lately.

>> No.6749703
File: 231 KB, 904x1200, 265490941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it's their work?

>> No.6749819


>> No.6749823
File: 959 KB, 1812x1066, midway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea this was pretty much my first ever attempt at making a piece of digital art so it's not the best. plus it was rushed and i didn't try my best. got lazy with it at the end.

i spent a couple days learning krita and had fun with it and posted it. not like i just typed in a prompt. why are you so against ai? i had fun and enjoyed it and made something i liked. maybe it could speed up your workflow

that being said, i went in with the attempt at photobashing my way to victory but realized it's too obvious to do that. have had more luck if i don't wrestle with the AI so much. probably sketch -> concept -> either take that as is/touch it up with some details, or use that as a ref to finish your own drawing.

>> No.6749848

You will never make it cheating your way through fundamentals. You are only punishing yourself.

>> No.6749854

ngmi retard. you will never learn to draw relying on unethical crutches.

>> No.6749857


>> No.6749866

Bruh I love this too much
Great work anon, most creative one I've seen yet

>> No.6749869

Mind if I cheat your style?

>> No.6749870

Also, please post moar

>> No.6749876

Love your shit nigga
Awesome work

>> No.6750002
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230213_114405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750142

call me when you gather your own mud from the river and bake your own clay tables to inscribe with the reeds you cut by yourself.

>> No.6750175
File: 376 KB, 3825x4950, untiltled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750179

pajeets just don't care enough to put more effort into their bait anymore, it's hilarious

>> No.6750419

in 2-3 years every new tv show you watch, every movie, every website you visit, every game you play will be created with heavy assistance from AI. it will just be silly not to utilize it. it will be as big as the transition from analog to digital art. it's not/won't be as simple as proompting it, it's an entirely new paradigm/set of software with its own learning curve. you're only punishing yourself not learning the technology of the future now.

it's a tool just like anything else, you can use it as a 'crutch' as you say, which it isn't. it's a viable tool to generate entire images just from a text prompt, or you could use it in cooperation to help you learn art or help your workflow. you are a fool.


>> No.6750426
File: 784 KB, 2000x3000, 1683683332824828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to check your early life sections

>> No.6750448
File: 472 KB, 750x918, DE47B6F6-0C58-46ED-AD65-C9FB6D3A097B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone redlined the stupid fucking head for me id be very grateful. other things too but the head is killing me.

>> No.6750484

Nice art but very disappointing subject matter. Hope you continue to keep this to yourself. This shits fucking bad.

>> No.6750576
File: 1.64 MB, 2400x2400, Underwear Mabel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like drawing boobs

>> No.6750638
File: 2.54 MB, 3155x3155, Illustration507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750730
File: 1.29 MB, 2550x3300, ymnki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750754
File: 110 KB, 590x397, Jimny rubn_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great Suzuki Jimny (ink+watercolor)

>> No.6750833
File: 138 KB, 1024x586, business_card_by_jeremeyprickles_d7ty1by-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first business card.

(Don't worry, janitors,the website has been gone for years)

>> No.6750841
File: 440 KB, 1800x2000, F1Y4QjkXsAIwIe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750842
File: 2.20 MB, 3000x4000, 20230719_072831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a debut:the cover of some fanzine that was a Xeroxs stapled together affair back then in the dark ages. I seem to have lost the ability to draw this simplistically. Now I want to stuff a page with details.

>> No.6750883

>graphic design is my passion

>> No.6751478
File: 87 KB, 1072x899, turd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6751515

Start using a kneaded eraser for cleaner drawings anon. Nice booba btw.

That leg thats facing away from the viewer looks extremely detached.
Your construction is very messy overall, drawing an improved second figure over the messy one could help with that.

>> No.6751520
File: 165 KB, 756x660, 1638838758064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice art
>but very dissapointing subject matter
care to elaborate?

>> No.6751527

It looks like he just sliced a cube in half, neat.
Positioning the guy in the middle of the cut could've helped with the readibility on his hair, just something to think about.
Also the cube seems to have a side missing and that makes it look a bit strange.

>> No.6751548

Her facial features all misaligned and she has a megamind forehead. I don't know what to tell you, you really shouldn't be struggling with this since the perspective on it is so "easy" but since you are, just reference an anime head looking straight at you.

>> No.6751553

You have a severe case of symbol drawing among other things. Start learning construction and read the sticky!

>> No.6751637

Is that a fucking orc chudjak in the bottom right corner? using an iBan? soul.
Your gal gives me eastern european street fighter vibes, i like her! but i'm not sure what's going on on the left there, it looks as if forces from the beyond just snapped the bones in her arm all sorts of ways.
What you've drawn is rather amusing, /beg/ish but fun was had here.
Let me say that if you freehanded all of this, a bright future awaits you as an artist but you still need to learn construction, proportions and anatomy look pretty wack here.

Apart from the little lake not looking a whole lot like a lake i can say that this fucking gourgeous anon. I love it.

>> No.6751647

Perspective is looking pretty nutty on this one anon, you may be symbol drawing too much LEARN CONSTRUCTION.

>> No.6751671
File: 457 KB, 712x1000, universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a wonderful life

>> No.6751680

>Start using a kneaded eraser for cleaner drawings anon. Nice booba btw.
Thanks! I will invest in one of those. Yeah, i erase a lot.

>> No.6751797
File: 818 KB, 963x1017, F5F94256-6ED9-44D6-B891-4859B7C34D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sell t shirts? i want a t shirt

>> No.6752501

Those shadows look very muddy, they need color. Shadows aren't always black anon.
The lines you are using may be a tad too thin for the simplistic style you almost seem to be going for i mean you're not being economical at all with your detailling, her hair seems to have been painstakingly rendered which would've been nice if this was a pinup and the girl was more anatomical.
Try to choose a color palette next time, take into account the kind of vibe you're going for, what you've done here feels aimless.

Nice turk goku lol

>> No.6752505

It seems to me like you need a crash course on color theory and composition

Soulful, i like that dwarf.


Certainly looks better, nice work. Have you tidied this up already?

>> No.6752509

I think this is really cute!! I love your style.
Yeah its definitely fetishy, i don't know your audience so i couldn't say if you should post this one or not

>> No.6752547
File: 77 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2325204504_q3o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an Etsy store along with my website, but when that went away so did the store. This was my last product:a prototype that I could make several products from at once,with color variations. I also designed shirt sothe same illustration was on both front and back,and I could insert new centerpieces into the framing eyes for new products and variations. I will get back into tshirts soon,though. My test project before getting started on retelling the Snowglobe story will be one illustration meant for tshirts. What it will be...I have yet to decide on,but something explosive with action. I need to find a better printer,or at least explore the qualities of printing I can foist the work onto. I have posted a few videos of me drawing in time lapse,and I am setting up a studio space that I can easily record my future work for the channel. If I can make this a Thing,I might have cause to merchandise myself again.

>> No.6752551

Nta, That's not ai. Newfag. Pyw

>> No.6752616
File: 552 KB, 1084x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post sketch :3


>> No.6752624
File: 28 KB, 433x203, Screenshot 2023-07-21 031711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752639
File: 19 KB, 382x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must've spent several arduous seconds editing out the (You) in mspaint huh? you sure got me bud, you did a great job picking the single image that could be mistaken as slop because nothing else there looks like ai.

>> No.6752650

He was just posting his latest pic? the link was just the first google hit for his name, so those are pretty old. I'm not him, but I knew his work back in the conceptart.org days

>> No.6752668

Posing as him is a bit pathetic don't you think? i'll remain extremely skeptical until and if he can prove that was the real artist posting his work, if it really was his work i'll apologize even.
Until then you'll just remain a bitter pajeet.

>> No.6752675
File: 1.64 MB, 2475x1750, page 29_text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6752686

Jace posts here on occasion. He expressed hatred of AI here, specifically lamenting that the popular AI style resembled his work and put it into question.

>> No.6752695

Suresure, i'd love to hear that from Jace himself.
He sure made it hard for any reverse searches to turn up any results.

>> No.6752824
File: 231 KB, 1200x673, process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got really depressed about 4 years ago and deleted all my work. I've been uploading it all to my DA and Artstation.


I couldn't find the lines for the picture above but here is another one with my general process. The sketch and the masks I use to airbrush and control my edges.

>> No.6752870

aight i'm sorry

>> No.6752900

the tracing. not sketch. you traced it.

>> No.6752947

i must admit it'd be extremely funny if he wasted all this time to epicly own a random anon on the mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.6753352
File: 3.31 MB, 1068x1511, D2C02D6D-362C-48D7-A497-34BA1A64C4E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your stuff is sick dude. Goes incredibly hard. Reminds me of PilotRedSun. If you start publishing stuff again is it gonna be the same name? I want to follow you to the ends of the earth
nah, havent worked on perspective stuff before so im just moving along to get all the ""bad"" pics out of the way + posting bc i have retard art blindness and cant usually figure out whats wrong with my stuff without an extra pair of eyes. thx thougj :)

>> No.6753354

>newfags don't know based schizo wakka

>> No.6754409
File: 1.90 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230721_170516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first time I've drawn a realistic portrait

>> No.6754411

(the man on top is too ugly he doesn't count)

>> No.6756041

Hmmmmmmm very lovely