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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.99 MB, 6498x4920, 9d61b1e00111053240cd3a38cb25131f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6726446 No.6726446 [Reply] [Original]

>the clone surpasses the original
bravo shexyo

>> No.6726453

shexyo's entire existence depresses me

why even try when tracing, stealing and using AI gets you way more money and popularity

>> No.6726457

Shexyo you didn’t surpass shit, all you do is trace ai now

>> No.6726462
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 4831927489712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw non-artfag friends keep reposting his shit
coomers genuinely do not care
he is as meaningless and interchangeable as the AI sewage he traces over, if that can help you cope with the uncomfortable idea that some crooks and hacks will always find success before you do, no matter the industry, no matter where

>> No.6726508
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 16268748465416546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coomers genuinely do not care
I kept saying this long before Shexyo but no one was having it.

You could seriously just take any famous pornfag's work and blatantly trace over it while simply changing the fotm anime head.
Sure, you will be found out, but that is only going to be free publicity once the art drama channels pick it up because they have to make content and all the kiddies trying to cancel you while they're actually just virtue signaling on for clout will be even more free publicity.
If it wasn't for the drama, Shexyo would never have gotten that far.
Even CSR didn't actually do anything and simply said;
>"Yeah, i didn't want to say anything because i wasn't sure"
so that should give you an idea about the whole game they might have been playing.

Artists wanted to play this stupid game to desperately become rich and famous and this is what they win.
There will always be someone who won't give a single fuck and do anything to gain an advantage.

It is all artists fault.
They wanted fame and money more than anything else, grifters is what they get.

>> No.6726510

Liking fat people is not a personality, kill yourself out of /ic/.

>> No.6726512

In the end normalfags just don't care.

>> No.6726557

so CSR is basically a cuck.

>> No.6726572

Not really.
Shexyo was obviously stealing his work and CSR only responded with
>"lol idk if he traced i wasnt sure"
once people spammed him to respond to this shit.

The reasonable explanation is that csr doesn't give a shit because he knows that coomers don't give a fuck and as long as he gets his 10k a month for shitting out fotm slop, all is good. I would honestly do the same and avoid involving myself in drama, since it only attracts kiddies and drama whores who don't give you money and hang around just for the drama.

If anything, you should aim to behave exactly like csr.
>Open up a patreon and offer shit people want to pay for
>don't involve yourself in social games
>don't use your profile for personal shit
>if you have to respond to shit, talk the bare minimum
Networking and brown nosing is for hacks
If your shit is good and people want to work with you, they'll reach out to you in a professional manner and not with fake compliments and hollow praise on your pictures
If someone steals your shit, don't let it bother you unless they're affecting your earnings, even then, if you're big enough that people start copying you, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.6726576

>Networking and brown nosing is for hacks
What a weird way to say just post coom

>> No.6726589

I don't like fat people, but you are a fucking mongoloid. Of course it's not a personality, it's a personal preference.
Stop thinking taste is objective.

>> No.6726591
File: 137 KB, 1170x1169, 163348426465237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how people here are.
If you don't explain it to them like their complete autists, they'll get angry that they still won't know how to pet the dog.

>> No.6726650

So anon, what's stopping you from doing what Shexyo did to make it where he's at?

Serious question by the way.

What. Is. Stopping. You?

You only feel the way you do because you were most likely brought up by and raised on ethics and morals by your parents and school teachers growing up. That "cheaters never prosper" according to them. However, if it was true that cheaters never prosper, then how does one explain Shexyo blatantly copying CuteSexyRobutts every step of the way until the former was big enough to make it on their own? How does one explain all the photos Ilya Kushinov traced over to game the algorithm and make a name for himself amongst normies? The truth is anon is that if morals and ethics actually mattered in life, then only good honest people of great moral virtue would be living the easy life month after month year after year. You should realize just how much bullshit your parents and teachers indoctrinated into your mind if you haven't done so already and that in the real world, there's no such thing as "the right way" or "the wrong way". Artists like Shexyo, Ilya Kushinov, and way more popular artists then you would think don't play by the rules normies and /ic/ crabs alike insist upon for they know there's no such thing as "cheating", there are only results. Now tell me, are you going to keep wallowing in the mud over big time artists like Shexyo not playing fair when it comes to stacking money and social media followers or are you going to acknowledge that the "rules" of life can be bent if not outright broken or ignored altogether when it comes to getting what you want. The months will keep changing regardless anon, but will you?

>> No.6726663

Why are people saying he's tracing and using AI? I actually think both styles look good.

What is everyone mad about? Is this some Twitter shit?

>> No.6726665


You all mentally ill.

>> No.6726697

CSR is still better.

>> No.6726715

Have you ever considered that people maybe don't want to be full blown sociopaths?
I mean, let's play slippery slope;
If rules oughta be broken and cheaters wins, what would stop an unhinged psycho like me from sabotaging your online presence and getting all your accounts banned because i simply didn't like you and i thought that by getting rid of you i could get all your followers and patreon money?
What would stop an unhinged sociopath like me from manipulating people into harassing other artists i do not like?
Why should i respect your existence, you fucking inferior cattle?
What would stop someone from just showing up at your house and setting you on fire because your work gets more likes than mine?

My point is, that if you start openly enabling cheating and memeing it as
>lol lmao just do it what is stopping you?
you will open up pandora's box and unleash horrors beyond your comprehension.

Irrya and Shexyo are known to be hacks, and the few bucks they get doesn't make their reputation better. They will never get any real meaningful work and no matter how much money they make or how many followers they have, they will be forgotten once they're out of sight.

>> No.6726716
File: 96 KB, 850x1133, __kaho_blue_archive_drawn_by_shexyo__sample-8fd8fac53020198eb429d3060f9bb8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's /ic/ trying very hard to be contrarian and go "noooo you're not supposed to like that, only normies like that" and "you're not supposed to draw like that, you're supposed to draw like THIS" from the board that USED to say "no rules only tools"

>> No.6726773

im pretty sure hes bleeding patreons last time i checked, ppl actually want human made art, not aislop, i never found his faces or rendering attractive, all the ther csrclones were better

>> No.6726777

who is making these threads on every board every time, the cumtamination asstroturfing is a serious problem shut the fuck up about the people drawing zeldas ass they are already filthy rich i dont understand

>> No.6726787

>is a serious problem shut the fuck up about the people drawing zeldas ass they are already filthy rich i dont understand
Yeah, same, it isn`t art, as simple. Sexualizing everything isn`t art it`s filth.

>> No.6726800

Cutesexyrobbuts is still better.

>> No.6726804

>coomers genuinely do not care
>he is as meaningless and interchangeable as the AI sewage he traces over, if that can help you cope with the uncomfortable idea that some crooks and hacks will always find success before you do, no matter the industry, no matter where
>>coomers genuinely do not care
>I kept saying this long before Shexyo but no one was having it.
I jack off a lot, and I care about the art quality and aesthetics of my porn. Am I an exception?

>> No.6726806

>Am I an exception?
Yes, from a church of god. Disgusting, ewwwwwwww... No, for real.

>> No.6726809

>Lived long enough to see 4chan become their own puritan christian dad

>> No.6726814

Enough is enough son.

>> No.6726827

I don't agree with your subjective opinion spouted as if it were an objective one.
Such is life. Get over it.

>> No.6726838

>Get over it.
You do you.
But it just isn`t art.

>> No.6726842

No you're not alone in thinking like this and I'm sure there is a market for it so long as you can regularly upload your work somewhere.
I wouldn't worry too much about the tracers, hacks and AI grifters so long as you aim to improve your work and find enjoyment in it.
I would much rather push my own creative limits and at the end of the day like my own work than churn out half assed pin-ups that I don't even like to fulfill some sort of quota.

>> No.6726846

Again; I disagree with your subjective opinion although you're entitled to it.

>> No.6726852

>Am I an exception?
How the fuck is that even relevant but depends on what you consider quality porn and if you can even elaborate of why it should be considered such.
Many people claim to have refined taste but jack off to the most bland, normie tier shit imaginable like csr and all his clones or sakimi-chan and all her clones or to extreme fetishes.

Shit like csr does bank because it appeals to normies and also coomers, because they have no standards and will basically jerk off to anything.
Ain't subjective.
Porn isn't art.
Now shut your bait up, retard.

>> No.6726870

Yeah, you are. When I said coomer I meant the vast majority of them. Even if good smut does exist and there are people who appreciate it, theres a reason the standards for porn are so low.

>> No.6726952

Well Shexyo did trace and also use AI at different points.

It's just that
-He kept doing art after he stopped tracing.
-Decent gap of time between the tracing accusations and the AI
-The person he traced from didn't even care much himself.
-He doesn't use AI constantly.

and finally, most of his audience isn't gonna care or notice. They just like looking at hot pictures.

>> No.6727107

>He kept doing art after he stopped tracing.
>stopped tracing
>He doesn't use AI constantly
tracing is not a tool and you learn next to nothing from it. this hack draws as much as a secretary does creative writing.

>> No.6727115

>generate AI
>past on canvas
>lower opacity and color pick the shit out of the generated picture
>trace it
>omg I'm an artist!

>> No.6727124

what are artists you would consider good?

>> No.6727133

>Why are people saying he's tracing and using AI?
Because he's notorious for tracing other artists. Why would a person like that have any problem using AI?

>> No.6727142

Sakimichan has some nice stuff but most of it is pinups that dont appeal to me (I like pinups but not really the way sakimi does them).

I like CSR because of the art style, things like the brush stroke and shading.Sure they have normie appeal, but they are definitely very skilled. Though I swear, most of what they draw is softcore..

I'm not sure what quality is, but i am more sure about what i dont consider quality. (though this is subjective too).
I dislike bad shading. It doesn't have to be realistic, but it shouldn't look like weird plastic. I don't know how how people tolerate those shitty

The thing about art and porn is that a lot of drawn stuff is just figures on a blank bacground. so theres only so much you can comment on sometimes in terms of composition.
I'm not really into exaggerated stuff, though i do have fetishes.

>> No.6727164
File: 355 KB, 905x1180, Fl7_p9KaAAE07kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't have been more vague and bland.
this guy as one example
>original characters and interesting designs
>dynamic compositions
>appealing and sexy characters without having them perform graphic acts

>> No.6727169

I feel like I recognize this artist

>> No.6727236

Artist? Too retarded to read the signature.

>> No.6727238
File: 663 KB, 900x1038, 977aa8906c52fd7a31a525aa27d937a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6727255

Thanks! Will be good for some style studies.

>> No.6727610

This is why realism killed art. It was the first and only real reason AI was forced into art spaces.

>> No.6727617

CSR is objectively better, I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6727619

CSR is tasteful, well-rendered breasts. CSR's artwork is enjoyed by those of aryan heritage and patrician pedigree. Sarkic coomers prefer Shexyo.

>> No.6727647

Everything you just said easily would have be anti white and actively asking for the world to be ran by mutts

>> No.6727649

Look at the fucking eyes, dude.

>> No.6728034

I second this

>> No.6728039

>Shexyo was obviously stealing his work and CSR only responded with
>>"lol idk if he traced i wasnt sure"
Why are you making shit up?
CSR posted examples of his art with Shexyo's tracings overlayed on top + some color examples picked from other artworks of his.

I know that CSR doesn't give a fuck about internet drama, but in this case he actually called Shexyo out.

>> No.6728494

I think my ideal for pornography would be to have something that is aesthetically pleasing to you even after post-nut clarity hits.

It doesn't need to be a master-piece, but if something is too graphic/hardcore some people feel nasty afterwards.
A lot of drawn porn seems like it takes it's queues from real life pornography, so you get stuff like horse faces, black tears, lipstick smearing. Sometimes it gets to the point where it feels like it's more aggression than raw passion.

>> No.6728504

An example of something that's good art but you might feel gross after post nut clarity hits is sparrow's stuff.
Sadly i can't find a good example of what I like to post. my downloads folder is too jumbled. It's porn mixed with SFW art I like and memes.

>> No.6728527

Whenever people praise CSR I genuinely feel like I'm momentarily transferred to an alternate reality, how the fuck can people ignore the bad anatomy, the muddy colors, the absolutely atrocious brushwork or the inconsistent face proportions?

>> No.6728532

If you have a download folder of porn. You are exactly the brainless coomer being discussed

>> No.6728545

I don’t like the art either, but the point of the style is to be recognizable, and everything you listed is a part of what led to their success. CSR is successful because you can recognize a CSR drawing from a mile away.

>> No.6728546

nah, only like 5-10% is porn. I just have it mixed in there with everything else.

>> No.6728551

>, the muddy colors, the absolutely atrocious brushwork
This is what makes his art distinct.

>> No.6728668


Why even bother with AI when you can just trace?

>> No.6728704

>If someone steals your shit, don't let it bother you
Brown hands typed this

>> No.6728731

the left looks a lot better than the right. like it's not even comparable.

>> No.6728791

every single post of his is a different style. dude still can't draw and just traces over other artists or ai

>> No.6728836

>completely different lineart,shading and coloring style
>he's a CSR clone...HE JUST IS OKAY?!

>> No.6728849

>be me
>decided to draw
>prompt a pose using AI
>paste it on a layer
>trace the pose
>draw the character you want, be it naked or not.
>upload to twatter and not give a fuck

bros I really dont give a fuck work smart not hard, Coomers dont think at all.

>> No.6728900

>forget the drawing part

>> No.6729005
File: 55 KB, 640x480, d8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using AI
Huh, never thought about it. That explains the drastic artstyle change. Did he feed a bunch of his art and other people's artists to some custom AI model or something? I have no idea how any of that works.

>> No.6729208
File: 90 KB, 558x1300, FisTqOtaEAAaGsW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at this edgyboi
dude literally was caught red-handed scamming his patreons with ai and lost a couple thousand lol
Tracing over the aislop would be more work than what shexyo actually does with aislop lol
>>appealing and sexy characters without having them perform graphic acts
Doesn't matter, woketards will go for your throat anyway because you didn't draw in calarts style lmao
>Did he feed a bunch of his art and other people's artists
Partly and partly the "base" datasheets that contain hundreds of millions of assets, which explains why so much aislop outputs look so samey now.

>> No.6729213

>which explains why so much aislop outputs look so samey now
Yeah a ton of AI stuff has that same "oily-matte" look to it

>> No.6729713
File: 101 KB, 450x443, 1686481929833963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shexyo has got to be THE most soulless hack I have ever witnessed. I went scrolling through his work at some point and I could physically feel the light and life being drained from my body. How could anybody fap to this? How could anybody PAY for this? It's not like consoomies in the coom art space don't have any exposure to artists and artwork that's betyer than this robotic bugman husk by actual lightyears, and it's not like they're starved for content like a nich fetishist would be. I simply don't understand how someone who makes such aggressively bland, mediocre, flavorless slop in a space that's already brimming with competitors could be in any way successful. Even Sakimichan who mainly just phones it in anymore has some modicum of style and soul in her work, no matter how small, and she was kind of a pioneer in her field so to speak so it makes sense she still has a following. But Shexyo? THIS cipher, this nothing, this living void of a person? How? It absolutely defies comprehension.

>> No.6729874

>dude literally was caught red-handed scamming his patreons with ai and lost a couple thousand lol
Bruh, he didn't lost shit. The thing with paypigs is that they don't care as long as it gets their cocks hard, a lot of them are already throwing their money at outright AI generated Patreons and Fanboxes.

>> No.6729899

>Doesn't matter, woketards will go for your throat anyway because you didn't draw in calarts style lmao
??? A lot of SJW types like porn, they style doesn't matter. (A lot don't but that's another thing, tumblrite infighting is inane).

>> No.6729914
File: 336 KB, 2120x1618, CSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the clone surpasses the original
Yeah... I dunno about that one, chief. Shexyo still has less patrons and refuses to show his monthly earnings despite having a more frequent output than CSR. He also has a quarter million less followers on Twitter.

>> No.6730258

WEll the fact that he's anyware close to csr, that tells you about the poor taste or willingness to tolerate traced/ai art that most people have

>> No.6730265

he didn't surpass shit, not sure what op is on about.

>> No.6731298

Shexyo's average price is twice as high as CSR and at the end of the month he hovers around 1700 patrons these days, so he's earning at least 50% more than CSR.

>> No.6731328

>So anon, what's stopping you from doing what Shexyo did to make it where he's at?
dignity? also, other than the money, what kind of achievement is this, what kind of "making it"?

>> No.6731330

>Shexyo's average price
how do you know this figure?

>> No.6731331


>> No.6731349

>Partly and partly the "base" datasheets
Of course he would be too lazy to set up a custom model

>> No.6731356

He made it up
I also don't know why people even give a shit about this.

>> No.6731407

it's always annoying to see people succeeding through laziness and or trickery

>> No.6731413

Considering a good chunk of this board would defend the “no rules just tools”and see shexyo as their role model…

>> No.6731420

Why do you care about someone else's success? Focus on your own life.

>> No.6731427

take your own advice, retard

>> No.6731462

are you dumb? we all live in the same world. If someone who's shitty gets rewarded, it means you live in a world where being shitty gets rewarded.

>> No.6731499

You're just annoyed that YOU aren't the person making big money by plagiarizing another popular artist's work month after month and getting away with it on top of that.

People always talk about how "cheaters never prosper" and always virtue signal these days whenever somebody with social media clout gets caught "cheating", but in reality, they are just butthurt they didn't think of it first. They are really only lashing out because their societal programming from an early age tells them that "hard work" and "being fair and honest" is what will get them from point A to B the fastest when that's blatantly not true. Having ethics and playing by the rules gets you from point A to point B the slowest.

>> No.6731506

I see nothing morally wrong with tracing or using AI art, as long as you are very clear about it.

>> No.6731523

cool, so go do something and be equally shitty instead of sitting there crying about someone else being more successful than you.

>> No.6731566

you are one dumb fuck.

>> No.6731576

hello tourist
I was just explaining why he gets such reactions
now that's projection, is he your secret crush? and no, regardless of success he is a lousy artist, not everything is about money/grifting.

>> No.6731580

bros I just wanna make 1000$ a month and not have to wageslave..

>> No.6731589

>noooo, I wanna cry on an anonymous image board that someone else is successful, that is definitely the best thing for my life!

>> No.6731738

What's the difference between tracing over AI and just using CSP 3D poser

Exactly, there's none.

Now shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.6731764
File: 147 KB, 826x506, 15709011543211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah honesty and ethics are fucking cringe ur just jelly u didnt do it
btw we are all seething and mad coping
you got us good
let us all like and subscribe to your social media
epic and based

>> No.6731777

you don't even draw poltard

>> No.6731778

with a 3D model you have to actually pose it yourself, decide the angle, composition and draw everything else on top of the model while probably still modifying it greatly. AI image generators make all of this themselves with no artistic intent, and supposedly shexyo traces over everything, eyes, hair, expression, lighting etc, you can't really compare it, but I suppose you were just baiting so whatever.

>> No.6731781
File: 130 KB, 530x554, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no am i going to post my work and you're going to put it in the AI and then you can go
>"lol lmao checkmate look at this r u mad now r u mad ur seething schizo beg u suck cope"
and then you don't have to hang yourself today?

>> No.6731783

If I have a 3D poser + a reference then it's exactly the same as tracing over AI generated art.

Like, you're just mad because some people have come to terms with that and are using those tools, but it's really the same thing. There's little creativity when you're heavily using references as well, then AI/3D tracing is just better copying.

>> No.6731784

Oh you're the stick schizo nvm
you're the worst NGMI of this board

>> No.6731786
File: 1.14 MB, 1008x1296, 1686963413234274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession, Tranny.
Not that you could even win anyway.
Now go commit suicide, godspeed

>> No.6731848

>then it's exactly the same
except it isn't

>> No.6731860

It is anon

having a 3D body that you just color over while looking at a reference is just like tracing. Yeah, it's actually even inferior tracing. What's the big deal? Just accept it and move on. Unless you're using multiple references into a new drawing then it's all the same.

>> No.6731901

>$9000 a month
Jesus Christ, really?
Who is paying these people? Is the content really worth it?
Is this some kind of criminal money laundering scheme?

>> No.6731909

>Is this some kind of criminal money laundering scheme?
Watch out, buddy, someone is going to call you a jealous crab if you keep questioning that.

>> No.6731941

It's not 1 person paying 9000 dollars a month.
It's thousands of people each giving 5 dollars or so.

It's not money laundering, its just coomers.
It'd be pretty hard to verify that many fake accounts on patreon, and it wouldn't be worht it for that low amount of cash to be laundered.

>> No.6731945
File: 129 KB, 728x694, 168645465646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wouldn't be worht it for that low amount of cash to be laundered.
The government and anyone with a functioning brain would disagree with you

>> No.6732028

it isn't, you're using mental gymnastics and simplification

>> No.6732030
File: 99 KB, 500x644, cheetah laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon assumes that Shexyo is running a "money laundering scheme" because of how much money they rake in per month as a popular in-demand coomer artist
Holy shit anon, that made me laugh! I know its hard for an imbecile like you to believe, but all those 5, 10, 15 and 20 dollar and above monthly payment plans do add up in the long term the more patrons you have subscribed to your content.

>> No.6732040

>he is as meaningless and interchangeable as the AI sewage he traces over

lmao he doesn't even traces AI, he outright uses a modified output.

>> No.6732079
File: 99 KB, 785x911, what have they to hide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paywalled content gets spammed everywhere the instant it hits
>coomers who know all the porn sites know they'll get the new content for free
>"that's why lots of people pay to have access to that content"
>"in-demand coomer artist"
>there is literally a coomer artist coming out every day
>literally every coomer artist seems to be "in demand"
>don't matter the quality EVERY SINGLE COOMER artist gets money
>there is basically no trace of any sort of competition over customers ever
>inb4 but that's just how in demand coom is
It don't add up
>inb4 its to support the artist
That's a cop out.
A reasonable person, who knows will get free shit, won't throw money away to have access to the shit he can get for free.
Any normie won't throw money at someone that earns enough since he will be getting that shit for free as well.

It seems to be mostly a small group of people subscribing to every single coomer artist and making multiple accounts linked with multiple bank accounts.
Ask pornfags and how many return commissioners they get and the same commissioner commissions a plethora of other pornfags to draw their autistic ocs.

Why do we get coomers in drawthreads all across the boards, trying to get as many free comms they can, if they have the money to waste on this shit?

Call me a schizo terminally online beg you're just jealous that they earn more money than you albino nazi pol jew to avoid actually engaging idc but i do observe the shit that goes on

It's always strange that whenever this shit gets brought up people are eager to insult the one saying this shit instead of entertaining the possibility... but oh, my bad, e-celebrity can do no wrong, no sir.
Why would someone famous play dirty games?
Like lmao minecraft youtubers would never abuse their young audience to make them buy merch or groom them.
E-celebrity good.

>> No.6732125

>paywalled content gets spammed everywhere the instant it hits
So what? Free exposure helps line artists pockets month after month provided they have a Patreon, SubscribeStarAdult, or Pixiv Fanbox. It's not unreasonable to assume some people who discover a new artist on exhentai or on Kemono may then decide to financially support them from there via the aforementioned subscription service sites.

>don't matter the quality EVERY SINGLE COOMER artist gets money
Yes, who knew taste is subjective and who knew some coomers are willing to pay as little as five dollars a month for exclusive paywalled coom art from their favorite porn artists?

>A reasonable person, who knows will get free shit, won't throw money away to have access to the shit he can get for free. Any normie won't throw money at someone that earns enough since he will be getting that shit for free as well.

You overestimate how many normies are aware of scraping sites like Kemono or ExHentai. Even then, some people who discover new artists through piracy sites may like an artist well enough to support or commission them. Try again.

>It seems to be mostly a small group of people subscribing to every single coomer artist and making multiple accounts linked with multiple bank accounts. Ask pornfags and how many return commissioners they get and the same commissioner commissions a plethora of other pornfags to draw their autistic ocs.

Okay, now we are getting into conspiracy theory la-la land here...First, people are allowed to subscribe to and support multiple artists, so nothing out of the ordinary there. Second, some people have a lot more disposable income than others which logically explains what I just talked about and also why some artists have a repeat commissioner month after month. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Third, you are overthinking things way too much by assuming that some patrons are samefagging under different aliases and bank accounts. Goodbye.

>> No.6732135

>"inb4 it's to support the artist"
>"it's strange how whenever this shit gets brought up are eager to insult"
>whole post is; "It's to support the artist you schizo ur wrong because i say so OMG LIKE stop questioning it"
How you responded makes me question it even more.

>> No.6732245

It's distinctly shit

>> No.6732302

It takes an unique form of lacking awareness to post that and pretend in any way it's an own.

>> No.6732312

>e didn't lost shit
Whatever helps you cope, anon.
>A lot of SJW types like porn
Only if it "makes yT c¡ZhEt gAmErZ squirm" or some bullshit like that

>> No.6732316

To play devils advocate it can be 2 things
>Paying for porn is similar to tipping people want to be good Samaritans
>People are too retarded to pirate stuff.
It's mostly the ladder, think about it. There are millions of retards with streaming subscriptions when shit can easily be pirated now more than ever.

>> No.6732323
File: 56 KB, 366x310, be gone mud person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on an anonymoose forum is all about "owning" other people
>not one of them ever won against me and all they could post is the same tired parroted twitter buzzword snark
I always thought you fags were pathetic, but now you came right out and admitted it.

>> No.6732324

Ok, what's the effort cost in creating and managing the 1000+ paypal accounts needed to launder the 9000 dollars per month? Is that practical? Wouldn't it just be easier to pay taxes at that point.

Think about this for a second. What you are suggesting makes no sense.

>> No.6732330
File: 18 KB, 718x102, fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jewish lawyer has advised me not to reveal any specific proceedings.
But it's pretty cheap if you move money from and to the 3rd world over the internet.
>1000+ paypal accounts
Oh, you silly goose.

>> No.6732336

Ok, tell me how easy would it be to make 1000+ of those accounts?
Credit cards take even more effort than paypal. No one smart enough to pull it off would risk that much jail time for that little moeny.

>> No.6732342

>tell me how to do crime
>no one would ever do crime for money risking jail time
>because they're smart
Wall street people must be retarded as fuck.

>> No.6732359

Are you genuinely fucking retarded?

>> No.6732362

Why? Because i'm not telling you step for step how to do illegal stuff because you can't conceive the concept yourself and any actually smart adult would have already understood?
Are you underage?

>> No.6732373

There is a difference between risking a few years jail time for tens of millions of dollars and risking life in prison for 9000 dollars.

>> No.6732378
File: 71 KB, 456x683, 165654654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ain't getting life for millions, you ain't getting life for 9k, retard.
Nice bait tho

>> No.6732383

Ok, explain to me which would be easier and more effective for money laundering amounts of 10 grand?

>Convert money to monero and launder it totally anonymously.

>Having to steal or fake personal info or steal account information for thousands of web accounts.
>Leave a massive fucking paper trail in the form of said several thousand patreon accounts and paypal/creditcard/payment service accounts.
>just to launder 9 grand.
>This is also a crime, violating the precept of commit only a single crime at a time.

>> No.6732387

Anon, how many countries exist outside of the US? You learned it in school that countries outside the US exist right?

>> No.6732388

Quick example:
maximum jail time of insider trading is 20 years. But in practice it can be less, martha stewart got 5 months.

Maximum jail time for identity theft is like 5-10 years per offense. And you'd be committing Thousands of offenses in process.

Keep in mind the millionaire can get a much better lawyer than the broke guy.

>> No.6732392

Explain to me how thats easier than just using monero?

>> No.6732393

Anon, why would someone have a shell company outside of the country they make business/money in?

>> No.6732402

We aren't talking about a shell company.

We are talking about you accusing artists of laundering cash through patreon.
You aren't explaining how making thousands of patreon and payment platform accounts is easier, safer, and more convienient than just using monero.

>> No.6732418

I'm not either, but it seems you're not smart enough to figure shit out.
>why aren't they using krypto
Who says they aren't using it in the whole process?
Who says the patreon shit is the end station?
>We are talking about you accusing artists of laundering cash through patreon.
Wasn't i schizo theorizing though? Now i'm accusing? Isn't the whole thing about free speech that we're allowed to have a free exchange of ideas?

Anon, i don't think you're mature enough to have conversations.

>> No.6732426

Using monero negates the need for any of that other stuff.

>> No.6732428

You really don't know what money laundering is, do you?

>> No.6732429

>Wasn't i schizo theorizing though? Now i'm accusing?
THis is nitpicking. And you've spent a great deal of time arguing that its money laundering
>Isn't the whole thing about free speech that we're allowed to have a free exchange of ideas?
I haven't stopped you from saying shit.

>> No.6732439

What's wrong with what I said?

>> No.6732442

sure is art

>> No.6732443

>i haven't stopped you from saying shit
But you also don't answer my questions intelligently but move the goal post.

I dunno man, seems pretty suspicious to me as to why someone would be this unreasonable just to prove me wrong at all costs instead of having an actual conversation.
The other explanation is that you're ignorant or a child.

All i'm saying that the whole numbers are pretty fucking weird and attributing it simply to
>coomers gotta coom
Is the most brain dead way to just brush off anything.
If you don't care, why argue? Why come to a message board just to do something that comes off as damage control?
If you're not guilty because you're le epic pornographer who earns a living with patreon, then you have nothing to worry about about people just entertaining the idea of patreon artists being mules for washing money.
You're not thinking about every imaginable variable.

>> No.6732450
File: 112 KB, 707x596, twitch ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitch streamers were found out to be money mules getting money through live donations ranging from a few bucks adding up to thousands in a day
>they managed to wash lots of money
>only got caught because their shit was very obvious and not thought out
>patreon accounts getting thousands of bucks a month can't be suspected of this because they're famous and have big numbers and coomers gotta coom
If i were smart, i would hide in plain sight
Who is going to question me if i am rich and famous, amirite?

>> No.6732456
File: 27 KB, 649x134, 10 gorillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is going to question me if i am rich and famous, amirite?
Yeah, and when it gets out i'll just say:
>"I didn't know about this lol pls like and donate to my patreon"

>> No.6732470

btw pornpen.ai is definitely all bots and money laundering because ai bad
all the other artists is impossible and you're just a seething blazing schizo if you say so

>> No.6732487


>> No.6732750

That's entirely different
Twitch allows you to donate large ammounts of at once. You wouldn't need that many accounts.

Patreon Doesn't allow you to do that, there's a set limit per month, the logistics are entirely different.

>> No.6732756

>btw pornpen.ai is definitely all bots and money laundering because ai bad

Nope, its coomers too. Especially braindead ones.

>> No.6732803
File: 277 KB, 1600x1600, dilemma-prisoners-participants-game-theory-communication-strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A reasonable person, who knows will get free shit, won't throw money away to have access to the shit he can get for free. Any normie won't throw money at someone that earns enough since he will be getting that shit for free as well.

Hi anon it's time for you to learn how prisoner's dilemma economics works and has worked for like 25 years now.

If everyone pirated a game, the studio would go out of business, and there wouldn't be the game anymore, there wouldn't be more, and others would be discouraged from making them.

If everyone watched SsethTzeentach's videos for free and nobody donated to the patreon, he would stop making videos, even though the "reasonable" action here is to watch it for free.

If everyone pirated squid game, or whatever new netflix show came out, the studio wouldn't have the money to fund the next project, or might not even have started the project.

This is the case for almost every "payment optional" or piracy-dependent thing ever whether it's patreon, superchats, vtubers, zero punctuation, anything.

And now to patreon: If everyone just pirated everything shexyo made and didnt give them money, shexyo would just not make anything, they would stop.

And you can say "well, I won't pay because someone else will", but if everyone else thought the same there wouldn't be anything to pirate.

This is why the correct thing to do is to donate at least occasionally to the things you really really like, if you can afford it.

>> No.6732885
File: 54 KB, 500x516, give the billion dollar company more money to support the billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patreon Doesn't allow you to do that
You can set your own tiers and how much you get.
No sane company would limit what people can earn.
Can't compare.
The poor countries which make up a majority of consumers do nothing but pirate content for various reasons.
>If everyone pirated whatever new netflix show the studio wouldn't have the money to fund the next project
One pays for the netflix sub, not for specific content but to have access to a library. Some people who have a netflix sub, don't necessarily mean they did when they did to watch or support squid game.
Netflix is the one who manages funds. The customer have no say in what gets funded or not.
How netflix even operates would need another whole ass thread altogether.
>videogames wouldn't be made if everyone pirated
Yes, but also you can't compare it to pictures of naked fotm anime grills. The drive to buy games is not to "support the developer", but safely 80% of the time it's because the consumers wants the product or in the case of live services, the consumer gets something in return for paying.

Anyway your argument is
>if no one paid, no one would do
Which isn't completely correct based on that we get an endless stream of new content and creators eager to gain attention on their work in hopes to earn with it thanks to social media.

Most normies couldn't give two shits about whether someone can make content, especially bland or kitschy content in an already oversaturated field.
>the correct thing to do is to donate
No, it is not the "correct thing", because no one owes anyone anything.
You offer product, i pay for product.
Can get product for free? I keep money.
You want to donate to creators? You do you, but don't preach to me about donating or else no content.
When no content, not my problem, i seek other content.
This is the average consumer mindset.

Anon, even live streamer donations are done in a transactional manner.

>> No.6732937

>The drive to buy games is not to "support the developer", but safely 80% of the time it's because the consumers wants the product

Do you honestly think that if you told the average steam user "Hey, did you know you can pirate videogames and get them FOR FREE?" their response would be "damn I didnt know that at all guess I wont buy games anymore other than live service games"?

Like, unironically, for this to be true you would have to have millions and millions of people on steam that have never, ever heard of ThePirateBay or of warez or IGG games or anything AT ALL, like never even heard about the sheer CONCEPT of piracy or what DRM is or even denuvo for decades, it's almost impossible, people buy because it's the "proper" way to both get the game AND support the dev and anything else borders on unethical and destructive (if you can't afford it for any reason it's ok).

Like, I actually want to know, what percentage of people who buy things do you think are completely unaware of piracy and have never heard of it at all? Because I would bet it's maybe 5-10%

>> No.6732941

nta, but the vast majority of people that purchase games know about piracy of games or on how to do it. They don't even bother because they have better things to do or it's morally wrong. If someone likes the product, they would buy more in the future so companies' can produce more of it.

>> No.6732962

>You can set your own tiers and how much you get.
>No sane company would limit what people can earn.
Yes, but you can't make multiple tips that easily unlike with twitch.
There are sites that would let you just donate a shit ton of cash at once, but Patreon isn't that. It's a subscript based thing.
Ko-fi lets you do both though.

>> No.6732966

>Hi anon it's time for you to learn how prisoner's dilemma economics works and has worked for like 25 years now.
>If everyone pirated a game, the studio would go out of business, and there wouldn't be the game anymore, there wouldn't be more, and others would be discouraged from making them.
>If everyone watched SsethTzeentach's videos for free and nobody donated to the patreon, he would stop making videos, even though the "reasonable" action here is to watch it for free.
>If everyone pirated squid game, or whatever new netflix show came out, the studio wouldn't have the money to fund the next project, or might not even have started the project.
>This is the case for almost every "payment optional" or piracy-dependent thing ever whether it's patreon, superchats, vtubers, zero punctuation, anything.
>And now to patreon: If everyone just pirated everything shexyo made and didnt give them money, shexyo would just not make anything, they would stop.
>And you can say "well, I won't pay because someone else will", but if everyone else thought the same there wouldn't be anything to pirate.
>This is why the correct thing to do is to donate at least occasionally to the things you really really like, if you can afford it.

This isn't just the prisonners dilemma, it comes up elsewhere as well. (many ideas reocurr in philosophy) It's called stuff like the tragedy of the commons, and it's discussed in various ethical systems.

For instance, Kant's deontology asks the question of whether a behavior can be done universally. If everyone acted a certain way, would that behavior cease to be possible (or if it would cause other big issues)? Like with your example of how if everyone pirated, there wouldn't be content to pirate. (To be clear kant's system has its flaws and issues, but thats another thing).

>> No.6732976
File: 38 KB, 680x679, 1294548959462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better; did you know you can also refund digital games you bought or resell physical copies?
You can't even imagine how many normies resell their physical games after playing through it in just a couple weeks after release.
In a way, they are making the devs sell less copies of a game.
All of these people don't go buying games with the mindset;
>"wow i need to buy the game to support the company before even playing the game"
No one but autistic children and unironical schizophrenics think like that who believe everyone should dump money into open beta games because
>"the devs will make the game better"
People buy the product for the sake of consuming the product. If the product ain't worth it; you ain't getting my money.

Live services you have no choice, but the paying customer pool is smaller, hence there is the term Whale; which are a small minority of players financing the live service games by spending ungodly amounts of money.

>pirating is bad
>unless you can't afford it then its ok
>what percentage of people who buy things do you think are completely unaware of piracy
"If someone likes the product, they would buy more in the future so companies' can produce more of it."

>> No.6733002

>inb4 the same can be applied to fotm anime pictures or art in general

>> No.6733014

I would be really curious to hear how many people (you) think refund games on steam or resell their games, considering steam disallows refunds after 2 hours of gameplay and reselling is generally a massive loss of value, you buy a game for 60 and resell it for 20, if that.

Like, what percentage of people buy a game to play it for 1 hour and 55 minutes to refund it and have already had their fun, and what percentage buy a game going "I can resell it later so it's essentially free(or heavily discounted) lol"? Cuz I would bet those are both sub 5% (sub 1% on the steam refund part).

Like, just face it bro, people buy things and spend money because they want to be ethical and to support the devs so they can see more, it's not this huge blind spot where nobody knows about piracy(which you dodged giving a number on entirely btw), everyone is refunding all their games, and there's this huge aftermarket for games, you're just on cope mode because you want to steal and are surprised other people don't want to for reasons you've probably never heard before.

>> No.6733037
File: 329 KB, 435x479, wow such amazing game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me make another related example:
>Atomic Heart
This game got pushed constantly before release.
Social media and reddit were spammed with this "game" and how everyone was going to buy it, until after release were no one was talking about the game anymore.
>300k copies
Which is basically nothing.
>steam disallows
Blatant lie.
I regularly got games refunded with more than 4 hours on it.
Less than 2 hours is a guaranteed refund, no questions asked; above that you have to make a convincing claim.
>what %
I don't know.
>resell their games
Every single normie.
>you buy a game for 60 and resell it for 20
If the game is still up for 60, you only need to sell it for 50.
>like bro ur just coping [insert strawman here] u just want 2 steal lol lmao checkmate
You know that by pretending to argue by saying retarded bad faith elementary school shit like this you only aid your opposition?

>> No.6733043

Why would they push a game which the whole marketing's main focus being the coom bait when the game was merely your average fps-bioschock clone?
Surely not to get gullible and horny teenagers to be interested in the game?
Surely not to get artists to do free coom of them for clout? No, that can't be right. No one would ever go on the internet and manipulate or groom people into doing specific actions or following certain behavioral patterns, with the reward being positive attention and social media likes.

>> No.6733054

Bro don't even try to act like im the wild one here, you moved the fuck out of the goalposts, you're the one who genuinely tried to argue

>nobody knows about piracy, any reasonable person would pirate, they just dont know it >>6732079
>nobody actually cares about supporting the artist, it's all just really dumb people >>6732079
>Huge numbers of people just refund their games after they're done with them and steam just lets them go ahead with it >>6733037
>People buy games with the expectation that they can resell them so it's way cheaper >>6732976
>If there was no profit incentive people would just make the same stuff >>6732885

You are like actually on another planet, almost nothing you said so far even remotely maps to reality or any understanding of anyone.

>> No.6733066
File: 114 KB, 257x178, 159549684968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to have a conversation
>anons incessantly move the goal post
>"waaaah ur wrong because how about this one? gotcha now"
>respond and at least try to bring the conversation forward
>"waaaaaaaah ur moving the goalpost ur schizo because [insert all the strawmen here] hehe i only deal in absolutes checkmate"
I really don't get it.
What kind of incentive do you have to go out of your way to be this retarded and dishonest?

>> No.6733101
File: 153 KB, 1149x872, 1635496444845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you know what; i'll humor you.

>nobody knows about piracy, any reasonable person would pirate, they just dont know it
Never been said.
Anyone who would have the chance of getting a product for free, would see no reason to pay for it.
If people cared for artists, they would not reupload their content on other sites.
You can't compare games, which take a lot of capital to produce, with lewd art of the fotm.
>nobody actually cares about supporting the artist, it's all just really dumb people
Never been said by me. It was always the opposing argument:
>"hurr durr people just like porn cuz they coomers stop questioning it"
>Huge numbers of people just refund their games after they're done with them and steam just lets them go ahead with it
Never claimed either, but people won't just sit on games they bought and didn't like if they can get a refund to buy other games.
>People buy games with the expectation that they can resell them so it's way cheaper
Never been claimed either. Normies usually resell their games once they're finished with them. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be any used games in circulation. Gamestop would have never existed either.
Why would they keep something they don't use if they can get money for it by reselling it and buy new shit?
This also applies to anything they have.
They do this shit with phones, other appliances and cars, too.
>If there was no profit incentive people would just make the same stuff
No one claimed this either, but... broadly speaking, they all do the same shit?
What most pornographers do is make fotm anime porn or just vanilla porn.
You'd think that at least there would be variety in fetishes and artists, but it's all the same shit except in a slightly different flavor.
>You are like actually on another planet, almost nothing you said so far even remotely maps to reality or any understanding of anyone.
And you live in your own head, since you lack this much common sense. Unironically go outside.

>> No.6733105

you're not going to convince me or anyone when the posts are still up and still all very obviously saying and implying all of that

Like, you can actually scroll up and read them

>> No.6733109

>instant reply
>Like, you can actually scroll up and read them
You can't and don't read though.

Why are you trying to derail the conversation? It only makes my points stronger.

>> No.6733123
File: 425 KB, 1080x1585, Screenshot_20230708_193618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blatant lie.
>I regularly got games refunded with more than 4 hours on it.
Blatant lie, I've tried many tines to refund mu gaymes, afterthe 2 hour mark you don't gst a refund. Refunds on steam imo are just quite shite in general feels more like rng than anything else. Ive had a better experience with google play. Google play.

>300k copies
>Which is basically nothing.
It generated over 30 million dollars in revenue on steam alone. That is over 690k. Not bad for an indie studio from russia. Bad take desu.

>> No.6733164
File: 91 KB, 844x843, wow mommy wow milkers mommy milkers sex so funny haha wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've tried many times
Worked for me.
I always get a refund.
>30 gorillion
"Gross" revenue
Not an argument either.
>avrg play time 11 hours
much like the average IQ of the people paying for this game
Still nothing compared to the huge demographic
>but muh indie studio
It don't matter.

>> No.6735312

You do realize there's at least 1 billion people with access to the intenery, of which, at best, each 1000 patreons (aka literally means 1 million groups of 1000 pateons) all can follow each one of those artists seperate and accurately pay them all in their own groups separately

You act like only 2 people could possibly care about coom. It's 2023, it has never been more accessible and acceptable to be a coombrain today.

>> No.6735332

People are suppose to be paid for the work. Porno makes money from ads, even when you "block" it on pornhub they still get your money just by going there.

The point of patreon isn't to be a gamer poltard, but a real person that supports people with talent. If that's not you then fuck off, you're not the majority. It's not "stupid" to not be a literal nigger criminal.

>> No.6736731

>300k copies Which is basically nothing.
anon... "across various asian markets"

>> No.6737110
File: 608 KB, 1823x462, 1676383108393197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's honestly impressive how little of a fuck both he and his audience gives

>> No.6737153

>If anything, you should aim to behave exactly like csr.
>Open up a patreon and offer shit people want to pay for
>don't involve yourself in social games
>don't use your profile for personal shit
>if you have to respond to shit, talk the bare minimum

I don't get it, isn't this the standard? I'm not even good enough yet but holy shit why would anyone want to bring drama attention to their art account? Just post your shit, who the fuck cares

>> No.6737221

>why would anyone want to bring drama attention to their art account?
Virtue signaling to get the flags in bio and the other artists to follow you and think you're a great person for "ratio'ing" and btfo'ing the ""haters"".
It creates immense engagement due to twitters user base.

When you're above 10k, you start "qrt'ing bad people", so basically anyone that can be made as a scape goat for imaginary and exaggerated crimes against artists.
Someone posts a take on AI that can be twisted into being pro-AI? You accuse them of hating artists.
Someone says anything remotely negative about a piece of art? You call them a hater who hates artists.
And always parrot the same opinions everyone else says.
It's all about getting kiddies to follow you. That is also called grooming, which is doing acts or saying things to emotionally manipulate people into liking you.
Kiddies desperately want validation to cope with their teenage insecurities and the best strategy is to call anyone who makes them feel insecure a "bad person".
Before the 10k you just give short response like cope&seethe or the usual buzzwords you read here constantly.
It's all about making enemies with anyone that can be seen as an enemy by a group, while pretending to be a saint.
Every single big artist knows this shit and they keep circle jerking every time. You can't give them the benefit of the doubt either, because every time they do this shit, their follower counts shoots up and they say and do worse shit than whoever they attack.
This is the actual standard.

Honestly, these people should get severe beatings inflicted upon them every day, but that's just how social media works because they don't have to fear repercussions for their absolutely abhorrent and unironical sociopathic and unhinged behavior.

>> No.6737232

>a lot of them are already throwing their money at outright AI generated Patreons and Fanboxes.
Yea isn't that kinda crazy? That's good though at least that you can still make money from art even after this AI shit. But what makes people decide to pay when catbox links exist? Shit I might get on this and finally have the ability to actually draw all day and post AI slop by night and make an easy 300 a month.

>> No.6737240
File: 156 KB, 980x1200, 162432674646456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't have to fear repercussions for their absolutely abhorrent and unironical sociopathic and unhinged behavior.
>inb4 they're going to get cancelled
By whom? Their own people? Unless they go against the "tribe", which is artists or do some shit that can't be damage controlled like touching kids or saying le nazi word, they will never get cancelled.
It's all fucked.

Remember pic related and how it made artists seethe beyond the sound barrier?

>> No.6737242

did picrel make people seethe? i thought most people found it agreeable

>> No.6737269

>cheating and doing art however the fuck you want equals to harassing people

>> No.6737296

These websites are a meme they say everything is ai

>> No.6737306
File: 300 KB, 1080x1733, Fkykyjrbrjfjrhrbfbfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this shit from January, and I was surprised on how much backlash the artist got. It made me jaded towards the Twitter art community for months.

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who *wasn't* shitting on this comic. I saw popular coom artists with mediocre art say shit like "acktually, not ALL NSFW art gets likes so this comic is completely wrong and the OP is just jealous!"

Hell, one artist jumped on the bandwagon doing the usual shit like how wrong the comic is, etc. Just this week, he posted a tweet, attributing a sketch he made of a Genshin Impact character in a bikini getting more likes than one of his more sfw artworks to "90% RNG".

Twitter artists are retards, man.

>> No.6737315

I think that one's legitimately good, none of my friends who put their art in it had a false positive yet, and stuff I knew was AI already was also correctly identified.

>> No.6737322

Holy shit this thread the amount of schizos and subhumans.

Do people really make conspiracy theories thinking that these artists are laundering money? How fucking poor do you have to be? 9K distributed among say $5 each is literally what..1,800 people? That's literally nothing, like a fucking indie band concert audience.

Plus the amount of butthurt for how some artist is using the tools he wants to make his own art, "muh you have to do things this way... or else!!! I'll get mad"". Ok? You're literally cancer and you will never make it.

jfc every thread filled with stickschizo and poltards is guaranteed to be garbage. Neck yourselves useless subhumans

>> No.6737324

>stickschizo and poltards
kys tranny, don't you have some goyslop marvel movie to watch?

>> No.6737328
File: 128 KB, 581x595, 1681348715274656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twisting words
>calling others schizo
Pretty much spot on how one should go about it on twitter. Good job.
You just say that porn is porn and obviously gets people attraction because it's porn and fags here start having a meltdown calling you a schizo and you're wrong.
Then you say that porn attracts big numbers because people like porn, and you're also a schizo.
Then you say that porn is universally liked and that is why it attracts numbers, and you're a schizo as well.
My point is that ANYTHING that could be perceived as negative by actual schizophrenics, is regarded as a an attack and whoever is offended first wins.
These people should not have access to the internet because they already can't function in society.
If such individuals acted like that irl, they would quickly get excluded from any group, bullied or beaten up.
Anything you say is an attack against them and you must be a jealous schizo crab.
And then they seriously wonder why AIpajeets fuck with them or just people in general don't respect artists.
Oh, but artists are such victims pls laik n follow n donate to my patreon or you must b racist

Nigga, these people make me sick.

>> No.6737331

People will keep doing art however the fuck they like, you have no saying in anything, probably not even in your own life. You're already an unhinged psycho. L

>> No.6737334

beautiful image i feel the gesture

>> No.6737336

Now this is top. This would have gotten mad likes on twitter.

>> No.6737347

Why are you obsessed with twitter?
I'm just calling you mentally ill, because only mentally ill people would try to tell others how to make their own art.

People will keep using AI, people will keep tracing, people will still make NSFW and get x3000 times more engagement and money that you can ever dream of. If that makes you upset, then leave art altogether instead of doing manchild rants like that, because you're fighting an uphill battle.

>> No.6737350

>personal attacks
>more personal attacks
>even more personal attacks
>"u just jelus and schizo ur obsessed"
Bro, i already complimented you on how well you play the twitter game.
How many followers do you have? 150k? Maybe more.

>> No.6737353
File: 928 KB, 399x401, 1687988065122657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL silently accept everything you don't like

>> No.6737359

I'm 18 and autistic and i feel my insecurities going away.
Where can i follow you?

>> No.6737363

based anon
you showed him
liked and subscribed

>> No.6737367

>People will keep using AI, people will keep tracing, people will still make NSFW and get x3000 times more engagement and money that you can ever dream of. If that makes you upset, then leave art altogether instead of doing manchild rants like that, because you're fighting an uphill battle.
Absolutely and irredeemably btfo
Big W

>> No.6737371

Wow like im so tired of these haters telling us artists how to make our art.
They are just jealous of us and the art we make. They are just jealous that they cant make things people like lmao

>> No.6737383

is this a real post or a joke post

>> No.6737396

Cope schizo youre just jealous of us artists.

>> No.6737398

you niggers are still at it arguing about pornfag social media artists on twitter?

>> No.6737399

you could be double false flagging
i don't know what your game is anon
carry on

>> No.6737401

Oh my god why are you so obsessed and jealous that they earn 6 million times more more than you ever will make in your life?

>> No.6737403

i know you are baiting but god i really hate /ic/ nowadays. arguing about retarded ass shit

>> No.6737404

Whatever schizo
You're just jealous that you don't get retweeted.

>> No.6737406

Are you calling me a liar? God, why are you so obsessed with me? Leave me alone, creep.
btw ur just jealous

>> No.6737410
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>> No.6737414
File: 432 KB, 1000x1166, 1601236158989654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me how to make my own art?
OH MY GOD you're unbelievable
You are angry and seething

>> No.6737427

Wow i can't believe you just went out and said it.
How can you even say that the holocaust didn't happen?
Do you hate women that much?
Oh my god you are a literal white supremacist.

>> No.6737429

Wow thanks for the kind word, strangers.
You can follow me @Gay4lyfetransrightsArt

>> No.6737453

Any "custom model" still has a base training set.

>> No.6737457

>It's all about the money!! You're just jealous!
Tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor.

>> No.6737485

>People making porn with Koikatsu make more money, with little effort.

It's not about playing hard, it's about playing smart. You do not know how to play the game anon.

>> No.6737487

if you don't care then why are you mad? Just because they're more famous than you with less effort?

>It's all about the likes and the attention!!
Go jerk off.

>> No.6737499

>don't want to play the game
You niggers still don't get it that no one gives an actual fuck about how many imaginary numbers you have?
The only ones coping and seething are you retards, because some people don't give value to what you deluded yourselves to have value.

Nigga, having followers or money won't save you from getting run over with a card by some random nutcase or dying of natural causes.
It don't make you superior to other people as well.
Gtfo with that psycho mentality.

>> No.6737503

>no one gives a fuck!!!!
>also let me rant for 200 replies about this

if someone doesn't give a fuck it's clearly the coom/AI artists and the like

>> No.6737509

>talk about anything
Nigga, choke on a dick and take a selfie with a shotgun.

>> No.6737541

>I don't get it, isn't this the standard? I'm not even good enough yet but holy shit why would anyone want to bring drama attention to their art account?

You'd be surprised how fucking stupid people are with their accounts.

>I'm going to post art!
>But I'm also going to let you know my opinion about X issue!

Literally, everyone does this.

>> No.6737544

thehive.ai is pretty good

>> No.6737593

Thehive is pretty bad at detecting stuff that didn't use SD. I posted an example here before and everyone called me a pajeet. Other than that it's been pretty good in my experience.

>> No.6737595

it's just plain truth, why do they seethe?

>> No.6737611
File: 51 KB, 664x960, 1683428255277689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to kill anyone who exposes their fragile egos.

>> No.6737626

I have much more respect for artists who draw variety rather than just coom day in, day out.

>> No.6737627

They know, that's why they have to seethe and call you jealous.
They have no value otherwise.

>> No.6737632

who determines value anon

If it's the market, then they're clearly more valuable than you

>> No.6737636

You have to cope on an anonymous forum trying to humiliate someone else because that someone didn't make you feel heckin valid.
You only shows how fucking worthless you are irl.

>> No.6737640

You sure are mad are you

Don't worry anon, I'm sure your hecking anatomically correct drawings will be validated by social media one day!

>> No.6737641

>who determines value
me, I deem you worthless

>> No.6737644

Let me rephrase;
If you have to try to humiliate someone on an anonymous image forum because they said something you didn't like or revealed an uncomfortable truth, what you achieve is showing everyone how truly worthless you are.

Much like this faggot here 6737640
They say these shit because it works on them. They're projecting.

>> No.6737645

the most respected artists aren't the ones drawing coom. note that respect and popularity are different

>> No.6737647

>be worthless
>make worthless posts
checks out

>> No.6737668

But this thread is 200 replies seething about an artist.

Do you even have a bit of self awareness? my god

>> No.6737676
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>> No.6737687
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>> No.6737729
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>> No.6737733

Oversaturation in the coomer industry is an understatement, I wish AI will crash that economy, fuck them all.

>> No.6737736

Strange how no AI prompters had the bright idea of training models on popular nsfw artists and offer patreon services and commissions for a fraction of what artists ask, basically directly competing against them until it isn't worth pursuing for the artist anymore.
If they were to going to get rid of them, they've been doing a bad job.

>> No.6738064

I know this guy, this artist is great but realizing this late into the game that coom is more popular than HD quality stuff is almost comical

>> No.6738087
File: 120 KB, 595x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the funniest shit ever, holy shit, this guy walked right into the most perfect case of this meme and is now going "i-it's just RNG lol"

>> No.6738146

>ai wont get you nowhere
I've been saying you can make easy money from AI and use the free time you get from it to draw for yourself but retards on /ic/ gonna retard

>> No.6738427

This literally looks like an AI, jesus

>> No.6738432

>But what makes people decide to pay when catbox links exist
One guy from /g/ explained that he doesn't want to bother setting up shit, has plenty of disposable income and AI proompters are much faster and less drama-prone than artists, that's it.

>> No.6739271

it's easy to be when you take no risk nor work for what you get.

>> No.6739314

Just saying what someone replied to me, and it kinda made sense from a consumer perspective.

>> No.6739673

>This literally looks like an AI, jesus
It IS AI, zoom in and notice the thousand fuckups

>> No.6739677

The only ego that got hurt there is Conway's

>> No.6739679

yeah low effort at that. did he actually post this?

>> No.6739687

>but now you
Nothing more pathetic than posting aislop and pretend is better than anything the most beglet of the beglets in this board can do lmao

>> No.6739693

Yes but he deleted the tweet. I wonder if it was because of someone calling him out on it https://twitter.com/ShexyoArt/status/157738826391195648

>> No.6739696

>yeah low effort at that. did he actually post this?
Yeah, and went blocking hundreds of users whenever anyone pointed out it was ai

>> No.6739702

lmao, he still using ai, but he's being more subtle about it, since he stopped tracing csr long ago.

>> No.6739729

probably was testing the waters to see if people would still eat it up.
to be frank his "art" is literally ai-tier anyway

>> No.6740114

I think your observation and assertions are reasonable.
And aside maybe from the idea that there are socioeconomic factors creating perverse incentives in addition to individual principle deliberations that you mention it seems quite objective to me.
It's a shame all you get in return are egotaunting fools unable or unwilling to articulate what it is they actually disagree with.

>> No.6740116

>tracing is not a tool and you learn next to nothing from it. this hack draws as much as a secretary does creative writing
well, then I guess the thread is offtopic on /ic/ because /ic/ is about drawing, right?
Not being facetious btw.

>> No.6740140

Board is 90% just minors and desperate fags who are betting everything on art to get rich and famous like the twitter artists "without having to do real work"
Of course they're going to suffer from cognitive dissonance when they read shit that doesn't validate their delusions.
Ultimately, they're all shitting in their own plate, because taking a shit is easier and feels better than keeping the plate clean.

>> No.6740168

I just read that and kinda forgot the point as I was scratching my balls.
So TL:FP - fotm coomb shexym (maybe) is a money laundering scheme?

>> No.6740176

why're you posting that invasion-cheering ziggerfaggot here?
i don't get it, what does the pro-muZcovia poojeet have to do with anything?

>> No.6740188
File: 168 KB, 968x1326, 1689101861932089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final version with Rika and chud

>> No.6740196

I think this conversation is missing one important concept.

Survivorship bias.
Just look at how many people focus on rich onlyfans sluts VS what the median income actually is.
I think that for every creator of coom earning good money there are many more that barely earn anything.

>> No.6740278

Just an honest to god schizo that thinks shexyo and pals are just a money laundering scheme, people don't pirate because they just dont know they can, and everyone just refunds all their games anyway.

Anything to avoid the incredibly obvious reality that people pay for the things they like.

>> No.6740366

>one schizo says a thing
>spend a week insulting the schizo and drowning out any conversation only to bump the thread again to further bait the schizo
I choose to believe anything the schizo says at this point

>> No.6741862

I think the left simple one got more attention because it's simple.
It's not as super detailed, and sometimes the details distract from the coom.