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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 540x317, 1671659064522907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722133 No.6722133 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck we do now

>> No.6722137

What the actual fuck

>> No.6722138

will this finally drive people away from twitter?
probably not

>> No.6722139

get off twitter?

>> No.6722141
File: 17 KB, 339x400, deviantart_mascot_fella_by_andwii_d1u913g-400t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722147

No, they should apologize for driving their own userbase away by making changes none of us asked for.

>> No.6722148

yes, but enough about literally every single media platform in the story of the internet

>> No.6722149

Every platform is hostile to artists.

>> No.6722151

My /x/ sense tells me that this was done on purpose for massive future coverup reasons. Same thing with Reddit’s changes. Things will be happening, and we won’t be allowed to know.

>> No.6722153


>> No.6722158
File: 152 KB, 399x453, 1687796407960728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is literally retarded (assburgers) and is in charge of basically the entire social networking platform of the world.
You can't tell me harambe's curse isn't real when the richest man, on the planet, is an actual, factual, 100%, retard.
I probably have autism and I think highly of myself, but even I know this world is a fucking circus when someone like this is basically in charge of the world and words.

>> No.6722164

He's probably addicted to drugs so his judgement is impaired

>> No.6722169
File: 17 KB, 543x289, 1681797185460866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For context, I'm testing it right now.
After your daily limit is over you can't look at people's pages, your following feed doesn't work, and you can't look hashtags or even your own tweets for that matter.

>> No.6722171

Just say you want more people paying money to you, Elon. The fuck is this workaround bullshit justification.

>> No.6722174
File: 826 KB, 1604x2162, 1688076719398972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean he went on SNL and told the world he has aspergers. But yeah he probably does drugs too.
(Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a developmental disorder. Young people with Asperger's Syndrome have a difficult time relating to others socially and their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive.)
>Is in charge of the #1 social thing in the world

>> No.6722175


>> No.6722176

so uhh since this guy, who runs multiple billion-dollar high-tech companies, is clearly a retard, how many more weeks until twitter is dead and bankrupt? 2 weeks?
how many more "TWITTER DEAD ITS OVER" predictions are there since november?

>> No.6722178

I'd do great things too if I had an emerald mine in africa.

>> No.6722179

lmao, the site is completely fucked. There's no way they keep this changes.

>> No.6722181

Also how's that dogecoin doin'? Hey remember when he said they'll never sell BTC as well? Oh man, oh no no no, lololol, what do you meant he rich retard backtracked on everything?

>> No.6722182

Ai fags unironically ruined Twitter. The only reason he is doing this is because of all the ai companies stealing from everyone kek

>> No.6722185

Considering this makes twitter unusable, this is the “twitter is dead” moment.

>> No.6722186

You can thank AI niggers and their abusive scraping practices for this.

>> No.6722187

He’s doing this to cover for Macron and the French Revolution going on. Twitter is like THE site for getting up to date information on the goings on for events like this.

>> No.6722189

They wouldn't have to scrape if the API was still available.

>> No.6722190

Who cares about Arabs rioting in France?

>> No.6722191

>Something went wrong
What a helpful message. Elon is a moron.

>> No.6722192

sadly this still won't kill twitter

>> No.6722193

For what? DA is still unusual due to AI spam

>> No.6722196

how are you reading 300-600 posts on Twitter every day? some people need to unironically touch grass.

>> No.6722197

im convinced nothing will, social media zombies are sucking water out of shit to stay hydrated

>> No.6722199

damn, you better not scroll down looking for something because then you are fucked

>> No.6722200

>read replies to the musk rate limit thread
>already rate limited after scroolin for 10 mins
It's unironically over now, this isn't le twitter blue elon musk is fueling hate I literally cannot see anything on twitter

>> No.6722202

it counts the ads that are forced on you as "reading a post"
reading here just means loading a post
imagine if you opened one 300 post thread on 4chan and were instantly banned for 24 hours

>> No.6722203

Got suspended 2 weeks ago, I hope the whole company burns

>> No.6722204

Anon, you can “read” 300 tweets in like a minute.

>> No.6722205
File: 5 KB, 553x63, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just posted new art and can't even see it, edit it or delete it if there is anything wrong

it's unironically over.

>> No.6722206

i thought its just when you clicked on a tweet? well maybe this will kill twitter then

>> No.6722207

Wait, it won't even let you view YOUR OWN TWEETS?

>> No.6722211

I don't understand how Musk actually thinks is going to happen. Why on earth would you do this if other social media sites don't post-limit your consumers? He acts like people are gonna pay whatever they need to continue to scroll instead of just jumping to another social media site. Dumbfuck thinks he has some kind of monopoly on social media.

>> No.6722212
File: 57 KB, 550x360, tiktok creators 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722213

Sorry small indie company please understand

>> No.6722214
File: 11 KB, 678x438, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, can't see shit, can't do shit. I tried on three different accounts and I think the limit is carried across all 3.

>> No.6722215

It's a funny coincidence.
We just need a sort of blackout to happen on 4chan as well as a final confirmation.

>> No.6722216

this is bait right? They can't be this retarded, I don't believe it.

>> No.6722218
File: 525 KB, 975x1300, 1687608509731920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal retard CEO
>"they can't do retarded things,right?"

>> No.6722219

a nuke false flag

>> No.6722223

i got rate limited after like an hour of using the site LMAO

it seems to be account oriented though, so you can browse for another hour on your alt!

>> No.6722225

>twitter is literally unusable
>how DARE you say twitter is dead???

>> No.6722229

Accepting the narrative Elon gives you is the most retarded thing you can do.

>> No.6722231
File: 656 KB, 1570x1505, IMG_2692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will, it isn’t the early 2000’s anymore
Those big websites will never go under (look at yahoo the 9th biggest site on the internet), even tumblr didn’t go fully under when the porn ban happened, people love convince and they won’t trade convinience nowadays. This is why site traffic is usually concentrated on a few websites.

>> No.6722232
File: 17 KB, 686x907, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bait, even loaded the direct link to my own art tweet.

>> No.6722234


>> No.6722236

kek, I hope this is the start of civilizational collapse

>> No.6722237

They're really trying to kill the internet in preparation for WW3.

>> No.6722238

jesus, i knew Musk was heavily over rated since people treat him like the new messiah, but he really his completely retarded, not a little bit but completely.
Funny to think this fucker got to spend 44$ billions like it's nothing and had no idea what the fuck he was doing.

>> No.6722239

when was the last time a big website finally died anyway?

>> No.6722240

Who the fuck reads 600 posts a day other than bots? If you're an artist, how the fuck do you even have time for 600? This is a good change.

>> No.6722244

You don’t need to read them faggot. You just need to scroll past them. Did you open a tweet with 20 replies? Those twenty replies go on the count regardless of if you even scroll past them.

>> No.6722245

I followed like over 2k artists, its a fast feed I used to keep track of art I thought was interesting, but not all of their posts are relevant.

>> No.6722247

have you ever used twitter anon? When you open your feed and scroll up to catch up to the newest ones it counts those tweets as read apparently, and it's very fast to arrive to 600, especially if you use it for work.

>> No.6722248

I probably browsed my for you page to look at other artists for 10 minutes, checked that elon post and read the comments now everything isn't loading, it's each individual comment, AND ads just scrolling down that elon post for 2 minutes will limit you, lol.

>> No.6722250
File: 196 KB, 500x600, 1526562462396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"to combat bots and data scraping, we are limiting what real people can see"
Cool, now verified bots ONLY have 6000 posts a day to datascrap from.
Very cool, Elon.

I have been not using twitter anymore because it's a shit platform full of garbage and trash people.
>inb4 b-b-but where to post art?
You don't, because posting work on the web for free is literally asking to get it stolen from you.

>> No.6722251

You're fucking stupid. I know your coloring books are hard, but some of us can read pretty fast and like people are saying, you just need to scroll past.

>> No.6722253

Fucking muskrat npcs should be hanged

>> No.6722254

I post on it, I'm not a terminally addicted twitter faggot that have a thousand randos on my following list. But still, 600 is pretty much just a ton of continuous scrolling, just unfollow the trash and leave the artists that you actually want to view.

>> No.6722255


>> No.6722257

so when he says verified does he mean subscribed to twitter blue? or does he mean stuff like phone/email verified. Because if it's the former that's pretty retarded

>> No.6722258

Digg? That’s about it

>> No.6722260

Go fucking draw and stop refreshing your twitter feed dumbass

>> No.6722261

In other words
if you didn't make it already, you are absolutely fucked

>> No.6722262
File: 16 KB, 633x916, ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao cool site

>> No.6722263

Obviously twitter blue, no one is buying that garbage except crypto muskrat cult members, like >>6722254. Take away user friendly features to give his shit “value”

>> No.6722264

Twitter was dying before he bought it
I'm not saying he's not retarded, but shit was going down way before the musk

>> No.6722265
File: 38 KB, 251x387, notevenclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, if you're hitting those limits maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices.

>> No.6722266

Yes, good luck ever getting noticed.

>> No.6722267

> To be fair, if you're hitting those limits maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices.
We are on 4gag
That’s 10000% worse

>> No.6722268

it takes like 30 minutes of scrolling to hit these limits

>> No.6722269

You can look at liked tweets in your likes page.

>> No.6722270

Thank you anon, these twitter addicts are dumbasses that don't know how to manage their social media usage.

>> No.6722273

thanks for the free (you)s ;)

>> No.6722274
File: 61 KB, 580x763, ddos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722275

maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices.

>> No.6722277

I'm not (you) though.

>> No.6722279

>I even made you mad
I literally win

>> No.6722280

>a retarded tourist telling anyone to draw
Fuck off this board you no draw shitter. I’m waiting for your next ai thread, shitter

>> No.6722281

this is a glitch right?
I browsed that post about rate limiting for 5 minutes now nothing works, I can only see hashtags,

>> No.6722282

Here, have another (You), buy yourself something nice.

>> No.6722283

True, manictime shows me I've been doing alarming levels of shitposting.

>> No.6722285

time to touch grass

>> No.6722286

Elon bros, what the fuck is happening?

>> No.6722287

hahahahahaha, now finally nips will post their art on a proper site
thank god

>> No.6722288

Sure troon, go back to drawing and quit scrolling

>> No.6722291

I wish

>> No.6722292

What do we do about a temporary thing guys

>> No.6722293

Yeah that’s the funny part, nips spam photos of food and shit the most.

>> No.6722294

yeah he only needs to find a way to defeat all the bots and AI scrappers I'm sure he can do that in a week

>> No.6722295
File: 1.01 MB, 719x721, 1675754647120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is possible he's doing this as a way to comply with a potential request from the french government. there's massive riots going on in the country by the arab population
he recently had a meeting with india's leader where he basically said that twitter would follow the government demands if necessary
twitter did something similar earlier where they restricted access during the turkish election

maybe he's just going to say that it was a bad idea and that they're scrapping it, as soon as the riots die down

>> No.6722296
File: 143 KB, 500x500, 1634619835502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though, where would people actually go to post art AND nsfw?
you need normies to migrate, and no ones going to fucking deviantart mastodon, pillowfort or pixiv.

>> No.6722297

Twitter fame seekers ought to be feeling really silly right now, eh?

>> No.6722299

Finally, the plague of inferior japanese food posting will be contained.
Unfortunately, if this a temporary measure, the darkness will rise again.

>> No.6722300

Honestly I don't give a fuck about Twitter itself obviously, I hate the interface, userbase and only use exclusively for work, but the fact that I use and that I have a decent following allowed me to get an art job, and it's still unmatched in terms of reach, if you care about making profit with art.
If you don't care about making money, why are you even there in the first place? Not for the likes I hope.

>> No.6722301

If he’s willing to do that for France then he’ll bend 500% faster for the White House when the time comes.

>> No.6722303
File: 174 KB, 440x402, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, Elon. I'll pay you $8. You won.

>> No.6722304

>this all happens because AI
kinda based

>> No.6722306
File: 21 KB, 246x302, 1635452823436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banned off patreon for drawing taboo and lose 2k+ per month
>twitter fucks itself
what a week.

>> No.6722308

tumblr since they started unbanning NSFW accounts and added community features for hiding adult content which means they are likely to be shifting towards lifting the ban on porn.
With a lot of redditors and twitter users moving over there recently tumblr will probably hit whatever use rcount they have always referenced needing to hit in order to get away with being a site that can host porn and have a mobile app on ios.
Ideally people use a normal art site but artists will never go back to not posting their art on social media.

>> No.6722309

yeah now that you've said it...
guess we will be finally "touching Grass" then

>> No.6722316

>Ideally people use a normal art site but artists will never go back to not posting their art on social media.
Because that’s where most non-artist are, posting on a site where the audience are mostly artist is dumb

>> No.6722317
File: 32 KB, 582x369, no cap fr fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722318

No fucking way Elon. Not in a million years.

>> No.6722321

remember that 200 tweets are like 5 min of scrolling down

>> No.6722322


>> No.6722324

wow I can scroll for an extra 5 whole minutes!

>> No.6722325

>pays $8 to see stuff
>no one sees his stuff

>> No.6722327

>verified just gives you a few hours of browsing instead of a few minutes

>> No.6722329

okay, I'm not paying for Twitter blue anymore then Elon, 800 hits the sweet spot, thank you daddy.

>> No.6722330
File: 100 KB, 828x488, IMG_2708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6722333

twitter blue users are limited too KEK

>> No.6722336

It worked for DeviantArt. Why can't zoomed figure it out?
If anyone remembers when sheezy art came back up (furfag site I know) the owners caved in due to the immense surge in population from artists refugees who wanted a place to post their art on an actually good social media for it for once lmao

>> No.6722337

>Banned off patreon for drawing taboo
You really should've known better

>> No.6722338
File: 93 KB, 194x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to re-enact the French Revolution on Twitter HQ?

>> No.6722339

seriously, are anyone of you use mastodong?

>> No.6722342

the fact that it's possible to be CEO of 5 companies at the same time while tweeting like a full-time influencer kinda reveals that he isn't doing squat as a leader.

>> No.6722343

wow this changes everything

>> No.6722345
File: 248 KB, 374x400, 1520881114866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen is that this retarded change gets reverted in less than 3 days because if they don't this website will unironically die in one week. Fighting scrapers that way is like cutting your arm off because you're annoyed by a mosquito biting it, there are better ways to solve this issue without fucking over literally your entire userbase.

It would still be wise to look for alternatives socials if you haven't already. Instagram is the next most solid option, maybe even fucking Facebook, Youtube or Tiktok. Get used to doing short timelapses with music in the background or .gifs because zoomers love that shit and will eat it up. I know it's bad but as long as no better social platform arises, this is what we're stuck with (Mastodon is shit, its not straightforward enough for normals). Socials won't adapt to us artfags so we have to adapt ourselves somehow.

My vain hope is that this will push people back to using actual art websites like Tumblr or Pixiv. But the Internet is so rotten right now, people have gotten used to everything crystallized on the same 5 garbage mobilefaggot apps.

>> No.6722347

this is the exact same thing as when twitter blue was originally $20 but was decreased to $8 in the most transparent haggling attempt of the century

>> No.6722349

>The fuck we do now
Get rid of the greedy RETARD in charge, I guess?

>> No.6722351

This retard backtracks and double downs a lot, shocking i know

Ahh the site that shit its self over thanks to the many retarded changes.

>> No.6722353

you forgot Elon has a huge hate boner for ai and scraping, he won't remove this, he will keep upping the rate limit, but introducing problems and selling the solution is business 101.

>> No.6722354

Instagram is ironically horrible for actual art and photography. You literally can't even zoom.
Youtube and Tiktok are for video content.

>> No.6722357

none of those alternatives will allow nsfw anon.

>> No.6722358

>Instagram is ironically horrible for actual art
Last week, insta made it where you can’t see recent or new artwork anymore in their hashtags. Basically, if you didn’t have a large following before insta got bought, you’re fuck and have to buy ads

>> No.6722359

Believe it or not, but it was a sheezyart revival that happened in 2020-1 and people were so thirsty for a new art site they flooded that one. The group of guys behind the revival couldn't handle it and got stressed, sent out a public apology how they just originally wanted it to be for a small group of artists and not accomodate thousands, then closed down. Zoomers are the most disappointing generation when it comes to breaking free from corporate shit and doing passion projects desu

>> No.6722360

>introducing problems and selling the solution is business 101.

>> No.6722364

maybe a group of artfags can program a new social or something. Fuck man I just wanna post my art and get a decent audience like the good old days instead of circulating over the whims of the five megacorp goyslop social medias

>> No.6722366

He will realize that you can put a fucking robot.txt file in there and sue scrapers, throttle their IP addresses, invest in bot detection tools, hire more jannies, there are so many better ways to fight this than to murder your own website
I mean, I think the way to go is to advertise on these platforms to redirect people to your gallery website
And I know it's video shit, but it's what draws the most views now, again look at how fucking popular timelapse videos can get, some blow up and get millions of view, it works!
I'm sorry, I'm not knowledgeable about that, I feel bad for NSFWbros getting kicked from every platform

>> No.6722367
File: 41 KB, 828x683, IMG_2709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test to see how bad it was and it only took 2-3 mins of scrolling

>> No.6722368

a lot of artfags on twitter draw Nintendo, sonic, or Fanart for children's friendly franchises. Never understood why nsfw was so important for that crowd considering its not hentai/adult/original that they draw

>> No.6722370

>maybe a group of artfags can program a new social or something
That’s been tried many times and it has all failed. Shit like pillowfort just dies out

>> No.6722371
File: 275 KB, 676x774, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta start posting on tumblr again I guess.

>> No.6722373

but what if I don't feel like converting my image to a video with some sped up music in that background? and how doesn't that limit me for producing a certain type of content where this is appropriate for?

>> No.6722374

thats the issue
it cant be done by artfags, we artfags already have artstation or pixiv or whatever, but normals dont go there anymore

>> No.6722376

>but what if I don't feel like converting my image to a video with some sped up music in that background?
Then you won't get as big an audience as you could, I didn't say you should, but I think it would be a good way to advertise your art considering today's cucked social media landscape

>> No.6722379

getting discovered on tumblr is impossible compared to twitter

>> No.6722380

Yeah, it has to be a new twitter created by instagram or TikTok or something.

>> No.6722386
File: 1.17 MB, 1806x1821, FzKRMxpWcAE7OGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why I haven't posted there in months. I gained 200 followers on twitter in the past few months but Tumblr is a ghost town for me.

>> No.6722387

Tumblr and Deviantart

>> No.6722388

My only issue to going to another site is that I need to post my recent work, which is a lot, and I can't really post characters with their tits out getting raw dogged by a vague humanoid.

>> No.6722389

Site no one uses vs ai shithole full of diaper fetishists

>> No.6722392

Internet normalfags are just way too lazy to go on another site and then there's an issue of corporation monopolies working together to crush the competition. It's literally over for us artfags

>> No.6722394
File: 16 KB, 620x374, 16346198554562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend the last 3 days drawing a fine piece
>post it after this shit update
>go to delete it and post it when this all blows over
>rate limited and can't see my own tweet or delete it
>getting notifications of people commenting and liking it and can't see them.

>> No.6722396

>site with schizophrenic NSFW filter or an AInigger dumping ground
it's joever

>> No.6722398
File: 188 KB, 828x585, IMG_2710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god for my alt acc

>> No.6722400

it's even harder now than it was years ago because all the audience left tumblr

>> No.6722401
File: 1.07 MB, 150x200, 1634310499435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722403

Is there a way to hide the flood of ai shit on deviantart? I don't know how normalfags deal with this or if they unironically consume ai slop unthinkingly.

>> No.6722405

They FUCKING WHAT?! What is the goddamn point of the whole thing? I don't WANT tiktok (cough cough Instagram reels), I just want to look at goddamn pics, fuck.

>> No.6722406
File: 26 KB, 549x366, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how effective this option is but it's there.

>> No.6722408
File: 532 KB, 828x1617, IMG_2711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep…good luck finding new artist you might like

>> No.6722409
File: 102 KB, 453x443, 1494647588636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you guys STILL use twitter?

>> No.6722411

>The group of guys
Literally one guy who was attending some comic convention when the site got advertised on TH and pummeled with a >10x increase in userbase from about a hundred to thousands overnight
Had to pull all nighters, was scrambling to upgrade serves, & assign mods/admins, which were just his friends and randos on on discord, meanwhile discord is blowing up and drama is happening because the site doesn't have legal work or NSFW filters for minors, because it was just a random hobby project until suddenly it wasn't. Dude is openly breaking down but working his butt off to try and satisfy all these demands while being crushed under a guilt complex preventing him from just TURNING OFF REGISTRATIONS
Person who originally advertised the site (and kicked this whole thing off inadvertently) applies for a discord mod position, gets it, immediately starts proposing ways to monetize the site alongside other ideas that require decent time for the one (1) dude to program, vagues about it on Twitter, gets kicked off the mod team, (being on it for 2 days) then announces on TH that people shouldn't use Sheezy because it's badly run, and a huge backlash happens over Sheezy 'Mistreating its mods' because of this
Registrations finally close but it's too late and admin has broken down from the stress and drama already and closes the site. This all happened within like 3 weeks
I'm salty over the whole thing because the site itself was great when you ignore everything else that went on and feel awful for the admin in this

>> No.6722414

I don't want to anon but I have to.

>> No.6722415

Can I buy a domain and have my own website while keeping myself anonymous?

>> No.6722421

>trannyhomoflag on their website
nah fuck DA bunch of niggers

>> No.6722424

people on reddit are saying they are reaching the limit stupidly fast, like you didn't even start using the site and your out

>> No.6722425

Let me guess, bluesky doesn't allow NSFW either

>> No.6722430

>you forgot Elon has a huge hate boner for ai and scraping
There are rumors circulating that his X project is or will include AI trained on twitter data.

>> No.6722433


>> No.6722435
File: 6 KB, 375x531, owari da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs are sure angry.
I wonder where will they move, especially considering how big Twitter is in Japan.

>> No.6722436

>reddit fucked
>twitter fucked
you know we're next right?

>> No.6722437

What about Newgrounds?

>> No.6722441

Top kek. Zoomers just discovering that things costs money and don't just fall from the sky.
Welcome to adulthood :) and the free market :^) where you're free to choose and go ! no socialist government ordering you around!

>> No.6722448

Damn, didn't know all of that detail. So it's another case of retards not appreciating what was done for them to jump on a retarded drama bandwagon? Smh Thanks anon

>> No.6722449

Oh fuck off - none of the other social media sites are like this to this degree. Twitter is fully Musk's own self-inflicted problem.

>> No.6722451
File: 55 KB, 547x393, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hates Bill Gates, not AI.

>> No.6722452

Yes, but no one will ever find you.

>> No.6722456

Hopefully they go to a better website.

>> No.6722461

lol, 4chan has already been fucked for a while now, but sure, it can always get worse.
hi Elon!

>> No.6722465

That might be a good idea, how hard is it to get seen over there?

>> No.6722464

The alternatives are either dead, broken beyond usability or flooded with AI spam.

>> No.6722466

I did have a weird dream about Russia and USA attending a summit in preparation for ww3, and also something involving Michael Jackson for some reason, but it's probably bogus

>> No.6722468

Some of you are too heated
Elon said its a temporary measure

>> No.6722471

newgrounds tried to open itself up as a safe haven for displaced tumblr nsfw artists, but got completely ignored by everyone
maybe they'll fare better this time

>> No.6722473

>buy domain
>post newer work on website
>post older work on twitter to draw traffic to website.
That's my plan at least.

>> No.6722474

I've been on it for years, it isn't nearly as close to Twitter in terms of reach, I have almost ten times less followers on Newgrounds.

>> No.6722480

Moot said captcha was temporary too

>> No.6722483

has horse shit reach. I have even more followers on fucking insta than newgrounds.

>> No.6722486
File: 1.78 MB, 500x625, 1518451162557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To host my comic I planned to do this because everywhere else blows dick for that
Remember, when you do it you gotta design it for mobile first

>> No.6722501
File: 14 KB, 1280x1000, 4-2-deviantart-logo-transparent[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong image, not that either were redeemable nor was DA good before their mobile adventure. It was a place for weird but tame fanart and freelancers who were starting out and didn't want to make their own website yet.

>My /x/ sense tells me that this was done on purpose for massive future coverup reasons. Same thing with Reddit’s changes.

No user likes changes, they fucking hate every new layout Google comes out with. They always change things when they have to expurgate something because after the changes are made, things end up being censors/changed.

The only difference is that 4gag isn't wasting the shear amount of resources to double check millions of users posts simultaneously to make sure their looking quantities are in order which makes it easier to view actual content at a faster rate. I don't read everything I scroll through here.

Nobody is going to take down Glownigger INC. anon. Ask yourself just why this place hasn't change while everywhere else is a shadow of its former self. It's a containment website for those enraged at censorship which makes it the ideal grooming central for entrapping the angered souls who feel like they have nothing left to lose.

Too old, too Homestucky. Their time has passed.

>> No.6722503

I for one welcome this ponderous buffoon. this is revenge for all the normies shitting up traditional aspie hobbies. doesn't feel so hot now when some faggot barges in and fucks your shit up, does it.

>> No.6722506

>Remember, when you do it you gotta design it for mobile first

>> No.6722511

Every time I look up my favorite fandom character I get ironic art like it was made by a kiwi farms user or edfag circa 2008 or porn. Not a good sign 2bh

>> No.6722515

So you're saying the CIA won't strike it down after ww3 hits so they can demoralize and psy-op the herd left on 4gag further?

>> No.6722522
File: 13 KB, 456x284, 496007281_bbae733fca_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WW3 won't be some big epic with le nukes. What WILL happen is that the economy will get so fucking bad that you'll be praying for bombs. The actual goal is to completely collapse the US dollar.

>> No.6722525
File: 178 KB, 994x1014, 1605453954025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is permanent and social media dies so normgroids are forced to gtfo the internet and face the world they've created espousing libtarded bullshit on the internet for the last 20 years

>> No.6722529

It's only happening because Musk apparently wouldn't pay his AWS bills, which causes issues server-side. Hence the sudden "need" to limit how much everyone can use Twitter.

>> No.6722533

it will also be constant astroturfing and ai warfare online (like now that gets worse every year but 100x as bad). Further cementing the fate of artfags being eternally blueballed

>> No.6722543

There's 2 options

>He is doing this for the shit going on in France
Then yeah it's temporary until things calmd down there

>He is doing this for the AI scrappers
Then we are fucked because won't fix shit with his crippled development team

>> No.6722546

If you look at more than 300 tweets a day, sorry but (You) are twitter zombie and probably part of a botnet

>> No.6722547

He said its the latter, why would he give a shit about frogs

>> No.6722549

think it about in 4chans terms
Just you scrolling this thread down, not even reading any of them, would have wasted 200 tweets.

>> No.6722553

Anon, scrolling through a particularly controvecial thread would blow your daily limit in less than 5 minutes. The cap doesn't count your read posts by if you stop to actually read. Use your fucking brain for a second.

>> No.6722554

twitter is fucking dead bro

>> No.6722556
File: 900 KB, 400x217, 25708d1c-d0ea-4b51-922e-fbdff44cd5b9_text[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're saying the CIA won't strike it down
>after ww3 hits
Where else are they getting the school shooters? That's wrong think to any other website.

Imagine, you own a website that employs janitors that make $0 to not ban people, but to warn other mods of people who need to be banned instead. You run this website until it becomes notorious to people the government labels as degenerates. You keep running it as it becomes more populate and more filled with the same people. You keep running it despite all your ad revenue drying up and disappearing due to your notoriety. You keep hosting illegal content, minute by minute due to the torpid method of moderation you chose. Your website violates FBI/CIA/Name an agency laws 24/7, with no downtime for the most part. Meanwhile while all of this is happening over the course of 10-15 years, every single other website even close to mimicking you is complying with all those laws this one isn't.

>> No.6722569

makes me wish muskrat bought 4chan, so dumbfucks like you would start hanging themselves.

>> No.6722570

Use other sites? Never put all your eggs in one basket.
>Furries can still use furaffinity
>Puritans and Tumblrinas can use tumblr or instagram
>Loli/shotacons can still use pixiv
>Animators can still use Newgrounds and YouTube
Thats not even every place you can post either. You can also post on all these sites simultaneously. There is no shortage of sites to post art.

>> No.6722574


>> No.6722576

contact the archive team.

>> No.6722583

I am a socially clueless autist and even I wouldnt fuck up twitter this badly.

autism doesnt make you retarded, it makes you drop spaghetti from your pockets

>> No.6722590

musk kinda digitally dropped his spaghetti pockets though didnt he

>> No.6722615

Stop freeloading

>> No.6722620
File: 52 KB, 896x870, FyonQE8aEAInSnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon looked at the ai monetization model where u get limited prompts unless u pay and rubbed his hands together didnt he.

>> No.6722621

Time to be a YouTuber I guess...

>> No.6722628

mad because isolated and lonely lul, hang urself retard nobody loves you :)

>> No.6722634

It seems that Twitter literally ran out of space because Elon still hasn't paid Google for using their servers.
So it's until he pays the money.

>> No.6722635

The entire point is that social media is free so as to enourage people to engage and to get advertised to. Not pay to post when there are countless other places to do it for free.

>> No.6722638

All my art friends are there...

>> No.6722641

Stupid fuck probably thinks he's owed free server space from Google and AWS because he's a business "genius".

>> No.6722647
File: 64 KB, 680x672, elon the canadian prime minister roleplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People believe this when he paid how many billions for twitter with initially the sole intention of destroying it.

>> No.6722660
File: 227 KB, 611x514, 1679809074879270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep being on Twitter because you clout-chasing faggots are addicted to numbers (but don't admit it)

>> No.6722661

He didnt. His intention was to do a pump and dump of the stock, not to actually have to buy the damn service.

>> No.6722674
File: 116 KB, 227x506, tate stance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go make gay ass rockets niggeer

been shit for ages, AI was the nail in the coffin.

>> No.6722678
File: 7 KB, 300x168, IMG_0479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally a billionaire normal people can like
Why do they always turn retarded?

>> No.6722684

They banned chibi. Use e621 now

>> No.6722690

Why would anyone ban chibi? That shit's harmless and cute.

>> No.6722694
File: 2 KB, 79x74, 1688184985813223s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They banned chibi.
That's a funny way of spelling "cub/loli/shota". e621 is a booru, not an artists gallery, though I suppose you could "start" there to test the waters.

>That shit's harmless and cute.
Cute and funny?

His intention was to buy its worthless actual dump price instead of the pumped up phony price, but ended up getting the short end of the stick.

>> No.6722695

They are retards. It’s because they wanted to ban Loli/shota, so now, if you want to post porn of small Pokémons you get banned. Why are a bunch of unironic zoophiles pretending to give moral lessons about drawings being literal childrens? Who knows

>> No.6722696

didn't he know that pulling out doesn't work?

>> No.6722700

Banning cub is a funny way to say they banned chibi, because that’s what happened.
>this pikachu…is literally a child

>> No.6722702

anyone who's genuinely likable and for the people is going to be heavily silenced or killed off. i don't know why normies don't understand this

>> No.6722705

billionaires and normal people are not the same species
any relatability they may have is a carefully fostered brand to make more money

>> No.6722709

> anyone who's genuinely likable
No one is likeable not even the average joe

>> No.6722716

It’s so fucking over

>> No.6722717

>the entire social networking platform of the world.
LOL, step out of your bubble anon. this wasn't true even before musk bought twitter. sites like instagram, tiktok, weibo, telegram going offline would be more consequential than twitter going offline

>> No.6722720
File: 1.40 MB, 1180x2048, 1682861155598655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a pokemon fan wanting validation from the furfag community. They need all they can get now that they're going on 40+ years old. Just how many cease and desist orders from Nintendo do you think FA can handle anyway?

>Banning cub is a funny way to say they banned chibi
This is the most hilarious chibi defense I've even seen. This is what DA is for, nobody cares about your ez mode doodles.

>> No.6722722

>Use other sites? Never put all your eggs in one basket.
This is true but the strat was that Twitter gets you followers that then you can funnel towards pixiv/instagram/Tumblr/support page/your own website/etc. Way fewer people will notice your art without the bluebird's reach, although this shouldn't matter much if you already have a sizeable following before this fiasco came along.

>> No.6722724

All those are social media for whoring yourself and children. None of the have Twitter’s niche

>> No.6722725

> telegram
The rest sort of though tiktok could go the way of vine and no one would bat an eye and people in the west wouldn’t be effected by weibo Going down

>> No.6722730

>social media for whoring yourself
so, literally the best usecase for twitter since it's the only one that allows NSFW

>> No.6722733

> Just how many cease and desist orders from Nintendo do you think FA can handle anyway?
What are you even talking about? Did you hit your head? Do you have brain damage? Do you think Twitter get cease and desists because people draw Pokémon porn? Are you out of your fucking mind or what even is your problem?

>> No.6722735

not until we go back to 2016 DeviantArt

>Verification not required

>> No.6722744

Twitter is mostly used for news. To know what’s going on around the world. That’s the reason why journalist live twitter and will never let it go until something better replace it. The others are used for chatting with your friends

>> No.6722755
File: 46 KB, 480x736, 1673049677729952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think Twitter get cease and desists because people draw Pokémon porn?
Just look at it now. It's not like they make them public.

>> No.6722757

What the hell do you think he was before the recent Twitter shit? Elon Musk literally wants to put computer chips into people's brains and he's a sycophant towards the CCP.

>> No.6722763

>another western elite who's an asslicking chinashill and redirects from the true threat to the lesser dogs
lol the west is so cucked by the asians rn

>> No.6722767

You don't become a billionaire by being a good person.

>> No.6722768

You need an account to view nsfw content for anything since ages ago. It’s the point of filters
Too bad Elon is retarded and did nothing about twitter still nuking porn accounts for no reason but we are out of topic here

>> No.6722775

He wants to be able to put chip inside brains, not to force people to wear them, and I don’t give a fuck about that.
What I don’t understand is how we went from “twitter is free” “muh free speech” to this

>> No.6722777

the site has cloudflare glued to its severs. i wouldnt advise it.

>> No.6722782

>The others are used for chatting with your friends
literally untrue. the masses unironically get their news from forwards on telegram whatsapp chat groups, and insta and tiktok. nobody cares about twitter except journos, politicians and terminally online losers completely detached from what the average working person's day to day internet habits are like

>> No.6722785

Just draw and stop caring about numbers

>> No.6722793

I just like that my senpai follows me there. He isn't too active elsewhere

>> No.6722794

>their news
Not in plural. The information they get is very very limited

>> No.6722798

>He wants to be able to put chip inside brains, not to force people to wear them
I just wanna make guns, I don't want people to die.

>> No.6722805
File: 104 KB, 1200x772, 1688206612828185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722809

Names NOW

>> No.6722814

Speaking like a 5 years old
>I don’t want people to die so I ban guns
>wait people still kill each other? Damn
Please speak like an adult

>> No.6722824

I'm this >>6722371 anon and Kyu Bum Lee followed me last christmas and drew fanart of my OC.

>> No.6722833

This fucking sucks, especially if some of your favorite jap artists fill your timeline with pictures of the food they eat and their gachaslop screenshots.

>> No.6722834

Before getting a small blow up my best sites in terms of reach were Pixiv and Furaffinity. All these sites are like casinos. Pixiv and Furaffinity give you a fighting chance with their tagging systems and guaranteed smaller payouts, with Twitter you can get bigger payouts but the house always wins.

>> No.6722840

Tumblr and Deviantart are kinda underrated on here. I got more engagement for my post of obscure fandom characters there than I ever did on Twitter, which at the time (at least before Musk bought it) was only interested in the most mainstream of art subjects

>> No.6722857

I don't like nu deviantart, prefer the old one. If it went back to its old style I would probably return. I can't into Tumblr. Newgrounds is pretty bad too, smaller pool and the same clique/visiblity issues of other places. Got infested with pronouns zoomies as well very cringe. I miss 2003

>> No.6722862

I would go back if they slammed their fist down on AI generated shit.

>> No.6722863

Sports, movie and music news are unrivaled on twitter. For example it'w the main source of info for NBA draft and soccer transfer season, which is huge worldwide.

Nobody gives a fuck about politics, that's just aibots and sockpuppets arguing 24/7

>> No.6722865

>Jew dollar

>> No.6722867

Uhhhh bros I might spend more time drawing since I can't mindlessly browse Twitter anymore

>> No.6722871

Man, I get what you're saying, but since I don't do furry shit I dont really want to upload my stuff onto furaffinity...

>> No.6722873

Not nearly enough opportunity to get seen if you're not a game designer or animator.

>> No.6722874

nobody will see your shit on twitter anymore retard

>> No.6722877

I don't post on Twitter though because my art is bad

>> No.6722878

Literally me except I'm broke so no storage

>> No.6722881

>Letting that stop you

>> No.6722889

killing itself with a genuine dumbass running the entire thing after firign almsot everyone who knew how the site worked
half of it is on strike
Pretty cool for animators and game designers, but it's not even close to what everyone hypes it up to be, now. Especially when most animations are usually just reuoploaded to Youtube.
The coziest, I feel like I can just go there and talk about OCs, but it's kind of a ghost town, and I'd prefer to stick with the people I already know there and not risk getting noticed by some of the redditors that migrated there
Eclipse. Also it's an AI shithole now. The few artists I legit respected there are kinda gone.
Where the FUCK do I go? I just wanna doodle fun characters and share them with people

>> No.6722896


>> No.6722897

Sadly the internet landscape is kinda fucked at the moment, it's either a good chance of getting an audience but dogshit platform, or anything else and no chance of audience.

>> No.6722900

Is reddit still striking? Most subs function well for me
>inb4: go back
I will after my dilation

>> No.6722903

I find it amusing to think that if twitter dies the situation will be akin to a whale fall.

>> No.6722904

NG is cool and all, but it's virtually pointless if you're looking for any audience.
I mostly upload there as a gallery to redirect people, but i get probably 1% (if that) of the views i get on Twitter, on any given image.

>> No.6722907

I know this feel bro, i really wanna just post fun art and have a cool community around

>> No.6722908

I really want a bunch of new social media platforms to show up from the ashes of Facebook and Twitter, they're so unbelievably shit it pains me to even go there to post.

>> No.6722910

>the coziest
Please kill yourself and do it quickly

>> No.6722913

There's already a million Twitter knock offs, like Nostr, BlueSky, Mastodon, Pillowfort, etc.
All useless because the only reason people use these platforms, is because they have massive traffic and a giant unified userbase.

>> No.6722918

Not sure if it's worth using Tumblr unless you're a girl, feels very girlcoded and set up more for aesthetics and such

>> No.6722920

Is porn still banned on it?

>> No.6722922

Capitalism has so thoroughly gentrified the internet that there's only 5 websites off the top of your head.
The only reason I use fucking 4chan of all places as one of my main sites is because it's one of the few places I can just hang out with relatively little strings attatched, without being forced to play some sanitized caricature of myself.

>> No.6722925

>richest man, on the planet
Former richest man, and making mistakes like this and buying twitter to begin with are the reason for said "former" in his title

>> No.6722927

fuck i just planned on leeching off a big artist by making fanart for him, i dont think they will see any of my shit not on twitter

>> No.6722928

you missed my point entirely, dumbass. No wonder you need a chip in your brain.

>> No.6722929
File: 7 KB, 300x168, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a minor spelling mistake on an art post
>can't even delete and reupload it
>getting taunted with notifications I can't see or read

>> No.6722931

Ironic considering you can’t even stay on topic for 2 posts straight

>> No.6722932

the guy you posted barely even draws anymore, I've seen it so often that some random /ic/ fag gets a huge following and then flat out stops drawing

>> No.6722937

Then it turns out nobody commented on it because they reached their view quota.

>> No.6722949

What kind of taboo?

>> No.6722950

its so funny that i am just not allowed to use twitter after browsing it for 30 minutes LMAOOO WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.6722970

can this retard nigger revert it already or he just wants to kill off the website for fun

>> No.6722972

billionaires are not normal lmao

>> No.6722976
File: 1.22 MB, 871x867, 769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking billionaires to begin with

>> No.6722978

Wamu does nothing but draw, he's dead silent on Twitter

>> No.6722980

horse porn shitting while running really fast taboo

>> No.6722982


>> No.6722985
File: 170 KB, 784x1698, Fz_Hh6eWAAE8yjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be for even more retarded reasons than it appears lmao

>> No.6722988

Seems the guy only bough the platform just to burn it down, weird but ok I guess.

Is tumblr still against porn?

>> No.6722989
File: 129 KB, 634x509, 1642496655012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up, browsed for 5 minutes, checked notifs and bam nothing works, brings me right back to the early 2000s when Mom put a timer on how much internet I could use.

>> No.6722991

Artist should come here and namefag. ic is the new place to be. hahahah

>> No.6722996

this but unironically

>> No.6723002

Good. We need more artists that can shut the fuck up and just post their stuff without ranting about dumb opinions or getting into childish drama.

>> No.6723006

that is bizzare

>> No.6723008

4chan is actually not that bad to get commissions and followers

>> No.6723009

this isn't getting solved any time soon, isn't it?
What an absolute retard that man is

>> No.6723010

yeah man, lets go to /aco/ and get those 3 dollar commissions.

>> No.6723016
File: 46 KB, 460x404, 1674944302710215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you even start getting followers in these times
is it really over

>> No.6723017

I'm actually aiming at the 5 dollar market, only the top quality clients for me.

>> No.6723020

potentially cohost?
pronoun-infested pillowfort-like, but it exists

>> No.6723031

I do commissions in exchange for anons' butthole photos

>> No.6723033
File: 74 KB, 2560x996, pixiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about pixiv?

>> No.6723035


>> No.6723040

he's not even close to the richest when you take into account the people who literally control and create money itself

>> No.6723041

westerners need to stay out of pixiv, it's already bad enough

>> No.6723059

last time I checked you need to buy their premium service just to find popular artists, how is it preferable?

>> No.6723060

Sucks for small accounts/artists just getting started. Can't possibly give a fuck about six digit follower FotM slop shitters though.

>> No.6723062
File: 67 KB, 474x627, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn html and css
make a neocities page
or whatever web host you find
and individuality will be restored

>> No.6723064

>ngmi-shitter sympathizes with people similar to him
nice job exposing yourself

>> No.6723065

it's not about people seeing my art anon, it's about making money, which I need to live.
I don't care for people to see my stuff and don't even post it online.

>> No.6723067

>projecting this hard
don't worry man just gotta shit out one more 30 minute sketch of <character from popular franchise> and you'll make it for sure!!! kill yourself

>> No.6723072
File: 184 KB, 1600x768, 1688253015373517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bait

>> No.6723073

saw some post from a "scraper professional doing it as a job for 10 years" explain that it's more serious than just elon jewing you and it's either china/australia etc scraping the data to use with malicious intent, I can't acutally find the tweet because i'm limited lol.

>> No.6723075

>coping this badly and not even denying they're a ngmi

>> No.6723076
File: 814 KB, 400x300, 1589847126646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carefully selecting which artist I want to jerk off to today while trying not to load any non porn posts
I don't like this bros.

>> No.6723077

Do westerns even use Pixiv? Twitter wasn't perfect, but it was the best place to post non weebshit for normies.

>> No.6723079

Isn't there where the loli artists and the weirdly good good artists that don't speak English hang out?
I know how to code a basic webpage and add pictures, but how do you do the more fancy shit you see on some of the neocities pages I see? Is there a guide to it?

>> No.6723091
File: 22 KB, 240x240, masturbarme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same boat as you, this is grim...

>> No.6723093

I was just describing my experience, my entire gallery is on there. It doesn't have to be exclusively furry, most of my gallery is non furry. Art dedicated websites like that and Pixiv will get you more traction at the start than Twitter because they're art sites first and formost.
>it was the best place to post non weebshit for normies.
What rock are you living under?

>> No.6723095

alts are key to this now

>> No.6723096

yeah, I'm considering doing some cleaning up in who I follow to maximize the impact of my precious scrolling

>> No.6723128

>The coziest
If you enjoy places like cemeteries then yeah totally

>> No.6723190

Unfortunately it seems like discord is gaining traction

>> No.6723226

Name one site used by normie where you could post art other than Twitter.

>> No.6723248

>Literally rendered useless thanks to autistic furries
>Then rendered uselesser thanks to autistic ntffags
>Then destroyed forever thanks to autistic Aijeets

No. Twitter is still more usable than DA.

>> No.6723249

god bless saver bros

>> No.6723260

Thanks to AI I think it's safe to say porn is dead. If it's porn is AI and if it's not AI why do porn?

Ecchi might be all you can do from now on if you want a normie site without triggering the execs. They call this "safe horny" these days by zoomers so maybe it's just time to move on.

>> No.6723275

it's more about reach and potential customers, more reach = more customers = money.
Social networks make the process easier, the other option you have is to go to specific niche forums to look for people who want commissions or are looking for an artist for their project.
I want to draw anime women, not be tightening nuts in my workshop.

>> No.6723281
File: 512 KB, 719x699, 1501038286120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about the numbers, they want one place for all, not 1000 places for that one itch
Fucking think

You're either doing art because you can, you're doing art because you can but people actually want to pay you for it, but get filtered by literal forks in the road on where to go to donate, or you're doing "art" to pander to subhumans that will gladly use you like a slave if you want that kind of lifestyle

The masses don't want to work, that's literally your job. Imagine if someone wanted to make their own dinner but each ingredient was scattered between 1000 stores that only carries one of the ingredients you need, and they are all thousands of miles apart. That's what it's like having "your eggs in multiple baskets". No one wants one egg per carton, they want a fucking ton of them in one for convenience. Fucking think retard.

>> No.6723283

the world is such a joke.

how can people be this publicly incompetent and still be billionaires? its such a fucking laugh.
if i do anything half as stupid as musk i'd be financially ruined for life with no hope of redemption, but because he was born lucky he can piss away any sense of intelligence and still be successful solely because he's already rich./

>> No.6723340


>> No.6723392

I will, but how do I get people to click on it

>> No.6723444

It absolutely is but that's not a statement of quality for Tumblr itself

>> No.6723474

Calm down it says temporary

>> No.6723512

U guys chose to let an assburger rule over u and this is what happens.

>> No.6723609

why does everyone try to force discord into being something its not

>> No.6723610

Neocities? Normies are more open to visiting your website than they are too going on some social media that hounds them to log in and shit.
Agreed! I also wanna add that youtube is fucked as well, and they're trying to clamp down on adblock. Once that happens, they'll slowly work their way up to two 30-second unskippable ads per ad segment.
Yeah. If I wanted to simply talk to other artists I could have an obscure irc with 5 people.
It's literally true. I made an account there recently and haven't seen a single political post. Absolutely nothing negative.
Contrast that with twitter. I have an art twitter account that has never ever interacted with anything regarding politics or discourse, nor do I follow anyone who does. Every time I open twitter, all of the posts by people I follow are pushed out of the way in favour of Elon Musk tweets, "libs of tiktok", "culture critic", "Ian miles cheong", "everything out of context", "crazy clips", "no context humans", etc.
I don't want to see that shit. Tumblr has never forced that on me.

>> No.6723624

>cannot retrieve tweets at this time
Is this it or do i just have shit internet

>> No.6723678

You also lack the ability to scroll up and read, apparently.

>> No.6723688

Your tumbr experience is as comfortable as you choose to make it. Don't like cringe fujo shit? Simply don't follow blogs that post it. Not to mention the tagging system is superior to twitter as far as finding/blacklisting/categorizing your own content for an audience to find whereas on twitter the best you had was a media tab.

>> No.6725045


their 'recommended/for you' tab is full of cringe though, maybe don't go on that.