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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6719695 No.6719695 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get good at drawing? I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. Almost 24.

I've wanted to get good at art since I was a teen but I've lacked the motivations, resources and teachings to get started.

I don't know
>which brush size to use
>optimal size to draw digitally
>good pressure curve to start out with
>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
I legitimately don't even know how to do sketch lines. My coordination is so fucked thanks to my autism, I can barely even sketch without even the most basic lines fucking up. I can't visually imagine stuff in my head when I'm actually drawing, and my ADHD just wants me to finish as soon as possible. I can barely decide on something as basic as what model to use when trying to sketch a head.

>> No.6719705

Try pixel art. None of your issues will hinder you there. No brushes, no lines, no pressure, just dots. Autism is a bonus here to as fiddling with dot arranging is like a little puzzle.

>> No.6719713

Stop reposting this thread faggot

>> No.6719736

I want to be to draw full on 2D sketches and images. I want to be an artist that can do that. I want to draw in an pseudo cartoony anime style. Something that involves actually sketching.

>> No.6719741

Nigger none of these things matter just FUCKING draw. Get out your fucking pencil and start scribbling NOW

>> No.6719748

have u tried reading the sticky retard

>> No.6719752

Yes. Fucked up the very first upside down drawing, and didn't even finish it because I didn't have interest in drawing that specific thing. Didn't even know how much room I was going to need to expand it out and couldn't even fit his face at the bottom.

>> No.6719760
File: 139 KB, 770x478, kotobuki017op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need hands for that anyway. this guy drew with his mouth. (full body paralysis)

>> No.6719765

use a picture of an anime girl with big boobs instead of that’s what you like

>> No.6719769

>I'm left-handed
shouldn't be a problem, there are supplies for lefties and I'm sure many artists are left-handed
>have perpetually shaky hands
stabilizer, a brush that fits your style and a style that doesn't require super thin and crispy lineart, but even that you can achieve with practice, it'll make for a good tiktok video
meditation and maybe meds, drawing can be a form of meditation
so everyone here
>and a learning disability
you can still learn slowly if you practice every day, maybe more so than a talented anon who doesn't draw because he's a faggot
>Almost 24
you like making excuses, which is why you won't do shit unless you change your attitude

>> No.6719770

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDLoleIfAroyou can see him in action here. he uses pen tool for cleaner lines.

>> No.6719775

do u know where I can get a left-handed pencil?

>> No.6719898

being left handed isnt a disability you retard

>> No.6719911
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i don't give advice to people unless they already show potential and a positive attitude. people that start off with the doomer mindset from the very beginning are unironically never gonna make it

>> No.6720230

I'm already on meds but I'm going to try meditating.

>> No.6720700

ADHD isn't real, just stop doing anything else but drawing and you will improve. You lack self discipline.

>> No.6720703

>I'm left handed
LMAO, wtf.
when did this also become an excuse for not being able to improve?

>> No.6720713

Die and be reborn with Asian jeans

>> No.6720731

>I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. Almost 24.
I love how none of these have any reason why you're bad at art.

>> No.6720751

I swear this is a repost

>> No.6720757

Wtf are you doing?
Use your autistic powers and just draw lmao
your drawings look really bad compared to everyone else at first but autistic people thrive on repetition.
Once you get decent you can get into the zone like activating ultra instinct
Just fucking draw

>> No.6720760
File: 14 KB, 322x209, 20854712_p23_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.
I really don't fucking understand how people can still delude themselves with this bullshit that everyone can learn with so fucking much evidence all over the internet
If you aren't already above average from childhood or at least haven't made progress on your own with just observation and copying stuff, you can take every fucking art course on the planet and stuff up your arse suppositories filled with DNA remains of Michelangelo, but you'll always, always suck.
It's really fucking bitter to swallow but It's the simple truth of how things are.

>> No.6720768

>I could draw if I could get over these minor issues
>Gah you should just give up!!

>> No.6720779 [DELETED] 

Every time I try to draw with repetition, my ADHD comes in and says otherwise.

>> No.6720795

Don't get good at drawing.

Draw good images.

>> No.6720821

What does that even mean?

>> No.6720836

No one gets good at drawing. There is always more to improve, and you will always make bad drawings most of the time. "Getting good" is a horrible non-metric.
Focus on the current image you're making, make it the best you can or better, and you'll improve much more and be happier.

>> No.6720840

Maybe next life (:

>> No.6720848

Yeah pretty much
If you baaaw so hard that you need support and advice over minor issues, just fuck off and kill yourself
You deserve to be the bitch of that full body paralysis Japanese guy in the afterlife

>> No.6720852

deja vu

>> No.6721129

Get a pencil and some paper
You're helpless

>> No.6723321


>> No.6723328

Why are you bumping your baw thread? Just pick one of the recommended courses and draw

>> No.6723478

>and didn't even finish it because I didn't have interest in drawing that specific thing
then do it with something you like?

>> No.6723562

Why did you list left handed as if its a thing holding you back? A lot of the best artists are lefties and they tend to be more creative than rightoids. Its a perk. 24 is not too late

>> No.6724446

Neural plasticity?

>> No.6724704

Yeah I'm still having troubles. I legitimately can't even think when I have to sit down and start drawing. My mind goes blank and I don't have any idea of what to even draw.

>> No.6724739

And then what? If I don't know the fundamentals then what's that going to do?

>> No.6724740

Except these aren't fucking minor issues. I need serious help.

>> No.6724813

just pick NMA vilppu course from the video thread and draw as you watch

>> No.6724847

holy fuck what a giga chad R.I.P

>> No.6724857
File: 154 KB, 908x578, babubauba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think about a funny scenario. I'm a beg too and I just thought: Today I draw myself and my cat as a catgirl playing with her and so I did

even though it's shit I'm proud that I drew something, 2 months ago I wouldn't be able to draw this. Just reiterate from studies and doing your own art just for the fun of it, it doesn't have to look good, it just has to be fun.

>> No.6724872
File: 80 KB, 640x566, 1686627107221550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know
Anon pencils are reversible. Just flip it over.

>> No.6724875

and sharpen the blunt end!? horrifying but genius. I'm gonna be an artist after all. Now how do i get left handed pens...

>> No.6727204

Please post moar pussy Anon

>> No.6727229

You don't, faggot. Art is not for everyone's specially defective sub humans like you.

Go get free autismbux and play video games

>> No.6727277

Consult a doc about adhd meds (or antidepressants if you may have depresshun like many adhd people do), made a huge difference for me when attempting to finish a drawing

>> No.6728259

you sound like a guy full of excuses bro, no one will be able to help you and you'll be stuck forever like this, whining and crying and wondering why nothing goes well just because you let difficulty define your worth. Just draw holy shit, it is THAT simple.

>> No.6728262

what fucking evidence you lunatic moron

>> No.6728465
File: 1.72 MB, 1996x3352, bow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have all of those and i'm 22
my advice is get a pen and paper, then obsess over sonic the hedgehog while doing your fundies
an autist can improve solely on sonic the hedgehog fan art if you're willing to weaponize your autism and adhd in that fashion

>> No.6730182

It's not going to happen.
t. you 8 years ago

>> No.6730678

You do not have a finite amount of files or pages you can fill out. Start experimenting and stop asking for handhold, you cuck.

>> No.6730683


>> No.6732844


>> No.6735221

I will try.

>> No.6735349

I can't tell if you're being genuine, but as an autist I do agree with the puzzle assessment

>> No.6735537

literally just draw

>> No.6735708

>literally just draw
Just draw what??? And how do I draw if I can't draw yet???

>> No.6737472

I'm trying to figure out anatomy and I can't even do that.

>> No.6737583


>> No.6737605


>> No.6738178
File: 989 KB, 3681x3183, Encino Man Charlie SL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I get good at drawing? I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. Almost 24
Me too, nigga, except I'm almost 25. Still isn't stopping me.
I make stiff stuff
I use a big blocky brush
I erase edges I don't like
Then I finish what I make, see if I like it, move on, do another piece, rinse repeat.
If you can't imagine stuff in your head, then use reference.
Pic related is a character for funny spessman game and I used capcom street fighter art as ref (Sagat by Nona).
It's not just a big body, it's a small head on a big body.
Just like that, I steal Nona's style just a little bit.
And then I stole Huffslove's style with Frazetta colors.
And tomorrow I'm gonna steal Wamu's style.
And no one's gonna stop me.
And no one should stop you, anon.

>> No.6738825


>> No.6739595

Any excuse not to draw jesus

>> No.6739611


>> No.6739637

unironically how do you expect to get better at drawing if you straight up refuse to actually pick up a pencil and draw? why do you need these super perfect conditions just so you can get started? what do you mean "you can't draw yet"? are you seriously expecting people to spoonfeed you every single issue you have with drawing? what's gonna happen when you get new issues in the future? are you just gonna go through the same process as you are right now? so first of all, change medications, because whatever you're taking clearly isn't helping your adhd and autism symptoms, ask your psych for a higher dose, or if stimulants aren't working for you altogether then i suggest taking up a non-stimulant like strattera or guanfacine instead, secondly, start doing things on your own more, be inquisitive, google everything you have doubts about, skim through every resource thread and piracy site you can find for books and video courses and such, don't just wait for someone else to do the work for you because it's NOT gonna happen, and lastly, you have to accept that even with all the resources and materials and whatnot, you will still have to put in the hours when it comes to actually drawing, but guess what? it's not forever, if you keep at it, drawing as much as you can, you will literally improve over time and all of these problems will seem much easier to tackle in the future, and that's another thing, stop overwhelming yourself with like ten problems that you want to find the solution of at the same time, focus your energy on one thing that you want to fix at a time, and take small steps toward it, don't give in to the urge of wanting to do everything at once, because you already know you're just gonna freeze up and do nothing but think about all these issues

>> No.6739655

"just draw" is law but often beggies get tripped up by paralysis analysis. i get it. in the past, probably anon would not have internet and would be in a nature journaling or figure drawing or perspective course over the summer and have those parameters, instruction, and restriction to operate and grow within. now everything is cracked wide open with the internet, it's an ocean basically, and you have to pick a spot to jump in at but there just are no more real lifeguards, floaties, or shallow ends (there are but that's not what it feels like). the old advice still applies: draw from life. if you don't draw but you want to, go to flickr or imgur or whatever and look up pictures of flowers or other plants. STUDY THEM, deconstruct them into shapes you SEE, and draw those. accept that you can't see, YET, and JUST DRAW like shit. now keep doing it until you have a whole section of your notebook dedicated to learning how to deconstruct, observe, and reproduce shit from nature. there. NOW you can draw. now you want to draw better? buy a perspective manual and get busy.

none of this shit is going to happen while you're glued to the internet btw so get over it and get OFF social media sites, including 4chan, including reddit, including YouTube, if you're browsing ANYTHING idly then delete it and detox, replace the scroll with your sketchbook and just. draw.

>> No.6739718

Then why'd you come here, dumbass?

>> No.6740076

I feel like this is the same anon constantly posting this thread over and over again. If it is and if you haven't started by now then are you ever going to do it?

Maybe try turning off the internet for like 10 minutes and try drawing something for once instead of posting here.

>> No.6740270

It’ll take you a couple more years to realize and accept that your issue isn’t in drawing.

>> No.6740284

>people that start off with the doomer mindset from the very beginning are unironically never gonna make it
*unless they change that attitude

>> No.6743235


>> No.6743242

They never do

>> No.6743326
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1536, 20230715_002233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 years and he's still legit unable to draw non-stiff proportionate humans

>> No.6743399
File: 81 KB, 1024x512, riko dont leave me behind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find an excuse to draw something for an hour a day and just keep doing it. Look up guides and try incorporating what you get out of the video into the next thing you try doing. Understand that there is no shortcut or trick or technique to make you suddenly improve dramatically. Know that you will still be complete dogshit for a long time.

I hadn't drawn in years and made a commitment to get back into the habit this summer. Three months and I'm still fucking complete garbage, but I've gone from garbage I'm fucking embarrassed to even look at to garbage that I can at least say vaguely looks like the thing I wanted to draw, and if that's as good as I get, I can live with that, and if I get better than that that's awesome.

There's guys on /co/ that show up and make pictures of requests everyday.
There's guys on /v/ who filled a 700 post thread with parodies of boss fight tropes the other day.
There's guys on /pol/ that draw portraits of weirdos who show up at parole hearings.
There's guys on /aco/ that do nothing but draw stick figure porn.
Find whatever works, whatever will get you to sit down, pull open mspaint or pixlr or gimp or whatever, pull out a mouse or tablet and just fucking do it and keep on fucking doing it.

>> No.6744023

I think something is legitimately wrong with him.

>> No.6744037

He doesnt practice, he doesnt care. His mentality is literality like a teenager.

>> No.6744047

I don't care about your post but I really, really want to fuck Reg

>> No.6744495

A man with his priorities straight.

>> No.6744525

Executive dysfunction is a tough thing to deal with but trust that once you get the ball rolling actually performing the task is much easier. The goal is to set up your surroundings to reduce the friction involved with initiating the task. Nibbling on something first, putting on music that makes you wanna tap your feet, dimming the lights, cleaning your room, etc.

First and foremost you have to maintain art as something fun. Sometimes gamers will grip their controllers too hard. In that same way sometimes we hold too much tension while we draw. You have to let yourself draw shakily. Trust you can trace over it again with a stabilizer on if you want something clean.

Brush size comes with nuance. How zoomed in you are, what step of your process you're on, what you're even drawing.
I like to sketch with a thicker line and then Ink with a thinner line. So if it's just a doodle I use something kinda pencil esque since I started traditionally.

Test lots of things. It's a comfort thing really but just don't go below 300 dpi ever. I make my canvas 4000x6000. I place my ref all over the page and then draw somewhere in the middle. I just crop when I'm done. This way I don't have to deal with not having enough canvas.

Default pressure curve is fine. Any pressure curve is fine. This is a muscle memory thing. You'll get used to anything the more you use pressure with intention in your drawings.

It's less about undoing bad habits and more about encouraging good ones. Stop asking how to stop drawing stuff, and start asking how to draw dynamic.
Learn how we balance ourselves, and shift our weight. Usually there's a foot underneath the shoulder on the same side. Think about character performing an action or in motion. Exaggerate angles, squash and stretch anatomy.
Sorry that's a lot just focus on one thing at a time.

To stop drawing shitty lines try scribble hatching, and blind contour drawings.

>> No.6744536

The biggest problem I see with audhd artists is doubting what direction to go because they aren't sure if it's the right one. You have to learn that your failures don't mean that you're a failure. They mean you're someone who's put in effort. And looking back isn't that better than someone who's never even given it a fair shot? Just let go and experiment. Suck a little and try things out a couple times. Asking for help is the first thing we're able to do as humans after birth. It's the most important thing we're able to do as a species. Don't forget that.

>> No.6744560

I'd say his priorities are rather gay in this case.

>> No.6744687

I'm surprised too. I draw and I'm left handed. Hell, it used to be believed that left handed people were supposed to be more of a natural at art. OP is making excuses.

>> No.6744730

you dont need to be smart to be good at drawing,even the most retarded person could get the hang of it.
>shaky hands
use stabilizer for lines
>brush size
use big for sketches, small for lineart if youd like.
>pressure curve
>stiff figures
a roung of 5 minutes of figure drawing when you feel stuck
>shitty lines
eraser tool
>how to get out of /beg/
get out of your confort zone and draw something new.
>sketchy lines
use bigger brush
switch between drawing different things in multiple windows

>> No.6744746

You're too based for this shit thread, congratulations on your baby steps. Enjoy your small victories and they'll start to pile up.

>> No.6745085

OP here and I'm still struggling. I legitimately can't even draw a straight line on a normal pencil and paper without my shakiness fucking it up.

>> No.6745094 [DELETED] 

I've lost the ability to hyperfocus and my love for repetitive things.

>> No.6745103

I'm on a high dosage of Adderall and all it does is it makes me higher energy. It doesn't help me focus any more than before. I still can't stay still and draw.

>> No.6745104

Based take. Being bad isnt a failure. Staying bad because you dont want to put in the work to improve is.

>> No.6745320

Practice straight lines. Not even joking - take a sheet of paper and a pencil or even a dry erase marker and one of those little $2 boards and just practice making straight lines. Fill a whole sheet, fill twenty with just line after line after line until they get better at drawing straight, smooth lines.

Same thing for circles. When I was learning I could join a circle smoothly to save my fucking life so I just filled sheets with little circles until it just became basically muscle memory

>> No.6745397

How much is in your finger motion and how much is in your arm? I see people say do it with the arm motion but every artist I've seen uses their fingers.

>> No.6745405

How are you shaking this badly? The way you're describing yourself, you sound like you've got Parkinsons or something.

>> No.6745411

I don't know how. I believe it either has to do with a thyroid condition or the Adderall I take. I don't shake as bad when I rest my full arm on the table but when I try doing it with my arm and nothing else touching the table I shake.

>> No.6745611

Actual drawchad advice. These anons get it. This is what actually separates those that will become artists and perma-begs. When somebody says "just draw" this is what they're telling you to do. If you feel like that's too much for you, find a different creative outlet for your own sake.

>> No.6747744


>> No.6748526

Still trying to figure out why I'm not good then.

>> No.6748651

Give us a baseline - take a pen and pencil or even a mouse in mspaint and try drawing a page of straight lines, just one continuous stroke, then again next to it and keep going till you fill a space. They can be up/down, right/left, diagonal, just do one thing consistently so we can see if you’re typical novice levels of wobbly or a full on Parkinson’s motherfucker.

>> No.6748690
File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 20230630_171444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was a couple that I tried with a normal notebook and pencil.

>> No.6748695

What the fucks the point if I'm going to take 5 years to get even remotely good when all my peers of the same age are vastly above me?

>> No.6748701

You're being way too hard on yourself. There is nothing shaky about these lines. The line is curving slightly the same way every time, so all you do is fix the curve and you're good.

>> No.6749137
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, 20230630_163343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They originally looked like this.

>> No.6749151

>drawing can be a form of meditation
It's too addictive. You cannot just let yourself start drawing and expect being able to easily just stop it. It's like playing Factorio or Rimworld, you get yourself the rest of the day erased.

>> No.6749156

There are no shortcuts, anon. If you wanted to master medicine or physics you wouldn’t expect to do it overnight. It’s no different with drawing. Building a skill takes time.

>> No.6749575

I'm used to having a lot of stuff come to me real quick. I'm hoping the same thing happens here.

>> No.6749879

Yeah but is it worth it to do it for that much time? All my peers who are my age are vastly superior.

>> No.6749924

If it’s not worth it then what the fuck are you doing here asking for advice and complaining about it for. Quit and go home then, faggot. Guess it never really mattered to you.

>> No.6749928


Take your meds or give up on learning any new skill, not only drawing.
That shit is procrastination on TURBO mode.

>> No.6749933

My meds make me feel like shit and it doesn't work. It's just me but energized, it doesn't help me focus any better.

>> No.6749938

Because I've wanted to for years and I should have been doing it not, but I haven't.

>> No.6749954

Just today I tried to stop taking my medicine because it made me feel shitty, and it only gets worse for me.

>> No.6749962
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20230718_163628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a page of circles I tried doing.

>> No.6749965

My arm wasn't on the table for this.

>> No.6750126

Should I try with pencil and paper first? Or drawing tablet? I'm really shit with a tablet.

>> No.6750131

Do I have to use my arm when I'm drawing? I legitimately can't draw anything good with just the motion of my arm, I always have to use my fingers no matter how big it is.

>> No.6750132

You could always try self-medicating with caffeine

>> No.6750135

Even when I have a stimulant, it doesnt help me focus or learn any better. It's just me, but energetic.

>> No.6750373

Come suck my dick and you will magically get good

>> No.6750863

Do it or don’t.

>> No.6751081

I don't know how to do it.

>> No.6753708


>> No.6753711 [DELETED] 

OP here and I haven't made any fucking progress despite this thread being up for almost a month. I don't know what's wrong with me. My autistic obsession with repetitive stuff got beat out of me a long time ago, so did my ability to hyperfocus. I can't get them back no matter what, even when I have Adderall in me it doesn't work. I try to focus but it's just me with more energy.

>> No.6753719 [DELETED] 

Even when I try doing it, my brain makes me forget basic details such as wrinkles on the face, pupils or even the ears. It's fucking infurating me.

>> No.6753722 [DELETED] 

I can't make anything for myself, otherwise I have to follow this exact detailed process of how to draw something specific to get it right. I can't make anything that's my own.

>> No.6753729

Op here and I've still got nothing to show.

>> No.6753801


>> No.6754228

Then you don't have ADHD. You have..Zoomer brain, and it's fatal. Only cure is to go camping inna woods for a month and bring lots of printer paper and pencils

>> No.6756359

I don't know. Adhd diagnosis is usually accurate

>> No.6756370

Please draw a bunny. Do it immediately after you read this. Pick up the nearest pen and paper and draw it. If you don't have any near by, open Ms paint and draw it there.

>> No.6756717
File: 64 KB, 848x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but drew one anyways

>> No.6756923

>>which brush size to use
Any you feel like. For line work, I like to go 3-5 px. Then anything else what every works.

>>optimal size to draw digitally
What ever you feel like. I use 1080p-4k
>>good pressure curve to start out with
I start in the bottom left to the top right, but the curve is going at a big bend.
>>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
Just test.
>>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
Learn gesture, and maybe anatomy
>>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
Draw with confidence, or longer lines. DAB could help, but not needed.
>>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
Practice daily. Use refernces, Make time to think about what your doing in your practices, and make time for fun (If not you'll get burnt out like I did)

>> No.6756934

To get good at drawing you have to follow contradictory advice and do but also do but not do essential fundamentals that aren't rules but are rules and you have to break them.

Draw contours in one confident stroke, but also sculpt a line with multiple passes to add line weight.
Draw what you see, not what you know, but also learn construction so you can create new things out of thin air.
Don't symbol draw, but also you need to stylize and create appeal.
You must learn how to do this before you can do this, after all.

>> No.6756936

How long do you draw every day

>> No.6756944

They just don't get it. They think there's is a unique case, that no professional artist has ever been at a point in their life when they struggled. The difference is, they were strong enough to keep pushing and fucking draw, no matter what. They had a drive, a spark that these whiners just don't have.
Drawing 'talent' is the result of dedication, time and patience, that's the beginning and end of it.
Just. Fucking. DRAW.

>> No.6756947

Do you have a pencil and paper? Do you have hands? YOU CAN DRAW. DO IT FAGGOT

>> No.6757067
File: 142 KB, 1002x1004, 1679068103917156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally stop caring. Draw whatever you find fun to draw. Use whatever you have at disposal, people have fingerpainted with literal poopoo before. Put so much personality into it that it'll convince others that it's fun, despite being stiff or whatever other pedantic non-issue.

>> No.6757079

i use 10-20px brush on 5000x5000 canvas. 40-50px for sketching.

>> No.6757111

Are you an architect? No? Then you don't need fucking straight lines.

>> No.6759528


>> No.6760394

You little shit stop sucking resources and attention and let your shitty whiny thread die

>> No.6760403

I still don't know how to get back my ability to hyperfocus

>> No.6760445
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Honestly all the stuff you listed can be simply fixed by drawing more and understanding and adapting to what you want changed. It's okay to be complacent or even content with how you draw somethings. Everyone wants their art to look differently.
It helps to isolate your studying to areas where you struggle the most-to learn without overwhelming yourself. You don't have to completely master something before moving on, its okay to come back and study again later. Like say if you drew a piece and the hands are shitty, study hands for a week, to feel like you know a little more and then move on. Hands are going to be better but not the best and that's okay, you'll learn more as you draw more. Do the same thing with eyes or feet. Just slowly improve, don't drive yourself mad with trying to improve everything at once, this very second-that's not realistic, you can only study so much in one day.

> I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability.
I'm not left handed but I have shaky hands, autism, learning disability and probably adhd, so I know how disheartening it feels. It does make drawing hard and sometimes feel impossible but it's not impossible.
Increasing pen stability (which is found under the pen settings of the art program of your choice) has made such a difference in my art, it helps with the smoothness. Sometimes my hands get too shaky and then I take small breaks.

>> No.6760451

>shaky hands
Try doing pull-ups and wrist exercises/arm exercise. Strengthen your arm by holding a weight (book, jug of milk,etc…) straight out in front of you for extended periods. Work up to heavier weights and do circular motions and straight lines as if you were drawing on a huge canvas. This will help strngthen your muscles and you should be able to hold a more steady hand by doing this, also take cbd oil.

>> No.6760458

>which brush size to use
This depends on how you want your art to look like. Do a small doodle with a thick pen, dont like it, doddle another with a smaller pen and so on.

>optimal size to draw digitally
Its best to start out big and with a dpi at 300 and more. You can size down without losing quality but you cant size up. Once again this is going with what feels right for you. My canvases are at 11x14in at 300 dpi. I dont use all of the area sometimes, I'll crop my canvases.

>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
This is something you have to mess around to find out. Everyone going to have their own preference, you can start out using someone else's as a base.

>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
Do gestures. You trying to capture the flow of the body not the anatomy. The the guiding line. You got to relax and do it in a swift motion.

>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
Contour drawing helped me improve my line art and get confident at lines. It helped me learn how to draw in one smooth line. You don't have to do line art completely contour, I don't, I segment my lines while drawing.

>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
Everyone starts out as beg and there nothing wrong with that. There is no one right way to do art for everyone. You have to find what feels right and go with it.

>> No.6762431


>> No.6763625

Been doing push ups and upper body stuff recently.

>> No.6763828
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also not op, but i felt like drawing a bun

>> No.6764001

Your current age is irrelevant, it’s your ethnicity and what age you started at.
You’re most likely a spic with better genes from Spain

>> No.6764062

As per usual, the man not bitching about his situation btfos the kids who is.

>> No.6766099

How do I draw without getting visually over stimulated by all the lines?

>> No.6766103

Spend a week camping in nature without any electronics.

>> No.6766108

That's good, it's definitely a body hack for art. Ive been taking a hammer and holding it like a paint brush then ever so slowly air tracing straight lines and circles

>> No.6767345

I wish I had this sort of problem.

>> No.6769795

I just don't have enough energy.

>> No.6769881

I legitimately don't know what to do. I haven't drawn a single thing since this thread has been up. My medication doesn't make me focus any better, it's just me but energized, and I don't get anything done. I don't have enough will power or strength to actually finish anything. I've been unable to even do basic stuff. Whenever I've tried drawing, I get visually overstimulated by all the lines, my mind doesn't let me focus. I just want this all to fucking stop somehow. I can't do this.

>> No.6769993

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6770045

How do I get enough motivation to draw and focus in the first place?

>> No.6770155

I have an aversion to trying to draw and idk why

>> No.6770613

>I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. Almost 24.
Plenty of people have all of this shit and more and have learned to draw (see Xwitter). Drop the excuses, they're holding you back.

>> No.6770642
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>> No.6770651

stop porn, games, sugar, eat healthy, start exercising, meditate, use breathing techniques, change your environment to one that allows you to draw more, change your beliefs to one that allows you to draw more, see what is holding you back.

>> No.6770666

Dunno if this is bait or not but listen;

there is no "right" brush size, opacity, pressure curve, whatever.
even with all that you're still human and we humans are incredibly adaptable.

it doesn't matter the setup, tools or media, if you keep drawing (using reference is okay btw! it's kinda how you learn) you will eventually notice you're getting better, even if it's just a little, if you keep that up for a long time you'll get
to whatever skill lvl you want. Don't worry, keep drawing, that's just anxiety talking.

>> No.6770694
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>If I don't know the fundamentals

>> No.6770739

>Executive dysfunction
I thought you said erectile dysfunction...

>> No.6770752

Unironically do dr*wabox or brent eviston's course and grind this shit

>> No.6770778

Done all of these things already.

>> No.6770797

I think you would benefit from life drawing classes. find a local group that does life drawing of nudes. I think you would benefit from it for a number of reasons, 1 being you're encouraged to be loose and carefree with your sketches. you will quickly develop an understanding of things like pencil grip and arm movement, which will just come to you naturally as you progress through the lessons. it sounds like you struggle with written advice or tutorials because it's not answering questions for you. i think you need a more personal approach with a tutor who can answer your questions as they arise.
also, things like visualising an image is a bit of a myth. it's normal for most artists to have only a rough idea of what they want to draw, and the final image comes out quite different. instead you should be remembering the foundations of drawing, shape, composition etc, but these will come naturally through practice.
also, back to life drawing classes, I think it would help you to much better understand things like pen pressure, because digital art, graphics pads, are awesome, but they are a simulation of the real thing. practice the real thing and you will have a better understanding of what the software is trying to emulate.
if you can't afford life drawing lessons, there could be local art groups that organise things for free, it's often old people but don't let that discourage you.
if you don't have access or time to go to a class, then I suggest just buying a fairly large sketchbook, A3 in size, specifically for making scribbles and markings and messy practices, where you use your whole arm, trying not to hold it like you'd write words with. buy 2 sketchbooks, one for making mess, the other for when you want to try make a good image.
it helps take the pressure off of making perfect art, whilst also developing your hand movements.
I am left handed too and I don't think it's too much of a problem. I have to use my graphics tablet upside down though.

>> No.6770807

if you can write, you can draw. as a child it took years to develop your handwriting, but now, (even if it looks messy) you can quickly shape each letter without really thinking about drawing the shape of the letter, the curve, the straight lines etc.
the point is, it's all about practice and repetition. all beginners come to a point where they say I can't do this, I've tried drawing and Im just not making gains. this is where you either stop, or continue. the ones that stop, confirm their beliefs and think it's about talent. the ones that continue, realise oh damm it's just repetition and fundamentals.

>> No.6770828

why 300dpi for a digital drawing though? dpi is for printing, as long as you have a large pixel size for you canvas, it doesn't matter if it's at 300 or 72. the pixels remain the same. Sure, you'd want a large pixel size to print at 300, but you can change the dpi to 300 from 72 with no pixel resizing.
am I missing something here? genuine question.

>> No.6770934

>I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability
First step, drop the faggy coping and excuses.
Second step, actually fucking draw.

>> No.6770942

just draw

>> No.6771155

>How do I get enough motivation to draw and focus in the first place?
Why do you want to draw?
Just pick up a pencil right this instant and draw something fun. Doesn't think about whether it's "good". That comes later. Right now focus on enjoying the activity.

>> No.6771169

>draw something fun. Doesn't think about whether it's "good".
That's the problem though. It's not fun if it's not good.

>> No.6771172

Think about the stupid cartoons you used to scribble on the desk in school. Now do that but on paper.

>> No.6771179

>you used to scribble on the desk in school
That was back then. Now it's painfully obvious that they suck.

>> No.6771181

>Now it's painfully obvious that they suck
So what? You're not showing them to anyone. Not now.

>> No.6771207

why is this thing with western people pointing every negative condition as if they were making excuses in advance for their failure? kind of pathetic

>> No.6771219

>Why do you want to draw?
Many things but I don't know what to pick and my attention gets divided between them

>> No.6771221

I'm also trying to draw something without it just being me following someone else's drawing.

>> No.6771547

retard here, what stream is this from/who is this? I could use a good excuse of "i haven't watched that yet" to add to this list, ty.

>> No.6771707

Feng Zhu

>> No.6772738

How do I stop getting visually get overestimulated by all the lines?

>> No.6772928

>New IP

>> No.6773030

Yes but I want to draw something good, especially with all the knowledge I've gained.

>> No.6773037

>if you can write, you can draw. as a child it took years to develop your handwriting, but now, (even if it looks messy) you can quickly shape each letter without really thinking about drawing the shape of the letter, the curve, the straight lines etc.
OP here. I legitimately have never ever gotten good at my hand writing no matter how long I've been doing it. It always looks like shit even compared to people who were my age. It always stayed at the same level of shittiness and I fear the same will happen with my art.

>> No.6773559

but the point is that you understand how to shape each letter, that an S is a snaking curve, a C is like half a circle a D is half a circle with a line, and so on.

You learned how the shapes need to look, in order to communicate an idea. That was through practice and repetition. it doesn't matter if it's untidy, it still uses the basic principles of shape to express language.

The same can be said of drawing anatomy for example, but instead, you're using shapes to express ideas. just as you learned letters are just shapes, you can learn things like the nose uses certain shapes, is positioned relative to the eyes and nose and so on.

I saw your image of practicing circles and I thought they were very good. they had character and liveliness. You don't need to be perfect with your lines. they still communicated that they were circles, and that's the main thing.

the circles actually reminded me of one of my favourite illustrators, Quentin Blake. you should check him out. he uses scribbly lines that have so much character to them. His art is awesome, and it's far from "perfect", but it doesn't matter because he understands the basics of shapes and how to communicate ideas with them.

>> No.6773663

Don't let your conditions prevent you. Don't compare yourself to others without your conditions. That's unfair to yourself. Your conditions give you unique challenges, that many here won't understand, and therefore they'll just tell you to stop whining, but I know it's not that simple. Perhaps find other artists who also have learning disabilities and listen to their stories, how they overcame their issues and persevered.

One of the art students at the college I attended had severe dyspraxia and other conditions that severely affected his movements, speech and memory, but he was determined and saw the course through to the end. he had difficulty with control over his body, let alone his hands, and his work could be described as "wobbly" or "messy" throughout the course. Their final project was an art exhibition, and he had drawn portraits and landscapes that were full of expression and energy. they were far from perfect, but they communicated. It was in my opinion far better than most of the other students there, who perhaps didn't push themselves anywhere near he did, comparatively. I didn't do art at the time, but I learned something from his exhibition that has stayed with me since.

>> No.6773704

>(full body paralysis)
OK, but how does that help me? Full body paralysis doesn't really hold you back from drawing like being left handed, having perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability and being almost 24 does.

>> No.6773722

>didn't even finish it because I didn't have interest in drawing that specific thing
you know i've wondered for a long time why certain autistic people never seem to get good at art no matter how long they draw, perhaps this is the reason why?

>> No.6773737

to be fair, drawing exercises like upside down drawing can be tedious on your own. it's far better in a classroom situation, where you are encouraged to keep going, and even then the point of the exercise can still go over their heads.
but the point of all those exercises are about breaking up your preconceptions about drawing, you have to keep that in mind, so if drawing upside down is tedious for you, try other things like drawing negative shapes. that's a good one. not drawing the object but the shapes of the negative space around it. put on a podcast or something too. if you can listen to a podcast for an hour, you can draw for that hour too.

>> No.6773772

>Full body paralysis doesn't really hold you back from drawing like being left handed, having perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability and being almost 24 does.

Being completely incapable of eating, drinking, shitting, and pissing without help. Drawing with a pen you can't even pick up on your own. That doesn't hold you back as much as your little list of disabilities half the artists on this fucking board have? Age is no fucking excuse either.

It's you, anon. You're the one who is fucking this up, not any of your excuses. You can either fix it or stay where you are forever. Nothing anyone tells you here will help until you help yourself.

>> No.6773917

just do it basterd

>> No.6774617

>Full body paralysis doesn't really hold you back
holy shit. this has to be bait kek

>> No.6777173

op did you check out Quentin Blakes illustrations?