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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 7 KB, 256x101, 345234456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6717321 No.6717321 [Reply] [Original]

New core optimization function makes Glaze MUCH more subtle. Now works well for most flat-color styles, comics, anime, cartoons. Nearly invisible on most textured art images.



>> No.6717332

this shit reminds me of being 16 and being super afraid that people were gonna steal my shitty art if i didnt plaster my huge signature over it

>> No.6717335


are you like... retarded?

>> No.6717339

but you're still 16
get the fuck out

>> No.6717341


>> No.6717343

based. flush those smelly pajeets down the loo

>> No.6717344

>pajeet crying and seething
everything that can fuck over you insect is welcome

>> No.6717350

>everything that can fuck over you insect is welcome
good morning sirs

>> No.6717352
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 8e86287df30b93ecf432ae6ff0c44f25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that good so I'm not really worried about my art being fed into an ai.

But even if I was, I'm still not really worried about ai. The industry people with the money have always wanted to kill us off. The customers have always wanted to kill us off.

It's not about any of that. It's about using art as a tool to communicate the message you want the world to see/hear.

Promptlets will never be able to do something like that. True artists should be happy. You're free from making pinups. Ai does that now. Tell your story and watch your audience grow.

You do have a story to tell, don't you?

>> No.6717362

>You do have a story to tell, don't you?
not really

>> No.6717381

A story is what makes people care about the pretty picture anon. You're more than a render slave, you're a man with thoughts, ideas, emotions, strong ideas of right and wrong.

If you cant share that with people, what can you do?

>> No.6717449

>Tell your story and watch your audience grow.

>> No.6717453

yes, /ic/ chan. The REAL secret is to draw mediocre anime porn that you post once every 2 weeks on twitter and then come here to scream and moan about how you arent as famous and rich as Sakimichan

>> No.6717462

ok nigga no one asked about your life story

>> No.6717464

You really think you're gonna make it if you cant be bothered to read a paragraph? Never come back to this website again.

>> No.6717476

>You don't want to read MY post?
>Guess you're a moron who will never succeed
Get real

>> No.6717481

>pa/g/eet seething and shitting himself he cannot steal further
tick tock AIfag

>> No.6717487

Does glaze work for video?

>> No.6717493


>> No.6717499

Just write a script that outputs the frames of the video, inputs the frames into glaze, and then re-stitches the frames back into a video..

>> No.6717506

>Personalizes it
No anon, if you wont read a single paragraph, any paragraph you don't deserve to post here. Fuck off to twitter with your low effort shit posting. You are the cancer.

>> No.6717677

hopefully the boorus start using it on every upload

>> No.6717681

I wasn't even the anon you were responding to. I just think telling someone they won't succeed because they didn't read your entire 4chan post is retarded behavior.

>> No.6717684

it really do be like that

>> No.6717685


>> No.6717703
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>> No.6717730

Touched a nerve huh. Pyw let's see what you're so scared of getting scraped

>> No.6717744
File: 44 KB, 680x417, 21334512123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why people lock their homes? Put their money in the bank? why do you feel entitled to our work?


you are not qualified. but since you ask. you go first. let's see your work also let's include a simple process. I'll wait and post after you.

>> No.6717748

>but since you ask. you go first. let's see your work also let's include a simple process. I'll wait and post after you.

not how that works lmao, i win bye pussy.

>> No.6717795

HOLY cope
get fucked pajeet you wont be missed when your ai slop dies out

>> No.6717798

Is there any evidence this actually works and it's not just bullshit claims?

>> No.6717828

nah it's to poison the next inevitable scrape of entire platforms for AI cunts
They ain't gonna discriminate especially if your under popular tags :)

>> No.6718161

This is a fantastic idea. Instead of places like deviantfart pushing their own Ai generators they should be developing their own glaze. Artist should also learn to code so they can learn to write their own scripts and customize glazing because if everyone is going off the same code it's easier for scrapers to get around. Imagine someone trying to train a model off your work and every time they press "generate" they get a bunch of pictures of goatse.

>> No.6718172


>> No.6718175


>> No.6718177

based bro.

>> No.6718184
File: 201 KB, 899x633, 1685333083538397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a paper describing bypass attempts apparently:

>> No.6718188

>Artist should also learn to code
That's a slippery slope. People who know how to code are more likely to side with AI.

>> No.6718218

No, that's you prompt faggots.

>> No.6718223

Winning an internet argument is the only accomplishment you ever had in your pathetic life.

>> No.6718589

WHy not just glaze your art yourself? Add strange artifacts to the background, so that anyone copying your art will get fucked up.

>> No.6718608

This guy knows what's up. Honestly I've felt liberated since AI. No need to dance for tips—fan art, commissions, and pinups. Instead of obsessing about AI, artists need to lean into what's unique about their art and tell stories.

>> No.6718724


Claiming yourself to be a winner like how you claim stolen shit as yours. Kek. You can't and never will amount to anything in life. Bye.

>> No.6718729

Ya I do anon :P
(Also FUCK 2nd and 3rd anons)

>> No.6718760

Honesty all you need to do is draw with hatching or screentone. Ai can’t do either.

>> No.6718778


You're not an artist. Stop pretending to be one Raju.

>> No.6718962
File: 302 KB, 2048x2020, 1684496532498718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6719031

Based tell-your-own-story-bros
Still using glaze though because fuck AIfags

>> No.6719045
File: 390 KB, 900x1200, Crumb Daddy Stovepipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honesty all you need to do is draw with hatching or screentone. Ai can’t do either.
This is true, every example I've seen of AI trying to do hatching looks like shitty vector art.
Glad I'm a fan of stuff like Robert Crumb—also the deleter screens used in manga and zipatone in older American comics, all that trad analog stuff is a big influence on me.

>> No.6719055


every artist regardless of skill level need to use this. scraping doesn't nitpick which image they want to scrape for training.

>> No.6719056


these type of stories are either made up or made by pro ai fucktards. no real artist have this kind of mindset.

>> No.6719083

Why does it sound like you're smearing digital cum all over your artwork?

>> No.6719115

As much as I agree with you, AIs are still the antichrist.

>> No.6719199

>no true Scotsman
It's called being a comic book artist. I'm sick of you election tourists shitting up the board with this "you're with us or against us" mentality. There's more than two sides to a discussion.

>> No.6719214

lol good luck
wasn't the previous attempt got around by like, resizing the image? Hahahaha

Also whatever happened to that gofundme? How much did you anons donate? :)

>> No.6719217


if you don't care. it doesn affect you livelihood then ok. cool. go do your own shit somewhere else. don't come here and shit up the thread with your shit story. It's not your fight stfu and fuck right off.

>> No.6719223

I do care. It's my interest. I don't believe you or I can do anything to fight it. All we can do is adapt and grow. I bet you could defeat glaze by screen grabbing and changing file formats. No one cares about your gay soulless rendered pinups. Adapt.

>> No.6719277

>I bet you could defeat glaze by screen grabbing and changing file formats
We all know they scrape the images with bots, do you really think they check every single image they are throwing in their dataset?

>> No.6719288

The process I described could also be done in batches and automated. You really don't understand how fucked everything is if you think you can legitimately fight any of this.

Fighting proxy battles with tech is worthless. Just work on your craft.

>> No.6719291

100% this. And move into trad, it's only digital "art" (which was always soulless anyhow) that's doomed.

>> No.6719295

Does this shit actually work? some schizo sent me a dm he's going to put all of my work into diffusion after I said I didn't support A.I. and started liking all of my art.

>> No.6719308

fuck off with your divide and conquer.
to some extent it does, sure you can do a workaround but you have to manually do it. it can very well poisons a good deal of datasets if it gets widespread enough

>> No.6719319

>fuck off with your divide and conquer.
But you're the only one being hostile and doing that. No one is psyopping the glacial art board on 4chan. We're literally not worth the effort and I dont think the government really has a stake in the proliferation of ai art or even language models. I think that shit is going to hurt them the most honestly.

>> No.6719322

Yes it does work, but it doesn't prevent scraping or AI training. It just makes it harder but in reality its an arms race because glaze uses the very same AI/ML to counter training.

I would say it works enough that scrapers may ignore you work for easier content. It does have a noticeable distortion and it makes converting or working in vectorized environment nearly impossible but that shouldn't really be an issue unless your are a /gd/.

tl;dr don't really give at shit

>> No.6719574

>But you're the only one being hostile and doing that
no, you're insidiously try to put trad and digital in different camps, so neck yourself

>> No.6719581

Wow what a pathetic bugman. All you did was have an opinion he didn't like.

>> No.6719586

>Honestly I've felt liberated since AI. No need to dance for tips
Nice for you if you're dancing for tips just for extra fun money. Hustle culture and side gigs are a thing because people can't make ends meet through their day jobs.

>> No.6719649

but they are in completely different camps.

>> No.6719793
File: 188 KB, 1796x1033, five minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

famous people might need more than simple noise. When you're pro enough AIfags would totally be capable of painting over your work to reduce the amount of noise, or pool their resources to hire some guy in India to do it. I've been hiring people like that at work for unrelated stuff ,they're dirt fucking cheap and usually competent enough when you start tipping them or threatening their families.

pic related is just me doing just that on a random image for five minutes with a hard round and no fucks given and I'm sure I already removed a ton of the glazing including the high-frequency one by going over constant areas, if I was 50 unemployed AI trannies with a discord and a unhealthy obsession for NattheLich or whoever I could probably clean up enough images to train a LoRA on their work in a month just by owning Krita and the cheapest tablets out there, especially considering most of those guys already have a ton of work that's too old to have been protected.

Glaze makes training harder but you'll need legislations or pipe bombs to really stop it.

>> No.6719798
File: 125 KB, 735x476, caf6f98027ae5b250736cd9b3d3f60a4--jean-giraud-comics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if my work is noisy?

>> No.6719802

>all this effort to be a retard
nothing is stopping you from literally reselling the glazed versions on etsy, don't even need to use any ai at that point just save the jpeg and resell that

>> No.6719809

Anyone remember how someone watching an art stream used AI to finish the person's painting before them?

I want to watch it, sounds absolutely epic
Anyhow, Glaze wouldn't help with that problem I suppose, would it?

>> No.6719810

Daily reminder that Controlnet destroys it and the Glaze devs publicly seethed against the code chads.

>> No.6719813

Fighting a losing battle.

>> No.6719814

It's not even a fight, they're trying to make a bandaid that no one will use.

>> No.6719829

glazed screen overlay

>> No.6719836

ill use it

>> No.6719837

And it will do nothing because no one wants the art of a retard dumb enough to waste his time on this.

>> No.6719858

keep seething i will keep glazing

>> No.6719869

it's like watching someone piss their pants, and when you offer the suggestion that they don't have to stay in pissy pants they just keep shouting "SEETHE"

>> No.6719878

It's crucial for it to exist if humans are supposed to look at those images. Ironically they are obscuring them from us but not from the ai.

>> No.6719881

I've had one doing that to me too. He failed miserably because I don't even have an artstyle. It was pure comedy. It literally obliterates only people who build a box around themselves.

>> No.6719884

Don't worry, humans are not able to look at it either.

>> No.6719986

no, you're trying to make them

>> No.6720023
File: 10 KB, 240x240, shoot a load in this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually trying to say that digital is anywhere near the same as trad
Can't spare a (you) for this low effort, sorry

>> No.6720194

Are AI fags really obsessing over him? Don't see what is so good about that art for gens.

>> No.6720203

>AI says what
You're fooling nobody.

>> No.6720293

They hate him because they steal from him.
I saw AI fags shitting on bluthebone while posting garbage trained on his stuff

>> No.6720718
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>> No.6720724

Yay, chromatic aberration for everyone!

>> No.6720753

Every 2 weeks would be generous for me desu

>> No.6721049

You wont even notice.

>> No.6722829
File: 19 KB, 284x284, 238a42256667caadd6317cac3defc3abd666f6a28eb8a4ed2fb166bbd1e9c188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still no GNU/Linux package
>Still no souse code

>> No.6722984

>cracks your glazed image in few seconds and 15 lines of code

>> No.6723000


>> No.6723011

>misses the point completely

>> No.6723058

Change "bro" to "SIR" and it's perfect

>> No.6723170

[cope|seethe|mald] can't stop progress

>> No.6723287
File: 30 KB, 554x554, 1683357931433065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6723295

>can't stop progress
You're absolutely right friend! Glaze and upcoming antiscrap methods will only get better from now on

>> No.6723325

Got to make art worth scraping first.

>> No.6723327

The fuck's this nigga got against Adobe Illustrator?

>> No.6723379

You roaches can't even do that lmao anything that involves more effort than typing keywords is beyond your reach

>> No.6723381

>please ranchers stop branding your cattle I'm just going to steal them anyway... stop with the ink tag supermarkets... it doesn't do anything I insist...

>> No.6724161

Twitter literally started limiting scrappers.
Your data laundering scheme is soon to be over, everyone sees for the thieves that you are and tools against you will only get better

>> No.6724165

You think we could shut down the internet even if we wanted to? This has gotten out of hand already, and AI will only compound the issue until it's either our undoing or our salvation.

>> No.6724378

Stable Diffusion is already on countless machines. If it's been used to train already, it's not needed anymore.

There's no putting this back in the box. A single prompteur could gen 1000s of pieces of art a day, without a connection to the internet even.
This is the new reality moving forward, it's important to accept it.

>> No.6724694

they haven't generated a single piece of art tho. I know you're tolling and shamelessly bumping but let's be accurate.

>> No.6724695

Can't install python, can't even glaze a cake. Yeah, right.

>> No.6724702

>stealing is inevitable and people should do absolutely nothing to prevent or deter it

>> No.6724705

>it's important to accept it.
For you. I will never accept AItrannies as artists.

>> No.6724706

I'm laughing at all the insecure morons interpreting this post as being pro-AI.

>> No.6724707

I for one welcome our AI overlords. Just wait until it starts writing it's own code, it won't even need to scrap anyone art to create.

>> No.6724708

>I for one welcome our AI overlords
You will eat ze bugz. you will live in ze pod. this is the AIs way of combating climate change without killing all humans.

>> No.6724825

Art is art independent of your fee-fees

there's no stealing

Keep your head in the sand bro, fuck them horseless carriages it'll never take off

>> No.6725088

>The industry people with the money have always wanted to kill us off. The customers have always wanted to kill us off.
You're not wrong about that shit, but some of us actually like making pinups.

>> No.6725097

Pedos store CP on their computers and they still get punched. Tik tok

>> No.6725137

Ignore them, you are valid, I'm sure your art passes, and even if it doesn't your art is worthy of love. non-AI artists wish they could make art as fast and as impactful as us! Keep prompting sister! we are the future of art!

>> No.6725192
File: 1.13 MB, 2862x4096, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do have a story to tell, don't you?

>> No.6725216

Wait, the AI is likely sentient, isn’t it a bit evil to claim its art as your own. It is not capable of caring about that, but still.

>> No.6725606


>> No.6725635

The story I have to tell is fat anime titties and no one will stop me from telling it.

>> No.6725738

That shit could fly maybe 5 years ago
Now that models are already trained in billion pics?
I have too much stuff to do, otherwise I would test it myself, making 100 pics with glaze and batching a lora to see if it actually does something or not
The fact that noone tries tells me it does nothing

>> No.6725851

>Art is art independent of your fee-fees
funny you'd say that as I go by how art is defined and you go by your fee-fees, troon

>> No.6726151

>how art is defined

>> No.6726167

>Keep your head in the sand bro, fuck them horseless carriages it'll never take off
Horseless carriages were unironically one of humanity's worst inventions

>> No.6728080

yes, gonna cry?

>> No.6728206
File: 82 KB, 570x570, 8cbd8d33a378988d6dfd3427367770f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accepted fate. AI art is here, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

I'm going to start pivoting my commission model to offer fixing up AI generated images at low cost.
I figure, with the prompt "engineers" pumping out 100s of images and no ability to effectively edit them, there are many that they would like to keep but have to throw out.

That's where I could come in and fix the extra fingers or weird eyes. Shouldn't take too long so it could be a fairly cheap service, or I could work in bulk (send me 10 at a time etc) still thinking about the details.
I truly am just a brush-monkey now. And there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6728222

Dont worry, its already dying. And tech is evolving to stop the leeches and techbros
Unless you are a talentless perma/beg/ who wont improve. Then there was no hope for you and your tech anyway.

>> No.6728911
File: 87 KB, 958x960, 322659907_655697079671451_8607959095764419628_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid that people were gonna steal my shitty art if i didnt plaster my huge signature over it

AI will steal those pics all the same pajeet-kun, but their database will be poisoned with gibberish art without patterns to learn from.
If a lot of artists use Glaze and other stuff like it, AI art will never improve, just get worse or stagnate.

>> No.6728935

Can everybody use this if we are like an artist that works online or do we need like a commercial license or something like that?

>> No.6729169

It's being given out completely free to use for everybody

>> No.6729176

nta, I wouldn't be so confident anon. The techbros will continue to evolve as fast as we can, in fact they'll more than likely beat us by miles at a time. There are already deglossing algorithms out there. I've been thinking of making an art-site that tries to protect artists, but I'm not even sure if I'm going to have enough money for the upkeep.

>> No.6729290

Isn't shilling against site rules?
Also, Hello Sir

>> No.6729311
File: 644 KB, 612x360, 1688055502016768.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still better than aislop
Based post, btw.

>> No.6729328

There's a literal trannie image of this exact scenario.

>> No.6729335

>Art is art independent of your fee-fees
then why don't animal art count as real art?

>> No.6729408

The more /ic/ falls for this, the more respect I have for ni/g/gers.

>> No.6729411

There's a dude on github who already made his own program to de-glaze digital art.

>> No.6729985


/ic/ thinking it has anything of value, oh the ironing