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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6710277 No.6710277 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>6662389

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/9h1mUYSJ#8sJoO57nMP_JhjnujBXkpQ
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

>> No.6710279

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

>> No.6710283

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.6710284

I've done a few comics, but they're usually just a collection of images, maybe 10 or 12, communicating a glimpse of greater story. I don't know how to put a story together.

>> No.6710335

op, next time, add the competitions, and change the previous thread number. Check the OP Tags for resources people want pinned.

Current Contests:

Kyoto internationals Creator Awards:

Zenon Magazine:

Silent Manga Audition: https://www.manga-audition.com/sma19-overflowing-tears-silent-manga-audition/

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.6710639
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Do you have any page that you have remade and then you realize how much you have grown in between them?
I do but the remade version is just in the draft yet

>> No.6710729

In almost a decade I've never remade a page. Seems like a waste of time to me, time that could be spent drawing a new page.

>> No.6710758
File: 81 KB, 885x500, sadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've redrawn the same page 10 times now, for the last month. It's kuyashii...

>> No.6710759

Is working on something simple for some years just to develop art skills and storytelling a decent enough thing to do? After I significantly improve at both I will probably start a long series.

>> No.6711000

That's what most people (should) do.
Start with small and short stories and as you get more comfortable, you can increase the scope of the art, writing, and length as a whole.

Nobody makes their magnum opus on their first try.
Just don't get caught up with trying to develop your skills for your big series. You'll have to start at some point, even when you feel you're not ready yet.

>> No.6711035

I advise the opposite. Do your dream project from the start, it will keep you invested in improving and finishing it.

There is no rule saying you can't do it over after your skills have improved. There is also no rule saying you have to work on something completely different after it's done, you can do variations on the same idea. Most mangaka have ONE, exactly one big manga their whole lives, and they started when they were young and intermediate.

>> No.6711061

Which manga artist do you know started out with a jackpot series right off the bat before they did oneshots or doujins, or just any form of practicing comics? There may be some but I can't think of any, if you genuinely know I want to know who they are. Kishimoto has a a bunch of blurbs in the Naruto chapters describing the seinen oneshots he did before he got his hit. I actually remember a long time ago Horokoshi had a reputation on the english speaking sites I visited as a guy who was obviously talented but unlucky with getting popular and whose series kept on getting canned before he made MHA.

That being said if you want to work on your magnum opus sure, go for it, just be aware it's going to suck, not just in terms of art but storytelling, in that you will introduce useless unexciting details, awkward things, and other viewer-hostile elements that will bite you in the ass later if you intend for this to be a long series. If you practice on bite-sized comics instead you will be able to understand better what makes a story work, how to keep a reader reading chapter to chapter, and how you can apply small lessons to larger narratives.

>> No.6711069

I think another way to break down this comment >>6711061 in a simple way is: you will never know what/how your audience is going to react to your “magnum opus” idea. Personally I try to not complicate things because making comics is already a very complicated endeavour so... just put your best foot forward in any work you produce.

>> No.6711075

You also don't know what your magnum opus is going to be. I say always do your favorite idea first, because you will probably have a new favorite idea later, and there's no sense in saving your best ones up for "someday..."

>> No.6711089

To follow up on what these anons >>6711000 >>6711035 are getting at, I personally jumped right into what I intended to be my "magnum opus" as the very first thing I did. I made all the dumb mistakes, was ridiculously ambitious right from the start (I had an ideas for 8 entire JJBA-style parts before I even started!), and generally had a very poor understanding of how to actually approach planning out a long-running series and just how to create a compelling narrative/cast of characters in general. I drew it for about 15 months, making about 400 pages in that time.
I learned a lot about the craft of making comics, as in the technical side of actually putting a story on the page -- from the drawings to the paneling to the typesetting etc -- but comparatively little about crafting a good story or good characters. I feel like that's the big reason to create multiple smaller works -- you'll iterate on the craft side of things no matter what you do as long as you're making comics, but you'll only iterate on the writing side of things by forcing yourself to come up with ideas and turning them into a clear, concise work (not even just stories necessarily). This is why it's always recommended to hone your skills with one-shots instead of committing to a series, and because I failed to do that I can't help but feel like my writing skills have lagged behind my comicmaking skills.

Of course, if the only thing that's going to get you leaping out of bed in the morning to draw is working on the idea you're most excited about, then do that. I don't think I would have even the skills I have today if I had tried to force myself to work on stuff I didn't care about. Don't pass up the chance to draw what you want, because once you go pro you'll be very lucky if you get that chance again. Besides, when you really care about what you're making, you'll try that much harder to make it the best thing you can.

>> No.6711147

I would say that even if you wanted to start with your magnum opus, or whatever you think your "main" comic will be, maybe do some side chapter or backstory chapter as an example for practice. Just like a 20-24 page pilot chapter to get the characters and world on paper and see how it feels.

People act like there are strict rules or formulas or roadmaps to success, and that's just not how it works.

>> No.6711171


Has there been a hi rez upload of the Chainsaw Man anime guide yet?

>> No.6711172

>Nobody makes their magnum opus on their first try.

Heh..... uh, yeah, nobody would try to do that.....

>> No.6711185
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If it's any consolation, the sketch file for my ten page comic was started on the twenty fifth of April. The third page is about 2/3rds inked as of the 17th of this month.

But this is also my first comic and is being used for practice, so.

>> No.6711200

Thinking about doing my manga as a VN, but from what I see you need lots of porn for that to be successful...

Maybe I can do a sort of alternate take on my story with the numbers filed off so it's not directly connected to the main manga

>> No.6711233
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>only 2 pages left to draft before i have to start organize myself to draw it
The panic is striking in

>> No.6711363

how do they draw things like the ground or walls with just a bunch of random scratches? If i try to copy them it looks arbitrary, like I'm writing some weird unknown language.

>> No.6711482
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Learn and practice how to render texture and draw little details, even if i used the clip studio brushes with texture i couldn't do anything how i would like to

>> No.6711569
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mock-up for a chapter cover. Crits welcome, I guess.

>be me
>write first chapter of comic/manga
>6 months passes
>writing the 2nd chapter
>quality is better
>want to re-do chapter 1
>chap 3 is shaping up much better at this rate
>chap 1 looks like total dogshit in comparison to everything else
how do I deal with this? Do I redo chapter 1 and lose time or do i just continue on with the story and let sleeping dogs lie?

>> No.6711573

I want my magnum opus to be the last thing I made. I should be constantly improving. Or to put it in other terms, I never want to make my magnum opus. I always want my magnum opus to be around the bend.

>> No.6711577
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Also here is a page im working on (unfinished for now)

>> No.6711621

You leave the older chapters be. People think its cool when the art is clearly getting better.

>> No.6711647

See what murata did, it will probably be a god example of why you should avoid doing that

>> No.6711722

I like reading manga in full color, but it takes longer to make than a grayscale page. Would (you) as readers feel cheated if you were reading a manga that had full color for the first page or two of a chapter and grayscale for the rest?
Nice cover, I thought it was from Berserk at first
I read through every chapter in the order it was scanned and I still have no clue what the final timeline is for the Monster Association arc

>> No.6711726

>Would (you) as readers feel cheated if you were reading a manga that had full color for the first page or two of a chapter and grayscale for the rest?
It's pretty much standard practice in Jump and maybe manga in general for a few pages of the occasional chapter to be in full color, on top of the first few pages of the first chapter generally being in color too. You'll be fine.

>> No.6711731

Yeah, what >>6711726 said. It's a nice treat if it happens but if not, whatever. Now, bear in mind that if you're gonna go and print this thing, a lot of printers only have "treat as color" or "treat as black" for the whole interior body of work. I haven't yet met one that let you specify only which interior pages were color.

>> No.6711763
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The world has a rhythm. You learn it by drawing it. It's the earthly joy of an artist.

>> No.6711961
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Did the first page of a comic i'll try to draw.
first and second panel were drawn after the third one. Still getting used to the style. Hopefully i can get better at this loose style as it really speeds up my drawing.

>> No.6712047

It's always frustrating to feel like you 'know' what you want to draw in a certain spot, but it can be hard to find good references. For instance, I'm currently looking for an intense stare from someone standing behind someone else. I'm sure I've seen that sort of thing at least a couple times, if not more, but it can be tough to find examples when you're looking for it. Guess that means I should probably just try to keep a reference of things I think I could use, but I guess you don't always know what you're looking for until way later.

>> No.6712061

Looks nice and western

>> No.6712073

Dont fall into the redrawn trap, youll rarely make it out
t. guy who scrapped over 200 pages to redraw them all

>> No.6712106
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>> No.6712143


>> No.6712180
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Does anyone manufacture cutting mats that aren't PVC material?

>> No.6713011
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To the anon that asked to post my work like 20 days ago, and i answer him that in 2 weeks i will have it...

I finally finish the scrip, now all i have to do is draw it

>> No.6713143

How the hell do you follow through with made up deadlines? I’m thinking having one even though I haven’t pmw yet will make me work faster but at the same time I know I won’t make it no matter how long it is because nothing will happen if I don’t so why bother?

>> No.6713151

Based, gmi.

>> No.6713170

Honestly, there's no way to get around the fact that a deadline you made up for yourself, a fake deadline, is never going to be as effective as a real deadline. There's simply no substituting having a hard date that won't budge to finish things by. Getting work done while there's nothing to keep you to it is where you'll really be testing your discipline and dedication.

>> No.6713428
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15 more pages and then Ch. 3 is done. Slowly getting there...

>> No.6713491
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does it worth learning to use the default G-pen or am i wasting my time and i can use whatever i want for the manga line-art?

>> No.6713610
File: 2.74 MB, 1320x2040, Issue 1 Page 1 sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think if my work counts. Whenever I show it to people in real life, they always comment how my art looks like "anime." But when I show it online, people insist it's too comic book-y.

I'll just post what I got. It's not much.

I personally suggest finishing writing your whole story. There's always the possibility that you'll write something at the end that'll affect something in the beginning. I often completely rewrite my first few chapters after I know how the ending is put together.

>> No.6713612
File: 1.39 MB, 1320x2040, Issue 1 Page 2 sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great backgrounds. I love it when a comic takes time to just show the surroundings.

>> No.6713614
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>> No.6713617
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I do. I try not to acknowledge it though. I'll look at my old work and think "why did I ever believe people would want to see this when I wasn't ready?" But then it makes me look at my current work and wonder if I'm repeating history.

I try not to intentionally do it.

>> No.6713618
File: 1.64 MB, 1320x2040, Issue 1 Page 5 sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713646

interesting story, you've got a great start. I think you could be more economical with the panels, lots of it could be cut. You should also try to get more contrast and variety in your staging / composition, it's all a bit uniform and flat. Keep working on your figure drawing. Study run and walk cycles, so you can get more natural posing.

>> No.6713672

you have a lot going on for yourself in terms of backgrounds and I like the color scheme. The rhythym of the panels and the compostion is generally pretty good. My major critique is that the character design is kind of unappealing. Also the scale in the

>> No.6713765

I can sort of see what they mean. Most normies associate cartoony heads combined with more realistic bodies with 'anime'. But certain shape language you use like more pronounced chins, smaller pupils, eye shape, etc. makes it look more like a drawing I would find on western social media. I personally think the drawing and backgrounds look good, though.

Do you have any goals for the audience of this comic? Unfortunately I think most webcomic readers have certain styles they are comfortable with and will automatically dismiss stuff outside of those styles unless if it really blows them away.

>> No.6713779

>Unfortunately I think most webcomic readers have certain styles they are comfortable with and will automatically dismiss stuff outside of those styles unless if it really blows them away.

This. Even if your art is good, if it's not what the audience is expecting or used to, they will reject it. Most people want something that's similar to everything else, familiar. This is one of my hurdles with getting into manga/comics, is I'm not willing to compromise the look I like

>> No.6713802

More power to you, but just accept that you might not get the readership you wanted, that's all.

>> No.6713832

That's why I'm considering switching mediums.

>> No.6713845

You can use whatever you want but most complaints people have about digital inking are invalidated by brushes like that default Real G-pen. It's not the end-all-be-all, and most of the complaints are still skill issues, but that brush is more than good enough for your inking needs.

It does look comicbooky (not bad though), but that isn't a problem, this is really more a general for comicmaking as a whole.

>> No.6713882

I wish I had the manga creator gene

>> No.6713893

So do manga creators.

>> No.6713944

>Also the scale in the
you can’t die yet, you have a manga to make!

>> No.6713953

Anyone have an article / video that clearly shows what tools mangaka use when digital drawing? The video I was trying to look out has it all shunted too far to the side. I'd mainly been using G-Pen, but seeing >>6713491 makes me wonder if they use Real G-Pen instead.

>> No.6713959

I just realized the seperated and tall style of bubbles in manga is due to japanese being written vertically. I'm o used to reading english words squished into these little bubbles that I don't like reading horizontal bubbles like in english comics. What do you do to try and get a happy medium?

>> No.6713968

perfect 1:1 ratio bubbles

>> No.6713998
File: 718 KB, 1554x1400, julie and friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My major critique is that the character design is kind of unappealing

If it makes a difference, the character in the first three pages is just for the cold open. She's supposed to be kinda dumpy and a bit of a loser who meets an unfortunate end.

The main characters are these three: >>6713617

They're a paranoid older brother and his agoraphobic younger sister, and the girl bike-riding is the brother's friend/bodyguard.

After I draw the first eight pages, I'd like to submit it to western comic publishers, like Image.

I had considered this, back when I was first developing my style. But I eventually decided that I'll just pick the style that makes me happiest and proudest of my work.

Thanks to everyone for their kind and constructive input.

>> No.6714041

>those characters
They look hella appealing anon. Enough that I want to lick them through the monitor screen.

>> No.6714055

Like straight outta hentai anthology magazine, with all the visual bells and whistles.

>> No.6714188

Interesting stuff anon- I agree that your posing could be more natural, but your pacing is just right for the story you have so far.

I don’t think Image will take it, but you could hack it as a webcomic/webtoon/indie easily. GMI.

>> No.6714271
File: 49 KB, 380x376, 1672038062218994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally transcribed the script(?) Well, all the dialogue of the name, so i thought if someone could read it to revised i would be very thankful please remember that i'm esl so i'm sorry if it has any orthography mistakes

So finally here is the "final"(well not final, but one of the last one... i hope) versions of the thing i want to do... also this is the better version of the thing i wanted to do last year for the kyoto contest but i fuck up my arm last time https://pastebin.com/0AvaqRP6

>> No.6714279


>> No.6714282

Without the images to see if the text work we can't really tell you much brother.

>> No.6714293

this, comic scripts are written with panel descriptions. Even screenplays are written this way. You shoulda done ya research, buddey

>> No.6714304
File: 634 KB, 750x750, 1685577320117735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like 5am over here and i'm too lazy and i didn't thought about it, so i just copy the text that i had in the name and then i posted it, so I'm sorry, but also i mostly post it to see if nothing was off grammatically? I don't know how it's called but it was to see if it didn't read too weird

>> No.6714331
File: 20 KB, 1041x437, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the new CSP
I have 1.0 PRO, and want to upgrade to EX for all the manga-related features...

From what I heard, 2.0 is monthly payments. But here it's telling me it's a one-time purchase for the upgrade to 2.0 EX.
It's on sale now so I'm tempted to grab it but I don't want to buy a subscription

>> No.6714362

no they don't, they already have it

>> No.6714368

Your grammar is alright and there’s nothing to change in the pastebin, so next we’ll need your final sketch draft before you ink to check the context and revise awkward sentences (if any).

>> No.6714371

You don't know that, you're just assuming that because they accomplished something you haven't that they just possess some god-given trait that makes it easy. It's not easy, for anybody. We all struggle with this medium.

>> No.6714399

>If it makes a difference, the character in the first three pages is just for the cold open. She's supposed to be kinda dumpy and a bit of a loser who meets an unfortunate end.
One of the best pieces of advice for drawing manga that I’ve ever read is not to make your readers wait for the good part, because they won’t. The readers won’t have any reason to have faith in an unestablished author and push on, they’ll see a wonky looking character, assume that she’s the MC, and drop the series and move on.

>> No.6714653
File: 1.04 MB, 714x1049, Screenshot from 2023-06-25 19-57-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just added the sketch today
i spent the whole day trying to get CSP to run on linux but it just doesn't work

>> No.6714718


>> No.6714763

None sorry, i've never posted stuff anywhere besides /ic/. I decided to try to make 10 pages here and if people think it's ok i'll put it somewhere and continue there.

>> No.6714823

>romantic scene in story
>never been in a relationship
I think I bit off more than I can chew. How the fuck do I write this?

>> No.6714876

What does ur heart tell you?

>> No.6714877

I advise to take the Toriyama approach and make it as brief and to the point as possible. Any time I read any "romance" dialogue and it's painfully obvious the writer has zero real experience, it makes me want to drop the story.

Natural feeling dialogue and reactions are integral to any decent romance scene

>> No.6714885

Brother, 90% of popular romance was written by hugless, kissless virgin 30-year-old males / 14-year-old girls.

As long as both characters have their own personality independent of each other and aren't just there to live out a fetish of yours, it'll be fine.
Make them act as actual humans would, and nobody will notice that the author gets 0 bitches irl.

The standard for romance really isn't that high as most romance readers are bitchless themselves so they won't be able to tell the difference anyway.

I just noticed you meant a romantic "scene" and not romantic "story". My bad lol.

>> No.6714903
File: 2.98 MB, 1720x2429, ch2p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6714909

fun art! I love it

>> No.6714911
File: 1.66 MB, 850x1929, page 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started posting on Mangaplus. Doubt I'll have much of an audience either here but I gotta say i dig the site. It tried to shit on me for having a vertical formatted comic which I love. After I'm done with my current read I'll start checking what else is there to read there.

And usual sites.

>> No.6715013

Not true, if mangagods struggled they wouldn't be able to make 15+ pages per week

>> No.6715018
File: 3.28 MB, 448x393, 1687053140981140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If olympians struggled, they wouldn't be able to set records
>If writers struggled, they'd never have become famous
>If monolinguists struggled, they'd never have become translators
>If children struggled, they'd never have learned how to walk

Do JEANS posters actually believe this?

>> No.6715026

Anon, some famous mangakas struggle even WITH a dedicated assistant team of 2-4 people. They are able to pump it out, but barely. Its why so many die early deaths.

>> No.6715030

Your ignorance isn't cute.

>> No.6715118
File: 49 KB, 1024x710, 1682425865982469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally end the "script"
>completely forgot how to draw afterwards
Yeah, at this point i really believe that i'm God's favorite toy

>> No.6715130

just gotta warm up to switch gears

>> No.6715240

Ignore this child, myself and many other anons have tried multiple times to help and direct him with proof reading and drawing. he will always disapoint you, and push blame onto external forces within his control rather then accept the help and actually try.

>> No.6715278
File: 755 KB, 708x720, 1652124360551.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? What are you on about, are you on crack anon? Of all the times i have asked for advice i haven't be rude replying

But i may notice that i may be stubborn when it comes to change the writting since i just get stuck with how it sounds in my head...
Also i think that you may be confusing me with someone else, because i really don't ask to much about drawing

>> No.6715319

What the spruce

>> No.6715322
File: 3.78 MB, 1400x1980, Ostrakon 1 E1 P1 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comic ain't even manga-looking but eh, ain't no other place to post it so here it goes

>> No.6715323
File: 3.48 MB, 1200x1697, Ostrakon 1 E1 P2 copy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715325
File: 3.74 MB, 1200x1697, Ostrakon 1 E1 P3 copy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to establish a light source early on and just shaded shit randomly on this page like an idiot, won't make that mistake again.

Anyway this is all for now, the remaining 7 pages of this chapter only need shading and I'll have my very first chapter ever finished

>> No.6715500

you're not rude, you're a lost cause. every. damn. thread. asinine questions attached to anime reaction images.

>> No.6715718

Lmao, you even got the film dust/scratches for that old timey feel. Nice attention to detail. Panels 2 and 3 give me a Homeworld 1 and 2 feel.

>> No.6716155
File: 342 KB, 618x872, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.6716319
File: 148 KB, 1014x508, 1683307001653805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably aware of this... but i'm not the only one posting cute anime pictures in the internet... at least not on this site....

Also which way to organize myself is the best, i know that i have to start with the characters, but do i do all the characters or i go drawing one and then other one and the other one, or i go drawing by camera shot, like first plane, full shot, half body and so on
I'm not looking a way to do it just faster, but more like a way to do it less exhausting, that my arm doesn't fatigue so much

>> No.6716337

What the fuck this is retarded

Beware of advice just because you think the one saying it as an authority

>> No.6716343

anon, you've been asking these "starter" questions for ages now. What have you done? Have you drawn even one page? If you just went ahead and "did it", all these questions would be answered by now.

Comic making process:
>Character / Environment Design

it doesn't feel worth answering your questions because you'll likely not do anything with the information we give you, but I hope you eventually grow some balls and draw

>> No.6716345

I'm not that anon but your posts are quite recognizable.
>Also which way to organize myself is the best
How do you expect anybody to answer this question? That anon has a point with you asking a lot of questions that can't be answered, and with you constantly complaining about how your arm hurts or you're anxious or whatever. Venting once or twice is fine but you're treating this place like your personal blog.

>> No.6716350

Anon, >>6716343 is spot on with his points. If you really need to have something of an authority hold your hand during the process, then get Making Comics by Scott McCloud. But even then, he even says that there is no such thing as a "right" way to make a comic in which everything else is wrong. You're only going to learn if you just get started and draw. I made mistakes during my first chapter, which after getting feedback from anons and I've since remedied those mistakes according to them.

You're like those people who do nothing but repeat the same fundamental lessons again and again before they move on to more advanced drawings, thinking that if they just do one more XYZ, they'll be "there," but with comic making instead. Just draw, anon. You're going to be fine.

>> No.6716390
File: 76 KB, 1920x1080, 1685452225829531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting confused with all this crap, i didn't post for months anything else that wasn't an answer to a questiong, so i really don't know what you mean

>Comic making process:
I know the process, but what i was asking was something else, but i think that it's my fault since i really don't know how to explain it

What i was planning it was organize by character ex:the main character appears in 187 panels in total and the character that appears the less is in just two panels

But also those 2 panels are the half body them, so i go character by character or i go in an order where i draw the close ups first, the half body shots after and then the full shots?
I don't know if it sounded stupid or not, but i asked also curious to see if someone else worked this way

>> No.6716393

what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.6716399

Wait, now that i read your post more calmly, i get what you are saying, i'm sorry if i bother people when i posted about my arm, but the thing is that
>i would like to remind you all that carpal tunnel and ural nerve as serious things
that we can get if we don't take care of ourselfs, i still remember that anon last year that had to get shots in his arm because he couldn't with the pain

also i know that some questions may be weird? Or that i shouldn't ask, but i do it just in case that there's someone that can't ask due any reason and just lurk, so i ask it anyway...

I really don't know how to explain it otherwise, i'm sorry

>> No.6716436
File: 659 KB, 1216x3800, 1684855883201429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716466
File: 1.76 MB, 640x426, 1687368125744799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i'm just retarded then, i'm sorry that you have to live with it

Now, for those who use csp there's this account on twitter that it's @toonup2 where he post a lot of assets like brushes and tools, so if anybody needs it, i mean instead of just be randomly looking through the clip studio assets trying to find something good

>> No.6716597
File: 708 KB, 1200x669, ExjCsVdU8AA6f7P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend starting your work now, regardless of how prepared you think you are. Research is beneficial, but excessive research is just a disguised form of procrastination. This is what separates people who merely have ideas from people who can execute them. One bit of advice I've read from multiple mangaka is to focus on completing the work rather than fixating on perfection. If you study manga you like, and you actually do the work, you will naturally improve at it, and people will be willing to give you more advice because now they see that you've made an effort to finish and present something for others to critique.

TL;DR: Post your work as a gesture of good faith, and people will be willing to assist you.

>> No.6716656

Just draw, dude. If you have to make edits later you make edits later.

>> No.6716758
File: 2.94 MB, 1723x2429, pageedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I darkened the backgrounds, I find it makes it a little easier to read the images.

>> No.6716772

How long do you usually take with a page like this?

>> No.6716775
File: 440 KB, 615x870, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little too dark imo, but you're right about my characters blending with the backround. havent found a solution for that yet.
That one took me 2 days, but only because I'm on vacation at the moment, they usually take a month while I'm working.

>> No.6716790

>That one took me 2 days...
Thanks, just getting a gist of people’s speed and it all seems to average 1-2 days per page. Btw, just an fyi, you’re using the cropmarks and guidelines wrongly if the artwork is a sample of it.

>> No.6716799

Your pages are really nice with the perspective. The lettering is a bit weird and distracting though, like some bubbles have a lot of white space at the top.
For example the first bubble "You and I..."'s centering could be more balanced. In the next panel the letting isn't centered in the shout bubble

>> No.6716849

I'd have to agree. On some of the sites I post like webtoon and tapas, I have abysmal viewership. On others I have decent subs and comments, and have even been in a top 10 for a site.

>> No.6716914
File: 2.90 MB, 1720x2429, ch2p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I just haven't bothered with the panel tools in csp yet, found them a bit distracting.
Thanks for the feedback, didn't notice how i had the text centered, hope it's more readable now.

>> No.6716918

Something like "days" isn't really a good measure, in my opinion. I think "hours" allows for a better grasp, since what a person can spare in a day may vary wildly. Some people have to work full time and draw when they get home, others are full-time NEETs and can spare 12 hours on just drawing if they wanted.

>> No.6716921

I don't measure how long it takes me to finish anything, I get too lost in the drawing to keep track

But I've been told I'm pretty fast, when I'm focused.

>> No.6716939

most of my time is spend redrawing and erasing and redrawing, if I could just draw something the first time, I'd be twice as fast.

>> No.6716999
File: 30 KB, 261x219, 1687795580777488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I don't understand, when the fuck did "how i should organize myself the best" become "I'm not doing anything"
And i don't think i will post my work yet since i decided to tackle this first in traditional and the do it better in digital, i still haven't started in digital, but I'm already drawing random panels here and there

>> No.6717009

Get over yourself, deadline autist fag

>> No.6717056

>when the fuck did "how i should organize myself the best" become "I'm not doing anything"

As far as I'm concerned, if you have nothing to show, then you haven't done anything, and so there's nothing I can help with until you post something.

>but I'm already drawing random panels here and there

Show them then. I'd be glad to help if you did post them, or anything at all really. I'm not an omniscient god, I can't give you advice in a vacuum.

>> No.6717276

Is it really that upsetting?

>> No.6717283
File: 137 KB, 416x319, KILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a the only one that despises fujimoto with a passion of a thousand undying stars?

I'm a the only one that wants to flay his skin off like a banana?

I'm a the only one that wants to pound his ribs with a head?

I'm a the only one that wants to pass a red hot needle through his urethra?

I'm a the only who wants to kill him and then be sad that I killed him because I can only kill once?

>> No.6717285

cringe post. you need to be 18 to post on this board

>> No.6717293
File: 75 KB, 301x212, riche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If hating fujimoto is cringe, then I don't want to be one of the cool kids
I'll carry this hate like a cross
Fuck fujimoto. Every thing it touches turns to dirt

>> No.6717297

I can't understand hating an author. Why? What did he ever do to you? Just don't read his work if you don't like it.

>> No.6717299

don't touch witch hat atelier with your filthy semen crusted hands you worthless fat slob

also, this >>6717297

>> No.6717307
File: 1.25 MB, 1076x760, AGONY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly chainsaw man
I hated it because it's everywhere!
I can't go two clicks before having it forcibly shoved down my throat

I literally spend hard block it with any mentions of it and the name of every single character with extensions and sites built in mute features and it STILL shows up to taunt me.

It's like I'm being haunted
Like I pissed in a ancient burial and got cursed

That or is a psyop and the CIA is trying to convince me to shoot up a walmart

>> No.6717309

You're not the only one.
I hate Fujimbo too. I hate his art, I hate his writing, and I hate his fanbase.
Still, calm your autism and simply hate in silence.
Use your hatred for something productive like drawing and writing your own series so you can surpass that little faggot.

>> No.6717314

it keeps happening

>> No.6717320

Oh brother I know and I usually do just that but the OP image fucking got me

Like I said. It finds me EVERYWHERE.
I wish I could just ignore it in peace

Never being reminded of it's filth would be too soon

>> No.6717322

You want to torture and kill a man because he made something that is currently popular? It's not like he has any control over that, he's just making his thing.

>> No.6717326
File: 62 KB, 800x548, psyop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this.
literally on my hentai.
I can't even zerk off in peace.

How is a man supposed to stay sane?!?

>> No.6717327

post doujin

>> No.6717328
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1516, page 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717329
File: 1.69 MB, 1383x977, page 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717330
File: 242 KB, 1179x562, itcouldhavebeengreat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"412873" on Nhentai

I wanted to build my style on it, I like the style of it
But then they said it was reminiscent of fujimoto and it RUINED EVERYTHING!!

>> No.6717333

you have autism but also they're wrong

>> No.6717336

lol brain dead weebs who only consume whatever is popular can only default to comparing every other thing to those popular things because nothing else exists in their heads
don't listen to them

>> No.6717342
File: 11 KB, 280x299, 5267ba9cb45a56ab13062c877c81f0e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if they're wrong, the normies think like that and they make the majority
They are the ones that dictate what floats

I don't want to be compared to that dweeb, I don't care if everybody treats him like the second coming of christ

If I post my hard worked on drawn piece and some clown says it looks like fujimoto, I'll be making a very special livestream on facebook

>> No.6717349

Your complaints are with the retarded masses, not with any one particular author.

>> No.6717355
File: 234 KB, 617x436, noose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fair point.

>> No.6717356

omg is this character growth??? this reminds me of my favorite shonen protagonist!!!

>> No.6717358
File: 399 KB, 1024x576, 1656174311672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post it, but not now, i remember that i told to another anon that i will post my work, mostly to compare what i did with what i'm doing now, the story changed a lot so i didn't know what certain point post, that would be a good comparison, but now i have this 2 action pages where i could focus first so i can post it, so if you could wait bit more

>> No.6717380

How has the reception been on Creators so far compared to other platforms? Thinking of uploading there since my stuff is more b&w manga.

>> No.6717386
File: 111 KB, 605x756, nitani cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to tell. But I got like 700 views on ep 1, while on tapas my episode 1 has 1200 or something views.

Being that the tapas one was uploaded like a year ago, its catching up quickly, though I suppose now that number will die down. On the other hand, I got no comments and only one fav, so I have no way of knowing whether someone actually bothered to read the thing or not.

Now, I have to say I really like the site. No webtoons-tier uploading bullshit, its all very simple and it encourages posting entire chapters which is what I will do even if it hurts my reactions.

>> No.6717917

1200 views? Congrats, anon, that's great! My first episode only got 276 view or so. Maybe it's because it got rated as 'mature' due to the violence and (small) amount of nudity, so it's delisted from the web app. Otherwise not sure what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.6717954

Finding an audience in the oversaturated webcomic market is hellish. For now my aim is just to get to 20 attentive readers. Id say I have 10.

>> No.6718033

Ahhhhh it finally happened! I search my comic on Google to see if any people are talking about it. And someone made some fan art!

>> No.6718036

Congratulations faggot post it!
I mean faggot in a loving way, faggot.

>> No.6718050

Yeah, go ahead and post it. Congrats anon - and I hope all of us are lucky enough to have fan art one day too.

>> No.6718063

Oh, hey, I've read that hentai.

I suppose there's a similarity to the inking technique used here and in CSM, but besides that, the art is a totally different style.

Not my joke, but if you get someone who has only seen Jaws, they're going to think the next thriller they see is going to have a lot of Jaws vibe to it.

>> No.6718089
File: 334 KB, 671x854, Screenshot_20230628_102057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan art of Lucy and "cerby" cerberus

>> No.6718092

Wait, I having trouble recognizing the characters. What is your manga again?

>> No.6718153

The first MEGA link in OP is killed :(
Does anyone have those books?
I want to check them out

>> No.6718235

Araki's book is worth buying, anon. I've read it so many times the binding is falling apart...and it's a hardcover book!

(wait, maybe that's why you want the pdf)

>> No.6718264
File: 27 KB, 567x567, dogsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't black and white comics like Sin City or ElfQuest more common in comparison to manga? The last one I can think of is "I Kill Giants" and that one is more than a decade old. Not to mention I just don't like american coloring styles in general, be it for both capeshit and indie comics, with a few exceptions. Something about the extreme boldness and color choices is offputting, I prefer more muted color palettes.

>> No.6718292
File: 377 KB, 1324x2048, FdY-TskXoBA5rIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tradition, and what westerners expect from the medium. In the same way most manga readers expect it to be black and white unless explicitly colorized. There's still black and white comics out there if you wanna look.

>> No.6718297

I keep holding off on reading it. Would you mind sharing why you think its good?

>> No.6718303

It brings you back to the ground of first principles. It covers all the basics of the basics you need. When you make your own work, you get confused by all the great variety of information out there, and you can be lost on what's truly important, and how to study. Araki brings you back to what's important. The only flaw of the book is that the story structure chapter is lacking, but what's there is gold, and what he talks about will let you discriminate between the good and bad story structure books. For example, his story structure chapter is what led me to studying Robert McKee, despite me ignoring McKee for several years because McKee has little to no writing credits to his name. But what Araki says lines up perfectly with the basics in McKee's book. It made me realize all the information on story writing and story structure has all been discovered and standardized since the times of Aristotle.

>> No.6718393

Pardon the ignorance but isn't Araki mostly known for shonen stuff overall? Wouldn't his analyses end up biased as a result of his focus on that?

>> No.6718399

It's a short book, you can probably read it in one sitting, so don't worry about lost time studying it. But he doesn't cover genre specific stuff, it's general dramatic writing / storywriting that he covers, like coming up with characters, designing casts, inciting incidents, turning points, how to study art and what the fundamentals are, how he approaches composition. It seems very bare bones, but the more you make manga, and the more problems you run into with your own work, the more you realize Araki had already answered your question in his book.

>> No.6718408

Ah fuck it, you convinced me. I have too much screentime as it is, so I got the hardcover copy. Looking forward to reading.

>> No.6718419

It's amusing to watch you sperg about it.

>> No.6718430

Not that anon but I dont see what he posted that was so upsetting? All he said was that if there isnt a genuinely imposed deadline, them you gotta hunker down and force yourself to keep going based on your own momentum.

>> No.6718538

I had a good run of doing a page a day but now I'm so burnt out I can't even look at my tablet without hurling. Is there a way to simulate an editor giving you words of encouragement often so you maintain motivation? I can't just sit in the dark and draw all day in silence anymore.

>> No.6718551

Lol are you me I’ve done about 15 pages in the exact same environment and feeling like shit. The difference is I rented a coworking space so I technically can talk to people but just choose not to. It’d be nice to have something like a doujin circle but with one editor like artist.

>> No.6718600

Of course that's you, this whole website is just one guy. I'm also you btw.
We could post some of our work and use each other for editorial tugjobs. Who wants to go first?

>> No.6718609
File: 74 KB, 667x500, COMIX ART CASE WITH HANDLE B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Korean or Japanese portfolio case used for storing B4 manga pages?

Whatever it is doesn't seem to have been imported.

>> No.6718610

>Is there a way to simulate an editor giving you words of encouragement often so you maintain motivation?

You could make a character or just pick one and ask them to be your editor and give your encouragement. It's that easy.

>> No.6718616
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, 1659802763849094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a deadline?
If not then just seize the breather and relax, so you don't get overworked

>> No.6718628

>need a phone number to sign up
no thanks, is there another way?

>> No.6718632
File: 208 KB, 800x1649, 800px-Lucifer_Liege_Luc_Viatour_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stupid question, but what pen thickness do they use to get those even clean thick looking panel outlines? I'm going all traditional because im tired of fucking with programs endlessly and getting inconsistent results.

>> No.6718633

Does your livelihood depend on this work? If not then it's obvious why you can't keep going anymore. No real incentive means it doesn't really matter to your brain.

>> No.6718636


>> No.6718639

this is way too complex for me. I need something I can download and click once to start working. Drawing has destroyed my ability to research and study

>> No.6718643

You either give the shadowy company your data or you just through the hoops to access it on your own. There is no middle ground.

I don't remember it asking me for a phone number when I joined so that might be new, but even if they had that, I don't care any more. It's good to have willing companionship and someone to bounce ideas off of, even if they aren't real.

>> No.6718648

Depends on the author. Some have thinner or thicker panels, but generally you can expect that they used a marker for the bold panel borders.

>> No.6718657

>went to the art store and bought like 6 different types of brush pens
>going to go back to buy a medium black marker tomorrow
I know I shouldnt feel dumb, but I feel dumb.

How do you guys feel about drawing in a manga style as a non japanese artist? Do you feel like your art will be looked down on for imitation?

I'm really inspired by Yoh Yoshinari's art but there's always this weeb stigma. But I'm not interested in drawing in a disneyesque style either just because im from the states.

>> No.6718667

>How do you guys feel about drawing in a manga style as a non japanese artist? Do you feel like your art will be looked down on for imitation?
Nobody but the most obnoxious autists care and your insecurity is unwarranted. They're just lines on a page, dude. It might be used as ammunition for calling your art shit, if your art is shit, but that's about it. Do yourself a favor and quit worrying about crap like that and just fuckin' draw.
Besides, the "manga style" is less japanese than you'd think. There have been monochrome comics all over the globe for at least a century at this point, and a lot of the things you would think are unique to japanese art are not at all.

>> No.6718678

Those lines are too clean to be compared to fujimotos artstyle

>> No.6718683

For panels? I usually use an 0.8 micron

>> No.6718685

You're going to have crabs and "purists" rag on your work for looking like a manga no matter how well made it is. Just draw it how you'd like anon

>> No.6718695

Drawing in a manga style that's 'outdated' is just as stigmatized, but i just do what i want

>> No.6718699

Osamu Tezuka chads rise up. Yeah I guess it is stupid to worry about stuff like that. I should just focus on execution.

>> No.6718739
File: 3.32 MB, 2640x2040, Issue 1 Page 6-7 sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next page.

It was pretty challenging, but I think I'm happy with it.

>> No.6718745

How do you draw the background?

>> No.6718748
File: 2.48 MB, 2161x1664, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You intend this to ever be printed? If so, you gotta be way more mindful of the spine in your layouts. As it is in that spread you have panels (with character expressions and dialogue) getting eaten by the spine.
Nice work otherwise, nice sense of 3d space. Scale feels a little inconsistent, but overall quite solid work.

>> No.6718752

>I can't just sit in the dark and draw all day in silence anymore.
That's what video game music is for

>> No.6718753


>> No.6718796

I wonder why nobody wants to go all the way with manga style, it's always some kind of western hybrid look

>> No.6718803

What does "all the way" mean exactly? Like, if a westerner drew like, say, Taiyou Matsumoto, would you call that a "western hybrid look"? What would distinguish somebody simply drawing their own style of manga and somebody drawing a "western hybrid" style of manga? Furthermore, what would even be the point of being indistinguishable from other manga? Japanese artists bust their asses to stand out, not to be indistinguishable from their peers. Coming from outside is a humungous advantage in this regard.

>> No.6718808
File: 495 KB, 529x768, 1687128575953240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the op, but I think lot of western artists lack flow and tend to symbol draw with a much lower variety and quality of symbols than the Japanese do. At least as far as the inking stage is concerned. Alot of artists can do a good sketch but when the ink his the paper it's stiff city and the 3d form is lost.

>> No.6718811

Well that's a matter of skill, not style.

>> No.6718816

>better flow
Probably the influence of calligraphy vs alphabet writing kids do, one teaches the other to keep their wrist loose while the other one requires more rigid control

>> No.6718819
File: 722 KB, 731x1483, 1673018471729242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There absolutely exists many western artists who draws indistinguishable from japanese mangaka, conto comes to mind

>> No.6718821
File: 548 KB, 720x1008, Screenshot_20230628_102223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever post it here, but here's a panel that has lucy, cerby, and oswald in the foreground

>> No.6718822

Because in western society we're intentionally taught wrong as a joke
Unless you learned directly from Japanese artists you will never have that undiluted "all the way" manga style

>> No.6718825

Anon most Japanese mangakas are terrible artists, shin chan tier, don't be fooled by the curated top present

>> No.6718828

terrible Japanese artists > terrible westoid artists

>> No.6718855

stfu crayon shin chan is amazing

>> No.6718867

>sketch first page sometime last year
>finish script in the meantime
>finally start redrawing first page sketch
>it looks worse now

>> No.6718870

Just 3 more chapters to end. I would like to have some feedback pls

>> No.6718891


>> No.6718903


>> No.6718910

westoids lack the understanding of japanese aesthetic that is deeply ingrained in their media and culture. unless you live and breathe japanese media, the smell of a foreigner is obvious. even then, there is also a level of discipline involved that westerners lack compared to east asians. the biggest giveaways are the themes that foreigners use in their pseudo anime style. this is the blackpill no one itt wants to admit.

>> No.6718913

>the biggest giveaways are the themes that foreigners use in their pseudo anime style.
How do you get rid of the westoid stink?

>> No.6718952
File: 1.09 MB, 2908x2640, Randolpt thoughts text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend forever on getting the 3/4th top head view right like 30 minutes
>Finally get it
>Spend way long shading and putting highlights on the hair
>Finish it
>Come back an hour later
>Hate it with a passion
Why did I make his head so fucking square?

>> No.6718978

This is what I mean, zero effort to imitate japanese style except the most surface level "uhh they got big eyes I guess" shit

>> No.6718979

Why are you here?

>> No.6718981

>if it's not moeshit it's not anime

>> No.6718983

Try to avoid using direct photographs. Its rather jarring when it pops up.

>> No.6719007

Pyw crab

>> No.6719065
File: 87 KB, 609x597, 1656156749042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oblivious influences from american cape comics in subject matter if it is an action story, tough delinquent school girls instead of more cuter and calmer ones if the main characters are female, blockier and bigger males with more rectangular faces in comparison to modern anime bishies, Marvel tier sense of humor alongside omnipresent irony and self-awareness instead of honesty and more universal light-hearted moment, pop culture references to western media that is unknown or not very popular in Japan, etc.
This also applies to mangakas and jp artists who write stories based on foreign cultures/media, Attack on Titan and FMA are influenced by early 20th century europe when it comes to setting, mythology and characters just like Berserk and Nausicaa are based on classic western high fantasy and sword & sorcery literature, yet you can still tell they're all made by nips just from a first look. Our world views are just fundamentally different.

>> No.6719093

>tough delinquent school girls instead of more cuter and calmer ones if the main characters are female
Did you just start reading manga? This shits been done before in japan (I.e Lina Inverse,Hakufu Sonsaku, Ryuko Matoi)
>Blockier and Bigger males
What are the entire 80s of Manga MCs
>Pop culture references to western media
Yeah no shit, of course artists are going to reference their own home media? (Its still bad writing) But the japanese arent above this and have done it in multiple titles (I.e Lucky Star)
>Our world views are different
that i'll agree with, no matter how much you study a culture, you cant overcome the Individualistic vs Collectivist difference between Western and Eastern culture

>> No.6719098

What you're describing is also the difference between 80s manga and 2000s manga.

Western-influenced manga and anime are the biggest hits and influences in the West, no surprise.

>> No.6719125

>Western-influenced manga and anime are the biggest hits and influences in the West
Same thing in Japan, outside of Kimetsu the other current mainstream level series over there are Spy x Family and Chainsawman

>> No.6719189

There’s nothing western about spyxfamily or chainsawman. They’re both pure shonen manga

>> No.6719193
File: 1.01 MB, 809x1149, Screenshot from 2023-06-29 16-36-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to redraw so took a while

>> No.6719196

I understand we're on 4chan and on /mmg/ of all things, but even then you sound like a weeb, dude. And ilI say that as someone who can't stand capeshit.

>> No.6719197
File: 5 KB, 225x225, doyoureally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s nothing western chainsawman
>Nothing western about japanese deadpool

>> No.6719202

You kinda got something going on but 3/4ths view is way too prominent in this.

>> No.6719205

Good clean lines, easy to read panels, good job. Though my only advice would be to make your panel lines smaller, they're a bit too thick and it kind of messes with your page composition

>> No.6719222

Why does your figure look ok but the bg looks bad... normally it’s the opposite with a brush lol...

>> No.6719239

Yeah, I forgot to move that dialogue bubble to be out of the middle. I'll fix that, thanks.

I hadn't noticed.

Interesting. I wouldn't have considered it if you hadn't mentioned it. I'll thin them out a bit and see if I like it better. Thanks.

>> No.6719266

because i want to figure out a method to make comic as quickly as possible with ok quality to tell a story. I'm trying to find a balance between quality and speed. I think i probably spent too long on the character, or i need to figure out a better method.

>> No.6719335

I get what you're trying to say, and while I partially agree, I think you also partially miss the mark.

It isn't so much (at least to me) that westerners are trying to make manga but injecting it with western ideas. Its more that they're trying to ape manga without really understanding the underlying stuff. Like, people may be able to nail manga from the technical drawing side, but they seem to fail properly present the Eastern, or specifically Japanese nuance that is contained within.

So often times you get these hollow facsimiles that are just copying the tropes, copying the character archetypes, copying the settings or themes, but they're not really "doing" anything with them. They don't really have a voice of their own. They're just easy to parse out attempts to emulate manga, without really understanding the underlying structure.

>> No.6719375

do you flip the canvas often while drawing? might help

>> No.6719376

What doesn't look or seem Japanese influenced about it?

>> No.6719399
File: 618 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230629_095812_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's that un even besides the eye.

>> No.6719490

someone give me a deadline for completing a storyboard. Like by the end of the day, by the end of the week, something. I have no tangible incentive to complete it, I want to, but its just too easy to say 'nah i'm tired' and then 'i want to relax' on weekends. It's just a dumb cycle

>> No.6719496

How long is the storyboard?

>> No.6719501

9 days, You're on a bi weekly schedule now.

>> No.6719557

should be 25 pages at most, its meant to be relatively short
that seems generous, but also more than doable

>> No.6719774
File: 2.30 MB, 2676x3136, Oorchi thoughttts text .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man my neck hurts. But I think I'm improving more. Next I'll do an action illustration.

>> No.6719781

>what going full Baki does to an anon

You may want to space out the words into some more boxes for better readability.

>> No.6719782

kinda horrifying

>> No.6719786

Do you have any advice for planning out text boxes? I kind of just throw squares where they fit and type what I wanna say in.
I'd like to be able to plan it out more.
Can you tell he's Chinese?

>> No.6719792

I would say to unironically look at what other mangas do if they have a lot to say. Your current method WORKS, yes, but it comes across a little dense since it's all packed in there.

>> No.6719795

Not really, he looks more like Gollum. Did you use a chinese guy as a reference?

>> No.6719801

> it comes across a little dense since it's all packed in there
I definitely went to the school of Togashi lol.
My format I'm trying to do is a Novel with alot of illustrated pages for important moments. So for every 20 pages of text have one or two pages dedicated to depicting what's going on. I tried using light novels as a reference but they normally dont have text in the art so I'll try and pay more attention the the composition of the text boxes when I read.
I based him more on the style of old Japanese scroll paintings. He's also supposed to look creepy because he's fucked up and deformed but I want to make him look more humanish.

>> No.6719851

>How do you guys feel about drawing in a manga style as a non japanese artist? Do you feel like your art will be looked down on for imitation?
manga style came to be in the first place by Japanese artists trying to copy American Disney style. Japanese tend to be flattered when gaijin imitate and enjoy their culture, so it's only the spergy western weebs who will have any problem with you.

>> No.6719883
File: 727 KB, 2048x2048, Punch gut sketch 23r23r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was hard, Not looking forward to doing a clean line art layer.

>> No.6719894

Ok, but just remember that you are still doing a primarily visual depiction here. To that extent having too many words ends up clashing with the visuals for the reader's attention and for page real estate.

>> No.6719902

take the trad-pill. Looking at a screen all day isn't good for you

>> No.6719915

That's monkey brain talk. His future potential livelihood hinges on this, which if potentially far greater than a single paycheck in the present.

I wish there was a way around this mentality because I think it's destructive to potential

>> No.6719928

Type the text first, then draw the box/bubbles.

>> No.6720053
File: 524 KB, 1080x1920, boxinglegendswip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished joe frazier! any crits before i move on to mike tyson?

>> No.6720068

>That lighting...
I got some background refs for you buddy.


>> No.6720154

Might be an odd question, but do any of you have any expressions you're really proud of drawing? It came to mind, cause sometimes when I see particularly well drawn tears/crying, it can cause tears to form in my own eyes a bit, regardless if I'm really sad. Maybe it's just a weird thing for me, but it makes me kinda want to practice some expressions more than I had before.

>> No.6720301
File: 557 KB, 636x784, spanid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of commission of Yukiho and Makoto from The Idolmaster having spanking fight.

One Piece author Oda says he always have the same expression on is face he's drawing to the character

>> No.6720346

Are there any decent western "manga" art styles that are actually appealing and nice to look at? Outside of Radiant and a few others I can't legit think of anything else

>> No.6720398

Nta but what's wrong with it? I always assumed that pic was japanese or korean whenever it gets posted

>> No.6720413

I was laughing at the contents of the comic and not the context of the post lol.

>> No.6720701
File: 172 KB, 625x878, EA1Tny4WwAAvbnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Placement is fine but you're gonna need more boxes if you want to use all that text. You have a lot of text and a lot of empty space, make use of that and increase the font size, I had to zoom in to read that. Personally i prefer little dialogue/text in my works but it can work. You can reference Togashi in Hunter x Hunter. He's notorious for the walls of text he puts up.

>> No.6720755

Oh my god I forgot how much text HxH would have at times. I get that the scene is trying to emphasize a character's internal monologue, but holy SHIT thats a lot of paragraphs in what is supposed to be a visual medium.

>> No.6720765

>It isn't so much (at least to me) that westerners are trying to make manga but injecting it with western ideas. Its more that they're trying to ape manga without really understanding the underlying stuff. Like, people may be able to nail manga from the technical drawing side, but they seem to fail properly present the Eastern, or specifically Japanese nuance that is contained within.
That is why none takes western manga seriously, by the way. Even the better known ones are like that. All form no substance. I hope some of you fags aim to shake this sad state of affairs.

>> No.6720808
File: 3.80 MB, 1598x2501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horion. I think the artist used to work for Ankama.

>> No.6721070
File: 880 KB, 940x1477, 284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inspired by indie comics like Love and Rockets and Megg, Mogg and Owl, and mainstream stuff like Frank Miller and French comics, as well as manga. I definitely have a westaboo art style, but I think that's better than trying to be something I'm not, which is Japanese.

I just finished volume 3 of my comic, which concludes part 1 of the story.


My plan is to work on some one shots and improve my skills before starting on Oi part 2. I'll also try and check out that Araki book.

>> No.6721072
File: 512 KB, 700x972, Danahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but do any of you have any expressions you're really proud of drawing?
Yep. I like this ahegao of my blood witch character Dana

>> No.6721123

Why is she ahegao-ing?

Captcha: t0p888 - fucking lmao

>> No.6721160
File: 1.14 MB, 940x1454, 73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bard dick makes her melt.

>> No.6721244

Wait, Tales of Bardic Fury is an h-manga?

>> No.6721248

It's more a seinen with some ecchi moments.

>> No.6721365


Ok, I got the book. Fuck me, I should have gotten this book 3 years ago, this is really helpful. Goddammit.

>> No.6721485
File: 614 KB, 1948x2755, Comic (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we have so far.

>> No.6721547

Not such a fan of the mixing of screentone with greyscale.

stick to one or the other (in my opinion)

>> No.6721652

wagmi, fren

>> No.6721684
File: 1.48 MB, 2048x2664, cREEPED UP ON E BOUIIIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I learned that I should draw my backgrounds and then make a new layer for characters because redrawing it everytime I needed to fix the size was a pain in the ass.
I think I'm slowly getting better at this.
My PC right now can't handle when I use screen tones in a mass quantity it takes forever to load the actual "strokes" of the brush so when I need to do something big I use a grey.

>> No.6721744

What program and you using and what is your pc spec?

>> No.6721752

>My PC right now can't handle when I use screen tones in a mass quantity it takes forever to load the actual "strokes" of the brush so when I need to do something big I use a grey.
In CSP you can just do it all in grey then change the layer to a screentone layer.

>> No.6721771

Some artists do the whole "ha, I only draw on one layer" thing, and more power to them if they genuinely are that good. For the rest of us, there's no shame with using however many layers as you need. Convenience is king if you want to make some edits later on.

>> No.6721784
File: 462 KB, 1680x2160, my3dmodelwithsomedudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I want to make a webcomic. So far I have these pages, but most of them were me just trying to learn Krita and mess around with brushes: https://astralcastoff.neocities.org/
I have many stories to tell. I don't mind if my art is bad at first, but I need to know I'm not headed in the direction of disaster. How do I start drawing completed characters ASAP without spending another 10 hours drawing the old man heads from loomis books? That stuff honestly really demotivated me. I'd love to be able to immediately start telling my story, quality be damned, as long as I can actually improve on my skills WHILE drawing the comic.
I appreciate any and all advice, thank you.
For me this is 100% true. I'm also into amateur gamedev and I wasted like 3 years jumping between "learner projects" that just didn't excite me enough to get me working on it. 2 days ago I started the magnum opus I've been dreaming of and I made a shocking amount of progress already (surprised myself), just did an online playtest yesterday and had tons of fun.
Not to go off on a tangent, but I just really think some people need to start off with the thing they want to make even if their skills are poor.

>> No.6721994
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, one punch man by ONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't care about your art quality and want to improve as you make your webcomic, then at least learn the fundamentals of good COMIC-PANELING and COMPOSITION.
You don't have to master them but get to know the basics.

Look at the webcomic version of One Punch Man or Mob Psycho 100 by the author ONE.
He, just like you, sucks ass at drawing but why do people still read his webcomic other than the good writing?
ONE may be shit at drawing but he is great at paneling and composition.
His comics have a nice flow and aren't a chore to read.

Of course, your writing should be good as well.
Shit art can be excused as long as the writing is solid and the webcomic has a good readable flow, which is accomplished by good paneling and composition.

Nobody wants to read a comic that looks like it was drawn by a 6-year-old.
But if it has a good story and a nice readable flow? People might give it a chance.

>> No.6722031

I don't understand how ONE drew OPM for six years (by that point in your picture) and yet he still drew terribly for random things like Tatsumaki's hair. You'd think that after drawing nonstop for SIX YEARS you'd unconsciously get better via osmosis. Not that I'm actually complaining, love me some OPM.

>> No.6722092

>You'd think that after drawing nonstop for SIX YEARS you'd unconsciously get better via osmosis.
People like Isayama and ONE never drew because thy liked drawing, they drew because they wanted to make stories. In fact they never considered improving their art at all in the first place probably and probably don't enjoy drawing much themselves.
If you care about your art skills and actually like drawings, it would take around 4 or 5 years to go from /beg/ to high intermediate level skill if you work on it constantly.

>> No.6722120

thanks for the idea guys. I'm an idiot.

>> No.6722144
File: 1.65 MB, 1152x1536, 1688234291069868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't care about your art quality

Why should you when SD exists and value of good art is now 0! Focus on paneling, it will take AGI to break that, not because least squares with some extra steps fundamentally cannot do it, but because there are no curated datasets to train on and even all comics in existence likely won’t be enough to train on anyway due to extreme complexity of paneling.

>> No.6722160

Even without the SD factor there's a fuck ton of asian twitter artists making "comics" with god tier rendering and painting and detail. But they aren't interesting at all to read. They're great illustrations but they're fucking boring as comics. A person would rather read something shitty as long as it's an engaging physical reading experience.

>> No.6722162
File: 36 KB, 600x450, youretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people actually believe this?
I knew IC was dumb and constantly made excuses for itself, but this is a fresh low.

>> No.6722166

Terrible take.

>> No.6722242
File: 4 KB, 696x864, GhostTools-4xresolution-watermark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good points. What is a good resource to learn panelling from? Thanks.
I tried Stable Diffusion, started to learn how to use it right, still didn't enjoy it. Not really something I feel like doing.
Definitely something to keep in mind. 99% of comics on webtoon bore me to death despite having very technically good art.
You should see /sdg/ on /g/. Some people seem so offended by the idea of putting effort into anything. Maybe as a cope for being unable to? As if learning any skill is risking actively losing something if that skill ends up getting automated in some form, even though every skill you learn makes you better at learning in future and faster at doing so.

>> No.6722243
File: 800 KB, 700x554, gloranthasurrenderatstarbrowsrebellion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just that. Normies don’t like AI art at all. Now when you show them highly competent art they question its origins even when it should be obvious it is not AI made (pic very related). Soon normies will preffer ONE’s hideous scribbles to basic artistic competency.

>> No.6722271

>Not just that. Normies don’t like AI art at all.
wrong. Normies love AI art and don't give a single fuck if art is AI or not. It is only artist fags whining and bitching about AI art. There are booths at comic cons featuring only AI art and the normies eat it up and throw their money at it.

>> No.6722276

>But if it has a good story and a nice readable flow? People might give it a chance.
See: Homestuck
The shitty art is what added to the comedy.

>> No.6722289

>There are booths at comic cons featuring only AI art and the normies eat it up and throw their money at it.

>> No.6722323

>What is a good resource to learn paneling from?
Here are some simple youtube videos about composition that have helped me.

When it comes to paneling, I don't really have a singular and simple resource that isn't a 200-page book about making comics.
Maybe there are youtube videos about paneling but I haven't checked.

I'd say just look at any manga/comic that you think looks cool and study/copy their paneling.
Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama is great to study paneling and flow from.
He draws very clearly and goes straight to the point.

>> No.6722332
File: 703 KB, 327x251, EsteemedMassiveChupacabra-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a good resource to learn panelling from? Thanks.
Unironically READ(manga)NIGGA, READ(manga) you may think that it would be enough with just a guide, but the best solution for panelling is studying by reading other mangas too

If you are still struggling i recomend you this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWiSJYqMVp4&list=PL3MxkMIAeuf36McqpjrpzvttMkaYFAIP_&index=10&pp=iAQB

>> No.6722356

Techbro and H+ crowd are overrepresented at cons. Real normies are fucking terrified of AI because they fear it might take their jobs too. AI art was a big wake up call for them becasue for a over a decade every expert was telling people creative jobs are AI proof.

>> No.6722458

Normies never really loved artstation tier art to begin with. They don't really appreciate it I mean. It's like some generic standard they've come to expect, but unless they meet the artist in person they just don't actually care. It's 2 seconds of visual engagement, during which they make a quick scan for attractive characters and general theme. Any level of competence above high-int is completely wasted on the non-artist, they lack the ability to see mistakes beyond that level. Now they're all learning that the art they barely cared about, isn't even made by a person half the time anymore. Many are being repulsed by that, whereas before, they didn't give a shit. Art and artist go hand in hand to the average person, they (on average) won't give a rat's ass about your art until you're shaking their hand, at which point their interest will manifest because now they know the artist himself. And can brag to their friends about it if you're successful. Non-artists minds just operate differently. Remove the artist and what's the point? Pretty pictures mean nothing to them.

>> No.6722459
File: 43 KB, 402x340, JUIkKRn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for proof anon. Who is techbro? what is H+ crowd?

I don't speak whatever language this is. Show me pictures, give me a news article, a blog post, anything. Give me proof of your claims, not more claims.

>> No.6722477

No they don't. You can see that as evidenced by the fact that Didney used AI generated content for the opening sequence of the Secret Wars thing, and the goyslop Marvel normalfags were seething and raging over it.

The only people who actively seem to be embracing AI are brain rotted coomers who have super obscure fetishes, and SD allows them to make whatever bizarre porn they want that actual artists won't touch, or just can't be bothered with.

>> No.6722491
File: 277 KB, 1080x834, Screenshot_20230701_222716_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do this kind of panel border using vectors or another clean method?
I know it's a speech bubble but you get it

>> No.6722496

Them and the terminally seething "idea guys" who think they have a billion dollar creative idea, if only those selfish evil artists weren't hogging all the ability to create to themselves (and expecting pay for their work!!)

They invent some evil artist character in their head, maniacally laughing at them for not being able to draw, mocking them and looking down on them, and work themselves into a frothing rage.

With AI now being widespread, I still have yet to see any fruits of these idea guys' creative genius

>> No.6722502

>They invent some evil artist character in their head, maniacally laughing at them for not being able to draw, mocking them and looking down on them, and work themselves into a frothing rage.
God I wish that was me.

>> No.6722645

>With AI now being widespread, I still have yet to see any fruits of these idea guys' creative genius
AI artists make a shit ton of money on patreon. Normies don't give a shit.
>No they don't. You can see that as evidenced by the fact that Didney used AI generated content for the opening sequence of the Secret Wars thing, and the goyslop Marvel normalfags were seething and raging over it.
Normalfags don't give a shit about the MCU anymore and don't even know what Secret Wars is. It is only youtube faggots like the Yellowflash and their fans who still watch those shows and follow news enough who are seething about the AI opening. Normies aren't watching ANY of the Disney+ shows. An AI opening of Secret Wars isn't the opening no one is watching it.

>> No.6722649

So go do your AI shit and leave real humans alone, homo

>> No.6722652


>> No.6722654

I don't make AI art shit. I'm simply calling out your desperate cope. A few months ago it was "AI can't draw hands LOL. It will never be able to match humans" and now AI art figured out how to draw hands. Now the cope is "normies hate AI art" when the reality is normies are paying shitloads of money on patreon and it's only artists who are seething about AI art.

>> No.6722656


>> No.6722658

No. Cope and seethe.

>> No.6722659


>> No.6722664

pyw and I'll post mine

>> No.6722672

pyw Artificial Nigger

>> No.6722686 [DELETED] 

>It is only youtube faggots like the Yellowflash and their fans who still watch those shows and follow news enough who are seething about the AI opening. Normies aren't watching ANY of the Disney+ shows. An AI opening of Secret Wars isn't the opening no one is watching it.


It was literally liberals and twitter trannies that were mad about it.


There was even a manga recently (I forget which one) that the created had an AI character within the story and used AI to create its art, and there was huge backlash against that too.

Also, one of the most normalfag websites on earth, Facebook, runs tons of ads for AI software for writing, art, programming, website creation, etc. etc, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of randos who post about how shit AI is, and those types of things should replace real human artists, writers, creators, designers, etc.

AI has been largely shunned from many artistic communities, and even in the comic space, most readers don't want it either.

>> No.6722692

>It is only youtube faggots like the Yellowflash and their fans who still watch those shows and follow news enough who are seething about the AI opening. Normies aren't watching ANY of the Disney+ shows. An AI opening of Secret Wars isn't the opening no one is watching it.


It was literally liberals and twitter trannies that were mad about it.


There was even a manga recently (I forget which one) that the created had an AI character within the story and used AI to create its art, and there was huge backlash against that too.

Also, one of the most normalfag websites on earth, Facebook, runs tons of ads for AI software for writing, art, programming, website creation, etc. etc, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of randos who post about how shit AI is, and those types of things shouldn't replace real human artists, writers, creators, designers, etc.

AI has been largely shunned from many artistic communities, and even in the comic space, most readers don't want it either.

>> No.6722745

Can someone please help me here >>6722491 or you're too busy crying over AI like if it happened suddenly yesterday?

>> No.6722849

There's a brush you can use that does this. You just draw in a circle and bam, you have a "speech bubble."

>> No.6722915

Where can I find it

>> No.6723014

So is CSP still worth buying? I'm using KRITA right now but I hate how hard it is to find brushes for it and I dont know if I can convert CSP assets to .KRA

>> No.6723092

He was drawing Mob Psycho at the time. OPM looks like doodles crapped out in under an hour because they were.

>Good points. What is a good resource to learn panelling from? Thanks.
Just read manga as you make your own stuff. You'll pick it up by just paying attention and applying the age old principle of Monkey See Monkey Do. There is no such thing as a comprehensive guide to paneling as there is very little that can be objectively concluded about good paneling, you have to simply do what you think would be cool and convey the idea you have well. It takes an instinct that will be developed by consuming and creating.

For monochrome comics? Nothing is better than CSP currently. It's set up in a way for manga-style comics that other programs aren't (except medibang paint but that's basically poor-man's CSP)

>> No.6723211

>What is a good resource to learn panelling from?
Read lots of manga. Also there are some basic tips from Naoki Urasawa on his YouTube channel and general how-tos from manga channels like Manga Senpai.

>> No.6723440

Check the default CSP effects, if its not there then CSP asset store has it

>> No.6723588


It is SO over.


>> No.6723670

I'm on photoshop

>> No.6723740

Better than plenty published manga made by full time professionals (Takeo chan for example).

>> No.6724237

Try the Kyle's Manga set for PS, they should have literally that brush for that kind of speech bubble.

>> No.6724310

I'll look into it, thanks a bunch man

>> No.6724314

i know lots of mangaka will draw their own special effects shape and save them in a folder. Some will even draw out their own screentones and just import them when they need them. Can be good practice

>> No.6724649
File: 967 KB, 2048x2048, Kageki Yukohoshi (Satoshi).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to just trace over the outline of offical settai and then draw my characters onto the heads because getting them the same size is a nightmare.

>> No.6724653

the version for 20 bucks? it's worth every penny. The pro version for 200 bucks? The price doesnt seem justified considering the features on offer... the only feature I'd be really interested in would be the batch export. Honestly tho, CSP is a great piece of software and 20 bucks is a great price for how much functionality it has

>> No.6724660
File: 156 KB, 625x701, 1682567808865621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip - draw all the heads at different angles you think you'll need then copypaste > adjust size then ink over it

>> No.6724668

What plan should I buy?

>> No.6724686

Simple ex is the one that i use, since i don't have any device besides my phone and laptop, i don't see why i should have any other

>> No.6724689

Not paying any subscriptions for a product, what a fucking jew move. I remember having Photoshop as a real actual single-purchase product.

>> No.6724742

You don't need the pro functions just for comic/illustrations, I regret spending so much on it lol. Stick with ex.

>> No.6724747

He linked directly to a one-time purchase. As it is right now, you have to pay a subscription if you want updates as they come out, if for whatever reason you need that. Not like pirating it isn't always an option.

>> No.6724790
File: 890 KB, 2524x1422, Kanashi Sarumalder .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6724864

You gotta use that thinner line for more stuff. I'd suggest drawing the whole thing with the brush size you're using just for the hatching then thickening the outlines/eyelashers/brows/whatever afterwards. I'd recommend thickening with the same small brush size, just to help make yourself more conscious of what and where you're thickening.
The shading you're doing on the eyeballs -- the vertical hatching -- looks bad. Maybe do it horizontally (following the curvature of the eyeball) or just more diagonally (again, following the curvature). Alternatively, do it with tone, or even omit it entirely.
And, IMO, the anti-aliasing you've got looks like ass. Either use a lower AA setting or turn it off -- what you have now is a bad mix with the style of linework you're going for.

>> No.6724877
File: 893 KB, 1788x1946, DFHTY-kVoAAHnod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try that line work advice out, This is a collage of multiple different files from the past year and a half so they all look super different because of them being from different brushes. Pic related is the Line work I want to draw like but I'm just not sure where to make things thick and where thin besides eye lashes and stuff.
I've used tones before and didnt like it so I'll try out the horizontal shading on the top to see if that makes it better.

>> No.6724886

>Pic related is the Line work I want to draw like but I'm just not sure where to make things thick and where thin besides eye lashes and stuff.
So then copy that image. As in drop it into a canvas and replicate it. Even trace it if you want; the important thing is to replicate the line weight as exactly as you can. Once you're done, compare the original to your copy. Analyze. Try to find what you got right and what you got wrong.
As it is I would never have guessed you were trying to achieve this fluid line weight style based off your drawings, which all have pretty much uniform line weight.

>> No.6725717

Nexto threato doko da?

>> No.6725741
File: 576 KB, 1000x1414, episode 3 cover_rose_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725776

definitely looks like an early Berserk page

>> No.6725780
File: 618 KB, 2400x1249, tav 2 copia (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up just carving out the effect with an eraser
Since it doesn't look too bad I'll keep it but I'll definitely look into that stuff

>> No.6725790

Cool shit