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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6709488 No.6709488 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been "canceled?"
If so, what did you do and how did you respond? What was the aftermath?

>> No.6709608

>Have you ever been "canceled?"
no, not yet. but I've had a front row seat at enough cancellations to know that the best thing to to is just not to acknowledge it. and whatever you do don't apologize. sharks smell blood.

>> No.6709622

Yes you always ignore it. When people make a call out post or send their personal army they are doing it in hopes of you 1) fighting back so they can cry they are being bullied 2) post an apology which they will take as a confession and double down on the canceling. Twitter is so braindead that they will also try to cancel you over lack of response too but don't take that bait and get pressured into responding. Let them generate free traffic for you and boost the algorithm.

>> No.6709661
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Cancelled? Nah, but being blackmailed tho….

>> No.6709671


>> No.6709676

There's no reason for you to make any political statements on twitter and any other such social media platforms, avoid that like the plague. Do not engage.
Don't even go on rants, be as clean as possible. It ain't hard.

>> No.6709678

Female artist is getting blackmailed for drawing a female version of miguel from the new Spiderman movie.

>> No.6709681

Yeah, on this board for over 2 years just for being myself. It all worked out in my favor in the end though.

>> No.6709692

It's literally some terminally online teen who thinks all female characters have to be ugly hambeasts with vitiligo or else it's problematic

>> No.6709693

twitter really getting mad at anything these days

>> No.6709716

fuck off gabe

>> No.6709718

Just post your art and never comment on anything or anyone otherwise you lose. Live your life and stay the fuck away from social media interactions if you respect yourself in any capacity.

>> No.6709753

>Twitter is so braindead that they will also try to cancel you over lack of response too
It's ridiculous, they'll try to cancel you if you don't give your input on (important issue only people in the US care about). Other randos also get pissed if you don't donate to their causes or "if I don't make $x then I will be homeless with my 3 cats" bullshit

>> No.6709756

Got suspended by twitter, I had a 12k account and it's my primary first contact for new commission proposals, but it unironocally improved my mental health because I now spent a lot less time pacing around the room contemplating murder

>> No.6709775

Twitter is just the modern version of the old catholic church. Bunch of hypocritical virtue signaling spiteful pieces of human garbage all pretending to be the most holy in the room all while Michaelangelo's and DaVincis draw cocks.

>> No.6709781

Thats what happen when tumblr migrated to twitter. I know you fags bitch about tocktik or insta, but more than 80% you see on those sites would not fly on twitter. If you been only using twitter, it’s like a culture shock basically

>> No.6709818

What if you're cancelled for your art huh

>> No.6709822

I agree, Twitter sucks since the Tumblr migration happened. IG still sucks since it was bought by the zucc but I joined TikTok a few months ago and like it much better. Algorithm and "not interested" works much better there

>> No.6709830

In my experience, the corners of Twitter that aren't in English are comfy as fuck. Except when koreans start talking about japan or when hispanics get pissed off at americans. Otherwise it's just art with no pandering and people having fun. Makes me wish I spoke their language so we could be friends

>> No.6709861

Who gives a shit

>> No.6709862


>> No.6709902

I haven't, because I don't post art on fucking Twitter.
It's just not worth it, frankly, like what is there to gain? Followers that turn on you the instant someone stirs up high school-level drama?

>> No.6709904

Close, by association of someone else who got cancelled over what amounted to a petty grudge. It's pretty mindboggling. I took a break from my twitter for unrelated reasons, that whole situation added to the list of grievances. Might go back soon now that people have moved on to something else probably. Grinding fundies so I can come back with better art and turning off replies/not interacting with anyone anymore publicly.

>> No.6709970

No but my friend got cancelled for furry porn of characters who were teenaged, then it turned out the faggot who cancelled them was secretly drawing cub diaperfur porn and got cancelled himself after a while. Pretty funny. I've seen that same pattern repeat a lot since then

>> No.6709978

you’ve become a wounded dog

>> No.6710005

Everyone says to just post art and avoid all discussion, the problem is that a *little* bit of controversy is good for your growth, but it's a dangerous thing to court. Didn't Khyleri turn out fine, even after the SpyXFamily Holocaust drawing? I agree with all the other anons, completely ignore any cancellation attempts.

>> No.6710009

and other issues of concern to the modern teen

>> No.6710059

It's something people should do in the first place anyway. There's other modes of conversation, privately, and you can curate a smaller group of people to interact with that aren't randos looking for a fight. Public facing accounts should be clean and just about work, you can just make a second one for more personal stuff, and even then I don't trust people to not take things out of context all the time. That's just how twitter is.

>> No.6710664

Twitter turned into such thought police that even Stalin would be jealous.

>> No.6710856

I was accused of being an "art thief" "copying" another artist, which didn't happen. We just happened to have similar styles, but drama queens won't listen. SO now I'm forced to change my style to get these fucking twatter troons off my back.

>> No.6710860

Why would you want to have your art compared to a bunch of troglodytes like them anyway? You're better off

>> No.6710886

>Have you ever been "canceled?"
Does online raids count?
>If so, what did you do and how did you respond?
Telling the truth about an artist's behavior. I warned the platform and the justice of my country (which made my friends laugh a lot)
>What was the aftermath?
A rest, I stopped posting and learnt something else. The other guy stopped too. It was at the early stage of my portfolio building and so I was concerned about the situation. "what if recruiters see these tard spitting on my hardwork? Will they stay pro and impartial?" "if not, how to repair that?" etc...
More work = more stress. Couldn't apply = no job no mobility = STRESS.

In fact recruiters are a reflection of their company's business model and honestly the whole industry is made in the same mold: almost nobody cares and those who do are inaccessible.

Does it satisfy your curiosity, op?

>> No.6710889

Can't just ignore them, these mfers keep showing "evidence infographics" to my new followers that comment on my pics and the usual response is "wow I didn't know he's an art thief" and then unfollows.

>> No.6710895

Reach out to the other artist and explain the situation. Ask them to tell their fans to chill.

>> No.6710937

+3 social credit

>> No.6710967


What happens when your smaller group of people move on as is the natural cycle of things? You've been inflicted with trauma and, like a child, built an unsustainable cope that will ruin your behavior permanently.

>> No.6710968

Reminds me of teenagers mimicking behaviour disorders.

>> No.6711043
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it's a good thing i have absolutely never felt the urge to draw a black person because goddamn twitter fucking eats you alive if you do any impression of black skin that isn't shit brown

>> No.6713219


>> No.6713430

lmao funny little story, theres this girl in uni that sometimes draw and posts online, she herself is black and she did a black dude without the giant lips, which are very common for people in my country. the retards in the platform go batshit insane calling her racist. and when she replies shes black, with proof. the retards start seying shes not really black because shes form x country lmao

>> No.6713487

i quoted a wu tang song w the n word in it and said a couple ironic racist jokes, got called out by a """friend""" with no warning and lost half my follower base in 48 hours (at the time i had 800 followers). i posted an apology that i honestly meant cuz in retrospect what i saif was pretty immature and reckless even if the intent wasnt to be racist, but i wish peoples first instinct wasnt social ostracization and saying mean shit over tl to "hold them accountable" instead of educating them in dms

>> No.6713706

Yes. Didn't give a reaction, moved on. Had a laundry list of things prepped in response if it ever blew up. The people who organized it were all assholes so people gave it zero interest.

>> No.6713872

>Some schizo called me a pedo and mass reported my artwork on DA
>They're artwork of the likes of Nico Robin and Marie Rose
>Block the schizo and do nothing
>2 months go by and nothing happens
Yep, that is the best course of action. All the drama bullshit lasts 2-3 days tops.

>> No.6713878


You guys haven't seen true gangstalking yet. There are people who actually dedicate their lives to stalking individuals to suicide. The discord tranny meme isn't a meme. Yes, what happened to you is a low risk case but never underestimate what can happen.

>> No.6714287

That sounds like Kiwi Farms. Anonymity really does bring out the worst in people.

>> No.6714292

>"anti-racists" are xenophobes
What country?

>> No.6714316

Yeah there are those real schizos who dedicate their lives for that petty shit.

>> No.6714330

that’s insane anon. I’m really sorry your friend did that. I’m lucky to have a few trusted people who have the same sense of humour as me and wont immediately turn on me the second I say or do something they don’t necessarily agree with.

Mind you I’m surrounded by a lot of those crazy types as well, both as friends and at work. you just gotta be careful about what you say around them unfortunately

>> No.6714345

Yeah basically
I live in an authoritarian country and honestly i’m more worried about a bored American than my own government. Will never forget the Iraqi lesbian that got outed to her family because she drew yaoi fanart for a problematic ship

>> No.6714346

Are you from East Africa?
Westoids are only familiar with West African features

>> No.6714574

in that sense and since online ostracism studies have been published, everyone could be considered to have a schizoid personality
besides, I wonder what they consider to be a handicap when they use digital tools developed by a pool of high-level autists

I can't understand us people, look at that victim's face "joshua", two slaps and it's over. why are there so many people who turn bad in your country? for sure god is with you...

>> No.6714621 [DELETED] 


>> No.6715318

If you have found your audience and don't take yourself seriously you'll get away with it
There are vocal opiniated artists, it's not a death sentence

>> No.6715984

Agree completely, people here really haven't experienced actual psychos. I had such an incident where some autist schizo would not stop posting about me all over this website because he was angry at someone else I knew, he couldn't do anything to them but realized he could easily abuse me since I was an artist. It's been years and it's still going on even though I deleted my accounts years ago.
No, I didn't do anything and barely ever spoke to him. Yes, I ignored him and never acknowledged him or the insane rumors he started about me. It did not stop, people did not care that they were not true and it just painted a target on my back to the point people wouldn't associate with me. I even eventually saw people here defend me, asking why he was so obsessed with me but he'd just samefag and use that to dunk on me further.
In these kinds of cases ignoring doesn't do anything when people can weaponize the power of anonymous posting to samefag. They can make their insanity seem real and create their own narrative. All the stuff you're seeing in this thread is small time shit that usually fades away.
I learned a lot from this and the lesson is that no one in the art world is ever going to truly be your friend. It's just a networking circlejerk and everyone will throw you under the bus the instant you stop being useful. It was probably naive of me to not realize that but it really opened my eyes as to how artists just see each other as disposable follower boosting tools. Soured me on the entire social media thing entirely.
The other is that truly insane people roam the internet unchecked and there's a hell of a lot of them. All you can do is protect yourself the best you can, as an artist it means just posting your art and nothing else while never associating with anyone online.

>> No.6716006

you can use google translate
or ou can learn the language

>> No.6716009

where do you post then, anon?

>> No.6716017

I feel like you deserved it for some reason. Your story has holes. Yes there are dedicated schizos, but even they have their reasons.

>> No.6716032


>> No.6716034


>> No.6716038

t.not that anon

>> No.6716041

message still gets across

>> No.6716042

You could make an off color joke or piss off the wrong person and they will run a cross country relay with it.

People who just assume everyone deserves whatever they get are absolutely out of touch. Mob justice isn't always right.

>> No.6716070

True for anywhere but here, however, this is /ic/ we’re talking about. Anon wrote their post as if the events started at a period of jealously over someone they knew? Makes no sense. I liar then and a liar now.

>> No.6716077

>anywhere but here
>implying here is any different from anywhere else on the internet now

I'm talking to a child, arent I? I've had things like that happen to me from people from here. The younger generation has ruined the internet with their endless victimization and witch burning. Even now, I can tell you're trying to get details on this guy sop you can continue some witch hunt for your own amusement. You don't care about the truth or justice, you just like hurting people.

Go fucking draw.

>> No.6716078

When can we go back to dming kids gore to shut them up?

>> No.6716090

Both of you deserve it. And may God bless the man who scarred you for the rest of your lives as artists for what you’ve done to them.

>> No.6716110

Holy shit it really is the schizo anon eas talking about. Why are trannies so vindictive?

>> No.6716111

We all have to answer for the times we've bared false witness against our brothers and sisters on this planet. I hope you've got a convincing argument for the way you've behaved in your short time here on earth.

>> No.6716117

I have no idea who they are, i’m just having conversation.

>> No.6716120

>You deserve to have your reputation ruined because you made one person mad on the internet
>This is a conversation

>> No.6716125

You’ve probably ruined theirs, so they ruined yours. It’s called karma and you got yours 10 fold, so just accept it.

>> No.6716127

>I have no details so I just assume everyone is evil
Why am I even exchanging text with you? What sort of person even "thinks" this way?

>> No.6716131


You’re exchanging text with me in hopes that I’m the guy (which I’m not, I’m just a passerby). However, I’ve seen your kind all to many times.

>> No.6716159

this nigga is trolling there is no way

>> No.6716182

Man this thread makes me glad I stopped bothering with any sort of communication online.

>> No.6716187

you’re communicating here

>> No.6716567

I used to think that there is always more to stories like this too because obviously people acting like that makes no sense. I felt very safe online because of that, since I never got involved in drama and thought you had to do something to attract weirdos acting crazy. The truth is sometimes you don't. There are truly insane people online and they can create narratives easily through anonymous posting. I thought the rumors were so batshit that it was laughable anyone would believe them. Lesson learned: people take things at face value all the time and rarely fact check anything. If you shitpost something long enough people just assume it must be true. If you don't know this, it's because you haven't experienced it. Reputation is insanely easy to ruin online if you're dedicated enough and no amount of minding your business and ignoring it can stop freaks with nothing to do other than shitpost all day.
No I didn't. It wasn't jealousy, no idea where you got that from, it was that I was an easy target since the person could not directly do anything to the person I knew. They could do things to me, though, since I had an audience, and the person started to project their anger on me. Yes it's completely insane because this person is completely insane.
>You could make an off color joke or piss off the wrong person and they will run a cross country relay with it.
Yes, people don't realize how obsessive some schizos become. I used to presume everyone was pretty reasonable online so nothing could ever happen to me, the reality is you have low functioning people who have been abandoned by life and legitimately have nothing else to do than spend 24/7/365 online obsessing over random shit like this. They have nothing else in their life to break the stalking cycle, it's an obsessive behavior. All you can do to protect yourself is only posting art and not associating with people.
Brother they just won't understand unless they experience it.

>> No.6716572

schizo spotted

>> No.6716648


>> No.6716692

>No I didn't. It wasn't jealousy, no idea where you got that from, it was that I was an easy target since the person could not directly do anything to the person I knew.

If it’s someone from here, how do you know it’s the same person if we’re anonymous? Have you considered you attract the same type of people everywhere you go and possibly befriend the same people? How do you know it’s not someone close to you messing with you and you’re triggering out thinking it’s someone specific going after you when it’s not? You said so yourself about protecting your identity and not associating, etc, but what i’m not able to add up is why you think, whoever this person is, they’re going after you because “they couldn’t do anything to the person you knew”? That part doesn’t make sense.

Why would that matter and why would you assume an anonymous person is doing that? You could just be giving too much credit to 1 person and you have multiple enemies.