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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 110 KB, 1613x854, 4214214215151212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6708438 No.6708438 [Reply] [Original]

How do you do digital brushwork that looks milky and sculptural? Sinix does it a lot and I know he uses that weird Painter brush for it, but how do you accomplish the same thing with a typical round brush in other programs? I don't want to be dependent on weird brushes and programs, I want to understand what he's actually doing to get that milky look

>> No.6708456

probably hard round with opacity to pen pressure

>> No.6708474

this is why 'hard round brush' is such an effective gatekeeping crab move
every single pro artist all have their own dedicated stable of custom modified brushes that they're not sharing...or do for a high price.
that's all digital art is - custom brushes.
why waste time making it manually when a single swipe with a special brush does it? likewise, why tell others of this, when letting them struggle, then give up, with the basic bitch default brush, removes potential competitors?
no pro is moronic enough to just give their secret, like how pepsi never gave away their recipe.

>> No.6708483

There is no secret. Plenty of pros stream their entire process. Plenty of them use hard round brush.

>> No.6708523

Literally impossible, there’s feathering on the brush strokes on this, unless they’re a psychotic masochist they aren’t using just the hard round. They’re likely not using it at all but if they scare its in conjunction with mixer/blending brushes. Looking at the way things are blending here makes me think a hard round opacity isn’t being used at all because there isn’t the sort of layering it gives.

>> No.6708524

Prob has low flow too.

>> No.6708525
File: 629 KB, 1102x1105, an attempt was made.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell you his thought process or how he decides where to put colors, but using a blocky, hard square brush and then just smudging/blending parts while maintaining some hard edges is pretty key to that style.

I tried to copy it, but noticed afterwards that in Sinix's pic it was more abstract or ... like impressionistic. It has a dreamy effect where details pop out of nowhere and other things blur together. My "study" originally had too much detail so I went back and took some of it out. Mine was just color picked and painted over the original pic, but I think I have a better understanding of what he did. There's a lot of play involved with that pic you posted, OP.

>> No.6708528

*And appears to be using a mixer brush and smudge tool

>> No.6708545

This. It's hard to accept but it's just true. Yes, some pros are using fancy brushes but they know how they work and can modify their settings according to what they need. Craig Mullins used to paint with a mouse for Christ's sake.

>> No.6708548

The painting has some problems but that's some pretty great brush work.

>> No.6708557

please can someone explain flow and opacity nothing i read makes sense

>> No.6708567

>feathering on brush strokes
it isnt applied across everywhere so its more than likely smudge with spacing applied

are you talking about the wash look when you have low opacity? he could be making new layers and then sculpting out shapes

why dont you experiment, youll learn more that way

>> No.6708574

>Sinix does it a lot and I know he uses that weird Painter brush for it, but how do you accomplish the same thing with a typical round brush in other programs?
Every art software has a mixer brush.

>> No.6708604

Fuck around find out. Use only opacity and paint some strokes, see how they blend together. Then do the same using only flow.
Afaik opacity works more like wet paint, I don't use flow at all since it makes it harder to blend.

>> No.6708622


>> No.6708624

You could ask the guy? He has a discord and he's active enough on twitter.

If someone wants a brush like his for CSP, I remember seeing this video a while back. Some tips in the comments improve the brush further to get the same effect:
For Procreate, he's shared his brushset before for free:

>> No.6708627

opacity is how see through the brush stroke is, with max pen pressure, you will only ever reach what you set opacity to. Flow is how quick you reach that opacity, low flow let's you build up more smoothly and slowly like an airbrush, high flow it will build up to max fast, like paint. The stamp the brush is made from will appear more feathered and ghostly at low flow, and the opposite at high flow.

>> No.6708630

Refrain from giving advice.

>> No.6708650

>Fuck around find out.
Dangerous, I know.

>> No.6708673

I don’t even know what you mean by milky look. He uses the dry brush to blend and airbrush to glaze mainly, and has done tons of VSB videos where he paints from start to finish. The paintings look good because he knows color theory, design and where to put hard and soft edges.

It’s pretty easy to learn brush engines and create your own, or download the millions of free and pirated sets and find out which ones you like. I don’t think the brushes are the problem, I think painting skills are.

>> No.6708679

Where is teh discord

>> No.6708684

No. Pros use custom brushes from scratch. Not same anon and not saying hard round brush is a trash brush, but the final product usually looks stiff and barebones if you drawn them fully by a single hard round brush. Always go for custom, textured brush. Even traditional artists use many types of brushes and materials and any faggots who told you to use hard round brush only are gatekeepers.


>> No.6708685

so basically he's just talented.
life sure is easy when you're simply just good at it, without having to put any effort into actually learning it.
no wonder he never made anything noteworthy or memorable. nothing left behind other than some youtube tuts. no pain no gain.

>> No.6708687

You literally don’t understand the basic concepts. Just stop talking and stick to /beg/

>> No.6708691
File: 77 KB, 573x800, 4630177-battalion-wars-gamecube-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me? Ready to shift the goalposts?

>> No.6708696

No, I'm here to learn and so is other people. Tell me what's wrong about what I said so others can stay away from misinformation too.

>> No.6708705

Fucking retard

>> No.6708707

What's wrong? Talked out of your ass?

>> No.6708711

I think he was trying ol Cunninghams law...
>Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."

Please don't do Cunningham on ic.

>> No.6708719

Are you the OP? This is genuinely fucking dumb, he learned to paint the way everybody else did it. There was nothing special about the guy other than continued effort. The shit he learned is the shit he teaches.

There’s no talent in operating a brush engine. You want a square brush? Change the stamp shape. You want a block in brush? Turn off opacity and size jitters and sculpt with an eraser of the same shape. You want his dry brush? Either fuck around with the dilution settings or torrent Painter. It takes less than an hour to learn all the brush settings.

>> No.6708722

What's wrong with asking to elaborate? Especially if the topic is "literally basic concepts", I have no problems admitting I was wrong about something.

>> No.6708732

go there

>> No.6708743

Did you mean to quote me? I was referring to your first post about opacity being like wet paint and flow making it hard to blend. How were you blending? Do you use the eyedropper at all while doing so?

>> No.6708747

ctrl+p is in the sticky, apply yourself

>> No.6708754

Lemme ruin the other guy’s fun.

>> No.6708761
File: 47 KB, 1000x480, Opacity vs Flow CSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top is opacity jitter, bottom is flow jitter, same pressure curve. Using Clip Studio Paint, which named it Density instead of Flow but according to CSP support it's the same thing as Flow. Maybe Photoshop works differently

>> No.6708762
File: 1.43 MB, 291x229, painting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Photoshop smudge tool with rotation and scattering enabled with a chalky/painterly brush. Use "Dual brush" with a chalky brush when using a regular brush. Congrats. You know how the effect is achievable. Warning to the untalented and why no one tells you this: any work you try to create will end up looking like a polished turd faster than you can manage to do it manually.

>this is why 'hard round brush' is such an effective gatekeeping crab move
Pick up a piece of paper and pencil sometime, Debbie Downer.

>> No.6708764

>Technically I don't know what flow is doing

This seems right tho, I'd still like a technical, more underthehood understanding >>6708622

>> No.6708765

Turn down flow in Photoshop is a simple slider above the canvas. I don't know csp.

>> No.6708769

That would make it impossible to reach full black in a single stroke though, which is why I said it makes it harder to blend. Is this the bullshit I got called for? I just want to know why I'm getting gang raped by ic

>> No.6708770

there is no more technical understanding, the post explains the mechanical function of flow and opacity, if you don’t get it, you might genuinely be stupid

>> No.6708775

"Under the hood". I tinkered with glsl stuff ages ago so would be curious what Photoshop does.
(The "fuck" was a joke)

>> No.6708777

you’re not gonna make it

>> No.6708785

This is exactly the type of looks your art should never have. Jeez, souless.

>> No.6708787

Lmao, there are literally bunch of pencil types. If you are tricking that newbie anon into hardround brush meme, then that is not an appropriate behavior.

>> No.6708788
File: 1.80 MB, 2900x1204, brush_shapes_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear BEGs, don't fall for Hard Round Brush gatekeeping.

>> No.6708790
File: 619 KB, 1920x2628, wei-feng-001q7wp3gy6uxfzif5mea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Excuse me? Ready to shift the goalposts?


>> No.6708793

I'm climbing out of the bucket, keep your filthy claws away from me.

>> No.6708794

>Lmao, there are literally bunch of pencil types.
>If you are tricking that newbie anon into hardround brush
>didn't even recommend a hard round brush, did the exact opposite
Sorry you're butthurt and can't use a pencil, which is just a hard round brush (literally quantified in hardness/softness).

>> No.6708796

What did you mean by this? I said there are pros who use hard round, posted a professional work in a published product. You said "no". you are quite simply wrong.

>> No.6708797

You will make it before he does, don't worry. He's too busy calling people retards on this board to actually draw and paint.

>> No.6708801

*Given the pic rel, maybe you were bolstering my position. Good pic. I do prefer Arne overall, but he doesn't do finished illustration these days.

>> No.6708802
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again

>> No.6708804

what exactly is being done to create the sculpted look? is it like put down a hard stroke, smudge it around randomly, and then put a hard stroke ontop of the smudged thing at the points where the planes change more abruptly and keep it smudged at rounder forms?

>> No.6708805

>>posted a professional work in a published product.

Anon, published product can look like shit, which that cover art look like. Just because a few garbage chibi artist do it, does not mean it is a way to go. Would you draw horrid tranny Tumblr artstyle because there are some pros do it? And no, using custom brush won't make your painting to be "polishing a turd". If you are good, them custom brushes make your work better. If you suck, you suck regardless. Do you actually believe every artists use a single hard brush for their work? No, that's what they want you to believe, they don't train you to be a superb drawfag for free online.

>> No.6708808

Is that where you wiped off your cum? Wtf

>> No.6708809

I sure hope this is a joke

>> No.6708811

I'm laughing either way

>> No.6708815

Are you also this guy? >>6708687

>> No.6708817

You are bringing a lot of shit up. Quote me where I made any claim other than there are pros who use hard round. You can't, because it did not make any further claims. You've got some baggage dude.

Btw Arne is really good, you should look him up maybe you will be inspired. Androidarts

>> No.6708819
File: 1.23 MB, 2439x3722, IMG_5030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not how it works

>> No.6708824

>>Arne is good

Yeah no, i would rather drawing boxes than being obsessed with default round brush. Custom brushes exist because they serve purposes, anon. Just because you can walk with your legs, does not mean you shouldn't use a bike.

>> No.6708829

I don't want to know what your room look like...

>> No.6708832
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1000, leyendeckr5 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again with the baggage. I use custom brushes too. Use what you want. Again, I made no claims about hard brush being superior or anything.

>> No.6708833
File: 1.48 MB, 2704x3080, IMG_5031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it smells like you’re mom’s pussy

>> No.6708837

I really, really hope you're not the "go back to /beg/ guy"

>> No.6708841
File: 1.09 MB, 3684x1800, IMG_5032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyw :^3

>> No.6708843
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 387810249_ac9a4e05ed_o copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Studying Layendecker

Lmao, he died before world war 2 even arrived and used shitload of brush types for his art. You are doing a disservice to the man.

>> No.6708846
File: 895 KB, 1134x2000, 156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like shit, and I got rightly told that I'm beg with painting, but you're an asshole for shitting on me without explaining why.

>> No.6708847

You've built a strawman and wont back down. Do I really have to repeat myself?
>You are doing a disservice to the man.
why do you think that?

>> No.6708848

Nice Ass

>> No.6708849

>>I use custom brushes too

Ah yes, the usual routine of drawfags telling people to not do A, while they themselves are doing A.

>> No.6708851
File: 85 KB, 560x589, Screenshot_20230621_064446_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally spent time convincing an anon above to use default hardbrush when he was saying hardbrush is a powermove gatekeeping. LE UNIVERSAL DEFAULT BRUSH is a cuckery and anyone fell for it are cuckolds.

>> No.6708860

Um, I didn't though.
Quote the post where I spent time convincing anon to use the default hardbrush. I genuinely don't know what you are talking about

And to leyendecker, are you equating digital art and photography? that is retarded. digital art was not around so we will never know his stance on it.

>> No.6708861
File: 99 KB, 1000x820, IMG_5033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digital is piss easy

>> No.6708862

>telling people to not do A
quote me.

>> No.6708870
File: 403 KB, 2716x2322, IMG_20230608_135754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're talking, at least I got shit on by someone that knows what they're doing. Still an asshole for telling that guy that he's not going to make it though, you really have no right.

>> No.6708872
File: 491 KB, 743x1182, IMG_5034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, I’m shitposting with years old garbage, you’re taking this way too seriously

>> No.6708877

I painted that figure in January, wanna see which one of us made more progress since then?

>> No.6708879

actual /beg/ moment

>> No.6708882

Just trying to make this place more interesting for once. Let's pick a photo ref.

>> No.6708885
File: 1.72 MB, 2362x1856, 2FCE779E-012D-4C1A-BACF-796FD45590BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look right? I'm trying a square brush + square smudge brush

>> No.6708889

refer to >>6708872
I’m not going to engage in a pissing match with a begtard lmao

>> No.6708890

Why not? Forgot how to paint? I thought we were on an image critique board where people have to study to become better, why not use it as an excuse to humiliate a beg with your superior skills?

>> No.6708891

I think the spacing on the smudge is way too tight, giving it that snotty too smooth artificial feel

>> No.6708895

>you’re taking this way too seriously
I don’t care about humiliating you, I was just shitposting
you’re seething like a retard over floating animu loomis heads

>> No.6708897

Why do you have to be so boring? I thought an artist like you would jump at any excuse to paint something, I wanted to give you one.

>> No.6708901

just stop, this is embarrassing

>> No.6708907

Jesus, what happened in here? OP, Sinix answers the question in the Procreate video here >>6708624
>"It's a cheap knockoff of the Corel Dry Brush. It stores a short amount of paint with each stroke and turns itself into a blending brush until you pick it back up off the screen to reload it."
So make a flat brush that picks up very little paint at the ends by messing with the amount of paint and density of paint and have it fade too. That way you don't have to use a separate blending tool to go over your marks afterwards. Then pick up a tutorial about hard and soft edges in painting to learn the technique he's using.

>> No.6708908

>Jesus, what happened in here?
some anons forgot to take their meds again.

>> No.6708911

Whatever, I'll paint something else I guess.

>> No.6708961

he’s clearly pointing out leyendecker was a gatekeeper who kept his secrets and doesn’t fit into the narrative that basic tools are how artists paint

>> No.6708989

my eyes skipped did over 'secret'.
>doesn’t fit into the narrative that basic tools are how artists paint
which is not a narrative I was reinforcing.

>> No.6708994

Lenedecker was open about his methods anyway.
"secret" painting medium? that's just someone trying to add flair to their writing.

>> No.6709009

>>Lenedecker was open about his methods anyway.

Anon, that "open" about his method was 1 year before he fucking died. That's one hell of a gatekeeping, imagine you only open up about your painting method and secrets when you about the shit the bed.

>> No.6709010

you’re actually retarded and never painted in your life if you think that is being open about your method, it’s a pr word salad
medium recipes were always a closely guarded secret
for example, rothko’s work was amazing because of what he did paint-wise, it was clueless normalfags that saw it and thought it was about squares of paint

>> No.6709015
File: 289 KB, 598x536, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 08-40-56 伊藤暢達_Masahiro Ito on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it was clueless normalfags that saw it and thought it was about squares of paint

This is exactly the problem with every study artwork. They never knew what the original artwork really drawn with, at best they could just study the shadow and light values, but not the secret behind the painting.

>> No.6709016

I don't know what I don't know. Leyendecker seemed open enough to me, I've seen others replicate his work fine traditionally, some "secret" huh?.

>> No.6709017

That is literally 2 sentences that just describe the most basic procedure of painting in oil, it’s the equivalent of describing the Reilly head as “draw overlapping ovals corresponding to skull landmarks so you know where to draw the features”

>> No.6709019

>>Leyendecker seemed open enough to me

It was a letter he personally sent to his student. He actually died in 1951, a year after that. He kept his methods, brushes and materials in secret entire life. Because he was big and made millions.

>> No.6709023

>the secret behind the painting.
You think the secret is in the way the paint flows? what the actual fuck? leyendecker could make a masterpiece from mud if he had to. it's not the tools.

>> No.6709025


>> No.6709027

Ok, it seems weird to me. His technique was so so much more about his shapes than his medium, I don't see why it would matter if people knew it was 10mls of linseed oil and 3mls of turpentine.

>> No.6709028


>> No.6709030

pick up a brush for once in your life, retard

>> No.6709032
File: 1.40 MB, 2118x3000, lf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>leyendecker could make a masterpiece from mud if he had to. it's not the tools.

LMAO. His pencil drawings are extremely pale in comparison to his more expensive and well crafted illustrations. You must be extremely dellusional to think you can go anywhere if you believe in that universal hard brush hoax like an anime character believes in friendship.

>> No.6709036
File: 578 KB, 1280x1601, tumblr_pmscv650631r7nbrao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't see why it would matter if people knew it was 10mls of linseed oil and 3mls of turpentine.

It is not just the fundamental skills. At a certain point, you will need to depict the textures, too. Look at this horse he drawn and you try to replicate that texture with default hardbrush with no textures. That's what everyone were trying to say here. There are things you need alternate brushes and materials for.

>> No.6709038

I believe the hard brush hoax? where is this coming from?

>His pencil drawings are extremely pale in comparison
you underestimate him. You don't think he could reproduce the values and shapes of his paintings in pencil?

>> No.6709043

>>You don't think he could reproduce the values and shapes of his paintings in pencil?

You already saw his fundamental skills and shadow/light values in that pencil drawing. And it just doesn't look the same with his fancy stuff. Understand now? No tool is universal, if you believe in such magic, you need a reality check.

>> No.6709044

You are still attacking a strawman. Who said anything about making that style of work with a hard brush?

>> No.6709047

You need to stop and think. what is preventing him from doing what I suggested? Who said it would be the same? I said masterpiece with mud, not that this masterpiece would be as pretty as his full color work.

>> No.6709048
File: 28 KB, 1172x249, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 09-02-39 _ic_ - How do you do digital brushwork that looks milky a - Artwork_Critique - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i'm saying is, this guy is right. Default hard brush is such a hoax, i call everyone as faggot for pushing that hoax.

>> No.6709049

holy cope

>> No.6709051

>every single artist
>no pro is moronic enough to give their secret
Oh he's right is he?

>> No.6709053

Stop wasting your time with people calling you a retard, they are incapable of accepting they might be wrong about anything because the price they'd have to pay is to consider themselves retarded. Talking with your cat would be more productive.

>> No.6709056

Absolutely. Pros either teach you 20% of what they know then sell their true secrets in overpriced packs on Gumroad or Patreon. Or they never tell you anything and you see them as holy figures. Breeding compettitors is the last thing they want to happen.

>> No.6709062
File: 133 KB, 600x450, 8975dde60cf7805a2a9934e9884bae1a[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i call everyone as faggot for pushing that hoax.
Ancientfag here. No one had a fucking problem up until after the Tumblr fallout rejects were forced to post their shit to twitter. It was such a non-problem that it turned into the meme you refer to right now. It was never for "finalizing", it was for learning how to control your values and linework by training with a hard round brush. It's the same recommendation such as Peter Han and his concept/pen line training.


I'm also going to refer to another meme here and say "nobody cares". As in nobody cares if a digital drawing is hand drawn, hence speeding up the process using brushes. That being said, if you can't even use the closest thing to a pencil or a fucking pen on paper on a digital medium, you're shit. Nobody is going to care, even harder because you're a shape geomancer and it will always show in your work. Stick to graphic design/vector shit.

>> No.6709065

>tfw all painters are bad at sketching and lineart
it's over for me

>> No.6709067

You really think there is a special secret to the pro work huh? It's like you have to believe this to explain why there is such a gap between them and you.
What would happen once you go pro?(provided that's a goal for you).
Would going pro require you to develop a secret killer technique? are you gonna paywall it?

>> No.6709072

>>was for learning how to control your values and linework by training with a hard round brush.

This is such a buzz word, anon. Brushes have nothing to do with practices or controling your values. Values depend on which color you chose to depict the light and shadow. You can do the same with any custom brushes, not just default hard brush.

Tumblr rejects actually mainly use default hardbrush in their dogshit drawings.

>> No.6709074

you never touched a tube of paint

>> No.6709075

>>Would going pro require you to develop a secret killer technique? are you gonna paywall it?

Unironically what everyone gonna do once they go pro. Gotta feed on those fools.

>> No.6709080
File: 129 KB, 910x682, 1539573450105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is such a buzz word, anon
You're quoting a sentence, numbnuts.

>Values depend on which color you chose to depict the light and shadow.
And when you use a soft edge brush you can't do that. It's only a solid value at the center of the brush, it gets muddied on the edge. It's less noticeable in black and white, but in color weird shit happens. Again it's a basic first steps to digital.

>Tumblr rejects actually mainly use default hardbrush in their dogshit drawings.
That's not how they apply the blush in the noses and cheeks.

>> No.6709081

My secret technique will be painting good shapes and values. which I don't even know how to paywall...
>enjoying this picture? feels incomplete? unlock the shapes on the left arm for 3 easy payments of $9.99!

>> No.6709084
File: 284 KB, 953x761, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 08-43-33 Marat Ars Digital Painting Stream Archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He doesn't know

Pros paywall 20% of what they know and all of pros have secrets.

>> No.6709086

>Unironically what everyone gonna do once they go pro
Are the only pros you know coomer/patreon types?
what of the artists working in-house?

>> No.6709088

When do these secrets develop? who do they learn them from? is there a cross over period when their work goes from high int to pro, involving a secret painting method my doctor doesn't want me to know?

>> No.6709089

u cant fork over 60 bucks?

>> No.6709095
File: 453 KB, 750x500, 1511374663656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pros paywall 20% of what they know and all of pros have secrets.

Artists only become known as "pro" after they die and even they got free lessons from dead artists before them.

>> No.6709098
File: 3.18 MB, 1386x800, 11092_image_84602399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or even $5 for a 14 hour video. Or watch a better artist do it for free on youtube. I'm sure once you watch the video, your skills will be boosted from the secret knowledge you just got!
>watches the vid, its just a guy painting with hard brush 99% of the time, no tricks... shit!

>> No.6709100

How are you guys still going?

>> No.6709104
File: 360 KB, 1207x642, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 09-09-52 Dark Knight Concept art Part 1 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> its just a guy painting with hard brush 99% of the time, no tricks... shit!

>> No.6709110

I was referring to my pic rel, not yours.(it's from an old tutorial video)
Still, what was the secret trick in this vid you have here?

>> No.6709117
File: 45 KB, 725x433, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 08-20-09 Marat Ars Concept Art Series Knight 14h Real-time Digital Painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigga literally selling his secret setting and custom brushes, and this is just a single artwork. He has different shits on different artworks.
Do you really believe these guys are saints and willing to giveaway everything they know?

>> No.6709120
File: 55 KB, 998x801, f28ac8f97335f04ffea5b10c2797114c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>And when you use a soft edge brush you can't do that. It's only a solid value at the center of the brush, it gets muddied on the edge. It's less noticeable in black and white, but in color weird shit happens. Again it's a basic first steps to digital.

I'm just a shitty BEG but who the fuck taught you that?! Values is how you depict light and shadow on object, not what kind of special settings you give to your universal magic default brush.

>> No.6709124

But whats the secret trick? You have the vid, reveal the sneaky artist trick!

>Do you really believe these guys are saints and willing to giveaway everything they know?
some are, sure, time willing(what does it mean to give everything you know?)
Sinix has over 200 videos you can watch for free

>> No.6709127

Yeah but Marat Ars's worst sketch looks better than that disgusting tranny art, so we all agree that magical hard brush is a hoax.

>> No.6709130

>disgusting tranny art
What do you mean by this?

>> No.6709134
File: 120 KB, 1512x1692, Hexagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where have you gone with those 200 free videos? Are you a superb megacorpo artist yet? Or you are still a BEG or an indiegame artist with no payment?

>>reveal the sneaky artist trick!

Replicate my hexagons with you default hard brush. Now you get the message.

>> No.6709142

I think you've gone off the deep end mate. Why do you think Marat Ars is better than sinix for learning? what does this have to do with hard round brush? You are so hung up on brushes. they are not secret techniques.

I didn't learn from sinix, but game recognizes game.

>> No.6709224

>>You are so hung up on brushes. they are not secret techniques.

If you don't learn how to use different kind of brush and how to apply textures, you will stuck in mediocrity. Fundamental understandings are not secret, but custom product and custom settings are. You also admitted you use texture brush above, so everything you saying now is invalid, because you didn't live up to what you said.

>>I didn't learn from sinix, but game recognizes game.

Both of your videogame coverart and artwork example look average from an audience perspective. They obviously showing weakness and limitation of the brush instead of showing how good it can be.

>> No.6709226
File: 80 KB, 800x480, slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709227

>You also admitted you use texture brush above, so everything you saying now is invalid, because you didn't live up to what you said.

>> No.6709298

I think people get the wrong idea when they hear "hard round brush," thinking that the settings should never be played with.
>rounds #2
Hard round brush with size pressure sensitivity turned on.
>rounds #3
Same as #2, just with a larger maximum size.
>filberts #2, #6
Hard round brush with size pressure sensitivity turned on, minimum size of 20~50% because the brush does not come to a point.
>flat #5
Hard round brush with size pressure sensitivity turned off, opacity/flow pressure sensitivity turned on, because the brush hair is thinner at the tip.
>brights #4, #12
Size and opacity pressure sensitivity turned off.
The only thing that needs a texture is the fan brush, which can still be built on a hard or soft round brush base.

>> No.6709310

What the hell is milky brushwork

>> No.6709344


>> No.6709429
File: 572 KB, 1125x1109, A2BAE400-AC46-43DD-B99D-F00C7208BADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bounce light is stronger on the shadow side
Wow retard. Here let Mr. Prokopenko teach you.

>> No.6709438

>this is why 'hard round brush' is such an effective gatekeeping crab move

Hard round brush is inefficient for some tasks, but it's versatile, and can do anything any other brush can do, only slower. Brushes are mostly useful for texturing, which is but icing on the cake.

A good painting requires solid understanding on light and composition, regardless of the medium.

>> No.6709447

>>Wow retard.
>>Post a photo with strong bounce light on shadow side

Average ic anon

>> No.6709453

>>Hard round brush is inefficient for some tasks, but it's versatile, and can do anything any other brush can do, only slower.

Hard round brush is the type of brush for digital begs who don't know how to handle texture. A literall factory setting brush. In traditional art, you don't have a default medium, because everything have their own texture and diversity. Pencil gives different looks to charcoal and charcoal gives different looks to water color. If you want to go somewhere, atleast learn how to use custom brush along with your fundamental skill.

>> No.6709500

>can do anything any other brush can do, only slower
you. an say the same thing about any brush, all of them can do what hrb does with varying efficiency, the statement is utterly worthless

>> No.6709563

You are not gonna make it if you don't see the difference.

>> No.6709572

not him, but it’s grouped with the halftone, it’s a technically shit execution

>> No.6709596

Yo'ure isolating a portion of the argument in an attempt to dismiss the whole thing. That's not how it works.

That's indeed the case, but hard-round brush is most suited for beginners who should be focusing on establishing basic shapes with proper value/color, because that's what it's most naturally suited to do, while fancier brushes are better suited for texturing.

The same phenomenon happens in trad: don't use stomps, focus on the planes of what you're rendering. Some style of teaching discourage people from blending in oils: just layer some intermediate shape instead to soften things.

Of course, but saying that pros are gatekeeping secret brushes to trump competition is wrong. I'm not saying custom brushes are useless either. Just that for beginners, hard round is a decent choice to keep them focus on the essential.

Much better than spending hours looking for the magic brushes set that will make everything work, because that's simply not how it works.

>> No.6709599

>Yo'ure isolating a portion of the argument in an attempt to dismiss the whole thing
I’m saying what you said is stupid, I’m not the guy you’re arguing with

>> No.6709617

I remember watching a paid video where the guy teaching said that one of his brushes was given to him by a coworker while working on a big project with a NDA so he couldn't share it.
At that point, why even bother with the lesson?

>> No.6709773

>it smells like you are moms pussy.

That's what you just wrote. I don't know why this makes me cringe so much but it just makes you look like an idiot. Same thing when people can't discern between "to" and "too". Pls. It's the bare minimum.

>> No.6709779

trolling is a art

>> No.6709817

KEK totally the same guy

>> No.6709873
File: 1.09 MB, 3968x2086, IMG_5038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.6709926

there will always be pissy panties energy with digital "art" because it's inherently soulless garbage.

The whole "dress it up to be pretend tradchad" thing is the worst, too.
Thank god AI has wiped digital "art" off the map, it will unfortunately take a little time for humanity to realize that it's happened.

Thanks for the laughs, back to my canvas now.

>> No.6710138

>for beginners, hard round is a decent choice to keep them focus on the essential
This. Don't fall for the crabby gatekeepers. If you're lost because you don't know what brushes to use or whatever, just use the hard round brush with opacity control. Custom brushes are inessential for learning and a hindrance to complete beginners. Focus on values to describe 3d shapes, this is most essential part. Good values make up 90% of a good painting.

>> No.6710209

>focus on values
>use opacity

>> No.6710281

Take your meds.

>> No.6710287

post your work

>> No.6710304

nta, but did you say retard because you should do full opacity as a beginner to focus on value, and not try to turn form smoothly? in theory yes, but barely anyone does that and get good at values just fine.

>> No.6710311

barely anyone is good at value

>> No.6710339

I said barely anyone does that, meaning "among those who got good, barely anyone did full opacity work as a beginner"

>> No.6710351

*you think more would be good if full opacity was the meta, yeah, I agree actually, Applied to color too.

>> No.6711620

100% this, not surprised that folx are purposely avoiding your post

>> No.6711655
File: 376 KB, 800x987, 5-8-2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not surprised that folx are purposely avoiding your post
he's not here though. he left to go back to his canvas. A response would be "MUH SOVL" there's not much to say to someone with that attitude. Mimicking traditional in digital, even if it's not all the way there is fun and looks good. I don't claim digital it is better.

>> No.6711656

Pepsi is disgusting though, who would want to know the recipe

>> No.6711707

>showing weakness and limitation of the brush
Last time I checked, people love brushwork whether it's scratchy or fluid-like. I don't know why you're so bent out of shape that you're willing to forgo your position against brush strokes to insult someone, but those works do not show any weakness or limitation of the brush used.

Don't go full retard. Never go full retard.

>> No.6711710

People are avoiding the post because it's worthless and neither contributes to anything, nor inspires anything.
It's a waste of time to even acknowledge the stupidity because there's nothing to fix. Birds can't teach worms to fly, and the worm would be too scared to even try.

>> No.6712037

And yea soft smudge tool with lowered spacing and some scattering gets you 99% of the way through

>> No.6713407

this is a horrible example

>> No.6714247


>> No.6714453

squint at the ball, the light is the same value in the shadow, the lights and darks are mixed and not separated, the reflected light is too bright, the form is lost. NEVER lighten the shadow to create a core, DARKEN THE CORE to create a reflected light. even the fucking cast shadow is also grouped into light when you squint. but who cares anyway, permabeg brainlets will be permabeg brainlets

>> No.6714468
File: 80 KB, 1024x682, Eggs_29a36cfdd5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714471

grouping light and shadow are the basics of rendering

>> No.6714506

Well then, good thing that Proko clearly does it.

>> No.6714795

>look at this badly exposed photo
equivalent of posting a fucked up sculpture to defend bad anatomy

>> No.6715295


>> No.6715457


>> No.6716592
File: 602 KB, 828x1190, 2F6CCE97-84B2-4C80-8812-DE6951D72521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixer brush

>> No.6717851


>> No.6717875

>"dependent on weird brushes"
>"what is he actually doing"

NGMI in its truest form. Instead of simply trying to figure it out himself by studying fundamentals, color picking, and playing with value, this faggot thinks hes using a weird brush.
Zoomer mindset. They refuse to actually try shit themselves.