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6707544 No.6707544 [Reply] [Original]

PSA: Don't draw with music.

>Have trouble focusing?
Don't draw with music.
>Quality of work is dipping?
Don't draw with music.
>Drawing seems boring compared to surfing the web?
Don't draw with music.
>Getting urges to play games or watch anime?
Don't draw with music.
>Work takes more and more time to complete?
Don't draw with music.

Drawing in silence is the key to flow state. Hearing the scritch scratch of the pencil is what soothes the artistic soul.

>> No.6707546


op is retarded and /beg/ draw with this

>> No.6707550


other very niciu playlist

>> No.6707560
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How do I stop being an undisciplined sack of garbage?

>> No.6707562

u can start by setting routines. Start small and work ur way up. It's the same as losing weight by exercising. Consistency and honesty to urself is the key.

>> No.6707897

I draw listening to audiobooks.

>> No.6708045

I have ADD I can't really draw for very long without music. With music I can sit for a couple of hours at least.

>> No.6708048

Post your work

>> No.6708277

I can atest to this, I have an easier time focusing when there's absolute silence
Whenever I put on something in the background it will eventually finish, and it is in that moment that I will subconsciously break my flow state to put on something new and also browse the web for a little bit (a few hours) and then get back to my drawing

>> No.6708285
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>> No.6708290

Bullshit. Music enters my flow state.

>> No.6708292

PSA: Draw however you feel comfortable. Unless youre a faggot zoomer addicted to tiktok, media on the side doesnt matter.

>> No.6708441

And once you'll run out of favourite music to listen what are you gonna do? Stop drawing and spend many hours trying to find something fresh? Depending on music to draw is ngmi

>> No.6708463

Anon, spotty recommends me new tracks every day. I don’t have to really look for anything, it comes to me.

>> No.6708464


>> No.6709467
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cute cat but no, its weird and annoying to draw in silence even without having your undiagnosed addhdd shit

>> No.6709498

i draw while listening to the same episodes of ross' game dungeon over and over and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.6709531

I have tinnitus and keeping music in my ears drowns it out

>> No.6710648

>run out of music

are you serious

>> No.6710653

right click -> loop
what now retard

>> No.6710666

Thank you, anon, thank you for your concern
But it really depends, I have ASD and for me some stimuli helps me sleep, like the noise from a vacuum cleaner. I won't give a concrete answer because I don't have it, but it just does
And repetitive music helps me a lot to get into the zone and concentrate
Otherwise I just start getting these urges you mention, but I don't doubt some people could find your advice helpful, it's just a matter of knowing yourself

Be consistent, don't overdo yourself and know your limits
Your brain is an animal and if it gets "scared" of work it will learn to flee from it, or find ways to evade it. You need to build trust from stuff you don't find pleasant to do, like studying. If you can train your brain to lower it's guard whenever presented to unpleasant activities it will be a breeze

>> No.6710783

>what works for me must work for everyone
I've had top tier flow state with music before and I will have it again

>> No.6710788
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listen, enjoy, and repent.


>> No.6710896

Silence doesn't exist for me. It's either music, or tinnitus.

>> No.6710963

I like instrumental music for generating dialogue, since lyrics throw me off. Otherwise, when straight drawing, I listen to all sorts of stuff, from gaming streamers to audiobooks.

>> No.6711034

But anon, if i don't bombard my senses with stimulation then I will start thinking about the bleakness of my existence and become paralyzed with despair.

>> No.6711083
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>run out of music
My negro I have over 1200 songs on my phone, I would literally have to keep my earbuds in for a week straight to "run out", and that's not even mentioning that I could listen to certain songs and albums that I really like over and over without getting tired of them.

>> No.6711085

Do you have a phone from 2005 or something? That's like, what, less than 10gb?

>> No.6711175

I can't do two things at once, not even if one of them is listening to music. I don't listen to music while drawing, walking, working, studying, playing video games (besides their own soundtrack), or anything else. When I listen to music I sit down and think about the music itself. I memorize it and then I replay it in my head when I do other things. I don't understand how people can always have music on. I wouldn't focus neither on the music nor on the other task.

>> No.6711183

what about ASMR

>> No.6711199

Not everyone is an ADD austist like you, faggot.

>> No.6711332

>Neko yandere gf gives you hugs and scratchies while you draw [F4M]

>> No.6711333
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woooowww people here really get offended over the slightest difference in opinion. You must a well adjusted individual, with no anger issues. Congrats!

>> No.6711339

good music is the only thing keeping me from killing myself through the pain of drawing. If you were at the dentist don't you try to take your mind off the pain somehow?

>> No.6711360
File: 311 KB, 1200x1200, judas-priest-painkiller-grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By taking a painkiller?

>> No.6711401

>the pain of drawing
doesn't exist

>> No.6711759

if 90% of ic is ngmi and 90% of this thread says they listen to music while drawing well the writing is on the wall

>> No.6711761

wise post

>> No.6711769
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I don't draw with actual music, usually always chill video game music or something similar. It becomes white noise when I get in the zone and helps block external noises outside my room.
god bless foobar

>> No.6711850

fucking 0 IQ