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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 311 KB, 1434x2048, FPALj3_WQAMrmER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6696644 No.6696644 [Reply] [Original]

are women artists better? a man could never do something this cute

>> No.6696646

A man can do it with AI

>> No.6696649

Considering that 3 of the best artist here are women tells you something

>> No.6696650

with color, yeah.

>> No.6696661

That the gender roles that were forced on us since we were babies have a great effect on our personality and likes? Yes.

>> No.6696662

>Considering that 3 of the best artist here are women


>> No.6696665

My mom, >>6696661 his mom, and >>6696649 her mom.

>> No.6696666

Nat, maralade, malin.

>> No.6696671
File: 63 KB, 540x720, e7f8c0361391af83cfbb395ca989a7a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So according to /ic/ the best artist is
>under 25
>knows loomis

>> No.6696673

None of these people post here anymore. And likewise are probably only famous / memorable because they are women.

>> No.6696711
File: 124 KB, 677x500, Leda_-_after_Michelangelo_Buonarroti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are men artists better? a woman could never do something this erotic

>> No.6696721

what the fuck i didnt know ai art is centuries old

>> No.6696724
File: 229 KB, 800x1048, Leda_and_the_Swan_1505-1510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do zoomers artists never see Michelangelo work? not striving to learn basic art history?

>> No.6696730

>none of these people post here anymore

>> No.6696731


>> No.6696741
File: 224 KB, 800x2042, 'Dying_Slave'_Michelangelo_JBU001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back then, they did not allow female models.

>> No.6696755
File: 2.12 MB, 900x1496, IMG_5159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am none of those people.

>> No.6696771

based bondrewd enjoyer, amazing art btw

>> No.6696801

>mike apologist
just admit he couldnt paint a woman like raphael

>> No.6696874

unironically this

>> No.6696898

Meeautiful! look at the happy eye of the bird dude

>> No.6696904

I love your art. Do you have some tips on how to colour like you?

>> No.6696906

absolutely shat on him

>> No.6696918

Raphael hired prostitutes. to my knowledge that was the only method for nude female models. every artist has strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.6696937
File: 3.81 MB, 1600x2393, which is which2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga thats some disney fed shit plus some William-Adolphe Bouguereau
both disney and Bouguereau were men
men also tend to be crazier and more prone to autism THOUGH female autists do exist by way of fujos i suppose
but lets put it to the real test,

Which of these were painted by a woman and which one was painted by a man?

>> No.6696940

what the fuck is happening with the two paintings on the right?

>> No.6696944



>> No.6696946
File: 2.81 MB, 1370x2379, which is which22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh whoops i upsized them my b im a little high anon sorry

heres ur paintings

>> No.6696952


heres the answers btw

>> No.6696954


>> No.6696957

autistic women are a miracle and the silver lining bestowed upon us from a lifetime of suffering uunder vaccines. they are not indicative of gender roles at all, but a consiquence of the poisoning of the gene pool.

>> No.6696964

I knew the first was Bouguereau before you posted the answers, nobody could making paintings look as soft as he could.

>> No.6696991

>comparing those who exclusively post art to someone fishing for attention with selfies
retard. check the thread before that

>> No.6697101

Generally speaking, how can you tell if an art piece was made by a male artist or a female artist?

>> No.6697251
File: 102 KB, 629x900, the-improvised-cup-elizabeth-jane-gardner-bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think his second wife, an artist too, came pretty close

>> No.6697292

I love these male v female threads because everyone gets so angry and its funny. Like jingling keys

>> No.6697296


>> No.6697364

WTF!!! I'm relatively new but this might be the most impressive work I've seen posted here... trad too holy fucking yippy doodle! How long did this take you?

>> No.6697368

Join this grind course here, is free >>6693585

>> No.6697374

but I'm already better.

>> No.6697421
File: 490 KB, 718x1236, 1678197044297532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to amateurs, women >>>>>>>> men, because they care about aesthetics on a daily basis and had lots of opportunities to express their sensibilities without much judgment.

When it comes to professionals, guys will achieve a greater level of technical skill ON AVERAGE, but women who reach the same technical level will have more appeal in their art, and even if they are less skilled, appeal is more important and might outweigh the fundie grinders.

Only men who are true outliers, with extremely impressive skills, can beat the females who are both skilled and have a good aesthetic sense.

But truth is, the more, the merrier.
Once an artist passes a certain threshold, his or her art doesn't have to be "the best of all time" in order to contribute to humanity's cultural legacy and development.

>> No.6699062
File: 2.39 MB, 1300x1121, meoww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When painting characters in watercolor I usually work in small sections at a time, it gives me more control and it’s slower so it gives me more time to think about choices for where highlights and shadows should be. compared to doing big washes right off the bat and regretting things later. you can also always glaze over the painting with watered down transparent paints and a soft brush if an area looks janky, or too out of place/too bright etc. Paper is super important, I used arches hot press 100% cotton, it’s got very little texture which i prefer for character illustration. If i used cellulose paper the layers of paint would probably end up looking splotchy and not nearly as smooth.
It may look like I have a million different colors in my palette and that’s because I do. I’d rather spend my time actually painting than mixing the perfect color out of a self imposed limited palette of boring mixing colors. And as long as your values look good then just about any color palette is going to look good.
The work in progress photo for pic related was taken when I had only candles and a shitty ceiling lamp as lighting in the middle of winter which is why it's so grainy and dark. But it shows how I approach paintings like that.
Bondrewd nation
About 3 days of off and on painting.

>> No.6699068
File: 1.52 MB, 2271x2436, FECFC3A4-B69E-4EA4-8D16-6B297B9C0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men don’t want to draw Bratz. There’s plenty who could, but it’s not appealing to men at all.

>> No.6699122

Impressive colorations, but I'm going to be that guy and tell you that your anatomy is off and if you're not just a rendermonkey, you know this too.

Start fixing your shit before you cringe at them and trash all your work.

>> No.6699173
File: 1.74 MB, 3621x1844, 20230613_173317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great work man. I just "moved" to traditional myself because digital just became boring and soulless.
What you said here >>6699062 was very interesting.
paper type is HUGE. I used a hot pressed 50% cotton fabrizio paper on my last page and it was pretty decent, but in this one I used regular celulose paper and the color are all muted, fuck.Now I'm going to bite the bullet.
one thing I realized is that with the hot pressed cotton paper the watermarks of each stroke seem to be more noticeable, which I didn't like so much .
What watercolors do you use? I use Holbein's because I'm a weeb, but they are good. Looking at your pallet makes me want to get more pans, but I'm not sure I need 60 colors.
I'm assuming you do commissions, but do you end up selling the originals?

>Nat, maralade, malin.
btw, which are you? (I know you are not Nat) Would love to follow you, it's great seeing trad artists doing this type of work.

>> No.6699178

cursed image

>> No.6699195

Very soulful comic. Comics are hard enough to do digitally, you are very brave for doing them trad. Yeah, on hot press it's a lot more difficult to get smooth washes compared to cold press, but it's easier to do small details on hot press so that's why I prefer it. You definitely do not need 60 different colors lol. You just figure out what you use most and maybe a certain mix you always end up needing could get it's own dedicated spot on your palette to save on time. Watercolor pigments all have their own unique properties and two blues who look identical color wise could behave wildly differently on paper. I've never used Holbein but I've heard they're pretty good. As long as they're professional grade there shouldn't be any issue with whatever brand you use. Personally I like Daniel Smith, Winsor&Newton and Sennelier the most.
I do not do commissions, I have not done them in many years. To me art will always be a hobby because involving money into creativity was making me miserable and like I was scamming people because I was never happy with anything I drew for clients even if they were happy with it. And I am Nekromagi on twitter.

Do you have any tips on what you do to improve at anatomy? It's like i never retain any information the rare times I do studies, only when I incorporate reference images into non-studies do I learn anything it feels like.
>Start fixing your shit before you cringe at them and trash all your work.
implying I'm some sort of ape who destroys my own artwork when I realize later there are mistakes in it. Every drawing you make is just a part of the process, of course I look back at old art and cringe, but that will never not be the case as long as I'm still improving. I wish I could magically be good at anatomy instantly, but this stage of being bad at it is necessary on the road to being good at it.

>> No.6699206
File: 14 KB, 400x267, NiceTryFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699208

i was about to google if this character is double wrist-jointed or if his shoulder is located in some funny place but im too lazy to do it

>> No.6699616

thank you :)
>Daniel Smith, Winsor&Newton and Sennelier
Holbein's surprised me because they never really dry once you put then in the pans, I think it's because they have honey in them. Never used Daniel Smith or Sennelier as they are quite expensive, but I'll pick up a few pans in the future just to try them out. I also use Van Gogh, which are pretty good and not expensive, but Talens also makes Rembrandt watercolors, which are a higher tier.
>I do not do commissions
that's crazy, but I guess you must have a decent job and time left to do art.
I've always enjoyed doing commissions, even though they were coomer dogshit, they allowed me to keep grinding while getting some money.

Also, don't listen to that other scumbag, you know /ic/, just a bunch of crabs. Your work is very good.

>> No.6699628

i've noticed that gay dudes have a similar baseline of aesthetic sense like women do too

>> No.6699675
File: 754 KB, 512x768, 335227626187619949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699678

Any visual example?

>> No.6699704

Nta but here's one by Tuke. U can also infer that a lot of artists who never married or had children were most likely homosexual such as Caravaggio and Sargent

>> No.6699705
File: 2.23 MB, 1445x2000, Henry SCOTT TUKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699724
File: 725 KB, 512x768, 335235104896589306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699770
File: 687 KB, 512x768, 335254209942224396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699901

women are better at designing and creating aesthetically pleasing art, basically stuff that involves visual creativity.
men have better fundamentals and are typically more grounded in reality.

>> No.6699923

yeah while they all totally lust after the styles yoshida, amano, and the nine old men of disney

>> No.6699984

Brian level proportions and anatomy

>> No.6700057
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1005, imagem_2023-06-14_103041377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are women artists better?

niggas ITT really acting like any woman ever could reach genius status. lol

>> No.6700391

decent lines, good color, careful of "worm's nest hair", you're straddling the line where it gets unpleasant to look at

>> No.6700462

Women artists are better in the sense that male artists are so oversexed and addicted to pornography that even normal artwork MUST have a hint of nsfw whether that be a girl in a risque pose or a small nipple showing.

>> No.6700551

Yes, I gave up, they won. I fucking kneel.

>> No.6700709

I think male and female artist have their pros and cons with neither being better than the other. However, will say there’s some aspects I like more In female artist than in males. Won’t elaborate further lest I go on a liberal triade…

>> No.6700716

oversexed women spend time whoring out instead of art. why would a woman learn to draw porn when its easier to take a pic

>> No.6700757
File: 99 KB, 400x691, joyful-noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man's work is the basis for the modern image of cuteness in the west.

>> No.6700887

No, and I'll use an example in this very same thread to prove that point. This post here: >>6696755
This person cherry picked that OC from a previous OC thread for one of two main reasons. Follow the replies upward, and you can see that the artist has done several deliveries in threads prior. I think that's great, but why choose that particular OC to draw? Why not choose someone who's more beginner? If you have the skill, why not share it with others who don't?
Second, who are we to know, that either of those artists are not in communication with one another outside of this place? Do you honestly believe that this person just randomly picked that OC to draw and spend three days doing all the work it did? How are we to know, that this person didn't draw that very same design on computer first and then placed it there as an anonymous user for it to have received the delivery it did?
So no, women artists are not better. They seek praise like men, they collage their trophies like men, they reply like men having something to prove, they lie like men do, so don't believe for one second that all of this isn't some elaborate ruse to garner attention.

>> No.6700898

In fact, look at the way it answers down that very same OC Redraw thread. It thinks like a man. One can't help but question, is it one posing as a woman?
It's not that difficult to put the pieces of the puzzle together to come to that conclusion.

>> No.6701103

Good take

>> No.6701114

Women usually* put more expressions and “attitude” so to speak in their artwork

>> No.6701220

A great parcel of men don't reproduce and it has nothing to do with you enjoying taking it up your butt, kill yourself.

>> No.6701223
File: 215 KB, 686x960, 1680944073813019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever looked at the yaoi thread or the OC threaed?
Women are shitting out visual porn left and right all day.

>> No.6701226

That duck looks like a rapist.

>> No.6701256

>with AI
Then it’s not really the man doing it, is it?

>> No.6701279

In the middle of anonymous, there are some that see things as they are or have been here long enough to see what things can be.

>> No.6701740 [DELETED] 

I can tell you haven't interacted with a another human beyound getting your groceries years. Covid is over mole man, time to neet in the cage again.

>> No.6701745

I can tell you haven't interacted with a another human beyound getting your groceries in years. Covid is over mole man, time to neet in the cage again.

>> No.6701748

Tesla" Michelangelo, newton, Aquinas, Beethoven, all geniuses in their own craft never married but they weren't gay. I think just being a virgin and a true celibate (no porn and little masturbating and no sex) just gives you some sort of super power.

>> No.6701860

Nat literally posted today lmao

>> No.6702267

Redpilled. :)
It's called a cold, vaxxie.
And the truth stings, doesn't it?
You just needed another artist like me to tell the truth.

>> No.6702346

>super power
It's called not being a slave to your vices.

>> No.6702454

fat ugly bitch with negroid features. definitely drawn by an american. any random animator in japan has drawn thousands of more beautiful women. oof yikes lol.

>> No.6702468

>vavy pls, I gave you eggs--

>> No.6702489

oh anon, you're an inspiration to all of us.

>> No.6702521

it's more that Bratz won't stop bothering them.

>> No.6702590

Never mind the fact u didn't gave any examples for ur rebuttal and how the peak of ur glorious ancestors were virtually all ruled under men who engaged in homosexuality. Never mind the fact if it weren't for a gay Prussian the language u speak and the culture u represent wouldn't even be relevant. But the fact that u typed and posted ur shallowness from a machine mathematically conceived by an English homosexual without even realizing is a worthlessly hilarious predicament. I would tell you to euthanatize urself but the irony of u devoting the rest of ur life to machines model after the creation of a gay man is pathetically amusing to me.
It's hard to say being a celibate contributes to ur abilities when people like Bouguereau, Einstein, Von Braun, and Rutherford were all married and had children. Even Liszt who wrote over 700 compositions in his life found the time for the ladies.

Also both Michelangelo and Newton, perhaps not physically, were interested in a same sex relationship. Michelangelo had an intimate relationship with a young man named Tommaso dei Cavalieri, who is the subject of many of Mike's love poems(with strong erotic undertones) along with drawings of male nudes. One of the drawings includes the myth of Ganymede. You can google the contents of the poems and the myth and decide for yourself.

As for Newton, he spend 20 years sharing the same room with a man named John Wickins/Wickens. After that he had a relationship with a young math prodigy named Nicolas Fatio de Duillier. Newton gave gifts and offered him a place near or in his room to stay. In letters to Newton, Nicholas wrote: "...the reasons I should not marry will probably last as long as my life," and later, "I could wish sir to live all my life, or the greatest part of it, with you." After they ceased their relationship, Newton had a mental breakdown.
You be the judge on whither these were platonic relationships.

>> No.6702638

Female artists can easily get a boyfriend with a real job who supports them while they git gud
I know a lot of great female artists but 90% of them were carried for years by their wagie bfs

>> No.6702639

your post read like a frankenstein of clickbait articles that have no integrity or truth to them without an ounce of a sentient being beneath, just a program to gather and organize the words into a looks-about-right post. are you an ai or are npcs this fucking hopeless?

>> No.6703012

wtf i love illiterate gays now!


>> No.6703041
File: 28 KB, 700x700, Types-of-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You be the judge on whither these were platonic relationships.
Good odds there.

>> No.6703052

Male artists stop improving the moment they get too carried away with coomer art.

>> No.6703053

because woman focus more on the technical aspects and the beauty of the art
men used to draw like that too, but because of internet everything drew by men is just coomerbait to masturbate

>> No.6703987

I was thinking about maybe I should hang around and see what's been up with /ic/ since i took a break.
I've seen enough with this. Thanks for reminding me why /ic/ isn't worth posting on!

>> No.6704020

I think that women find aestethic in the simple things, like flowers, bodies and shit
Men however really tend to dig into yourselves and thus they're a lot more creative IMO. Best videogame characters are created by men, best horror artists are men, best artists who create worlds are men. Besides I think men also better in terms of skill if they're doing art for a living

>> No.6704021

Kek, I'm doing the exact same thing. I never browse this shithole, and only drop by to see where everyone's skill level is after a year and it's genuinely hilarious.
>bitter crabs orbiting the few good artists here spewing butthurt nonsense in the replies
>dimwitted child-brains drawing sonic oc-tier garbage on blurry graph paper
>sociopathic megalomaniacs asserting that ai is going to make them rich and famous - they just need to find that one golden prompt

>> No.6704039

Women choose their breeding partners based off physical appearance. Art is no big deal to them, it's ingrained within females to create the best and beautiful work just like a mother caring for her beautiful offspring developing inside her womb.

>> No.6704170
File: 265 KB, 1280x913, Extra_07_Daruma_Frank_Frazetta_The_Countess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are. . . .
Not by even by the close or middle margin.

>> No.6704190

>gay man
>drew women with male proportions, but just added some tits and took away the penis and balls
>women are somehow sexier and more erotic that way

>> No.6704391

>gay man


>> No.6704398
File: 151 KB, 1024x717, 9c711bd9346b0087fc1273c4d88a7128a9d9fb7c518deba9bec8bd01a8b44603_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all sourcless hogwash. Both newton and Michelangelo were devout Christians and frequently talked about their love for God in their writings. You may be confusing comradery with homosexuality. Its sad that close male relationships can't be seen as what they are but as gay.

>> No.6705193

Look at architecture to see the difference in the male and female mind

>> No.6705204

>>women are somehow sexier and more erotic that way
... uuhhhhhhh